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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
V TIIS OPvZCOU DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. RIDAY EVENINO, DXXEMSSH 3, 1SS3. . - - i -- - mm tim QUART War Horse George Will Past Bail on Offense and Play Tackle ' on the Defense. I . v, - -' f- .' ... K.ERRON AND, TEMPLETON f JOIN CLUB ELEVEN Last Night's Workout Wu Satisfao i tory in Every Respect Hard Luck ? ' Stories From Seattle Not Heeded : by Members of Local Team. HLd. KGSTER CCL.:.E3 FIGHT ms FIXED Santa Rosa Sports Sore Over Accusation Made Against ' 1 Fight Princfpals. : - : Th football atmosphere at tb Mult nomah 'dub, which ha been ratheeH has -for some time, cleared ip to a considerable extent laat evening, ' and after a hour's steady grind. , Coach Overfleld expressed himself as - well pleased with the workout. Thar are several rough spot in the line-Dp that muat be filed off before Monday's, Sams and Mr. Overfleld felt confident that this could be sccompllshed. The club hfca decided upon a chan ge In the line-up for the best game that la looked upon' as a betterment. Inas much as Rupert may not play.- Oeors McMillan will play tackle on defense and quarter on offense, Kerron play ing offenalv tackle 'and backing up the line on defense. McMillan has played quarter before and pasae th ball very well, .besides getting lu the Interfer ence In quick order. Laat night Mo Mlllan passed the ball and ran th team for' a half hour and his work was satisfactory. The club eleven was strengthened last night by Templeton and Kerroa of th Oregon team. Th former played left half and th latter succeeded Bud James at full. Both men got along splendidly, considering It was their first practice, not missing a signal during th : entire workout. Bishop will be on hand Sunday morn ing. Dr. Woodruff has promised to be on hand when' needed. Plowden Stott has decided not to participate n Mon day's gam on account of-an Intercol legiate ruling In Cutt's case which might,-4f strictly- interpreted, . make irouoi ror in aaaning utaniord cap tain. " Manager Watklns has - decided Upon officials. Dick Smith will refer and Bruce Shorts will umpire.- This selec tion la a good one and meets) with th hearty approval of both teams. - Another dream - comas from i Seattle that Counoif will not accompany th team to this city on New Tear's on ac count of business reasons, that It was - a bundle of fodder instead Tf a bale of hay that fell on Sample's foot, and that Gregory was advised by bis physician not to play. Theea stories are all oor ' rect. but- they do not go worth a cent " In this city, Multnomah Is not going to be taken In by -Seattle's hard luck ,-torles, but will go right along prepar srLJng ;to meet a most formidable aggre- gallon. WOODLARK BOWLER" BEAT LIPMAN-WOLFES The WoodlaYks -were In Vara form on th Oregon alley laat evening and they took all three games from th Unmans: their third gam was a pippin, tit being ronea. crook had th fin score of tit in tills game, and Krus 211. Crook had the high average, sot, and also had the highest single game, 16. Th scores wer: , . .' ' Woodlarks , ; - (1) (S (t) Crook . . ...... ......... .171 I.unney . . ,.......145 Vlgneuz , .......18 MscOregdr . . 186 Krus . . ...III Totals , .m 11- Z5 ITS 111 IIS -144 171 1 148 181 825 SSI (I) (I) iss ite 224, 178 ltf 128 . 109 . 165 110 "Ltpmans . - ' 1 McClellsn.. ISO Gough . 177 F. Christian . . ....12 K. C. Christian 118 Lamond 168 Totals,.' ' 747 786 701 There will be a match of triples on th Oregon alleys. Sunday afternoon, December j 81, for a ISO purse Capen, Keating and Pollack vs. Flcken, Mo- Menomy and Krus. - Holiday Sport at mnefcarst. , Ooaraal Special. aVrvaw.) Plnehurst, N. C, Dec 19. -Th annua round of winter sports at th Plnehurst Country club began yesterday. Th club has a large membership among ' th wealthy residents of New York, Phila delphia,. Baltimore and Boston' and many of them are", her to take part In th various tournaments and enjoy a few days of pleasant winter sport Ther will b golf and tennis tournaments. trap shooting and .pistol