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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, ..DECEMBER 29. 1905. I FOR SALE R2AL ESTATE. IF ro want to bar r Mil real eetat nil o si w da nut deal In nana, but Hal tour propart with ns at In value w wW if n .too. Kun Mtil UmI Batata ., Xr Morrison it.. Altskr bldf., room tuft, - raone racine dui. w. E. liar, nianagsr. ri.i.woon LOTS 13 down and tn rnontbi - mm 70 10 TOQ. Ssllsrood Towoalt Co. I'bone Kaat 4704. ACRES er fine land, lee thao ose mil rrom electric Hue, l mile from Portland. Jin flat road: ther la no iwi or nnl; lira level and aaaj to clear t lU) per- aero, uf , inn term, i aw. car or .oarnal. FOR aala or rent, fin now rnttax hi Sunny- iiia, urg auio. 4 etrong, iih eat rata, tl.SM roH iwar S-rtnav ttat and lot 50x1011 reet, oa wvlaloa ar.. and tlioroualilr ruodVrv tin. la aoap. K lose 1U 602 Commercial blk mam vus. . FOB SALB CHKAPl-eWner lot, N. Hrnsd and Olncr, Muntarllla. W. corner FOB BAM or rent. lmprovementa, flu and PreaoMt. aew- bouaa. modern. kwatluH.- Owm, Testa A. SNAP. - For 8le--Mndera T-rnora bona,- furnlabed. . :t.; Vl.suu cash, balauee erm; aa an T Investment, psjr per cant... Pbon Kaat . FOR BAI.K--ronm boose,. c-kjver lawn, Terr cbeep; - car, Htuart at at loo. aire. r ' , looxioo. FKET , wltb-slghtlr stock. Va,la 825. 1 lota, fenced. on Mount: Scott Wlnterujutr. tree, ta . Wood' SNAPS I WoodUwnVHave 18 bocece to eleet from. Ofnc No, 814 Junior at.. Weuoiawn, Tall np Eaat 4914, ane" will bs taken direct to owners. . . . FINR 20 acre, to eat np la small tracts; 15 In eultlrntlon, bona, new barn, 1 food walla . and trait; asuo- level ana eigniir; o annate walk to rood ID-room chuel. 10 minutes U at urea, P. O., car atatlon, at Lenta, 8c. far . to a or part of Portland. lA-minute Merle: nrlr only 1200 par cr; will aell 1 or 10 acre: trrma If Wanted. O. R. nddtto V owner . Lenta. Ottrw. -Take ' Moast - Scat! " ear. 6. ; 80 ACRKM, 16 mllea wt ol Portland? on eoaniy . road. near eciioui. lis par.acra; no ifnu. Boom 4ii glicrlock ill8.. . . , . BOSS ADIHTION TO SELLWOOIe Lota $M to t150: 88 down. W per month r aom flna j ' cheap bniur. In rtellwond front I-VI0 t 81.000. . W. lit )oruoae, 630 ft tmatllla avo., Hell- . , WMUU. . - . SNAP Lot on Ceratbers at. - KH. Yamhill lUl . T50. T!IOICB balldlnar lot BitilOO. Arand ar. and Uaaoa at., HuO. lwiulra Star Laandnr Co. TIKI M TOOK AT THBflB. - Two larjre moilern 8-room bouae on Iwwntr ril a, nmmr ln9t- alMia and OTPrr- tl,lf, llix hratt tak Tir choice for U.730. Then ant the brat baraalna to he fonnd the weet aide. Colllna Land Co., Hteara blila.. Main KIM. - I ATRKS near rarllno. la lump or hr arr, dirt cbeap; raab or terma. lerrr. 110 awcono at a wrw rumen houkh " . rooni now and . niodi-rn bona, on Nln reentb at.. Treat .aide: flo locatloa. and cfeaiti an.mio; eaar trrma. .i T.rnnm new and modern In erera feepect, In walklna rt I at a ore. on weat aide: I awell olace: ta.2Sa ; - i ajmin new and mmlprn " ln TT wart JuatJIiilahed: ooo f the awelleat on aaat aid andcloaa lot oallf; a eiiap. c Jironm new and modi'ra cottaa. In - upnet Alhlnar a Rim bouae and cbeap; f 1.200; 2r0 raah. balance tf atnt. W hare choice- reaMencea In an paTta and , trrma to anlt and th Toweat prlr; tbe; will atand Inreatlaation. ' - H. W.. iJARLAND A TO,. Foartb, IHR nwelllnk konoe of IS moma at Tcntb and Madlaon ata.; aim the etahle and a part of .- Ilia croilMda. '17 unrrau. inreaimeoi k., o. T Ural at. FOR SALE FARMS. ACRKH ft fin atata of mltlTatlon, on fin road. 14 mil from electric tin, old bona, 1 acre In hearing orchard ; tber la no rock M . trarei; prtc (l.soo. at 1. car joornai. len-ACRR fmi. W mile eaat of Portland oa aiwrr rr; o awr anaer coitititkhi, Improrementa, ' Id acre an Powell Taller m4 . u .mil miA a ,1 i ilr - abort dla- tanee from rarlln. " 17 acre food, ItI 1 land adjoining Motor addition, . W. au aea belmer. 237 Fallnf bld(. - i am nntv-ri RM f ooa aeraa. fto anlttratad. balanca pa tare; M arroa eiorer; boo a, tw barna: won Id aell In lota of 0 aerea. Ad '' Ina I. -Belt Root 1, RIckreaL Oroa. or oa laat Twelfth at., Portland. . - RXAPS In town lot and Irrl rated tract at Horer. Uorer Land Co.. 13 V oth at., Port land. -A 20-ACBE farm, a 11 In .enltlTatlon, I mile froa ruarthona. I mil from O, W. P. Br, Co.. M.onci term to anlt. or will trad fnt bona and lot. J oca P. barker. 701 Cham ber of Com mere. FREE LANO-IN ORrOOM andr th Carer Irrigation Act. Ooed direct from, atata, Write todr. ftonklet and map free. B. aV Cook Co., 251 Alder at., Portland, Or. FOR RALE Stock -ranch of .d00 acre near Oobnrg. 8 mlhnj aorta a at ofEofn. Lea coantr, Oregon: prlr low -ana term ar. F. D.- CbambarUla; La bo bldf.. INartlaad. FOR 'SALX , 40 acrea Terr 8n rand. H In ealttntlon, flea nice and terel. rich black loam: It ad firna ' Clackamaa atatlon and R. R. onlr 0 mllea from center-of Portland; will offer It for oo.wh- onlr at 7S nor acre. Ad drea G 14. ear JoamaL IdO'ACRR farm on Willamette tirer noatmnd - Ina. 4S nille from Portland: 8o acrea cleared, SO acre In hops, email lake on farm, fl.4o0 - Bopnouae ana good noun ana Dam; as.uvu, Applr Coainicrclal blk. FOR SALE (elgbtrl acrea of land ' with cedar ami alder, on running atream, (10 pel acre If taken In 30 dara. Boa 214, Kalama Waablngtoa. w- FOR aale or exchange far. ranch A acre Inv C roved bind mile from Vioniarllla car Itn. ;, A. Ielano, owner, Montarilla, Oregon. . FOR, SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED ecrlB. anr aie price.. W. Q. Bowali, 838 Cbambar f Cam- FOR HOMESTEADS, timber claim and acrla applr to 304 Commercial blk. TIMBER LAND WASTED , " I can handle a a umber of toed timber claim In Peacbnte timber belt, at one; , title maat be parftct- J. M. HanUr, Bend, Oregon. . 