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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
r-4 THE OREGON DAILY JQIRNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3. 1ZZ1 I " -r".' "if a " 1 it 1 t l DUSTER CAN'T DUY DRINK IN TOWn i- Bartenders Look, at Him and V,f: Though H ! of Age V '"Refuse to Sell. ft ttomoralnf arjd there was a' rush for-J aqeommonaiions, many or ins mtmmrt having atood the trip from Omaha, with leaa than ordinary comfort. . Hill, ap proaching tha clerk, said facetiously: ' "I want roorn by myself and on lor tne sua lie re,, . 4X you wui a Data, on 7" turning, to duster. , , . "Yes. father, a bath with-mine." re plied son" and a bath he got. .Notta 'f AND MEANWHiLE TIGE A 1. HAS WHAT HE. WANTS One ThougVPoaing Son of Tige , for Week in Denvflvatner" Arthur. HU1 Had to Pay tha Bill for Both. . . By . Race Whitney. u Things are coming to a pretty pass u when a man la thrown out of a aaloon 3 and hla do haa a cocktail served-hlm with all the eclat known to .mlxolo- ? .-.,..- - r Buster Brown waa aorely vexed. The j Bartender, had refused to aell him a ' lemonade," to aay nothing" of the gin flu . which: he had first ordered. 4: 1 "Where the trouble- aaked Bnstsr. r "Kar and,, ".replied tha .man be V hind. "You, see, the laws are very atrlct V nowadaya. We cannot aell. to minora; cannot. In fact, allow them - In our. ? hlace." . "Miners?, Oood heaven, man, Tm an "No,- that Isn't ilt you're-under agV ' "Nixey.for mine. . I am simply under- a aland. I era (1 laat October.- ' The bartender (Tinned. ; 80 did June Earn." able porter that he m. ' . "Sorry, kid; but 1 lean t do anything 5- for you." . - x And .the decree waa baojute,.-.- , Hog's Oa Advantage. " "' "T-Belna:" log haa Ua advantages, after all." revolved Buater. "M for the role or Tig next seaeoni" ' ' Herbert Rloei the diminutive conv - dlan. who plays he title role in "the cartoon comedy at the Marquam this A week. Is looking for a place to buy t rink. lie haa the coin In his hand and knows what he wants, but three differ- ent eafea In Portland nave declined to make htm a customer, the aad fact be ting that although he haa attained his :: majority Rice is. In appearance, a boy f about It yeara. - . , "This Slse of mine la frequently a nuisance on the road." said he. reach ' lug for the rouge pot. . 1 have been ex ' pelled from gambllng-housea, saloons. ' buffet oars and what not until I'm be ," ginning to wish I could grow, while this man Hill this Arthur Hill, who plays my Dog Tigs la alwaya accepted and . stands around giving me the horse X laugh. . I'm sore, little 'one, I'm sore!" " But- young and diminutive Rica once j got even with H11L - It was In Denver, at the XJrand Palace ' hotel. The comoany arrived early In - Cured raralysls; f :'' -VT. T. Bally, Pr O. True, Texas, writes: "My wife had been aufferlng live years with paralysis In her arm, when I waa persuaded to, use Ballard's Snow Lini ment, which, curefl her all right I have also used' It for old sores, frostbites and akin eruptions. It does the work." Woods rd. Clarke at Co. Herbert Kica' as Buster Brown." lng occurred during the week's engage ment to Indicate that Tlge and Buater were not rather and eon. Tha clerk'wae certain of It, after seeing them together In the dining-room on a dosen occa sions and doubtleaa believed that the condition regarding separate rooma was due to some paternal eccentricity. . The end of the week arrived.. It was one of those, grogry. I a. m. getaways on the II trifled. 