shooting con teats and other event and valuable prises ar offered to th winners. , Toting Corbett ts. Serrcra. ' - (Jooroal, Splt lerrle.) ' Los'Ancelea. CaL. Deo, "J (.Keen In -' terest is manifested In sporting circles In tonight's bout between Toung Cor . bett and Aurella Herrera and th Pa "J clflo Athletto club, under whose auspices 1 the mill takes nlace. expects a record- breaking crowd at th ringside. Th rl' ; tlcles call for 10-rouna go ai.n pound. Th winner will be matched for v-a fight with "Kid" Herman at an early The Dentists You Should Go To! Everything depend on now yoo teeth are treated. "Poor dental work Is dear ' at any prloa, Th AJveolar method as practiced by th Boston -Dentist as are '.-rmanent and beautiful result. If' your teeth ar decayed r ab scessed or loos and falling out, or your gums Inflamed end , sore, t then your health demand- that yon teeth be at- tended to. If you ar looking- for th ' best work at a reasonable fee w wouldj sdvls you to call upon 'trie -noston ' 7 Dentists. 881 U Morrison street, the dentist who originated th . Alveolar Method Th most talked-of and renowned of re cant dental dleooverle. . ' Examination frs. Lady atDndaat Skillful specialists. , ' Boston Itenllsfs IllVi Morrison St Opp. Met SJ Prank and rostorrie. - Satraa SSlVt Morrison St, . . Office Honrs 8:80 s. "m. o ' p. Sunday, 6.1 a. tn. t 11.19 p, m (Joaraal Bpeetel Berviee.) -' Santa Boss, Cal.. Dee. 1. Oeorg Koster, San Francisco pugilist," who was knocked out by James. ilornbuckle of this city In the second round of a no-round bout, has written a letter to". th public to which he alleges the tight was "fixed" with Ilornbuckle, and that he (Koster) had agreed to "lay down'' to Ilornbuckle for an even division of th purs. Th defeat of Koster after about a minute's fighting in th second round and th fact that th betting on th result of th fight had changed sud denly; caused many at the ringside to claim th fight had been fixed, but this was vigorously denied. . Now Koster has acknowledged that he had agreed to "lay . down" for a financial considera tion, and th publlo 1 up In arm against further exhibitions of th flstlo art In this city. Those who lost money In betting -on th "mill" ar particularly sore, and on victim called on Mayor John -P. Overton th afternoonTSf th fight and. stating to him that th fight had been fixed, asked that th publlo be pro tected. In answer to Koeters accu sations Hornbuckl ha posted 1200 as a forfeit on a bet of $1,000 for a re turn fight, with : Koster, and has an nounced over his slgnatnr that. If this proposition Is not agreeable to th San Francisco man. be will giv him ISO as a present bar and meet him In a regulation-maed ring or any ring under that. also that will suit Kos ter. Hornbuckl declare th fight was "square," and thos who know him hav faith In th assertion, as he has always born th test of reputa tions. . '.''- ' Koster, In declaring th fight a faks, said he- was anxious to meet Horn buckl r- again. HornBuckle'e proposi tion Is .to throw the doors oi th Atn- enaeum open pabllo and permit all who want ,tS see th fight to enter free. H has faith In bla abiuty . -t giv Koster all he wants at any stag of th fighting gam. . y: lillOIIOLOSIIEM , WEIGHT TITLE? Considerable Discussion , Going Rounds of Flstlana Regard ing Logical Holder. ICl'iiU LiilTES .Hjiil IS tiiXT CONTEST - ... ' ,. - i . ....... Boxer With the Hard Punch Tells About His Coming Match With Mansfield. SOME CLAIM HART.I3 THE PROPER PERSON O'Brien Backers Say Philadelphia! Is the Champion, While Situation - Looks as it Jack Must Meet Marvin to Settle the Dispute. DISCUSSING FOOTBALL f REFORM IN NEW YORK ' (Jootb.I Special Service.) New? York, o. 29, Representatives of a large number of eastern colleges wfll hold." a conference at th Murray Hill hotel this afternoon to consider th football question and dlsouss any sug gestions for reforming th gam so as to remove some of th brutal features which hav mad th gam objectionable to a large' number of-peopl. - Yale will not be1 represented in th conference. having taken a decided stand against any attempt to