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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, -DECEMBER 23, - 16C5'. '.TOViJ TOPICS - TOXIOXT'I AMUIIMEBTS. Marquaa Sraad. h. luc Kaaw fcaifilr.... ...... 1-rrV.... firmed .-. ...."Buati Brews" "Blu Joan" . .Muaifal Burlaiiia "i'ttt Front hrrp". "AU for ooia- Vaaltill VauJe1lle Yaudartll "r ... Ubartp William Hlckey, former member bt track No. 3, Portland fir department. haa presented- tha membera of truck and steamer companies Noa. 1, head quarters at 179 Fourth atreet, with five volumei, entitled Tha World's Great- eat Events," for their library.: Tha Secessions have tncreaaed tha . booka now at tha dleoona of tha ftrefla-htnra to About olJytfr.lckey on phrUtmae afternoon aaVeJ the membera of tha companies at headquarters a turkey dinner.- It was served In a restaurant near tha flrehpuae. - Mr. Hickey pre- elded, and seats of honor, were occupied by Captain George Stokes of steamer No. 1 and Captain Frank Do well of truck No, 1. y t - ? A largs number of -local liquor deal ers attended a meeting of tha Knlarhta of the "Royal Arch In tha Knights of Pythias hall laat night Tha. follow ing- new offlcerg were elected and will be Installed January II: Past valiant commander, W. O. Van .Schuyver; vali ant commander, John Enselhardt; lieu tenant commander. Km 11 Glutscb: orator. -K. J. . piaster j maatar of ceremony, Fr Hoffman; captain of guards, H. Tan . nensee; tyler, William Feutsel; recorder. lMulm Dsmmasch; treasurer, W.'Jrvan Schuyver; truatees, Phil Metschsn, Fred Frits, John . Sohienk. John Everson, Charles Klrchner; lodge physician, Pr. A. E. Mackay, , ,..',..,,,. - 11 . tT ' ThMeneflt performance riven at. the . r-riaaco tneatre last evening ror tne Mercy home, will net tha Bisters of .Mercy, whs conduct tha Institution, about IS 00. - Resident Manager Sackett aays .tha exact amount can not be de termined until all the tickets distrib uted for. sale have been accounted for. '. - The attraction was "Blue Jeans," and was thoroughly enjoyed. Tha money re alised by the sisters Is to be, used to wards Increasing the capacity of their 1 new home. Several addlttona are con templated, which will afford accommo dation for' about 80 working girls. The Christmas Issue of the Paotflo Northwest haa a powerful presentation 1." of the claims of Benton county. Ore iron, to the attention of homeseekers. .The article la well written and pro fusely. Illustrated,, and covers the con ditions and resources of the county with great particularity. Tha Issue" contains , an address delivered by Tom Richard son, manager of the Portland ' Com- ' merclal club, -before the Young Men's -Christian Association on "Practical Op portunities for Young Men In thai Pa- clflo Northwest" , ; ' -At ; the Arlon hall last night was given the first dsncs of tha Messenger Boys' union, which was organised re cently under a charter , Issued by the American Federation of Labor. About $140 was made. Tha boys aim to build a gymnasium and reading room, and to . maintain a' sick benefit fund. George Faulkner, a messenger boy recently In "Jured by being; run over by a fire truck. Is to be .assisted from the benefit fund. The Young Men's and Boys' club held ' an interesting meeting at the All Saints' mlsalon last evening, with Judge A. I Fraser 'as tha aruest of honor. Judge Fraser delivered art address referring ton the dangers wjhlch confront - youth and the, restraint which is necessary "to good ' citizenship. There was also an . address by Carl H- Jackson, after which . refreshments wers served. -Basket ball, basket ball. ' Two big games. . Dallas College, champions, Vs.. . Multnomsh club. Y. M. C. A. Maroons Vs. ..V -. ' Multnomsh Club Reds. Tonight S p. m. Admission J J cents. Multnomah Gym: -; ' . .' . - Yhe residence of M. Schade, lit First street, wss entered by