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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
T. TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DETEMDER 3. 1903. tale of iioa HOT YET TOLD . Moscow Maelstrom Continues, But Reports Give Only - -Feeble Outline. ' f J ' JL. -yr;-, PEASANTS FLOCKING TO JOIN THE REBELS , While War Department Inues State v tnent That Backbone of Uprising yt la Broken, Kevolutioniata Say Hoa- tilltiea Are More Widespread. : (Joanul Special flenW.) "" . - '-j St. Petersburg. Iten. 28. Uluhtv-seven , year ago today Emperor, Alexander of RuMla granted the right to the peas . ante to engage in manufacturing. To : day the peasants from these factories ,. are i engulfed In a maelstrom .of revolu tionary anarchy. Revolutionary leaders In- 8t.'' Peters- '. burg this morning state that tats sd- t wcei worn mcwiqw anow mat nosiuu ' ties ars widespread snd that the peas ant are seised with the firs of rebel ; lion and flocking to the scene. inm government statement says mat . he backbone of the uprising has- been broken and that it U rapidly going to ' pieces at Moscow. , , - . "" The reign of terror , that has been - vTerwneiming Moscow aim continues, according, to intermittent reports, from thst plaoe. Telegraph and telephone , connection with the stricken town Is , interrupted and only at long' Intervals Is any word received. When wires are up the government officials monopolise them. . . . Advices received hers this morning "and made publlo b revolutionary lead- , era contain the Information that - the hostilities in - Moscow- are more wlde spread than aver.- Neighboring dle- : trlcts have been seised with the lira of rebellion and thousands of oeasanta are - responding to the appeal to arms snd clamoring to be allowed to Join In the . fierce battle that has been raging the . laat "few days.'-'- . 1 aA AAA t 1 - . . . ssurw uuui u,uv rvoei are reported as holding the city In their power and -fresh barricadea are being constructed hourly, T;he fighting in the city covers an area '.of sight miles, while pitched - battles ire' of ' hourly occurrence be- .' ' arias on the outskirts of th city In all r directions. . -"Y"' Troops WoraJut, ' The report emanating"f rom the gov , '. ernment officials here is to the effect : that the backbone of the uprising has been broken In the Moscow struggle. - and that the rebels are resorting to gueruj wmriKrw. in jauer is aaniu ; ted In part by the1- revolutionary lead . 1 ers here, but strong denial Is made of the crushing out or wavering in any particular of the- rebels. It is pointed ..; out that .the government troops at . Moscow, haw-ever, are worn ,out with -'. stances soldier have' deserted their y, wh.w...vbi bhi v.piu .nil , Ml. I..WIU 1 tlonlsts. ....v.;..' -! ' The Moscow garrison Is e-Jmarl one. '(Only the larger buildings can be pro- j tectea oy it, ana, although the war de . J partment here has for th last three day Insisted that the soldiers were , keeping the rebel well In bsnd, M is t practically admitted today that such. Is nnl trn. tnil IK. t ,,aaa MisfAHu. : ments reach the scene, the- troops . '' would either my tiny and join th revo- lutlonists or be captured. While relnforcementa In the-form of umi m bt pay fos tra::spcitati::i Pennsylvania Road Issues Edict ' and Retaliation Is tjo Be Made. troops snd artillery have reached the alty m aoma numbers, it is -said the ; situation-- has not materially changed, ; as th spirit of mutiny is strong among . iiimux v. nm euiuivry wno were tnougnt ' rt k. Inv.l ' : " Odessa fears an outbreak similar to that of last November. The lamplight- ere have struck and