abolish or even change th present style of playing. It I con sldered probable that a special com mute will be appointed to work out new rule for governing intercollegiate football games In th future. It la not believed that th gam of football will b abolished, but that th rule will b so modified that th danger to th In dividual playera will be greatly reduced. - i ' ' . t GOLDEN WESTS WIN : - :t - FROM AMERICAN GUILD .Th 'American Guild team' 'was unfor tunate enough to be on man shy last evening and, as a consequence, dropped all three games to th Golden . West teem. Free bo rough had th Wf h aver- are. 1T1 1-1. Th scores were: iMrinn Oulld . (1) ff fit Preeborough . . 181 IftlT 171 Tatea . .,,.181 141 , 110 Anderson,.,.. .....Ill 128 ISO Jordan . . .....ITS ISO 118 Handicap .. ....v. S 60 SO A heated discussion la going on among fight followers' as to who is really th heavyweight champion. 8om say that Jeffrie Is th holder of th tltl because be has never been defeated and that be baa no right nnaer me rule of th ring to bestow the Honors upon another pugilist without a battle. Others Insist that Marvin Hart, who was recently pronounoed th champion by. Jeffrie before th lattr rtlrd. Is th leading heavyweight for the reason PtSat he cannot get a match with th bolUrmaeter and stands ready to aerena bis tltl against all comers. Fitsslm mon defeat at tic-hands of O'Brien has eliminated the Cornlshman from the arena, so -that numerous experts say that O'Brien must fight Hart xor tn championship. Hart has com out with. a challena to fight Jeffries, mil K is generally regarded ae bluff, for It Jeffrie should accept and actually get Into the ling with th Louisville boxer th big CaUfornlan will be expected to win ally. In handing th tltl over to Hart Jeffries followed th example set by Jim Corbett when he one pro claimed Peter Maher "champion of th world" after th Irishman had knocked poor Steve O'Donnell out-Mk apunoh. But- Corbett was not permitted to retire so easily, and later on had to fight to defend his title, which he lost to Fits- Simmons. It looks as If Jeffries in th course of tim would decide to re enter th ring. In which vent Hart Is th best man hr can meet, hut Hart la under he protecting wing of Tommy Ryan, who 1 ' Just at present talking "f making a match with- OBrian for th middleweight championship. - Hart wants to fight O'Brien, too, at eatch- welght, and If he defeats th recent conqueror of, Fltsalmmons he may fin' ally succeed in making th publio be lieve ha has 1 chance with Jeffries. But Jeff, fit and good. Is In a claaa by himself, bis only real capable opponent being Father Time. Total a . . . Golden Weet ........868 830 817 (1) (t) (8) Moore -.US 168 170 Cas. US -168 11 t,.r.n. Ill 101 14 Hlnnenkamp . . .... 138 148 ISS Closest. . I...... .,..176 1ST ISO Totals . . 728 708 t 770 GREAT WRESTLERS TO ' MEET -THIS EVENING f Joaraal SDeelel Servlee.t "'' London, Deo. -l.-2-At Olympla tonight George i Hackenschmhit, th world-renowned Graeco-Roiaan champion known as th "Russian Lion," will contest for th world's championship wrstllng tltl with Ahmed Madrali, th "Terrible Turk." The bout has attracted atten tlon throughout th country. nd 1 pected to prov th choicest tld-blt that haa been offered th British aporttng nubile alnce th same two giant wres tiers met on th mat a year ago. Th men will wrestle to a finish, the winner gatnlng-two falls out of three Snd car rying off the lion s share f the -gat receipts, besides a big aide bet end the championship title. -Tne rivalry no ivim th two is of th bitterest kind, and this fact has served to Intensify th publlo Interest tn th match. Both ar reported to am in me om oi pubicju snap for th .bout . WINTER AND SPRING HUNT CLUB PROGRAM Th Portland Hunt club has' Issued Its program for th winter and spring season, on in ust ar 11 paper chases, three of which at open vents, and -In these event th Kerr eup will be up for competition. . Th members setting th largest number of point (a finish counting 8, a second I and a third 1), will be awarded th .cup. The pro gram foUows: ' -- January' 1, open paper chase; January