1 Matter Rica was the Bret -man down stairs. "Shall I make out your bill and your father's separately r Inquired theolerk. .vAjM Tatae Paid." "No nothing like itl Give mlnet, to father." answered "son." seisins: nils grip and starting fnr the uniod depot It waa plainly up to Hill to settle. 80 he did, with only one chance of redeem ing his IS1 and that chance In a poker game. I Buster dotes on poker. Buster likewise haa acquired a taste for spark ling Burgundy that is .something phe nomenal. Tbey are; his two pastimes hla two modes of relaxation. Another of Buster's hobbies la tha prisering-' , ...... , 'I am willing, he declared, to take on OCBrien or Jeffries if either of. them win make my weight, or ir queensbury 111 bar- that rule about hitting below tha belt I have a awell chance of get- RACE AVAR OH U.S. BATTLESHIP Wisconsin's Bluejackets Fight on Trip' Fronv Yok6hama - , '.-!.. I- to Manila. . TWO NEGROES BEATEN -SO THEY WILL NOT LIVE Murder of a Whiu Sailor by Negroes of the Crew Suited a Fierce Fight Slayers of FcllowtMarine Severe , ly Handled. . ; ' J ' ' ' (Joarael Special Servlos.) " .' V Ban Franolsco, Deo.' IS; Enraged over the wanton killing of-one'of their com rades by two negro sailors, the blue Jackets on the American battleship Wis consin precipitated a. race war aboard the vessel during1 her . recent voyage- from Yokohama, to Manila, which re sulted, in the two negroes being so badly beaten that at last accounts they were not expected" to 'live.' Similar treat ment would have been riven three other negroes but for the efforts of the offi cers and crew. . The other negroes were rescued. . placed ,ln the brig and heav ily guarded until Manila waa reached. news 01 in irouDie, on me warship was brought here by Bailors who were invalided home on tha liner -Coptic. jAc- groea had a grudge against one of -the crew named Gardener. One night while the battleship , waa wrestling with a typhoon on her voyage to Manila from Yokohama, the negroes , waylaid the man as he cams' on deck and, with a piece of Iron! -atruck him on the bead. Hla akull was fractured and ha .died shortly; after. Tha white aaltors at tacked the murderers in spite of the officers and attempted to tear them to pieces and did -Inflict serious wounds. ting to those guys' above the belt ehf not!" . t. . .. A , i faster Rice came to America In the flrat place with the Royal Lilliputians. He wss In the same crowd with Adolph Zlnk and Frans Egbert, but broke away, from that aggregation to go Into vaude ville. The character of Buater. fits hlra to a nicety for the supreme reason that, besides a Juvenile's voice and appear ance, he baa a comprehenslvesenae. of humor. " . i. ' ' But he doesn't want to be thrown out of barrooma when he's thirsty. - m ' : 1 ' ' .7 - . Portland Mam Snsd. ', (RpeHal Dispatch te Tbe Joornal.) Walla WaUa. Waah.. Dec 2i. O. W. Haar, . a Portland traveling man. was made a defendant yesterday in a suit brought by tha Union Savings bank of this city, in which it in alleged that Haar. who formerly conducted the Vic toria bakery here, swore falsely to his assets and obtained a loan of 1(90 from the bank. Haar failed In business sev eral months ago and went through the bankruptcy courts. He win be given a trial In Judge Huffman's court tomor row. , .... Everyone Should Know (low to Cure Croup and Be Ready v Whea the Attack V Comes. A Mother's Darting aTaved-Bead What . '.