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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
THE OJREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, i- FRIDAY EVENING,! DECEMBER 29 , 1005. 10 IPG) id: a r im V fr If If . BsT U B M If nut via I I 1 r u i7 o bwtl at the aoetnffle at IVwtu-aA. Of. tor traneoortaUoa Ikroas Ik malle .""' 1 Fc uetage tut single ennleel - "J . 1 easti 14 to BS nto M wage ami. to 4 a. I . Hf nffrtVHi Mh-..t n . TT. -........ gnalssas 0fc........u e-na v-taw iummnii lmiUlltiTn'I. SSgY CaUSS. - . -- ' j UBSCmlPTIO RATES. '... K B , 1.1. f aNSS. ..27.B0 Snw if ewsrani. wnai - " " - ' r - . m ifct 1TB ue uaiiy journal, wnn mmi w ; he Dally Joarnal, w'.tk Band. ssontbe. j n D.ILt Journal -A esontn ft Dally Journsl, with ".soday, . the Dally, pec nti, dUred. Boater I eluded ".77................ rba Dally, par week, delivered, SwBday wm JS r The Dally Joan-alt "Maltha. .. ..t..' h Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 seeath,. J The Dally Journal, 1 Btoath --JS Th Sunday Joans!. I Tr .. J JTJ t h. aw.. 1 .1 a atnatha s.00 Tha Semi-Weekly Jeerx-d. the Bsmt-Wsekly Journal. ta 1! Begad each laaaa. Illustrated, toll enarket f Remittance? ehVld be Baa i i-' hotaa, axpnaa atdara aa4 aaall aawaota aia hocaptabia la I u mmt P'ajr '" O. Boa m, forHaad. n'mm-r ,VKXU TKB fOUklTAL HAT U FOWft Tb.Janal eaa ba tumm aa aala at tha foliowtu Wlarfai a bOlsB. iPaiO-H. aaiiar A Oa. W. . Ma- ClS"iJ!3b Paatafflea Haw aoapaayl ITt ar bora atraat. ' ' . DINVBlt. COLOBAPO-O. Black, tixtaaath aa4 Cart la atretta. -KANSAS CITY Taa War Hawa aaay. itlNNEAPOLIS M. 4. EaTaaaoga, tW Saata Third atraat. KW YORK CITT BrMtatM!, tfatna aqaaaa. CM A HA UlUartf RoUl aawa ataaAl kiaaaath ftatiotiary com party, 1S08 raraaa atraat. ALT LAKH. CITY Kcayoa Hntal aawa atatKll Bairtiw Braa.. 41 Waat BaenaA atraat, BaatJi. ST. LOOIR fkllls Roadrr. 61 Looaat atraat) . T. Jt. fn OUt atraat ' . AM rBANCTSOO W. . Ardtn, Palac Hotrl aawa ataitd aait lOOd Markat atraat Oa . aoiltk Bras., SM R attar atraat aaa! Balnt rraaeta hntal; rtartar A Oraar. rarry balKt feic N. Wbaatlay. etoaaala nrwa stand, ot tBATTlJC Ralnlar Grand aawa afatMli W. IV Rhtaka, Botcl Hmttl aawa ataad. BPOKAMB, WASB1MUTON Jobb W. Orskaa A V. rAOnMl. WATOIWOTOJf Oafral Kaw aoaa paa; Ratal Tinai aawa ataad. IOTORIA, BRITISH XLUUBIA TletBral Book A fttatloBary conpaay. . w. WEATHER REPORT. - A aroall Alstarhanra la rrtttral this mornrna erar anrUHTn Arlanna whirs has canard Usbt anow la tha aorUiarn portion of that atata aud la Mta aud tTtah. Tha ' waatbrr la Bira arttkrd la the Paris atatea Bad la CaU fmila tha ralna of yratrrday hsva .braa fol l"w1 by rlaarlnf wratUnr, with heaTj frosts aa far anutb aa Ban Lata Oblapo. ' The stnrta yratrrday orrr Arkansas las In rraaard In roarer aixf rmwd rapidly aarthesat to the lake ivcloo.. eanalnc tnorlrrataly brary rains orrr tha aatlra district aat of tha Mis aiaslppl rtmr. . The Indications are for fair weather Satarda In - eastera tkrraoa, aastera Wsahlnftoa and 14a ho, with prohablr craskmal light rains la wesura Orrcoa and westers Washington, . ... i Tamp. Btstlntis Mas.. Mln.. Prsrjp. Hukar City, OrroK .. ...... M . S T Itoatoa. Maacbuaettr.".... M . M .32 ulrero,' IlllDots. ........... 4 . S , .12 ivjirw. rolorsoVi. . . .... n ' " U 1 .0 Ksnsss i.Mr. sllaaonrl M M ' - . 'Mr Orleans. Loulstsaa.... M .0 Kew York. New York...... M .. M , .A3 Portland, Orxiroo... ........ 43 ' v.,-. SB . "' Kosehars;. Oresva. ......... 43 ' So .) Ht. Iwuls, klkieourl 4A ' - M . .02 Kalt Lake. UUh 80 , ' 1 T Faa Praaclara, t'allfnrnls... M 44 .m hnokane, Wsahlnjrtoa...... M . " .04 Taeoms, W'sshlnsloa 40 S4 .1)1 Nalla Walls, WsahlnfUm.. 44 , ' 113 .02 Uahlntoa. P. C tH; 34 .64 MARRIAGE LICEN&S. W. 1. Montar. 2; Leona Drewaiiller, ft. ' Rohert D. rim 1 1 h. 31; Irnra hi. Hpooner, 3S. Carter V. Eddtncs, 23; Clara pshJ. 18. - Wadd1n Oaroa. W. O. Bmtth Oo Wash Inctaa bldt.. cor. Poarth sad Wkshktctoa sts. Mlaa Bertha Martin, room III Allsky bide. Btsmnlna and fin needlework; Vtaaoaa rtrea. BIRTHS.' BR IOCS December 31, tn Mr. and Mrs. Charles , B. BrlsTra, U East Math atraat, swrtk,' s SOB. . . lARHlrTK Deeenher 11. to Mr. Bad Mrs. Frsnklia A. T brook, a 4 Eaet Ash street, a danrhter. ' r M l FAN Deeeaibar 24. to Mr. and Mrs. Kills MrLeaa, TS Urand arenas, a son. ' CHEMP Deeeoiher 21, to Mr. sad Mrs. Carl Hsraloek kebeaa of Mlllaiaetts heights, a COKr-lfAK D-cemher 24. to MtV and Mrs. Chsoaeey Cot'ossa, 749 Belmont street, . a daashter. -. --- CRMIt HAEt Deeember 25. to Mr. and Mrs. . Thosiaa (Jannlchael of Osatua, . Oresoa, a son.' , t'KHRA Tteeewiner 28. to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Khea. (OA risnders street, a Boa. Ct'"TKI,lXr Deremher 28, to Ms, and Mrs, F. Cnatelle of Portland, a bob. CA BP ENTER Deeenher 23. to Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Carpenter, 1040 East Wasblnftoa street. daactiter. ' ni'GHES Deoml-r to Mr. and Mrs. Rdward O. Hashes, .0 East Coach street, a danshter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. klONS.Il AN December t Percy MoaakSa of porMmoatn, aipntiieris. DEATHS.' JfOfNO la Oils etir. tWvwihcr 2ft. 18n. WaMa O. Yonuc, aged 47 years, I months sad days. ; Pirt'K la this city, December 28. 1906. James Per. . DKMPHKT December SB, Rosa Drwipsey, aged M years. If7t Beeond street;-eanaa, kssrt dtaeaae. Burial at Lmm Fir eemetary., . yiHNril At his reetdeoea, the Colonial. 16B Tenth Street, Jef feraaa A. Wlsner, arad tW years. aanoancement 01 ranersl later. s. UNDERTAKERS. 