THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY, " EVENING, DECEMBER - 7, 1CC3. 12 .?!.- Allen C& Lewis Distributors '' ' " f - , , V ' T . " ilL . - j ; - - i ! . . ' . ' ' , J.: . : ..''. ....... ; .. . ; . , . , . . .. .,, .- I I r- i l . . - i . . Order from your t Hrj PURITY IN ITSELF Kir 31 TEACHERS ITJ MANY STATES CONFER From Wisconsin on the North to . Florida on the South "Ed- , ucators Mset. ; SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY . OF NEW YORK SESSION ' Largs and Sepresentative 'Attendance ;' Marks Gathering of Negro Ped goguea Convention That Opens in Trinity Church at Houston,- Texas. ' riamal Bpwial Sarrlr.) Milwaukee Wl. Dec 17. Th Wis consin BUta TAin' aasoclatlotfeon venftd in flfty-thlrdjnnial saaaloa her today, the estlmataft' attendanca twins .1.100 paraona. The Indication ara that tha fatherlns - wlIKprov th inont sue eaaaful avar held by tha organisation, for nothing- has been left ondone which . oould eonduca to tha pleaaura of tha visitors. . A numbar of tha moat promt- CURED BV FOLEY'S HOriEV AI1D TAR Obatlnata, racking Conghs that make our head acha, yoar throat andlaDgs ore and Inflamed, that rob you of , sleep nnta yoar system becomes so ran down that yorf ara in grara danger of Pneumonia or Gortumptlon, are quickly cured by Foley) Honey and Tap. FOLEY'S IIOriEY H0 TAR soothes and heals thaTuflamed all pas sages, allays the. feverish conditions, stops the cough and prevents serious results from a cold. r " - ' FOLEY'S HoilEY AKD TAR ,. is the only prominent cough medicine on the market that does not contain opiates or harmful drugs, of any .kind and on this account is safest for children. " It is unexcelled for7Croup and Whoop ing Cough and will qnkkly curs the racking-cough which follows measles ' nd leaves so taany children with weak lungs unless properly treated. ; Remember the name Feleye Honey and TP and refuse substi- tutes that cost yon' the larm as the ' geuulnf . Do not take chances with R , some unknown preparation. . c. - Contomptloa . Thrittinil . v C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champiagn, III. writes: "I was troubled with a "v hacking cough for a year and I thought . I bad consumption. I tried a great many remedies and I was nnderrthe care Of - ; physicians for several months. , I used ' one bottle of Foley's Honey- and Tar; 1 It cured tne, and I hart not-been troiH .bled sine." -' --' I Three sises-25c, SOc, J1.00. , p'f The 50 cent sice tnuins two and one-half times as much as the small sise 'and the J1.00 battle almost sis times "MTCioch. ,.. , i '. ,1' WaeSart, CUuce m O. aa4 O. SkleV -,i x. - saete a Oe' - odbo3 QBoDoHs PACKED IN FANCY SOU VENIRi TINS ncnt aducators 'oc . tha- ..colintry are present . , ' " , r -j . . '. .-.'- President C. K. Mctienegah called tha gathering to order to , - o'clock this morning In the Davidson theatre. The regular program i ef reports and ad dreaaea waa taken -up after tha usual formalities' of opening. . In addition to reports from the committees on legis lation, cottrs of" study 'and teachers' work.' wage and pensions., there Were several Interesting addresses. The first was by Superintendent O. H. Landgraf of Marinette, who took as his subject, "Pensions Mora Harm Than a Benefit." Rabbi Samuel . Hlrschbarg - spqka on "Kthlcal Training in tha Publla Schools. and Miss Julia C Lthrop of . Hull Houae, Chicago, on "Training for Life in tha Public Schools.;: Superintendent John Kennedy of Batavla. New York, told ef the practical workings of the Batavla system which ' he -originated, and by which two teachers ara em ployed In each schoolroom, -one assist ing tha pupils with their study and the other hearing recitations. Other speak ers were Superintendent C. O. Pears of Milwaukee and .President Converse or Belolt college. . . New 'and attractive educational fea tures were offered thla afternoon at the sectional meetings of tha various da-. partments. . r .