120 ACHES of timber and Mineral land, half mile front river. 604 Goldamlth at.. Albion. , ROME good homeateeiM -ifoc Inearloa In th White Salmon connlrr; fee teaoooable. Box 204. Vanconrar, Wah. 40 ACRES apple land near Hood Rlrer. 110 per acre. Hr owner. Adilreaa B 8, Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ''inK MODEL STABLES, Brown ft Eoater. prop. Phone Main 847. Boarding, ItrerT and aale; ' nree and ba grata tran.fer. 205 Pari at. IlKiri.STABI.F" W. A. Heealan. Bron., 122 ' In Ion are... cor. Aider; llrerr, boarding and ' aale. I'lion Eaat 8.V(2. TO EXCHANGE. PARTIES hln wild land In -Oregon o Waahliigton to.richaaffj calr at 807 McK ovv EECHAN0EV-vood tlmbat land in fill " locatloa for mercliandla. Whltnr Broa., Irving Oregon. . 8 HEAD of teeT, trood coming 2 rear nhla. Whnthare roa to offer! A.ldrea E. B. Wlckham. Oa Point. WaaBlngtoa. FOR an improved farA. 8 bonae and qnarter - blor In Oregon ntr. cloea In; atreel graded a nd eewer. Addre-nrnr, "A. A. Pao, St. Jobna, Oregon. .' ... FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I'm f print onr name oa n ealllng-carda. Prop" arV infT atria, tibrt boatoee eard.- 81. . 7 BrWi 8iiaK ' Flr.1. Portlaad. Or. . BOORS bonght. acid nd .baagd at tb "old Book 8 tor, gW-TaaihUl at. . WESTERN OR BOON , MININO MII.I.INH CO. headnn.rterai Mock '"'',? , ftwmallon at 1 Flrel at. rbon Main intd. WE It-ed fm-nttor and will na (nil v1. r-honlr Pacific 70S. Waaler dalrag Co.. 827 Waehlngtnn t. . TtH IM B Milk rt for conenmntlre, on be. " ..'.V I..-...,.,,., u. fiu tiuldawltk at. fQ VUM WJ FOR. 1 SALE-UIsdzLLANSOUS. LARGEST tock of bottle In nnrthwti order flllad promptlr. Portland Bottl '"'nlr 0w ul North Einbtaootk at. Mala ko8. MACHINERY of all klada repnlrwt. Centennial Iron A 8ll .Worka, 8N8 C Uaa C BIIOVCARES AND FIXTURES mda to order! econdhand goo, for al. Carlaon A . Kali a trom. 8n Cuacb at Pnoo Claj 87L HORSES of all klode for aal at vary price Inqulr 275 Front C bl FOR SALE- OR RENT NEW AND 8XXNTV HAND BEWINfJ MACHINES. STANDARD r R. Wl NO MACHINE AUICNCX. B.. D, J0N1CS. HS0 YAMHILL 8T. r . DIAMONDS, watcliea and Jewelry at a av1n( . of 25 per cent.- H. M. Ltffrrt A Brn.. whol. kak and retail Jwlr. , Offloa SOT Allckf Blag., intra an Morrlaoo. HORSES, hameae, aecond-band wagon, on good hack; alao rig for rant br oaf or moatk. zu luwtnorn.-, no Kat n. - , AT cllalng-out price. avral aample gaaolin nrlne. marln and etatlonarr: write fof price. Iteleraoo Machlnarr On., rnrtund. NEW 8400 Cblckertng piano 8150; Deckar (ao; izn organ aiu. , xi)k riral, eornar ntalrs. BILLIARD AND POOL tablaa (or rent tor aie on eaar parment. -THE BBUNSWICK-BALKI COI. LENDER CO. I- 48 Third t., Portland. lot of Meilcan doppef -riiowbd parroTa too late rur t;nriatnia trade: will sell 818 oarrot for 88 till aold. ' Portland Bird Co.. 127 N. 8th. I'boo Hed Sol. t IERSET Cow. L,frrab,ln few dara Broad at , Montavllla. Oregon. ... 218 1011 SALE On poor, weight 800 lb., aoand and gentle; alao one vow 8 rear old. Pnona - Bcott 1153. fabler, Woodlawn. FOR BALE Sewing machine In good condition, cheap for cah. A dure A. UTThoiuaa, 105 Urand ava., N. FOR SALE Fin gaa range, top oven, water heater; 8 Iron bed and manx. other ale rblnga; bona for rent, 8 roomer' modern. ' 600 Eaat Momaon. - IN 2 weeka will be anld oat below coat price - tb whole magnificent collection known . th HOLLAND EXHIBIT AT THE LEWIS - AND CLARK FAIR. W Invite our cnatomr-r v to visit oar etore. 875 Stark at., par. Weat . Park. The last chanc I given to everrbodr .to get boom, of th dlffrreat latereatlng article. - r ' ' . (.. FOR fiA LB Thoroo gh bred Scotch collie mala pupprea; bean ilea. 2A4 Alberta at. u car. PERSONAL.. FECIAL KOTICB T6 WOMEN Don't rtak Knr Uvea br aa operation when ron cored br harmlaa method; letr1eltr properly applied Will ear Ufa whr pra J Hon kill. We peaae th lateet lawjntlea to eontml dlae pecnllar to women. Dr, w j. Nace. j. r Medical Electrician, ur, flea 718 Dekam bldf.- Pha Bad 8881, Offta btnra 8-1 ,-8. TE8, Palmar' Tablet mak yoa 1en perfeetlr thee- enr Mrvonanr and mak yon art renal ric 60c box, 8 boie 82 60; goarantaed. II drocglat, or addraa Brooke Drag Ce 8T --corto Third at.. Portland. Or ron. DETECTIVE A0BNCT ConSdentlal tnveatt. ' gntloae: report mad on anr Individual ba1 nea or propertr: mlaalng relative iocatadi , bad debt collected: charge reasonable; ecr. reapondence aollcltrd. Oregon Dtaetlv Service, office 814-818 Colombia bldg 80 . waablngtoa . Phone Mala 661a. MENI WOMEN1 Rarmond'a pllbi polvlr j cne aervouineaa nd lack f vitatltr: II. 4 , boie $1. Plummer Drug v C., 280 Third. CONFIDENTIAL, wiedlr! advlc to woman W treat disease of women dkclnalvelr, coring with anvarrlng arjcceaa all female aliment from th allrhteat local trrltatton to tb moat complicated tafral troablee: materaltr case t'-fivea special attention, private hospital ae . crnnmonauoa; proraiotti . lanv nnrae m fendaitce: conanltatlnn and advice free. X- Radlnm Mdlcl Inatllnt and Sanltarlnm. Third and Aider ata., antranoa 258 Aider at.. rortuaa. . FREE sample corn, bnntoa and wart en re. , Bd win L. Dean, dept.- E. Tanntoa. MaM. MArfLT vigor restored br Dr. Roberta" Nerva GkmbbM. On month treatment. 