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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
-it 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 3, 1CC3, ' i . fl" ' " mil mi limy AT II0L1E Brewer's Daughter After an s I- capade Will Wed In Her ''' Father's' House.; ;- . TRIED TO ELOPE BUT , ! FAILED IN ATTEMPT Daughter of Adolphus Butch, the St, v" LouU Brewer, Will Marry German :V Hop Dealer Father Says He Does . '.Not Care.; '. .,".- ' i '.' (Jearaet Speclat Berries.) St Louts, Dec 18. Theodore Bcharrer, aged S years, a wealthy hop dealer of Stuttgart, Germany, 1t was announced today, will marry Wtlhelmlna Busch. daughter of Adolphua Busch, at the Jailer's houae on New Year's day. On .Wednesday the couple drove to Belle ville, Illlnoia, and registered at the hotel aa man and wife. They went for a license but the office waa cloaed and they returned to Jt. Louie. , i ' Adolphua Buses, aaya be doea not know of the contemplated marriage and doesn't -casecH aaya the registration at BelteTllle waa one of Soharrer'a Ger man Ideas of a Joke. Bcharrer. aaya the wedding will be quiet. The affair has created a great atir In leading social circle of Bv Louis. The brlde'a father la reputed 'to be worth 110.800,600. - Bcharrer' haa : been a frequent visitor to the Busch mansion for aome yeara. ; - . Belleville ia known aa a Oetna Green for eloper. When the couple found, the county courthouse cloaed for the day the young woman telephoned home and then returned ta the hotM with Bcharrer to await an answer. Shortly a friend af Busch appeared and aftet a conference the trio returned to pi Loula on a trolley car.. , ' 1 ' ' CLARK HAD FIERCE BATTLE WITH BEARS ' i;ml Sperisl flerrlee.) ' Big Horn. Wyo., Dec 2. Additional details of the traglo death of B. B. (Blondy) Clark, the Omaha man who weeialn flcht with griaxllea in the Big Horn mountain, show that hav sold hla lire dearly, ciaras ooay was found near the mouth of a bear den. Jlear hlra waa the body of a huge bear, and another dead bear lay Just Inside the cave. Cladr had fought a terrible battle with the beast, aa four of his ribs were- broken and an arm badly chewed. The bears were cut about the paws and Jaws where Clark bad slashed them with his bowie knife. The(r bod ies were filled with bullet Wounds. Clark's, death was probably due to the bugging he received and a severs wound on his bead at the baaa of the brain. America Geological Society. . ' (Joarn.1 gpeelal 8nSre.) Berkeley. CaX, pec. if. The seventh annual meeting of the Geological So ciety of America opened at the University-of California today. Tha meet ing will last -two days. Among the papers to be read are" the following: "The Exceptional Nature and Genesis of the Mississippi Delta," E. W. Hllgard; "The Igneous Rock of th Northwest' em Black Hills." W.'S. Tangier Bmtth; . "Exploration of the Samwel Cave," E. L. Furlong; "Moulin Work Under Glacier.- by G. K. Ttbbert,' and Th Middle Kern River," Andrew C Law- rraltgiower Oeaveatloa. (Special Dispatch to The Joaraai.) La Grande, Or., Dec 21. The third an nual convention of tha Northwest Fruit growers' association will be held her January S. 4 and I. An excellent pro gram '" has been arranged. Reduced rates hare bean secure don all lines of transportation on tba certificate plan. CAFE AND MUSIC HALL A "Happy New Year" to All ., ..