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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
THIS OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND.! THURSDAY EVENING,- DECEMBER 3, -1803. IIIIOTIIEI UICTIf.1 AT THE THEATRES. L 8. Oleson Says He Paid Locators ? I Hoban and Taggart Three . Hundred Dollars. ? LAND HE FILED ON , , NOT WHAT HE SAW Sam Old Game . Ud , to Separate ; Him ' From His Money Gardnei and KmWojke4!Fieid.End of ' i Swindle; ' V'-'if '". J One wort" eenffdlh eaaterner Am' try - Ins to yet back the money which he paid to' Portland timber hark.' gam "- uel OJeaon of Anion, Chippewa county, ; Wlabonaln,. . Wa. . located . .la t southern L Orecm lt. jpne by. Hoban Tagnart, who have office at lOttt Sixth street, ' In this rttn nd he ha a alnee' discovered that the land' Which ha visited is ev " eral miles (Mutant from that on which he filed. While the land which he saw was -heavily Umbered, the - land de- ' scribed In his , application has been . burned over and Is treeless. I. J. W. Gardner, notorious as an ac . complice of W. H. McCroaaen In nu- "merous timber locations alleged to have been 'fraudulent. . assisted In locating Oleson, and Frank K. Ktneart, under , Indictment by a federal grand Jury for ,- tamperlna with the monuments of gov- ernment surveys, posed as the cruiser '- for Hoban tt Taggart.and guided the -; victim to the timber which the latter ' supposed be was securing by his appU ''' cation. . , ' . In an affidavit setting forth the J whole history of the transaction,' Ole son relates his experience, which coat . him' 1300, this being the fee charged ; by Hoban at Taggart for locating the J easterner andhla son on alleged timber f claims. The two victims earner to k Portland last June, to see the Lewla and -Clark fair. An Introduction to Hoban i V Taggart led to an arrangement for a I trip to southern Oregon, where - they were to be located on claims rich In timber. They were given a letter to ' Frank E. Klncart of Roseburg, and he . subsequently took them out to view the I timber. ";, . The first effort to locate, them was unsuccessful, 'the timber being poor .' and scattering, but a second expedition $ was maae in anotner airection: usra '"' ner had joined the party, and It was largely on the strength - of - his aaaur nnces that they finally located. Oleson Jar did not" 'see the government section marks, but sent, his son on to look at " . them, accompanied by Klncart.-The . son came back, reported that ho aad can soma marked trees, and the father - and son then returned to Roseburg, V where they filed their claims In the , : -land office. They then returned: to Portland, where the eider Oleson paid ; Taggart 30v as a location fee. . ' When the reports of numerous swln , dies In which Gardner and McCrossen . 4 were said to be Implicated found their . i way Into the newspapers, Oleson began xo near inai ne, 100, nadv been duped, v and -decided to make an Investigation, i Going again to Roeburg, he visited , the land described , la his application j and found that it was a considerable (distance from that, shown to htm by ,4Jnoart and Uardner. The land de i scribed In his claim was barren of tlm- ber and bad been burned bver. ' I Oleson canceled the, timber appllca , tlons made by himself and his son, and i Is now seeking to compel a restitution . J of the $500 which ha paid to Hoban at . Taggart. x , ,, :i MORALES SAID T0'B T , ; WOUNDED IN FIGHT a (Joaraal Bpodal Berrlce.) 