TIIC CSEGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 27. 10C5. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THM BENT BARGAINS. " I1.T.10 new, etrk-ily modern 8-rooia residence, corner lot. rloes In. Mat slds. u 52,oia Kh-gsnl 0 room rattan, elyllah an 1 hew; (MliUll) r,K lot, on Kineraon at ii.yi a real swell B mnn coi isgs, full lot, eat Ninth st., Wood lawn. -""I fTtin II full Ma, una II cottage, alt Tuc--alebed, poultry yard ami huuaa , Woodetock ae. 1,900 An np to date poultry and Sardeu place; nest 5-room cottage, xkvi barn, largo poultry houses. Incubator and brooder. clKl-e fruit, herrlee. rose, it's uarluut ' bom nd; beautiful drir. neer electric cara. ' til ,2."i Very bestitlful 0 mum cottage, mod- ern ilnlm and Completely finished, eomer Int. Kaat Flamler. - ' ll.X'al Very fin aor tract. North Albin.ll brat thing In town fur Ilia money'. , , v swat neeiiltful new cottage now la) Hon. lamia.- I nmnie, (KUKXVto.it lot. f 7m a full lta. furnished cottage, air " poultry yard and chicken houss; Woodstorg snF1ne trwt of land. 12flxl4T feet, -m Ra.t ninth at., near Alnsworth ar.( a map. ' ' . rTU8t0DCJN LAWRRNCB COMPANY.., ' ' 148 rifth at. . - BNAPS In tew lota and Irrigated traata at Hoser. Hover . Land Co 122Vk th at.., Port-; ' land. ' i ' ' ' PORTLAND MILWAUKIK REAL K8TATR CO.. Mala St., Milwaukle. Or. Phone Scott 02, - 20 arm. all la cultivation, close in. Rood ,. , Soil, living wstir;- price 1.700. T-v . : SB cre. good aoll; 12 aer la enltlvatloB; - cheap buy. 1 acra, food cottage, eloae to atraat cat - barns. . I acra and -room house; bargal. i We havs acreag and lota of all klada. with prlcea ta ault. Call and aea oa before Ka bay. J..R, Kataa and O. W. Evans, op. '-', WESTERN ORBOON- TRUST CO. (Inc.) ...Phone Iforirtc ana. 201 StarV at..' Portland, Oregon.' Resl tefe, limner lands, rental, fire Inaaranra. Tsks fall chart at propartlaa. aorara Jaoaats, 9 waaa rapalra and aollcct T-RXM bnoao, 2.a00,nn0 dnwBi balaooa t .. ault. Ownrr. Fhuna Eaat I OH DALaV Tbrra R-mma eotrarra M raat aldaf baarmrnt and yard, bot and eold watrr. bath; prtr (l.autK Addrraa C 40, ear Joarnal. Krw anom boaaa. 4M Kaat Ittb at. Nortb; ,, tn.T.Vl. I.VK) balaac monthly. Owner. ' ' lona Raat oTS. . ... I.IOO NEAKLT mw B-rooni b raja a, wltb fnH .. Inti amiat. alrhtly Inrattna M aaat aid, arar rar llnr: i0 down, lrt por month. Btata Inroatmrnt Co., US Ablngton bkl. $1.H!HV MOIlKftN d-roora, bona, fnll baarmrnt. oa Rlanton at . lot MvllS. . Btata larratmavt . Col. 11 Abla btdr $i.no-o ACRES T(ir Oroabam. na tlnbrr. atroara aratrr. Stata InToatawnt Co., lit Abtueton Mdf. ACIt TRACT81 '.'--'"j'- onm BPEC1ALTT 11 aCl TBACTSI ran-atard trrta. watar t ac acra. - Thhm 1 PER ACKW r Am i 1J Tica A.CBK FEB MONTH. W Kir thr aam lie far tbt lot aiaa payn. Tb t nan la wir arlrtbor. bot aa W ra atrtrtHI 'a na)or1ty of fratnroa tbat aaak Opra Wadnaaday and Batarday araalnca. A. a CHTRrHIIA 00 11 Broood a. - THREE boar baaaaa. raart a aahal anas. IWt( Poprtb at., rnoa In. Oonta. B ACRES, all rtaat and ta rhrrry trroa 10 ) old: 6r ear far! Vta adjolntna 10 to klSOl $1130 pot aera. I tU ear of Joarnal. . . UH ACRES. A mlla frnaa alartrlr Una an rwk or araral: ft no noil, aaay to eVrar nm alna watrr. road on f atdral $" par .aera. . : aaay aarma. t BO. aat of Joarraal. -" WR BALI at a baryala. apodorn T-roonj bonaa oa Eaat Tartar, rloao la; tarma to anM porebaaar. Apply I , earn Jonrael. , rOR BALaVMoara anbnrbaa entta. cloaa ta rarHoo. Bn Inrnrlon. aroond 1110x100. O. W. r. Towaalta Co 1M rtrat at Ttl'O rtno lota. lOOsInO, earnort itood rlrw of . . annw moontalna; eboap. Abw new mndarn furntet'ed o-raoa bonaa, barn. Kaat 431, a .... Main I4IB. - - - - ,. BOW la tbtaf 4 aaat r)-roota bonaa, nlon Vl , lot nOalOQ, on Boat 14tk at., one block frma rarllnei the brat hur ia Beat Portland; fl.000 M IS. earn JoornaL i A TOO. A SNAP Comfortable modrra bonaa, alnaa In en fbe aaat aide, 0 Helncaonai. bath t., ana and olrctrtnty, la re baarmrnt eoaj talnlna laandry. tw. ator aad forbToomas errrrtblM a boot tbr boaaa In tratlaaa re pair; tb lot la 1M fort dorp, eontaln rbtcfcr bone and rard and nnmbrr of One frail trree; aa Idrol haaa for eomfort aad anay amlriioa. Call or -addrraa tb ownrr, room 00. tb Maraoaaa. Phone Mala BOS. B be 4 P BL V JO ACRES. Rood aoll.all ta rioTor and tralo. "Vfnr t- Ibi aalar M eokl bofora lannary 1; . s llr fine, on Rood era rolrd road, clow to atatlona on I rloctrtc rarllnoa. O, W. P. railroad at Lonta, Br faro ta any part nf Portland; brat prnnrrty la Lenta; worth 400 pn an-r; prior, S2K0 an acre, all raah. Von will find thla -Jiiat aa adroTtlard, .0. R. Addlton, Lanta, Orrfrmj taka-U. eott ear ' k renta. IF yon want to bay or eeTI rrarl ratnr rail on . nag ar aa not deal in enape, but lint yota) ' proprrty with aa at Ita real aalnr; w will ' aril It fnr yon. Bmiare Deal Real r3at"tr - Co., W Worrlao at.. AHakr bid., eooni SOB. Pbeo ParlSr Bol. W. I. liar. manaRor.. ElXWOOft LOTS. W down and BO a monthi fraa T0 to 1100. Bollwnod Tow nad t Ca. -Phone Eaat 4T04. . FOR RALB 4 Iota, all "In choir aarloty nf .frnlta and horrtra. all hi boarlnc: t rottaa, . L bam, ohlckra bonaa and woodahrd: thhj pron ; " rrlr ran be AlrMod ta aalt. Apply. In John Onirnard. Oawa, Omron. B ' ACRES eary fma Wind, loan tbaa one mil from rtrrrrlc line, II mtlao from Portland, an flna madt tbrr I no rm-b or Rraral) lira - lrrrl and aaay to clear: SRO per a ore, any kind of tarma. I 40: rara of Journal. BABOAIKB IN EAST PORTLAND BC8I5B8S . PROPCRTT. , , -atory eornar brlrk on Orand arr., anly 30.0oov . ,' K Wafrnooaa alta. JOOnlflfl. oC railroad track Roar Raat kfnrrlaoni awllch In and etroat 1- 10,000, m - lor-tlOO on Raat Mnrrteoo. Rear Grand aea., 1 10. 