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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING,' DECEMBER 23.V 18CJ. ' jell. i. i i i im. .- u ! 1 .'. 1 '' . 1 U-J " ,' " 1 ' r ' ' : x' 11 J JL"1 t -. - i !r:Sfe l 'ii'' TJrT7T?T7?Q TJ A lVri7A7Q worth any man's while to read. Every man knows a good hat v.jnL JUsXvX-J O XJLTl X V V O when he sees it, and most every man is willing to pay a fiir, " price for a good one. We'll give you good ones for prices that you've nsvsr seen the equal of, quality considered. Take, a look at our windows, or come in and see us. YouH have a new hat if you do. y ". " , ':':" t t ' - ! I K I ' II I 1 It , I S III I MOTHER FAD III ! BOXING LIIIE How a - Shift in .Ring Tactics Comes When New Man Wins . . Prominent Fight. . rO'BRlEN'S HOPPING NOW THE popular STUNT Suinvan's Right Swing, Corbett Measured Pace and O'Brien's Speed All Hava Imitators. ' i Jack O'Brien's victory ovr Wd Bob rt ntaalmmona will start snother 1 In th boxlna Hn. : For whUo -sJl of the aspirins and ' parsplrlna"' hcavy- welsht will want to t fast and clever. Ilka O Brian, wnoa Jumpiajr-Jac" (acnes kept Ftu movlns ' ao fast that his stomach want back on blm. Thesa change oome periodically. In the time ' of John U BullWan nearly vrary hearywelsht tried to fight just like John, with a pawing left hand and "a smashing; right swing thsrWId bust. 'nass rvery time .It landed. ' but Only landed wban It happened-that the other '.fellow forgot to get out or the way. . Jim Corbett's cleverness In the tight that ended Sullivan's winning streak tcaught the fancy of the sporting world. .In a week all of the flg'hters had dropped the right swing Idea and were ' trying 'to be as fast and fancy as the shadowy . .James. ,'-.'- '":, . , , - That fad lasted until" HT, when Cor--4ett met a, better man In KJtsatmmons jat Carson. Then the wallop had. an In - nlng. Fits was the Idol of the fighting ' men. What ha did was exactly right, 'Cleverness, and showy boxing like Cor bett's went on the auction counter with no one to bid for It. People talked about 'Fltsalmmons wonderful knack of mak- ing every move effective and It Didn't Hurt a Bit The Chicago PainlcsL " :; Dentists 303 WaiWngtOH St, Corner of Fifth St. QppJPerkina ' , - Hotel. , SEE THE Special Rates Von. Dental Work 'v t : . . , J Full Set Teeth that fit.. . 5.00 Gold Crowns, 22-1.. ...$3.BO Bridge Teeth, 22K ;.Y.3.80 Gold Fillings ...fl.OO .Silver FUlingi B0. . A 12-year guarantee with all work, - W do -strictly as we advertise.. Open evenings and3 Sundavs. Bank reference. ( CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS SKSJtt 35.00 HATS . . $U0HRTS $5.00 HATS $3.50 HATS $5.00 HATS Ten dozen Soft Hatt, in Harrington Derby, in ' New Winter Derbys, in ? All of our $3.50 and $3 Stetson Soft Hats; the , the .populapUhapes,. ' -nefaI1 MockSf browns the 1 a te s t fashionable at8Vin. ''-s??i tdu 8-ofj !?ind TW&M? frohhe lead irig makers;- .... TT , - .... .. . j." , shapes, the latest fall and for; the latest shapes, in" assorted size! and colors. ,: nd blacks. , Here s a Hat block and. colors; the r winter patterns. Without . blacks, browns and light V Regular $5.00 values bargain for you kind we are proud of .reserve : .1 colors -s . ? Now $2t201' Now $2.90, Now $3.90 . Wow $2.20 . Now $H.20 Riding and Coll Caps 50c kind, now.. "...35 '75c kind, now... ,,60 289 WASHINGTON STREET .00 k nd. now....B $130 kind, now..1.10 2.00 kind. no..f.W wonderful as long as his strength and vitality backed his punches; But Jeffries cams along with Ms wagon pole of. a left arm. caouehlng so far over that "his 'mid section was hidden from stgnt. ; He beat Fits. . All the heavies, and most of the little fel lows, too, began to curl themselves Into bowknots In Imitation of Jeffries. The Idea filled the land that the heavy weight champion must be a huge, pon derous punching inaohlne,' with a heavy frame and a bony , jaw