- . -' , ' . ,.- : : ... ... Fay Lesley Bcllclavvrcncc ( ' . ' And Other Special ! ,v - v; ; . Attractions.' ,' . ' ' " " v-': -i". '- '. e Beginning Monday,' January 1st, ' including the famoug , , ' ,0 ' .' C:' '8K,eKion , -. " . The ficchirs tadics Quintette and , r Special . Sunday Matinee p -itoS o'aock " Program Changed Daily. '. Entrancea at 21 North Third trt, 21. 2i and 2S North Sec ond street, and 243243 and 247 Burnaide street ,,"' I The Market Basket I ' The atrlks of the-hens baa been de clared off and already most of the workers have returned to their rtaaka. The-output of ' egga haa in the -past week or ao shewed a considerable In crease, and this has been accompanied by a decrease in prices. : Eggs have been considerably too high. all through the country during the past season the Pacific coast cities being especially hit hard. '. Generally there ia a big surplus of eggs produced in Oregon in the early spring months and these ar4 placed in cold Storage. Present '. Indications are that eggs will be' somewhat cheaper this -season than -a year ago. Already the price is e cent a dosen lower in the retail markets and the trade la inclined to the belief that prices will be out still further in the near1 future. If not already tired of turkeys. It will coat you considerable more to sat iny your appetite during me next week. For the New Tear's trad, there are but scant supplies of 4hese birds snd prices -are oven higher thaa thoaa ruling for Christmas. - '- ... For over week the pdtille has neg lected the hen In the markets and prices therefore tumbled. ; Now there is d re sumption of th dauoand and prices have advanced back to the old figures. Never were ducks and geese go-scarce aa these days. The early coming of the Chinese New Year's has caused the shippers to hold back their supplies, for at that time the quotatlona gener ally gain about a tjOrd over those Ordi narily .uuiis. , Among the retail butchers a ' resolu tion has been adopted asking tha city to appoint a meat inspector under the ordinance paaaed by the council several months ago. This waa brought about by -the reports that impure meats were being sold over th counters and tha butchers wanted to ahew their good faith by themselves asking for th ap polntthg'of tha .' official. Inspected me ts are higher, naturally, than those uninspected.. .-As yet no official hoa STATE NO ADVANCE IN OUR PRICES OF MEATS 221 Ficst St., Cor.5 Salmon AHappyNeyYcar axOX.TOD, That w will eerv you with all th' dainties Dt th season Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks, Roaata Beet, Pork. Veal and Lamb and fine, Juicy Bteaka. , ; - :,. ' KINDORF BROS. AO Brand Ave. rhoa Saat . ' JOHNS BELIEVES HE Villi . HAVE SUCCESS . After Talking With Portland Re ; publicanOfe "and Triends ' Are Confident. ' fMnaelal Dtaeeteh la Tba JearaaLl Baker City. Or., Dec . 