1. Pi rtoler Boa, fanersl dlreetars and Omralmera, corner Third and Msdlsoa streets. Offles of aoanty rornBar. Talepaoa Mala t. - Dana! MeBntea A' Ollbaart. aadartaksrs ra: aiooern la eearr detail. s.k " and em be and Plaw. Mala 43. - Lady asslstsat. ' Tha Cdward Rottsaa rndertaklng eom reBsrsi airerTTws aaa asananaars, at. Phaaa aOT. v A B Heeastack, BBdertaker sod ambahnee. Ttmt .Tnlrtaaatk , sad uaiatllla sra. Psoas r-aai assi.- . . .. DODLET. THB FtARIBT. 124 FIFTH BTRBarr. . MTHTaF CTlBHH, -t Btngla sts res (to. Faailly Into BTO ta fLAnfj The raily cemetery fa Partlaod which aer- petuelly aialatalna aad cares for Iota, yor fall InfonnatVsi apply to W. R. Markenale. War reefer aiora. city. w. aa. moo. Brest asst. FUNERAL NOTICES. r&'K per.aaher as, - Jsaeea . rVrk, eyed t . learn. Bora la Bnslend. Faaeral win ha held twrrnrer SO at 2 50 a. -m- frora. iKirmtnc's areteriesing psrtors, ror. nasi Aioer and .e.t Bltth sts. Frleada larttad. Vurtal pr. rate. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Itto-M Becker Jr. tn A. B. Bills, 2o I W Sect In northeast na aer lot P. M. I'attis Irart -4 B.2M lleonan J. Blaeeleg and wire t Ilenry II. Il-erd'. peeorl land seellqa . lit, ' kvaasAlsi a MiA. BaM aesa flie Dsfty Jeeraal. wltk Sunday. 1 -!! The Dally Journal. I (......"" JS! Ths Dally Joarnal. with Sunday. sxoatke. 8.7a Jh Dally Joans'. eaoBtha S.l She Dallr JournsL wltk Sunday. aMartka. l.SO r -ear Baam. SHORT TALKS ON ItlFE INSURANCE . NVMBBR THRIS. Fnreura Baslneaa he .Atneeieen Cninnaales Tb Northweatora Mutual Ufa of Milwaukee.' MKonain, Ouea so baaluess la Coreua eouatrlea, aor doea It accent baalneea frara a'lorlila. Mle- alaalppl.'- Alabama, Louisiana t nor other por tions or,, our own country where climatic and ether condition sra such ss to eaoee a hlsh death rata. Know lag that at ere alas dees nut glee sireagu, . it aim ass Been ansotuta sal it rstber then great slae, and larga returns to Kllry-boWcra rather then Isrjra rolume af Ineas. Yet not wl the lauding lis eouserTatlTS atsuageaaent, sheer merit has attracted to It such s rolume of business thst It Is the largest purely Americas company and ths fourth oooipsny la alas la to world. . Of tb forelga business of the three lanrer aompaaias ta "BpertaKa-" of ."s rw xorB aays. Btidrr date .of December 21. lUiiB: "Ths three srest life tnaurajice eosaDsnles af Kew York Bars axpeaded a great amount sf energy snd large sums la cold casta la bulldlug Bx buslaess for -thmelTe la-Iuralga oountrlra. They bar baea hsadlcsnoed to s sonsldersbl exUnt by ostlrs prejndlos In faror of natlre coannaniea, and by tha hostility af three eumpsalea. While the , Americas com Denies hare, after rears of hard work. secured at goodly Tolnme of busliisss It has cost tbera csnalderalily mors than a similar smoant of bonis business would hara coat, and It la aa opea qneatloD whether tb game has ben worth the candle. . "On aeTtoua. objection to conducting ths forelaa buslneas Is found to b la tb vast sums the companies are obliged to mslntsla la forelga countries, ' Ttrtually ss a guarantee f their good fslth. Tb Investment of these ssset apua a favorable baals abroad Is a dlfftralt matter, their earning power la ths bom market being considerably greater. - The eomnanle bars ourrhased large ' aud costly buildings ta many proulnest cities, wblek they accupr la . part themasless, renting tha re mainder at such prices ss they eaa get. Such buildings . serre as sdrertlsementa, but , their earning power Is a mail compsrsd with their cost. Their scqulsiUon by tb eompaalea wss doe largely to th spirit of rlrslry that hss characterised the eonioetmoa oetweea tnem both st boms and abroad, but they hara proven to be 'some thing of wbtta alepbaBt aa tbslr Bands." .. r Tb Northwesternv Mntasl life, as a dots etated. acceota no foreurn buafness.' snd more- erer laraau Its funds la this , coantry ouly. J B. T. LOCKWOOD A BOK, General Agents. Concord Building, Portlaad. Oregon. wans; We hare ample fundi to loan In any amqunt on improved business and residence property in fort land ana Vicinity at lowest rates. - - Titles Insured - A Abstracts Furnished lie Mcf'Ciiaiaiitcc r ft Tnist Coinpainy 240.J7ashIn?ton St.. Cbr. 2d PORTLAND, OREGON. Normwdterh OF ratWADKffi. wis. THIS OOMPA!tTtIS ETsTRTWBERI, BRING QUOTED A8 THR HIGHEST EXAalPLR OF WHAT A. Ut'l. IKSIRANCR COMPAMI BHOCLO BR. . v ftnB P0UCYH0LPERS ARE - lATIBFIEP. - S.' T.Lockwood & .S01I' . - ; . ' drpWEBAL A01MT8. " Concord Building, - . Port land. Oregoa. ioyerNew;Town UP COLUilBIA Oa 'North Bank" railroad, now at bead of Navigatloa, whara the ana shines Suw days la year aaa . 1 .Inlgatton-IS:- Best lBTsstmcnt oa market today la tows lots , , aad Irrigated tracts. "THB CALIFORNIA OF THR NORTHWEST." Portlaad Bra ark OfSca. 122H 'Sixth at. SPOT CASH -FOR FIJRMTII In 4ny Quantity Wa !)' sell Aa eommlsalon. Oagran- te beat rwaulta. . PORTLAND AUCr TION ROOM til FlratgtrawttV A. Bchubach. proprietor. PhobaHaln Mil. HIGHEST ;CASfl : PRICE ' RAID , FOB SECOND-HAND ' " AHB'. FURHITlLJIiE' Losiles Furriltoe Co. pbons cuy as. . Box 60, Ths JseraaL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. A. Bsamsa to P. 1. Miller, lots 11. nd 12, block SS. A. L. Miners sddJ. Uoa ..1.. , , A Ai Baomaa to P. J. Miller, asm Bmoertr . . 82S 1 e- 1.B23 a. Mary C-iOoaa, lot ntar sddlthia ire ta T7C. Thorn neon. 1 Id, Mock S, tent! A. B. Kills snd wife to M7E. Thompson. ndlrtded H m40 feet In aorthaast Corner lot D. M. Pattnn Trar4 ' hWV' ". Hawthorne ealat to Mary A. Morgan, lot 10,' block 2. Hawthorn' Klrat ad- 2.5O0 ditloa , BOO Oerman Baeles A omn asrtel to J. Ak Uty, klec Is, Jlagt a-oxUaM.. VyUM. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Security Baring Ai TruafcoOpany, true tee, to Julia E. Wblimar, west U lot 3. east H lot S. buck 10, Joha Irr- ' lna'a first adftlttan .... BOO J. C. Wauda sod wlfs ta,Joba B. Tanner. ota 1 ana x. Duel sua, uolladay s sdtlltloB .77. t 1.3B0 Security Barings snd Trnst company 'tis naruaej jreuaeisiia, east go feet lots 2 snd S. snd wet 30 feet lots 1, 4. oen-m jeu, tuoco saaitioa Cliarlea Ereceaoa and wife to Addis Har rison, lot 111, block 20, Alblna Emaia Damm to Joseph Dsmm. kt 4, block 1A Portlaad Hosnestrsd A. Neppsek sad wlfs to Ksts aV ' Bnsaey, lot 0. block I, Pnltoa Park.. RlTorrtrw Cemetery assorlstlon to o.rt- 1,000 1,000 8,000 riid. J- lenuy, lota 2IW. 220; aectloB lfis'' cemetery j Louise T. Klwel snd kaahsnd to W, J. . Ilillertoa. trnatea, lot . 8, block d, Bchmeer's addition , Josi-pb Um sud wife to Peter OlbonU west It lot 4, block IS, Portland Horn. stesd ..... Portland Leas Fir -Cemetery oompsny t - Fred Aradt, aortk S lot -TO. block SS, ' cemetery t ' 250 128 10 P. ti. Busby and wife to We 8tlcbBr-. i a, dmcb a, BeTerSnos addition Charles E. Kill to I). A. Morris at sL, lots S snd,", block S. Alblna Willi Beck1 et si. to Harry Berk, lota S aad 4. block S, Alblna Cltlssns.'. bank to William Mills, lot 9, Lamsrgent Psrk .J...., Laste A, Chase to Henry B. Chsss. andl- rlttod M soatk lot 3, block 177, elty R. V. Short to Ersngelln S. Shaw, lot 1, block 2, Hart's addition . N. M. McDsnlel snd wife to W. f. Psrls, ondlrlded H , block 2; lots S to. 11. block T; Mock . block S. blocka d.aiwt g Tallin adHirinM . ... l.BM 30 400 t. W. Petsrsoa to Louie Laugos. lot IS, block SO, Centrar Alblns Harry w. Hngns snd wlfs to Jobs Ross, 450 bomb ss feet lot B, block 7. Williams Arena addition TOO Harry W. Hogss and wife to William n. jauaeer et ak, tut I, ofora i, ejsi amim . W. J. rlinltk snd wife to J. W. MrKsnsle, l.ioe 1-31 beginning section tin oa cast side section 20, township 1 souUl, range 2 eaat ...T... Robert Gray and wlfs to J. W.. Jiew- kirk, parcel land beginning east lias block 48. A. L Mlnsr's addition. Portland ias company to J. W. Newktrk. parcel laud Beginning eaet lis burg 48. A. U Miner's sddltloa Bannysld Land A Improrement cora- any to C. U hunger, lot 17, block 0. Buaorstd Beeond addltloa... 428 Frank R. Cook snd wife to H. R. Reld, lots 1 and 2, block 134, Wast Jrrlng. toa 1.BO0 James C. Miller snd wlfs to Abraham Hmlth, lot 87, Block 17,' Mount, Tabor Villa W. esele Prlhhla sod bosbsnd to Mary Tooroey. lot 10, block 1; west H tot L. M. Psttoa's Tract SO a H. Mrussdorffer ' to Caroline A.' Menssdorrrer et si., lot-a-and nor is h lot T. Mock VI. Holladar sddltloa.... BOO 0. H. MenRSdorffcr to Caroline A. Meuesoorrrsr ot St., parcel isno ne glnolng f oa esst line Eaat Hecood. 400 feet eolith snd 60 feet esst ot northeast corner block 13. Wheeler's sddltlon 1.6O0 Oat roar Insurance and abstracts to real es tate from tb Title Oearantee A True aompaay. 240 Washington street, corner Second, NOTICE. NOTICE. Annas! meeting of tha Hirer View uentetery Aasoeistion. tbs snnnsl meeting of the members of the Rlrer View Cemetery association will be held st ths bsnk or Lsdd A Ttlton oa Monday, ths eighth day of Jans ary. 1906, at S SO.p. m. A general st tendsnc Is desired. All awaeis of family r lots In the cemetery sr member of tb assodstloB and entitled to psrtlrlpst. - . W. R. MACKENZIE, Clerk. WILLIAM M. LAPP. Prasldsot. . . NOTICR TO PIPB MANUFACTURERS Bids will ba reeelred by tn anderslgned st tn off les of tbs Port ot Portland.- Is th. City Hall, nntU 12 m. Tocsdsy, January 2, IBOo, . snd then opened, for furnishing th Port of Port land with 1.000 feet of 20-mcb pontoon pip, f. . b. Portlaad, Oregoa. Plans aad aperlflcstlons eaa ba eeen st tb otlc ot ttw eommlsalon. sad tha right ta rei irred to reject any aad all bkls. -.1 ... PAN J. MAHER, ,r ' - Clerk Of tb Board. MEETING NOTICES. NOTICB OP ANNUAL- MRBT1NO OF STOCK- nifUaicrUT, tns irregoa evaier rower at sail wsy company Notice Is be retry given thst tbs regnlsr snnusl meeting of tb stockholders of tha Oregon Water Power A Railway aonw pany, a corporation, will be held st ' th of firs of - tb company, - corner First and Alder streets, la ths city of Portland. Mult aomsh coanty, Oregon,, at tha hoar of 10 o'clock a. m. of Tuesday, tha th day af January, 1006. Tha ssld sieettog will be held for tb purpose of .lect1ng directors for ths nsnlng year sad for tb transsctloa of sock other business ss msy ba legally brought before It. This aotlce la glees pursuant to ths requirement at tha by-laws ot tha com pany. -. W. T. MUIR. Secretary Th Oregoa Water Power A Rail way Company. 1VANHOR LOtXJB Na. I. K. of P, Members nlesa take notice: Yosr ar reanect fully reiiueeted to meet hi oar haH. eighth floor Maransnv bulldlug, oa Monday, January! at 2 o'clock p. m .. from wbenc war will proceed to Klersnth aad Alder sts. for tha purpose of laying tha cornerstone for oar new -yinisn lempie. visiting Knights and mem bers of other ludgea la tha city are eordtally Inrlted to meet with us snd partake la th ceremonies. L. B. CROIICH, C. C. FRED P. HOLM. K. of R. snd 8. ' AN'TF.NT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN klemhers of Portlsnd lorlgs No. 27 sr te queeted to sttead lodge Frldsy night, Decern- ' her 2. ss the exteasloa committee will visit our- lodge. Also tba matter of Barring to a wr. nimm LJW Ul.kl rt 0, emivuig IO S II will coma ap tefor yon. Eeery boold be present at this masting. r. C. T.