000; aaay tarma. . Inalde lot on Orand ar.. brlwaon Kant ' Stark and Kaat Mnrrlann, for 2K par. oant , Irsa tbaa v other tot la tb vtclnUp, . TfalnO. Mb Rood bnlldlna. rtrerl t'nlnn a. -and Kaat Oak; Inooaaa foS moott; S8.000; tern. r '. - -- . : . . v .. -i ; Cbotre half -block warrbnw Bropei,,fy" an H, h, near. a, ww ia . . , aimuj I. m-A Imnrnvrdr B HI (Hl. Pull block n R. Waahlnrton ntl will aoll a a whol or. dlrld In half for SO por rant Ire- town any . aajeininf properly , aai "THE "HBAtT INVESTMENT CO., " 310-314 AblnRton, loOVi) Third St. . 'i ROR rata or rent, ftti new- mttaye tn Sonny, "aide; tarae attto. Strop. 16 Weat Park. ROR SALB CHEAP Cornrr lot. N. W.- anrnrr Rroad and Oloay. Mnotnrllla. Jtaet Bide Rral Rotate Co., 404 K. . MoTrlaon nt, , SI SM) FOR now o-roont rot t arr and lot (Wi-lOO fret, a Dlrlalea at,, and ttiomnahly nwlrru; t, tb" b a anap. S-inaaJi, ou uommarcw bib, ifatn 3S2S. - " " riNB 30 Te t rot np tn email treota; 15 ii mltrratloa. hooaoi nrw bare, S Rood wrlla - ..a r.oit. iaod Irrrl dnd alabtly; mlmitr1 wart to Rood 10-rootn arhool, 10 aalnutoo to atnrra, P. 0 rar atatlon, at Inta, Scfara to ny part Of rnrtlano. lo-minm arrTirri ; r 'ZZi. Orr. T.k. MMnt Sort .. .- ear. So' ' ' ' ' . VAKR offer on wll-loct"d ljmifter block. Hoi. . a.a .i . .11 I awi RbaRa SSlabtl f SI ttl ! anil At lnT OflllltTPIi Ball pa. 1J. U. f-arrlnaton. SIS (Tiamber of Coeamafr. . , FOR SALE A baantlMI horn. S rry . brat roalrtrnce part of Raat Por'njli bmtw nrarly nrw, tliorenahrri well built, rrrry modrrn rooranlenre; farbrahre trrma. Phone . Haat FOR SALB "r rent, new bona, aaodrrn. all -: . Improrrmmta, on maim . ana rrrai-n FOR SALE FARMl S ACRKS In fin etot of calitratlon, oa fin mad H ill from rlrctrle lm. old boaaa, acre fn brarlor orcbardt there la no rock or (rarrli prlc 1,30 M 14, ear Journal. i ' " . ' FOR SALE FAK"3. IWH ACIt:a. 00 In rultlration and tlllod, IS acta nearly Irrrl, 2i arrae flna llmbt crop 'mi ualo and llnwlliy hi; orll tru.l, cr.l.r puat. ' plank and wlrri iiolii water yraf . ainniiid: 2i tone of bay. lnUoia of ni. SOU aa ka of polaKw, exxxl train, 4 rowa, 3 h'wa, rlucfcriu, n, harnraa, buKity and all kluda nf faruillif liuplrmenu; K. t . V. toall; . 13 mile fnoa city and on guwl road; prlca S&.Niio. term to ault. - , 1M acrre of A I land, thrr nuartara nearly lerel. oilier quarter ellnlitly rolllua, wall f-ncrd. tn half aredr.1 .to cloror and fraaa. IUio.oik) fret of nd aaw timber, cnlar euooah to mak lllO.UOO fence lla, 60 pilllK pulea, balam-a fair timber, place well feuoed. line bvajlii at ream tiy the place, no atun on tli , place, fair bouar and 4 d baroa, S to .10 . acrre In Rood cultivation, nlco younc orrtianl, (nod water at the liooae, 4 tone of hay, JO aack of carrot, JO aa. ka of rutahaaaa, 10 aorka of paraulua. JO aack a of potatoee, 1 fow and S tielfera. I 8 Inch wafnn. 1 pkiw. t Sac row and other thlna too uumeroua to nien tno; aim 1 mnk alore and all cooln ntn- , alia. Thla vImco ran be dlridrd betwrro two partlea If dralrad. . Oa a Rood county road; H. F. D. mall, rloa to arhool, Sm ml lee to drrwt and rlrar; 1 Rood etnree, aood mar ket at -home, 1 1 boura from Portland ' caah. f 1.8(a) Vonar time, per cent. Tfttt acre ak-e lerel laud. I acra In " hlarh atate of cultlratton. of which IS aeree la (onorna bearer dam. earn ewall land, aoma food timber) there are world of fraaa. a Rood 0-roour frame honor. Rood watrr at the door. ' a fair barn and other bnlldhtr. fin or chard of the beat rartetl, milk route by the doori'At dairy land; R.-F. D. mall and phone line. , on a Rood mad. Bllaa from B-nflB, flmM- hfIm a noo xo a ere a, too acrea bottom land, SS ta enV4 tlratlon. T-mom hoaae. s barna, n ma weoa. .1.000.000 fet of Rood aw timber, eproca, cedar aad fir. 10 eowa aad $ 8-yar-olda, train, waron and harneaa, 1 buggy and bnjf T borae, 1 jiew mowhif . marblnr. plow and harrow; price S3.), In the atate of W eating to BMf tbe. ('uliimhla rlrer.' . . W. W. KSPF.T. V Booam 1 UamUtoaKbldt. t . C HOOD RIVER TALLBT. - S5 acrre. H mlla from Mt. Hood poahWrtce; S acre cleared. 4 acrea In elorrr, S ncrea Mdy to plant to tree, good tot; boaaa and barn. t abarr of water H mlla te acbooi; prl. f 1.400; 5300 raah. term. fcO acrre. lb mile from toWR n Une nf nrw railroad, will hare, apur on place for loading apple; SO acre under raitiTatma, 13 ai-ree la S and. 8 year-old orchard; nrw S-rnom boo a, irood ontbnlldlnr. 11la ia on of tbe beat bura la Uood Rlrer Valley. Cat) or write for price. W aer, T mllea from townt 48 acrea tillable, 1 acre cleared, balance brnah land very eaay to clear; bona and aatbutMlnga; 1 mile from acbonlbouae. R. P. I, aad tele pbone; price S3.500, eeay term-. 20 acrea of the beat apple land la the valley. acrea cleared, and 130 apple tree aec out; email eox aowee, w aiuej auwu, prlca ll.ftoo, term. - " t nv acrea. , a miiea out, ru ecrea Haaw 1 1 Tattoo. 800 apple tree S-yeare old. about 100 appl tree In full bearing. Toe owner of that property will clear and plant to orchard tb rrmalnlat SO acrea If pnrebeeer deal re. Iloaae and onthnlldinga, fine larva . aprlng. If you are looking for aotnethlng In a eom- 'merclal way, don t crerlook thla fin ploo of property; price 2fW per acre. 80 kcrea, 1"4 mllea from rnderwond landing, BO acre level. acrea alight ly rolling, antm proved, aoma tie timber on place. 1V4 mllea from the Norther Pacific railroad; tbla la ana of the beet buy In that aecthm, for It la th vary beat. a apl land; price fS.000, ARood aawmin. 10B acrea of land arMb . 1.500,000 fret of yellow pine timber on It, ' good .Incatloa. wftb plenty of timber to be had; thla at aomethlng good: If ton are inter eared yon i aboald lnreatlgate thla; price .3,6O0 v , U!(AU. m!H.' -J,.T,'l' 7S Rlxth at., Portland, Oregon. --",' FOR SALB. -- -SO ncrea, eeveral acrea cleared, email hone and barn. Rood well; 1 mtlea from Vancouver, S mllea from boat landing; level land, or gr 1 eied road, near echool; R. F. D. frlc fl.BOOy : tarma. - . ' 100 acre, T tnflea eaat of Vancouver; greid gravrlod road: 50 acrea cleared. S acrea good orchard, T-roora bona and bora; near achonl ' and church. S mile boat landing: IS eowa, team borae. barnrea. S heavy warona, aprlng wagon, binder, mower and rake, an tone bar. , pkwra, harrow, fllek. other am all tool; m acre alaahed 'and aaay cleared; B, r. I. . Price S&.aOO. term. - . - 85 acre. S ml lea front Vancouver, fn beat neighborhood la Clarke county; plenty of One eordwood; map $"o0. 