-.j Sao aeye. . PBOUTT ACTIOX BTWOXaBABT. ' TX feel that Ood has blessed Dr. Acker with special knowledge to prepare that grand medlclne ctUled Dr. Acker's Ena llah Remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles. It aaves children every time when they are attacked by Croup. Every mother should know about it and I will tell you about my experience. I had a aaning Doy. or lour years to die with Croup. My doctor did all he could, but tne cniid could not be made tp vomit. That was before I knew of Tr ii.k.p'. English Remedy. After I did hear of It I rot a bottle. When, our lift ! een-months-old girl wss stricken with Croup. I gave her this medicine, and In- iu 01 iwenir minutea sne vomited and was better right away. During the win ter she had Croun four time. mnA it brought her throurh each time all right I., myself, had Bronchltla nrottv V, and Dr. Acker's Kna-liah Remedy cured me-completely. Before I close. I want to tell Vou about my neighbor's boy, named Jobe Nana. He had Bronchitis. too. He got worse all the time. My husband went over to his home and told him-about my case. Then hla mother went to town, got a KO-cent bottle of Dr. Acker's English Remedy end he took it He came over to our house a few days later and aaid he waa all right no aino sia iwo aoses relieved him from the start You can iindrat.nrf by my. letter why I think so much of it, Acsers cngiisn Remedy. I repeat that God's bleaaina- must reallw have been bestowed -- upon Dr, Acker. i Hlirnedt Mra John Vu, Rivhir Pa." ., . -. r - ' NO need to add anvthinr mora t such testimony only to say that Dr. Acker's English Remedy Is 'the fore most medicine - of the world for all throat and lung troubles. You can prove this for yourself and It will not cost you one penny If It falls. All drug gists sell Dr. Acker's English Remedy en a positive eruarantee to do . all we claim for It or your money will be re funded to you at once. Could vou aak us to do more? Try It today. Be sure to ask for SB. ACXXB-gj. IFOLin Tot the kinnga. . . . . .) AD Drug fists too, 600, gLOO. HYDE AND - RETINUE LEAVE With Old Family Servants and Art Treasures Quits Uncle Sam Forever. t: "Practically a Two-Suit Madetb- or -Two Fifty : $2230 For $22.50 we will make a suit to your measure and give you an extra made-to-..T measure pair, of trousers free ' (of the same or different material). ' . i , The fabrics are not shopworn,, but are the latest patterns and are fresh from the - f . . .- . - . . ? . - .... . v looms. - - f : ' ' . - .'. .i : ,v The patterns are so new that they will be sold next sea son as the latest (by other.tailors); - . - iEvery one of these patterns are acceptable for spring . '" " iandf summer wearrj ' T , ; ;,. ..." '. ..' - , You will pay $35 for the same garments if you wait until spring or summer." ' : . . r "" ','.'