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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURMAIJ, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23. lfiCJ. TRANSPORTATION. T r. a : : z r o rt ati o ::. FODAY'S MARKETS Egg Are Droping Very Fas? on Account of th ConsJdsrable Increase in Arrivals and the Fact That Prices Have Been Too High. Astoria & Columbia ; 'River Railroad Co. mm EXCLU3IC3 111 Prlslderit ' Jorrian of Stanford University Declares Attempt Will Be Resented. EGGL11.ETAT20 GEHTS TODAY . Receipts Are Much Larger and -v Prices Continue to Drop - v Some Ask Thirty. ;TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PAID FOR TURKEYS Fancy Dressed Stock Brings Better Quotations Ducks and Geese A 1 5 Still In Heavy Call With Quotations U Higher Provisions Show Decline. Front Street. Dae. . Th principal feature Of the Portland wholesale Buklll today an: .. Efga reach 38c. - . - "r ' .:" Turkey .firmer and hither., - '''. . 1 I.srd la lower today. . - .r" ' " 'j- , Hama Arg dowa He - . i ., . . - i . j.' praakfaat bacoa- He lower. -"; i Brassed veal la y,e higher, r" . Dressed kota are quoted firmer. U lues lone etlll showing advance. '.' . Soda la again advanced 14c - . (J re In markets bare-holiday cbaraetat. ... ; j Potatoes are dull nut unchanged, ' t ' lrgt B Twenty-eight Casts Xodsyv further advance In peppers- . Eggs are coming down. Today aome Bale i were made aa low aa 28e for alrlrtly fresh ranch iatock. while eten cold storage aoid quit 'alowly at He. The receipt are fully a belt , larger thaa tboaa of a week, ago and are atlU locraaatng. While a abort time age it ru 1 aomething eat of the ordinary .for one firm U secure a half dosen Caere of ranch ecge at tin, thaae earn firm are today securing testa la doaaa lota. - The nana are bring and the egga are coming t market. ' Daelera who atlU "" ratals part of fbalr supplies of aaatara egg are patting forth every endeavor to item tli -downward tide, bat to no avail, for practically nothing except a general atrlka among the ben eaa stop tba price from going lower. Tula la tb time for hna to lay end lay they do. It M llkawla tba period tin price aeuauy tumble and thla aeaaoa baa prom no exception ' to tba general ml, gram- thla time forth to trade eipecte prlcaa In tb egg market to droo ao faat that too can hardly keep track of them. Inside of a month it a belle red that , egga will apt be far abor the joe mark, la the latter part ef February end lb early March egira generally touch 18c and aomettnio lower. That to tb time when the prod net too become larger thaa tba demand aad eouxsttinea atorag operation begin than, usnersuy apeak Ing, however, tb atoraga aeaaoa do sot got Into fall ewlna antll tb latter part ef March or the flrat few day ef April. That accounts for tb general term, "April atoraga egga. Turksrs at Twenty-flee' Oeeta. " Flrst-olaes drecaed tntkeye sold aa ktgh'ae Se a pound along front atraet today. Tb receipt are beginning to com a trifle better. . ..'but eonaiderlng -tb ala of the demand, or en at current gooUtlona, the arrteela are of a nominal character. Eeen the poorer claae ef bird aold well ap areand 22ViQBa a pound daring tba - -day. la the poultry line perhaps the greateat eall Waa for dreeeed geee and dacka. rrtTala of thee were bat a trifle batter thaa a few say ago and price are booming, -i . The rblckan .market abowa bat fair arrlTan sad price pre held fira at recent advance. , IroTlaloa Market Sella Lower. v ' The Portland prorialoa market la now-' eery - rloarly allied with tboaa ef the eaat, . Packer 1 mm mmivmiIIm mmmrm m larva nartiml.of their boga eaat of the Roefclee. and fot tbla reaaondib, ' are in direct eompetlttoa with Jtb .eeatere dreeeed product. Of late there baa been a , gradaat decline la tba eaatera price of lire bog am tbla baa earned decline in the packed product.- The following change are ahown today: Hadie of all aTcrigea, boiled and raw, dowa He; boiled picnic, dowa He) lard-of all ' grade except eompoend, dowa Ui breakfaat bacoa of all -aria tire, dowa H a ponndV Change la the Grocery Market. ! Of xjta tnere baa been moch actleity in bine atone end price bare fluctuated quit badly. I Today the price la up another Me a pound, .making a net advene of e within' a few ' dare. In Iota of on to four barrele blneatone - I tailing at 6c. while in lots of Bore tba a. lire- barrel to price IB o-e.