7 Washington IX C. Dec 28. Advices . received here today state that the sltua- ' tlnn In Santo Domingo is quiet. The . cabinet has called upon" Vice President . Oeneral Cacerea to take charge of the government as its acting head pending . the temporary absenca of Morales. The gunboat Paducata left Norfolk yesterday evening forw Monte iChrlsti, - w here she win join tne LniDuque. A Puerta Plata dispatch says that In ; the clash that tookrplaoa between Prea- '-ldcnt Morales and his followers and the ' j cabinet troops sent ln-purault of him r Monday, that Morales-was shot, reaelv- Ing a severe wound in the leg. . .. Orovernmaat Treasury lVootad. (Joaraal Vnerlxl ferylr-.) ,Bt, Petersburg, Dec IS. The govern rnentr treasury in the province of Lomaa was rooDe or eov,vvv ruuiva imk mgnt. s A" QUESTION:OF COSTri In any number-of stores l-youll see various; prepara f tions of cod liver oil at. as ; many different prices. You'll wonder, perhaps, why Scott's ; Emulsion costs more than ' some other kind in' as Jarge "l a bottle. , Hearing only o'ne' . ,. side of the question you may j be led into buying the "just ; l as good, as Scott's n at the Hower "price. " That's false "' economy."- Scott' Emulsion costs more because its more f expensive to make. Every ' ingredient is tested and guar anteed of the purest quality. , " No adulteration, no shaving ,' , of quality. . There's no econ "f omy in bargain medicine. If you can afford to experiment with your health, substitutes ' , may satisfy you. We t!ake it,, however, that you want a. pure preparation, a reliable 1 remedy and something that's , goirifjj to help you. That's what you" get r in Scott's J Emulsion. Thirty7 years the OURHS 0 . ,. Ten Days More. , Tea ear sum and the Ble stock eoea Stay 1U aalt vaaloea. It ! preuatlug toe 44 ass popular awludraaia, "Blue J.,1' thta week, to aiHUeecM waica eeaoa to appreciate ta aeaeral .aeelleuc. of Portland's heet theatrical ae-fanlaattua. 1 "A Fight for Millione" Next, One of the- aaoat exdttng aad atiwatlonal plaj ef the aeaaoa at titntn. Koaeell and Drear "A rUtht for Mlllluaa," wblca Will opea at the fcaaplra Bunda aftrooa aud ma 'till Wedneedey algbt, IbcIimIt. Tttur j - "Whoa toe Italia Toll" will be the blU toe balasee of the wes. . V t; Burlesque at the Baker. Tb lolly Glrla barlMqae at the Baker thU ntk la tb swat popular wltb all amkora t bolldar iwwant. Thar b) eoufdy life and mtale 'gator,' alao .p of pratty stria la caieby cboma atunbara. Ia tb olio Glorlae, tb aredanNr,, Bak br f iawrtcu reappearance- la a sertaa of, oti(laal and BugalDceat auniber. . . , . .. - "Jerry From Kerry' at the Empire. t 'yea wast tb" ehlldrca' tb bar a bappy tin, aend tbm to tb comical prtoraunc ef "Jatrr mn Krr;" at ,tb Empire aoat evcnlos title week, or to tb Batardar matt nee. Tb perfurmaiK ta ntlrely -t re froa tb bwat tblogr ovjecuoaabl. Dreamland Burleaquert New- Years. The New Yeer'a attraction ' at the Bake will be tb Dreamland Beauties burlesqu com pear. Tb Bret performance will be Band matlne aad there will alao be s special BaU ae Moaaay (New Xear'a dar)F.. "The Yankee Conaul" Coming. ' -Ta Tank Conml," tb comic opera oe eeee which will be tb attraction at tb Marqaaoa tiraad theatre aezt Teeaday aad Wedneeday algbta, January 1, t, with a a pec la 1 prlc matlne Wadneada. Is tb btisbteat. a perk Una comic opera eocoaae that bae ba praaented In tb btat decade 1 xaat baa beea care full aeleoteda BeTealypfonr people ta all, beaded br Harrr Short, a cleTer eomkdlaa. aad Mla Vera btlchelena, are Incladod In the rueter, while two carloads of majntflceat aceaery, gorgaoa eoetemee and laiiah effect are atlUeed In staging tb plar. Tba advaac aat at aeats wUl.opca aazt Saturday aMrmof at iu ecioea. - ' .... : - Advance Sale for New Year's Day. Tb W." O. Oarltoa