th town I In total darkness, while the terrorists are . In full sway. . It la thought 'that General Mlst 7 chenko, who wss ordered to Moscow to 1 tske charge of troops there, has arrived and is now In charge at that place, al though ha hada narrow eacspe from rapture by th revolutionists while en rout. . More than two-score officers - ' wers captured and relieved of their ---arms, but Mistohenko, with two of his staff,' I said to have reached Moscow 'a. pafely.: . '. . . ' , , 4 Closed Tomorrow. Th Hub clothing store. Third and Burnslde, -.will be closed all day to morrow to -enable th salesman to ar- range- th new stock of Holland Bros., purchased t 27 cents, on .the dollar. ; Opens Saturday at 7 a. m. ; f - Sweet Pease'Today. X beautiful mahogany brand-new j. Pease piano,, the yery. latest style, . ; slightly marred during holiday rush; re duced (IIS. We don't want-to carry tt ' Into nest year,, Pay IS a month. . Also ' a few others. Ellsrs . Piano House. ' Phone Ezchang it. '-.-. 7 ' T ' IS ' " li : jTlagara Falls StotsI Barns. Niagara Falls, Dec. ft. Fire' this ' morning badly dtunaged the Hotel Por : ter and the Imperial hetel, -which ad - Joins It. ' The flames also commenlcated 1 to. several adjacent business houses and . caused conslderabl damage. Th loss will reach $150,000. - (Joanul fprUl 'Berrlfs.) Pittsburg, Pa., Dec 2S. The Pennsyl van la railroad has placed the newspa pers on the same list as politicians, so far as passes and transportation are concerned. It has ordered that arter January 1 all newspaper advertising shall be paid for in cash and that no transportation ' shall be' given , In lieu of advertising. The Pittsburg Newspaper Publishers' association has decided that hereafter no railroad official of the Pennsylvania railroad shall receive favorable mention in th dally papers. Railroad news will be restricted to reports of wrecks and such newe as will benefit the public. The handling of railroad newa copy will be edited so as to eliminate all favor able mention of rallorads and wherever possible the news will be written so that the public's side alone will be rep resented. - ELEVEN MILES IN SIX . ' AND A HALF MINUTES '' Moarnil RDecisI Scrvte.) - Chicago, Deo. 88. The operating offl- clala of -the Pennsylvania railroad sys tem are working but the details of what is -regarded as the - most . remarkable Bhort-dJstanee run ever made. ..While making up time Into Chicago a Penn- avlvanla SDeclal ttne is-nourew xora.- Chicago train) ran 11 mtlej at the rat of 101 miles an nour. The train was compelled to negotiate th distance in a trifle over six and one half minutes, or 1 miles every 0 seconds, covering each mile of the 11. under t seconds. : Every mil was prac tically made in the same number of sec onds. The passengers dldnot notice the sccelerated speed. The stretch of track Is as fin a any in the United States, and Just enough down grade to .make It possible to maintain a greater speed than on a level track. , f " , NO MORE SILVER COINS : FROM THE PHILIPPINES ' (loorasl gpeclsl B-rrlre.) Manila. Dec. !. The Philippine com mission has enacted a law making It a crime to export allver coin. Thla law was found necessary because the recent heavy exportation of slrver threatened to menace the parity. Tourists leaving the Islands are permitted to take only 2i pesos with them. The law provides hesry penalties for its violation. -. " ii . ' : Beats of ICra.' It SC. Baldwin. , . V (Rpeclsl Dispstra to The Joerml.) : - o..tiu riAv- it Mrs 4 M. Raid- win, - an . old resident of The DaUes, Oregon, died , at ' th - resldenoa of her a. Mn , 1 -MrDnntlll 1711 East Green Lake boulevard, yesterday afternoon. Deatn was causea oy parmiy- sis, arter an yinees oi soTeriii jmrm. Mrs. Baldwin was born, In- Thetford. Vermont, 81 years ago. ' The funeral services will be held from the MeDon Ait '.y,ni thla afternoan snd the body will be shipped to.Th Dalles for interment.