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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
.-V I. : ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1808. 14 BEAR BIG BURDEN A OUR NEW YEAR SPECIAL CHEERFULLY aMawaaMMBK Montavilla Residents Pay High Atlack of bluecheviot otfthibet' , School Levy and Are Ready , to-Pay More.',.,7:'i'' - Suit, with " extra" trousers bf same TWENTY MILLS RATE alle . ,or?stfiped;rnaterial-t6 order- s , FOR PRESENT SEASON of ' -V '.. .-' -V'' . . - ' ,' . ' i ... i r ......, .. . ... , l.. ' ... .. , , . : , ... - . . , ..'. it You will want to be well dressed for the New Year the profit is all yours. We simply turn our woolena into money "r. reducing stock for stocktaking.; , During this sale our high standard of artistic tailoring, workmanship and quality.of linings will be fully maintained. .. ..fir - Satisfactory fit guaranteed in all tasea. Garments to ordar In S, day tf required. Full Press and Tuxedo aulta a specialty. v K 108 THIRD STREET f - . ll ' IT SHOULD NOT BE FOR-. "GOTTEN THAT (Omt 3.50 :-:'Hi and Vv;:- EOOSSics HAVE ANTI-DAMP SOLES And that these" shoes were made to s our" order, of select leathers, and are lit every re spect equal to the footwear 1 telling, at $ and $150. It is worth the while of any man to see our shoes before making other selections. There is a superiority about them very easy to distinguish. VANDUYN & WALTON TcL Hoo4 74 370 Wathlnsto StrMt, Bat. ThW m4 Fourth Nt Year NewBuilding May Hare to Be Built -and a Tax Six Tunea Greater Than Adjoining' Suburbs Raise Probably Win Be Necessary! 1 nninniiiiiiinnniiimxicnntiiiuiiiiiniii TTFTT71 J Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip Honolulu, tlawaiiaa lUnd4 1" I vou for......... Thla oonpon mart b rotti on or'befora Dvccmber 10, lltt. SAYS CITY THINKS IT HAS MORTGAGE ON IDAHO.; 'And So Portland "Is Poing All It ' Can to Enhance the. X'J: " 'J ' Security. ' . -ln Portland' J they act al If thr think they- have a bis mortgage .-on Idaho and ae tha .vwvttiini they, can to build ud the .mintrv and enhance the ecurUr," aiM Jlontle B. a wlnn. executive committee vf-halrmen of fhe national Irrigation con Xrrea to the Capital Newa on hla return . to Botee. Ha eald that Portland Com-merelal-c)ub had planned to run a big excurajpn to Dokee In June. auipoelng the njTt eongreaa would b held at that lime, but that, If the oongreaa were held In August or September the Com ..i i i,,h a-miid run' the June excur- ton iuat the aame and then another 'eKCufelon for the congreaa. m jtijt nut a hue1nfav than bnt aald ha wa coming to the congreea," Mild Mr.1 Owlnn. "They; will come on their owa train and have, tha Bleeping rre fX on oldetracka to be need for ' Ulr accommodation- during tha con- ik.. rii that Bole hotel Hrrva, ' 1 " w - ' .mmniMiiiloiii are limited. . But we will ace that they ara well fed and to r- wiiil In PartiAn! Mr awlmr tlkr4 ..a. M.tlai1al ft thai r,fmmf1aV ClUb li af juanrimaarvtal fttll H rlfTl HI a&tt . rUna4 Hoes, and ha wag stronflj fan preened with tha feeling of alncera cor diality ttiown. They treated, me v royally,- tie aaia. 'mrJt 1 am IM(M 1 h n mVH9 lmnnIMll with tha magnitude of the congreea In Ita etiect upon ooiee ana me wnmu tate of ldaha California. : Oregon, w.ihliotnn. lTih . and Montana will aend big delegation, ,and other atatea Interested will double tne numoer, may lng a great-, convention. I am conn- .ut Kt th, Rnln mMtlnf WllMne at tended by, a large number of eapJtallata ana inveeiare, wno are coming nrra w inveatlgate conditions ,wllh a -view to doing .htislneaM.; - . ,' . . BEST CITIZENS PICKED - TO SERVE ON JURIES Dr..Uln. W.. Arthur T. ' r"rr la pending a part of hla Yuletlde holidaya in helping select tne net or auw ia payers who will be held liable to serve on Jurlea In the circuit court during ln. 