40 acre. S mllea from good enuntrv town tn Clark county. Waabtngtoe; eeveral acrea , well cultivated, bonae and barn, aoeae email - fruit, plenty of water; S.MI0. , . Oood trrma or will trade for dry rropeTty. WASHIKUTON ORBllON ItRALTT CO. A . " S&SH Washington. t. Room . ; Mm-ACRB farm, IS mllea aaat of Portland en - Sandy river: 40 acrea wader cultivation, good tmnraremeote. - IS - nceaa e Powell Valley road.- H mile enatb a reeervotn abort dle- ' tance from S ear line. IT aoree Rood, level lend adjoining Motor addition., W, R. Facb- ' belmar, 38T Ealing bldg. llA.nno -FARM of 40 acrea. BK enlttvated. bale no paature: SO acre elovrr: boaaa. twe barna; wonld an In lota of 40 acre. Ad. drone B. Ball. Ronte t, Rick real, Oregon, or 40B Eaat Twelfth at Portland. ,"i SNAPS ta town Iota and Irrigated tract at Hover. . Borer Land Co., 122V St at., .Port land. A BO-ACRB farm, all In cultivation. S mllea fme ennrfbonaa, 1 mile from 0. W. P. A Ry. Co.. SS.0nO; tarma to aalt. or will trade fm ' bonaa and lot. John P. Shark ay. 701 Cham ber of Commerce. , FREB LAND IN , OREOON andar the Carey Irrigation Act, Deed direct fern atate. Write today. Took let and man fm. R. (. Conk A Ce BSl Alder aU. Portland. Ol. FOR RALB 40 acrea very fin land, H voltrvntlon. Tie nice and level, rich black loam: It ad join Clackama atatlon and B, Rjj only 10 mllea from center of .Portland; win offer It for vine week only nt S7S. per. acre. , AaV ' draaa 1 14. aero Journal. . , n FOR SaLR dttnrk ranch of S.400 aeree . wear Cobarg, mllea eortheee. ef Bnavna, Lane , county. Oregon: price low and tarma eaav. F. D. Chamberlal. La one bldg.. Portland; 1,000 ACRES of farm, and fruit land for aabt In the famoea Itmpquk valley. For partlcnla.-e write the Myrtle Croak Baal Batata Co, Myr tle Creek; Oregon. - ISOWkCRB farm on Wtllameft river boarlaad Ing. 45 mllea from Portland; Bo acrea cleared. , So acre In hope, email lake on farm, S1.4O0 hopbonae and good hone and barn; S8,000. Apply OTIS Commercial blk. FOR SALB TIMBER. CERTIFIED nerln. any tin pleeeat toweat ' prices-v. W. fl. Bowel I, BM Chambey of Cem- F0R H0MRSTEADB. timber rial ma and eertp apply to SOS Commercial bib. TIMBER LAND WANTED -1 nan hahdle nnmber of good timber da law ta Deeebntre timber belt, at once; title muat be perfect i. N, Banter, Bond. Oregoev,. . ' . j- ' Ml ACRtlS of .timber and mineral lend, half mile tmm river. 504 Ooldemlth at.. Album. SOME Rood homeetead for location In, the White Salmon coiintrv; free reaaonable. Box yj"4. Veneooeer, Waah. - ,; ' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. THE MODBf, BT ABLER. Brown Si Fnater, prop. J'hon Mam S47. Boarding. Urery and aale; r cxpraa aad baggage. .tranafer. '205 Davta at. lpon STABLES W. A. Jfeeetaa,' prop.', 122 ('nlon are,, cor. Abler! livery, boarding and aale. Phone Beat Iwl. R RALB Light evpreaa taanf aad wagon. Call 710 Kaat Tbtrty-flrat at. Phone, UntoS tKM. TO EXdaTANGE. - v r WTT.L evchang aome valiiahl mining etoci ' for anlncnmbered wild Med, A, U- SOT He ... Kay, bldg. , - , ' 1 TO ERCHANfJE Oood ttmher land In fin lneatkm for nMn-ebandwa. . Whitney Bma, Irvbig Oregon. ' L T-noOM "TnooVrtt hen, barn,- t bit, fruit, valued at 52 .onoj ezchange for lot cloae In, Raat Side Real Eatate c 404 V. Mare tana sr. PERSONAL, t. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WOMEN Doa'tV rlak Kur Uvea by aa a i atatlon whoa yon raa en red by barmleea aaethoda; ' tleetrlrlty nroperly applied will eave life where oner. tlone kill. We pnaa, aa the- leteet Invention to control dlereeae' pecnllar to women. Dr. W J Nara. M. R., Medical Rtertrtrlaa. ' Of fice TIB rknm bldg. Phewe Rod S281. Offle bo-tra S-12. S S. 1 : ; - " 7 TES. Palme Tahlef make yon alecp perfectly; they -mre aervoaeneae and mak you. strong I prlc nor s boa. 0 noaea S2 Aai; guaranteru. . All dmrrtat. at ddrea Brooke Drug C 07 , Kocta Third el, porllaad, Oregon. PERSONAL. 0ETECTIVB AGENPT CoondeiitUI lareatj. Ratloua; re porta made or. any lo.tleldnal boar nraa or property! daaln( rtlrra located; bad debt uUacted: rharf nraeonable; err . rap"ndBo eollcltrd. Oreroa Ie teat lea rr.K oftlcea M 315 Colnm'da bWd-. SOI V.blnrtoa at Phoae Mala D01S. MENI W0MRNI Rarm-md'a pill poJ' cure errouanca and lark of eiiaMtr; l. 4 boie i'lummer bruR Co.. H Third. CONEIDENTIAL. medical advice to women Wa rreai aiaeaara or women eicluelreiy, conn with unvarying aurceee all female allmenta from the allyhteet local Irritation to the nwet complicated mtemal trmiblea; maternity caaea glvrn aneclal attention, private boepltal ac commodation; prnfeeatonal lady nurere la at tendance! coeenltatlon and adrloa free. X Radium Medical Institute aad Sanitarium, Third and Alder at., ea trance 25S Aider at Portland. . .. FREB earn pie cor a. bonloa and wart care, Bd -wlaU Deea. dept. B. Tannto. Mae. MRS. ANNA LUCRET nd ETHEL WARD r now located at gto Taylor to, prineiti ot th America a Beanty Parlor. We cor n calp dlaeaerei all kinds af hatha glren; eleo trie maaeair. manicuring and chiropody;' alee Madame Karmw' famoua remedl; aatlafae tlun guaraatead. Phone Mala S24S. MAM.T rigor restored by Dr. Robert Nerv Glenhlea. On month' treatment, - SSl month. tf: eat eecnrely aealed by mall. Agent. Weodard. Clarke At Co.. Portland. Or. BOOK SI Here they aret "Drcamero." Hep time roe," -A Hot Tamsle." -'Tanny Hill." "Twenty Tea re a Faker." "rorejioneo rraw. 0e ench: lists free. A. Sc h male. 220 First at. LOST power restored by tbe great Oat bornw, nei fc loni- lawiaw, w r. ..7' S boiea for l . Writ or caH at Braae" Pharmacy, S27 ' Morrison, bet, 1st and 2d. Loreni LADIES Ton appear SO year yoonser, ie more all wrinkle have akla like velvet by nalng Oregon Grape Sin Food. . Pbone Best 12077 - WHY live abm who yea can eecare a Hfe aompaaion ny joining me inrereiaie ,,r dnclng Society, and meet or correspond with repntabi persona af thla section, many wealthy; the Norembar register, 10 cent. Suite S4 Bassell bldg. Pbaae Pact fl S2S. FREB to out of town patrons, oar lataaf eate- angoe or rsncy work, pi now sona, Kece. ahtrtwatsta and ooreltle.' Th Needlt aft Shop. SOT Allsky bldg.. Portland. Or. D0LI4T boapltal; repairing mat dl easing. lass- bill I weat' Park eta. . , TVRKISn RATHS. S00 Oregonlsa hlcg.j lauUaa days, gentlemen Bights. , Mala 1838, ' BINO CHOONO. Importer of Chtneaa root medi clnes; sells Ohtnee -tea that to certain care for all dlaesaes. 