- ,. s -i.-.. ' Aeeoaed of Tixtng oa TreJa. ', ' ' tanecist Dtsmt-a ce The Joarasl.) Med ford. Or, Deo. 18. Sheriff Rader arrested Oombettt. en Italian laborer. charsed with firing a IX-caltber bullet throdeh th observation car ' on the northbound passenger train on Monday evening, at Medford, narrowly missing a -passenger. Th sheriff, accompanied by Chief of Police Angle,- searched th camp of the Italian employed in, th railroad gang for firearm a. . Th only tl-callber rifle in the lot) was' owned by Oombettt. .. , Capital Mtook Inoreased. ' " (8pe-sl Dispatch te The JeBrasMF tealla -Walla, Wash.. Dec I 18. At a meeting . of the stockholders " Of - the Northwestern Gas V Electric company tt was voted to Increase th capital stock to 1 1:000.000 by Issuing $160,000 preferred - stock. -,The company . an nounced that $10.00 would be apent In inrruiln. the efficiency of th distrib uting system In Walla Walla. ,' . , Manly Bsasaada BeedgTiattosv ' "' (Joaraal Ppeclsl Berries.) ""' Indianapolis, Ind.. Dec. II. The reals-nation of Secretary of State Daniel K. Storms has been asked for by Gov ernor Hanly. Storms owed th stat $77,000 October 1, when his quarterly settlement was dus. He borrowed money and turned over securities to make uo th shortag. : . y Trust Ooal Bealare rined. , ' (Joornal apeeial Servlee.) Cleveland, O.. Deo. 18. -At. the trial today of members of the Coal Dealers' assoclstlon. charged with violating the anti-trust lsw, J. V. N. Tates, William Bchaffer and -H- G. Brayton pleaded guilty. Each waa fined $600 and costs. Eight other dealers were released. 4 V..' Bomad to Sows Alice. '. (Rperlsl PtspateH to The Jr-smil.) HaIta- Citm tyr rjen. 1 R. Not with AAi.a- ih. 1 a nnrnvi I -nf the bresl . ... . , .11 n . dent ana or me preset me i-- velt -dowry vrana grows rspiaiy. . sw letters containing iw cenis nave icn Baker City In the last two days, di rected to Secretary of Bute Dunbar. ' ref erred Stock Oamned Oooda, ; ' Allen at L-awla' Best Brand. 1 Fifth and Stark .:' Hinwood Bonrbon - ' Recommended for family' use. . Full quart $1.25 WINES ! Al J 1 f I r Phone Main 6499 Hfaltnomah Rye Guaranteed ab sofuUly pure. . Full quart , W ' . , $1.25 TV . - Pouring O jit Informatibri Wine and liqurfr might deceive you once or twice, but tt would not pay ue to mislead you. - Our stork is the production of the heat distilleries and winegrowers in the-cnuntry, and la fully, matured under the most propi tious conditions.- Drive away dull esres and aharpen your wits with our Celebrated Multnomah Pure Rye or Hillwood Pure Bourbon Whiskey. Just th thing to kill the blues. . V- : " NATIONAL- WINE CO. ttSSSr E All Merchandise Bought cn Credit will be Charged on Your January Account Upmm0!:M&; &o OurCnztSz'.s z: Carnivzl Every Arikl: Hzd-czd ri: THE UPUMl-WOLFE GREAT SALE CIg Bile v'.-ctrr":-;:-. ; The greatest Clearance Sale in Portland. Because we have the best' up-to-date assortments, the greatest values and the finest merchandise. No vsat accumulations here of shop-worn, old merchandise that ii dear, at any price. Everything new. Everything reliable and desirable. And every department is striving to secure your patronage by offering the very best goods at a big saving. ' , . a . V Every Article in the Store Offered at Reduced Prices : Bargains in Suits, Coats, Vaists and Petticoats " ' NEWEST, LATEST, BEST UP-TO-DATE STYLES $20 Tailor-Made Suits ii $5.75 v Waist Bargains $1.75 A matrons Waists, at. ..... 