fit to -stop a 12-Jnca jSbdlL The battleship type of fighter came Into fashion. Promoters scoured tha land for Monroes and Kaut manna, Weekses and other milling gi ants. " ' -.i ,,, But now that Jumping Jack O'Bflen has beaten Fits there will be a hop ping mad skipping such as tha poor old ring has never seen beforai Heavy weights, with stocky legs will try to hoo up Into the-air like lackrabbits. Tblri-leggad fighters . will train their spidery underpinning to knitting neeo lea with earnest practice of O'Brien's manifold sidesteps. All sorts of fight ers will talea-the roslndust while trying to be in every part of tha ring at on a thing only possible to O'Brien and the Deity. - There will be swift jabbing and fly away sidestepping until . your brain whirls. Some of tha fighters, perhaps, may master Philadelphia Jack's deftness of foot. , .'' . Then about the time that the pugll iatlo world Is speed mad Jeffiiea will wake up, climb Into the ring again and put on the mitts. Jeff can step, some himself. Also he can wallop. Also he Is still young and has a stomsrh that takes aa kindly to 'punching as it-does to the gentle, massage of the training camp. . . '(- The next morning there will be an other change In pugnllstlo stylos. - Luxury played an equal part with age In beating Fits. For two or three years Bob haa been living much .In hotels and cafes. He haa drunk appetisers before meals, eaten rich food a and fin ished with a cordial His. stomach, al ways accustomed to rougher fare, baj came as tender ss a magnate s. At me end of the thirteenth round Fltsalm mons muscles were strong, but the weak stomach put' him out of business. Tha heat' snd ths exertion, with the blood he hsd swallowed, made him, Sick. '. . . The old Romans, . when Rome was going to the dogsrtised to eat several banquets" a day, taking emetlca between them. A man liked a dish of peacock's tongues. He stuffed himself. He took an emetic and stepped around the corner. In a moment bo came back, pale around the gills, but with an aching void ready to be refilled. It's a bet the old Gracchi would have collapsed after- a solar plexus punch. Prosperity snd pugilism don't travel In the same private car. PROPOSED TACKLING : :v RULE NOT PRACTICABLE -V : ; (Joaraal Spxlal Berries.) Chicago, Iec. 18. Captain-elect Wal ter Eckerssll of the University bt Chi cago football team, whom Walter Camp picks ss tha best tackier In the country, does . not think the proposed football regulation which prohibits tackling ex-J eept between the knees and shoulders will be of spy benefit . The Maroon quarter, who himself slways tackles above the knees, believes ths rule would be Impracticable because of the Inabil ity of the oftlclals to enforce the regu lation. - The proposed rule prohibiting tack ling below the knees would . probably bring a bo .it more disputes thsn reforms In. football.' said. EckersaU yesterday. "It will be Impossible for the .officials to enforce the rule. They can . never determine where a maoM tackled except In a few cases, ana If la decision- Is made the tackier will cliftlm he tackled above ths .knees, but his 'bands slipped down, between the rival players and cause ""Ill-feeling, 'which will do .Much harm.' A similar rule wss tried some years sgo and proved a failure. There were not - enough - . injuries smong the bigger ' teams to warrant changing the game much. , I like Mr. Starr's pish of having one set of rules for the college, teams and another for 4be "prep' school, players.". . . . GOLD LEAF BOWLERS ' DEFEAT BRUNSWICKS The Brunswlcks dropped all 4 three games to the Gold Leaf team last even ing on the Oregon alleys. . Kneyse had the. high average, lto t-l, and he also bad thevhlgnest single game, 111. The scores were Gold Lal (1) () Pollack. .......IS! 179 (I) ISt 17 151 131 lot Kneree .. :i 179 Boulanger . . Ill too Rchell . . 