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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 2i 1S05, M MORE LAUD FOR SALE BIG GIFT ,1IY flOT HEAL BREACH- - ' '" - . - ;i" Mrs. W. E. Corey May Spurn Huge Christmas Offering Made by Husband. GREAT REDUCTION SALE Reducing Stocks for Stock Taking Garments to order for cost of , material and making. Suit and extra trousers of same or striped material for FOR OFFENDERS 1 Majority of City Prisoners Will San Francisco Believes Remain Be Set at Liberty To- V , night, Perhaps. v, BUT THIS INCLUDES der of 0. and C. Grant Is Marketable. EXPERT HAS QUIETLY HOLDING OFF HER SUIT FOR ABSOLUTE DIVORCE ONLY MILD MISCREANTS EXPLORED MULTNOMAH The Mayor, the Chief and the Captain Apparently No Good "Reason Why Must Be Reestablished as His Wife " Are Favorable to the Plan of Re membering Day of Days, Even Be ...bind Iron Bar. 'Land Should - Not" Be Sold at Higher Figures Than 'Prevailed Some Years Agb. of Past, Present and Future in Eyes of World Papa Corey Guard ing House With Bulldogs. ERRY GHRISTfiiAS , - 'V-.- .1.. .. ,L .1, r. .f l . .. .... r... i a Prisoners of the city charged with minor offenses and whom cases nv m yet bMD called n court probably will , b released this evening and told to go their way. and aln no mo. '": ' -,iit k. vrsnted those confined In the city Jail. According to the plana that are being arranged by Chief of Po- l lice OrlUmacher, fouce p'" . u..HiAtn.i inHra Cnjneroit. There are about 10 prlaonera In the city JalJ at preaeni iwuuni . of that number are chrg4 with . .... ......... it la likely that they will be releaaed thla afternoon In order that they , may speoa V in a more congenial place than the PrThe"plan waa originated by Captain Bruin, who addresaed a request to-Chief Oritsmacher yeaterday. asking that he um hie influence to that end. The chief readily consented and Judge Cam- .-.nHaa- innrflvtl Of IM plan. Captain Bruin's letter to the chlefj fallows: -...:. - "I have the honor to make the follow in request: Inasmuch as. there, are , several prisoners in the city Jail charged with minor offenses, and considering that December 16 is and should be a day of universal rejoicing. I would respect fully recommend that you use your ef forts to give freedom to. such as are so charged wnh jnlnor offenses-and-that you take it up with the proper author ities with that end In view." . Jailer Branch haa planned an elabo rate east for the city prisoners Chrlstmaa day. U was found to be Im possible to secure turkey, so chicken will be substituted on the blllofare. . ' 1 1 UMBRELLA PRESENTED TO MANAGER BAKER Manager George L. Baker of the Baker theatre was presented with an elegant umbrella last evening by his employes. The handle was a beautiful ly carved article emblematlo of the B. P O. E. ' During the burlesque performance, ' rr .i. n nhhw polled Mr. Baker from h. auiinr and made the presentation speech, which consisted chiefly of the statement that "tho. gang around the V house grew tired of seeing the man who paid their salaries flashing a 6-cent , umbrella In a rainy town and decided to get him a new one." Needless to say, the gift la greatly appreciated by the popular manager. WARNED BY WIRELESS ski inrnrnft i UUUbfcd AN IbCDUTlU i (Special Pfcipetca by leaaed Wire to The Journal) New York, Dec S3. The Incalculable L value of wireless, telegraphy to ships . threatened with danger at sea was dera ' onstrated today when the French liner La Lorraine arrived In port after hav- , M,te.Hfnii totmrA m mnnd a -erl- gantlo Iceberg which ahe had been In formed lay nearly across her path. The La Lorraine had been signaled at aea by the American liner Philadelphia, and In turn passed the word to the outgo " Ing and Incoming liners within reach of her wireless telegraph apparatus. Exposition Rink Exposition Building, lttth and Washington. Skating Chrlatmas day, afternoon and ' evening. Special fea tures races. Ad mission- 10e. 130 SKATING SKATING iw.f.n1 v 'ii nnrr.i1rr MADAME AZA flOLMES-RIBBECKE Only Nelden Graduate on Paclflo Coast SIX DAYS LEFT In which to take advantage of our Hnll- day Bargains In Human Hair goods nnd those beautiful shell ornaments Indies know so well. We take e'lork next week We're reducing It this, and