7 .... .f 1.58 84.60 Embroidered Munsvelllng waists at ...... ....... at....l.. $3.61 $7.i Jlald Silk Walata at. 55.50 Kersey Coats at 54.55 Kersiryt -Coats, 16 inches long, In black and -castor, lined with satin; regular $8.60, at ............... f4.83 515.50 SUength Coats at 55.75 Three-quarter length Coats In tan covert cloth . and black and white mixture materials. In '.loose-fitting, half-fitting, and .tight back; - regular $18.60, at ...... f8.75 . t - One hundred Tailor-mad Suits, In" black and navy cheviots; mad In Jacket atyles; all new thla season; valuea to $10.00, at 98. TS 555 to 550 Tallor-fJladt Suits $17.85 Bilk Tailor-made Suite In Eton and blouse ef - fects. In black, brown, navy, green, gray, mode; regular $16 to $50, at ( 817.85 517.50, 515.50 Silk Petticoats 5- 0.75 Highest-class Silk -Petticoats, made In the most approved and newest shapes. In .black and, color; regular $17,60 and $11.60, at.jfl0.75 SILK BARGAINS! SILK BARGAINS! i '-... :-- ..... , .... ; i ". - - - f. $1.00 ALL-SILK SAtlfi DUCHESSE AT 49c v For linings, petticoats and waists In a food color Una? ' - 51.25 BEAUTIFUL PRINT WARP SILKSAT 69c - A. rnrous Msortment - of r dalcnfl and oolors - to select from for wlU, aklrts and ' COwltUlllM. '' ' 4 - . "- -,, 55c AND $1.00 NEW FANCY SILKS AT Wc The assortment ' Includes Checked ' Loulslnes, Hair-line Taffetas, etc., 'in the newest -; color -eomblnatlona. . r .-''.. . . . --v, .'-.-.'.- '.. 65c and 15c lap Kimono Silks at 39c 10 Inches wide, all pure silk, for kimonos and decorative purpose. Correct Japanese designs and colorings. 51.25 Printed Foulard Silks 69c Choice designs In both piaiiTand satin Fou- ' T .1 . - tarda la beat quality. HOO Jards 25c Madras Ginghams at 15c Yard ' .; Madras Dress Ginghams, in blues, tans, grays, ete,. in embroidered dots and figure's f ' : ' j iVAt Percales at 1Mcn ; ,; These 4-4 Percales are shown la blues, reds, pink and white; are fresh, new pat terns; .corns early... - - . 12Vic Dress Ginghams: at 8Mc These are etandard 87-Inch Dress ; Glng-" hamsln checks, and stripes. x:': 25c Batiste Watsting 10c "' 4-4 White Ground Walstlng Batiste, In a variety of striped and figured effects, . 4000 Yards M-Prlnts He : Indigo, cadets, grays and white grounds, In dots, figures end stripes.. - . CARNIVAL Pronounced by Thousands the Most Beautiful Collection of 'White Muslin Underwear and French lingerie Ever Shown In Portland :. The choicest garments of the best makers in America and abroad shown in' wonderful assortment and all at lowest prices ever known. Come today and see these choice bargains. You can shop here . in. comfort in our new, large;' airy, big, commodious department. : CORSET COVERS In endless assortment. Great bargains ai 25e, 29e, 30, 40, 59, 60, 70, 98 and up.- ' GOVllS Of cambric, lawn and muslin. Great bar- faine at 59, 79, 08, S15, ?1.45, 1.65, 81.98 and up. 0 SKIRTS Of muslin and cambric, with lawn flounces , 'and ruffles. Great bargains at 79, 98, $1.35, S 1.45, fl.65, 81.98, 82.75 and up. ' V . i : DRAWERS u Great bargains at 39t, 49e, 694, OS, fl.39, 81.98 and up.. ' CHEMISE In short and combination styles. 