82; I monthe, 8.1; sent aecnrelr asal'd br maiu aganta. wooaard. Clarke Co-, roruaa. ur. BOORS'Ts Hervr tbev ara: "Oeeameee. Hea ts me eon." "A Hot Tamale." "Fannr Hill. I weotr Tear Fiker." Forbldde rrnif." 50c rack; Hat free. A. Brhmal. -Tta Flnt at. LOST now era restored br tb graat Dr. Lore ne'e Nerve Tonic Tablets: 2Bc pec boa, 8 boxea for (1 25 Writ or call at EraaeM Pbarmr. 227 ktorrlaan. bet- let aad tC WHT Irv alone when roa caa ear Itf com nan Ion bv lolnlna the . Interstate Intro dicing Sodetr. and maat or cor ree pood wit rvpuTnoie prona - ar taw section, .manr wealthy: the- Novembar regleter. 18 cent. Bolt 84 Roaeell bldf. .: Pboa Padfl 828. LADIES Ton appear 20 rear manger, -.fa. mov all wrlnkl.s. have akla Ilk velvet br nalng Oregon Orap Rkla- Food. . Pnoa MIT. 1ZD7. FRER to oat of town nerrrwM. n.r latest eata logo of fancy work, pillow tope, center piece, shirtwaist and noveltlee. The Needle Craft Shop. 807 Altsky bldg- Portland. Or.. DOLLS" hospital; repairing and di anting . Taas om ana wear par ata. TI RKISH BATHS. 800 OregonUa blg.j tadle aara. gentle asen night. Mala 1838. BINO CTtooNO. Importer af Chine root aiedl- cine: sell miae tea that w certain core for all dieeaeea. 11 Second bet. Tamhlll aaJ Taylor. . .. DR. WORI.ET BENJAMIN, th Foot Snoetellet, ora't Washington at. Hood 804, nor teat BND for fra list of cat price and elobblng me on magaain, J onea sioon store, zvi A Mar at. -, -, U)R. ATWOOD, 16 BomcII bklg.. I08H Foartb t. Female discs ees and enaflonient taken and eared fori open, emtaga. Consul tstlou free. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Fore moat fraternal society of nor lb west; pmterta th living. 812 Mrqnm bldg.. Portland.' Oregon. GET. married: Ideal plan, beat revolt : and toe ior pariicnmr to cn t'aciri Torres poooeas Club, Alms, Oregon. BALM OF FI08 for all female dteei 828 baat Belmont., Phone Kaat 4084, BED-CROSS atand for relief; apaelally traat- in vofoni ana privata aiaa. ior. aa ana A-. -f BALM OP FIQ8 for all female disease. 872 Hartford it, Penlnnilar autloa. i BR ME1U " ' v. P. (Vital-Power) tablet win re tor t yoa th snap, vim and vigor of manhood; If yoa r larking la tb power of- vitality, It Inn resulting from Indiscretions aad eicaean, end for a bog of these tablet nd b coe, vlnctd at their merit. By mall In plain pk. tl. Tb Armstrong Tshlet Co., lac, 801 Tahima blk., Detroit. Mlrhlgaa. SUITS pveaasd white yoa wait. bOc. Ladles' Iklrt prcaacd. 60c. Gilbert, 10. u llitb .. nt to jJo.lJ. Pbon Clay fi. i i , , i. ST. 0E0R0E ORMONDE, seer of Rfypt. tell yoa or marriage, love, nnsineea, sick tie. Bow to Invest money, speculation, baring, wil ing, partner, frlsnda. eoemle; cur all nervona dlaraara, wknesof every kind, aettlea love qusrreU, . rennltee the separated, beaten marrtaas, locate mine, burled treaanre. mlaalng ne. papers; roew routh fill Tltallt. give Dlntl secret power of control, develop, teach. 2W) Wasbtng on at. ' TOI'NO bidr irrve vapor, alcohol and"mdtcatd oataa. ( l arior iff. zori mark. MRS. ANNA LOCKET la now Vwated at 8,10 Taylor at-1 principal of tb American Beauty Parlor. 8 res all acalp diseases: all kind of bath given; electric manage, manicuring and chlropodr: alao Madam Harrow' famous remedlca; athf action guaranteed. Pbon Mln . 224.1. r ' h- MISS ETHEL WARD, cln and hair pellit. also manicuring and chiropody, forinerlr ft KM Tsrlor St., I- now located ( 8.11 Mor. rises st.. room 14. . . . a ANY msn or vrftmsn caa rv atmnf and bappf nr.. asii wne t his jnr arrt tonic; pn- fi a rx. a, wnn run guarantee, Addrrea or call J. A. Clcmeneon. 'druggist, cor. Second and Tamhlll eta , Portland. Or. ATTORNEYS. A. Tl. TANNER, attorney, 8n8 Commercial blk.. Second and Washington at. Pboa Main 842. H. F. Bt'fll.EIOH. "lawyer, 128 Grand vs East Portlaad. . - , EDWARD T. TAOOART, ttnnv and aelor. 418 Chamber f Comaro bldf. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVET. Flftamtb. and Alder, agaol tor Cadllla and Pterc autouobll; Biacblaak ' rentadi mlrd aad itored. - . - ASSAYERS. OARVtlf CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO, aad St no tana Aur Offlc. 1N8 Morrlaoa at. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX METER, ..88 - Aide. Portrait and landscape' artist aad teacher. .ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES B. PFAHLET Public sndltor aad eipert aocoontanL BoofJ T. Chamber of Commerce bldg. , BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. I. BIKKENWALD CO.. S04-808 Everett St. Largest batchers eapply bono en tb eoeav BLANK-BOOK, MAKERS. HOWB. DAVIS Ar KII.RAM 108-111 Second at. Blank book manufacturer! agent ,for Jons improvea Looe-Lr ledger; sse ina m Eurrka leaf, the beat aa the market. ' blacking:'' WERPOOT Blacking, absolutely waterproof, pre- serves the loathe, maksa ahoe wear 80 per cent longer, ror Ml varywnr, iu aa ' 15 eeate. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALL produce kandlsd on commission: try oa; w pay blithest price and nay Immediately. UI'HI V H A NKLIN,,- ' Successor to P. Miller aV.VCo. Pbon Pads 8e. ' 188 Coach at. LENSCH BROS., com mission mrcnanta. Boor. feed, bar aad produce. 262 .to 2oS Front at Pbn Main 2598. ' CVERDINO FARRELL. produce and commie eloa msrcfints. 140 Frost st, Portlaad, Ot. Pbon Mala 178. amn raaaaaassaaraaaaisaaaaaaaaaal CIGARS AND TOBACCO. EKBERO-OCNeTOO. . OtaMbatora of ' l- FINB CIGARS. aTtI81WltagnnJ CHIROPRACTIC POSITIVELY car all forma of rhenma tiers. Dr. Era Hogaa. 2M Hall at. Pbon Mala 804. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. TAMHILL CLEANING a PRESSING CO. Work called for nd Oallverad. Fbon Clay 282. 