-SPOONRR. new nan win member -Fr order, ' Attest: Mauler Work msn. , . -T. H. FEARBT, Recorder. NOTICE To the stockholders of tha Orleans Uold Mining A Milling Col Yon sra hereby notified that th snnnsl meeting of sal. I stockholders: will ba bold at tbslr offca, 221 Falling bldg., Portland, Oregon, st tha hoar of 1 o'clock p. m., Jsnnsry 8, lnOrl. OKOROB L. COLWELL, President L. V. SWhrUBTT, Secretary. , y. MULTNOMAH CAMP. No. T7, W.. O. W., meeta tonight In ball, Esst Klitb, Bear Esst Alder. All Tlalllng neighbors cordially welcomed. . . J'-- W. W. LPMSPEN, 0. 0. J. M. WOODW0RTH, C. LOT AN1VF0UND. LOwr Wednesday or Thursday, gold locket snd Heeded chain: Initials "L. L. K." snd "0, O. D." on locket: Talued ss a keepsska. Be turn to 188 Thirteenth St. Reward. IX) HT Near Bslrer theatre, watch fob, black nlihon gnld -Tha In Initial J.. H. Fmder rewarded na returning to People's Markat, First and Tsymr. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN and boys wsnted to leara PUPMBiyO TRADE; psys IS dsy after completing courss af practical Instruction st home or In our schools; graduates admitted to nnloa and Master Plumbers' assorlstlon: positions se- ' cured. Coyne Bros. Cn. Plumbing Schools, New York, .Chicago. Illinois, aad Cincinnati, vPhlo. Fraa estslogn. .. WANTED Clerks aad window -dri eeers to study showesrd writing at Y. M. C. A. Bight Bchnol: personal Instruction. . Apply for psr- . tlcnlars. j PORTLAND Bsrber Collegs Tnltloa rsssoaahl aa any school oa coast. 267 Flsadera st. WANTED flood. reliable msn to bsndla cof fee and tea roate; must have capital enough to nwa bis own' horae sad wagon. STANDARD COFFEE A SPICE t MILLS. jij neconn at. Is-Soinc la toad or stocks lied aa tightly that a tiart . it aeema a Tall ah let Did psa srsr seek, lee -rf-arv kelp af aama Utthj bqalneas want ads ta IHE7ttoo SOS Allaky bldg - , JOt'RNAL la ' "Untyliiit Tled-Up Moiidy' HELP WANTED MALE. BAIJCSMAN now oa th road to Ball oar cof fee and tea to hotels and- - restaurants. Standard Ooffc A Spies Mills, SOS Second sC WANTED Man to do chorea for beard aad room. ' 401 Lnloa are., aouth. WANTED Aa . energetic. atpsrlenosd. good Bsleemsa Sfter Jsnuary 1 for a anos depart' meat. . gents' furnlsfalngs nnd' clothtng.j .Aa ' Vancouver, Wsablngton; most he able to drees show windows snd make- cards, ksep sbos stocs sna msnsg. tns aepurtinent tr nsce. ssry; uuet have good references; salary snl oommlasloa; ststs referencsa and length of iperlence and salary expected. Call r ad- dress J. II. Jaggy. ' BIS Mala St., sncooTar, wssnmgtoa. ' WANTKD A good, Mr. nergetl boy to leers eptlrsl business, lensegrindlng, etc.; wages to Btsrc 311 Mselsay bldg. TWO Btenoarsohsrs. bookkeeper. blllclerk. serarsl laborers. Business Mea Clearing. Hons, u Bacon a. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; young mea ores in to prepare tor positions wtta stsmng salary of Shoo per snnum; splendid position for mea of good phrelque. K. 0. llrynen. xio ouiumoia otug., aoo rssningiqn.-st. WANTED Young man, sing Is. sga 21 to an. to travel in th nortnweet ana solicit; gi phone number. Addrees 6. cere JournsL HELP WANTEDFEMALE. WOMAN, over 20, energetic, reliable, to take charge of a V 1st! of Acs. Call, or addrsss Room 23, Lswls bldg. HANSEN'S LA DI lt8' AOENCT. S48H Wssblng too st.. orr., aerenta, upstairs, rnon ktaia 20SX remals bslp wsnted. W A NTKD Girl for general house work, washing e snd Ironing; no cooking. Phone Esst 46WU, TWO ladles, can bars tbslr rant for taking cere of 4 rooms la cottage, furnished. u 18, ear Journal. . WANTED A fsw reSned. energetic Isdles raa. njid a tee ay ana prontani emptoysBsac ay cslllng st room 81B Allsky bldg. WANTKD Mlddle-sged woman for light hoose- wors : ao wasning; gooa noma, raoao jumi 8670. ... ... WANTED Immediately, - neet " reepectable womaa aadcr 40 as hoosekewper widower a family oa farm. . BBOyfc . YauhllL I'hons Msla B41S.4-. GIRL for bounce; oik part day; sleep at home; wages fix. aoi nearney at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED At once, a bright, soergetle, pre- sentsbls maa or woman, a good talker, to take up sa at tract Its propositkia. Inquire 7S3 Chamber of Com tsar cs, 0 a. m. TAl'PRVILLR iketrhes aad . stags dsaCtng tsught; engagement secure. Bert Goff, S10 Allsky bldg. Ona wssk'a trial lesson free. HELP wanted and supplied, mala oa fern!, t R. ii iw... ..1 . u .n-.q v.. utuv, ewe n iwiiuiiub m. man iwe SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WELL-EDUCATED yonng man dealree position st anytbing. Address 490 xaainiu St., rort Isnd, Or. YOCNO msn. stranger, flrst-elaaa references. not afraid of work, can do anything, waste position oa salary. Addrsss E 2, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE BY Y0UNO LADY, position, aa companion; willing to assist with boo sewer k. Address E 11. car Journal.. . ... SITUATION wanted ss beosekeener la widower's horns. Aoarsss u a, cars journal. WANTED-i-Clnthlng to mend: ana neatly aad . to seder.' Hire Campbell. Mala Mt). EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. NATIONAL Employment aad Lsbof " Agency, aix s-ina sr. t-Bon msib, jou. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFlfiB. FOB MEN. 1 N. fescood at. Psoas Msla 1B26. JAPANE8CHlNE!B EMPLOYMENT OPTICR. Henry Tahsrs, 267 Brsrett -r. Faea Pa elBc S40. BIO FOUR EM P. AGENCY Help supplied tree. IS North baooBd at. Fboa Mala 1010. 1. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co.. B North Second, rurnMne all kinds em ployment for mea aad womea. Msla S08S. THE Portlsnd Employment Co., SOBVs Morrlsoa at. I 'boo rsclnc X9. WANTED AGENTS. AGE NTH to sell tha best la sick aad accident IneorsBca. Pacific -Aid Assoclattoa. auo lia- kum bldg. .....'. WANTED Agents: something aw; good aallar, big wagee. xo McKay bldg. WANTED 18 agents te sell wire cry stork; An to 40 per rent commission; good ter ritory. Call 212 Esst ., Forty-eighth St., Mount Tabor. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAOES, FLATS, ROOM I NO HOUSE!-). BTOHES, ETU, "Our rents 1 depsrtment bsa beca enlarged and provided with sddltloosl stsff. Wa tnelt listing from LANDLORTh and offer personsl attention to aad contlnuoue superrlsloB over all property Intrusted to our care.- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF 0REOON. 8. E. Cor. 84 and Oak SU. I'hons i. JX WANTED To rent a- 4 or B-roora bonaa with barn, sbont 1 or x scree, close,. to car line. Address K 7. Journal. - , WANTED REAL' ESTATE. HAVB bnysrs waiting for elty reel eatate; what hare ron la home. Income pronarty or recast " lots! R T, cars of Journsl. IF row hars a first-class farm for sals, aea a. W always baea ha vera for thst kind of property. Oregg Pros., 817 Alt . Fen ton "bldg. Phofa Main 6803. WANTED Oood residence lot oa west aid! most be reeaonahle. ' 403 Commercial bldg. WILL buy at one, one are or less near csr liuej good wster and buU for gardening. , B S, Journsl. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE wsnt to bay tnerchandlsa of sny asm of Batnre.' Will Diiy th complete etock or sny - part for cash. W want clothing, abnes. fnr alahlng. dresa eooda, cloaks, suits, millinery Bod groceries; city or country. - Anroposl firms will ha bald strictly confidential. Ad--' drees Spot Cash, Journal. WANTED A horse, one suitable for dellTsrlng pspera; price must b reasonable ; will pay . rash or trad blcycV. Addras P 14. Tba Journal. J - . . ... i PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing trees, , bssementa,-barne, docks, etc. j largest gasoline ' spraying outfit on the coast. M. fl. Morgan A Co., 223 Union ar. Phona Eaat 2017. F. J. RYDER, prlntsr. Second aad Wsshlagtoa sts. Phona Mala BIM. , HIOHEST cseb rs-le paid for bottle snd -funk . af arery deecrlptloa. Portland BofM Snpily Co.. sn North -eighteenth. Phone Msla 22--W. WT. WILL BUT. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SAT.VAUR CO., S27' 62B WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TOJ. HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for furniture la - any quantity; also take a arse on commission and guarantee best reeulta. The1 Portland Auction Rooms. A. Sehabecb, prop., 311 First - at.- Pbons Msla BOW. WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A CO t PONES doe apraylng. pruning, wbltswaahlng. F0N.EB will gtTS agar M .m-gying. WANTED 3 to 4ft acres, on csrllne, wlthla Oe limit: 'eaen; mnat na cneap; owners vaiy, I WE wsnt coffs nrns; else hare. s buyer for a ceea regiaier. riannarq tvtira as B4U9B ssUJSv M M st, g-ortUsd, 0r WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Oood fresh cow. Address B3B Wor cester aiag. xeiepaona Esst 1H2S. WANTED Two Nstloaal cash reglstsrs. total adders. Addreaa unina A) Co., S. E. e First and Alder. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE HAMANN. ISO N. lMtk.. car. H 07 1 Newly fnrnlahed rooue, $1.50 up; conrenlent location, IS Bilnutes' wslk to, fslr grounds. Morrison csr at -union depot direct to bouee. Phooe S470. CHEAPEST snd best locstad rooms ht Portland, 81 week and Bp. Oilman. First and Alder sts. BBAUTIFrL front salts and two other desirable ' furnish ed rooms la modera home of private family; phone, bath, furnace hsst, walking dlstsoca. 680 Fourth at. Phona Paclfle 814. FURNISHED rooms, single or aa suits, tS pel month and up. Hotel Fslrniount, Twenty' ,sUlh .snd fpshnr ssd Vsagba sta. , THB GRAND Nswly fnrnlahed rooana by ths wees or bmbib. Tk uraaa a vs. . NICELY furnished rooms at modersts pricea for rent In largo private .house, eloae In. Call at let isuta at-, sear Alder. HOTEL MONARCH, SOS Stark at., Mrs. Ackley, THB GRAND, 4B4 North Third St. for gentlemen gi.nv psr wees and ap, THB RICHELIKir, 8!H4 NORTH SIXTH ST. . r-I.KUAIV1' SI BKIHtiKs BOOMS; STEAM MKAT AflO JUAltln. THE HCR, OS Eleventh at., cor. Stark Nswly lursianea, steam nest, gsa light aaa. barns; one block from earllna; rate reasonable. CIJFTON, First and Coinmbla Single rooms SI psr week and up; transients 20c, 2oe, BOc per usyt ao collar en. , TWO nicely furnished rooma for rent; furnace Brat, nsa 01 phone and bath; rent reasonable. 128 18th St., between Washington and Alder. FIRST-CLASS rooma, Tory cosy, farnscs beat, free phono and beta, rsasosabl nrlca. . 4oX Morrlsoa. , ' ... . 0. , NICELY1- furo Is hd room with private family. atrlctly modsrn flat, srery eoarenlcnce, 8 . blocks from Journsh SOS Morrlsoa St. PhoM Pacific 1237. , NEWLY farntsbsd rooma, reeeonahle. 107 North Flf tenth st bat, llanders aad Gllsaa. S40 HARRISON Ona terra room with heat. iigni, osin; wasy wsisina; aiaiance; gooa artghborbood: $12; sultabls for two; gentW- msa prerarrea. t 8LERPINO or office Mom for rant,' 4S4 First St., room ia. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FOR RENT Famished bouaekeeplng-room best brlca block oa east aid; gas bath, etc I bo 'traaslenta; prloas ntoderate. . Logsa blk 108H Usloa sts Alder. Pboaa' East 4624. ' "' THB MITCH KIX. Flaader sndBerentk Boonss, honsekeeplns aad traaalant; sooTsnlsnt; prices reasonable. THE GLADSTONaVeAlSH Ssetor at,, farnlsbsd rooms; and asw aunagsmeot; pness raa aoasbla. . l.TB PER WEEK Larga ereen turalabed Soneekeeplng-rooma; laundry aad aatA. w Bhermsn, South Portias A . HOUSEKEEPING- rooma,- In 1. S r S noma. at lowest rates; electric lights aod pBoae in cluded. S01H wator st. PARLORS, kltchea connecting, bstk. light; ery swell family. 