- Soda la ahowmg an adranea today ef 14 a pound, tbla making the new price la Iota ef one to four caaea 6 J4. and .la fiTe-eaae lot w over Be a pound. ., Dreaaae Teal la Higher. A demand greater than the eupply la arptwa ' la the fresh meat market along rront atraet today,, and dreeeed real bra boat He a pound 'higher. , Pressed . boga are very firm with the price held atrlctly around the top. All meats ' pre ahpwtng a better feeling.: . , Potatoes Are Dull Bat TJaehanged, s For shotft two weeka there baa bean -no char! re hi potato prlcaa. None occurred either yes ter rier or today. The market la doll with but ; little demand from the outside. Oct tons are ' likewise rather aknr en accannt ef tbe heavy 'offering ef No. S stock. Price are tbe same. , farther Adranoea la Peppers. ' With but scant euppHea of. green pepper along Pront etreet the price la araln moved op, today the value being placed at Site a pound. . Celery I la good supply alone tbe street today, bat demand la excellent and price are tnalntslried. . ' Cabhafe la ahown to earlooa grarMi and prleea ""ere ruling from li4 to l i pound. The trade para tbe following prices along " Front itreet. 'Price paid producers are so apec ' Hied: . - - . ; v r 1 errata. Flour and Feed, c . i . . WHKAT New elub, T2cj red Buulan. 00c: . blnestem, 73Hci raM-y. 73e. TT. I ' mm tr V TA Ai& OO: roUad. In no. v Ing, 2S.00. f- COBS Wool, ISr.OOt era eked, tag, 00 ton. , , BTB I1.B8 per cwt. ( 0AT Producer' price Ko. I white, at.60: grsy, 2.e0. . . , - ' FLOUR New eastdrn Oregon pstenta. g tf1' Srrelghte, S.T08.0i export, 1.0Qg.ggt ..). ley, 8.T(VS 0; granaav. H(v 3JMli rye. eua, SS.00; bel-e. .TB. MtlXSTlirFB Bran,- tlt.BS par tool' nM dllngs, . 29.0o: shorts, country. 1.S0 elty, 18.BO; chop. 1S.0C HAT Producers' price Timothy, Willamette , valley, fancy. ill.OOOl J 00; ordinary. $7. ana 00: eastera - Oregon. $M.0OQI8.on; mixed" M.BOeS-00; ctover. 009.oO; grali. $SJKQ S.POi cheat. l.0ue.BO. , Batter, Fggs aad Poultry, ' . .BDTTFa FAX r. . b. Portland wet Cream, 8ll sour. c. , . BOTTKIt City creamery, M4e; nntelde fsncy. oc: ordinary -27Hei ator, -lai7e. KOdH No. 1 freah Oregon, candled, 3SO 10c; cold storage and eastern, S4c. T CHKKBB new run cream. Bars, UfJlsUet Voting America. IBQlSVtc: ebeddar. lAVie. O A MF lack rabbits, (I.TS per doc ' pniit.TRY Mixed Chicken. HUe nee rh "fnncr hens, llW(U12c per lh; roosters, old, Pc per ib: fryer. nHial2c per lb; broilers, 11 4 lax per lb; ducks. 1601c per lb g-i; "infflllc per'-Ib: larkey, IBe per lb;- dressed, fclHQVc par lb; squaba, liTOtj.'-OO per doa. - Hepe, Veal gad BMea. . HOPS 1K0S ' Oregon, choice, ' llftllc; Sri me. 8Hifte poor grade. TVitAr W a at lag -oa. lOHOHcj l"0 crops. So for choice. WOOD ln clip. vaUey. coaree te medium. FRIDAY PRICES IN y THE WHEAT MARKET . r Deo. ,- May ,. .StH I .R74A yrrw.-i-.l4 ' .. ';. .".7 ' ., . .7H .. s lOHd sHd ..... . ,MH - Chicago) .... New,, York. .. Milwaukee . fit. Louie... Kanaan City. J.lverpool . . Minneapolis , Dululh .86H e San Francisco, 1.23 .t-Msrch, "May barley. 1.40 . JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS 4 While th potato market Is e Inactive tboaa' -producers who 4 4 hav oot already gtenclled their, e name ion ineir saoas so mat e 4 . preper credit may ba given those 4 4 who ship the- beat, should do so 4 .at once. This plan la generally 4 4 pag-reed to be the beat that will 4 . give the producer ot good stock - 4 4 better value than , these who 4 ralae poor stuff and .sack them In even poorer shape. , 4 HH25Ho. In. ' MQBZct , aaatera Oregon, MOHAIR Nomlnsh SOtlSle. SHLKPHKINS tlhearing. lOetlO eaeb abort Cool, Siaatut each; median wens. SOOTO each; ng wool. 70$1.00 each. ' -TALLOW Prime, per lb, SViOec; Ha 1 gad grease. SH-' , . ; - Cliri-rihl BARK Ac per lb. BIDES Dry. No. 1, IS lb and an, 14 IT He per lb; dry kip. No. 1. S te U lha. 14c; dry ealt. No. 1. aooer S lb. Ihe: salted bide, terra, sound. SO lbs and ever, 106 H"; sows, 84eHo; star and bulai, aoend. OTo kip, IS to SO lbs, c; calf, sound, aader U lla, lie; green, anaalted. 1 less; colls, le par Ib less; borsehtdes, salted, each, li.gnQl.TS; dry. each, 1.0OlJ0; colt hides, 2olttM goat skins, cnjroua, each, 10410c Angora, each, SftcQ 1 Traits and Tegatablaa. POTATOES Best Oregon, TftQNO per sack; producers' price for car Iota, 70c per each; ordinary, 5t(70; producers, price, 4SQ6SC; (wests, il B0 per sack; f2.untfz.x5 per crate. ONIONS Oregon yellow, 1.00al So; Producers' nrlc. No. 1. tl.uo: No. X- butT&c: garlic. sQiue per lb. ruKSU tRDITS Apples, Oregoa. $4 .00 A 1.50; fancy, 11.70(31.00; orangrs. new navel, t2.0Ota.7o; sredllng, 11.75(x00; banauss. Se per. lb; Irmons, choice. 