247 . YamhUI-. i Portland Rteani Cleaning A Dyeing Works: prse tlcsl kattar la maectlon. Ill 4th. Clay TO. CT.OTrl f8 cleaned and pveaard 81 per moatk. TNItme Tailoring Co.. 84T WaablMrtoa at. &. W. TI'RNER. profeasloasl dvr and cleaaar. (808 Jefferaoa at, - Pbone Main 2818. NEW penes le enrtsln clesnlng, BOc to (I pair. 464-Ollsaa. Msln 8408. - CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plant on- the coast, lorlna and Harding at., tele phone Esst 80 Carpet clesned. reflttoL sewed nd laid: both stesm and latest com pressed air process: renovating mattriaan and feathera a apeylalty - ANITA RT carpet cleaning, euctlon and ennv preaaefl air eoninineci: carper cleaned on noor. wnnont removak Mala 0034. Eaat ana. CARPETS cleaned on tb floort we rate a ooat. Pboae nay XHt . rre oemonarrarioB. CAFES. THE OFFICE 2as Washing ton at. Pbon Male rri. iidhi vigneeu. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AITTHOR8 a) WOOD, car nea term, rmlldersi Clrtog and fobbing! ator and office fUtarsa lit, 8bo 208 Colnmbl. Mala o27 WASHBPRNR FLOTD. wagon ballder ad ensral y work. 88 Btk at. Pbon Hand a. F. R. TANDERHOOF, carpenter aad Jobber. 887 Stark at. Pnona Mala 747. WM. FIRHBECK. carpentar;-rrlrlng and Job bing oon. 2B1 Buraslda at. Pboa Main B4IT. COAL AND WOOD. bnlJRlHLgT BROS, hav imvi at. to 428 RTearner at., near lltb: I ow tb larrsst wnodrard In rb city, carry. Ing aU klada of wood aad eoal. Mala 88L WESTERN Feed A reel Co.. on Frrmt. betwaea unsaa ana Hart, dealer ta all kino or konsa- coal aad blackamltk eoala. Pboa Mat 1018. .1 ALBINA FUEL CO Dee lev tn eordw ad greea and dry klabwnnd. R. B. and Ab etna are., s blocka eaat af. ferry. Eaat 874. tTEET, BRIDOB FITFL Ct. Deahjra In nal eurawnoa aaa ary sjsnwnoo. raaa ni a. TRT EA0LR LUMP COAL. M ton 22. ton 87 Msns. 15 N. Rlxtb. Pc1f I 842. OREGON FUEL CO. All klnda ef coal and nraod. 808 Alder sr. Pbon Main 88. . EIRE HOOVER SIS Water ot- wood aad eoal. Pboae Main 4o8. FTI.T0N WOOD CO Phone Paclpc 884 for dry iw sisowotnj. . -V' KING COAL CO.. Importer bbrh grade bouse. steam and emlrhlng coala. Main 142H. a CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE ens-kerr end glaorwar. Prael, negei s l,, ina to oa Fifth, cor. stark st COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anr one ow yoa money t W collect nan arm m all kind. Northwestern Law Collection Co., 122 Grand are., rooma 14 and 15, CltlBena' Bank bldf. Cot this oat. t opoe nasi e2. DETECTIVES. TELL na roar trouble; w never 1eep; v1dac rrecea in civil end criminal caee. b., l. Henlnger. Boa 860. DRESSMAKINO. KRISTER'S LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGE, vn and 400 Allaky bldf.; writ foe booklet. DRES8MAKINO, . flret-elaaa and up to-dafei merge ressontDM. Tk Mala 1622. t-'all 414 Flftb DANCING. W OtX) WAR U"S " ds net ng ochool of th Weatero "i7 er music, Monuay ana inaraoay. BpecUtor melted. Lesson GOe. Dancing 8 to 11. Cor. Mecoad'and Morrlaoa. - DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL: DR.C.R BROWN. D.V.S .D CM Dog, Horse boa. pirai.xnT rinmsin. roonea: Msineoteji; rsc.u. eXeCTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING lompany, 14 Svveutb. t., Portlntl.jU. H fir B'wrjuiinm is .s east miss, .uies. in iiA ... -r1 ... - PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Enetoeere. enatrae- fo-s, repairsr. electric wiring,1 supplies, w First, cor. Stark. Ual 6ra. R. H. Tate. mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air fnraaeaa ears faL I. O. Bafer rurnec Co., 856 Beeond. Mala an. (-French Bakeries. " TUB only place ra Portlaad to get French bread. varrer Marne. )T Biita n. ..vaiiy oauv ry. . pba Greea 608, ' HARDWARE. Port Is d Rsrdwsr C. anllctt etiportnnlty to aot prteaa. 1 11 t.T ot. Alder. Mala MB, ' VS fir's, Q, FURNITURE FACTORIEl OREGON ' Enrol tar Mannfactuiing C-ompaar - Manafietnrer af - furnltur (ur to trade. Portlaad. ). -. , ; FrRNITTIRR msnufsctoMne and soctsl I Rnveaakr' forartm fictocr. 870 Front at- GRINDING.- I. J. CASTERLINR CO., Inventor of th . famoua ateel temperln ig process; tools hrp- anca rsssnnsme. 147 H. Oth at. Pacific 841 Raeor. knlvee. scissors sharpened to par fee 'lc 78. tloa. Earlson A Co.. 40t N. Oth. Paelfl XSROCERl WADHAMB A CO., wholeasie grocer a. masa . lecturer and oomoUaalua uasrehaots. Foartb aad Oak ata. ...... ALLEN LEWIS, enmmleetoa and produce reer. cheats. Front aad Davie ata.. Portlaad. Or. HOTELS. aasaaaBaisJa HOTEL Pendleton. PpdItoo, W.Ar Brewa. mgr. HOTEL Portland. America plan; 88. $8 par day. HOTEL St. Oaarga, Psndlstoai, lesdlng botsL BBLVEDERRi Earopsan plant 4tk aad Aid ata. HAY AND GRAIN. i. o. floor. COOPER CO. Pots lose, feed aad 128 Colon are. Pkoaa Eaat 1517. INSURANCE. ISAA0 L. WHITE, firs loaaraaoe. 800 Dekam LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO. Free Insurance nd reel aetata) office 107-108 Bkarloek bid. Mala 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Alder. Kaat 4UL IAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer liability dividual accident Bursty bond af all klntU, , Pbone 47. 802 McKay bids.. - B. P. B ARTELS COMPANY Fire tiunraaa. 448 Bherlock bldy. Oresron Pboa Clay 828. LOCKSMITH. I. H. RICHARDSON, expert lock aad ktremltlsi general repairing: csstlroa -braalng; all work gnarantaad. 2bT Buroakl at. Pbona Paelfl 1063. j . . BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith aad bicycle repairing W0 Btsrk. uay Ctay 622: eight pnona. Mala 88S8. MUSICAL. LESSONS 60c Piano, gnltar, banjo, mandolin. vionn; instrument ror aal. 341) First, or Main. Mrs. Msrtln. violin. tdng nd wind tnetrameata, Edwin A. Smith. 