burglars last night snd a number of articles stolen. The burglars gained-entrance by prying open a rear window and using a jimmy to open a doer leading Into the living apartments. -Mr. Schuds is proprietor of. the Columbia hotel, - r , Rose Vorlts. -a young servant girl - who was burned In tha explosion of a ' gaa stove at tba homa of her employer . on the east slds about a month, ago, died of her Injuries yesterday at St. Vin cent's hospital. - She was 14 years of age and the daughter of Joseph Vorlts, S7J Raleigh street. ' ; , .. ' ' Penney Bros. Friday Special Five big bargaina In wine II. SO grade of- Red or White Port at II per gallon; $1.(0 grade of Angelica at II per gallon; $1.50 grade 'of Madeira at $1 per gallon; $1.60 grade of Tokay at If per gallon. Phone East 217. Free delivery. $70-111 East Mor rison..' ' , , ' 4 ' . . . : -"'...., For St. ' Johns, Llnnton' and way points, or any ship In harbor, take ' steamer Gaielle, Stark atreet dock. Ieaves T:S0 a. m. and l:S0 p. m. Leaves St. Johns a. m. snd 1:10 p. m. Phone Main. 15M. C. J. McLean, master. - r A photographer needs to be alive and progressive, same, as anybody else. " We are never languid. . We have the newest things- In photography known- to. the world. All pictures guaranteed. Moore's studio, Elks', building. .y.'J'.;; ,.,.''" ' Do not neglect nature's warning. ' If your eyes tire, they call for help. Consult-Geo. Rubensteln.. the optletsn, 183 Fourth street, near Yamhllf. . ''?-, ; "Automatic change maker, and. cash reglster machine; absolutely correct. - Don't buy till you see Jt. 404 Marquam building.- --- . f!- - i. 'Fire In a lodglng-hoUR" at Seventh and Alder streets at o'clock last night . NO. 1 SPECIAL Men's Neckwear NEW PATTERNS V Regular 50c Goods iSrSieOO IleiveU, Brcdley & Co wear Orand TBllTSB 344 iVssbtaston St American Kestaurant cobjtxb tkzbd An cove its. pinna from XX a. m. So S p. a. t - Roast Turkey, cranberry sauce ''and celery" 35e Roast Chicken and Dressing V?55 Roast Beef 19c, Pork ISO, Mutton. 15) Beef Stew ... ...... .- . ghort Orders Day and JTlght. Steamed Little Neck Clams.. .,...204 Clam Bouillon and Toast Spaghetti and Cheese ............ 15 Scrambled Brains ............. 20 Corn Beef Hash and Poached Egg. .15 Cod Fish Balla lBe Baked Pork and Beans, . .15 Bomro-atooat rom skABxss. Cof fee, Bread ' and Butter and Potatoes with all orders. SAYS LEE HATCHES FOR ' hi:j ivith SHOTGurr Therefore ; B. S. Kerns Wants Title to Thirty-Five Hun- dred Acres of Land." Civil war times were advanced sev ml decades in the chronology of time In the federal court this morning when Attorney- Charles J. Bchhabel argued a demurrer In the esse of B. S. Kerns aanlriKt 1. P Lea and F. H. Mills. In volving the title to about i.trfoo acres of land In Klamath county. Kerns, who lives 111 San Francisco, Is an ex-union soiaier, while iee rougni ror tna sou in ern cause. Mills belongs to the famous and wealthy Mills family of New York ami Ban' Francisco. - The -land In question-has little mone tary value, but to Kerns ir is quits In valuable because It gives him an en trance to. adjoining property he owns. He declares through his attorney that he cannot enter upon the 1,500-acre Strip, en roots to his other land, with out caution . and fear because, as hs alleges. Lea watches, it closely with' a shotgun. . According to the papers on file in the case. Kerns acquired a title to the prop erty from the state through the federal swamp act.