'It la the purpose of Judge Fraier to have this new list compoeed of men who have not aerved on Juries for some years, men who are represent tatlve cltlsena and who will make the local circuit court Jurlea fcnowu throughout the Pacific roaat. Rome time ago . Judge Fraser '-announced from tha bench, that he did aot care-to have Jurlea composed of rtfraff picked up. . '. " 1 1 ' . Coaualttea to Aaylaaa. ' (imHI Otatxtek te The Joereel.) ' Woodburn. Or Dec 2t. Annie Bhafer, aged it years, waa taken to the Insane aaylum yeeterdayl' She was .cook at the Hotel Woodburn and became ao violent, that 1 she bad to be band euffed. ; ;v "' '. ' Tat tut lle office of The JoumwM In the tun, of i. M- C. Miller. SM Kaat Murrlhua irevt. .Telepaoae Eeet S75. . v Montavilla ' cltlsena ' ara not worried about high echool -levies. For years they have not paid lesa tnan ib rams for school purpoeea, while Mount Tabor waa paying S and 4 and the residents of the villa And leas difficulty in voting and paying IS or 20 rollle than moat suburban- districts db in -, raising a ... ,h.u amounts. Thla year the district paid IS mills for lta echool and there, waa only money enouan u meet the expenaea and pay off $1,000 of tha bonded debt of tha district. Next year the clUsena will favor a levy that will enable them to pay off another 11.000. bringing their burden down to $9,000 bonded Indebtedness. There was a time when the district had a burden of S1S.000 and a levy of SS mtils and eves- then -there -wae - not-much com plaint, ion property-owners selling one lot In order to pa their achool tax on tha other three or four. ' .Tonight the' annual meeting of the taxpayers -of the district will be held, and though there are soma problems that require generous taxation to solve, the sentiment of the. villa Is for m tax big enough to meet the emergency, .Be? sides the regular expenaea and the pay ment of tha $1,000 on the bonfled ac count. It la probable that two-room building will have to be erected next summer to take care of classes. The district hss one lo-room building and an enrollment of mora than 400 pupils. In consequence the . varloua y rooma are badly crowded, the teachera are over 'worked .and soma relief may. have to be given.. " i "Oh. It may be necessary to vote S or S mills extra to build a two-room house." said President Qua Johnson of tha board yesterday, "but If we eed. the building we will build It It'haa been ao long alnce ws were able to levy leaa than IS or SO m!Ms that we will not worry about an extra mill or two." Thla atand seems to be that of tha other board members and the eUisena generally, and alnce the achool tax Is tha only money the residents raise .that la expended locally tha heavier the bur den the more enthusiastic Is tha recep tion accorded tha collector." ' tv.. i.rrin haji had Its nronertv in creased In value by the asaesaor and next year 10-miu levy on me vma will mean as much aa a 18 or SO-mlll i AtA loar war. The aecret of the dlatrtct'a big leyy la found ' In the fact that while Mount Taoor wun uv cmi- dren has a valuation of considerably mora than $1,000,000, Montavilla with more than 400 pupils baa a valuation of only about $400,000. The board will recommend that a 10-mlll tax be levied,, ahould It be found that a new building la not essential; If a new building-is required the levy will be about ll mills, or Ave times that of the adjoining dis trict of Mount Tabor. INSURANCE TOO HIGH ,- Business Mea Complain that SMUs Are Mot Keg art ed By Companies. n,ialnaaa man In the central east side district assert that' tha insurance com panies are not doing their snare in en couraging Improvement of the section, which for so long has been allowed to lie neglected without ' street improve ments or new buildings. Tnis season the district haa been given a boom. .. . , w..hinHim atraat haa been filled and work Is progressing rapidly on East Morrison, witn tne urano nu - ready authorised. Danger iroro nra nas k-u-m araallv decreased. It Is said, and when tha work on East Water street Is completed tha warehouse district win V. . ,.11 ' nrnlnrtMl. this hlshWSV And -vamhiu. on which an elevated roadway has recently been completed. allowing th firemen ready, access vt every part of tha district, mucn o which Is also under the range of the The East Side improvement associa tion is Investigating and haa discovered that no reductions have been made on account of the fill already completed, and that the board of underwritera of hnra that anv material reduc tion will be made, even when the lots are filled to basement level and tne eievatea roadways are. replaced by fllla to grade. i- thins, an far held out aa an 4 llw t 1 1 . ...... a inducement la the abolishing of tha per cent fpr below graae exposure, wmcn a small part of the present rata. Th. ..wiatinn members are certain that disastrous fires csnrnever occur once the eievatea roaaways mrm uua and the Areboat and angina companies n raaoh eaallv the DOints of Csnger. Because -the risk wiU be ao much reduced, tha reductione offered by the board aeem Inadequate, and a cam- ha haan started that will prob ably not end until the head officials at Ban Franclaco have passed on the ques tion. In certain districts considerable naH when the flreboat was established, but through most of the central ' district tne raie is -mi hlgharthan.seems Justified by the risk. 4 ll. We start by offering choice of any Men's Suit or Overcoat in the house formerly sold for $10, $12.50 or $15 at the extraordi nary lov price oi a'- Mnf anit nr 'overcoat reserved. This orice in manv in stances is less than the cost of production. ; "; V Boys Suits $1.50 Suits. 