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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTJ-AND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1905. ALL GOODS SOLD ON CREDIT. TODAY, T0II0RR0V AHD SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK r WILL BE CHARGED OH JANUARY ACCOUNTS STORE OPENS FRIDAY "December 29th ; FOURTH DAY OF THE 28TH AN NUAL CLEARANCE SALES THAT " END FEBRUARY 3. at .8 a; m. . CLOSES DAILY : AT 6 P. Mr - "THE DIFFERENT STORE" ' L? ' - I PIONEERS.IN CLEARANCKSALESl 5TH, 6TH, WASHINGTON STS. Bear in Mind Eyery Article in the House Is Drastically Reduced the Great Annual Clearance Sales '-Contract Goods," upph wWeh the makers prices, alone excepted 3ftie Olds, Wormian Kitig Store's Clearance Sale Herald During regulate i FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE , Worth-While Bargains Toirior- to$t for Housekeepers ' . ; i : '! r - FouRTri?LooR. ' .' : i, -, ; ' : . t - NAVAJO BLANKETS WORTH $7 JO FOR $4.65. Pendleton Navajo Blankets,' all finesrfleece wool, our regular . , $7.50 value; special Economy Sale price, each j, .-.f 4.65 EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS WORTH $21.00 FOR $16.85. Real Eiderdown Comforters. Xovered on one aide with heavy ' plain satin with fancy border, and on the other side with plain 1 silkrour $21.00 value; special Economy-JJale price,' ea.f 16.85 EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS WORTH $22 JO FOR $1755. Real Eiderdown Comforters, covered on one side with satin, ; with figured embossed center and plain border, and on re verse side with -plain silk, our $22.50 value; special Economy Sale price, each 1T.95 ,1 SMYRNA RUGS WORTH $2.25 FOR HAS. , . . . AlVWobl Double-Faced Smyrna Rugs," 30x60 inches in siie, . . handsome patterns, our $2.25 value; special Economy Sale price, each 9165 ; ' ...FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE ;;v V: TIMELY VALUES' IN FRIDAY'S SPECIAL Underwear nd Hosier ; Clearance Sales" V ; '' V V ' ". FIRST FLOOR!- ' ' ' '; .: 69 CENTS FOR COTTON UNION SUITS, WORTH $1.00. Women's White Cotton Light Fleece-Lined Union Suits, large sleeves, ankle length, very neatly trimmed, our $1.00 value; Economy Sale price, the suit ........................ .,..69) 38 CENTS FOR COTTON UNDERWEAR WORTH 50c Women's White Cotton Swiss-Ribbed Vests and Pants, medium weight, our 5Uc value; special Economy bale price, the gar nent . .-. . . ... ...................... j-. 38 WOMEN"S 35c HOSE FOR 25 CENTS. ' ' Women's Black Cotton Fleece-Lined Ribbed Hose, seamless, our 35c value; special Economy Sale price, the pair.. .. ..25e " CHILDREN'S 35c HOSE FOR 19 CENTS. . Children's Black Cashmere Hose, seamless, our 35c value; spe cial Economy Sale price, the pair .......,.......lf li :li FJRSX-FRID AY.1H CLEARANCE . s; ' Special Friday Prices in Clearance Sale of. CHIN A WARE U V i . ' THIRD FLOOR. ?y; . Dainty Haviland China Dinner Sets, Beautifully Decorated. FRIDAY SPECIALS: 117-riece 112-Piece J17-Piece 65-Piece 112-Piece 117-Piece 117-Piecr 117-Piece 117-Piece Dinner Se"ts, regular Dinner Sets, regular Dinner Sets, regular Dinriet Sets, regular Dinner Sets, regular Dinner. Sets, regular Dinner bets, regular Dinner Sets, regular Dinner Sets, regular $ 98.50 value; special.. $110.00 value; special.. $115.00 value; special.., $ 78.00 value; special.., $142.00 value; special.. $144.00 value; special... $210.00 value; special.)., $227.00 value; special... $235.00 value; special.., f 59.10 ee.oo .69.00 8 46.80 f 85.20 a 86.40 f 126.00 ai36.20 ai4i.oo Half-Price-Sale of Decorated Vases and Ornaments See special . display of Vases and Ornaments; extra special, HALF PRICE. Clearance Sale ofSteel Ranges1 FRIDAY SPECIAL." . A Fine Quick-Meal Steel Range.' economical fuel-consumer, .' quick baker,' special constructed joints, no bolts, 16-inch oven, .," exceptional $50.00value; special Clearance, each. $39.85 FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE , Good Substantial Umbrellas ".."-. At Economy Sale Prices " ;..-. first. floor." ; . . ladies' $1.50 umbrellas for m cents. - Ladies' 26-Inch ' Black Cotton Piece-Dyed Taffeta Umbrellas, with Paragon frames and steel rods, fine boxwood handles, "our $1.50 value; special Economy Sale price, each. .98f ' '',:- - mens umbrellas. ' ;'"; . . Same as above. 