- Through the general land office at .Washington Lea and Mills acquired a title under tha homestead act. tha files showing ths--land to be agricultural. Kerns now seeks to have ths government patent declared null and void. In that event Lea will ; have to put aslds ths shotgun, which Kerns declares hsever hs steady to Intercept his progress whenever hs sttempts to pass . from one portion of his realty holdings In Klamath county """to ths other, tha 1,600 acres of land In ques tion forming ths connecting link. DR. TUFTS - SAYS LOCAL OPTION IS POPULAR In Jackson and Josephine Coun ties Especially Interest in Cause Is Growing. - 'There Is a. growing Interest' In ths cause -of local option In Jackson and Josephine counties, according to a state ment made today by Dr. Q. L. Tufts, superintendent of ths Anti-Saloon league, who has Just returned from a stumping tour through thai part of the state. -In a ,few communities; 'hs says, the movement 'would have been mors successful at tha recent election had It not been for local hindrances In ths way of securing more desirable men to run on the Prohibition tickets. At Ashland the no-license forces had as their only available , candidate - a strong anti-saloon man. who came out as the nomine of ths Socialist party. In his defeat the no-license clause also failed. Gnlx one precinct failed to carry for prohibition. , ' . Dr. Tufts reports ths organisation of a . balance of . power league at Grants Pass for Josephine county. Ths leaders are Inolined to ths belief, so they told the superintendent, that the county will carry for prohibition next June. Assisted by C. M. Vsn Pelt, ths league attorney' at Grants Pssa .and Ashland. Dr. Tufts shortly will make a tour of Douglas snd Lana 'counties. - wss extinguished after small damage had - been done. - Employes of ths Mar quam ' theatre assisted In putting out ths blase. - ,.- " -., - " . ' .', - 4 Bankrupt Sals Clothing! gents' fur nishing goods, hats, caps, trunks, va lises, boots and shoes, etc., at greatly reduced prices. To be .sold In to day a 10 North Sixth street, corner Everett. Robert Kenny, a longshoreman, fell to feet Into the hold of the ship Clan Graham at. the Irving dock this morn ing snd broke' his left 'leg. Hs was taken to St Vincent's hospital. " . We are still selllnz those dollar eye glasses; a perfect fit V guaranteed. Metsger CowJlt Sixth Street , " ... ... -i . . . .. .tr . . : Pocket and office dlaVles" calendar stands and pads for 1(00. Kllham's, 140 Washbigtotf street ' , ' ' .' Blank books and latest office sup? plies In great variety at Kllham's, tit Washington street" : - ' .. Loose-leaf ledgers and systems ready for uas at .Kllham's " 144 Washington Portland ' beat dsnctng school, tot Aider. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Bucksnmeysr. Actus Oil Co.. sells ths -test safety eosl ous sna lint iwiiinn map uast is. Fin chicken dinner fvsu. ltt Third. "Ths Vegetarian cafe, lot Sixth. . Ask for Frltss tamalea. Milwaukie, Country Clutv" Eastern and Seattle) races. - Take Sell- wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. - ; To BtaOd mow Stoassa. ' The following' building permits were Issued ' yesterday: Agostlno Bataglla, stable, t3 East Eleventh street, cost $$0; J. T, Rawcliffe. cottage, Sevenvhi between - Ban Rafael and ' Tillamook streets, cost $1.00; M. J. Hickman, two cottages, corner Mississippi avenue and Failing atreet cost,' $2.500; -Edward Randcberg, cottage. East Couch, between East Twenty-second and Eaat Twenty-fourth streets, oust, tl.tli. Preferred Steak Canned Sooda, Allen at Lewls Best Brand. ('jlLL i; oirc ID - FOR THE 111 0-e - ' r'y.. .': Subcommittee of Chamber of .Commerce Holds First Meet- " ing and Talks Plans. MEMBERS HAVE EVERY ; HOPE OF-SUCCEEDINQ Vessels Running to Western Alaska Would Have Return Cargoes of ' Coal-vCdppfcr., and Tin Deposits Being Developed. ; ,. Afnew subcommittee appointed ' by Presideht Wheel wrlght, of the PorUsnd chamber of commeroe, to' conduct a campaign for inauguration of an Alaska steamship line, held Its first 'meeting lsst evening In ths office of J. N. Teal, counsel for the transportation commit tee of the chamber. Plans were dis cussed and It was determined to make a vigorous