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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, DECEMBER 24, IOCS. I rovf topics tovioht's Axusuavn. frfaw-o... Kmplre. ... , ,. Hmkrt , l.yrlc VraiHt Kur ,. Liberty .."Bin Iuh" ..."lam From Kerry , Burliu "A Boathara Horulne" Vu.l.llt Vmllll .VauOeTliie A beautiful menu card and an elabor ate dinner has been' prepared by Man ager H. C. Bower of the Hotel Port land for Chrlatmaa day. The card ahowe a large pouter picture of one of Frederick Remington' famous frontier drawing. It repreaent a cavalryman in campaign uniform mounted t on spirited steed. The mount; Is speeding , along with a free rein.-! while, the trooper la gaslng to windward on a search for the redskin foe. The picture la one of Remington' . best ' and la suitably or either a den or parlor. It . la attached to a heavy cardboard mount ing with red ribbon, ail bespeaking - .Christmas cheer. ' Underneath the pic ture Is the menu, which I the finest that Uie brain of Bowers' chef, could produce. The musical program I also given. . ,,. . . . .;. ,.- v The city of Portland yesterday filed a notice In the circuit court stating that an attempt would be made to reassess .the property owner living -along Gold . smith street for street and aewer improvements.- An assessment was made on .the property owners several .months ago for Improvement purposes, but It was annulled when Attorney Dunlway ahowed to the court that the assess ment bad not been made In a proper manner. The following are named as defendant In the case that was filed yesterday: John Mlchell, Paul Wessln ger, . Henry Wagner, the Paclflo Truat company, K. C. Merges, E. E. Merges, San ford B. Whiting, the Alliance Truat eompany, H. O. Bishop, Mary Kiel. Joseptr-Paquet, B. F. Smith and H. W. Fries, v - - --; - A. J. White loet a check for tit last September nd ha now begun a eult against the Oregon' Railroad Navlga ' tion company for. that sum. The suit , was commenced In the circuit court yes terday afternoon. White says that dur ing last-July he worked for the com pany and received In payment a check .for 155, drawn on the First National bank of this .city. This check,- be state, was given him on August 14, and be carried -It until September 4, when the valuable bit of. paper was either lost or stolen. "He alleges that the check was not Indorsed. White begin ult to compel the company td Issue him a duplicate check for the amount lost. Mrs. Margaret A. Simmon yesterday began a suit. In the circuit court against Dr. Harry P. McKay for 11,000 damages, alleging this sum Is due her because - McKay, "as she claims, . "ma liciously converted and disposed of goods' to which she lay a claim. She states that a trunk belonging to her and containing heirlooms and numerous article of clothing waa taken by the defendant On September IT, 1104, and disposed of. Dr. H. F. McKay waa ad ministrator or the estate of the rate Thomaa Gibbon. Mrs. Simmons Is a granddaughter of Gibbons snd It Is sup posed that the suit begun- yesterday la an outgrowth of some estate matter. The Ladles Missionary society of the , First Congregational churoh held Its . Deoember meeting in the church parlor on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs, O. M. Parker gave an Interesting; addresa upon "Our Foreign Missionaries." and Mrs. R. E. Jones ' read an . excellent paper upon "Bible Women and Training School." The soloist was Mrs. H..Ju. 1 louse. Refreshment were served by the hostesses, Mesdarae Hutchinson, House, Mlkl and Scbtt . ' Wltllara A. Knight, president of the Knight Shoe company, arrived- home after a two 'months' trip east, visiting many of the Important shoe factories ' and buying spring shoes. Mr. Knight promises the wearers of Sorosls and Walk-Over shoes something exceptional In footwear fashions for the spring and summer of 10. A most Interesting ceremony will be held at the Sixth and Hall streets syna gogue at o'clock. The yearly exami nations of the congregation' Hebrew school, as well a the kindling of the Hanukah light, la well arranged by Dr. J. Shapo. It