.'y L : - Come in and see these fabrics. ; V ;;,'". The $22.50 proposition gives you your choice of a splendid new blue serge a fine ' 'black Thibet ora new all wool cheviot. ' t : ; ' ."V ! ' ' , ' , ' -Li.1:., .... Coats and vests from any of these patterns go nicely with a neat striped trouser. That is where the TWO-SUIT PROPOSITION COMES IN. ' V ' ! V ' ,i A coat made of these new fabrics will easily outwear two paiijs of trousers. ' Think of a fine blue Serge (always in style) with a made-to-measure pair of trous ers in a neat stripe to wear, off days, for $22.50. J' . j- V If you wish to buy a pais'of trousers alone, HERE IS OUR PROPOSITION : . We have an elegant line ,pj the newest stripes and 'over line patterns. - For wear and appearance 'these, trousers cannot be excelled at any price. "Tailors every where' are making up these good for $10 and $12, "Come in and make your .' choice. We will make you the best pair-of trousers you ever had for from $5 to $7, " The price will siiit " ' and ." f" j The suit will fit. ' . 'i ' Fit. , A "... ; ;:- ' '. Finish and , - Fabric guaranteed, . . . 1 . - . - t . -. i ', 4 - t V We handle no ; Ready-Made -A ' Clo thine, but make ' -Clothes to ;- ' TXjy " . J j.V yoilrf order at from ;." :.l.v:.'- . , V, ... ,' ';-v !f-- ' $20 to $ the uiv : R1W WIA'tr 7h JRtnrlr ar as . ... e saa a . eu a i ' (Jnaraal Sperla tmic.) " New Tork, Dec. 18. Among tha pas sengers who sailed on the steamer Tour alne from this port were James Hasen Hyde of Equitable fame, and a number of old family servants., all bound for Franco, which country Mr. Hyde In tends to make his future home. Stowed away In tha hold of the ship are hun dreds of boxes and crates, containing the magnificent collection of art treas ures, furniture, hangings, etc., which had heretofore j furnished and adorned the family residence on East Fortieth street Although MK Hyde kept his Intention of removing to France, strictly secret. It lias caused but little, surprise. Re cent 'events, particularly the Equitable Insurance company muddle and follow ing Investigation, had sorely wounded bis self-respect and vanity and the no toriety which he had gained by hla con nection with the Insurance Investigation Jarred upon hla delicate sensibilities to such an extent that he no longer felt comfortable amid the Old surroundings. Naturally he turned to the country which he had loved and admired from his earlieat boyhood, perhaps even mora than, his native country. . Mr. Hyde has-severed his connection with nearly all the Industrial and com mercial enterprises in which he waa In terested and It la believed by his friends that he will not return to this country except. for a short visit . ... - ODD FELLOWS HOLD . .DIAMOND JUBILEE . . ' (Jnnrnal Special SrrV-e.) Cincinnati, Dec 28. The Odd Fsllows of Hamilton county, assisted by those of Campbell and Kenton counties, Ken tucky, will celebrste the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the order west of . the Alleghanles by a Jubilee meeting at Music hall this evening. There are over 8,000 members of the order In Hamilton county alone, and the celebration thla evening will attract a large audience. Several prominent Odd Fellows have . consented to deliver ad dresses, and a fine mualcai program has been arranged for the occasion. ' . Burial of tha OU fcasnpa. - IJoorsal Special srtee. Berlin, Dec. 18. At Vnruhstadt, a lit tle market town In eastern Prussia, a curious ceremony was enacted this week to celebrate the opening of the new gas works. A procession waa organised symbolising the "death .: of the oil lamp." It' ws headed by the staff of the gaa works, followed by bearers of banners with- Inscriptions and wound with crape. " Then came a band playing a dead march, and finally a bier, carried by old lamplighters. The procession msds a round through the town, and on Its way collected all .the old oil-fed street lamps, which were adorned with crape bows, and reverently "placed 'on the bier "for burlaL" f' - America Alpine Club Sloes. 