'Great bargains at 49e, 59T, 70, 08, 81.35, 81.45, 81.98. - . '..;V..;. :i FRENCH LINGERIE . All those dainty pieces of hand-made French muslinwear many of them elab orate and fine enough to be classed as objects of art also all of our Italian Silk Underwear are on sale at much less than former low prices. , ; V" Goods Bargains IMPORTED CREPE DE PARIS $1.00 quality' pure slik warp Crepe de Paris, In full line of oolors. for street or evening wear; 41 Inchee wide; sold always at $100, at, per yard,.4e ' ZIBELINE CLOAKIIGS AT ONE HALF PRICE ' $1.80 quality Pur Cloaking, 64 Inches wide; navy andbrown; priee eut In bait ...rr;... ...,75e 54-INCH BROADCIeOTH MIXTURES ' $1.76 quality 'all-wool Broadcloth Mixtures, for tailor suits, coats, ete.; ' Oxford and medium grays, browns, castors; 64 inchee wide, at......98 v V ' $1.00 SUBLIMES 59c --. i Imported ailk and wool Sublimes, similar weaves to Lanedowne; $7 Inchee wide; cardinal, gray, pink, yellow, rose, Nile, reseda, heliotrope, at..58e - . : NQVELTY SUITINGS ;: "'y- all-wool Novelty Suiting. 64 lachea wide; Scotch tweeds, homespuns, - boucle and camelshair novelties; regular $1.26 values, at.... 65 $1.16 Priestley's Cravenette for Rain Cloaks; 68 Inches wide; Oxford, navy, - brown; tan, castor, gray and mode, plain and stripe effects,, mt... $1.65 V PLAIN AND FANCY VOILES AND. ET AMINES $1.15 to $1.76 Imported Novelties in French .Voiles, 48-inch plain Voiles, 41 Incb French' Vollea, Mistrals, F.tamlnes, Panamaa, ete. 690s v. ' ."l ... ? ' ': '.- ' ;. - ''': .' V" .' .-; BRAGAINS IN BLACK DRESS GOODS ; Black Novelty Dress Goods, $1.60 and $1.09 quality, ailk and wool Crepe, Mohair and Wool Novelties, figured Boilels and fenoy Jacquarde.,,694 - '. : '. - .-:!. . v ' . L. " ': ,v y, Black; NoveltyDress Goods $1.75 to $3 Quality Silk Embroidered Crepe, polka idot embroidered Crepe d Paris, sUk and i wool crepe novelties, mohair novelties, Prieetley'e Bilk, and wool novel r tiesj at vs f ,.,,,...,.-;' K$. . . . rf. . . ..$1.48 - $1 Glace Kid' Gloves 68c 1 Ton save jso ea eeerr al. all oolors. aU elaea. Oms-elaap Olaoe Kid loree; S.000 pain to s from. . v. Drug Store i Capreeedeated Bargains fo Drag . Oastomsre. . ( 600 cakea-of finest violet, sandal wood and lilao SoapV each packed separately In a box; regular price ' I6e cake; special sale price.... 54 1,000 cake" of fine Italian Olive Oil - Soap, In-. -cases; special sale ' price 7. ......8e 1,000 double-bar pure Glycerine Soap, , double else; regular- lOo bar; spe ' cial aale price 54 10.000 rolls of fine hygtenlo Toilet - Paper; regular price lOe roll; ape- ' cial aale price.,.. 6e 1,500 Veut's English .Toothbrushes, "best In the world." soft, medium and hard; regular price 15o; spe cial, sale price 19e Rosewood and fox wood Hairbrush, .In k variety of styles; regular price 76o; special aale price 48e Millinery Bargains Ready-to-wear Hata, former 'price $1.60. at Fine velvet, silk and braid Hats, formerly ,$1.00, at Entire stock of felt ahapea, formerly $1.60, at... "... Felt ready-to-wear Hata, formerly $8.00. at c.. 1,000 fancy Feathers. Wing. Quills, Birds, Pompons, etc. at Felt and Chenille Braids, formerly to $1.50 piece, at Trimmed Hats, embracing ell the most nonulsr and trimmed with velvet, Sitka-jibbona, fancy feathers, ete. .oo to 811.90, at 294 $1.19 69e . . . . r-r. . Vow prices to $1.90, 104 ....... 254 leading ' shapes. ; former prleee . f ..... $3.95 SI and $125 Allover Lace Nets 59c to Neta for Waists, 44 Inchee wide. In dotted and figured effects, la whits and sera; regular $1.00 and $1.16. at ........... .......i... .594" lOe and T6e ecru and white Galloon Appliques, at ..19V !5o and 6O0 white and ecru allover Neta, for walsta, at... .17 18 1-le and 15c yard Platte VaL Laces. to 4 1-1 Inches wide, at, yd.. 64 $1M Corset Cover Embroidery at 95c Corset Cover Embroidery,' In boxes, with beading to match. , ; - - Great Lace Curtain Bargains -. Nottingham, Cable Net-.3rusrels-.Ket, Corded Arabian and Scotch Lace, Renalafanee, Irieh Point Lce Curtains: ;, , i t 1.B0 Laoe Curtaina . at .w. $2.68 $ 4.00 LaceCurtalnr:et....