friends will ' find this art advantageous time to sup- ply their wanta. , We present thla bunch of bargftlns4o our friends wltlf our best wishes for A Merry Christmas - and. ' Happy . New Year rxzx ricKaozs or coryr.rxio cxzak KTIBT PAT THIS Witt MADAME AZA H0LME5-RIBBECKE OklENTAL; BEAUTY PARLOR ' lt VerriM -sear .IVuV 'totefc these Ke4 fti, . ; y I. r L Skates a I iatnee ana cnuaren 't 4 admitted free In the f J fill afternoon. . "J'SKATINQ It Is reported from San Francisco that within a short time the remaining lands of the Oregon dt California rail road grant in Oregon will be put on the market and1 that preparations are beina? made for beslnnlne- the sate. An announcement to thla effect is expected in the official year book of the, .liar rl man companies in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. .Which la now being compiled and which will be printed shortly after the Oral of the year. Legal representatives and agents or the-Southern Paclflo land department who have been for mojiths clearing up legal complications affecting small tracts and disposing of delinquent con tracts have finished their work. Twenty five assistants who were at work In every county in western Oregon undot direction of W. C Bristol have been dlamissed and their' chief Is said .to have made hla final report to head quarters In Ban-Francisco and Portland. W. W. Wick, for years in the employ of the land department and for some time a confidential man In Mr. Eberleln' department, devoted several weeks to work that kept him delving in the records of Multnomah county and he has completed his .labors and retired from the service of the department. Reports from all sources Indicate that the land are In shape for beginning the expected sale, A Ban Francisco report says: Harrlman Is preparing to sell a part of the Oregon California railroad land grant in uregon, amounting 10 aooui 4.000,000 acres. In charge of Charles W. Eberleln. a Harrlman protege from the Union Paclflo land department, who supplanted William H. Mills In railroad and land mattera In Oregon about two years ago, much to the delight of many railroad people who objected to the know-all manner of Mills. Eberleln. since he succeeded Mlllsj has straightened out many tangles In which the Oregon land grant became In volved through the policy of his prede cessor, conditions are now sucn, it is said, that Eberleln la prepared to make sales from the grant, beginning esrly In the new year. . It Is stated he la now Id a position to meet the wishes of a large number of people Interested in the matter. Thla number involves min ing men. sawmill men. farmers and prospective settlers, all of whom be lieve that the refusal to open the grant for the laat two years has greatly re tarded' development of the state. Sev eral yeara ago some of tho land was sold at prices ranging from $6 to $26. Then the remainder of the grant waa withdrawn. At what prlcea the land will now be offered la a matter that Oregon people are greatly Intereated in finding out." A former employe or the lana depart ment said yesterday: "I know of no reason why the lands should be longer withheld from' sale. I do not believe Mr. Eberleln himself knows the reason for delay. ' The matters that formerly affected the final disposition of the lands have been straightened out and there la no apparent reason for further seques vyatHin." ' " .. THINKS HE SUMMER .11 THE EAST- H. F. Prael Returns From Chica go and Believes Much Want- -. ed Man Js There. - . . "Nextyeir will be a great one for the northwest or the present prosperity of the middle west and lta rapid ten dency to extend westward is not a cer tain indication of our future growth; said 11. F. Prael of the Clatsop Hill romosnv vesterday afternoon. Mr. Prael hasuat returned from trip to Chicago and he atopped over In Port land to visit his brother. . R. F. Prael. president of Prael, Hegele A Co., be fore going to bis hpme In Astoria, "Illinois, Colorado and the - other states I visited are having the most prosperous' year In their history. Kan sea Is out of (he list of what are called lost states. It Is booming snd there Is not a farmer In It who Is not happy." I "Did you see any man looking like 8. A: I. Puter during your journey?" was asked. "Puter--lsn't he in California?" aaked j Mr. Prael. 