23-inch size, our $1.50 and $1.25 values; special Economy Sale orice. each i,. ............ .....984 1 ? r FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE i . : v.." . - ' (. ,: '' '" '; Friday Clearance Sale Specials in We SHOE AISLE f t . , .. WEST" ANNEX FIRST FLOOR, -j , : Men's $4.00 Shoes $2.89 Men's Fine Box Calf Bluchers, velotir calf, patent roll andtvici kid.' all new shoes, single and double V soles, regular rvalue $4.00; Clearance special, the pair.. 8 2.89 Men's $3.50 Shoes $2.49 A. lot of " Men's Shoes in broken sizes, - all leathers, regular value$3.50; Clearance special, pair, f 2.49 OUR BOYS' AND YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT Is full of Special. Bargains, some lines below the Clearance Sale : ' .prices." .-.. ,--- v Boya' and Men'f Slippers - .-. - Boys' Slippers, reg.. val. "75c; Clearance special, pair. . . .45 Men's Slippers, reg. val. $1.00; Clearance special, pair,. ..B9f Women's $1.00 Slipperi 59 Cents Woolen's 3Iack and- Red Fur " . Trimmed Felt Srippers, sizes 7, and 8, regular value ,$100: .Clearance special, the pair......................... 694 Women's $1.75 arid $2.00 Juliets $1.19 Vici Kid Juliets, rubbed heels, regular values $175 and $2.00;' Clearance special, the pair . . . ; . i J..;. ...... 8 1.19 Women's $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes $2.69 Women's Fine Shots in all. kinds of leathers, heavy soles for the street and light , Mr nedfcjes for dress, regular value $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00; - Clesra$ special, the pair, f 2.69 Women's Evening and Party Slippera . - ' : , . Regular $250 value; Clearance special, pair...... ......8 1.59 Regular $2.00 value; Clearance special, pair.. ......... f 1.29 ' Regular $4.00 value, with beaded strap and Louis XV heel; Clearance Special, the pair .; ,..'.82.49 An Unmatchable jJBill of Special Bargains: Is Prepared for 7S TOMORROW 139 th GRAND FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE!- AH : advertised bargain specials of the week are included in Tomorrow's Peerless Carnival of Sensational Values and, ta still further increase the buying furore, we add the following , aggregation of STIRRING FRIDAY BARGAINS: ' ..' :'. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF - ' v. . Women's Handsome House Wrappers -Big Values at $2.50 SPECIAL at $1,69 Grand bargains these! Wrappers that bear Jherfoolc of expensive Oriental French" flannel lounging robes, yet are but outing flannel of a superior quality and finish And the aristocratic mien of these charming house garments is carried into and all thro' the making. They have Bishbp""sleeves. with fancy cuffs thaf fasten at the-' wrist. "The plaited and trimmed yokef effects enhance the beauty of these com fortable and useful domestic frotks. ' A pretty assortment 'of Oriental ; designs in the choosing! A' turnover collar (narrow arid modish) with neat narrow beltrand skirt flounced completes 'the handsomest and best house wrapper ever made for a woman whp loves to look pretty and feel neatly dressed while about her household duties, at a mod erate cost. - The best $2.50 value. ".Special for Friday only at uauuw veil amu $1.69 HIRS'T FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE 49c Buys $2.00 Hat In the "Bijou- Millinery Salons Second Floor-Annex. THE CLIMAX OF VALUE GIVING IN LOCAL . . MILLINERY SELLING I Tomorrow we place on sale in the year 'round Millinery store just 600 Read-to-Wear Hats in every wanted styl ish effectvalues up to $2.00, and 200 untrimmed shapes, including every popular style of the season and all de, sirable colors. "Some have" velvet facings. In the lot are some beaver shapes, French felts, etc. Choose ACr any. ygu wish at ........ " 7 ?: FIRST FRIDAY-IN CLEARANCE Special Clearance Sale Je welry FOR FRIDAY FIRST FLOOR-SIXTH STREET ANNEX." $1.85 BAR PINS FOR 98 CENTS. , a i t r i t;m . with tnk htifllitv whit hr t Hants, our regular, $1.85 value; apecial Econorny Sale price, eacn : .--t 65c SIGNET RINGS FOR 39 CENTS. -; '. One lot of Signet Ringar sterling silver, with roae-gold finish, . A - . 1 n : M fm w Mj4 .Atna havl, initial nnf ft5e ' value; special Economy Sale price, each ..... 