101 x 160 Gail lard , . V..13ff 200 Totals . ..,......... '..121 lt 774 Brunswlcks (1) (t) (t) Bloom ., .....i...... ...... 141 6 lM Ianford 114 '160 10& Mill v 110 ' 104 105 Norton . . IIS 11S1 Vaughn ; 117 i ' 7' 7 Handiaap . , ............100 100 100 t. Totals . . ..... ...760 "1 17 This evening the American Guilds roll the Ooldea West and ' taa 4Upmans the WoodUrka,- NOT A SHOPWORN OR TEllLl PREPARING FOR SEATtLE Captain Jordarr's Players Re turn Practice in Preparation . for New "Year's Came,; ,, FAIRY, STORJES ABOUT SEATTLE'S MISHAPS Bale of Hay Incapacitates Sample and . Gregory . Ia Called . Into . Artion Roller -la Making Every Endeavor to Bring Down Winning Eleven.; Practice was resumed at the Multno mah ' club last evening In preparation for what will, probably be ths hardest game of the entire football season, and Inasmuch as the local clubmen naturally feel tha responsibility that resTsUipon tbem, nearly every roan or the -aquad turned' ont and went through ths work out with sest. : . . i -That the contest on New -Tear's day will be most stubbornly fought Is evi denced' by the. consistent work that Is being dons by "the Seattle aggregation. After tha game, at Seattle .on December 14, which' resulted In no score. Dr. Roller and .Superintendent Inglls of tha Seattle Athletic club stated that the New Tear's game would go to Seattle if the club was compelled to play every Michigan star 4n Seattle. In -keeping with this determination, a report la wafted from Seattle thie morning that Center Sam' pie, who was. outplayed, by Qverfleld In the first game, had the misfortune to lot a bale of hay 'fall on his foot, injuring thst member so badly that he will not be able to line up against Multnomah. His place wlU be filled by Dad Gregory, so the report goes. Oregory was a fine player In his dsy, and now being out of condition. It Is not likely that his pres ence In the game will be any Improve ment over Sample. The story of Sample letting Some hay fall on bis foot la very,.. very funny From the toughness of Sample's ana. omy, aa was seen la the game on the 14th, Tt Is a cinch that It would require a ton of pig Iron to fall from the skies and land on his head before any Impression could be made upon him. . Fairy tales from Paget sound will have to -be carefully examined and vouched for, and then some, before the unwary and unsophisticated Multnomah men will be allowed to read them, and even after reading them noone'Us pup posed to believe. - There is one certainty about the con dition, and Intentions . of the Seattle team each man has been thoroughly trained for the fray, and tha. Idea of winning has been so carefully drilled Into each man that the players think of nothing else, dream of notttlnig'else, talk of nothing else. It Is this feeling ef confidence snd exact preparation that Multnomah must battle against In order to hold her own in the New Tear's game. Last night's practice wss rsther satisfactory from the standpoint of players present, but the lights went out, after five minutes' work under tha practicing tent, and after a rtm around the field the work was continued in the gymnasium. Sev ers! new plsys were tried out. One Is a lightning change play that looks as If It had considerable merit to It, and t will be tried for the first time against Seattle. Work will be continued every even in a "during the week and also on Sunday morning, when the final tryout will be held. ; .' . FRANK WATKINS AWARDED" HONORARY MEMBERSHIP In recognition of his long and faith ful services for the Multnomah, club, Frank E. Wstklns wss last night voted sn honorary, Ufa - membership In ths club by the directors. , The honor In Frank Wstklns" case : was - richly de served, as his ansoclatlortiwlth tha club has been long, efficient and honorable. The other members holding such hojiors srs McMillan, Kerrigan, McAlplne, Mc Donnel snd Greenland, The club has the privilege of voting two such mem bership each year, but has only