2. Mayor Charles A- Johna of Baker City, who Is candidate for governor of Oregosw haa lust returned from a few. days' friait In Portland, where he want to look over the Dolltlcal situation. After his re turn Maror Johns said: : "I can simply aay this: that my many friends fat Portland promise me there a much larger majority than I had any hopes of receiving." u - ' " In eastern 'Oregon one fourth of th Republican vote of the enUre state waa rast, and If tha Portland voter atand by Johna, as hi friends aay they will, he feela confident he can carry, the state, regardless of th Willamette valley and southern Oregon. . - PENDLETON SHIPS MUCH FLOUR TO THE ORIENT. . . Mml Dfmateh to The JoermaLI Pendleton. Or- Dec 2. Tha Byera riaurlna -mill ta thla City Is now run ning -to Its Ifull limit. In tha laat few weeks, three contracts for flour, aggre gating 1 10.000 sacks, have been deliv ered, and iff th laat few days there was shipped to Portland for ma- 'onem, 35,000 sacks. , and at present the mill Joroe I engaged: in loading the cars with JB.eW sacks more, which, will be shipped to Japan as soon as they can be tA tidewater In the early part of February a "contract' calls forJ-' 40,000 sacks to be deliverer at me sea board, which will also ber shipped to the orient, making 110,000 sacKs or iiour shlooed from these ills In two months. . , ' ' TWO ROSEBURG WOMEN ' i nn wn a rsvl nil . LUMIVIM ILU.IU AdILUM ' " (pielal DLpatch te The Jonrnal.) ' ' I LRoaenurg,' Or., Deo. 21. Two com mlttmenta to th stat Jasane, asylum were "mad today by . County Judge Thompson, one being Mrs. Elisabeth R. Qulne of Riddle,' aged 7 yeara, th cause of th Insanity being senility. Tha other was Mrs. Mary E. Poe.df Deer Creek, the cause, of 'her Insanity being continued illness, this being her second -committment. They were taken to Salem by asylum attendants. . OVERDUE -STEAMER ' -: :' 'EXPECTED SUNDAY 1 " . .r'- . "tertl MtMtck te Tb Journal.) Hoqulam, Wash, Deo. 2. Th steam. r Chehalla, du her Wednesday. Is not now expected until- Hunday. Report hav been received that, the steamer on her .northern trip- encountered a vessel I In distress, which she took In tow, tura llng back t Baa franclsco with it. , MARKET Gentral Market at their low mars, . , , The markets at 111; have on display some of thosa1 auakllng ptga wmcn ar- i . i V ... ' H trad. rtT w mii" "j . --- ' and thenar bstng-eold at slightly .lower figure. , - , p-j-ah aaimon la scarcer than aver and annthor advance has been made la both the retail and wholesale quota flAn. TKw. la a rraat scarcitv In al lines In tha fish market and prices all arouna are soraewnai mgner. It's yet too early to expect to secure particularly sweet oranges, for the sea sen la not old edougn for rip fruit Those received during th paat week were far superior to former arrivals. Prices therefor are beld quite rigid. Fancy apples are .entirely out of mar ket at this time on account of the great demand for this quality In the east and in Europe. There is, however, a suffi cient stock of rood duality apples on display, and they're not high in price. California , grapes at still shown In tha markot, but the supplies are ao small that dealers experience no dim culty In celling at advanced figure. -' Ripe bananaa are rather scare again, but there's no difference In, th price. Pineapples from Honolulu again have appeared in the markets after a tempo rary absence. A rise in prica la noted. The memory of onion selling In this market at 10 cents a pound Is still green In th minds of th housewives, and there are-some feara that the price again will become