42B Sd.- $8.50 PER Doata 4-raom fnrnlahed cottage. larga yara ana irait treea. inqnira incs sou's tore. 44th sad 'Belmont: taka Bonny. t aid and Mount Tabor ear. HOUSEKEEPING With board. prlTsta family. 271 H Third at. HOUSEKBEPINO-ROOMS. rsaaoaabls. 234H Morrlsoa St. THR' COMMERCIAIr- HOTEL. 488 Wsshlngtoo St. Jilrely furnished rooms, single or aa suit; stsam heat, electric light, fre baths, not snd cold wator; prlTlleie of light boos keeping. STAR ROOMING HOUSE. BSOU Larrahee Fnrnlahed rooms, f 1 ap per week; nooeefteen Ing suites, $2 aad ap per weak. . THREE-furnished housekeeping roam St 636 lu Tenth at. SO per month-- aaa ot paea. TWO partly tarnished rooms suitable for light arsisekeeping, mooern. rnon rscirio xis. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOMS with board fa reeeonahle; Srst-clsss Slxtk at. v at town sts. cooking. .281 308 SALMON, bet. Front and First Board Bad room 84 to S3 week; moaera ones Dklg. -V- ROOM wltk breakfast ar boerd; IB mlaatee walk to 1st sid -Waahlogtoa sts. 4S Eaat Stk at, North. THE MANITOU. 361 Thirteenth St. Etogaatlr rurnlsbed rooms, aingis or aa suite; excel lent bom cooking; steam beet, abundant hot water; term aery modsrata. Pboaa Mala 120S. LtNDELL HOTEIac Fourth and Market New brick, elegsatly furnished, modera tlirotifhoat; rates reseooabie. FRONT room with board. anlUbla for 2 popk $25 each. 188 Thlrfeenth at. FOR RENT HOUSES. C0TTA0B8, HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUSES - FOR REN V ' " . PARTIAL I.rRT. ' Stotw 15x40, North 14th...... ..$10 00 .8-roota flat, new, weet aids.,.. 48.00 8-room bouse. Esst lfh S0.OO 7 - room bouse. Esst 15th..... 33.00 B-room new flat 1M.00 6-room Sat, wsst aid.. 27.50 8- room Sat ..........r. 17.50 B-room houss. 23d and Irrlng..... 85 00 8-room Sat 88.00 11-room rooming-house m... 20.00 Bakery snd llslng-rooms 25.00 6-room house near steel bridge.......... 22.00 - 6-room house, pew, modera 2.0n 8-room bonae 27.50 ; 4 -room bungalow - -. 12.00 -7-room bona, newrTrylhgtoBrr.......;. 80.00 8-room bonae. East Morrlsoa..' 25.00 PORTLAND TRUST CO. ,OF OREGON. S. B.. cor. Third and Oak atav . , Pbons Prlrsta Excbsngs 73. Housss For Rent. : Rent Collected. BDWARIr U BTNSON. Room I Hernlltoo bldg. . . Phona Black- BIBS. NEW modem 6-room bouse, 800 Eaat Darts at) rent reseoneble. Cell SMS Esst DstIs st. - BOCSB, xttT North Twentieth. T . lain bath, fnrnaca, eement be semes t. Gllsaa, 420 Cbambtr ef Commerrs. . KADDRRLY TRANSFER CO., -prompt and ra il able nlsaa and fomltor morers; slso stnc sgs. Pbon Msla 1685. OfSc. 110 N.-Tkard, MODERN B-room cottage, norcel elaln bstk aad bssrmeat, Hollsdsy' addition, near steel bridge. Inrralra room Sol, th peknns. Tsla pboaa between S aad 6, Psdfle 48a. 40 EAST ANKENT. bet. Serenteeetb and Elghteeotb Modern 8-room boose, blinds, gas ' fixtures, flna lawo, rose. I. Vaadaya, J7 W sablngton. . " r THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY 243 Btsrb st, ' Will rent yonr bouse Wni Snd a bouse for yoa. See aa or Phone Mala IOTA. 7-ROOM eattaga, No. 2BB Broadway. Phona East 17.- - SUBURBAN home oa car line: fln for chickens, rlnsyard, berries, traits. Phona Wast 2KS1. FOB RENT Honee, T rooms; hath, shartee, gas, lawn; $18. 8M Grand sts., N- Pbon Esst 1760. . --...- FOR RENT Qnsrter block. 7 mom - mWlem . hone Esst Twenty flret and Brooklyn. Rent ' $15. Pbon Scott 1522. ULl TRADK, Ott TRANSACTION. OFTEN "PAVES THR WAYiTO LtPE-LVNU BLS1NLSS BAV FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR BENT Almost now B-room boassl mod ern; reaeooeble to good ateady tenant, la qulra Bud BacrsBMUto at., 10-ROOM hor-ss, 40S Moatgomery ;' Aroom f tat, 4U Mill; references. Apply So7 Blxtssath. NICELY furnaahsd room bona, furnace best, rent rsssonsble. Cell at 821 Eugsaa at. $16 PER M0NTH--4-rosm furalshad eottsga with ysrd, free water and wood. B42 East ' Becoad. near Mill. FOR RENT A Try nice modera B-room far- nlehed cottage. Including piano, 00 Eaet Madl Bon. $25 psr month Otto A Crockett, 346M Wsshlugtoa at. '- -- NEW cottage with 4 room downstairs and 1 In attic, also bath and esllsr, on block from Grand ar. and Dl vie toa st, $11 per mooto. The Burrell Inrestment Co.,- 7 First st. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICES-" unfurnished, aad Mmpla-Veomat alaa haU SOI 20. Goodnoogh bldg. Apply at tha ala-rater. . . . CENTRALLY locstsd ofnee-room. with Phooe, light snd heet, B7.B0 per asoata. R. L. Cate, 11 Seeoad St. - FOR RENT Larga atora, Slxtk St., near Wash ington, inquire a. jsortoa uooa, oos uas. si phons Mala 1S8. FOR RENT Larga right offices. Sixth st, near Washington; caa be need for light meaufaa tnrlng. -Inqnira 8. Morton Cohn, $04 Oak at. Pboaa Mala IS8. v- MANUFACTURING or other Interests aeadlng cheap, well lighted space, Inrestlgsta build ing 551 -Morrleoa at.; 3 lower atorlee.x rear face, ssrb 4OX40; atece a bore, 30x40. Iaqalra 84 North Twenty-first. Phone Main 1844. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL FAIRMCNT. Rsrth Twenty lxtb at.. ,,.'J, Vaaska. trass . C pah as ta Roema fantshsw aad anfarnlehed. ' stasia aad aa salts. $1 psr wesk aad as. . A permaaent aaudera building, plastered ' sad with bsthrooms aad Bsooera prambtng. PIPED FOB OAS FOB COOKINO. , ALL ODTSIDI -BOOMS. -' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT A boat Jsnuary t, 2-story r Building loorluo. aorthrest ear. Third Msdlsoai will rsmodel sad leeee part to d kb Ira bis parties. Apply Col.