1 ' (Jooraal peelal sVrrlce.t Boston. Mass.. Deo, 28. The fourth annual meeting of the American Alpine club will , be .held at the rooms of 'the. Appalachian, Mountain club- thla after noon and in the" evening the members of ths club will have their annual din ner at the Exchange club. President Charles K, Fay of the ' Alpine club, Tufts college, and several other mem bers and distinguished, guests will de liver addressee The club will probably authorise the formation of a Canadian" section slid will make those' pre-eminently distinguished for exploration of the North American sub-Arctic regions eligible for membership. ' ' "I Xang-wprth Bot Opposed" to irt. "' (Joeniel gptrlnl gervtre.t Cincinnati, Dec. 28. Congressman Nicholas Longworth doemot share tbe president's hostility to Oregon's pro posed gift to Miss Roosevelt - When told of the reported plsn he said: "That's fine. I. know she appreciates If i , . lie said his marriage to Alice Roose velt would probably lake place at noon in the east room of ths White House, and - that - Bishop Batterlee would offi ciate. Miss Roosevelt may have no bridesmaids. The best man and ushers have not been selected and the Wedding dress Will, be made In America. '. . . f ' i i The Journal party will sail from San Francisco February 15, 1906, for Honolulu. REMEM BER, only two more days to work before the contest closes. Now Js the time to help your -,' .. ' ' . ' - ' '' ; favorite candidate. ' .' : ' r:-:. ,-. ;V r. ?HERE IS THE WAY THEY STAND Votes received op to Wednesday evealag in The JournalU Hawaiian Trip x CONDITIONS Of The Journal's sVBsaBgaBssaaBjgaaBBBBsjBBagBBBgsasKBjB Hawaiian Tocr CONTEST I II IT 4ay yang 1ay ever W yeart ef see SMy be saariaated at aay Maw ea laske atsvMed ay The Jearaal. with the eseoraeswBt ef twe weB-ssewa slUsess as the slstrlet la welch see nsMas. SlOOm-Tbre leasee sereeabte to Ik elrferent easdldatas shaU se selectod to srSeUUy ssaesses the wlsser la each eto trtrt, eee yeasg lady to se ebtsea Imsj eaeh gtatrtet r . , TKraO as ts ether ekwtlms. each tts trlet a0 veto sewuately.r The veto la ene caanot afreet the ether. Marten sees- . rjy eeseeralag ae alstrie wUl he settles by the wishes ef the SMjerltr. The wta ser shall have the right to sssw a sresy If ssabto to attend herself. , v ' rOtraTB Votmt win eeses Thar. aay. Asaset t. 108. asd close garsrSey. rteeenher SO, at e'etork s. ISCa. Oeupoes snwt be voted wltbla sreea atye after laese. Osepess est frets tbe Dally Jeareal snst k sestly trtmsMd. aJI tespeus. whether stsgle er special nat seas the aaSM ef the eaadlattoe he veto is. 1 - OOTTPOWS ABX erTX AS rottOWll ' yii'IKBlBle sispiss, eat fnei the dafly paper, are gned for ese vote- gsaerrl prion to the Kvealng leeraal asd Boaaay Morn Ins Jooraal.. three SMmths. Jl.t. a speelal eonpoa . ef 100 votes (pel ' la edvaaee). aoaerlptloa to gveslag asd Baaday Mors. tag Jeenal atx smtha 88.T5. s speeUl eoapoa of ma votes ipaw ss asvsseei, aes. srHpttos to the Bvenlas sad Csaday More- Ins Josrsal is SMetas, ST.oo, s peelal eoapoa ef TOO votes (paid - advaaee).