$3.15 $ 6.00 Lece' Curtaina at.... $3.89 $1.00 Lace Curtaina at.. IL16 Lac Curtaina at.j $1.50 ' Lace Curtaina "at. . $1.00. Lace Curtains at .$ .70 .$ .98 $1.15 .$1.53 $1.60 Lace Curtaina at $1.98 $1.00"" Laoe'" Curtains at .'. . . . $2.33 $ $.00 Lace Curtains at.... $4.79 $7.50 Lace Curtaina at.v. $5.79 $10.00 Lace 'Curtains at.... $7.69 100 pairs of-manufacturers samplea of Laoe Curtaina in Irish Point," Swiss Point, Maria Antoinette and Brussels Net Effects. Just the curtain for "flats and short windows, 1 S-t yards long. 50 fncBes wide; the best part of curtaina that sell from $5 to $15 a pair, at, pair.. $1.39- $1.98, $2.39 - : ' 1 COUCH COVERS ' 100 Oriental Stripe Couch Covers, good quality of tapestry, t yards long. 50 . Inches wide, fringed; special ... ...W..t. ...... .894. . --; ; . .' curtain swiss r ' ' ' '. - '" too, yards of Curtain Swiss, 40 inches wide, at....,.,,,...,,...,.,..,74 6.000 yards of Curtain Swiss, full $6 Inches wide, in large verlety of pat - terns; regular 16c; special at, yard...... 1. 104 ; EXTENSION RODS"' '. Bash Extension Rod, suitable for door or sash curtaina; special...... .74 Extensa Rods f or t ull-slis curtaina, 10x64-lnch extension; special. ..104 Notion Store Thousands of Straw Shopping Bas kets; regular price 10c; special sale price '.,.......,.. i .. r. ....... .84 Shell and amber Horn Pin. ( In box; regular price lOo box; aale price, box .............54 1,500 best quality Gas Mantlea; reg ular' price !6c; special sale price .' 1T4 12c and 15c Mussedi 'erctitefs at 5c Ovsr 7,000 Ladles Handkerchiefs were used In our decorations this holiday season. All perfect, but slightly mussed. Will close them out St.... 64 Oe SAaadkerohlefe at 834. Ladles' scalloped and hemstitched Handkerchief a, in a most varied -"assortment; 00 values, at. ,.334 Cmlldrea'B Xaadkerehlefs 94 Boa. Children's Handkerchiefs, three In fancy -box; the-kind" we have been selling heretofore at 140 box; your choice at, box,. ..,,94 i .1 1 1 ' ' 75c Handbags 39c Fine Leather Bags, in black - and brown; regular price ,75e; aale -, , price ....... ... . .394 ' 91M SLAJTOBAdS 734. Our entire assortment of $J.16 and $1 16 Handbags, eight styles, black . -and brown; special sale prlc..734 to LAnrar bxxts 144.-- J Plaited, shirred, folded, tailor-made Bella, Mack and eolors; regular . prloe IScrspeclal sale price.. 144 15c New Flannelettes at 8c ' $.000 yarde of new Printed Flannelette In plain and aatln-atyla weave t pretty eolorlngs. ., , $11 $1.25 Picture. Frames 69c . Black, black t and gold frames, square and ovalu three sixes, fitted with arias. so ricTcrmB rmAios a 294. Black and earbon-brown frames ' in square and , ovals, 7x8 and 8x10; regular price 60c; special sals price 294 Bafgains at Linen Counter $.000 yards of 71 Inchee ' Wide BUAOItaB UOTbT- TABUS DASCAB 16 different oeautirul patterna to select from; $1.26 and $1.86 quality, $i.oo Three quarter Napkins to match the table linen; regular $1.50 St. .$2.75 I4x46-lnch Bleached Honeycomb. Towels; regular ISo eirch. .94 18x8 8-Inch "Bleached Hemstitched Huck Towels; regular 10c, each....ll4 18x1$ Inch Bleachd Linen Huck Towela; regular 16o each.,, 7U..vJt164 10-inch 'All-Llnea Bleached Napkins; regular. $1.00 doien,,..., ....$1.27 Full-sis Crochet Bedspread; regular $1.60 each. .............984 tOxtO-lneh Union Linen Square, hemstitched; regular 60e.. ....... .2S4 18x60-lnch Union Linen Scarfs, hemstitched; rajruiar 80o. ........ ...254 $1.50 Umbrellas at VCc Mercerised Gloria Umbrellas in 2ft , and 23 inches, for r.: i ni women, with a large variety of new handles. Keglar p n ) i.oj values at...... zzzzzxzam