-;' .. . NEW YORK MEETING Sessloa TSsgtiis aS ' Klgk SchooLr and ISTJUiy Voted Bdnoatoxe WU1 Speak. (Jonnul, 8peelal Rervke.) ' New Tork. Dec. 27. The annual jneet- Ing of tha New Tprk State Teaches, as sociation, which will open at the high school this evening, marka the slxtleth anlversary-of tha organisation. The at tendance promises to be unusually target ai ine opening meeting jonignt Super intendent J. M. Thompson, president of tne Academic Principals' association. will preside. Chancellor James R. Day of Syracuse university will deliver tha address of welcome. Other' welcoming aaaresses will b delivered by Superln- lenaent a. a. t) ion get t or tne Syracuse publlo schools' and others. Superintend ent F. D. Boynton. firesldent of the New York Teachers' association, will -deliver his annual address and will speak on 'Needed Educational Legislation.' Mr. Howard J. Rogers, first assistant -com mlssloner,of education, will also deliver an, addreas.r -The -meeting of the asso ciation will last three days, and In that time mere win no dairy union meetings as wen . aa aectlonal and departmental aesslons devoted to the consideration of various educational branches. - FLORIDA SESSION. oeae of Gathering of Many Teachers for Sdnoatlomal Oonvestloa. (Journal Special fterrW.t .-.''-. Miami, Fla.,. Dec . 27. Tha annual meeting of tha Florida Educational as sociation convenes in '. thla city thla evening. Entertainment hag been pro vided for tOS teachers, and -If double tha numbar coma they will be well pro- viaea . xor, me nest nomea In tha city having been thrown open for their ac commodation. ' Tha open In a) session wtll be occupied with addresses- of welcome and responses. . to be followed by-the annual address of President A. A. Mur4 phree. The regular sessions will begin tomorrow morning and continue through vriaay., , -. - , : IT ikinniti rt i tr ' ' J i ni mi'iAnriruus, rifty-Seeoad Anaaal Ooavaatloa Begias . to XMt Thzae Daya. ' - v' fjoarnal Uneelal fleevlM.t " Indianapolis, Ind.. Deo. J7. One of tha most interesting features of the fifty- secona annual convention of the Indiana Teachers' association, which will open here this evening, will be a meeting On Thursday afternoon in Tomllneon hall devoted to the memory of Jamaa Whit- comb Riley. A special program has been arranged for that meeting and handsome souvenirs will be given out The teachers' convention will last three daya and during that time .there will also be a convention of the county su perintendents and various aectlonal con ferences. . -t- V MICHIGAN EDUCATORS, Xnslarcrowde4 Wit Teaohere Who Ara Attending Annual Keating'. ' (Journal sW-lal Ser4iea.t Lanslngi - Mtcb.. Dec. 27. Fully 700 teachers are In attendance on the an nual meeting of tha State ..Teachers' as-' soclation. which la belna held hara Among the topics to be discussed during the three days the convention will bd In session ara teachers -wages, school li braries, the social life of--Jie high school,' compulsory, school law. and Its enforcement, the merit system "as ap plied to public school teachers, s uni form course -of study" for the grades, composition and design In drawing, and the relation of the kindergarten tq, the MK11 . - j) fruw.iw miwui aiT-m. - t u-aB.S - H FLOCK TO ENID. City ratriotioally Beoo rated la Honor ef rifteeatk Aaaaal Ooaveaxiea. ',, (Jwar Speelst Serrlee.) ', Enid, Okla., Dec, 27 Scores of school teacher, took possession of Enid today and the city wss patriotically decorated In honor-of the fifteenth annual '"con vention of the Oklahoma Teaehsrs; as soclatllnn. The formal opening stakes jplace thU evening with an address ot v I ' ' X '.