voted six In a dosen years. , i " " gkettaeT the mage. " . ""' Roller skating has Jumped Into Imme diate favof-wftn' the Portland public; and the lsrge neor of the Exposition rink at Nineteenth and ' Washington streets Is filled with merry-- skaters mornings, afternoons snd evenings.! The management haa been compelled to tele graph esat'fnr mors skates, and has ea l t LJ ; A Costly Mistake. Blunders s re sometimes -very expen' Slve. Occasionally life Itself - Is . the price of s mistake, but you'll never be wrong 11 iuu IMK.J 1 ' . xviriK tiiw IjI I Pills, for Dyspepsia, Dlailnees, Head ache, Uver or Bowel trouhlea. They are gentle yet thorough. 16o at Skid more Drug Co., 161 Third street. SOILED, HAT IN THE LOTYOU'LL BE SHT1SFIZD & tabllshed the rule that skates can be reserved by telephone. Parson's orches tra adds nightly to the pleasurs of tha skatera, and every evening one or more speed contests are pulled off, to the great pleasure1 of the spectators. ' INTERESTING 'BASKETBALL : MATCH TONIGHT i Strong Dallai Team Will Engage ..Multnomah Squad in Local ' ' Gymnasium. B'L It . 1 t This evening at ( o'clock the .Dallas college basketball team will try con clusions with Multnomah's ' first' team in the local gymnasium. The fame of Dallas In-a basketball way haa gone far. and wide and the local club aspects s hard contest. The -Dalian .men claim tha championship of the northwest, and Manager Whltcomb of the "Winged M" hopes to see hi team carry off the hon- : Art preliminary match, the T. M. C. jA; Maroonsiwlll engage the Multnomah Reda in a game. The lineup for the main' event follows: w ; ". i ; . . . M. vA. A. C. . .. . . Dallas. Dent rr........ Forward. ....B. Teats Kaacn. ......... r orwara. ...... nenoiaa Allen . .......... Center........ M- Shaw Barton (Cap t) , .Guard. . ... . . .... Arnold Flavel .........Guard ,:. Morton The referee ' will be J. R. ' Sibley of Mia.- -- . ' r ; RUNNING SUMMARY 0F--FOUR RACE TRACKS : . , ti : : i ! ' (Joarsal Special Serrles.1 . 1 San Francisco. J5eo,. 18. Yesterday's results at Inglealde: ., - ' . ' Five and a half furlongs To Ban won, Anglata second, Blumenthat third; time. 1:10. -; l ' .. . ? Seven furlongs Dr. Gardner won. Ra mus, secohd, Tenrodale. third; tltne, 1:10. ' Six funongs Procrastinate won, Mre. Bob' second, Jerry Hunt third; time, 1:14. " : Mile and ' sixteenth Gateway won. Bannock Belle second. Christina third; time. 1:61. : Mile and 20 yards Cloche d'Qrjwon, Warte Nlcht second, Buchanan . third; time, 1:46. ... - "At XTew Orleaas City Vark. ". . .(Joaraal Special Service.) ' New Orleans, Dec S8. City Park race results: Five furlongs Kingsmere won, Self Reliant second. Red Ruby third; time, 1:01 4-. Five end a half furlongs Duchess OUle won. Capltanso second, - Ed Orlllo third: time, 1:101-5. - Seven furlongs Oddoletta won. Big Bow second. Teaching; Girl third; time, l:JSl-i. - Short course, steeplechase, handicap- Chanley won. lxrd Radnor second, Lionel third; time, l:l. ' Mile, and a .sixteenth Envoy won, Oravlna second,' Malediction third; time, l:BS4-. Seven furlongs Hsppy Jack won, Grosgraln second, Del Carina third; time, 1:SI t-i.i. i ., !--V ; . At Xios Aageles. - ' (Joaraal Special Service.) , Los Angeles, Deo. 18. Ascot racs re sults: - ,- ' . ' Mile and a sixteenth -Gilpin won!. Needful second,' KlngsteUe third; time, !:. " Five -and a hsM furlongs-Lacene won, Marpesa second, . Betsey third; time. 1:01. - . Futurity course Don Domon - won. Incantation second, Hermitage 'third; time, 1:10U. ' ' ' Mile Michael Byrnes won,- Firm Foot second. "Workman third; time, 1:41. - Six furlongs Loyal Front won,- Mas terson second, W. H. Carey third; time, ' -Brooks course Del. Coronado won. Hoodwink second, Fills d'Or third; time, 8:04 !. . y r. At ; Vew Orleans Fair Oreanas. ' " (loarnal flpedal Serf Ire.) - New rleens, Dec J. Fair Grounds race results: Six furlongs Veraess won, Schoharie second, Arabs third; time, 1:14 1-6. Five and a half furlongs Stoner TH1H Won. Dr. Heard second.. DevlHree -third; time, 1:0. . Mile Horse Radish won. Torchello second. King - Ellsworththlrd; time, !: " 1 " Six fur)onrs Columbia Girl, - won. Hyacinth second. Arsenal third; time, .1:1. - " Mile Colonel White won, .Wedge., wood second, Henry ' O. third: time, 1:41 t-l- .' . , LJ. ' "DUTCH" MEIR WILL PLAY , WITH PITTSBURG NINE !