unruly toward, th latter part of., the season. All over th Pacific coajt .this -season the weather conditions were against long keeping onions and the -result Is that a large per cent of tha crop already la badly damaged. These onlona are of Just as good quality as. ever, but they won't keep. '. For this .reason they are at pres ent rushed to market by thei producers, and this movement was sufficient to ca us th price ta drop sharply. Onlona that win keep are rather scarce and buyers may prepare themselves for higher prices later on. - '''-- McKINNQN & SMITH caib eaooEM. raoifx xaax an. ' . WHOLESALE AITO BXTATX. ( 128 GRAND AVENUE ' - fleMU Sail-rsna t Aay fart af the City. rESH laves ZOOS, 0o doe, t for.. ...It raacT ckeamekt buttia 1 sack (and fcara-wbeat flour ...... ...A....9c 1 da. cans fancy eoea ......W....SOC 1 dos. ran tomatoes, tfe C. a A. oil. ots .,eoc ......9e 2MC 8Ae 2Ae ....fl.00 ....i.OO .......n We lbe ......2Ae ssc ..,..6e 1( 2S 20c 1HC ,...,.2))e -. i 1 can" Baker's cocoa 1 raa flhtr'a coco i... Fancy Burbank potatoes; par sack Miller'. Naplba. fur .. .,...... 18 lbs best saitar e-lb. p.11 beat lard, Sflr; 10 lb ... 1 lb. Moral baking powder ., 1 lb. schilling-, baking powder .. uooa, JFng-u.a Dreasiaec tea 1 lb. Gunpowder ..... H.m Bra.' catnap, t bottles ........... 1 p. I. cora starch ........... Hcolrh eats ,.... Beat Jsts aad Mock a eoffae, per lb..... Poatuat w.. Good baeba Flf-Prun cereal Bt Bans, per Ibr , White and yellow corn me. U 10-lb. sack. Bjrttl bluelmr . , Fancy tahla .yrnp, per gal , ,.2fie ...Ke ..SOe ijerss ooa macaroni ., ..Me 9 In.. carr.ats ... 2fir I Uw. r.lalna. seedless ........2fle 1 can. oy.trrs ..V.. .......... .....25c cans peas or string beans ,v...i...25e Mall orders shinned to sll Doliftsc' selected from s eomnleta stock. Send up four, aoildar orders at one. NEW YEAR'S We are offering tomorrow .the greatest reductions in the price of meats ever offered before "to you. " Special tomorrow: . SouplMeat and Boiling Meat... .4 to 5 Pot Roasts ...... ...5 Rump Roast .........7 FRIEDMAN PACKING, CO. First and Columbia Sts. Phone Main 111.- INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 127 First St G. Covach & Co. v rzsx, rovxiTBT An orma - -" - 1 .' .. ' 9UUBI , . i "at : ' 275 -First Street Han11 only th best In tiielr llh. W make a speclaltf of fine, fresh poultry. Call on us for your holiday supply. Phone Main 535 ARDMORl? The Nw Dlg.nd Coff V S X.BS. $1.00 Phon Mam nil to hav our man call and show samples of our fine Crock ery, Granlteware, etc., and explain our method .of procuring some of these fin goods. srortB and swath raited. - (Jnernal Special aerrlce.) . . , Washington Court House, O., Deo. 2. A large and brilliant wedding here to day was that of Miss Ruth Mllllken. daughter of Colonel B. H. Mllllken of thla city, and Hon. W. W. Weaterfield, assistant United states district attor ney at New Orleans. The ceremony was performed In Oraca M. E. church, which waa magnificently "decorated with flow been appointed and prlcea arv still THE QUESTION NOVA IS Mow Much Cart I Save? YOy CAN SAVE 25 CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GROCERIES AND MEATS YOU USE. IF YOU BUY . . . . FROM, US. . People's WwMPttdQ PHOINE MAIN Groceries 20 lbs. Granulated JSugar with order ..... . .3?r, . . Fancy PotaToes, sack.... .....V 1 Saclj Good Flour... ...... .. 