864 Twalfta. Mala PIANO tuning, 82; perfect work gosrsutesd. U. W. eobi moo atata iwii. f. A. WESCO. vlollonaker and reveteert Brat claaa. 25 Rueeel bldg., 4tk and Mur risen. MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBErTTPO. eiecond-hendeMnoryi awmlllo. etc. 248 Grand ara. UIPPELY A MYER8. machlnlata and elec- trlclar; electric elevator, electrical madijn- cry, and gaaolin engine a pclalty. 224 - Osk at. Pbon Main 120. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALART LOAN8J . 42S-8 Mohawk bldg.. Cor. Morrison and Third. Ladles or Gentlemen, No PnLllrtty. If yon borrow (20 yoa per back 81.86 week. If yoa borrows (25 yoa pay bach (I Art week. If yoa borrow (10 yoa par back (2.00 a week. If roe borrow (35 ro psy beck (2 .16 a week, - If yoa borrow (no roa psy beck (8 00 a week. Psy men ta suspended In eee of alckas. - Btrlctlv Salary Loan. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42A.S Mohawk bldg., or. Morrlaoa sad Third. ' MONHT TO LOAN . ' On Improved city propertr ar far bofldln parpnaa. Anr amoant a from 8 to 16 , re re' time, with privilege to repay all or , pert of loss sfter on rear. Loan sp- K roved from pi pa and money edvancod a . nlldtag rngviaaaa;' aoortgagse tab) ap aad toplaced. , FRRrra. rrttONO. ylnandal Agent. . , 242 Stark Street. , THB STAR LOAN CO. Anr salaried emolor. wsge-eemor. Oaa get oa bla not, wlthont mortgage: Month. H Mont. Week. Sf) on ReTNty to a (l M or (d m ar 8.l (tn oo Repsr to a 8 8 M r tt us or (1 as $15.00 Repay to a i 4 00 or 1108 r $1.00 210 McKay bldf. MONEY to Vila, sslarled people, tes meters, etc , without eecttrltv: racy payment: largest bnalueae In 48 principal rltte Tohaia. 228 Ablngton bldg. Pbon Main 845T. MONEY to lean on real, personal nd entlstorsl aecorlfys speds! sttsntloa to chattel moct- Kge: not bnarht. C. W. Pallet, 804-8 toa bldg.. 84 Sixth t. THE CONTINENTAL CO. - 242 Stark at.. Will Via yon mnner at 6 per cent: 81.SO0 ta 115.000 oa realty or for building purposes. HIGHLY, respects hi pise where - ladiea aad . gent ran borrow money an diamond nd jewelry. Collateral laa Itaak. 268 Wash ington at. Phone Black 71. -- CHATTEL loan In imoanta ranging from 82S to $5,000 rooming -bonae apeclalty. New Br Loaa A frost C.. 208 Ablngtoa.bldf. . WB make alt kind af loan oa good escort tr t loweet rate: Vpeclsl attention 81 sea -to chattel nana. . 102 Morriaon at. . . MONET tn loan- tn mm ef from $8,000 W nnoi term to suit th Dorrower. toV-IO. CommereUl blk. ' MONEY tn bar aa C1rbsj eonety ). F. and F. B. Riley, 60S Chamber af-Coas. LOWFST rates oa furniture and plannek Faat rn lioan Co.. 448 trharlork bldg. Clay 828. TO LOAN Soma to soil on roa tta I aaaai lty. K. a. rraaM. ni Th Maraoam. t MONET TO LOAN 'on all kind od escnrllr! William BolL-foom 8. y Washington bnlldlng. (1.000 (1 000 TO boa br private party oa 402 Commercial bldg. real estate aornntr. WANTED Mortgage tnana: moderate monnta tn or about St. Jobna. W. 8. Ward, lawyer, Allakr bldg. MONUMENTS. MEU KINOSLEY. 26 First st.. PartUsd'I lending marbl and grSnrl work. - OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NOKTHRTP. 415-16-17 Dekam . Mdg., Third snd Wsshlngto st. . Pfcoo - Main 848, Examination free. .- - DBS. OTIS A MA8FL ANIN...40S Macteay bldg. sriay ttb. He. M. , I1D1, - loasallatua rre. TUB very beet lsdr bsteopsth ha towa, jr. I. n. jimaaon, enlte is. Belling Hirer) Bid. ' PLUMBERS. DONNERRERG R A DEM ACHE R. MBltary plambere. 84 Foartb at. Both pboaea. . FOX A CO., aanltary plnmbsra, 21 Secoad, be.). "' " PRINTING."" WELCH DAVIS. Printer JJoera ot cWvs thing with Ink and trp oa paper. Btara bldg.: 8u tk aad Morrlaoa. Mala 414T. ANDERSON A D0NIWAT OOMPAN T,. priatlaa. .lithographing.', bleak books. Pboa Mala IT. 'Bus Alder at. . PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. "at. BEACH A CO. The Ftoneer Paint C. I ,wlndow-ala Bad flsalnf. 18S First a. Pboae 184r.' ERNEST MILLER CO., Second aad Taylor Wall paper, patat. all at market prices I tea .'.delivers. . RASMtmSEN j CO lobbm paint, otl, glaaa. aaab and door. Second end TsrVar, ROOFING. TIN) ROOFTNO. gntteiing,- re pel ring a Jobbing. J. Los II. 212 Jeffsrsoa st. and gsaeral RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. BTAMP WORKS. 848 Aldr at. pbon Mala no; rubber etampa. seals, stencil, Dtgasg, trad check: send for eatanga no. an. STREET.PAVING. WARREN Coaatrocttoa O.. street paving, etd. walk aad aroaewalke. T1S Oreconla aula. THE Barber Asphalt Parlag Co. at Portlaad. IrOfflc M Worcester blk. - SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY,' falling hair, dandruff trseted: ohampoo, ,: Inf. manlcurtaif . chlropmsr. face work, Mr. B. F. Rrae. 188M Foartb. CSV. Morrlaoa, Room 82. Pbon Pselflc 888. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODE'S Furniture House Highest for sseond haad furmltore. 818 Phone Parlfle 488. ae'd ai. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIONS, Irtdow lettering, cloth banners. economical electric fane er .all klnda made quickly Footer Rlelaar. FUtfe and Ererett. Phone Exchange OB. SHOWCASES AND TIXTURES. BHOWCA8EB ef very deerrtnttoa! bask, bar nd tor axtnre msde to erdor. Th Lata Manufacturing Cw Portland. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all makes, rented, aold and repairad. ooaat Afaoey. aai atarr. vas. ii. LA ROB atock . second hand Remington and Smltb-PremleC tvnewrltera, from 840 pp. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 881 Btrk st TREES. SHRUBS, ROSES. Wl bv thsm bv th thonmnda; atreng, baalthy teck. . Onr 1B00 lunstratcd and priced cata logue tells alL PORTLAND BEED CO, Frol and Tamhlll t. - - TELEPHONES, THE only xclnetve telephone (mo- . B.-R. . Electric A Telephone Maaafaataiinf ei - peny, 82 Fifth at. TRANSFER AND HAULINO. BATES, ptaao aad fnrnltare awvaC packed ready for ablppluf and shipped; all work career an teed; large. 8-etory brick, 6rs a sol - warekooa for etoraf. Offlc 188 First at. C. M. Oaarn. Phone Mala 847. .. THB BAOGAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO. cor. Sixth and Oak ata.;, baggage checked from hotel or residence direct- ta destination; paengr therefore avoid raab and aaaey ' aaor'at depot. Prlvat Exebaafa 68. 0. O. PICK. ef8r 88 First St., betwesa Star ind Oak at., phone BOdt planoa and farnltare 'moved aad parked for ehlpplng; eomosodUaa orlca warehon. Fraat aad CUy pta. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth, Pboae Mala 80. Heaxy hailing aad otorag. EAST (.IDE Trsnsfre c.. A. B. Holeomb, pre. izb Kaax water at. raona aaat no. POST SPECIAL DELI VERT No. BOO WaaV inrrcw am rnon wain onx SAFES. WB renab and reballd auromobllee, gaa aegises, printing prssaes. tlm lock, ss fse. oneo sock- out, do all kind of ma chin work. Colombia na Engine. safe Work. 842 kauuud at. rboa factn 078. Frank J. Helper, eopt. TOWEL SUPPLY. - CM An TOWELB DAILY Comb, Break, saea. 81 nr month. La towoi oupply Co., Ninth and Couch. Pbone 410, WELL BORING, JAMES W. GREEN 80 rear- experience weii-etsj-ing oosineaa in una snoot rortlanai beat of reference. 880 Vaaooarat av. Beat 2IW2. WIRE GOODS. EAST PORTLAND FENCB aV WIRB WOB1 88 Eaat Morrtso St. Pbon Eaat 821. FINANCIALS PIOBTLAND TRTJBT COMPAlfT OF OREG027. , The O'dest Trust Oemoaay la Oregoa. RESOURCES OVER $1,250,000. General banking. Exchange oa all part of tb world. Sarlhr account. Tim certlB- err., 8 to 4 per rent: abort -call pctal evrtlfl- car?, rvm or orr, to 4 per cent. Call for book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS. South -eat Corner Third ad Oak Bt. Phone Prlvat Exehanea 72. BENJ. I. COHEN Preet dent H. L. PITTOCK.e,-.., Vice-President B. LER PAGET Sinn tsre I O. GOLTRA.. ....Asslstsnt BecreUry MtBOHAstTS' NATIONAL BANTt. . -yOSTTAMD. ORIOOkT. J. FRANTC WATSON President R L. DCRHAM VIce-PrseMent R W. HOYT Ceehlee GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cs.blsr Tranaacta a OensrsI Bsnkln Bualneaa. Draft and Letter of Credit issned Available to All Part of the. World. ,- . Collection Specialty. f i 11 I ADD A Tn TON. BANZFftS. - L. - (FatablUhad tn 1(88 TranaacA a General Baaklng Busts ss. Collection mdr at all point1! farnrabl Term. Letter of credit Issued available la Bump and all paint In th United State. - Sight Elcbanee and Teleeranhlc Trenafeea fold 00. New York. Wtaklngtoa. Chicago, St. i-onie. Denver. Omsh. San Francisco aad Montana and Brftleh Colnmhl. Exchang- sold on London. Pari. Bartln, Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Mealls, and Honolulu. .. . . riBST BATT0WA7.- BNTC Ov-wiiTfivn ftnrrinir Dtalfaaled Denoaltory aad Financial Agent of r- tb. United Stataa. PrealdeBt..: A. T. VTttJI Caahler j. W. NEWKIRK Aaalatant Caahler..., W. 0. ALVORD Second Aaalatant Cashier B F. BTEVENS-J "tiers or iTedlf Issned Arsllshl la Baron nd lit Etern State. Slgftf Flchshes - snd Tslesranhle resnsrees rid on- New York.. Bcetrm, Chicago, St. Lonla. St Paul. . Omaha. , Bah Franclac aad th principal points la the North weat. Sight and time bill, drawn In sums ro n1t jn London. Part. Berlin. Frankfort .nsMb Main. toughen. Yokohama. Copenbacen. Chrlattanfa. JitocVbnlm,. St, Ptrsburg, Mor oar,. FnrVh. Honotulo. Collection Made ea Ftvvvskls Term. UNITFD BTT8 N8TT0NAL 8 A NX ow poT7.tti 0RVO0N. ' T0RTRWX8T COR. THIRD AJID OAK ST8. Traaaact a Omeral Nanking Bml. Drafts irmlfd. Arallarrta In All Cttrea ef the United State aad Europe Hongkong Aad. MnlUt COLlICTIONi KADX ON FAVOlABtE TERMS. President.,, I. C A INSWOPTH Vlce-Prealdont..... ,...W. B. AVER Vice-President.... .R. LEA BRNt-el Csshler., B. W-fJfHMFrR Assistant Csshler., .A. M. WHUinT Asslstsnt Csshler............. .....W. A. HoLT j-Bl CONTININTAL COWFANT. ' FINAVC7AL AOENTO.. STOCKS. BOMMI AND MORTGAGES. 8U Slark Street, I-bona 8U1A IFTf, TWO HORE HULKS ARE C. F. Sargoant and Harry Morse . Will Circle th Horn to , New York. EACH IS MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS OLD But Unfit for Ordinary 8nrice, ths Veterans Will Carry Lumber Car ' goes o New York and Then Be . Uaed aa Barges. .' . :. .. . New York Is prov(n$r to b a fine market for all of the old craft on tbla coaal 'wrilch have outlived their useful nea.. The latest veaaeln to be sold to firms' in the metropolis are nhft Amert can - ships CP, Bargoant - and Harry Morse, After carrying carroea of lum ber around Cape" Horn to the Atlantic Ooaat they will be converted Into barces lor transporting freight on short rurrk Out of New York. It Is probable that the Bargeant will be supplied with a lumber cargo on thT"ound Instead Of at Portland aa originally waa planned. . The Sargeant and Morse belong to O. E. , Plummer of flan franclac o, but are lying In Portland barbor, where ttiey recently have been given thorough overhaullngs to get them In shape, for -malting the long voyage. For the past five years they had been under charter to the Alaska Cannery association to transport supplies to Nushagak river, Alaska, and