- - (Jearnal SiMctal S-rTlre.) -Pittsburg, Dec 16. Barney Dreyfuss of the Pltteburg National league team haa signed the famous "Dutch" Melr of Princeton. He wss considered ths best 11 -around man Princeton ever had; He attended the university ' for four years, and In l0l won the Interoolle glate'cbamplonshlp for his team, mak ing a hit that i brought In two, suns, when the score was tied and two men OUt ' -, . Jit was1 with the Pittsburg team on the barnstorming trip last "fall and made a favorable Impression, lie had gone into- bualness In Chicago, i but promised Dreyfuss If he ever decided to play professional ball he would Join the Pittsburg team. Cincinnati was after him, offering a large salary, but his Pittsburg con tr set was, forwarded to Pullman. last night. '' ' Wajft Olnb OTaaae. ''The first run for thi cup -presented to ths Portland Hunt club by A. H. Kefr-wlll be held on New Tear's day; members assembling at the Clinton Kelly school en. the. Powell Vslley road at 10:10 a to. The hares are Mrs. F. 0. Buff urn and Miss, A. H. Sbogren. -- -L " : ' -r- 1 Have JtolnSd the Squad. ' TempIetoHand Kerrln of the Oregon university football eleven will join the Multnomah squad this evening and help out the local club at half, full and the end - positions. Both v are splendid players. ' :.. ,. - j' T Woodburm Xlga Wtna. ' (Speeltl Dlnpateti to The JoorsaO ' ' Wood bum. Or.. Dec 21. The Wood bum High school - team defeated the Stlvertbn High school team In a bas ketball game In this city last evening by the score of 18 to 7. PLANNING TO FIGHT - v. ; PENNSYLVANIA MACHINE 'v -4 ' ;. "L (JearaU Special Bwrlee.) ' Philadelphia, Dee. 2(. Members' ef the executive Committee and leaders of ths Lincoln party, gathered today at the Hotel Stenton .ln thla city to perfect the, details of organisation,-adopt rulea covering-the, new situation and map out plans for a -continuation of. the fusion fight against the Republican- machine in Pennsylvania. - ... , With a leader and an organisation In each of the- 60 senatorial districts of the state, the. Lincoln party will ask . ths electors, of Pennsylvania to support a Complete state ticket In November next Ae a step, in this' comprehensive effort every effort w(ll be exerted to capturing control, of . the election boards, to be voted for in February, which boards will conduct the general election In No vember next and sit In February. 1(07, when the successor of Mayor Wsaver win oc elected. .The Lincoln party has failed to se cure the united support of- the reform element It- Is opposed by the City party, which brought about the "re form" victory at the Philadelphia elec tion last month, The leaders of the City psrty assert that the broader scope of the Lincoln party will have the effect of weakening the fight agalnat the Re publican organisation In Philadelphia, It Is hinted that the real purpose of the Lincoln party and the true Intent ef Ite promoters Is to control,' ths hold-over senators, all of whom will vote for the successor of Boles Penrose In the United Btates senate.. The City party resents what it terms an attempt to .use It to further a plan to capture control of ths high state offices and ultimately a seat In the United 8tates senate. . WESTERN SURGEONS ,:, HOLD, CONVENTION ' (leernfTr Special Service.) Kansas City, Dec 88. Between 100 and 160 surgeons and gynecologists of the states west of ths Mississippi river srs assembled here to attend the annual convention of the Western Surgical and Gynecological