- awboertptloB to toe Bveslag asd gsaday MoralBg Journal, tares snaths by suit,' 1. SO, s spoetal tospns ef 110 votes (paid . la advasee). BabasrlpUoa to the veslag sad gassey Mora lac earsal by waU . sis atoeths. 88.78, S speelal toapua of SM votes (paid la advasce). Sabecrtptioei so tbe ' Bvoalag asd Sesday. af.mlag Josrasl ' er Ban 18 swaths, 8T 0, a special eoapoa of too votss (paid la advssoa). gmi-Weehly , Joerssk 81 M a year, sparlal eoapoa of 108 votes (paid Is advsaes). . '' 8TXTS Oovpeaa saeald he voted st ths beadqaarrsrs aearaat yea or SMlled to the saspos aopartaeat ef Tao.Jearsal, er et ssy point sas4 below. Votes win be coasted Moedays, WedBeodays asd rrtdays' asd the toule aaaiiaaiat to the naliUe tas tollowlBg day. , ' ' , -. '. '.. ' asy eaadldato withdrawing tresi the ooa tost casaot havs her steseosatod for ss sXAMtrAams ax vorms tiaomi ' lint Dlstrlee -MnlfSaak aad Olaekasws ceaorles. Totlog place. Ooapoa Oopartskiat sf The Jeersal efaos. . .. . . .; , oeead PtetiWt Ostos. Dae Una asd WsUows seasttos, . - . Thmt.PUUIce Waeto. gtunsee. OIUUs Morrow, Wheeler sad Oreek sosstles. - . rosrth PUUIot Baaer. ficast, , Baraey .sad htalbear esaattes. . Fifth tHetitw- CelaaiWa and nto eoantlea, Orecoa: KUcklUt. Oewllts, Clarke, Paetse. WahfclaksB sad Bkaawsto sssstlas, , WaasJsgtoa. . A '. . " Slats Bleu lei Marios. Lisa asd . teas ensiles. ',. ' koowth Platilco WaatrtiaTtoa. TinaBMoB. Taaiklll, Bcstoa. Mk .asd Uscola eossnos. Zlrbth IHstriot sWIas. Oaos, . Carry. loMpblM. Jacksea, KlaaMth asd Lake eooattcs. . . ...... j 'Any fnfoniurtion refsrding con ditions of the Hawaiian tourshould b iddressed "johe maiufer of J tbV nteFpartment of The JounuL ' ' "': ' f SISTSIOt X0. L .' Total Vote. Mies Minnie 8. Phillip, depaty clerk elreolt eosrt ...142.fl4S Mix Baina Madlsan, Olda, Wurtmaa king store ri3,7"0 M In Kadi Wlnlormaatle. lty Iye worka r , lll,"l Mlaa Lara Baty. 840 Baa kafael tract MIm Urrtrbea Kartb. teh-pbun operator Portland hotel Th.oHT Mloa Bras Mares. 810 Kaat THIrtleth street - frj.tmtt Ml Hulk Lee, eadoreed by redersted Trades Cooadl ,. M.iuai alias Margaret Smith, owe WUHaina Mlae Hrnrletta Vt'lnklemas, OT Beat Coach street 21, 2W Mlaa Kdlife Bern. (4 Btark etreet.... .... Xft.Xit Mlae Leura Derhyahtrer 6HO Water street... - Xa.KZll Mlaa Bonhla Olaos, tut ley streets...... .,. 2V.1l2i Mla EUa Urleaal. Sue Thirty -Brat' etreet 22.414 Mlaa Alvess Mors, Orrgon City,..,..,. .:.T.....rt.tHt Mlaa KIts Hut low t, tit. Johns '.77? . Mlae Oenevlera Hnlmra. Olda, Wortwas Klsg store , 1H.42S Mlas Nellie Monger, (M Raleigh street i , T 1 .:. Mlae Omrgla Nlnk, XVM Baraelde street. .....V 18.IMT Mlae Tors Jolly. TS8 First etreet.. 14.iil Mlae Marlon Leahy. WoMUrd, I'Urk Drug eecapsay .....i.' Mlas Coraalla Barker, 8MS Or and ansae. lo.OK) Mlae Bora BeddU-k, Oraeoa City...,.., 1,727 (Voting Place, Ceauoa Department. Jourssl Offlee.) . ... , ' V : sirraiox o. a. ':;rv'; ' '.. . Mlea Mollis Pmebetel. La (Irande. Oregoa .....f.........,.ni nl Mloa Katie Naah. La Oraad. Oresoa , -'. (Voting Place.. La lira noe, Btelabeck Blever Oooferttonory.) ' Mies Agora rieteher. Pesdlrtoa, Oregoa. Mlae Peerl Harrla, Pendletna. Oregoa Mlae (trace Hawk. Pendleloa. Oraeoa , Jitaa Mabel Johnaoa, Peodletoa, Oregoa. ...... ..