opera eompeny will be tb New Tear' a attract loa at tb Marjaaai Grand . theatre both afttroooa and atfbt, pre aentlng "Wben Jobaay Oome Marcfalag Ho aw," wrlttea br tb eoaipooar of "Dolly Tardea. -Tb advaac aale of aeata .will epa tooor row trrtday) aaornlng at 10 'clock. V "Boater Brown" Tonight. t ' , Vfelrlll B. ataymood' cartooa comedy with aiuaical aombere. "Boater Browa." will be tb attract loo at the Marqaam Oraad theatre to. al(bt at t:lS e'eaork, eoettanlng mday aad Saturday alitbta. wltb s epeclal-pfV anatlna Sa tarda. If yea want to bar a food bearty laofk a Bnatar aad hla dog, Tlge, togetber with a eompaoy. of 45 people. , . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. . -V - . PanUgei Holiday. BilL r ' Tkore'bave beea so' better ' aodTUle bllle tale aaaaaa tbaa - tb aew Pawtafea'. apeclal holiday bow. The parforaaanc I beaded hy tba laughabl farceoraody, "Mlaa Teiaa." pro arated by Ell W liana, aopported by Tboma H. Clark and cempeny of U. Other featarca are: - Tb flT A ah tone, marvelooa acrobat; Carl Hinckley, erratic kid eomedtaa; Lee White, pofaolar baritoa: Adam a later, ahtgara aad sorclty dancer; Jack Herd, premier comedian, aad a lively st e BMvlng ptctara ea the bio graph. . V ; . . f v ' ; yr.i 7 "AU For Gold. ! " A bright.' erhp melodrama ta fonr acta, with rhrllllns altnatlioa aad a jeoerona Interanlnf !tn oCawaMdy, ,atltld "AU for Ootd." what at offered to Lyric petrooe thta week, gccnlrally the play si a hove, the areraire aad. taken all la all. to prodocthai at owe of tb anoat plaaalog yet ems at tbaa popalar little plar hone. Clever Doga at Star. ,Tog. tb brlgbtewt and anoat InUIllnmt that bar performed ta Portland for several year, are ea tb bill at tb star thai week. Tby are tb pete of Mia Edna Daywalt aad their act aa'aoawtbj'ng new. Paul, tb handcuff king, la tb headline-. Ho In trod ore tb Siberian tartar cell, and defies any on to place hand cuff npon hla wriata which be la unable to release hi mac If front without aaatatanee. Cheerful Show at Grand. '- When every -one say the Oraad'a vaudeville iow this week I great, there mnat be a ami for It. The flrand baa a cheerful enteruut-. tent. Th headline act la "A Share tor a Wlfo," a one-act eoswdx by Jocaeton aad Cooke. Lynn Welcber la a toooolojtulat who in variably brinaa down the bona, aad th Ha waiian quintet ta a not ber atronf feature. Mu atcal team, eornedian. eonga and suvlng plo tnrea complete the bllb -. f DANCING INDIANS OF ; ' NEZ PERCES-GATHER (pedal Dhapatck to The Journal.) ' lwiston. Idaho, Doe. IS. The Dan cing Indians of the Nea Peres tribe have established a camp at Spauldlng and will hold thelri annual festivities there during. the progress of which an encampment Is now being1 held by the 4-rellglous Indians. The dancers have erected tents a short distance from the North Lapwal station, and the torn torn was sounded for the first tims Saturday night. .-',-. The dancing Indians usually d6 not "warm up" to the full frensy of their weird dance until they have - been In camp a week or 10- days. The cold Weather Is alao welcomed by them dur ing 'the progress of the danoe. ; Inci dental to the dancing features the dan cing 'Indians usually ' gamble, - and be fore the f estlvltles close the "stick" game is running in full blast OPENING OF NEW . ' q ; Y. M. C. A. BUILDING (Jonraar Special Serrlce.) Xlttle Rock, Ark.. Deo. !!. The new M. C. A. building, which was recently finished here, will . be formally opened this evening with a benefit concert. A fine musical program has been arranged for the occasion and several members of the board of trustees will deliver ad