1SL Second bet. Xamhin aad Taylor. .. . DR. WORLBT BENJAMIN, tbe Foot Spoetalrat, aiH waabtngtoR at, uooa eve, - eorw om made Bound. .' - - . .- SEND .fVa. free list of cat prices and clubbing rate oa Riagasluee. Joae' Book mora, xui A Mar at, - DR. ATWOOD, IS Rneeall Ndg.. W5H Fonrfh ar. - ramaie aiaaaass ana etairiuee unite um and cared for( opea evening. Consultation DBS. M. A. NIRBETH. Bwedlab aperlsllste. ewree rheantatlm, kidney, stomach and fiver troubles, chronic constipation, obesity aad all chronic and norvone diseases: no drugs; a knife; $10 per month, , Consaltatlon and dean- - aeotratlona free. Hood 1S2S. 411 Morrlaoa at- ORDER or WASntwrSTON Forerooet fraternal ' eoclery of northwest: protects- th living. Slf Msrqnam bldg., Portland, uregoa. 0BT married: tdeej plea, beat remit; sand 10a ror narnenjar to tn raeuiu vsaisepuaineans Club,. Alma, Oregon.. . - ' - ; BALM OF FIGS for all female disease. SM ' East Balmoot. Phone Eaat 40S4. . ' BETVCROHS etande tor relief; spsdally: trest- . bi catonlg and prlTata a loesses, uor. m ana A ah. THE- PORTLAND CATHOLIC BOOK STORK , Xmaa goad, candle, boeka, atettoaary. and all kinds ef religion articles: picture frus Ing a specialty. 4 Nortb Btrtk at, - BALM OF FI0S for all female dtaa Hartford at... Peninsular station. 171 BB If FBI V. P. (Vital-Power! tablet WIT) leabara a - Ma tb eean. etna anA eteee mt aaanhoodl tf - ye ar lacking In the power af vitality. It . loss resulting from Indiscretions ana esoesees, send for a box of thee tablets and as eon- ' vinard of their merit. By mall la plain pkg.. 1. Th Armstrong Tsblet 0 . Iaa SM Tola me hlk.. Detroit, Michigan. BriTS preased while yow emit, BOn. Ladtee eklrts pressed. Sue. BUbert. inetb 9Uth et. nert to Quell. Phone Clay BOB, , 8T. 6EOROE bRktONDK. aeor of Egypt, teUa . yoa of marriage, love, boatueaa, etcknesa, how te Invest money, speculation, buying, sell ""Ing, partner, fiienda. enemies; cures all nervous dlsessee, weakness of every kind, settles lore quarrel, rennitea the Be pa rated, baatena marrtaa-e, locatee mines, burled treasures, missing one, papers: renews youth ful vitality, el, as magnet to secret powers of control, develops, tpscbee. 288 Vk Washings - toa at, ' --. TOTINO lady gives vanor, alcohol and medicated - hatha. Parlor XT. 3oXV4 Stark, , WB abaorntelr gasraatee ta rare the ajortihlne . and whlakey habit. Class graduate of Dr. - ritser. St. Louis end Denver. 44S Tamhlll. MRS. "ANNA -LUCKET la now located at BIO Taylor at.: principal ot th American Beeuty rarlors. She enrea sll scalp dtaeeses; all kind . of bathe given; electric massaga; manicuring and chiropody; atao Madame k arrow 'a famoua vemedtca; aatlafnctloa (uarnntead. Phone Main 2248. , ---, . MISS ETHEL WARD, are In and burr specialist, nam manicuring aad chiropody, formerly nf sxo Taylor at.. Is bow located at S<t Mnr rtenn st room 14. FOR SALS-rMISCELLANEOUS. WB print yonr nam on SO calling-curd, proper aiaa and etym. 25c; 250 buslnoaa cards, (1. Brown A Bctnsala, B2S Flrat. Portlaad. Or. BOOKS "-bought, enld end exehnnaad at th . Old Book Btor. 22 TamhIU at. WESTERN ORBOON MININO A MILIJN1 CO. needqnarters: stock for aale and tn formntlon nt ISO first st. Phone Mela 1S2S. MACHINERY of a0 kinds repaired. Osatenalal Iron A Steel Works. SSS Qllsaa at. - LARGB8T etnrk of bottle nartbweat; orders - filled promptly. Portland Bottle Snpoly On SOI ' Nortb .Eighteenth at. Mak V2MS. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES man to order; eecond hand goodn for sslo. Csrlson 6 Kail Strom. 28 Conch at. Phone Clay STL BILLIARD AND POOL table tar rent or for tale on easy pay men ta. TUB BRfNRWK-K-BALKE:COLLENDEB CO. .40 Third St., Portlaad. HORSES of an kind for sale nt very reasonable prlcea Inqnlre 270 Front at. , - ; FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SRCOND HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDAStD SF WINO MAf'UrVE AOENCE. B. D. JUNKS, BOO TAMHILL ST. - ' - ' DIAMONDS, watcbea and Jewelry at a earing of ff5 per rent. H. M. Lrffeet A Pro., whole Bale and retail Jewelers. Offices SOT Allsky bldg Third and Morrison. . ' HORSES, harneaa, a road-hand wagon, one'gond - hack; atao riga for vent by day er month. , 420 Hawthorne. Phon Beat T2. FOR RALB t cow. a single vrsgoa and bafnasa. Incubator. Phone Bast 22 IB. " AT cloalng'Ont prices, envarnl sample-gasoline en a Ine. msrlne and - statlonsry; write fof - price. Relersoa Machinery Co., Portlaad. NEW S4on Chlckerlng piano S150: Deeber Snot m oagaa tafi. 241 First, eornar Main Hoarairs. ' ' . WB need fnrntttrre and will pay fnll vslns. . Phone Pacific 70. Western SeWagV Co., S27 Wnshlsgtoa at. - r POOI tablea, a I meet new, for aale cheap. 81ft Front ot.. Phone Main 2n2. FOR SALB Milk goat for emnmmpttve, ha bra, old and week stnbischa. K4 Woidsmlth st. FOR SALR -A new aewlng machine. ..complete Ct attachments; sleo a aenob wringer; must Bold; make offer SOS ilarrlaoa at. PARROTS ReeelTed kit pf Meiaran dnnpal yellowheed -parrots tno rate -for Chrsttuiss trsdet wilt sell SIS parrot foe RS till eold. T'ortland Bird-Co., lil N. Sth. Phone. Red SOI. S JERSEY cow. 1 freeh In a few days. 21S - Bmed st', Montsrllls, Oresoti. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVET. Fifteenth ed Alder, area! for Cadillac aad Pierce antassobllsaj aechlase tooted, rspalrad aad tnrea. ' , . A mm a 1 l i i li lid ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, SOB -Commercial blk.. Second and Washington sta. raoo atin aea. H. F. Bl'RLEIOH, lawyer. 123 Orand East Portland. EDWARD T. TAOOART, attosney and osaa. or lor. 4ia Chamber ot commerce oiu. ASSAYER3. GARYUf CYAN TDK RXTRACTIOK 0i, B gFioBrrartai Aamtxy utitw,' irm anorru-iai SB ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR B. MAX METER. S Aid. Portrait and Undarsp artlat and teacher. ACCOUNTANT, CHARLES B? PFAHLET Pnbtle andltov aad expert accountant. Boom f. wnei v. ttommcrca sing. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKBNWALD Cft. S04-SOS Breratt at, ' Largeat butcher aapply boa anth eofe BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. - tliI-s-tl. i i uirL. i -tu nin -ii i n i - BOW'S. DAVIS A RTLHAW. 10S-111 Second at Blank book maaafaerarrret agents for Jone , Improved Looee-Leaf ledgers; i see tb Saw Burrka leaf, tb beat aa the saarkat. BLACKINQ. WEBFOOT Blacking, abaolntely wauwaroet. pre aerraa th leather, makes a bore wear BO per i .cent longer. Far sale rrerywher. IS aad 15 roam. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALL prodnre bandied on com ml salon: try us; , ws pay--blrheet prices and psv Immedlataly. RIBT A FRANKLIN, -- Successor te P. Miller A Co. , Phone Pacific mm. .-- Coach at LENSCH BROS., commission mercTianta. Boar, feed, bay sad produce. SOS to SOS Front at Phone Main 2!0. . ETIEDma ,A FARRKLL. Mndaos aad commie slon merchants. 10 frost st Portland. Orel a-none stain it. : CIGARS AND TOBACCO. i.a.ia. .i,hi- ESRERO-OCNST CO. Dlatrlbaton of FTNB CIO BBS. Portland, Oregon. CHIROPRACTIC. PORITTVBLV ears all forme of rbenmntlam. Dr. Bva Bogus. -4J0S Han at. Pboao Mala SO. CLEANINO AND DYEINQ. TAMfJIIJv CLEANINfl PREB8IN0 CO. WonR raTled for aad deUvarBd. Fhooe pay RRX. T Tamhin. - Portland Bream CleantnR. A Dyeing Work: prac tical natter la oonaectioa, ail era. vuy ivs. CLOTITEB cleened and pm' d R1 raw eaoatb. P si owe Tailoring Oa.. S4T Wsshtnsrtoa at. b. W. TTRNER. peofeaslonsl dter trad -05 Jeff arson st. Phone Mala SMS. NEW nwu'ess la re curtain cleaning. BOo ta SI pair. Oltaaa. Mai 0400. CARPET-CLEANTNO. STANDARD Carpet Clneninf ro.. mrgest plant on th coast, ijorntg una nsrninr sis.. iew , phone Beet WO carpets cleened. renrtea, ama and laid: both eteem end latest com d sir proceaa: reaovattnf snattrisssa aas fee the tbera a apedalty. Swessed ah combined: carpets cleaned on floor wittioBi removni. msia oro, , nmec sur CARPETS eened on tbe floor; -uas rstae Be Pbon Clay sin. free BeuMieaiiartoa, CAFES. THE OFFICE 2e.fi WasblngtoR St, T71. Samuel Vlgneau. rbone kUlr COAL AND WOOD. cnrnm.IT RnnR ns Daera st. to 419 Rearnev t.. neer tlfh: M : Wow fh larreot weodrsrd In vu cite, carry ing nil bind of wood and ooal. Mara BSl. WESTERN Feed Ar Fuel Co.. on Front, between Oltcsn snd Hoyt, deslers tn ll kino of bone eoeki and blackamltb Msln 101 g. T ALB1NA FT EL CO. Dealers la en dm aid onal - and areea snd dre slnbemod. R. B. snd Al. bins ., S blocks aaat of ferry. Best 574. BTFVT, BRTDflE FT FT, CO Ti-aVers tn eeet. eordwood and dry alshwsod. Pbnao Beat 424. TRT FAOI.E LUMP COAL. M ton 22, torn $T Henbe. 14S N. Sixth. PaHfle S42. V OREOON JftTEL CO. An kinds of coal aad wood. - Sod Alder at, -Phone Mala SB, . KIRK HOOTER SIS Watar St.. .rntuk nd osaT Phone Mara dfaal, - , , - FULTON WOOD CO. Phoo Pacific 804 for dry Sflfl tTTHfl latbrWaBaffaj, mammmaamnmlmmmmmm KINO COAT. CO.. lmportn tilrti frnA Wfnm mnj rniitninr erain. Mrtm CARPENTERS- AND BUILDERS, AUTHORS A WOOD, earnentera, bonders: re nsinna snq fenntar: atoee and offle- m built. Shop 80S Colombia. Mala BIBT. WASHBURNE at FIITTI. wegoo builder and general. Job worn, x Btb at. Phone Uooa eww F. B. VANDRRHOOF. rarnanter And 87 Btarb at. Plane Mala T4T. WM. F1HHB1 tyTL carpenter: rcnalrlmr and Job- bfng done. - xur nn molds at. mono stain oi CROCKERY AND OtASSWARK. WHOLESALE crockery end rlssewsr. Prael, nnreie w ,o., iiei to lis, riltn. cor. tirara w COLLECTION AGENCY. 4- DOES anv on owe you money 1 We Volleet bad debt of all kinds. Northwesters Law A , Collection On., 122 Orund nv., mom 14 snd in. i.itisena . nana Blag. - out tnia aui. I'Boae KS1 4V4. DETECTIVES. TKI-L u your tronhlee; we never sleep; evidence rraeen in civil end ertsslaMi aasaa. K. Henlnger. Boa SOO. DRESSMAKINQ. KEIRTRR'S LADIES' TAILORING C0 1.1 ROB, - 202 and 400 A I laky bldg.; writ for booklet'. DRFRRMAKINO. ftret-CMas and ntvptedatet chargee reeaoosble. TL Mala 1522. Csll 414 Fifth st. . Dan cinq. WOtfOWARD'B danctng school of tee Weeter Academy ef Mnsat. Monday snd Thursday, Sltectatoni bivlteri. teeone Wlci SaaMtasf 8 aa u. . vox, a boob a ana atarrusua. DOQ AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.E BROWN. D.V.S..D CM Dog Horse hos pital 27 Burnalde. Phones: Msln-tcjiw; fae o. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. AOS ktark st., Puttlsna. O. K. tor eaeritolng- la U latrca las. maia -inns, -te- PACiriC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, i "eutrn. to, repairer, electric wiring, supj nes. 04 rTrat. eor. Stark. Mala BBS. B. B. Tate, mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm -air furnace ear foeL J. O. Bayer vuraac Ca.. 25d Soeoad. Mela sol. FRENCH BAKERIES. TH K only place In Portland to get Freurk bread. Barrore ar Mayiie, ecrr sixu at. vauy aau. ery. Phone Oreea SOS. - FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Parsl tars MannfuetaVtnR, Lagapaay Msnufsctnreru of furniture bar (a vaua, Portlaad. Or. a. FURNITURR msnnfscrnrlna and c:-c1al rdera. Aa Haveaaxy-a ruraitnre recur?. iv ,na m. GRINDIN0. B. J. CASTEBLINB -A CO., Inventor ot the famoua stesl tampering process; puois shsrp ened reaaonable. 