bring back canned aalm'on on the return trip. The association has decided that .this is an expensive ex perience and" from now on will operate veaoels or Its own In the salmon trade. It Is possible that boats will be built for the purpose. -- As the Bnrgeant and Mora are more than 10yea!rs old-and are not suitable ror handling grain or ordinary freight, the owner decided to diapooa, of them. The steamer ' Olympian, another fa miliar hulk, waa sold the first of the week. - ' . Ina day or two the Sariteant wHl be moved to the dock of the Oregon Water Power at Railway company, where she will take on rock ballast preparatory to Deing loaded with a cargo of lumber. It Is said to be almost certain that she will then leave for the sound, where the shipment of fir wljl be supplied. The Morse may take oh Iron ba0aat before loading lumber for New York, as the Iron can be disposed of at a good profit on hetr arrive L Had It been available, the Sargeant would also have been pro vided with similar ballast. WANT HIGH BRIDGE teamboat Moa.juy' Ordinary atiad Woaia Kill rtlsa aa1 BaippiBf . Steamboat men say that if the bridge which the Northern Parino Intends to ootid acrosa the Willamette Hm built on the same style ss thooe now In the har bor It wl UHtil Portland as a great ship ping port. Believing that such will be the case they declare that tltey are go ing to put forth their best efforts to get a modern bridge constructed. By this tney mean that they will take, the mat ter up with the war department through tne local united States engineers and Insist that the structure be sufficiently high as to permit vessels to paas tinder It, ir they fall In this plan then they will Insist that a' lift bridge be built It Is contended that the present pro posed bridge will be more or' less of an obstruction to every vessel that' comes and departs from this port. It Is pointed out that this fact will be particularly impressed upon tne minds or all tnartn era during the high-water season. At that time. It la asserted, ships experi ence all sorts of difficulties In getting through the draws. None of the heavi est ehlpplng comes above the present bridges, or It Is said that accidents would be of almost dally occurrence. Borne of the livermen are also In favor of starting an agitation to have the steel, Burrrslde and - Morrison street bridges raised so that ahlps can pass under them. They argue that It will be only a question of a few years when commerce will demand It. T0 NARROW CHANNEL University k- Bbingle Company. Applies to Major Boeeelor to Chang "Lino. Application haa been made by the t'nlveratty V Shingle company to Major 8. -W. Roenaler of the corps of United States engineers for a change In the harbor line of the Willamette river In the vicinity of Wand's Point, opposite the font of Swan Island. 'In order to give the matter full consideration public meeting 'will be held In the major's office at the custom-house on the afternoon of January 16. All per sons Interested hare "been invited to attend. ., The majority of rlvermen are op posed to any further narrowing of the channel, and It la said they will turn out In full force to fight the proposi tion. : Every effort which hae been made heretofore by interested property-owners to have a slice of the waterfront cut off and deeded to them has met with Strong opposition by the steamboat men. whose- wishes Invariably have been re spected, by the war department At regular Intervals each year an attempt Is made to have the channel narrowed In the local harbor. vr- CHANGES IN AIDS otao-IOg-ats Af Chabgod to Color and Other taBjpvements Are Made, Lhte changes In aids to navigation are reported by I C Hellner lighthouse Inspector, as follows: . . Slaughter Wharf Light No. 118 The characteristic of this light was changed December 31 from fixed red te fixed wniiv. i PoatoTfloe Bar Lower Light No. 161 The charactetlstlo of this light was - - 1 l FINANCIAL. - Q ECTHTTT , 8 8 TTW OB A TStTST 001fAaTT, J gee Varrteen St., PbrtloaB. Or. Transacts a 0aral B.nklcr ftuslnss. . 8AVIH08 DEPABTBlIST. Intscest Allnwd 00 Tim and Saving Depaalts. Set Traate for Eatate. Draft aad Latter ef Credit available- ta AH - ' Parte af Ike Warta. 0. f. ADAMS.. ; . Preatitsnt U A. XRWIB... ...rirst Vice-pre.1, lent A. Li. sir l.i a , , ,,,uiuuq T lev-r resineni If. U. IIKUB , er.o. r. RimsRLt... , .Secret err ..rTAsalstaot Becretarg M oaais nsos. It8 ritvt It, rartlond. Or. Offer Gilt F1e InveetmeeSe la VsnMpel 4 Kauruaa aoiiu. writs or calk MOIiTQAOU LOANH Oa Psrtla4 Real Eatate at Lowest Sste. Title ln,'H, -.itn., rniilil4 i . i t i, . n a n i t lvr IU, -t . a ,.vt i . I. jr. SOfc changed December' J7. front fUtvt ro.1 t fixed white. Coos Ha y Entrance North spit J' ' t No. 1. a Ust'k seooud-claas ran, report I adrift December tl, will be replaced a oon as practicable..- Columbia River Oilman ledge bunv No. f. a red flrat-clasa nun. found adrift December IT, was replaced ti ls data. " Wlllapa Bay Kntrarrc Hand Island north end buoy No. 8 and Band laland northeaat and buoy No. 8, each a red first-claae nun, reported adrift Decem ber 14, will be replaced aa soon as practicable.-- ., . ' . - Juan D Fuca Strait Cape Flattery mooring .buoy, a white flrat-claaa nun. found adrift December 10, was replaced the same day. , Point Wilson buoy No. ,' a red first class nun, heretofore reported adrift, was replaced Da camber 11. ANOTHER BOAT RACE . 1 't ' -- ;.