- : ,. welcome by Hon. Kdmund FrantsVand response by L. W, Baxter, territorial superintendent of publlo . Instruction. Prominent speakers an the -program In clude Professor Oruham Taylor of tha University of Chicago, Governor Fergu son. President Boyd of tha slate unlver slty at Norman, President Campbell of tbo Southwestern Normal at weather- ford. President Scott of tha Agricultural and. Mechanical college at Stillwater and President Cnholti of the Central Normal at Edmond. Tba wchool land problem and tha consolidation of rural schools are among tha Important- toplca of discussion. -.. IN NEW JERSEY. lgk School Boepe of Three-Days' fee- sloa ef adueatorst Atlantle City. - (Joernal Sp.'lalSrvl('e.) Atlantic-' City. N.' J.f Deo. "27. Tha New Jersey State School Teachers' as sociation met-at the high school thleJ morning for a three-days' session!- The evening sessions of the association" will be held at tha Bt. Paul's Methodist church. - This session Is of consider able Importance, aa matters of great Interest will come up for consideration. Tha question ofither management of the teachers' retirement fund is expected to Causa a heated debate in the meeting, as there Is considerable dissatisfaction In regard to the management of the fund among the teachers. It la even consid ered possible that thla matter may causa a split In the association. . . . MINNESOTA TEACHERS." to Oonvestloa Begins a St. Vanl la ; Oontral Press ytevUa Chuxok. f (Joariml Special arvh.) " St. Paul, Minn.. Dee. 27. Certainly the teachers of Minnesota may .feel proud of their annua1-state convention begun , today, and If the cause of .edu cation Is to be benefited by discussion of metnods by Intelligent persons. It will be advanced at thla oesslonv ' The attendance Is large and tha Interest amounts to enthusiasm. .-. At the opening session this morning In Central Presbyterian -church, prelim inary addreasea were delivered by Gov ernor Johnson, State Superintendent Olsen and President Frank A. Weld of the association. Dr. Frank A. Ounsau lus of Chicago delivers thi publla sd dress ' thls Evening. 7 -.-j. , . SYRACUSE EDUCATORS. Xajxy - Bepraeaatattvew '' Assembled to Take rar la Several Bewslons. . (Journal Special Service.) Syracuse, N. Y., Dee. 27. Educators of New York are aasembled here for the aeveral annual meetings which ara held during Christmas week. The aa aoclatlona in session ara tha Associated Academic Prtnctpals,-tatTeachers' as sociation. Council .of- Grammar School Principals, Training Teachers confer ence. Classical . Teachers', association, Drawing Teachers' club snd the English Teachers' association. Commissioner of Education Andrew 8. Draper, President Schurman of Cornell university and a number of other educators of note are on the program. The aesslons will Con tinue through tt he remainder of the week, r Baokeya State Teachers. (Journal Special San In. H . , Columbus, O.. Deo. 27. This was an interesting and busy day for tha school teachers of Ohio, aasembled here. In an. nual atate convention. Tha sessions were held at Ohio State university and were well attended. The discussions covered a wide range of subjects and the speakers Included educators of na tional prominence..., , . - ; Wsloomed by 'ToUc ; . i ' (Josrnal Special Serrlee.) i Jefferson City, Mo., . Dec J 7. Gov ernor Folk delivered tha address of wel come at the opening