73 per poa; tsucy, ea.ant(ta.7D par oox; luuea, wexicaa, l.Sfl per 100; pineapples. H.00 per doa; grapes, I1.7SI9&S0: pears, 1.2Bl.fi0 par box: pom. granatea. l.zS per box; Uogerlasav I1.T9; Jsp aneee orsnyes, 70e per box, 1 . VBOBTABLES Turnlpa. new, f t.00 per aacft; etrrota, 11.00 per sack; best. 1.00tjl.23 per sack I Ore (on red I lues. 3oe per doa; cabbage. Oregon, $ per ewtf green-peppers, 12c per Ibc California tomatoes. fl.&0ai.7o; pa re al P. flooetl. to; string beana. gQlOc; caull Sower, 12 00 per crate; rhubarb, lb; greea peas, aQine lb; boraeradlslw Sc per Ib; arti chokes, RScOfl.OO per doa: bntbonse lettuce, g 1.601.75 per box; celery', .VBOi.0O per crate; eggplant, fl.BO per crate; pumpkins. lUc; aqusi. lUe; cranbe trice. Jxrspje. li.00 a 14.00 per bbl; Oooa bay- and Tillamook, f 10.00; radlahes. jfflc per doa, " DRIED FRUITS Apple, evsporsted. 10O 10Hc per Ib; aprlcota, I0H13 -per lb; K aches. lOHQlSe per lbs sacks. H per lb a; pruao. 80 te 40. OHet U dron oa each liteenth a mailer else; ns. rslifornla black. mCe per Ibi-Callfornls white. Be per lb; date, golden. S per lb; tarda, fl.M par IB-lb box. . . . gtooailea, Bute. We. " Bra A R Back basis Cube, go 80; powdered. fo.SS; fruit grannlated. fn.fls: dry granulated. 15 o5( Conf. A. SS.SQ: beet grsnnlated. SS.SS; extra C. ffl.OS; golden C. f4.Bb: D yellow. ft.SS; bbla. 10c; H Mils. X5e; boxes. AOs advance on aack baal. lees SSe per ewt for sash, II days; maple, WQ'Bc per lb. - . . (Above price apply to aalea ef leas thaa car Iota Car lota at apeclal price subject te aucTuarKma i HOVF r per crate. rOFFEB Pscksea brands. 11B .. SALT Coaree Half eroana. luM. IT. 00 net toe; table, dairy. 60s. til no: 100a, tlO.Tfl: (nv ported Uverpeol. 60s. flT.eo; 100. flg.Vl; Z24s. fisoOj extra On, bbla. U. Ba. loa.; nuik xxf lha. gt.ons.rai; eacaa. "Os, 58Be Liverpool lump rock. $18 M) per ton: BO-lb. rock. ST.ftOi 100. te.TO. GRAIN BAOS Calcutta. TH. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. ter ' Be. f BftBHe: New. Orleans bead, - fc A(. Set Creole. 80." . . BRANS Smalt white. tft-TS; large white, pink, fXTB; bayou. i.0; Umaa. fa. 60; Mexlcen reda. B14. - "NUTS Pesnsts, )umbsa. SH per Ib: Fir ginta, -THe nee Ibl roasted. . So sneaaaeta. SotSOc per doa; waltmrs, llilS4-er lb; pise nuie. iviir' per to; nicrrory nura: iov pet Ib: chestnuts, eastern. 164115 a Ib: Braatl nnre. r per mi oinena. Mmos per mt raacy pecan. UHOlSHc; almonds, IdMOlSHa, , -Palate, Coal Oils. Xte. ROPF Pore Manila, Ut; standard. ISKI aiasl. lie. f COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, H per gal: water white. Iron bbki. . IBe per gal; oe per gaii aoaatignt. iiu-oeg.. x2i4c per g oAmiLir s ns-dee. Iron nbla 1c per eaL eaaes-MHe per gsl. BEN7.lNB-34leg eases tSe per gat, tree ooie, inc per gai. T7JRPEN1 TINE I -la cases SSe per gaL woodea bbla nac- ner gaL whits lkaii Ton ioa, Te per Ibl ooo-D lota. Se oer Ib: less lota, glee -tier lb. - WTRK NAILS Present kaae st fata. LINSEED OIL Pare raw, tn S-hbt lots. BOcg tnm lot Biei casee, 00c nor gal: genuine kettle, illed. casee, SSo per gsl: S-bbl lots. B2clI-bhl lot, B.V per gslt ground eake, car lota. fzU.00 par ton: lee than ear lota. Sn.flO per toe. Meats, Flak and Provlsona. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef .steers, 6Qn per lb: cow. 8Q4C per lb; boas, block, TiTHe per lb; packers, Tc per Ib; bulls, 4a.V per lb; cows, BHMOc per lb: rel, extra. 1fi SHc per lb; ordinary, 6c per M: poor, sc per lb: mtttron, fancy, TtftTVsC per lb. - BAMS. BACON. ETC Portlsnd pack floral) bams, 10 to 14 lbs. lie per Ib; 14 to IS las, 12o per lb: breakfast' bacon, 14418c p-r lb; picnic, 8 per lb; Cottage, 8He per lh; regular abort clear sea rooked. lOftc per lb; smoked. 11 He per lh; clear baeke, anamoked. IbHa per lb; smoked. HHe lb; Union butts. 10 to IS lbs, anamoked. Ac per lb; smoked, Sc per lb; clear belllea, anamoked. lie per lb; amoked, lie per tb; abouldera, SHe per rb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s. Il14e per lb; 6s,.ll4e per lb; 60-lb tins, lo per lb; team randered. 10s, 10t4e per Ib; 6s,, 10i4c per lb: eminound, 10a, 1 CANNED SALMON Oolpmbla river. 