-. ;. rltish Captala Balsas Hundred Dollars to Cove Captala Slaachard's Offo. ' .Another boat race will be pulled off In the harbor on New Tear's day If Captain Prltchard, master of the Bi'itlah ship Blythswood, Is stilt willing to de posit $100 that bis crew caa defeat the men on any other vessel In port. Ha Issued a challenge to tbla effect on Christmas day and the captains of the British ships Clan Graham. Mlltonburn and Eakaeonl have accepted It They raised a purs of tlOO yesterday after noon and' placed It m the handa of Cap tain Crowe, who Is bow waiting for Cap tain Prltchard to cover it The craft to be used in the contest are four-oared tank' lifeboats, and the race -is ta be run from the Oceanic doek to the steel bridge, - . , , REWARD FOR BRAVERY Consul Z.bbe Xaa Tore Bollara fo . Manor Who Saved Olrlf Zdf e." Coneul Lab be was handed 11 yester day to gtva to the French aailor who rescued Miss Genevieve, Stlnsman of S7I Delay street from drowning one day last week. When oa the Albina ferry boat t ha girl threw haraelf overboard." A French chip was lying moored In that vicinity and one of the seamen lowered a email boat and went to her assistance. When pulled out of the water sbe was almost unconscious. . The consul Is en deavoring to discover the Identity of the eallor so that be may give him the re ward. Others, who have been made ac quainted with hla prompt action are talking of making tip a mora substan tial purse for blm. ,. . - ;. COSTARICA IN.! Oaptaia Says Waea Ke Croooed Bar ' Three Shlpe Were artaadlag Oft. ' With a full cargo of general mar ch and tsa, the eteamer Coeta Rica ar-. rivod this morning from San Francisco. Captain Kldston, her rlnaater-reporta that when he .crossed -the bar yaaterday three ehlpe were standing off on the outside waiting a favorable -opportunity to enter thetlver. The' pilot schooner waa with KVn. and If the weather mod erate trie y may reach Astoria this aft ernoon. The captain eaya that the sea waa rourrr nil the ' way from San Fran cisco. The Coeta Rica will eall tomor row 'night ,';' , i ' , s, , t-r . .ALONG THE WATERFRONT. v .- . t .. ' "Repairs to the steamer Dalles City bave been completed and beginning to morrow the craft will go out on her regular run to The Dalles. She has been. off the route for two weeka. . The work of loading the British ship. Clan Oraham ' with grain waa started yeeterday afternoon at the Irving dock. It Is the Intention, to give bet- quick die- ' patch and she will probably "be ready for the oaa in leee than a week.. Laden with a full cargo of flour and general freight valuefLat420.000, the oriental liner Arabia left down thla morning bound for Hongkong and way ports. The flour shipment wse com prised of tS.000 barrels, while HO ton" of cotton is among the other Important Items shown by her manifest. There was a big quantity of machinery sent on her to Japan. The British steamship Strathmore will clear thla afternoon for the far east with a flour cargo. Early tomorrow morning the barken tlne John Palmer will arrlva from San Pedro. - She le under charter to carry a cargo of lumber te China, i Before beginning to load ahe will -be placed on the dry dock for cleaning and painting. . J. J. Moore ft Co. have chartered the' Britlah steamship Henley to load lum ber at Portland for Australia. She la en route from the orient to Comox. British Columbia, and , Is expected to reach here the latter part of January. It is thought she will be capable of handling 1.500.000 feet of fir. The cargo will be supplied by the North JPaclfio mill. . District Forecaster , Beala will leave for North Head this evening to make arrangements for having the weather, bureau building, at that point., which waa. damaged by lightning, repaired. Until the damaged Instruments ' have been replaced the ehlpplng news service . from there ' will not be up to ita past efficient standard. . . , - Advices received by - the local agent state that the, steamer -Alliance will ' arrive from Eureka and way porta on Sunday. She Is scheduled to sail on Tuesday. . " .' -t , The work of loading the. barkentlne Northwest with a lumber cargo wis completed yesterday afternoon and ahe will leave down bound for a California port Ipmorrow. " - The French bark David d' Angara shifted this morning from (he saaeVJta Davidge'e dock. ' ":. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Deo. tl. Arrived down at 1:10 ar-m. steamer Bee; ' arrived down at 8 a. m.-aehooner Wm. Bowdent ar rived down at 8:40 a. m. French bark Alice- Marie; left up at 10 a. m. Barken tlne John Palmer, - San rranciaco. Dec II. Balled at 8 g. m. Steamer Tamploo, for Portland. Astoria. Deo. 31. Sailed at I n. m. steamer Senator, for San Franctsca; sailed st 1:88 p. m. steamer F. A. KIl burn. for Baa Franclseot arrived at 4 -and left up at"S p tn. eteamer Coeta Rica, from San Franetsceo.' ; San ' FranclaoorBee. tt Sailed at 4:10 p. sa. steamer Aurella,.for Port-. land. - - c Astoria, Dec. Is. No bar report; cape Una down. HOLD SPECIAL BLISS -v- MEMORIAL SERVICES . r . .... .1 a 1.1 q.. .ti . t A.t,i.K,,i n. Im 19. Todar la th Snnlveraary of thevterrible dlenster of December 1. 17. when the Lake Hhnre railway bridge soar this city collapsed indor ths wsignt or a pe-nar -" nd soorae of lives wr Irsxt. lnr ,k. era never Identified, Sln ilig them the noted evangelist, "rnmpriser and revival singer, P. V. Hll. who. l't ils wlf waa among tne iHir.".."ni kad. With the other enl1nnfi l rt- t l waa hurled In 4'hestmit tlrrjve c icrv. An In, f"rnier yesre n -. Ml. memnrlitl a'rvi. wa I...1 II ' ciaterx tv-'i bit. r