08 t $2.&0 Suits.. . .1.78 $2.95 Suits............. f 2.38 -J $3.45 Suits. . t ."J . . . .$2.98 Boys' Oyercqats $3.95 Overcoats".... ,...$2,48 $6.00 Overcoats...'. f . . . .$3.08 -' $ip.00j,Overcoats.; . . ..$7.85J Knee Pants Underwear - Best 50c Fleeced Underr , , wear ......... ... .35 Wright's Fleee-Lined Health ; Underwear 68 Mens Shirts Best $1 Shirts in the, city. .73 Best 75c Shirts in the city .30 . 35c values '.'.191 50c values . . i . ... . .33 75c values . . . . . .' . . ... . . .58 $1.00 values ............ 83 E,very article in" our Im mense stock ' mercilessly , r. - cut in price.; i' Three for,.,. ....81.00 25c values ... .... . . .'. ,. .19 BOYS' RUBBER CAPES, .w ........... . . .81.48 ; : Boy' Flannel :; , louses : 50c Blouses ....... ..... .33 75c Blouses .58 $1.00 . ,i .... . .83 " V. - : -4. V Ironclad Hose ... best quality '.. , . .'.....181 Men's Wool Sox... ...... 9 ;'V;:.lckwear.;(; 50c and 75c values ....... 35 i When You See It In Our d. It's So M. O- ' v ' . r THIRD AND OAK ' ll rT7rBlXaaSaaS5aaaa5aSaaaa3aaawa .'. . i - - -. . . . : ; i ' : . ' . . ! I , - I '"- . I 1 . tha tMita tn I rh.rni for nlumhtn InsnactlOB and fAf CD A If 1 1 I Ihlfz r- - ' ' V I ' 1 1 .ni ll rna ni lliiiu 1 . LANE' COUNTY HOGS ' Vamt HvnlMntk. from Raat Taylor te Brown's addition; Eaat Eighteenth, from Eaat Morrison to East Salmon, and East Twenty-eighth, from Hawthorne to Do- lan s addition, President A. W. Lambert of the Cltl sena' bank has purchased the Odd Fel lows' home farm at Falrvlew. The price paid for tha 100 acres was $,000. The farm is partly cleared, and a fbur- story Duuamg is on me piaca. Mllwaukte Orange opened a farmers' institute at the town hall today. J. H. Reld. fruit Inspector; B. Marvyt aUte fruit commissioner at Dlllyj Professor Kent of the Agricultural college, and w v v DJaaialt ware the . SDeakers. Testerday an Institute waa held at Ma- pla Lane ana tomorrow m. win w meeting at Russellvllle under ths aus pices of the grange ther. , The Ftnimuia rn ee r ui has purchaaed a lot 100 by IS feet ad joining Its warehouse site In University Park, and will erect a large blacksmith shop on ths premiaea. , GOVERNOR IS SANTA CLAUS TO NATIONAL GUARD , Officers tn Return Present Him With Certificate for An V ' other Term., SUBURBAN SKATING RINK ew. e-.k, auriurhsn skatlnc rtnk Will be built soon in University Park, and tt Is plartned to run not only a large -i..w ihrmiiii the coming season." but also to Install a bowling alle and other amusement devices. H. O. Blbray has purchaaed a tract of 100 by 115 feet ofl i - .Mt. near Stanford street, and early In January , work will be com menced on a. rtnk. To this time Monta villa has been the only suburb where nlaoa of this Sort hfil been, conducted, the bowling siley there having been opened laai summer, ana . ,wwt inminmL ; The Increaae . .i.ti. in several of the more distant suburbs Tias openatf a Held for rinks, bowling aneys sna aimimr ra sorts, snd ths residents are -coming to depend less on the city smusement places and mors on ths horns attrao tlona, especially-in ths suburbs, where half an hour's rids Is necessary to reach ths city, ' 1 EAST SIDE NOTES. ( The council plans to extend four Im portant east side streets ana vi.w-rs -aU- tit k. stinolnted to determine the .f the- necessary property.;. The 1, t. J.,,l . .ha Tvaila tn K,it In mil AH inn WttiiM Irnnose an unjuat burden on the great mass of consumers,. . . ., . '.''. "Resolved, - That - wo earnestly pro- ... .-.!,.. V.a nl.Aln. nf anv ta. on either coffee or tea. and that a copy of . v. Km in'StA Ia nut ran. III... itwii.iiuh. .