dresses. Next Sunday afternoon the first large meeting for men will be held In th new bulldlnar. On Mondair. Januarr 1, will be children's day and children between- ft and 14 years will be per- mittea to inspect xne. ouiiaing. in tne afternoon thk building will be open tax Inspection by ladles. , In the .evening , a public reception will be held, to which everybody will be admitted. - Xlgh aehool Dlsoasawa. Urarnal neelal "errlce.) ' Springfield, III., Dec, It. -The prtsemt and future status of the high school formed tile general toplo of discussion this morning at the state teachers'- con vention. The speakers at this, the Con cluding general session of the conven tion. Included Superintendent - A. V. Nightingale of Chicago, J.-K. Armstrong of Bnglewood, and . JI.A.' HeUleter of Urbana. , . . ppposeA to lreabytrlaa Vnioa. -iJoornal Special Bervlc.; Naahvllla, Tenn., Dec. . The Cum berland Presbyterian loyalist council at Its session last night adopted resolu tions opposing the proposed union of the Cumberland Preabytertan church mm THE following appeared In the Evening Telegram and The Journal on December ,' "Louis F. Lieber & Co., the Denver merchant, who, it was re ported,' was forced from hit loca tion In Denver, and who-moved 'r his. entire ttpci. to Portland - lor - Immediate disposal,- closes his v doors forever to the public -. ' . "He announces that keen com petition in this field compels him to sell first-class merchandise at unreasqnably low prices. He has, therefore, decided to quit the re tail business. It is advertised that .the entire stock will be sold to . the highest bidder, and that sealed, bids containing a certified check; covering 7: 10 per cent 1 of th amount of the bid will be received until 11 :45 a. m. Tuesday. ' All bids to be. opened upat 1 o'clock' of that day." . .. y ; '( ; We haver at all times got our ' eyes open for such people as Lie--: ber, who needed ready cash, and ' has to sell his stock so as to get , back to Denver. The terms of : this sale were spot cash, and as ' we had the ready money London's Clothing company purchased the entire Lieber stock, for $16,373. ', Otherjnerchants were frightened . to bid. Why? Because there are only five days left to "get rid, of this immense stock. The land " lord was at the sale, and notified the purchaser that he must get out by January the 5th. There will be no extension of this sale, ; absolutely . none. -The . last day will be positively Thursday, Jan uary 4. ; Everything must go. Doors will be open at 7 o'clock Friday, December 29, and we will rontinue to sell at the following ridiculously low prices until ithe " stock is sold. -T 128 FIFTH 'STREET: ' "-r ' ' ' No : Other Store Can Hake Prices Which WHITIoId a Candle . to Ours. ' There will be absolutely no ex tension of this sale.' We mean every word of it JANUARY THE 5TH IS OUR LAST'DAY IN THIS STORE, or we would i have a lawsuit on our hands. We are compelled to move. There 'will be absolutely no reasonable offer refused for any"' piece of goods in the house. TWO BIG FLOORS FULL OF BAR- GAiNS. , -i", . - Boys' Knee Pants.. .12, , Black Clay- Frock Coats and - Vests, $2.50; worth $25, $20 and - $15. , Yourchoice, .... .20 ; , Choice - of any of the Christmas '. Neckties, one in a box, some worth a high as $2.50. - ; Your choice . , .T.,,......22 Neckties, consisting of four-in-, hands, string ties, flowing ends, bows; thousands and thousands'.' ' . to choose from. Your choice here --i ..5" Outof-Town People Send in your mail orders. ,we will fill them promptly, and the oods will be forwarded to you just the same as though you were in the store