1-fb tails, S.M; Alb tails, 81.TB; ftnry 1-lh Sets, 81 DO; -lb fancy Sats. fl.16; fancy Mb ovals, SA76; sska UUs. pink. oSJ90c; red. tl.60; nominal Za, tall 12.00. FISH Roek Ood, Te per lb; flounder, 6 per Ibl halibut. Tc per Ib; crabs. fl.BO per doa; strined bass. If Vie Bar Ib: estflsb. Te nee lh; salmon, allversldes, Se per tb; steelbeade, Te per veraioes, oc per in; sieeinesus, to per Oe lb; herring. Be per Ib; soles, Se per a, 10c per lb; perch, 6c per Ib; black r lb; silver amelt, Te per Ibf lobsters. id; tyre, jue id; nerrinXi lb: abrimps, cod. Te ner 16c; fresh mackerel, Se par lb; craw flab. 86 f0Y8TBBS "boalwatsr bay, par gal, fZxfi; per sack, 88 76. CLAM8 HardHrtieTl, per boa, fXOO; rsaor riaaa, fAOO per box. . .. - advanceITTcents in . the hob market Better Demand 1 for ..Livestock - During I Day One Hundred " Cattle Total Arrivals. " ' '( Portland TTnloa Stockyards. Dec . Live- aiocx rcejpts. . -r, ' Hogs . Cattle Today" ... too 8b rep Week ago.... 4tt .101 120 Previous week............... loft ' ; 11 nir Month ago 8n . Brt -'B4 " Thl from Recretsry Flummer: "Hogs sre In better demand agsln and the arlc la lc higher." Cattle retain a food feeling with price unchanged: sheep" dull and. unchanged; calvea In demands . Official' livestock prices: " f . Hoes Beet eastera Oreann. a8.TBel8.aT. hloek. era and China fata, f.OOM0; stockera and teeners, fs.xo. - , Cattle Beat eeatern Oregon- steers, $8.T5i() 8.8A: llrht and medium steers. 82 (10: f liM raws, 8A.60; Blockers and feeders, f3.2B; builai, .-..' :, . heep wetners. iHQtefV nixed sheen. A 4c: rambe, 4r(4ltc, . : - Calves fiood veal, IV) tn Son pound, BO 8He; rough and hoary, 8Q3HC ; 1 I J- BOOS A SHAPE HIOHIki . Chicago, Dee. . Mvostock lecetpta: . ' Hoes Cattle Rheen Chicago' .2.1 ! ; t.BnO- i p.fta) Kansas City. rrt. ........ B.tsio , l.OO l.ftal Omaha 7.500 l.OtO B,nM4 Hug openen a snsne nianer arttn n.gon left over. Receipts a year a so were 13,000. 1'rleesi Mixed," 84. V04I.V80: anal. 8,tJbICtB.aO: enaeh. i wif4r: light, f4.0.l&. . i stiie flow. . 1 ' ' Bheep Steady. ' Sterling Bat.- ' New Tork. Dec. -40 Bterllne rates: ' Da- Maad. 4M.Outl4.86.30; Sf days, 481.T6ti483.vO, FOREIGfl TOOE IS IflFLUEOGE Better Conditiorfof Wheat Trade Across the Sea Adds td the Improved Feeling. , PIT THREE QUARTERS TO FJVE EIGHTHS UP Every Bulge on Both Old and New December. Corn Lost During Day's "trading Shorta Cover in Oats at ". the Eleventh Hour, r . : FSIDAX'I WHKAT MARKET. ' Close Close , flaln Close Frl. Thur.- Frl. Tear Are Pecember..'. May July........ .. tA .Ku'Z .mi t.l Chicago, Doc. 29. influenced by an Improved fore tan tone, tb wheat market opened with a little better feeling and tbe Improvement son tluued nractlcsllv durlna tba entire session. Tba principal bull Interest openly accumulated wneac many ana tms, with the stubbornness of the market In tha face of dlsannolntlne for eign and domaatfe conditions, a large primary movement, ine piing up ot atoraa, stow eaaa markets and aa apathetic trade. Indicates clearly, that at leaat one strong interest feel that there is merit tetwhee present prlese. Dsosmber Cera Krratiev ' la eara,- notwithstanding tbe belief that. the abort Interest bad been well cleaned up, the ranee of, prices for both December options wak" erratic, at one time advancing about Ae for tbe old stock. On a lessened demand Drlcea eased off. though tbe old December waa bid up sharply iust at tbe close. ' Believers In corn will be relieved to get the lMCemner out ot tb wsy, aa tba maneuvering la that option baa greatly hampered the regular market.. t , Oat Shorts Cover, la eata at the eleventh hoar short coverrns closed Ieeemher a cent blgbar, with Msy and July only slightly advanced. Tbe market vS sufferina from a lack of Interest. Underlying conditions are strong. In provisions - some' abort 'coverlag In tbe January stuff waa noted, bat the baring of Msy was of the right sort and seemed te- be Investment trading. . . Tbe cash situation la fairly atrong. omciai quotations by overbeek. Starr k oooa company ( ,, . WtlBgX. Hlrh. " Si . coBir. ' Al - - .M Open. ' AS A Lew. .SB, M .4STA -.48 , Close. I -V .S7A v 83, Dee..... Msy July New Dee. Old Dee. May..... July..... OATS. II". Dee...... .Sltt J2 May. .83 - XI .SI I .SOH .11214 July .SOtt ' .Sii MBSS POBK. Jan.,... I9T IS M 1S.4T 1S.B1 May.. l.t . C; 11.83 LARD. J(.B .18 A3 Jan. ... , T.2 , ' T.M TOO T.40.4T 1 May..... July..... 1.40 1.60 7.47- T.6 -6T T.4T 1.66 SHORT RIBS. ' T.16 T.1T i T.ll ' TIT Tea . T.40 t.eo. Jan....... Msy July..... . 'T.OO l.ti . . 7.60 . , ; , CHIOAQO OAgg. WyBAtV ...,. Cbtcage, Dae. 88 -Caah wheat: , " a a Friday i. ,; - Bid. Ask. No. t red .MtM No. 8 red... ,W1 ' No. 8 hard.. .81 H , .88 No. 8 bard............' '.78 .88, No. 1 northern.. 84ft .87 . No.' A northern........ .88 .85 NomJ spring.... ....: ,86 ' ..... 1 Tunr, - Bid. .86 ' .a . .84 ,ou ' CHICAGO eBAOT CAB LOTS. Chicago, bee. 38-Ursui car lota: , 't L vara Ore as Bat. Wheat 10 . 11 Corn Oata 443 y St . 40 164 21 1H8 Wheat car today: Minneapolis 808, Pumth 100. Year ago: Mlnneapolla 158, Dulnta) 44, cnicago iiu. XJTXBB00X, OaAIB HABXZT. I Liverpool. See. aBc-OfflcUl prlceai VVUBAT. . V ' , ; Opea. March I...6sl0itd Ma . .fta 9 4. ' V -tTOBN. January 4a Jd March aa 8d Close. Sa loKd Sa 4a 81d a SMd Gatn. . d COTTON IS TEN TO 1J OK IW BkBiSfJ wW ' er-. THIRTEEN POINTS OFF New Tork. Dee. 29. Cotton future closed 10 to IS points lower. ' Official quotations by Overbeek, Starr 4 Cook company; upea. rtign. low. mee. lias. 113 naa li.Kivr.n January .. rebruary .... ... March ............ .1170 April 1174 May .......... .....1184 114AV44 ll1'.2 llrth'uiW 1 1774.78 117llMl) iin 1174 1188 1188 1182 iim 1134 . H'sr 1174 1177 1183 1183 iins 1182 June ,......,v. 11SJI July 1188 118AlaN llnfirl7 linnsi 1182 tft 84 Augnat ............... October - i. J18.1 December 1134 ForelTi Ooffee Lewer, Havre. Dee. 2U. Ooffc dowa V. namharr nnrhaoged ,pv U lower, Rio receipts, 8.000 bagst price oo lower. Santos receipts, 18,000 nogs; euiet, eu lower. , TOBOPAK atTBTBO TOOXSVt aa" Franosco, Dee. . Offlclal morhlng .t.. nio. Montank .t."T. V.f2 fto " Mldwsy l.ftTVi McNsmsra ..l.' .88 Mnbi DUle . . Kendall ... .87 .18 .88 .18 .24 .11 .80 .28 .18 .42 .04 .24 .IT Belmont AtO North Star ... -.68; Wlnrabla Mt.... jnmDOf. Rescue " Oold Moantala.. .08.. Jim Butler .... ' .eg son. Nevada.... 18.00A ton. Extension. 6.874 Jumbrjr Kxten... Illai-k Butte..... Silver Pick Mden -Anchor.. Ohio Ton ; o. Bull Frog... Red Ton 1.17 MoMtleld ...... .oil Sandatorm ...... .74 Bsndetorai Bx... .00 A Adams - .04 DUmondfleld . . . Lone Star .'l... Home Cash Boy...... BAN FRANCISCO tOOAl ITOCxU. Raa Francisco, Dee. 20. Official close, mora Ing aeeslon; ..--. . , . Bid.' . Ask. Contra Coata Water 44. 4tt Spring Valley Water 40 41 Mutual . K.lectrle.'......-ee 1T14. JTH San Franrlece Oaa A Elrclrle.... .. .. . Giant Powder, ....... .... .......... T4 Honokea Suxsr Hutchinson Sneer...... ...... lain ea Mekawell Suasr, 88 U Pssnhav Suasr. ...a....;. tt v Alsaks Pactcra'.... J .. 8181 California Vine.. ..J... 811. 82 Oceanle Hteani.hln..'.. ............. 4 .. Paclrle Stairs Trlrphoae '.. ....108 Ins Pacific States Borax. 182 . -. . . liaerallsa I Commercial 84 88 California Fruit .. - MM f BOSTOB POPPER MABKXT, - - Boston, Dee. 28. Official copper .cleatngj. Bid. Bid. 824 4.80 4.78. lM.'i 8.nri To8 .on t 80 gild Dominion. . 2 84.00 Allouea ... (Osceola , 108 60 Arrsdlaa .... Atlantic Ulnxham .... I'arrot ....... 41874 t noen ix - l 28 00 TOO 4 28 87.00 ' 64 78 828 -r A 7ft - l.m 44.76 . , . . . .... t'slumot ..... Khsnnon ..... Centennial ... Tamarack ... Copper Hang. 82.76 17 60 t.B Trinity ....... ITena. Copper Italy west ... Kim River ... I'nlted ...... Franklin ..... .... 1L78 ...I 80 78 I'tah Victor! Wlmtna ..... Mess ..c,.. Ill All Mobswk ..... 42fA Nevada Con., 11.76 north Batte..- 87.1S ' Wolverine .... U. S. Mining. AflACOflDA COPPER -23 Another Day , of Professional Trading on the New York - Stock; Market ; ! CHICAGO & ALTON SIX POINTS ADVANCED A. Amalgamated Cloaea vith Gain of Three-and Three Quarters Smelter .Common '. Haa Two and Seven Eighths Over Yesterday. ' j ; r Vs ADVAirrF.SL i Anieono ........23 JKaty , i,- H ttsd..... t4fMlssonrt Psclfle... l: Nor folk lli Amalgamated Atimisoa Sugar 4 MkiK. . Central....-1 Smelter lie Out. A Westers.... ft do preferred. ... WiPenttsylvanla ..... 1V4 Csr Foundry.,,, lil'eople' ias. ....... I w preierrsu. . x Breoklya .....,..,' Baltlmora' " Alton Cola Fuel ........ i It. Paul It4 C A N. W , iZ Pressed Bteel Car..! i Heading do 1 pfd l'i Rep, Steel, pfd.., t4 Hock lelsnd . do preferred i M. F.. 2d Bid U Chess ueak . ViSoo tH Canadian :.... Colo. Southern; do td pfd... do i pfd... Locomotive..... Routhera Railway., 'i 11k Moutbera PaclOe. KM, L. A S, W. 1Vnnc-loel rt rrtyfr H a.. Texas A Psclfle... itenri Erie a J Vi rioleoo, pia 1 J' 1 1 1. S. Rubber .... 4 UIMteel tU wo tsi piu...... i I on prererrea.,... x a..... on.... hi urest vtsstern.r.. tiwsoasn.' put Ullnots Central ... 1 I Wis. Central Loulaville lHlWestera Union Mexican Central.. . i ' , LOSSES. Metrepolltaa ...... 4 1 Republic Steel.... Wall Street. New York, Deer to. Desplts tba coatlnance of high money rate tbe general tread of tbe atork market waa. upward today. Copper continued the more active with aa advance of 88 quarter nolnta In Anaconda and 1 points in Amslgsmsted, Tha market waa entirely a profssslonsl one, - is tba fluctuations ar too severe for the general public Up to tne noon hour nearly g.iaju.ouo ebaree ot atoci were aold. Chicago A Alton scored tbe heaviest rise wltb aa advance of S Points. Looomotlve rose a point aad Boat or ue use waa rrr s points planer. . . Official auotatlone by Ovrrbsck, Starr A Cook company i - ; DErJCRIPTION. Anaconda Mlnlna Co.' 272 aTi 14 'j ii AmaL Copper Co...., 1071, '88 Ii7t4 Atchison. 88(4 8U do nreferred 104 Art. Car A Found., com. do preferred , Am. Sugar, com........ Am. Smelter, eon)...... 401 41H 40H 1.18 188 so preferred Bsltlmor Si Ohio. eotn. 130 is lis Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com.. CbL A Alton, ooat do nreferred CbL A-tlt. Weet. com.. CbL, MIL A St. Paul... 2114 180 Vt int. at norm., com. . . r. Cbessneske A Ohio mi 6484 Colorsdo Fuel A Iron, Colorado Southern, coxa do 2d preferred do let preferred , Dataware Hudson... D. A R. 0., torn , trie, com do 2d preferred ., ' do 1st preferred , Illinois Central OS 89 47T. T.H4 80 1T8H lioulevllle A Nashville.. lot 124 Metropolitan street Ky ManhstUa Ry Maxima Central Ry... M.. St. P. A Sta. M.. do preferred........ Missouri i'aclflc....... M.. K. A T.,' com. do orefrrred New York Central...'. Northern Pacinc American Locomotive, do nreferred Norfolk A Western, com norm americsn. ... ... N. I, Oot. A Weetera Pennsylvania Ry...... P. O. L. AO. Co Pressed Stsel Car, com Pacific Mall S. S. Co. Beading, com do aecend preferred. . da flrat preferred. . Ben. Iron A Steel, com do preferred Rock Island, coca..... do preferred ... ... Southern Ry., cota . . . . Southern Pacific....... do nreferred 88i 614). 1484 86 1074 24 4 an 118 St. L..A 8. F.. Sd pfd. at. z. m n. w., com.. do preferred ..... . . Texas A Pacific Tennessee Coal A Iron Toledo, St. L. A W., do nreferred Colon Pact fie. torn ... do preferred Central Leather, - eoc. . do preferred V. S. Rubber, com.... U. S. Bteel Co., com.., do preferred Wheel. A Lake Brie. do second preferred... do first nreferred.... 22H 648, 88 V4 14 3114 88 161 14 484 1844 sail 108 821, 42 1M4 lft4 6314 201 41 I Wleconain Central, com ao prererrea.. W. U. Telegraph Wabash, com.... do preferred . . u i7 . Call monrr closed 60 ner cent. Total salsa for day, (.482.200 shares. I. WVZBjrkCXBT BOBDfl. Kaw York, Dee. 2P. Government bond'. Date. Bid. No. regnlsrj.i I... . .. a Iw:t0 12 into ion lwx 102 lnuA 102 00 eoiiN,n. . No. I reaulsr. ....... do eon poo ., No. S rnnall bonda No. 4 reirular.... 4....... .... 102 . , lnciT . I112 lMOT lux 40 enunon.A. No. d regular. r.. 1H29 1826 coupon 11 ij Ptatrlct of Columbia. S46. Philippine 4a. ...r... Jin ltV4-lloi :J 00M8T0CX ICBTBe STOCK 1 '-' Baa Vrandsco. De. 28. Official momlne noBiiuj: , Bid. Bid. .9 .(Ml Bullion , f M Belch rr a. .2:1 Savsge Potosl .04 Con. . CaL Ta.l. 1 80 Cnloa Con : Opblr ... Caledonia Meilcan Andes . . 4X Yellow Jacket,. .12 exchequer ..... .411 ' Hale A Norcross. 1.00 Scorpion ,. ,12 .61 1.80 .18 JEWELRY WINDOW IS V : SWASHED AND LOOTED (Journal Special Service.) New .Tork, Decs !. Schwarta Broth- era jewelry attire .window on Broadway waa amaaned 'amile the etreet was crowded with pedeatrm thla rnomlng and 14.004 worth of .rings stolen by the thief, who ascaped. It I believed two men and a woman were triplicated. Opeslnf Army arapplw-Bids. -1 j, New yotk, vo. 18. Major o. m. Bingham, quartermaater at the Army building, will thla afternoon open bids for furnishing; for the ia of the army 10,000 khalel coata. 1.000 -pairs of khaki breeches for mounted men and 26,000 pal re of .khaki breeches for the in fantry aery Ice, 11,000 linen collars, 1,000 black shoea of tha usual kind and 1.008 conical wan tent straps. - Tha bids will ba simultaneously opened here. In XJUBiuraj rniisgeiunia ana vmcage. a ax. i 10a i:u a 121 i (Journal Special Berries.) Denver, -bole., IJec tt. War between Japan and the United States Is pre- dieted by Dvld Starr Jordan, president of Stanford 'University. If Uncle Barn puts up the bars against tha Japaneaa aa ha haa -agalnat' tha Chinese, Jordan declares the Island government will re sent tha action with arms. He says: "If the- propoaed Japanes excluaton measure becomes a law It will mean war between the United States and Japan. I am sura, because I. am personally aoqualnted with many-Japa-neae officials atd know their sentU tnents. They sre sensitive people, and object to the nations putting; a special ban on their race and letting down the bars to cheap labor . of other nation. To exclude - Japanese alone Will un doubtedly gauss trouble." . ' SEND SCRIPTURE INSTEAD OF PASSES Pennsylvania .Railroad ' Quotes Bible jn Cutting Off Free . Transportation. - x-' ' ' C" ' ' (Journal Special Betrelce.) -' Philadelphia, Dee. tt. "Thou shalt not pasa." Numbers xz;M. "Suffered-not man to paaa. Judges "Tha wicked shall no mora pasa."