It1, paper chase; January 17, paper chase; February 10, paper chane; Febru ary ' 11. open paper chase; March 10, paper ehase; March 14, paper chase; April 7, open paper chase; AprU 11, naoer chase; May S, paper chas. On the Drat day' of January the open ing chase win be run. DALLAS COLLEGE TEAM DEFEATS MULTNOMAH Multnomah club basketball player suffered defeat at tbe hands of th Dallas college men last night In - th local gymnasium, by th score of 18 to 14. Th visitor took th lead easily In the game and were never headed. Both teams displayed splendid form. A return match will be played between the two teams on January 30. In th .- preliminary gam th T. M. C A. vn- ing Class Onwn4 HIV nunnuumn .vwuj, 18 to 11. Th lineup for th main vnt Multnomah, Dallaa Collec. Teats .i. Forward.' Dent Reynold .Forward. .... . .Raach Hhaw Center. ....... A. Allen Morton ..........Guard .B. Allen Arnold ..........Guard Barton WHAT-THE RACE HORSES DIP YESTERDAY . . . (Josrsal' plal Sw iUa San Francisco. Dec S. Yesterday's results at Inarlesldes . ( Five furlongs Lady Toddfngton won. Miss Spokane second, Bants, Key third; time, 1:04. . Six and a half furlongs Distributor won. Bountiful second. Dualist .third; Ume. 1:14. -. , -l r -- Sis f urlongs-r-Buoollo won. My Order second. Yellowstone third; time. 1:18. . Mile Gossl per won. Ed Sheridan sec ond. Forerunner third: time, l:4SH ' - Mile HI ' Lee won. Lerlda second. Frank Woods third: time. 1:4SH. . Mile Ramus won. Governor Davis second. Busy Bee third; time, 1:45. ':, At Vew Orleans City park. -"' Nw Orleans, Dec 18. City Park race reaulta: . ' ' . Mile end a half Double won. Layson second. Little tVally third; tim. 1:64 1-6. . Six and a half furlongs Adesso won. Beautiful Bess second. Commune third; time. 1:18 4-6. '-: ' . ' Mile, handicap Garnish won, Envoy second. Malediction third: time, 1:61 1-6. Mil and a sixteenth Lampadrom won. Thtstledo second. Padr third; Ume. 1:00 1-B. v . Five furlong Toots won, Eureocla second, Lutie Mao third; time. liOS 1-6 Six and a half furionge Father Tal ent won. Rather Royal, second, Blucher tnira: lime, i:z -. Jtsraaii imisoea flrs but was disqualified. ' AS Jtom Angele. Los Angeles, CaL. Dec IS. Ascot rare results: . Five furlongs Bribery won. Hector second. Chancellor WUlworth third time. l:01UT . Mil and a sixteenth The Huguenot won, Red Light second, Qua pa la third time. 1:4m. . ry- ' Slx furlong Rvort won. ' Money Muss second. Patsy Brown third; tim. 1:14. - Mil end TO yards Th Gadfly won. Potrero-Grande second. Blissful third time. 1:48. . - Futurity course Lacen won, Start- llnr second. Pints third; UmeJl:10H. Six furlongs Oudon won-Gondolus second, St. Wlnnlf rede jr third; time, 1:141,. .' , ' ' - i, DEAF MUTES TO PLAY - AT Y, M. C. A. TONIGHT , .,1 .'-.' The basketball fans will hav an op portunity of seeing' novel gam of bas ketball this evening, wnen tn iooai T. M., C. A. Tiger will meet th team from th Salem Deaf and Dumb school. This will b th first tim that th mutes have ver played In th city, and as both teams hav splendid record, th gam should prov xcltlng. Th lineup will be: v v Palem Mutes. Tigers. Wooley .. Forward HT ...... Moore Stalker ..........Forward jFugh Hunter l Center. ..... .Hartman Curl . ..Guard. .Marrltt, Capt. Kauts Guard.. ...8ch warts Vinson, substitute; Bennett, sub. To Flay In Montreal. (Journal Speeial Berviee.) New York, Dc, 18. O'h hookey team of th Crescent Athletto club of Brooklyn, th amateur league champion of this country, leave today on a trip to Mon treal. A gams Is scheduled for tomor row night with the tem of the Mon treal Hockey club, and It will be th first appearance of the Creeosnt seven In Canada. Boortlng Editor Journal A few lines regarding my comtng matoh with Mans field. : I wish to say- regarding the George Brown challenge, the Vancouver club and myself hav waited upon him for .a reoly. and after I accepted hi challenge wired him. but that was th last we heard from him, Now comes Mansfield, and as h ba a good, clean record and has defeated several good meni th club wired htm terms and he accepted. Th tickets wer sent him last