sssoclstlon, which will meet at the Midland hotel today and to morrow. ' Among those present are many or the most distinguished surgeons and gynecologists of the west, . A highly Interesting program for the convention has been prepared, and among those who will resd papers or deliver addresses on various scientific subjects are tT. J. B. Murphy, Chicago; Dr. C H. Mayo, Roch ester, Minnesota; Dr. H. C. Crewell, Kan sas City; Dr. Jabes Jackson, Dr. C Les tey Hall, and many others. - SECRETARY APPROVES ,:: PROJECT IN IDAHO " , 'i ." (Journal Special Sen-Ire.) "' J ' " Wsshlngton, Dec, 48. Tha plans for the Boise-Payette, irrigation, - psoject were-approved by the secretary ofthe Interior today and advertisements for proposals for bids for beginning of con struction authorised.- Ths project when completed as now contemplated includes 871.000 acres at an approximate coot tt 811.000.008. f-. v r V Jaemarkable Oars. ,. . v . ' l'was much sffMcted with sciatica," writes Ed. C Nud, lowavtlle, Sedgwick Co., Kan. "going about on crutchee and suffering a" deal of pain, I was Induced to try Ballard s Snow Linjment, whlob relieved ma "I used three 60s bottles. It Is the greatest -liniment I sver used: have rec om mended It to a number of persons; sll express themselves as being bene fited by It, I now wlk without crutches, able to perform a grest deal of light labor on the farm." 86c, 60s and tl.vO, Woods rd. Clarke A Co. . French Opera Oats Fine Imported Oper Hats, made of best quality silk, the $7.00 "kind; special. .f 5.20 299 WASHINGTON STREET To be ;ound for prospective buyers at the jj-reat closing-out sale of thfe Goodr5arRamcoat Co.-Ve are forced to move out in three days only three, more" days remain, Thursday,' Iriday and Saturday. We cannot find a place in whicti to store ourguods We ire astray-with the largest and "finest ' line of Cravenettes, Raincoats-and -Mackintoshes -for-men, ' ; women and children ever shown in the United States. We ' . are at your merry and if is for you to take advantage, r Below are the prices that are astounding ' CMVERIETTES : ; for Men and; Women Made of the finest cravenette cloths, nothing finer woven by cravenette people;' silk and wool textures, superior work- ,'; manship and every style of raincoat thatris mader TDINK Forty-three Different $9.00 Raincoats, yours at.. .'..;.. if iVf..i;. $2.00 $12.75 Cravenettes, yours at.'.r.l.V.,;...i..i... ?4.50 $18.00 Cravenettes, yours, at.f, cT.V.ji ; ' ' V $28.00 Cravenettes, yours at. .... .......... . t . . ; T $0.75 $32.00 and $35.00 Cravenettes, yours at , i $12.00 v Childrei's Raincoats' at your own prict.' 1 '. 'r ; Mail orders promptly filled if accompanied by the money or express order. State chest and length measure, ; Gcoflycar Raincoat Co 10) Third, Between Washington and Stark Streets Store Open Every Evening During This Sale Until 9 o'Clockf WE HAVE INAUGURATED - i ; A new era in Business College Work on the " "1 j - ' ,.r.:- Pacific, coast by instituting a ; ' , ,iL.i::i;-.: SCHOOL OF ADVERTISING . In charge of Van " : expert..; This, .department . .i, , ; treats every, phase of modern publicity ' ' '!. -' , " Six! months course $25. t ; j ; - v '' j We Teach all Business Branches DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. Bchnke-Valkef Business College ; V Elks Building, Seventh and 'Stark Streets' ' .'Write for Catalog. ' PORTLAND, 01 T.aON. , ; , ' This ad. wss written by one of the pupils of osr advertising departmenr ; 0F IT Styles to Select From A NEW YEAR'S NECESSITY Is good teeth, and one that cannot - be neglected, aa your health snd happiness depends, on them. A. .visit to Wise Bros, will convince you .that their methods are not only painless, but thor oughly scientific snd dursble. Their crown and bridge work Is marvtloua , Wise Br os. Dentists TAXXJMO, TXXBB ATTO Will. . Open, Evenings evad'Sundsye. , -Mala aoaa,. . . , J. .v v-'. '.. .' - .v