'fit is reported that he Is In Chicago,1 waa volunteered. - ' . "He may be." said Mr. Prael. "When I was In Chicago I saw a man who looked a great deal like him In fact, so much like him that I thought he was Puter. When I arrived ' In Portland this morning .snd read In the papers that the man wanted In connection with the land frauds had been seen In Cali fornia I concluded that' I must have been mistaken in -my man. I knew Puter only" slightly and. I could not say that he and the man I saw in Chicago were the same person." . D'Aarlgnae Zs Coming. : (Spertal TMipatch br Leased Wire te The Journal) New York, Dec. 23. Paris advicea are that Komalne D'Aurlgnar., brother of the great Parisian swindler, -Mme, Humbert again Intends to attempt to pass .the -EUls Island officials and to make a home lor himself In the United States. ' " , ' . . The . reason some are not 'Wedded to one bad habit la because they are court- Ins so many. stemarkable Onre. . v 1'wss much afflicted with sciatica.'" writes Ed. C Nnd, lowavllle, Sedgwick Co., Kan., "going about on orutohesnd suffering a deal of pain. - I -wss Indured to try Bnllard s Snow Liniment, which relieved me.- -"1 used three EOo bottles... It Is ths greatest liniment I ever used; have rec ommended It to a number of persona; all express themselves ss being bene fited by It I now wslk without crutches, able to perform a greet deal of light labor on the farm." 15c. tOo and 11.00. ArVoodnrd. Clarke Co. (Special DUpateta by Leased Wire to The Joorael) Pittsburg. Dm. SS. "Mrs. Corey has not given up her house In Nevada. She still lives there, though she la on a visit to Pittsburg." This significant re mark was made this morning iy - one close to the Corey family, one who haa conferred with Mrs. Corey several times since she came to Pittsburg from' the west; and the remark may be considered as orricrei. Mrs. William Ellis Corey will refuse ner husband a Christmas gift of 11.- 000,000 rather than consent. to be looked upon as a discarded wife, 'she la hold ing off her suit for absolute. divorce against the head of the steel trust only on condition that there shall be a full reconciliation that she shall be re established In his home and In the eyes of the world as the wife 'of his past, present and future.' It la a fact that not even Mrs. Corey knows whether her husband will be here for Chrlatmas. That she expects him Is believed. The two truck loads of Christmas gifts that arrived for Mrs. Corey at her father-ln-Iaw's house In Braddock - last night from her husband gave the hope that Corey would be her, but he has sent no word. Objects to Oae restore. A relative of Corey sent him long telegram today asking him If he would come for the Chrlstmaa dinner, . Mrs. Corey objects to one feature of the proffer made by her husband. He has not aaid that he will again make hla borne with his wife. Unless he does Mrs. Corey will decline the offer of an amicable arrangement, A member of the Corey family expressed the opin ion this morning that a reconciliation would not be affected. He aald: "It la doubtful whether Mr. Corey will come to Pittsburg. Mrs. Corey came home merely to spend the holi day season. In the, event of the fall- Lure of a settlement she will have dl- vorc. .proceedings- instituted here." Bays I Corey Is alrratlo. One of Mr. Carnegie's partners, who Was at the dinner party given by the Ironmaster in New York, but who will not allow hla name to be mentioned, admitted today that the case was dis cussed at thetdlnntr after Corey had left, and ssld: "There Is list a man Interested in the Carnegie Bteel company who knows whether W. E. Cfleey la coming to Pitts burg or not He is an er ratio fellow." Mrs. Corey spent part of today with the family of A. A. Corey at No. SMS Hawkins avenue. She visited . her mother. Mrs. Frank Campbell, of No. 7S1S Ormonde street, but returned to the home of her father-in-law. Corey's neighbors attempted to get a glimpse of her today, but ahe kept well in the house. Mrs. Corey plans to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Henry Mc- Crory, of Wllkinsburg. - The A. A, Corey borne at Braddock la tonight guarded by two watchmen each accompanied by u fierce