-..V, (Voting Place. Pendleton.. Brurk A MeOesiss' Drag Store.) . Mies Lillian B. OCHerra. Atheea, Oiwgoa , i Voting Place, Athena. Uell Bros.' Store.) , ay t allab.n. Walla Walla. WeahlbgtoS , -.. Mlee Iry McCalihiter. Walla Walla, Waablugtoa Mine Koxy loang. walla waiia, waaninseoa Mlea Haute Brows, Walla Walla, Weablnctoa Ms UM-lia Bare, wane walla, waaauutioa , i Voting Place, Walla WalU. Waahlngtoa Book Book.) Mlae Stella Xa Laud, Wfatoa. Oregof ', - DISTBIOT 0. S. Mlas Bmllls rreases. The Dalles, Orefoa.r.'.... Mlee Ladle Crate. The Dallea. Oraaxm.. ...... J. i : I. .rT.Te .:. 1S.I44 .". 14.MM .TJ .. 18.964 .. 10.428 ,, 1.H4I .. l.3 .. - 841 .. ,8w7 .. 1,115 M.SMI 8U.MT 41.T4.1 is.m 14.8M l.l .......... X0.7 10. siiae steiia aieaaraaon. nooa butot. uresvw . hUaa Lanra Cramer, Hood Hirer, Oresoa (Voting Plare. liood giver, Wright's Btore.) . Miss yiorHBco Oeorgs, Arllngtoo, Oregon (Voting Plare. Arlington. BrabaaVs Oeoteetleawry.) Mlaa Lena Raa. Heppner, Orr(o. w.. .......... Mlas (iraee Haser, H-ppner. Oreeos...... ,., (Voting Place, Heppner. Pattereoa A Boa's Stare.) . Mlea Gertrude Shaaaon. Coodna. Oregoa - Votlne Pleeo' Oondneu Jeekooo A Hern f brook 'a Store. I Mter Uertrud Sharp, Prisevlllc, Oregoa...-. ...?vf(.... ...... v.. ...... I.TIM V -. DI8TFJ0T BO. j - ","V ' ' Viae Efse Has King, Ontario. Oregoa........ BOtaM Mlea Hattle Barton. Baker city, uregos.. i.o-u Mlaa Ethel Tire. Baker City, Oregoa Mbm Myrtle Brattos. Baker City. Oregoa (Voting Plare. Baker City . LarMager' vrsg Btore.) . Miss Clara Swain. Borna. Oresoa " 10,425 (Voting Plaee. Bum. Welcosjs Pbsnasey.) - Mlas Delay Betterley, Vale Oregoa.,...! .k 8.ST4 Mies Oeraldln Parke. Sumptev, Oregoa : 4.UIO. ' (Voting Place, Sampter. DeNeffc Cigar asd Newsstasd.) , , .; .c . DlgTBIOT X0. S. '. WaehtnskM 41.128 tore. I . i . . 0,900 tZ7 JO.InT S.nAt 8.U08 11."8 , 8.UM l.eaa 1,431 ' 1.PU1 Mlaa Katharine Oar. Xalama. (Voting rtaee, aalaau. cvrrey e nwre. . . , ... Mlea riorenoe Hearren. Vaaooaver. Waahlngtoa .... , i Voting Place, VaneouTer, 618 Mala Street.) ' -nMilla WIlllaSM, Kelse. Waablnstea - (Voting Plare. Keleo ttoofertlohwy.) Mlaa Bra U Tndd, Astoria. Oregua...., Mies Bnblns Coffmaa, Aatorta, Oresoa. --Mice Eatbrr Anderaos, Astoria, Oregna (Voting Place. Aatorla. Owl Drag Store.) Mlae Mary Berc. Boom 'Valley. Waanlngtoa Mlaa Delay Wat kins, St. Helena, ttresea .,...,(.... (Voting Piece, St. Helena, Oray's Store.) ... Miaa Annie Perrine, Cletukaale, Oregoa (Voting Plaee. Clatatanl. Slmceona Oe.'s Stare.) , -. Mlaa Oertrnde Randall, t' Bock. Waahlngtoa ;........... Mlas Grace Wrtaht. Caatle Rock. Waablugta (Voting Place, t aatle Horsr Aaderayrag a '.ore.) Miss Alice Perry, Rainier. Oresos..:V 1 Voting Plaee, Ralaler, yrlrduprg' Cnataettosery.) . ". T' - i , j BISTbICT X0. ty ''.'..; ,;', Mlaa Blanch Brown, 8a lest. Oregoa. .7.................. Mlea'Mlnnle Iretoa,, Bal.m, Oresoa... Mlaa Mary Darldaoo,; Salraa. Orefoa.. 1 Mlea L. Belle Darby, saleaa, Oresoa............... Mlas Pearl Shelley, Ore.