evening and we expect him her soon. An effort Is being mad to hav htm come and work-where h can be seen dally, - He has written Bud Smith saying soma 'Frisco people ar coming who will surely lose money It h 1 de feated. I guess It Is up to me to try and make'thera lose their loose change, for I hav some pretty good friend bar in Portland who are willing to risk their money on my chanoe. ' . I hop on January It both Mansfield and myself whan we step into th ring wUI be In th beat snap and able to put up a fight worth going a long way to see, for It means a tot for both of us. Th winner win be matcnea in iwo week to meet another good man. An effort Is being made to matoh th win ner with Honey Mellodr. X remain yours truly. " , WAJUlSil'l Z.U XVPXV I ' .!. SPORTING GOSSIP. It Is aulte certain that Jack O'Brien will soon alan for a matoh with Marvin Hart for a finish fight The Reno, Ne- I vada, Atbletla elub has offered a big purse for the- attraction and th bout may t pulled on in in cage sia emarkakl Oar. , j "I vre orach airi1ctd with sciatica," writes Ed. C Nud, lowavlll. Sedgwick Co., Kan., "going about on crutohes and suffering a deal of pain, I waa Induced to try Ballard s Snow Liniment, which relieved ma ; -. "I used three S0o bottles. It I th greatest liniment I ever need; have rec ommended t to a number of persons; all express themselves ss being bene fited by It I now walk without crutches, Sble to perform a great deal of light labor on th farm." . S&e. SOo and 81.00. Woodard. Clarke a Co. it 3. Mrs. FitHimmons will endeavor to s eun a dlvoroa from her freckled hue-1 band on th ground of cruelty. In th 1 hi nnh win sua lira nissim- mon to rcovr 816,000 In Jewels, which Bob claims belonged to his first wife, and which now belong to bis children. The recerU that are being sent eat from Seattle about the weakened condl-; Hon of th 8. A. C eleven ar not be lieved by th local dub member. This will probably b the Seattle-Multnomah lineup: - - ' ? M. A. A. CL ; PoeiUon.. , ' B. A. C 1 Overfleld ........ .C... Sampl Roosevelt, Burt... RO Welle Saunders LG Babcock Pratt RT Cutts Kerron. McMillan. L T..... Pullen Dowllng RB Frost Jordan ...........L,E......... Lasater McMillan. Rupert., Q Cole Horan RH B... ....... Evans Bishop, Templeton L H B. Roller James L. FB,... council RUSHING SURVEY WORK ON IDAHO NORTHERN ROAD, '' (SpeeUl Dispatch te The Joornal.) ' , Idaho Norther railroad aurveyore, un der Engineer A. E. Clarke, who are en. gaged In running a line xor an exwnuon to Grangevlllo from Ceuncll. r now camped six mile abov Pollock on-the main Salmon, river and are rapidly working down- stream. Parties arriv ing from Pollock section state that Van Roper, an eastern capitalist, who I engaged In the fight with the Northern Paclflo interests for the control of the r a, r M rarantlv vlalted th camn of th surveyors and talked with a number of residents. HeJ accredited with having hied th ...n.n that rerardlaaa of the result of th present litigation over company stocx. in nortnern tiiraura w wwir Till I to be Immediately built Engi neer Clarke Is under Instruction to rush all details of his work, snd these In structions h 1 carrying out Th sur vey will reach Pollock thla week. It la apparently the purpose of the P. A L N. to connect her with the Grangevllle branch, which I to be built Jointly by the Northern Paclflo and the O. R. A N. railroads, thus giving Idaho a. long sought north snd south road. ASTRONOMERS AND - - ' ' . PHYSICISTS MEET xr- v.,k rijui la. rvintrarv to all precedents the Astronomical and Astro physical society of America opened Its u..lnn here tnriav In Favr- weather hall. Columbia unlverllty. re- garaiess o mi ct u. uw juia ,vm Society ror tne Advancement ox ociencs does not meet here, but in "New Orleans, rfcM its aa.slons will begin tomorrow. Like dosen 6r more of other sclentlf le organisations, the Astronomical and AstroDhvslcal society baa. In former IimM ita annual fneetlnas In the same city -and at the same time with the annual meetings or tne society ror the Advancement of Science. Tbe so-.i.t- will Mmaliv In Session two dava Professor