65c BROOCHES FOR 19 CJbiN i . Am a.a4MAn wAt-- npnAlAa crTt 'jriti fmm tafiiti Uto select," values up to 65c; special Economy Sale price, ea. 9f " . . 75c BEAUTY PINS FOR 39 CUNTS. ' . An assortment of pretty Beauty Pins, come three pins on a card, values up to 75c; special Economy Sale price, the card.. ,.39e FIRST FRIDAY. IN CLEARANCE Special Saft of Embroideries - ." . FIRST FLOOR. , A great lot of very pretty Embroideries, in an endless variety of -patterns; in wide, medium" and narrow widths ; For strips 6yi yards long; special Economy Sale price f 1.20 For strips 4, yards long; special Economy Sale price 89f For strips 6yi yards long; special Economy-Sale price..... ..6S F,or strips 4yi yards long; special Economy Sale price.. 4Sf . FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE Bargains fa Lad ies' Handkerchief s FIRST FLOOR. 1 Ladies' 25c Handkerchiefs for 15 Cents A lot of pretty Hand kerchiefs, but slightly mussed, scalloped and embroidered, hemstitched, our 25c val.; special Economy Sale price, ea. 15 A Lot of Handkerchiefs wfth colored borders, for ladies and chil dren; price, each ..I 4f Ladies' PureTJnen Handkerchiefs with initials; special Economy Sale price, each .10f : ' JIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE ; - ; Big : Reductions in Misses'- arid Children's .Gowns and, Coats- SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. ' vr -f - MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OUTINO.GOWNS. . In neat pink or blue and white -striped. Mother' Hubbard yoke, double front and backi"traid--trrmmed y Age 2 Our 45c value; special at, each.,.,.,,. ......34e Age 4 Our 50oralue; special-at, each ...r.....rr39f Age- 6 Our 55c value; special at, each.... ............. ....-44 Agef-8 Our 60c value; special st, each ......49 Age 10 Our 65c value; -special at, ach .54 Age 12 Our 70c value; special at, each...... ,,...59f Age H Our 75c value; special at, each.,...;. .....64f CHILDREN'S COATS FOR HALF. Children's Colored-Coatf.'all this season' styles and both" plain and mixed materials, in the best winter shades,' sizes 1 to 6 years, regular prices icom $2.50 to $10.00; special for Friday. Economy Sale, and also for Saturday's selling, at Half Price. FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCES-FIRST FLOOR. 35cTaffcta Ribbons for 21c- All-Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 3yi, 4 and 4li inches wide, ia ' black, white and all colors, best quality, our 35c value; special Economy Sale price, the yard .21 FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE . Remarkable Bargains in . j : Leather Goods Give Added interest to Friday's Clearance Sales First Floor i". '.:. Sixth Street Annex, ' , : FINE LEATHER MUSIC ROLLS AT ONE FOURTH OFF. All of our fine Leather Music Rollsjnade from genuine, alligator, -Tseal, walrus, etc. a fine showing; special for-Friday Economy Sale at ONE FOURTH OFF. . $1.75 LEATHER CIGAR CASES FOR $1.19. ' A line of fancy Leather Cigar Cases, made to-open up like a book, with metal frame and hinge, come in green, brown,- etc., . our regular $1.75 value; special Economy Sale price, ea. a) 1.19 75c SILK OPERA, BAGS FOR 45 CENTS. . A line of Silk Opera Bags,ihvaribus colors, made with draw. strings, very pretty, our 75c valuejpecial Economy Sale price. r each r.T.". 45 FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE Lace Chemisettes arid Lace . Collars forJHalf .J . : : - ' FIRST TLOOR. r , . . " Beautiful Venise Lact Chemisettes, Xace Collars, Lac Collar , and Cuff Sets, Circular Lact Collars and Fancy Lac Jackets Very swell and very handsome; special for Friday Economy Sale at HALF PRICE w , , ' . . r'- FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE 7 Extra Special Tomorrow in Wash Goods Aisle : V ' i',, FIRST FLOOR. -. " 50c WASH GOODS1 FOR 25 CENTS. All of our Silk Ginghams,-Embroidered Zephyrs and fine Imported- Waxh Goods, a big showing and our 50c value; special ' Economy Sale price, the yard .. ...,2Se ': FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE Exceptional Friday Specials in Silk and Dress Goods , .; : V Salons .V-r---. v .' ; . FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR.. " ; ' ' YARD. WIDE BLACK TAFFETAS. ' Regular-, .i..:. $1.25 11.50. $10 1175 yard Special ...... ... .......... ..