bulldog. Any one who looks as though he or she might be searching fcr Information la given scant courtesy by, the bulldogs and the watchmen.. Papa Corey declares the bulldoge will stay until some people learn to attend to their own business. TRUE PREDICTION AS TO Streets Jammed With Shoppers as Merchants Had Expected v And They Bought. Never were the streets of Portland so thronged wllhshoppers on a Satur day night preceding Christmas as they were last night Carsi from the sub urbs were taxed to their full capacity during the afternoon and evening, and the early part of the night' found the west side of Fifth street between Mor rison and Alder, and the greater part of the same street "between Alder and Washington, packed with a dense maas of buyers. Washington street near Third, on the aouth aide, also ' was crowded to the curb, with shoppers lin ing the display .windows of the stores and people edging their way to and fri In order to get near the store entrances. -The efforts of some of the crowd to gain entrance to a store without hav ing to stand In line gave rise to a little innocent but costly amusement In the poolroom way among a lot of bystanders on Washington street If a man or woman was seen to be making a deter mined effort to reaob the door of a store, a wager waa made that he or she would not "score a touchdown?. In five minutes, . The bets were usually 26 cents," and the bettors held the stakes. ; The ..suburban car stations were crowded -during the night. Every car waa filled, and room In the Beats was found not only for the two who paid their fares, but also for all the toys that a small and growing group of- chil dren would clamor for. Oosslp Trom Tillamook. '' ' (Special Dlapatrh to The Jonraal.) " Tillamook, Or., leo. 2J. The suit of Tillamook county against Mrs. Edith M. Alderman, administratrix of the estate- of H. H. Alderman, ex-aherlff of this county, which was tried at the Isst tern of court and taken under advise ment by Judge Honnett.-has lust been decided against (the county, the Judge finding that the - county had no claim against Mrs. Alderman. The lumber . schooner Abble . has dropped down the . bay and finished loading on Friday. She carries nearly t lumber from the Tilla mook Lumber company's mill In this elty. ' Parties who claim there la oil In this county are making a search of the coun ty, endeavoring to obtain leases on the land for a period of three years. - Plundered by Bobbers. 1 (Special Dlaoatrli le Tke Jmrnal.l Tillamook, Or., Dec. 21, The general merchandise store of W. D. Robedee at Woods was robbed last week. The burglars took advantage of the owner's absence .and entering by breaking la a During this taTe.our high'standard of workmanship and lining will be. folly maintained. Satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. . Garments to order In a day If required. Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits a specialty. - all 108 Third Street us CAFE AND MUSIC HALL A Merry Christmas to All ; Fay Lesley Miss Belle Lawrence And Other Christmas Attractions.' Beginning Monday. Decem ber 25, including the famous" .aggregation v The FiechtTs ladies Quintette and , : Tyrolean Trio SPECIAL Sunday Matinee v 2 to 5 o'clock k Program Changed Daily. IittueM a SI orth Third street, 81, S3 amd. BS sTorta Heo oad street, sad S4S, S45 aad S4T Bnraelde street,.. You Should Go To! Everything depends on how' you teeth are treated.' Poor dental work la deaf at any price. The Alveolar method as nni.iiiu( h the Boston Dentists as sures permanent snd beautiful results. , If your teeth are decayea or ao scessed or loose and falling out. or your gums Inflamed and . sore, then your health demands that you teeth be at- 4a4 a It vmi aea tonkins for ths best work at a ressonabls fee ws would dvlse you to call upon the Boston Dentists. ttlH Morrison street, the dentists wiio originated the Alveolar Method The moat talkedobf and renowned of re cent dental discoveries. Examination free. Lady attendant Skillful specialist a,. Boston Dentists Sltt K orris oa m, Opp. Males ft SYeak aad SNwtoffieei, -'Bntraaoe Sm acorrtsoa . Office Hours 1:10 a. m. to p. m. Sunday, 1:10 a. m. to lt:S0 p. m. back door, ransacked the store and oar. rted away 'about FIDO worth of goods, consisting of Jewelry, cutlery and el gars. There Is no clue to the burglars. " No man ever broke his bees; under bis brother's-burden. The Dentists fog - , your oalemdar. .