147 N. dth aL Peetflc S48. Baaora, knlrsa. sctsaora sharpened te porfee- ne lei. WADHAMS A CO., wboleaale aimiaas. aaaaa. fsrturer and semmlaaio merensnta. FoartA , . rv, k ... ALLFN A LEWIS, enmmteelea anal jnmdace ges chaata. Front aad Darts eta.. Portlaad. Or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co solicits opportsnlty ta ajoot pries. ISO lat at., ear. Alder. Mala iSSA, HOTELS. HOTEL Pendletoa. Peadhrtna. W.A. Brews, Bag: HOTEL Portland. AmerVoaa plsat IS. SS per day. HOTEL St, Oeorg. Peadletes: taadlaaT hotel. BELVEpRBBi Eeroneea piss: tb ssd Aider i HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A CO-Potatoes. ' toed aad I flour. IBS I nlon are. Phoae stoat 1817. INSURANCE. ISA AO I,, WHITE, tire LAMBERT. WHITMEB A CO. Fir I ue ranee nd real eatats: offices 1OT-I0S Sparlock bldg. Mala 1008; dept. 404 But Alder. Beet eat JAS Mcl. WOOD, employer' liability aad In . dividual accident surety bonds of aU klada. Phon 4T. 808 McKay bldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPART Ftre tusursn 448 Sherlock bide Oram Phaao Clay SSa. LOCKSMITH. t. H. RICHARDSON. eiperrTfck and ke rem 1th: general repairing; eaat iron braaing; au wors guaranteed 887 Burnalde at. Phone Pacific 1M, . -1 BROWNE'S IN TOWN Ft nert keckewltk and bicycle repairing, tm Rtei. IMF Clay 828: night phone. Mala MUSICAL. THRO. THORHAMMRR. WUn Bepalring. Espert work irnaranteed. 823 Too ray bldg., laroaad and Taylor sta. LESSONS 50c Piano, guitar, vanfe, mandolin. vhilla; tnetrumenta ror aale. aat-rk rua. mar Ma in, ..Jars. Martin, etnltn. ig and wind tnetrumenta. Edwin A, Bmlnk. 854 Tvralftb. Mala at . . . . sr. aoaiasoa. - rooas maia bbie. i. A. WESCO. vlnlln-maber and tepalrert wwrb Brat dees. , ZD Rasssl blag.. 4taad M EMTL THIF.LHORN. pupil of Revetk. violin teacher. Studio 108 Rlxtb." TL Manx XOtrl. MACHINERY. THB H. C. ALBEB CO Sweond-huad aasctilnery. , sswmllls. eta. 848 Orand ar. HIPPELT A .MTER8, mschlnlats and alee, trldsrs; elertrte elevators, electrical machin ery nnd ra sol Ine engines a apeclalty. 821 Oek Bt. Phone Main 1K20. MONEY TO LOAN. HEAPQOABTERB FOR SALABT LOANS. 42M-8 Mohawk bldg.. oat. Morrlaoa and Third. Ledlcs or Gentlemen. No Pn I. II city. Tf you borrow 820 you pay beck 81. 05 a areek. If you borrow 12(1 you pay buck 81 05 a areek. If you burrow SnO you pay bark tl CO a weak. Tf yu harrow 8X5 yoa py back 2 AS a week. - If you borrow Sun too pay bach 88 O0 a week. Payments enenended I cue af althaea. Brrictlr Salary Loans. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO, 420-0 Mohawk bldg.. ear. Morrtoon and Third. MONET TO LOAN fmprnaad city pi us arty sr tar bwnitlna pnsss. Any amount sa from 8 te 10 years' Mm, with privilege ta repay all ar rta-r of loan nftar an year. - lam ap proved from plena and money advanced ae building piugrssaas; Qaiortgngaa xakaa a aad . raplee. FRED . RTROWfl. Flnaadal Agsstrt, 848 Stark Street. , TWB RTAR LOAN CO. Any nalerled employ, were a a mar. ana 88 oa his Bote, wttbont mortgage , Month. H Month. Week. tmn.nn Reney to ae Sis.as er so .. or ss.ss on Rny to us I s oft or 8.)M ar S1.eS 818.00 Bapay to ne 8 4 no or 82.00 er 11.04 810 McKay beta. ' , . WHT PAT RENT when we can ftrrnlsh yoa moner to btiv or build vn a hornet - SMALL MONTHT.V PEP ATM ENTS with LOW RATES OF INTEREST. .Do a card, or caT! oa J. H. Hubbard, State Agent, 292 B. Morrises St. MONET te toes, eel tied people, tea ma tar etc.. -without eei mite: eeey naraxente: largeet bnatoeea In 40 nrlndnsl dtle. Toanaa, 328 Ahlngtoa bldg. Pbsns Msia 84OT. bfONFV ta lean on reel, neeanaal and enTtotoret eeeurlryi sped attention to chattel enact. - pale: notes keimrht. C, W. Pallet, B04-8 Fentna bldg.. 84 Sixth at,, . THE CONTINENTAL CO a,- ' JtS Stsrk at.. r " Will loan you money nt S per eeittf 81 .BOO to Slh.ono on realty or for wnliainj pursues MIOHLT resnertahle place obsia ledv d gents ca a hsrnw njoney on diamond nnd Jewelry. Collateral T-osn Was, sa tnton at. Phone- Block Tl. CHATTEL (nans in smmwita vsnstns .front 891 to 80.000: roemlng-bnusea sneclsHy. New Bra Laaa Trust Ce..- BOB Abtaabtsi bldg. ' W B Baa ke R kind af Inene on Rood eeurlty ,ut lowest rate : special attention glrea t chattel loana. KS Morrison at, , - MONCV tn loan In soma af from 88,000, 1 - fl onrt; terms to enlt tbe borrewer. - Raamt Srm-10. fJommereiel bBl. MNFT - to loan on Ctoctram laada. B. F. aad F. B, Blley, SOS af Cess- LOWFRT patee on fnrnttnva end ptanoa. 1sb ern Lean Co- 44 ShMlock hMg. Clay ,828. o LOAN -Rum tn enlt est chattel Banality. B. A. Frame. 814 Tb Marqnavn. . HOvfT TO LOAN, en all kinds of aeenrlty. W illiam Bon, room 8. Waahlngton bulldlnu. Il nm gli onit TO lean bv petrels party oa . seul estate sarsrlty, 408 'OoananerHsl bids. WANTEJT Mortgage loana: moderste ameunta In sr about Bt Johaa. W. 8. Ward.- lawyvr, Allakr bldg. PRINTING. WNf.cn A DAVIS. Prlnt.ea Ooern mt eleeer ihlrnr with Ink and trperea paper. Stearns IdgT. Sieth and Morrlaoa. Main 4147. ANDERSON DITNIWAT COMPANY. -e - Iltbngeanhlng. alsak hooks, Phoas t. . Bus Wklurr at, , tie. Ksrieoa Ob., ou n. otn. ran ;-".; .;grocers.' ;' y' MONUMENTS. NRO A KINOSLBT. SOS Plrst at.. Portlaad' seeding marble and granite works. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTH BI'P. 415-10-17 DekUS bldg.. Third and Washington ata. raoa Msia 840. Bssmlaatloaa free. ' DRR. 0TTS A MABEL AKIN. 4oS Msrleay blaaj. Clay 71. Baa. M. S18L Coaauluttoa tree. TUB vary best lady osteopath In town. .w. k.. w. jonnaoo, suite la. Heiimg-nirscn snag. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BBACH A CO-Tbe Floaeer Palat 0-l winoow-giaaa aad gUalog. , 19B rires at. Phoae 1884., 4 ERNEST MILLBB A CO.. Beosad aad Taylor- wan paper, paj.ni, su at gaaraat prices l ne dellrery. .V RASHUSSRN At CO Jobbers, paint. U, glaaa. necoB sao Tsyior. PLUMBERS. DOMNERBBBO- A BADBMACHBR. waltarf piBmnsr. a routrta at. not FOX A CO.. ssnltsry i Mstn aad Rain R00FINQ. TIN BOOFINO. guttering, repelling aad Riairil Jobbing. 