-o...... Mlea Minnie ArhenbecS, Saleaa, Oregoa.... ......:.i.....r... Mies Nettle Beddekoop. . Salem. Oregoa ' (Voting Place, Ha 1cm. Haae' Drag Store.) . r Mlas Madge Battee. Engrne, Oresoa Mlea Emma Moffott,. Engeos. Arioa...... Mlas Stella Bean, guceae. Orrson.,.... (Voting Place, Kugeaa, Hair Drug Stars.) ..' Mies Maude Blair. Cot tan. drove. Orrgon ..?.".. Mtee r.fOc Stewart, Cottage Orove, Oresoa .......... Mlas Uaat Veetch, Cottage Orore. Orecoa (Voting Place, Cottage Orove, Ollla Cbntectlonery.) . , Mlaa Lacy Moraoni, 'Waonhnra, Oregoa....... Mlea Myrtle Traak. Wnodlmrn. Oreg..'. (Voting Place, Wood bora, Beebes A Whltman'a Store.) Mlaa Pearl Sarage. Albany. Oregoa, sitae siaggie i nanoere, aioenr. vregow.. ............,........ . .. Mlaa Alice "Locke, Albany, Oregon (Voting Plfce, Alhany. Dawaoa'a Drag Btore.) Mlas Katbrys Wnrvla. Mllrerton. Oregoa. i .... . (Voting Place. SilTcrton. Brook'a Drug Store,).. - . . Mlas Addle Slmpenn, Lebanon, Oregoa (Voting Place,. Lebanon. Cotton' Store.) , - Mlaa Nanda flleay, Aurora. Oregna a------.'-- ' Mlaa Fay Ceotey, - BrowsaTtlle, Oresoa. .4 .. - . . - DISTRICT X0. ."; - ' Mlas Berths Coar'temsnche.' McMlssvllle, Oregon ...;'.-.t..T.. . - I Voting Place. McMlnnvllle. Honeer'a Btore.) , ' ' v Mlaa Myrtle Bntler, Foreet Orore, Oregon. (voting flare, roreet urorr, la bourne a Biere.j . Mlas tfaael Kennedy, Lafayette, Oregoa v . (Voting Place, Lafayette Poatofflce.) i , .. ,v, f t. .. ' Mlaa Marie tlootetler, IlllUboro, rgon...-....,,. Mlas Boa B. Bowaer, Illllaboro, Oragoa... (Voting Place, HIM.tmrp, SVbnlmerleh'a Store.) y ' . Mlas wnace Starr, CorTallla, Oregoa,.,, ....... .'...'i... Mlee i oti Spansle, Deytoa- Oregon, . Vnrlng Place, Dayton. Harrla' Drug Store.)' ..... Mlas Minnie Roy, Dallaa. Oresoa... nr. j. , , ...... (Voting Place, Dallaa. Btaara Cob feet lonery.) , , , M4ea Ollre Stratton, Newberg, Oregoa........... ..t. (Voting Place. Newberg. Ceiwell Co.' Drag Btore.) Ml Lillian Wehetee, Philomath. Oregon , Mies Boeale C. Hnlabelmer. Beaeartna, Oregoa ..........,....(, (Voting Place, Bearer too, T borna Thing Con feet loner r,) . ' ' r-t-. - DISTBIOT XO. 8. . ., Mies Cdaa Paraley, Roaebnrf, Oregon.. ................. ...... ...... Ml Dal Harmon, Roaebnrg,. Oregon. 4 Voting Place. Rueaburg. lUmtltna's Drug Store.) , Mies Loalae T. 'ilonea, Jarkeonrllle, Orcgos .r....V. Miss Maud Berry, Orant Pa, Oreaon j i .-. 1 Voting Place. Oranta paa. Smith's Drug Store.) nnl Woodford. Medrord. Oregoa... , V . (Voting 41ace, Medford, Rnaeell Confectionery.) , Mlas Lrdla MrCall. Aablaad. Oregon , .....I..,,.... Mlas rrincea Oahnrne, A ah land. Oregoa j (Voting Place, Aablasd, Sattoa's Newaatadd Sad BayW.) . . . ,..:- -w. , ' t MlllMIH 4iiHMMnl .....-.&0 .....,' le.Kts 11.4.10 ..'..' 11. KO 1.X7S ...... 1.828 ...... T5J1T1 12.478 l,4u ...... 4 J, SWI it,MVl 11.822 ...... 40.M1 ...... 11,118 ...... 1T.0TI ' ;...10.uT ... J.OM1. , 8,672 8.073 ........... ,1,840 68.878 ...... i...( 4S.1&8 .......... 28,878. ...... .T7 M.I 18 81.308 v 21 .M .. 12.HWI' .. 1L8M 8.040 - 8.105 ....... ,8,871) ' ..!"'-"' ' t 71.211 ........ 8t.2n ........ S4.88S ; 83,oA4 .w.i..$tm . ..; St. on ........ s,ji Coupon- Free Ma wallan trip hoBohilu, liawaUaa UlamU f sfOafkev ..TV" - ' : -; --U 4 .... a ... ...Sr. .e evv.veeeee This eonpoii most be voted on or before rjeeeraber f 6, 1101. - : - Counting U done on Mondays, Wednei dayt and Fridays and , ' tha standing of tha candidates announce J to tha puMio the fol lOvTisj "day 9 ; v t ,