of the forty-fourth annual meeting of theMlssourl State Teaehera aasoclatlon this morning. President C. E. --Miller responded and delivered hla annual address. - The at tendance le unusually large. : lJ- ajaahlsgHoa State Teachers. '" ' " . (Journal Special Service.) J Nerth Yakima, Wash., Dec. tj. The State i Teachers' aasoclatlon assembled m annual session her today with an at- BrtheBaly What better testimonial -do you want, . than the words of thfc rribthers, who have .used Mellin's Pood foi their babies? Ask sny mother, who ha raised her baby en Mslltn'e Pood, and if h is not mora than pleased. If it 1 not convenient to do that, write ue sod ,w will ' sen yea soptes ef their tetters. We may ha some from your town, for we have them from all over tha United State. Send for a fra sample ef Mellin's Feed tor year baby. , Tke OTfir fsfast t4 reeeWW : the CRANO t KUI at St. Lawis. I9S4. . .-Cold Medal, Highest Award, ; Portland, Or. 1905. . MKLUN'S FOOD CO, BOSTON, MASS, OF THE LEWIS tendance of aeveral. hundred visitors. the largest In the .organisation his tory. .The prominent - educators and others whose names are down en the program for addresses Include President Penrose of Whitman college. Professor M. V. O'Shea of the University of Wis consin, and Rev. W.D. Simmons of Be anie, t . ...- ... -. .:' l; Texas Begro Teaekvers. " .' (Journal Special Service.) Houston. Tea., Doc 27. Negro school teachers of Texas began their thirteenth annual atate convention In Houston to day with au large and representative at tendance. . The aessions ara being held In Trinity M. E. church, with President W. TrMcCall of -Austin presiding. The program extends over three daya and provides for papers and discussions cov ering a wide range of educational topics, i ' I . Teachers at 1 Oread works. . (Journal Special ftarrtc.) 1 Grand Forks. N. D.. Deo. 27. The largest gathering ot educators ever held in 'this state assembled here today at the opening of the nineteenth annual meet ing of the -Worth Dakota Educational as sociation. . Tha program covers three days and includes a number of Interest Ing features, - beginning with a lecture this evening by Father Xc J. Vaughan. -1 f: ' 1 -v Meets In OolnmbU. (Joernal Special Service.) ': Columbia 8. C. Dee. 27 The City Superintendenta' aasoclatlon Of South Carolina and the State Association of County Superintendents met In annual session here today with a good attendance.-. The two associations met In Joint session, at tha state houaa at noon and were addressed by Professor Joseph V. Stewart of the University of Georgia. ' . , South Dakota Teachers. . " Jnumal Sperial Ssrvlee.) Brookings, S. D., Dec Xi. Moral In struction In -the i state schools le the principal subjeot of discussion at the convention of the Stare Educational ss aoclatlon begun hero today. Tha plan will be discussed by Bishop O'Gorman of ' Sioux Falls, .Governor El rod 'and State Superintendent M. M. Chalmers. FORMEft GOVERNOR YATES V AFTER CULLOM'S SEAT (Jnerosl Special SerrV.) Springfield, III. Dec 27. Former Governor Richard Tatea opens hts cam paign for the United States senate, to succeed Shelby M. Cullora, at a rally today at Hardin, - In Calhoun county. From now till the ,date of the primaries in Aprlt Mr. Tatea will devote his time to speechmajtlng , and . campaigning through the atate. Tha keynote of hla campaign will be fedora) -Interference In Illinois politics, and It is predicted that ' ) will return- to tha laet atate convention for hla materials. - Whether he will attack any Republican leaders, such as LiOrimer, has not been made known. Official records of Republicans, It la aald, wlU not be attacked, but the political careers of many of the old regime may come In for a scathing. Mr. Tatea will spend a large part of hie time1 In Chicago, where He expects to wage active warfare on the old Cook county Republican organisation. . Sampan. Lodges Select Officers. . , (Special Dtapatek t The Jearaat) : Sumpter, Or.,. Dec. 27. Tha lodges of the city have elected, officers for the ensuing year as follows: McEwen Lodge, No. Ill, A. F. A A. M. George Peet, W. M.; E. L, Hlbba. 