yourself.. We want you to share in this great bargain event, where goods will b practically thrown away.. 18 ffillM vLLvOJ II 128. FIFTH ST si oumj' Consisting of bhek daysr blue serges, fanqr worsteds, cheviots, Thibets, homespuns, imported .worsteds, double and single breasted, silk and satin lined; Venetian lined, all- wool serge lining ; come and Jake your pick oi any suit in the house, but take our advice, ome quick, 'These suits regularly soldi for $35, $30, $27,50; $25,00, $22,50, Km v y o xus vj W EMM Consisting of long sack overcoats, worsteds, cheviots, homespuns, fancy long belted over coats, Kerseys and Meltons, BARGAIN NO. 3. $1.31 $1.31 Boys' Overcoats '500 Boys' Over- coats. Come take your pick. .$1.31 BARGAIN NO. 4. $7.50 W $7.50 $7.50748 Genuine Cravenettes, Priestley's, Roxbury's are $7.50 included in this lot. Come take your pick of any one. $7.50 BARGAIN NO. 5. HATS , 79c Hats Take; your pick of any Hat in ing of Derbys, black Felt, 79c and light colors,- regularly for $2.50. $3.50 and- : $5.00 . . J". 79c Fleece Lined Underwear, regular 75c garments. Our : pricts . . ae . . ....... .. 24 Children's Underwear. . Gigantic value.............. - Balbriggan Cotton Hose, regularly sold for 25c. Our price ...a........;;. ;.,.v.......Ia.r.. ........ All Wool Merino Seamless Socks, regular 50c kind. ' Closing pnceV.....;.'.......'..t..........l)'' Silk Handkerchiefs. Closing price. . . . . .8 5,000 Pairs o Men's Suspenders, sold for 50c. Our price. 1 5,000 Dozen Red Bandana Handkerchiefs. Closing v . price ........... a a a ... e .... ,T.7 ...I .... . .1 BUT WE. HAVE ONLY FIVE DAYS TO SELJU THE ENTIRE STOCK And we mean to do it. We bought the stock CHEAP, and the public gets the benefit thus giving you an opportunity, to secure Clothing, Shoes and Famishing Ooods at ridiculously low figures. liili. BAROAIN NO. 1 f $7.50 ANY. SUIT IN - top nniiQr $20,00 $18,50, $1500 and $10,00, , Your pick is Here '' a ' aSal aaaB mmw av. mm 1 at a a uit ' ' ('.- BARGAIN NO. 2 OVERGQATS all the. latest style, .Any overcoat in the house, Come and take your pick. They regularly sold 7or $30, $25,420, $17,50, $15 and .$12,50, They're here for $7,50 $1.31 Men's Pants larly sold for w. "i1'' -, , . .31 $7.50 Shoes Any pair 7Qc $1 snoes ivny pair ot : 1.58 $7.50 - 79c the house, consist- tan sold ' .- .70e , Section no. 79c $1.93 .5t Gentlemen's Linen Handkerchiefs.;.. IB w KJJS u o qas ZJ o V 1 BARGAIN NO. 6. - : Men's: Pants 5i mm $7o5(0) .1 $7o5(D) 79c Divided into two parts.: AIL the Pants regu $3.00, $2.50 and $2.00. ...... ...........70 ' All the Pants" reg- - ' t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa L I BARGAINS NO. 7. $ i .55 SHOES $15 of Shoes In the house, worth $5.00, $3.50 and , ' "' . 2.50 for ..8i.58 $1.5 Odd Vests worth $3.50 and $2.50. Our price BARGAIN NO. 8. Boys' Suits Divided into two sections, consisting of dou ble and single breasted, reefers. Buster Browns, three pieces. Sailor Suits. They go for.. ..$1.48 suits reguiariy sojj tor iu.w, ay, 7.ou and $5.00. . Your . choice - ; for .(.$1.03 $1.93 Fancy Silk Socks, regularly sold for $1.50 and $2.00 per pair. Closing price. . . , . . . . .V. . . . .'. . . .'. . ...... . . . .23 hiefs. I...;,.......... .... 2 - .v;-. ".. - .. Silk Mufflers.' regularly sold for $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50. .'Closing price . ... . . .". . . . .... .1 ; ....... .V. . . . 21e Fancy Wool Sweaters, the heavy kind ; regularly sold " ' for $2.50 and $2. Our pric , . . .2St CS) standard. - : v , ' ' BCOIT k BOW NR. aoj rea St, W Terk, j win, inn rrvejuyivriaia vnurcia VI, loa Lotted Btatea. ; . . . t : 1 .