- No. 3 First at., room to. JX. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- : TURE FOR SALE. FOB best results oa - 'FCBNTTTJRar -Whethsr to bay or sell, ring ap Msla BBSS. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. . . Ill Flnt at. ' $200 BUYS fturaltura of B-roota eottsga, laclad- mg Dcining. table aad kltrbenwarc; can t beat tbl for bargain. Pbon Esst B523. $118 BUYS fnraltur (nearly aewl of 6 noma. BMoern; wsisuig 01 lanes; ressensbla rant. R 4, Journal. , FOR RENT FLATS. NEW. upper B-room flat, attic and be eement. gas range ana wood Beater; Twenty-fourth and East -Msdlsoa. Phone East I486. MODERN aVronm npatatr flat, 4 blocks from poatnrric. recant eaausry 1, fto. CsU ZoiSS Hlxtb st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION. Psrtles wishing to make tbslr friends S Chrlatmas or New Yesr's preeent Would an. doubtcdlT wteh to present tbwo-rwlth new. thing they won Id appreciate, aad at the same time become more Tsloshl. NOW, IN ORDER TO DO THIS YOU MUST BB CAU TIOUS. But remember thle prediction: Should yon as St to preeent them with a block of Yellow Jewel Mines company stock, yon will bo presenting them with a rslnahle present, and ona that will ba eery eelnahle before tb holidays- apnear srsla. This stock will be adranced agsla sfter ths holidays. For full particulars call at Gnodnough bid., room Bod. H. W. HI Iter, nscsl sgeat lor compaay. - - . . ALWAYS on hand, cholc realdeac Dronertr. - recent lot, acreage, largs and amsll farms, Berry aaa trait ranraee, a few good stock ranch, some At timber tracts, well locstsd snd good titles, good business .openings, rooming -honaea most any locality, at your own term; doa't fall ton a before buy lug. e. - . NORTHWEST LAND CO., I" BOB -Ooodoongb bldg. FOR BALE On account af sickness, ales, clean, 1 moaey-meklng basin n sset side; aalrs from $16 to ASB pee dsy: price $1,400, or will IsTolce; aa s gents wsnted. O 50, care Journal. ON seeoant 'of etrkaeaa, will sen nr two atorea of millinery and ladles' furnishing , goods at a aacriflee; $800 down, balanea on time; fln location; no competltioa. Ad- P 1A car JoarnsL FOR BALE la th beet valley tows ot S.0O0 Inhabitants, elesa stork of shoes; tneoic about $4,000. Inqulra 78 1st St.. Portlsnd. Or. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.1 - GOOD restssrsnt, fins location, low rent; will . sell cheap for rash. Apply to R. E. Vorth, .240 Hollsdsy sts. and Rirastlgsta. This 4s a - snap. - - t SNAP tn a cloee-tn corner aaloon on First St.; offered et lees then tneolce If taken week K o4 reasoa foT-jsltng.- Apply- 60s commercial pia. - SNAPS la town lots and Irrigated tract at Horer. Hprer Land Co., 122 i4 Stk St., Port. Isnd.- 1 4 f A OOOD rang. fnMIng -bed, ' ma t treea and pil lows. $26. 42B 8d. WANTED A stock of groceries; state loca tion and discount for spot essb; eonfldeatlal. Address D S, cars Journsl. ' . - 0NB of th best' money-msklng propositions la . Portland; Its clients beet Isdles of tba city; suitable for lady or refined gentleman ; . for sale st Invoice; I a class, nlcs business; D 12, Th Journal". ' FOR BALE Job printing outfit; Peerless press sxix, 00 fonts job trpe, eomiwir it nerer need; cam nets, ate.; szio rssn. it tai token ,,t once. McPhersoa, Oilman hotel. OOOD BUY ' t will etl half tatareat 'dp all af the finest finnlabad rssl estate offtca.oa the Pacific euset, snd the best location tn Port land, at lees than In Totes of furniture, or trade tor rest eatste, ss 1 ksrs Ineested In th msnnfsrturlng bualnesa. Addrsss D 16. car Journal.. BELIARLB and energetic partner wanted: biialnees . first-class: will pay front $100 tn per month; only' $200 required. Address 10, Jouraal. .'- " - , . MAN wtth for South America: make $10,000 moatUlyt for 10 yssrs.' Addras P. 0. hss ISA. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SNAPS la town lots end, Irrigated tracts st JJorer.. Horsr Land Co., 122 ti Bit) at., Psrt- WEHTBRft OREGON TRUST CO. (Inc.) I'hons PscKlo 60S. 201 Stsrk St.. Portlsnd, irrvffn, nriu w- .,, , -, w 1 1 , ivni.i i fir hisdrsac. Take fall chares af properties, I ecurs tsnsBta, oversee', repairs sad collect T .OOM bouee. Il.lm. $V0 down bslsnca tar I ' 1. 1 , 1 it- . mr . a, auita vwaeca .a sae aiaai wis - JOURNAL "Want Ablates' VB-PIB ART CLABSUI0ATI01 Five Cents per Line- . ' ' Na ad takes for leaa than In par day. Seres words, aa a rale, soastttuts a Una, bat each 11ns at, sharged regardiee af the nnmbwr of words. . WEEKLY BATE tessrttona (laoludtsg sa SuaAay laaaa) $B CAMIS far Ua far week. atONTHXY BATE rtaeladlnr aT BiuUsy rseueel 81.00 per lias psx month, sUVERTI8MEliTS must bs in fsaraal Bsalnsss efkoa by IS s'aleok veeek day and by 10 a'aleok Bstsrdsy a-rsalng for tha Sunday lasso, to aseu lsssigoatlsa, Plsplsy aatag gleaa open ayplloalloa t tha fne. . THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES AJlVIRTIMkrExTTB. WITl bs received at twgatar mara-offV rate. '-Following Is - Hst af 'aatnorissd areata, wha will forward year advsrtlae saeait ta Uatn for publics tioa la tb a it issosl B0RTH BIBB. B. A. Preston, druggist. waty-third Snd Thni-man strests New Hill Phsrmacy. 680 0 laaaa atrsart. comer Twenre-flrst. A. W. Alls, BeMZmaclst, Blxtssafk and Jfarshsll atreeta. . ... . McOom moo's Phsrmacy, Blaataasta . aad Washington atrsets, i 1 ." S0TJTK STPB. B. F. Jone Oa dragghrta, Fraat and Otbh straet. r . Cottel Drag compaay. First sat Grant streets. Fablaa Brerley. druggist. 