effort, which, it is believed, will be successful, to get ths Initial line started between Portland and west ern Alaska. - - The new com ml tte Is composed f men In close touch with ths. Alaskan trade situation, and who personally are Interested in seeing steamships operate between this port and ths far north. They are:- Sol Blumauer, of Blumauer ft Hooh; Jsy Smith, of ths Marshall Wells Hardfare) company, -and - K. 8. -Farrell, of Everdlng at Farrell. ' Sol Blumauer was elected chairman. Correspondence baa been opened with various firms and Interests whose co operation is desired in tha movement and replies are expected within a- few days that will place the committee In a position to go forward rapidly and surely with Its work. The members of the commute sre confident they will succeed in securing the united sup port of the business community of Port land, and with this the success of a steamship line is assured. , . sTrospsotsj Setter Jf osj. Ths merchants of Portland hav had large accessions of strong, influential and progressive firms to their ranks, the population and trade of Alaskan ports . has greatly increased, and the prospects for immediate developments there srs now ths most promising In the history, of Alaska. It-is being more fully realised by very one thst the Alaska trade has mad tfte elty of Seattle and is now almost ths sols source of its remark able prosperity and steady growth.' Ths strongest Inducement for immediata no tion by Portland is .ths great develop ments now going on in the CoaL oil and copper country from . Kakutat to Seward.-- Railroads are being built into the interior, vast coal deposits are being opened, oil wells are being drilled and guahers struck, great copper and 1 tin deposits ore being I tunneled . and ex plored, with smpls capital behind th work of development , These operations rapidly ata increasing ths population all along ths west coast and these points are as close- to Portland by the. outside pssssge as they are Jo any. other Pacific coast trad center.-- f ,. V . . Ooei for Irtun Oarg-oes. -' Th problem Of return cargoes for vessels sent out with merchandise from Portland is practically solved. Only a few trips will be necessary for Port land steamships to develop, return busi ness.' Ths Kayak coal 1 nearly-ready for shipment; hslf a dosen oil wells at Cata.Ha are capped and only await tank steamers. Ths crude oil of the Kayak region. If is said.'- is .almost entirely gasoline snd naptha, and will bring from $4 to $ per barrel at a refinery. Thus far no heavy fuel oil has been- struck In "the Alaskan fields. , Thst dis covered lias a paraffins base, and ranks st the "head of the list of (he finest Pennsylvania oils. Ths coal Is similarly high grade, be ing a semi-anthracite that can be laid down at a profit In Portland after all expenses of mining and transportation are paid. The copper ores are of the beat grade and limitless In quantity, as Is also tha tin. Smelters snd refineries srs being counted already among ths most valuable prises for Portland Indus trial promoters. It Is recognised that Portland must encourage the establish ment of plants, for reducing the raw products that are to be brought from Alasks. . ' "'-r-L i It Is seen that a great deal dapends tipon ths .success of ths chamber's Alaskan, trade committee. Membera of ths committee believe every obstacle can be overcome. A canvass will be made of the business firms. Ths Im portance of prompt cooperation .and financial support can hardly be over estimated. Say tha committeemen. - NEGRO YOUTH MAULS V '- SMALLER jfrHITE LAD '" '" '. ' r'''i.f Johnnie Stelnell, 10 years of age, and several other boys were playing mar Mas on the Market block yesterday afternoon! when two negro boys, cam along. " . . "Get out "of th way." '-said on of ths negro youths, who was larger than either of the whit, boys. "Go 'round us," replied th Stelnell boy. t i i TH -.negro struck th lad In ths face with his fist, causing blood to flow In a stream.