8. "W.i-,i. C. M. Pearca, J. W.; W. R. Hawley, treasurer, and J. W. Ball,- sec retary. The appointive officers will be announced at the first meeting In .Jan uary. . 1 . ;-, - - j ..-' , . ' : Sumpter Lodge, No. . 41, Knights, of Pythias Charles H. Chance C. C.J Ivan Jeffries. V. C; C. C- Basche, P.; Byron Weatnerford, M. A.; btto Herlocker, M. W.; W. E. - Weed, K. ' R.. and S.; R. 7u Nlol, JClF.i W. 8. Stuart, M. E.i H. Mathiaa, I. O,; Seymour H. Bell, O. O., and Dr. E. M. Anderson, Otto Herlocker and Byron Weatherford, trustees. . Hgan Tribe, No. 20. I. O. R. M. David Walton, aaChem; -Frank Johnson, senior sagamore; A. E. Daganey, Junior saga more; David Bucknen prophet; P. D, Healey, chief of records, and M. M. Flynn, keeper of wampum. . Alpine Chapte-av. No. 22, Order of Eastern Star Rose Rummery, W. M. ; George Peet. W. P.J Mattle Edwards, A. M.J Gertrude McWatty.-, secretary; Bessie Peet, treasurer.; Birdie McDevitt, conductor, and Ida ' Hawley, assistant conductor.' . - ' . Nugget Camp. No. -T 1 8. Woodmen of the World Joseph Schwarts. C.1- G- R. L. Nelll, A, L,.;. Frank Balrd, banker; rrana jncuevuw ciera; tjnaries tidos, escort; i nomas tidds, watchman, and H. Falkv mansger. . . . Florence Rabekah Lodge. No. Itt, I. O. O. F. Mrs. Steve Jackson. N. O.; Mrs. Rose Schwarts, V. O.; Mrs. Jose phine For wood, secretary, and Mrs. Anna Mallory, treasurer. Sumpter Lodge, No. 12, I. O. O. F. F. E. Gould, N. G.I E. A. Csse. V. O.; Joseph' Schwarts, treasurer, and J, W. Bowers, secretary. Sumpter, No. 2, Fraternal Union of America Alice M. Dunn, F. M.; J. J. Slur gill, secretary; Core, 8. Van Tuyn. treasurer; P. D. Healey, protector; Isa bels Rlskards. Ruth; Abbie Mead, Mercy;' C. 8. Van Duyn, guide: C. F. Hesly, guard; - M. A. Doane, sentinel; Nellie Forwood, musician, and P. D. Healy, C 8. Van Duyn and M. A. Doane, trustees. ; AND CLARK CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION mw YEAR'S The PAINT That Won't Come Off ; - le the kind you want1 when wood ot metal, Indoors or out, requires cover ing. That'a the sort of paint we sell in siay-on-wnen-it s put-on aina. Fur thermore, our paints come in all colors and ahadea and .we supply also whit lead, drver. turpentine.- linseed oil. nutty. nrunnes ana everything uti goes witn paints ana -varnianee. . . , risher,Thorsen& Co. OsTT ABTD aSOBBTSOW STS. - - JheIfJn t-norav- a V. J Art Furniture Manufacturing Co. C A.' WALKER, Mgr. - - - , ... Manufacturers of , . DRAPERIES SrECUL DESIGNS IN FUIffiTUtt AN! CABINET WORE ; MatUsssee tgade a'n Beaevmesd. , Special Atteafdom Olvea to . , , ;-.- Bepele Work. -. FtctoTf tad Vmbotm 44S-4M-iS2 lrt Stmt,rertlasd,0rcei V" . Phono Main 140. ' . R. ANDREWS. Pree't" NEW STORE 392 Morrison St. The Nove aw - ' -M V 5c, 10c and 15c Counters all loaded with fine goods. Also useful and orna mental roods i for the holidsv trade. Call and inspect our stock. it is a pleasure to snow goods. Smith & Proprietors. I -30 th Of the ewHr. Qalnls predwctl of the WorM Is ossiad every year Sy Um SMker 4 Laxative Promo QuLihe "Cores Cold In fine Q. W.OROV U'S aUguturtoa box. 210 yieVVuv V 2aT Ity Store V Boomer " -r- We treat successfully all privata