1. Las II. 318 Jefferson at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C, STAMP WORKS. XV Alder at. phoae Mala Tin; rnhoer sta tope, seals. steeciiB. naggage. trade cheeks:- sead for eatakign It, a. STREET-PAVING.' WARREN Oooetrectlo Ce., rtreet Berlsg. side wslka dad oroaewalk. T10 Oragoalaa bldg, THR Barber Asphslt Parlog Ca. ef Portlaad. unn una worossrer ois. SCALP TREATMENT.- X OB AT. falling hair, dandruff treated: shampoo ing, manicuring, chiropody, faee work. Mr. - Et. r. ivy Be. iwe rostra, ess Ream 88, Pbos PsdSe SOB. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODE'B Farnlrnrs Hones Highest r rices for aecoe 4 na no rural rare, xia Phone Pacts eet. sign-painters: Qoi.n siokr window lettering, doth banner. economics 1 elertrte fens end aires or all kinds mad emlckly. Foster A R leleere Flf U and Ererett, Phone Exchsnge As. HOLIDAY SI0N8 Office door Bad window lettered at cut prlcea. Etrugienei. xi-it Washington t.. apatalra. Phew Hoot lTsa. SAFES. VI eeeeW an eebaild a.tomoblle. aas SB, loss. aria ting preaeea, time sacks, aafas, opea Back enta, de all klada of machine work. Columbia Oaa Eerlne A nl work, Sax neeooa as. Phone Pacific 570. Freak J. Snper. supt- MEBOLD Maaureaeee asfes: fire end barglar. peacf work: toll and prleaa work: bwkoati oa''' ?iaxiMk!wiiiM m miii i mi SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. snd store Situtea made te order. Tb Lata Maasfacmiing Co.. Portlands - j TELEPHONES. THE only exdnelT telephone house. B. -Ekertrtc A Telephone MaBuiaetsrlng We any. SS Fifth at. a, TREES. SHRUBS. ROSSSr- W bv them by tb thoanenO: strong, healthy etnrk. Oar 1000 Illustrated snd nrlead entu- logus tells all. PORTLAND SEED CO, Frvwt nnd Tamhlll at. . J . TYPEWRITERS. NEW Ouewilliiia. aH make, rented, enM and repaired. Coast Agency, 381 Btarb. TaL 14UT. LA ROB stock sseond-hsnd Remington nnd Smith-Premier typewriter, from 840 up. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 301 Stark at. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, pianos and fuyultui' anises, peeked reaey Tor aaippinR mi unippeai en warn , war. boon 'for atnrsge. Offle LSs' Flrat at. I C U. Osnra. Phono Mais 547. THB BAOOAOB dl OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., . cor. Sixth aad Oak ta. baga-age checked from hotel or residence direct to deetlnattnn; passenger therefore nvold rueb und a naar sees at depot. . Private Exchange at. 0. O. PICK, ofSce SS Float et bslnasa Stark and Oak ata.. phone SOS: pianos and furniture asused and peeked far shipping; aoma brick wars hoses. Front nnd Clay ess. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 104 North Btxth. near njsln SB. , Heavy hauling sssl BART SIDE Te.nefer CO.. A. B. Horeoma, 138 Kaat Water at, Pbos Eaat 54. POST SPECIAL DEL7VEBT N. fmAA Waaav lngton st. Phoas bfulu SSS. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS, DATLT Comb, brash, eaaa. 'SI per i Co.. Nil aer moara.e-aa- wruojo Bros.' Towel Bnppiy mm una xonen. rnone aio. WELL BORING. JAMES OREEN 80 year xnr1ene tu well-barHnr basl in nnd a emit Portland: 800 Vaasouvar av. Baat beet ef refereoeee toos. - "WIRE GOODS. AST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRR WORKI r, psjone Raat an. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRTJBT COMPART OF ORKOOB. Tha Oldaet Trust Company to Ores-en. . .. "' - BJCBOURCKB OVER ljRNe.OUO. , Oaneral banking. Erchanlre-on art part at the world,. Baring accounts. Time eertlfl catee, S to 8 per cant: short-caD aneclal ssrtlll eats. 8500 v ovor, SU to 4 ner cent. Csll for booh of "'ILLUSTRATIONS." ., , , . South -art Comer Third snd Oak Sta. i , Phone Prlvato Exchange 72. - " BENJ, 1. foHBK. ....... Prselitent H. L. PITTOCK. ....i...Vle-Preslilen-! R. LEE PAOET-, ......... .1 Secretary J 0. OOLTRA iaeletsnt Seeretaxy 'RCHARTW NATION AL BANK. -V-,. PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON................ ..RVeeidewt B L, DURHAM... u... ......... vlce-l'realdent R W? HOYT Ceehlec A4EOROR W. H0TT , Amletsnt Caahler Tra Beetle a Oeasrsl Benhtne Bus rn aea. Drafl and Lettere of Credit leaned Available an All Pacts of the World. . ' Collections a Specialty. - 1 LADDATI1TOW BANKFRS. . , (Istahllshed tn 1I88.1 Transact, Oenaral Banking Business. Collection msde at .all point en farorabl term. , Letter of credit leaned aeallahle ta Bnope and all potato la the United States. Sight Exchange- and Telegraphic Tranaferh old a New York. Washington. Chleaee. St. louts. TMoeer, Omaha. San Franctoca -. aad Montann nnd Bettlah Colnmhla. Exctmna told London. Pari. BwrNn. Era dkfoet, Bengkeag, Yokohama. Maalla and Honrtlnhr, . FIRST BATTOWAI, RWR , OF FOp-TLARn ORVOOTf. Deslgsarsd lee p-al lore and rina octal Agaat ml th Lslted Btatea. Praaldeitt.. A. L. WT1M Ceehler ..J. W. NEWKIHK Aaalatant Caahler ......W. C."ALVohI Secned Aeelatant Caahler R F. STEVENS Letters ar iveait lo.ned Ar.il. hie la Europa sod the Restore Ster-e. Right Fach.nr end Tel-er.phl Trsnefee sr-M on New Turk. Jl--ton. rhic.ro, St, Loo:. St Paul, Omaha. Man Fr.ncl.c nd the prleclpel imlnta In th. Northwest. SKM and time billa dr.arn In enws to soil en lindi-n, P.rla. P-rl1n. Frsrih fi-t n, . '.ln, liiir'rtir Y.ik 'I'ama, ( . , .e(.Ma.la S -, k h-.lm, bt. PetarshiKg,' . COW, ?-!'': t' i.-'"Ul. , t- 4 . . on Fivtwat.' T Fir.'At.'CIAL. RITFD STATVS WATTORAT. T" l Or FOR TLA h O. 011"v-i. jOSTRWrST COR. THIRD AMD 0T f I, T'.,,,,, , tl , I ...Li... ' rmiru ihmi it. Arallshle la All Cities f the Potted St.leS and Earope Hongboag aud Mauil. eoltECTIOKB MAD! 0M FAV0BART t TP". rrmidcnt ...J. 0. AlNawoet 1 Vice-President...,,. ,...W. R It' I Vice-President R. ISA Pall t Cashier. B. W. 8-t'-- I Aaalatant Caahler ,.A- M. W H I t Amlataot Cashier., ,M W. A. Ii"i f SECVBITT SAVINGS A TROST 00M PANT. 40 Merely St.. Fanlsnd. Or. Tvaaeact a oenaral Bankleg Buaiass. SAVIN0B DkPARTMEMT. Interest Allowed on Time snd S..igs Peposlta. Acts ss Trustee rr Fstst'S Drafts gad Letter of Credit A'alUble ta AU Parts af the Wacld. 