- Nahum 1:1s. - "Though they roar, yet can they not pasa." Jeremiah y:ll." "Ha paid tba far and went" Jonah 1:1.' - - -- The foregoing scriptural quotations printed In cold black type on a card of virgin white Is being sent outr by tha Pennsylvania goad as a-sort of "Happy New Tear greetings" to those, who llv In former years been In the habit of receiving an annual paaa over tha company's lines. Tha whole antl pass agitation Is said to ba tha scheme of John B. Thayer. Immediately after he waa promoted to -tha fourth vice presidency of tha Pennsylvania. system ha set to work to Institute the reform. Building- BJsw Trolley XVla. '-,., - Journal Spedat Service.) Naugatuck, Conn., Deo. !. Tha pre. Ilmlnary work on the-roadbed for -the new trolley lino which the Naugatuck Valley Eleetrlo Railway company is go ing to oonstruot, south through., the Naugatuck valley to Beacon Falls, and thence to Seymour, Mas been started. and It is expected that tha line will ba completed and ready for public? trafflo not later than July 1, 110. " To of Salooa Org-axUse. ' . (Journal Special Service.) Albuquerque, N. M., Dec 19. Repre sentatives .of temperance societies, churches and -other organisations op posed to tha liquor trafflo are gathering here for a meeting to form a New Mei- loo-Arlsonav Anti-Saloon laaguja. Theror. ganlxatlon will bs affiliated with tha American Anti-Saloon league.' TOO LATX TO CLASSIFY. WOMAN wishes work 88 housework or cooking. Phone Beat 2121. ' t I " A Modern Store Where you can find Any desired toot for any class of work, at a right price. Is tha appeal wa make to Intelligent me cbanlcs. -' ' . ' Satisfy your tool wsnts her ' And you'll satisfy yourself and your boss. - Avery . Co. Between Bine and Ask anree-ts. , C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese Doctor rormscly located at 268 Alder St., eoraer Third Has Moved To the lerg brick build ing it t A corner of Pint and Morrbwa eta. ' Eatranca t 194 psrsi airaei Dr. C. Oee Wa.' tbe Oreet Tblneee Doctor, Is well' kaewn aad famous throoxboet tbe IT. 8. becsnss his wonderful sad marvelous curse have been heralded brosdesst through" the Isagth and breadth of this eountry. He t rests any and all filer sere with powerful- Chinese .roots, herbs, buds, barks snd vexetahlee that are en tlrely anknowu to medical science hi this eosn try, snd through the use of thee hsrmleea remedies he anarantees to care catarrh, asthms. lung troubles, -rheumatism, aeoiisness, stomach. liver, kUlnay. lemaie rrauniee ana au private dlaeasea. Tbla famous doctor rnrea wfrhout the sld of ths knife, without nslng poisons or drnss. Hnndreda or testimonials aa nie at 1 otneee. Call aad see hla. Charges moderate. 1 CONSULTATION PA XX. Patlenra eaL of the elty write for blanks nd clrcnlsr. inclose 4e sump. Addrasa.Ths C. Oee Wo- Ctlnrs Medlcla (o.. l2i 1st at,, cor. Morrlmn, Portland. Iirrgoa. f IPIeasev men t ten tsia paper. 1 . fa :). v , , e' I tie"! -a unlit'-- tltl J OVERBGCK, STARrcf & COOKE CO .,. - 101 Third Street McKay Building. Portland. Or - - ,' VTM DO A ITUTIT COatTCSSIOsT BTJBTBnBBS. Contiiiuotis Msrkets by Private iVIr. Quirk H-rvlc. rkfckkNCKS Ladd TUton. bankers, and Vnl'.od Stateg National Hank ot t'ortlaod. Arrlvsa. 8:00. as. Dally. Par Manila. Rainier 1140a ball Clatsksnis Wsstport. Cllfsos. Astsris. W ar rant rm. PlaveL Ham- 'mosd. Port Btevens. Osarbart Park. Sssalds. Astoria . and ' Sea abor s. .t Bxpraaa Dally. Astoria gx press. ' r oe p. m. Dally. S'SOe. av Dally. . a, v. aa a 10 u. r. aaa r. a., aaioria. w. 0 A. STgWART, Commercial AgsnV 248 Alder airsva, raone stain ausw HUNTING' Steamer Republic' leaves foot of Washington street for all Willamette Slough points, and St, Helens on Saturday at T., p. m, " Returning 'leaves St. 'Helens at 4 p. nv. ;", ALASKA PA8T AND POPCLAB 8TB AMBB IPS' T-eur Seattle ' "JTTTimSON," Sea. S. SO, fl, at t a. Sk, via Wrangl. . t, "TASALXOn," Bee. . tt (oa trip Bee. a but las powder sad gaeolinei aa. aa. r asegsra), via WrangsC MsUakaktla. CALLINO AT v ' Betehfkc. gansau. Deuglaa. Balasa, Skag. way. Oanneot with W. P. A T. rout far Atlia. Dawsea. Tsaaaa, Bern, eto, , . Bar All aeuthseatera Alaaka Verts. CaO or send for "Trip t Wonderful Alaska. .. "Isdlas Basketry." "Totees Pulee." . TBI ALASKA B, B. CO. ' Prsnk Woolsey Co., Agent." ' ' tSg Oak St. - J- Port las A JOr. S.S. F. A. Kilburn . , "i-r. , : For Coos Bay, Bureka sad Baa Pranctaco. .. . Next Bailing from Portlaad. Tuts,, Dee. 23, Next aalllag from Baa rrsndsco. Tees., Jan., 2. ' f. C ORKBNOUOH, Aft, Greenwich Dock Ne. a. Phone Mala 161. sJheelrJn or a good Endt-av- j lncfr-"H $l.oo ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath the tUgkt. Sjl faxf fa. King's Baths SevenU and WtaV togtoer Sta. liaxea and largeat halkg tB the eats'. - Jt7 rTlFWDSH o spices: o C0FFEE$TEA, DAIC1N0 POWDER, tu?cn:;;cEXTRLCTS AluhrVrihr. flrMslFliYorfv CL0S5ET ft DEYER5 