-.$1.05 $1.25 $U4 $1.48 yard Fast dyes and all dependable silks. . ' Regular 85c Colored Taffetas, in every wanted shade; special, yard ,...14 Regular 75c value Imperial Wash Taffeta, in all colors; .special; 4 yard ..... ...................-.... BLACK ALL-SILK SATIN DUCHESSE AT HALF PRICE. $2.00 grade; special for, yard... ................ J V $2.25 grade; special for, yard .........j,;.,.,.....-!1 $2.50 grade; special for, yard............ l-2 ' - CHENEY BROS. NEW, SPRING FOULARDS - All 1906-Style and Coloring - " , . , AT ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. - ; - FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE FIRST FLOOR. Special Sale f Ostrich Feather v -!' : : i X r; . : ' Boas : .. "v 1 ; y- , : . All of our Ostrich Feather Boas radically reduced for. Friday , Economy Sale. i-These Boas are of very best quality and are very handsome. All .colors, black and wht.e included - Our $15.00 value; special at. each......... .' 12.00 Our $18.50 value; special at, each. 15.50 Our $23.00 value; Special at, each........ f 18.00 Our $25.00 value: special at. each.......... ....'.fl8.TK Our $27.50 value; special at, each f20.60 Our $33.00 value; special at, each. Our $35.00 value; special at, each, rv.- tinnn ...1.... ..n.h VUl if7.IAI T.IUC. VUCI.IAI l, CV II .. a ............... . Our $45.00 value; special at, each.. ,. .. xr.T38.50 Our $50.00 value; special at, each.... ........43.00 f2S.OO ia aa .............. ,.....r4.c,.vv S32.50 -4 FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE, A Rare Bargain in the Art ; ' ; : : Needlecraft Shop : : ANNEX SECOND FLOOR SPECIAL ON FRIDAY: ' CENTERPIECES WORTH $22$ FOR 59 CENTS. White Linen Centerpieces, with blue or green linen applique edging, round, with fringed edge, partly embroidered and stamped in dainty designs, 24-inch size, our regular $2.25 value; special Economy Sale price, each.....,,. ,..,... 59 V ' FIRST FRIDAY IN CLEARANCE - " Friday Economy Clearance Sale Specials in the Small Wares Aisle first floor ; ; . ; "26c Shell Horn Hair Pins. Clearance .Special at, ' the box ........... ..15 30c Linen Mesh Dress Shields. Clearance Special at, the pair........... ,.20) Darning Cotton, black and colors, on spooL . Clear- ance Special at, the spool.'... ...2 -10c Silk Finish Black Thread. Clearance Special at, the spool ..................................... ,7 35c Patent Shell or Amber Staylock .Combs. Clear ance Special at, each .10 35c Framed Pictures. Clearance Special at, each.. .20 A large assortment of Calendars. - Clearance ; " - Special Half Price 35c French Dimity Cloth Fabric Finish Writing Pa per. Clearance Special 25 Odd lots of Writing Pads. Clearance Special, each. ,4 35c Boxed Writing Paper. Clearance Special at, the box V.. i . . . v . ... v , . ... ... .10 Gaesiy Size Cake Toilet Soap. Special at, the dozen .. cakes .15? Fine Hard Milled Toilet Soap, all odors. ."Clearance ' ' Special, three cakes. .................. .........10e 25c English Tooth Brushes. Clearance Special, each 15J 35c Black or White Bristle Hair Brushes Clearance Special, each .............. . 7. v V. .22 p 1 FIRST FRIDAY CLEARANCE Friday Clearance Sale Specials in We MEN'S SHOR - FIRST FLOOR SIXTH STREET ANNEX. ' ' Everything mthe Men's Shoo reduced during the Annual Gear ance Sale. We offer our entire stock of Men's Furnishings, all latest styles from leading makers, at a sacrifice. Will you share in the bargains? . MEN'S UNDERWEAR REDUCED.' ' A line of fine Worsted Ribbed Underwear, in flesh and fawn col- ors, splendid weight, regular $2.50 value; special, th gar ment.... ..i,....... I ttlJO SHIRTS FOR M CENTS. A big lineof Men's Stiff-Bosom' Shirts, atUtJxd cvtt,mrt styles, best $1.50 values; speciaj, each ......... ' MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. A line of Men's Fine Linen. Handkerchief, put up in tmiijne style of box, book design snd writing pad, i in box, 'regular price $1.50; special, the box ; " LITTLE BOYS', BROWNIE SWEATERS. A line of Sweaters Tor small lads', size 12 sn-l 2. in a ro!.r lin? embracing red. purples and black, regular $1.25 value; per .!, - each . . 11 f