10 lbs. Rolled Oats........... 7. lbs. Navy Beans-:....,.....'.. .3 Cans. Best Corn....... 3 Cans Best Peas .............. 2 Cans Premium Tomatoes., 12 Bars $oap....v 1 Can' Baker's Cocoa. ......... S Cans all kinds Cream. Jr. .... 10-lb. Sack Cornmejl..Ta. ,;T.: 4 lbs. Lima Beans............". 2 Cans Table Peaches,..., i?.'. 'A Happy - Neiv Yea,, Z;:. V. TO ALL We intend to -start this New Year right, so come in and let tfs head you in the right direction by showing how we can save you money. r, . .;.; ' t-lb, can Assorted Boups; regular price . . o can. '.' 15 ' I pounds 'Washed Currants. .' .. V.V .- 25 4 ' '' .- pounds Seedless Raisins. ' 35 -. .- , libs.. Best English Walnuts. ' 25 - - ' lbs. English Walnuts, small sis. , GO w 1 dosen cans Condensed Cream. . ' 20- ' V pan Baker's or Ohirardelll's Cocoa. . , 19 Pounds -- Dry Granulated Sugar for $1.00. . si.oo - : Gallon can Choice Mapl Syrup. . ' . 5 " Pound Gloss or Corn Starch. , East 5ide Store 548 Williams . Ave. Phone East 663. , ' Main viStore West , Park and 1 1 ' Washington Sts.,. .'. Phone Main 259 E. B. COLWELL (roaIXT FAAMia'A) - Wholesale) and Ratal! Qrocer ; mi.- tea, sm THimD, ooi, . xmaaov. " Wish as Toa : ' A HAPPY NEW YEAR ' t With the New Tesr eoaiee th new ressh time, that we ertll do better thla year than laat. Yoa can - make ao batter 'one tbaa to i to. trade wrttt the Bl( Stora of Little Prlcea Look ermr the bills of von compare tbea .wltk the prleee we qoot below and sir n. jour trail aad av at least 2oc on ..err dollar' worth yna bay. REMKMBKR, prlTllec of roar money back If sot eatlaned. Western dry translated eaa eager, 10O-lb sane bo.w Weatera dry sraanlated cane snsar, 1 lbs. ft. 00 R.tra rfr. ar.nnlatea autar. lOO-lb sack. ..SR. 90 Extra dry graaolated sugar, 1 lb 91.00 B...t lemon, erans and eltrna eeei, per ..ine 8 pass Magnolia cleaned enrrants 2ftc Spkss nw a-rrjn seeded ral.ln ........ 2fe lbs n.w tKTowa loos slnsestals 2e l ib esn Rirl baking powder i l ib ran Brhllllns'a Best baking powder. ...33c Creaaa A Blarkwell'a oil. oIL ot bottles.. 6Be l ib nk Arm A Hammer soda .....6 T Ina n-enrh nrnnes 3ne Mi redded Wheat Mscnlt. per pkg loe iha IxHiUlana rlee .....Vf 1!. bars Bot.I HaTirn soan ....xn Bib pall beat lard ,....n4c tn-lb pall beat lard 1 on 20-lb pall best lard fl.SO Finest eaatvrn bams, per lb ...... a. ....... Rat nlrale h.m.. nee lb ...i'r Rest eottase b.nia tbowelesa) per lb ..toe Khreridnl roenaant. Mr lb ...l.lbc Hard-wheat floor, per sack .' 11.00 Hootch oata, per pkg .....lite Poatum cereal, per pkg v KHI's Kantha snap, per bar . . ....jr,tr . . .if. Beat snft-wbest Boar, per paeae ....... 11.00 J.t. A Mocba coffee (reanl.r KAe) ,.;....3oe U hoi ends rrarkera tabont 10 in I ooe Kiwllab Breakfast tea, per lb tAc r.ne7 (imipuwder tea trrgular SSc) ........lite S Ins broken Java eoffe .tte I bar tar ap be t'ueda Blaenlt. per pkg ,....oe Tlser eream Ue bIh) .' be Eaat gld DellTerles Tnedr snd rridsje. V fHOII MAIX 40. - JOHN'S MARKET Wishes all its patron a happy and pros perous New Tar. And w mean to do business tn tha New Tear, with all our might. Even if w get -In Ilk-the fel low did on th east side IN THE MUD. Said he drove up te th curb and Jumped out of hla buggy,, missed .the curb and went Into t he mud up to th top of hla shoes. Well, w said that -wasn't very had. "Tea, but dash It, I went In head first Now, w start this Nw Tear 'with a ruITlIn of-roultry, all Kind or Meat, tack f Vegetables, Butter and Eggs lnany quantity. A - - soaTT roftOBT m nvAoa. db JOHN'S1 MARKET ; 43 NORTH SIXTH ' . raoa Kalg) USA, FELLOWS : FIRST, AND TAYLOR STREETS 1412 Meats i Porterhouse Roast ........,...,...'