PORTLAND, onoON. oowvTara, atomCzwa oo.. (Uatabllahed !. WXXAT AJTP BTOCX BmOKZBS, Bocmt 4, Oreand floor, cratAMBJisv op eoMauscx. - UNION DEPOT. BOAT Members Chicago Board ef Tree. , " , , ar0TXSX0aT, 00TT0K, STOCKS ABQ B0BTDS. , ' U gw w jir.baw za HaicrrP.cinc l Trains to the East Daily 3 ' Throuak Pnllmaa ataadsrd and toarlst sleep. Ing-esrs daily to Omaha, Cbliaro, Spokiset tourist altli.lns-ears dally to kaoeae Lltri through Ps II ulan tonrlst aleetilng-csra fpersee. ally eoaducted) weekly to Chlcsso. Rscllulag cbalrears (seats free) to the Bsst dally. UNION DKPOI. Leavss. Arrlvsa. CBICA0O-PORTLAN l SPBC1AU 8 18a.m 6r8p. as. Par the Bat via Hunt- Dally. Dally. logtoa. , SPKANR rl-TgR. '" Poe jastorn Washing- toe. Walla Walla, Lew- 4:18 p. Si S-eAaaa. aton. Coeur d'Alee Dally. Dslly. and Oreet, - gtartbera polnta. ' . ATLANTIC BXPRKS8. 8:18 p.m. T:16 a. as. Par tn East via lisnt- Dslly. - Dally. Inaton. I , Oolumkla Blear Plvatlea. POB ASTOUIA and war S:04 p. (a. points, conaectlng with Dally About atmr. for llwsee and et Snnday. 6:00 p. as. North Beach. atmr. Sstnrday. ex. Sunday. , Rssaalo. Aah-at, dock, inyw p. m. . -'"' TaxaklU Blvsr Bents. POB DATTON, Oregeal-''.- --,-- I . City end Tamhtll river T:C a. m. T:84 p. xa. Clnts. atmrs. Ruth sad Dslly Dally 00 oc. Asn-st. - dock. ex. Saaday. ex. Sunday. (Water permitting.! " f , 1 1 Bnake Blvsr Bent. ' FOB LRWI8TON. Ids.,1 6:40 a! as. - snd we rln. from or upon ar- 4:"8 p. xa BIpaHa. WW. atmrin rtvsfTrsIt Bally linAsn and LewUtoo. 4' Dmi" prta,, lex. Sst. ri w u, . , . C. W. BTINOEB. City Ticket Agent. , A. I CBAIO, General Passenger Agent. . EAST VIA SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrlv OVERLAND EXl'RKSS. iraius lor naieixv noes burg. Ashlsad. Aaera- In.-SS a. av 8:48 . av eteeo. Stock to'a, Los Aa- aeies. a I raaw, rewj- leans snd the Bast. Mornlna . train con nect! st. : Wondhnrn dally . except Sunday witn Train rov eo". . , all...... 8:80 a. bv SiBB p. av hhh, . - " Brownsville, 8 P r I g r 1 i e. v. cnmiee Natron, insane eaee.naer -con 4:10 p. xa. nects at Wosdburn wltk J8:S8 b'.bv Mt. Ansel sue enver loa local. "' CorvsllU -pesseneer. , Bbeiidsa passaager. Poreet Prove paeeeneeT. 7:88 a. (a. 4 :Rfl p. m. (110:48 p.m eg .gnp. av eg;28 a. xa. )H:r0 p. m. Dairy. -- " " , .. , ; HDally except Snnday. Pertlaxdweg BaVirbaa Ssrvls aad TaaahlB " Division. ' ' ' Depot foot of Jetferana Btrejtj' " 't' . leeve Portlsnd gaily foOsweiro T84 I.-an 18:80. tl. 4:00. 8:24 SrS6. I :W ll-Jf J. nv Dally fexcent Phtndsvl. 6:8ft. 8:80. S.So. I):MV m. Sunday only. 8:04 e.ifc Retnrnlne from arrive Portl.nd dslly S-an s t I'M S:OS. 8:08, S'IB. T:n. n:nn. 110 p. 12 68 ,:? rislltWcept Snndsv). s'xri. 1:23. 0:80, llida v av Sunday only. ffvea front r.- d-pM "'f, medlste nolnte dally 4:18 p. m. Arrive Port- ".'"'in'der-Mmeath V"- '- oner. tea aallv to MonjK-.tJi "l;"'Tr. aecrln witn nemmrn, , - ,t Dslla? '"'12wr,' a- . ZlZ sr. .aa ftMV Kth MeKBdlVaS far 816. sterdless berths 81.84. e-l.k.ra rn terrl nolnta end Boeopel SXe ,.nen. Chins. IMAibI V- L ' Oee. Pass. At. r CltT Tiesra , time card .trains; ; Portland DAILT. UNION DBPOT. Depart, Arrrr. Tallows tons Psrk-Ksa-ass Clty-St. loul Sp. . , , K.h : u t-en trails. Olrmpls. Orsys StSOs. av 4:80 e. as. Harbor, aootn a. e corns, Sesttle. Spokane. Lewlston, Batts, tM lings, Denver.- Omaha, Kansss City. St. Uwls and Soetbesst. M North- Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta oma, Seattle. Spehan. Butte, Minneapolis. SC P.el and tha Esst. : ' 1 , 2:00 p. av T0a.BV Pneet Sniini Limit - i- foe Cbeballa, Centralta. Tacutaa and Bsattle 4 .80 p. nv - -' 11:48 p, st 101 a. av only. nt. - r faeoxaa, Seattle, Bm kane. Helena. , Batte, a:B0.BV .linviivi . . i . , sua neapolle, St, Psol and lbs r.set. A. D. CIUBLT0N. , Aaaletant Oeneral PaaseBger Ageat, . , 866 Morrison at., ear. Third- T , Portland, Oregon. . - ; if,- ! "I ; TN K COMPOrTTABIX WAY. '.. City Ticket OfSee, 18 24 St. Psoas 40. 9 Overland Trains Daily 7 Tks Oriaatal Limited, the Faat Mad BBX-XBDrD SBBYICB TJP-TC-DATB BQTflYafXWT 0OTBTBOVS BMPLOTrS 'Leave; Broxa -Portland JTla SeatUa TUSpoaaae arriVb 8:30 a. m 11:41 p. m .:11p.m. 7:00 a. rrw :0 P. m, t.OOWnv a av a sr. ce.)i a rent Wort asm Baoerashlp Oo, Balllne frrtrn Beatfle SJ. SJ. MIWirrsOTA, BPW. a. B. B. DAKOTA. MAJBCst IS. for Japan an-l t'hlna ports and Manila. MIPPOM T XI SB 14 Eli- .A (Jarnn kl'ill Btem.hit t .i.,n) B. S- BANAOAV. A I J t-Slla from b.-nlliS f 't .Inert, China and all Aeimio i'oui A'""tt J'ii'"i'V For 11. tela, r I Vatlrt'is, e' . c 1 i,i t ' It I ', I - ,' a. o. x. . . :i f l$f guns T. I"-1 I Q Ioopim aruunsJ I V BQUTxa. jOf u 1