- Tha lad was removed to hla hpme, 300 Beeond street, and a physician summoned. The negroes escaped. . , The Stelnell boy' a noes waa broken and he may be permanently disfigured. Hla" mother sppeared in tba municipal fcourt this morning to get a warrant for th arrest of ths negro boys. Their nsmes sre unknown. - She was referred to the JuVenlle court. ' . ,- iM1"! THS 01ZOO aT WATTE POUTXB SAILWAT C01UAJTT. , HOTEL E5TACADA J " J RATES t ''"'':" nr xrrxcr rao botxhszs a. laaglaf wrtb kraakraat.... f 1.1 Xaaa sad VoaW pT Say 00 aUaaa par weak IS. 00 . Braaaiaa. lOa. Lasslees, OOe, Diaaee, 0eii. gpaelal TVkat, isehUlag ma4-wip fare aad 4iaaar fl.M gMetalr Tlokat, iaelBdlst rnl-W fare, aaa alht'a Ia4iag aa4 taia ' Sisals ft.00 ,. . CARS LEAVE, ', ... Ticxrr omci tan axs alsis its. Daily st T:M, 0 . U N a. a. l.s. , :A. 7;U S. m. rsont er Write . ' L O. MacMahon. Manmgmr -, IITAOADA, OkEOOa. ' KEEPING FAITH WITH THE PEOPLE . Ths person who buys a pi ano now-a-days without know ing th reliability of th house ithat sells It to him takes some chances... .., .' ,', ' ' Better pianos are manufac tured today than ever before also poorer ones.' The skilled musician or a. . person with a good ear for - harmony can tell whether a .. piano has a good toneX bht only. an sxpert can tell whether that piano la built so that ths tons' will remain good. : - Any one can tell whether a watch keep's . good ' time It : , takes a watchmaker to tell' whether it will wear or not. Th Allen s OUbert-Ba-i maker Co. has been In business In Portland ovsr 10 years - Ions enough at least' to know. ' a good piano from a poor one. No matter how attractive ' ths profit appears, no piano.. will be given a place on- our . floors that does not represent " ths money value asked for it. " Ws refuse the agency of pi anos every mopth or two bs oausa they are built to sell, , not built to wsar. This house is proud of th ' fact that many of its old-tims customers leave th choice) of .'. a piano to us. ' . . There Is hardly a day that t soma customer does not say to us: T wish to spend so much . for a piano, and I want you to - give ms th best value for that amount.' , W select for that customer as conscientiously as If w were . buying for our' own home; mors so, if that is pos ... sibla. . We ars proud oC our to years record in piano sailing . mnA thfnlr tw, mtlph Af It ' to allow any consideration f . A a few dollars' profit to swerve us from our old-tlms way of ' keeping faith with th public A piano purchase is too big a purchase to take chances on,. Deal with th house that slim- . Inates th element of chanos -. - for you. ' Remember, ws give especial attention to out-of-town trade, - Writs us or telephone us. Allen Gilbert Ramakcrfo. SXZTX AJTD XOBBISOsT. ...... ... -.- ' . 1 " : Th Oldest, .Largest and Strongest Piano and Organ House in th ' Paclflo North- , west . ' .:.'."' BAD WEATHER FOR OOME WASDMG Why can't we do your laundry 'for you at our small charge) of 6 Cents Pound We call for, wash, iron and de liver all for this mite, of money. This Is Portland's - progressive . laundry-rand that's ths reason we have mad this Innovation, CALL US BT TEL. MAIN tit. Union Laundry SXOOsTD AJTD COLTTmLtw ' Miss Edith Kelly fenaerly of Oileago.