ner vous and chronic diseases of men; also blood, stomnch. heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We. euro SYPHILIS (without mercury)! to stay cured for ever. We remove' STRICTURE, with out operation or palsvln II daya. -- - Wa atop- drains, night - losses'' and spermatorrhea by a new method "in a short time -' Wo csn restore the sexual vigor-of any man under (0 by meana of local ire&imeo. peculiar to ouraeivea. ' We J Cure ' Qonorrhoea In a Week ' Tbo doctors ot tWs Institute are all - many regular graduatas, hava . had . many fears experience, nave neea Known in ortland for 1 yea re, hava a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unleas certain cur can be effected. We guarantee a cure In every cas w undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letters confidential. Inatruc-, ouua rvn jajbn ntuei zra in plain wrapper. -. . We cure the worst ease of piles in two or throe treatments, without, opera - uwn. bui, a-" a I ii i cwu. - -t ; It you cannot call at offlce,'write for IN A csvaiui. ..... v . . ; Offlc hours, to I and t to t. Sundays and' Holidays, 1 to It DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ., Offices la Van Noy Hotel, I1H TJhlrd Street. Corner Pine, Portland. Or. I asSggg MOTHER USED TO "S I ONE SUCH MINCEME' J IN 2-PIE IOC PACKAGES. MiRaeLt-$oouCo,SvRACU3t.NY sad IT- DJcVEDSp O SPICES o C0FreE,TfiHv DAIflHOPOVrDERa sCsTrCQDtJIlACfS IWuhfNrihr. flrvnrFl.vor. Crt&rtsl SfrtnK, CfavjfolJf fTii aOSSETGDZYEnS iirrto.oinrooN.' WE CAN SEllL COAL, . ' - '- ; At a email margin of profit because we Sell so much of 'it, handling, aa we do, tbe product of all the mines which ship to Portland. . v . , - . . . . -, RING UP PHONE: MAIN. 2776 Tell us "your -wants and , we'll supply them for. you . 1ft " "three shakes' of ; a yojios lamb's taU.". . , ; , : VTJLCAN COAL CO. Sat BTBJrSXSB STBBBT. modern Sental - work. - Wortd-re-uowaed specialists. - . ii. prices oonststsnt with Srel-elass ,, ,7 : ., Oe e the , NEW YORK DENTISTS rOVBTS AJTB tCOBBISOW STS. . . Ppea day and night from e sa. ... uatli it s m . (. w. 17T RO RTl2 A iSl Dr O R feC ft 1 r. X BVA 'fe S 1 N G g f ; P h oxsciS a in i$ 1 ' ? f f- ; - '. ' . , .' question blank. Home treatment euo OOB wBBJTOBA, fAllf, SrffraXUS, BTTBBOOB7UB, TABXOOOZX.a, tOSS O MAVKOOTO, BMKTJstLATXSat, BOTCXTstA, ASTJUCA and SXXJg SXSBASES. We ; want every man-&ffllcted with the tbova disa. to honestly Investigate ' our special system of treatment. ' We In. Vlte In particular all, who have treated elsewhere without success, all whose J cases have been abandoned by fgmllfJL. physicians and "trxCIAlV. tSTS," all whoa troubles have beea ' aggravated and made worse' by the use oT BBX.TS, FBBB IHtTUI, TKJATa -TBBATUBBTS and so-called SPBOU. ' TOM. We will explain to you why such ;v treatment 'haa failed.-, to euro you, and will .demonstrate' to your entire satls.- raction that we- en- euro you eafaly, . quickly and permanently. Our -counsel J will cost nothing, snd we will do Toy you ss we would wish you to do by us If our eases were reversed. Write for eur homs'treatment If you cannot call. - TheDRaLIEBIGSTAFr S sad T. Wlaoheetov Souse, S4 and Boraeldo Streets, Portland, Os. ' - BsV.blished 1S7. ' - ' ' ' M eHIOMttTH'i CI1LIOM ' BfJSSATrg, ! rallrtl. l.aSles M Urwr1 la ltK " Oyla tiMUIIa tan., we ,hltiuM ether. BAm mm Im (tf f--. " f.r UrHle. . m Jf mmmmm kr Fullnlin, Te.a.aiak gt. D a4 fcSIr fWI.-atea.'a.toMe., , re. tmm Mali. l'.tataMWt a.i, M. S Bra. t l.h,.lM k.lel Ca, MisaMr MsShkM, sa nil. INJECTION- ROE WILU CURB GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHER TREATMENT Sold by all Oruggluts 1 "WEEK. M V