-I CHKS1I.2AS TO ALL John Dellar : 1 s . ' . . 1 aiaccrcij v1tnks Els Old fid New Pitrons for Their Kind Patronage for the Year 1905 ' Wishing Them a Joyfnl Merry Christmas i Christmas Notes Will soott be sounding everywhere! The glorfoua, gay, glft-glvlng period will soon be upon us. What could you give your son or daughter more beneficial or ' useful than receipt for a paid course In our business colleger . WE TEAClt - v" ' BOOKKEEPING : SHORTHAND, ADWRITINO .'And Ail Kindred Branches. z. .- DAT AND NIOHT CLASHES. - BEHNKE-WALKriR1: BUSINESS COLLEGE - Bevsnth sad Stark Sts rortlaaut, Writs for Catalog. Per ssodera dental erer. Werld-re owned special lata. Lowest prlees eonsiatent with Srst-alass ." OS) 'tar ths , NEW YORK DENTISTS .. ronrm ajtb mtobbxsob iti ' Cpesi dap and night fress liU a sa, anUl it s sja fc a jsaa aas s SMITH UA& BSTATB AJTS BVanWIBn OXASTOXS, ' TABatS ' ATD ' TZXBB& ZJUTBS, allsTXS BODOXT ABO IOU). If you want to sell your real estate or business, we can sell It for ytou. Ws are doing business. If you. want to buy a home or farm, or locate In anv bualness, we can locate you."' We have agents In every part of the stste. Our motto is fair dealing and our methods are without moss. We are mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce.; Ws are rated with the commercial agencies. v ' - - . XSSV4 SOT ITBIIT, COBJTBB WASatXBwTOsT. -' - -P. O. O IJ, , - : U PHONE MAIN 4089. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL WATCH THB PALAIS ADVKRTISBMSNTS BARGAINS Great Clearance 375 WASHINCTONiTVCQRrWEST PARK 1 Do not forget to examine the at a A. WXAXJi'B, Bo. 138 First Street, betweem Balmoa aad SCala Sts. I have Just received five carloads of Pianos, especially for the holiday trade, comprising such well-known makes aa Kranlch A Bach. Dudlano, Schubert, Schoff Bros., Olivers and a great many others, at apodal prices during the holidays. I have a few more planoa of the bankrupt stock of Gilbert Brow' bank left, which I am offering at a great reduction. . - Basy paymeats a small payment dewa aad monthly payments to sal the parehaser. - - , . . . e5 RETIRING FROM THE RETAIL BUSINESS $1,000 stock of whiskies, brandies, gin,! wines, champagnes, rums, at r a reduction from tS to.4S per cent. y. This stock must be closed out within ths next 0 days. - Ws shall offer as follows: .-. . '; ,'?',-:- v . . ' :.v ;! " "' All-of our Sweet Wines, regular prloe $1.00 a gallon, at. ...... ...,$J1. 25 All Of our Sweet Wines, regular price $1.60 a gallon, at ...f 1.00 Alt of our Sweet Wines, regular prloe $1.00 a gallon, at TO All of our Dry.WJnes. regular price $1.60 a 'gallon.' at..' .....f l.OO 'AH of our Dry Wines, regular pries $1.00 a gallon,' at......... 6S All of our Dry Wines, negulaf prloe 75o a gallon, at. ..464 Air of our Whiskies, regular price $6.00 a gallon, at. .......... .S3. BO All df our Whiskies, regular pries $1.00 a gallon," at... ..$2.75 All of our Whiskies, regular pries $1.00 a gallon. .t. .......... .92.40 All of Brandies, Otns and Rums, regular price $4.00 .a gallon, at.. 92. 75 All of.our Bottled Goods, regular price $1.60 a bottle, at. . .1 .. . . .$J1.00 AH o flour Bottled Goods, regular price $1.16 a bottle, at...... 754 All of Vir Bottled Goods, regular price $1.00 a bottle, at.... ...65 . Alj other goods In proportion. , ' , , .. ' LAKE ERIE WINE 404 Waebiagtoa St, B etwees Testa aad Blereata. Plxrares aad lease for sals. Telephone Mala TO., ' PR.e7WESIRpW'S RHEUMATIC ' ; CURE. ' . .' ' FOR SALE AT A IX DRUGGISTS. Pianoforte Ire Prodeetlne, Pipe Orr.n. Warmney ant )niosj a. Btvaie-nr ragDEBioa w. eooo i lawat sueeb faeae Sast BkM, ugit. BROTHERS ROYAL AND WINDOWS FOR i Sale Now Going On .MM beautiful stock of Pianos and Organs AND CORDIAL CO. EnisxaxnaiiEnxnzxiiiiBaiiiiuaKn Concrete Construction Co. T01 Chamber ef Commerce, - Manufacturers of Concrete 8 tons Blocks. Contractors for. all kinds of cement work.-. " '.- " ... PKOBB XAXB ISO. . r - Miss Edith Kelly Foratertr ef Oileagn, will reeelv plane P'fla . at stsdla, IS I tmtrnaeala (rihetotbK at, UUCttriIT MIXHOD.' ts