- will raetiv plase ssplls at studio, lsl Lownadale (rifteeata) st, UtOHZTIZXT MXTKOO, HE CALLED MOTORMAN r FARMER FROM MISSOURI "Tou'r .a farmer from Missouri and don't know much about running a car," said J. WV La Marr to Motorman C Creamer on the platform of a car cross ing the steel bridge. "I can lick half a dosen Ilk you after o'clock when Tm off duty," waa ths reply. '. ' Afterward La Marr and Nell -O'Hara were- arrested on the charge of using abusive language. O'Hara and La Marr war on t,he front platform of the ear and La Mrt; stood over the sand valve, H wss ordered off by ths metorman and th mannar In which Th carman 'Issued the order Is said to . hav started the wrangle. - "' - In th municipal court this morning a letter-carrier .was forced to leave fs" beat to testify while people waited tot their mall; ths conductor and motorman war present, and their -ear was operated by others, and several- business - men had to leave -thslr offices to tell whst they . heard of the conversation. Ths case was -finally dismissed, ' 'y. Small Mar, Big Cut. , A fine mahogany ' eased Clarendon piano, beautiful .design, slightly marred In "holiday rush. ' Ws don't ws.nt to In ventory It, and will therefor sell st a reduction of till. Also several others. Pay $0 a month. jJEUers Piano House, 11 AOli AT PRICES THAT ENTHUSE THE CLOSEST DIYER Thomson's Glove Nigh-Gradc Corsets Fitted and JI.SO Corset T5f, the $175 grade SJ.0O grade f 1.4T, and the, $3.50 grade $1.75. The Swell Sillc, Brocade, worth $5.00, for 3.50. Odd Things in Corsets Tape Girdles special at 35 Nurt ' inn Corset 50, Perfection Waist 50f, Girls' Waists 25e and lOf. Small lot of High-Grade Corset,' - size 18 only, for slender figures, for XOf . - . Specials in Odds and End at 50 and 5e. :: .-. . There is no house in potitioa to tell Corsets alongside of us. Linens Linens ,We are noted for Souiifd f Table Linens. We protect you in quality and price. During our January Sale we offer bargains impossible even with . u at any other season of the year. We have everytMng in Table Linens, ranging from the extra wide, 90 inche wide, worth $3.00t cut to fl.95, ranging in all grades and widths down to the 58-inch st 25. Napkins to match all grades, in Linens and Damasks .down to the fringed checked at ZSf dozen, .; At 6c per Yard 3.000 yards Linen Crash Toweling, standard value ;10c; Clearance Sale price, 94 , At 8c-per Yard ' ' . 5",000 yards Extra Heavy Linen Crash, unblesched,. standard value 12c, suitable for dish cloths, ' At 7c per Yard ? ; '. S.SO0 yards Checked Glass Toweling, stindard valu At 5c per Yard " ' 77- 2.000 yards Russian and Bleached Extra-Fine Crash Toweling, suitable for dish towels. , . January Sale In Ladies and Children's Hosiery, Tkfejft Under wear, Sox, Mount Hood Shirts, Overalls, Jumpers, Boys' Shirts, Men's Work Shirts, Dress Shirts. ' EXTRA. 8PBCIAL. Men's $1.50 and $2.00"Soft Golf and Fancy French Percale gun is.. ... ... ......... . January Sal In Tapestry Portiere, Couch Covers, Table Covers, Silkolines, Draperies, Swiss Sash Curtainings,' Tam boured Swiss and Madras Curtains. - tM1 Corner Third and Morrison Streets . AXvnxMrra. Marquam Grand Theatre Pbeoe Mats SS. Tealsat at S:1S e'Clock Xvarv Wf-at Tkla Waak. kituti sanraDAT. Kalvllto B. Kajmoixl a Mualeal Oartooa Ooaaadj, BUSTER BROWN" W rsevls Oatohv STasie TrattV Slrla. Matin Prieas so. IMV. OUf TJ. . Ml(tat Prtoas SSe. SBe. 60c. lit, S1.0 Advance Sale Tomorrow The Xarsaam's Hew Tsar's Attmatlaa ItATIXZE AJTS XIOHT Tke W. T. Carina Optra Conpsar la " Whsjn Johnny Cotnaa . Marching Horn" Br the Coapoaer ef "Dolly Tarees." ATI!S1 PRICKS . SB, BOe, 4 TV. II. KIOHT raiCES 2Se, S6e, SOe, TSe. $1. il.SO. Bclasco Theatre A BXLASOO bUTXB, Ynse. , . lets aa4 Wash. Sta. X. L. Saokatt, aVaa. Kit. ' uimi SATTraDArT Ials-All Waahv Tk Sraat Christmas Ilaj, "Blue Jeans." feaaph Arthar'S Arsat Draata. - rtlees Nlsht, SSe to TSei IU., IS M (0.- Vsst 'Week "TBI tAtt JTB. v'oitrxni." BAKER. THEATRE OBEOON THBATRB CO., LFBSBES), aSO. U BAKER, MAWAOEB. Phase Mala 19rT. I feale-M mm Tatawiag IM at i:l. "JOLLY OJBLS" BVBLKSaVB OOhrPAJrY, .: BrsaestlBC tha errvBlos far la S acta, , AW HOBIST rOUTICIAiri'r- . Sae XTla. Oleruae and the weaderfal Bsflsss last BUatsa, Brlnae ef Banaaa .Oniaailiaaa, . sad a Jally Oharaa sf J"7 Oitla was eas'ainr aad daaaa. - LAST PERFORM ANOB Matin SaturDapllse. 