Simon- Newcomb of Wash ington, who has been president -nt tne society ever sine li was .xounaea, bdoui i. vaara mmn haa declined a realection and a new president win have to be chosen. Tomorrow svening tn mem bers will be the' guests of Mrs. Henry TkMMM at a ranantlon riven In their honor at her resldeee on Madison ave nue. . . ' J. W. STAMPER DIES AT BIRCH CREEK HOME (Special Wttrt to Tbe Journal.) . Pendleton. Or., Deo. 18. J. W Stamper, a pioneer of rthla county, who cam to Athena In 1171. died at hi horn a few mile from thla city, on Birch creek, laat evening of heart disease, aged 81 years. He want after an armful of wood and fell dead on . th porch. , Th deceased cam from Missouri In th early '80 overlsnd to the W 111am ett valley, and cam - to Umatilla eounty In 187L He leaves beside m widow four, sons snd two daughters'. James " Stamper of Athene,' Nelson Stamper of Idaho, Henry "tamper of Weston, Jesse Stamper of Idaho;. Mra James Brown of Pendleton and Mr. Andrew Raney of Lexington. The fu neral was held In this city today, BIG ATTENDANCE OF . 1 - - .WISCONSIN TEACHERS , , . - -.j fjearaal gpeeial tWrvto.) ' ' Milwaukee, Wis., Deo. IS. There w an Increased sttendano at the opening of this, the second day of the Wiscon sin Teechers association, convention. Th speakere of the forenoon Included J. Q. Emery, state dairy and food com missioner; Amos P. Wilder f Madison, W. L Tomllns of Chicago, Snd James Sheridan of Milwaukee. Commissioner Emery spoke on the subject of food adulteration and ood . - AT THE POPUL AR 85-87; Third St. Setnocih Stark j& QaK " THE HOME OF MEN'S GOOD CLOTHES " : .. 7 ' : ; " O Tomorrow : Is what wc expect -to sell at these IJcost prices, with taore than ! C choose from very-garment hand made in. the latest ' style arid fully -: guaranteeii-T-the "Money Back" way tal For odd lots in Men's Suits t?ut, slim and regular worth 910, $ 12.50 'and , some 915. This price also takes choice, nf'.n'n aimerls, Virsaat VntinO Mttl'l Suit clnthehouse-alueiUpto$lS. " ; ;. - .' . . fj:j JSHs Takes choice of about 300 wonted and tweed Men's Suits, single and double breasted, worth $12.50, $15 and up to $16.50. .. ; '. ' ;"r m 8S SSI Ef? es tt . ' HI m m are s& P4, k X W Takes choice of about 250 Suits in fine . - worsteds and tweeds, the new gray h checks and overplalds, worth $15 to ! -'., $17.50. : :- : $20.00 Suits reduced to $15.00 $22.50 Suits reduced to $17.50 3. mm r-.f We Have Bunched 200 Men's Overcoats in Two Great Lots i r For $12.50 and $15.00 Coatt Full Length, Belted. lri -Q'E For $17.50 and V U V $20.00 Coat the Very Best Quality. Men'a Wool Sweatert One-Halt Price,- Men's wool Underwear, $1 values 75c . .",....'. , f . Men's $2.00 and $2.50 Stiff Hats?-?5c ; ; 5 - ''V : ' ( '.- v . ? 'V 'V" v 1 j. -' Don't Miss This Sale Tomorrow I lairs "and thlr uforosmsnt, with spe cial refereno to th irot of food adul teration" pn ehild life. Mr. Tomllns spoke on the eubjeot of "Muslo ae a Vitalising Force In Education." r Unt w .nr. n-a vaaulrements and tbe secondary schools was the subject die- cussed by Mr. Sheridan. The eectlonal metlng of tb Yarlons department eoncluded this afternoon. Th feature of th publl mtlng in th I'abst thatr this vnlng will be a i ...... "Tt,. otata and th School." by Kev. Frederick M. Edwards of Mil waukee. '' ',...,', . . vfnA Stoek Canned oeds. , , Mima a awis Beat Brand. HOLDS'SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE AT EUGENE ' (SpecUl IHspatra to The Inoiael.) ' XUigsne, Or ! 88, J a sue Ed munds, a Sunday school missionary of th American Baptist Publication so ciety, is holding a Sunday school Insti tute at tbe First Baptist churoh of this city, the first session being held lsst night when Mr. Edmunds delivered an. address on "A Living Child and a Dying Church." At today's meeting addresses on "Enlisting th Scholar In Bible Study" and "Organisation and Oradtia Uaa eX tb Sundaf School" war dUv- 2 yy .Rsse-i8"iBe r-i Ctwa a CoM Is Owe Day, Cr t ered. snd the suhja f"r tnmmm "Attention, IIkW Omt 1 n1 to K'p I," snd -Pull.H f B hnol " Mr. h'lmunrt M fnr ritstr O. C Wright In ' j i al 11 ecM.a. HS A