0. F. ADAMS ..-ree1det tA. LEW ,.Fh-et T1ce-Pre.l1.nt LT MILLS Second Vles-Preeldr.t ,,........ ,aicraiarr ..Assistant Becrttsry GEO. F. BCS8 ELL... 'ME CONTINENTAL COMPART. ' , ' ' ' "FINANCIAL AGENTS. - STOCKS, BONUS AND atOBTOAOEB. 848 Btsrk Street. Fhos Mala 18TB,, M 0BBIS BB08. - 112 Flrat Bt,. Pertlsad, OsV Offer Otlt-Edg laveetasesta ta Vanleipsl sUllroad BonOa. write ar Call. MORTOAOG LOANS 0a Portlaad Baal Eatate at Lowest Rata. xitie laaurea. AeatraeU rnraishsd T1TLB OUABABTE-E A TBDST CO. S40 Waahutgten St.. Cr. Saasnd- j AT THE THEATRES. I "Buster Brown" Bt tht MsrquBrn. The enrtooa comedr. "Ruater Brown." kale! lie B. Kaymond'a mualoil offerliaj, which le play. -lug at th Mare.ua m Orand theatr erory night thl wk, will give a spcial-srlc natives tu- . glorrew tTharsdsy) at 3:1ft o'ehuk. This will offer pgveute aa opRoctualtjr to take tbe calldrea , to. aea jtuatsr aud Tig. r CaJvb ResurneB Tour. , Mm. Emma Calve will reeume her traeeeoeti- aeaial tour ks Chicago oa New Vea-fa algUb The prima donna's fllaea waa a eoid and a slight attack of lambs ge. tab Is new tn the beet of esaditloa aad her voto baa all af lie pristine power and brilliancy. Her appearance thus far have been unprecedented eurenaua. Everywhere nraa and public have .declared Calve eva asore faactaatlag tbaa ever Man, snd bar said that her vole wa aevar richer, . snore powsrr ul ar were beautiful. Th Ynket Consul" Coming; . There la buf-dhecompesy preeeutliig 'The Tankee Cooaul" Is tht country. Tha BuelodVos Bsusloal ceanedy which eomea tn the Mar qua aa Orand theatre next Tuesdsy aad Wednesday nights, Jauusry 3 aad , with a apeeial maUnee , Wedneeds it, -will have Harry Short la tha title role aad, Vera Mlchstona mm the prim dunaa, , . Marqusm's New Yer'B ArtrBCtJon. - ' With A boat of brtUUat alngera, deeer ooatrdlana, pretty and wlnaoem) glrla, dashing suttoratte. : haadsoaaa army ofSaers, beautiful aoeaory and every e-eualetta necessary ta la Burs a wrll-nlgh perfect prodsjction, from every point of view, "When Johnny Casus Marching Home" Is to be praarnted at tha Manjuaia Oraad tbeetre for two perfie-meoee New Year a afternoon and night. Tb dvnoa aai ef aaate will opea next Friday marnlac at 10 o'clock. .- , "Blue JeBaa" Bt BsJbbco. , "Bhat ieana," which tha Belaace eompaaF presenting thla week, to a xaaclnatlnc story ef noUtlcal Ufa la a sua titer Indiana town. It contalua the grant saws, ill asnaatliw, the ooene la whlrh, In whR-h the popular young eungrsas man to knocked sa napless and told across a board which a buaa-aaw la rapidly tearing ta twa. Tbe .Interna tnoearnt stirs tha sudlenoa ae no other mecueuleal seen ha done la tbe history ef snelodrama. "Blue Jeaag" to tU of clean, wbelsssme eomedy. - ,t Burlesjus at the-Bsker." . The . Jollr akto Burleson company at tha -Baker thla week la pleasing large bolide y arowd at everx-. performance. It la full ot rua, mueie and gredt vaudevlll acta, among which the wonderful radium dance to of apaclal note. E renin- performance at 8:15 o'clock. , Saturday atlnaa-at -2:15 a. ax. to the last perform- ' .New YearB Bt the Baker. The Baker will offer a etrons stiow tor New 7 sax's leeek, starting Sunday aiatlno. Tbere will atoa he a holiday matin Monday, New Sear's day. Th Dreamland Nurleeuuere to th attracthsx, and the epectal predoctloas, "At tbe Circus)" snd "Through tlie Ckmds," are possibly th moat preterit lose and i burnt tr offarad ta thia form of snterulnaient. Jerry From Kerry. TrW Week. The comical farce. "Jerry From Esrry," to the hill at thO'Emplfe all thl week. Tha emnpuny to bright and clean, and th music ex reptlonally catchy. Th superior no I formed bund nnd orchestra la a leatura. .. Matlus Rat. arday. . e j New -Year's Bt the Empire. Thorn win ha a epectai snattnee New Vear'a day at th Emplr nf RueeeU nd Drew' esnaa rtonal melodrama. "A-Flght for Mtllloua.- "A,, right fur Million wpens Sunday mattes neat, and will he found ta be oaa of v the greatest play produced ta Portland thla ssaeoa. "est are row oa sent and ebould be aecmred early. vaudevTlle AND STOCK. Ar, W- .';A or -Qold.".;"' The natron of the Lyrte are more tha ' pleased with this week s melodraaaatle mm osaa. "All for Oold." Th play to In four nets nd to hrtok la action from the rise until the fall of tha curtain. The Lyrlaeope with new Ufa morion pictures aad Toe Thompson la pictured ballad entertain befwei acta. MEAT PACKERS MAY I LOCATE IN ABERDEEN fSpeeta) fltopaleb te Tbe InarnnU Aberdeon, Wash., Dec. J7. Tha larte meat packing firm of Caratalre At Co. of Taooma baa been nrgotUtlnB here for aoma , time with a tiw to openluR a " branoh wholoaale house. They have de- ffded that thla will bo A good location nd hare nearly completed arrange- menta. ' ., ' - It la their Intention to eroot their own plant, which will coat about 814,000, and will contain refrlgeratlns room "tnl all oonvontencee. Tha bull31n will b0 100 118 toat. Ami the firm has ample cap!-' tal to make the bualtieao a euccn in vorr way. Th busineoa will 'bo mostly whola sala; meat bclDf ahipped hero in carload lota from their headquarters in Taooma. A alto has do! yet been chosen. Although bualnaaa men in Eaat Aberdeen mi try-' Ins; to oecur th tar plaaL .- -', ttxtravs Wktet ByRtena. M (Spac,lal Dlspstch to Tb Journal ' Eugene, Or., Ieo. 27. Local repreeon- " totlveo - of tha Rhode. Blmpler Butcher eyndlcate, whluh has pnrMiaaeo the j;ugen waterworks aat Will take po'kanaalon of th plant January 1, today ataxted aurvy for a pip Una to 1 sir mount, and one to the extreme nnrfh weatern pirt of th city. Neither .m-I-Ity now htta wafer aervlce. I MA com pany --will -alao make a aurvar t-yr tta huge paw reservoir on riklmixr bu't. 1 ( ' era. , I -I wit - - At I ' - r ' J . c I -;. r 1 . f-..i. -. i. , '.