--. " - - r resentatlvea In congress; and, further, that the members of this association, by personal letters or otherwise, urge their representatives to use every in fluence opposed to such .action." ' The chamber trusteea Will meet next Tuesday and take action on ths resolu tion. ':..,''., t;.. ... WOULD LET EVERY MAN BE HIS OWN PLUMBER Walter H. Wahl, a building contractor. Is of the opinion that plumbers should not be required to take out licenses and that everybody who desires should be permitted to do his own plumbing. He is niuch opposed to the additional charges for plumbing . Inspection and 1 r'n... . - .l .. K. . nl.h avara van. ommended In the annual report of Wil liam Hey, plumbing inspector. "I" believe in giving the poor man a cAance," said Mr. Wahl today. "At the present time a man cannot build a house unless he : employe soma of these li censed plumbers to do hla plumbing and' they- charge not leas than 110 a day. If a man -employs a plumber who la not licensed the. others will have him ar rested. Thla Is not fair to the poor man, who could perhaps get hie work done much , more cheaply If licenses were not required. ;1 . -.". "It does not seen, to me that It would make any difference- whether a plumber has a license or not, lust so long as he does work- that-Is up to ths standard and has It examined by plumbing In spectors or health ofllcers." - : Tha lowest bid for repairing ths Ro anoke was 114,80, ao her recent aA eldent on Humboldt bar will be an ex pensive experience. ' (Special Dtapateh te Tee Jesnal.) ' nit... fir iwl lara-a numbes f hogs belonging to Joseph Da. vies. residing north ox us city, nave aiea in a mysterious manner within ths last . week and ths owner was at a loss to ' account - for It until yesterday., when '. County Stock Inspector Mathews, ac companied by a veterinary -surgeon, made an Investigation and found that the hogs , had died from swlns plague or cholera. ' Davlea thought tltey had been poisoned In some way. , - -- , ' ' vv rorsst oioto siook aois. i; " " ("peels! Dtapatel), tn The Joorsal.) " Forest Grove, Or,' Dec It. John W. Caplea of thfs place haa purchaaed ths Woods and Adams business block. It Is one. of the moat desirable, pieces of realty, In the city. The pries paid Im reported to have been $11,000. ru.,M SV i-lhawnharlaln- e. - uvivi iivi w w aayetf' the role of Santa Claua at the quarterly inspections parade- review and muster Of the local companies of the Oregon National Guard at the Mult nomah uouniy Armory . m.. The military features of the ' evening were followed by a dance xor me en- ....... .n,i .hair fHanita' anrl .a Christmas tree and banquet for the of ficers, the latter, peing nim m in. mi ncers' room. It was at that point In the evening's entertainment that Gov ernor ' Chamberlain toon tne pan "i Santa Claus. taking unnsimaa presents, .v.. kriniantiv Illuminated tree and imw ' - ' 1. . preaentlng themto the offlcera present. Many of the gifts were symbolic of hobbles or tne oincm uiu w A. tha rnnpJualon of the men ini-.iw. - ... present dlstrlbutlbn Governor Chamber lain wae-presenwa wnn m election for sn ensuing term, , which provoked much iaugner ana "r r Tha . review an inivuv w.. viewed by the governor and the mem hara of hla stsff. - Ttrty were con ducted under the command of Colonel Oantenbetn. Adjutant-General W. E. Ftnser siso waa pressni. in "" ii . ... , k . aiirimiii ii nun their Cvni)liiuivii.w a ' . " appearance and, presented nottnirSriy M . . . . t. V. r .. With stiver cup, a imvur wu successive years for making the high est average of marksmanship. GROCERS OPPOSED TO C PROPOSED COFFEE TAX AM of'fhs Portland chamber of com merce has been asked by the Portland Retail Grocera' association to prevent the threatened Imposition of S tax on coffee. f The association has adopted the following resolution": "Whereas, Certain capitalists, who are Interested In ths- production sf corfes In our Insular possessions ' are making strenuous' efforts to secure ths Impo sition of s Tax on -trial commodity; and. . . i' "Whereas. It Is ths sense of this or gaoliatlon that any such action would Sill ,,' ' ; v'.- . . -!. 1 Special $2.50 UmM STAP " OR ONI 11 o ;-.'. ,r . ...- 8 . .... . -r This very attractive Umbrella. Holder is made of- solid oak with golden Qnish. It has a handsome carved back and is very strong. Fitted-with solid brass hinges and made to fold flat - i 1. :..-. T lm Virnav faat In ha! tVi ' 1 1 1 7 Sn-)iea anri WI1CI1 11UI 111 UK, at 49 Wl v ... B1--b " " fitted with polished brass rain basinJVill hold several umbrel las and if well suited for hall, offke or por'ch use., " ''- - 4 -.. See our Window Display. . . ' ' If looking for a bargain in Umbrella Stands you will find it here. --w ' ; v ,-, ;-.,.Vt'.' THIS STAND flSS. . ; , ' - Other Stands as low as. ... 65;; mm & i The Homefurnisheis 173-175 FIRST STREET 219-227 YAKHII1 STREET