400 Jaffaraoa street, eorner Tcsth. . Bottmsa's Pbsrmacy. sataar Btzth Sad Harrlsoa atreeta. , Plammar Drag Bompsny, BOO Third trt, rorner klsdlson, , , , - cast tnn. " W. S. tyrea. drags-tot, coraar Grand Bee a and Fast Baraslde rtreet, Nichols A Tnorripeoa, US Rnsssll atraat. e net Alblns inww. Jancks Drug company, oat aer Hswthora sad Grand aeepa. . W a Csbls. druggist. otnr HolUdsy tt and Larrabaa atraat, SAW atoal bridga. - . ' R. A. WTIssa, IBS Orsad aranoa, Bear Beat Morrison. ' W. ,Rallr- 858 Esst Saraath attwat, ssrast ftopbaaa, - - . , BI0HLA3TO. ' P. J. Clark, druggist, 100S North Ontoa STsaua, . . . . .... SUB H TB'PWrt S. R. Worth, pharmacist, BBS Balnstmt atraat. " " '.'' . , r . ' . BB00ZXTV. ' Braokrra Pharmacy com pany, Ivtrall and MUwsukto..strssta. ARLETA. 0BB00V. . ArlaU Phsrmacy, Mara aad roster atreata. SKXXW00B, Hamstoek's Pharmacy, 546 Umatilla so, anraar East ThlrtosntA atraat. FOR SALE REAL- ESTATE. ' THB BEST BARGAINS. ' $8.750 Swell, new, atrlctly BMdera roem tasldenca, corner lot, closs la, aast Bids. $2.000 Rlegent 6-room cottage, stylish sal aew; 6U1IOO foot lot, oa Emarsoa at. $950 A reel swell . B-room cottage, fall lot. Bast Ninth at, Woodlawa, $700 B fall Into, small eattaga, all far. a lelied,- poultry yard aad konss; Woods tauk ar. - ... $1.000 Aa ap-to-dsto 5-acre pool try and Iart ten place; aeat S-room cottars, good, barn, larga poultry h oases. Incubator and brooder, rholo fruit, berrle. rosea. It's a darling home m besutlful drrve, near electric car. -B2.250Vry brantlfnl A room cottage, mod em deelgn snd oompletsly flslabsd. enrner lot. Esst F lenders. f 1,20 Very flna aer tract. North Albtaat beat thing la town for tba money. $000 Beautiful aew cottage bom ta htoB tonus, S rooms, 50x100-font tot.. $7008 full lots, furnished eottsga.' air poultry yard ssd chicken boaee;- Woodstock "Jmo Flna tract of land. 128x147 fast, on! Fast Ninth at, near Alnsworth sts.; a aasp. .APTHBtoPUNN-r.AWRENCB COMPANt ' 14W First St. FORTBALA Three S room cottages sa) aaat std! be eement snd ysrd. hot and sold wator, bathj . prlc $1,800. Address -rC 40. car Journal. NEW B-room cottage, wast side, walking dis tance ; beet plumbing, electrlcty aad gas, tinted to suit; $2,200. P 10, ears Journal. NEW S -room honee, 454 Eaat ltth St. North ; 88.750, $Aiio dowa, balsses atoathly. Owner. 1'hone East 675. $1.100 NEARLY aew B-room boaaa, wltk full lot; most sightly location an sset aids, assr csr line; $400 dowa, $10 per month. Atate lnrestmeat Co.. 118 Ablngtoa bldg. $1.850 MODERN full be eon-eat. . oa Stanton at.; lot 5 1x125. C.. 118 Ablngtoa bldg. State Inrsstment $1,40040 ACRES near Greshsm. fls stream water. Stat latest meat Ablngtoa bldg. 1 timber. 0a., Ill ACRB TRAOTSJ OUR SPECIALTY IS ACRB TBACTSI ' FaDlsed strasta, wator ti each aor. TERMS $10 PER ACRB CASH -- $10 PER ACRB PER MONTH, . ToB' g to these acres oa tbs aamn ear, ray tbs asm 6c far tba lot maa pays. Tba lot maa la yonr aelgbbnr, but s to re stricted la majority of fsatarsa that maks S true ruber ban hotba. Opss Wedneedey aad Satnrday araalash A. ft CHURCHILL CO., IMa - ' 110 SseoaS St. -. ' $2.R50 Fin 74vm boas: large kit; na Haw t borne sts.; rare bsrgsln. 107)4 Third St. S ACRES, an clear and la cherry trees 10 -reara old: Be car far: lot adjoining $100 to U0p , $350 psr act. 161, ara of Journal, UK ACRES. U roils from stoetrl ltns; n rock or grsrsi: fin anil, assy to clear; ntn- a lag wator. say terms. msd on B sides: $7B er ssra. I 80, ear f Journal. FOR SALB st a bargain, modern T-roota ban io Esst Taylor, Hose In; torms to aolt parcbsser. Apply F 42, car JournsL . $8,500 AN slegsnt 10-room bonae. oa tba , aids; quarter block. . 107Va Third St. , FOB SALB Modera sirbnrbaa cottage, gloss to , car line. Bna location, ground 100x100. O. W. P. Towaslts Oa.. 184 First St. TWO fln lots. 160x100, eorner; good Tlew et . anow mountains; cheap. Also asw modern furnished s-room boos, barn. Beat 438, as Msla 1415. v HOW I this! A aeat 6-room boos, nlc lerel lot 50x100, on Esst 14th St., one block froin earltne: tb beet buy la Bast Portlaad; $1,000. M 15, car JonrasL - FOR SALE Fln realdenc oa Brosdwsy; 3 fln resilience la Irvlngton; H block close In oa wsst ldsr a bargain: 4-ecra tract of land, flrst-elsas ' pise to. plst, close In on Eaet . Twenty-fifth at. rscsnt Vita tn all parte of tha rlty. For price and terms, call ea 1 ampoc n at aaceaiiisn, sie nua-.i. $1,050 NEW 4-room houss. fnll lot; small essb payment, rams Index .aioathly. Call 107 1 Third at. - . $3,TO0, lA BfAP OomforteMe awdera hoasa, . elosa la on ths east stds. B llrlng-rooros, bath, ate., gas aad electricity, largs bsgement eon talnlng laundry, two atora and fuelroomal -ererythlng about the bones In flrst-elees rs pslr; th wit I 150 feat deep, contains chicken. bneee aad yard and .anmner ef Sna trait 1 trsast aa Ideal home for comfort and een eenleacs.' ten eriannrsss tna waer, mom BOO, the Marsuas. Phona Mala $68, S to 4 p. m. " ' 10 AURRS, good nll, all In etn-raat sad grain, for 2 8 Ha Tame If sold before January 1; lies fine, ' on good grsreled mad, cWne t tatlons on $ electric csrllnee, O. W. P. rallroade st Lsnts, Be fsra to any part of Portland: best property In Lsnts; worth $400 sn sere; price, $250 sn acre, all eaek. Yoa will find this just ss sdeertlssd. O. R. Addlton, LsnU. Oregon; tsks Mt. Scott ear. B reals. jMO-Ail VV l-fooa hovja, luli tot.- JUTki juira, lft '