.. Porterhouse Steak 9 Loin Roasts . . . . . . . . . ... . ... ... . .0. Loin Steak . . ;.. .0 Prime Rib Roast..... 8 Boiling Beef ......... .V. , .4 and 5 Pot. Roasts . . . .... . . . . . .. . ....... . .6 Mutton - Stew , ; . ... . .' . . . . . . ". ; .4 Mutton Chops ...... ........... . .10 Mutton.Legs ..................... 10 Shoulder of Mutton .'..;. .6 2 lbs-All. Pork Sausage........... j15 2 lbs. Hanibucger Steak............ 15 2 lbs. Bologna. ...... ....Y... 15 Pork Chopsr lb; .................. .10 Pork Roasts, lb 10 ..$1.00 ....75 t. ?1.06 . t.35t ....25 ....15 :.r.25 ....20 , ,. .25 , . . .25 , . . .25. . . . .25 3 FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. E xzsxxszz: , 173 THIRD, NEAR YAMHILL STREET - .;'-',;."';;-, PHONE MAIN 1634 y, ?- : r Don't pay your neighbor's grocery bin any longer pay cash and save cash by buying your groceries at The City -: '..'.' ' Grocery. , ' ' A Few Specials for the Week 19 Pounds Dry Granulated Sugar...,.. $1.00 1 Sack Good Hard Wheat Flour... .......... ...f 1.00 V6 Pqunds White Beans. .. . r. ....... . .... . . .25 , 12 Bars Laundry Soap.;.'..,....,..(...........25 v jjGaflon Good Table Syrup, in pail. .... . . , :. , ; . .60 " 3 Cans Corn . . ... ...................... .... . . . .25 ' 3 Cans Tomatoes...... ................. 25 V 1 Can Baker's Cocoa. .......a..;... ....... ....20 Bid ' I THE HOUSE THAT WV have everything for New Year, that a BIO MARKET :":-. HOUSE can have ' large stock of fine turkeys tons of extra fine beef CAR LOADS OF FRUIT and VEGETABLES . And all fresh from the farm and so with VA HAPPY NEW YEAR" to all , , 105-107 Third St. Phone Exchange 63 ) BUSY DAY AT THE I E R MA R K ET We expget that this Saturday will be on of tha busiest days of the season. We are prepared to give our cuatomers tha moat prompt and careful service. ; - , '.'.,'' Chickens, Ducks, Prima Rib: Roast Beef, or Lamb, Mutton, VeaL . . or Pork, Fruit or Nuts.-; , n Fresh Apples, per box........"........,................,.. ,.f l.OO- New Walnuts, just arrived, per lb .........................2SI California Honey, 2 combs........ ..,..2Sf ' Fresh Oysters every We also carry a full Una of cab goods. Strictly Fresh Eggs, Butter and Cheese. , ' ' Will Ba Open Monday From 7 to 10 o'Clock. " C BLUM, Prop. .; -i'' X''-' "i 17th and Savler Streets Phone Main 1632 !N0SEUGE i In2"Pie IOcPackacesJ mxhrell s ou le co. i SYRACUSE .NEW YORK SYRACUSE N EW YUKA-ev A Happy and Prosperous - New Year v TO ALL, THE PATRONS- Ot Cowan's Market With ail th good cheer of th holiday. Let u aupply your New Tear's dinner. Can glT jrou Turkey, Chicken, Goose, Dock, Roast Qeef, Pork, Veal. - Lamb, etc. Let us havCyour order arly. 273 East Morrison Street Sf Vaiom Are. Fsoae Best 14T. JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS "PORTLAND'S BIG SUPPLY HOUSE " IO Pound Box 3!l 3aExss an QUALITY BUILT ) IVllARClETr MOST DELICIOUS PIES FRUIT CAKES , PUDDINGS i 'AND COOKIES. - WIKCEMEAT VI AmmMmM, NEW -YEAR'S DINNER ATTHQ Will consist, of everything In th meat anC poultry tin . Turkeys, CMokeas, Oeesa, Baaka, Boatta, Beef, rork, VeaL Ziamb, . Every piece of meat that leave our stor 1 flrat-claa and cannot be beaten In th elty. 112' First Street, Phone Main 2410 V WASHINGTON MARKET ' f M Specials 1 lb. Favorite Blend Coffee..... ,'...20. Elgin Creamery Butter, per roll.... 55 2 Dozen Strictly Fresh Eggs... '....55 Maccaronl ... . .v 10-lb. box Spaghetti . . . . . . . 30 10-lb. box VermiceHi v.. . . . . .30- 10-Ib. Pail Swift's Compound Lard. .80 5-lb. Pail Mount Hood Lard... ....50 t Rex Hams, per lb . . . . . . . . .... .12TM 'Picnic Hams, per lb. .8 Cottage Hams, per lb ............. . 10 CORN ,FED FOR Year's Butter! Butter! Best (S-eamery. . i .60 and 65 Good Creamery ............50 Dairy Butter. .... .40 and 45 Ranch Eggs 35 Good Eggs.....,.25e and 30 Best' Sugar Cured Hams. . .13 ' Breakfast Bacon . . . . . ...... 15 5 lbs. Pure Lard..... ...... 50 Chickens, per lb. . .15 and 16 All Goods Retailed at Wholesale; Prices ,- LA GRANDE CREAMERY J "284 YAMHILL STREET V FRESH OREGON Creamery Butter 'Headquarters for Corvallis & Page's Special Creamery. Strictly Fresh Eggs and Oyster always on hand. . - - -' .. - - . 3 Cans Corn . . . . . .. . ....25r 3 Cans Tomatoes . . ... ... .25 ' 2 Pounds New Walnuts. . . .35 2 Pounds New Almonds. ..35 3 Pkgs. Currants .... ... .25 Mills Naptha Soap . . . . . . . . .5 Pels Naptha. Soap, ...r..... 5 Dozen Fresh Eastern Eggs. .30 Dozen Fresh Oregon Egs. .35 Enterprise Creamery Co. 127 FIRST STREET. Between Washington and Alder. Townscnd & Van Schoonhoven wiouiau ajto nun oBOoaBa - 147 riBST btbbst. - W retail buttr and gga at whole sale piioea. ' .1 ; ." ; ' -'. . - Oregon Creamery "Butter. . . .BSo and SS New Crop Italian Prunes, 4 lbs..... sua One sack good Hard Wheat Flour.. fl.00 pounds Seedleea Raisins J" Best cleaned Currants, lb rr Tomatoes, -atandards, $ can.......J 1 can Baked Bean Twa, l-lb. cans Hominy.:.... ..S S cans Corn. Peas or String Beans... 95a 1 pkg. Fostura or Fig Prun Cral..J0 Good Salmon. I rana ........... . Tomatoes. Solid Pack.,... ! Two l.lh nlraa. rtnM Dust ....... ..BS .. One -lb. pkg. Armour's Washing Powder- ...... JJ ' Fels-Nsptha Soap It bare Rnysl Savon Boa p. M. ..... .SJ bars Beby Elephant Soap . J ib. White Honey. ...... cane Primrose Cream., . " 1 lb. English Breakfaat Tea ,1 lb. Gunpowder Tea , - , 'Miller' Naptha Soap f" Beet Walnut and Almondsvl lba.,,95 Reste Eastern llama, lti. ........ .HH'' Oood Table Peaches. 1 for Vv,5. ''- Good Tabl Apricots, I for ( . .. . P. . .S5a s , Nw Crop Flga and Nuta.- . ' ' -. - raon maXsT lsas. -. 1 - NEW YEAR'S PRICES Fancy Mlied Candy, per lb.. i 1 Jo Oood Tomato Catsup, pint bottle. .. .10o Fine Preservea, l-lb. Jar 20o Home-made Jam, per glas m- Bllced Peaches, 24-lb. can .IJo Standard Tomatoes, I can ....y.A.S&a Navel Oranges, per doa ..,...... ..2o Tha above list are only a few of th many good thing w hav and Indicate that w are starting th New Year right. ' , 1 " - ' ; Davis Bros. VorKbTUf SV, or, loth, rboaa ICaia 4S4T J. w. 0