46a. see and SO, i Maht pYliae MX. SO. t"r. Tftflw -Bast waah "Piaaailasd BaaatUa. Empire Theatre Itta as Worrlsas. Phase Mala III. MILTO W. BEAMAB. Maaafe. -The BepeJa Theatre. . TsbIcM-411 Wash. Pattss Parry's rflshUas Mualral Bares. "JXBBT BBOht BJEBXT." Wln klah-rlaaa vsadeviUe faetaraa. The sea- Banla statlaae Batsraap. . vaalnf Prleae ISe, 9M, SSe. SO. , Matinee lOe, Itc SSe. x - rfaif AttractlM."A TtcM fas Mlltls." Lyric .Theatre "TaTJi XOVBS 01 bTTOCMSBIB." A aasslloaal Drasia la fear Arts, "All For Gold" AdaUasiea, lOe) ntni saats, SOe. . . - Fitting Ladles' and Children's Warm Knit Underwear Vests, Psntssnd 1 Union Suits .1 '''""" V" '.''. .i -':. We simply quote one price as 'an Index to other grades: Ladies Vests and Pants, high grade, wool and extra fine cotton fleeced, ele- gantly finished, standard valu 75c, January Sale Price 38c r; Warranted. V . u i Ja. liown to The material of Curtain Prices 50c e Prices GRAND TBXATBX . Weak ef , Bee. SI, , TBICZS Bsrat Bawaiiaa Bsia Satte, Lraa Walehst, Joaastaae Ceake, The One Oasoa, Mr. eae Mra. Daks Mai. haiiTM, BVnU Boff, "Waddiat II the iet-'V KTanlSta, 10c, 90s ao4 hexes SOe. Matlnava, tsoapt BjiaAars and Holy . saTS, lOe. r- "7 Baal, ..the haadoaff exparti the aiiflaal Aamarioaa Bawabop ttaa.rtat BUss Edna Da r alt's strata patst the Oraat Oaaaai STAR . . TXXATEX Wash ef rlsss .- MoKsaslai X. Kartfordt aa4 White." I Oc to Any Seat In House Except Boxes PANTAGES foudth & rtm eaxAi oxbistmai orrxanro. Ilia WUsea. sappertad hp Thee. Olaike aa4 riva, Ashtaas. Aaana Slstsra. Mr. Jaah Xaiae. Mr. Out Kiahlap. Ue White. Marias tiotnraa. p ""Baleasaa Orehestva. Parfaraianras dally at S:0, T:SO and S p. adslaaloe TEN esnts to sap east eaeapt solas. AT SATURDAY NICHT Apollo Roller Rink Bkstlna svery afternoon and svenlns;. Private instructions svery morn Ins. Bkates for sale kinds: Raymond, Peck ft Snyder, Richardson. Union hard ware. ..dmisslon 10c Skates tie. Apollo Rink, 7th & Oak Exposition Rink roBTxasro o -?. WBSIT.a - Bkatins mornings.' afternoons and sven- U m f .JIm ...4 children ad mil ted free mornings and afternoons. Jkdmls-. on IQo. Skates J 6a. Aaaawav T - oawnrrBA. Bsmeltlosj msdldlsf, , isi at waaa. sua. Bkatea mwmA nv Phone Main 1140. - : Pianoforte ; YMr TmttnrWm, sHp4 O-, farm,. RACES 1 A 1 ST "Queen" Undermusllhs 7 ': is 2 ' Made of best materials, mder sanitary conditiofM. Several thousand smplef Ladies', Misses and Children's Garments, in Gowns, Drawers, Skirts, Corset Covers, ranging t T i ' A 10c any garment would, cosf yott mora. We have secured for this', sale several thousand pairs of Lace Bobbinet -and Swiss Curtains for less than cost of materia). The greatest sange of pat- -terns ever shown west of" New York. The , prices arc so numerous that it would ' be impossible to quote .the entire line. You ' can buy. Curtains now for . , half the price you will pay elsewhere. We guarantee thiS. :. . Corner Third and Morrison Streets HONEST JODN Who ever has" done any trading with John DeUar has found himtjbo be straight, honest, legitimate with his prices,' and carries none but first class merchandise. We. are having a reduction sale on the entire line of Men's and Youths Suits, , Over coats, Hats, Pants, Shirts, Underwear, a general line of Shoes; also a full line of Trunks. Suit Cases. Blan- rkets and Comforters from 20. to 60 per cent cut on some articles. , We are clearing odds and ends at any old price. Do not miss a good opportunity. JOHN DELL AR AT TWO STORES ' First and Yamhill ssd Third and Davis . Are two special feature of our business and we spars no efforts . In settlnf the best of eaoh. If your watch or diamond eomes from our ''stors you ran depend npoit tbera all rlbt. We snaraa te that. '."--'' , LVJ. T T"r r- Specials Wa tellies IV