la expected that the oc casion will be a huge success. The - publlo 1 Invited. . . Vf. U. Tlchner, secretary end treas urer of the Oregon and Washington di vision of the Travelers' Protective asso ciation, has issued invitations to the members to attend the annual banquet at the Portland hotel December 10. The annual business meeting will be held In the afternoon the same day John W. Reddaway and Addle Hodge were married Thursday evening. De cember SI, In the presence of a few ! relative and friends. The house was ; prettily decorated with Oregon grape and ferns and a wedding supper was served. ; - ' The Apollo roller skating rink had three successful races evening a turkey race with 11 contestants, a hoop race with tlv contestants and a speed race with seven contestants. A ohal. lenge Is extended to the Exposition ttttttttttt-tlttssssaaaaaai Qirisfimas Greetings TO ALL OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS Jn extending-our heartiest wishes for a happy holi day season, we desire at the same time to thank you for the largest holiday trade we have had since ft commenced business. It has been a prosperous year with' us and we feel gratified that our efforts ; to please you have been ap, amply rewarded, We shall redouble our efforts for the coming year and trust we succeed as happily as heretofore. " la Order to Accommodate Belated Shoppers OUR STORE WILL BEOPEN CHRISTMAS MORNING I TSae G. icMtcmpgrXOe - - " JEWELERS AND 286 KOSRISON ST. 4 i 1 ThbDajjofLloncy ; Is for You It represent the amount that you can quickly realise by saving the pennies, ntcklea and dime and depositing them In amount of tl or over In our Baying Department, whera they work for you day and night. Sunday and Monday, earning for you 4 per cent Interest com pounded semi-annually. . - Why not start an account with the New Year? OREGON "ust SAVINGS BANK W. H. MOORS . W. C MORRIS President Cashier roller skating, link for a speed contest of one mil or over. ; Representative of the Apollo roller skating rink will stake with any newspaper IIS.""1 . . t . -; , : ' f 'We have mad more negatives this Chrlstmsstlde than at any similar time In our history. Our business has been simply Immense and we are rejoiced to ay that our friends have been greatly pleased with the elegance of every pic ture we have turned out. Moore's stu dio, Elks' building, . Seventh and Stark, Only 4. few mora of those choice lot left In Hawthorne' first addition, be tween Twenty-eighth and Thirty-second, Burnsid' and Qllsan streets. If you sre thlnklnpcof buying you should see this propel Now Is the - time. R. li. Cater-ager7lli Second street. Mr. W. H. Brags died at her homo at 18 Alder street Friday night and the remains will be buried tomorrow at Wasco,. Oregon. Her death will be very much regretted by the large circle, of friend .residing In this and other portion of the state. William C. Graves, aged 24 years, died at St Vincent's hospital December 10. The funeral service took place at-the Holman undertaking parlors and the burial In the Lone Fir cemetery. Rev. T. "Broulllette of Newberg preached the sermon. '. A fin line of umbrellas gold, sliver. Ivory and pearl handles Just the thing for a Christmas present, at Beldlng Bros., Jewelers and opticians, 45 Third street. Also cut diamond and watchea during honeys. ; . The Museum 3?Art, Fifth and Taylor street; will be open on Christmas day from t to 4 o'clock. Admission free. A few fin tiTyftures and a collection of Japanese prtf ae now lent for ax- hlbltlon. lr F-.; R. Bow who formerly conducted cigar -store at Third and Burnslde streets, wishes to notify his friends that- he ha now moved to Si Johns, wners He will open another cigar store. t Holiday packages Special attention given to delivery of holiday package Reliable messengers dispatched to any part of city, call pnona Main zi. - Bankrupt Sale Clothing, gents' fur nishing goods, hats, caps, trunks, va lises, boots and shoes, etc, .at greatly reauceo prices, to be sold in days. io Norm sixth street, corner Everett. Cash or Credit. Watches. Diamonds. Jewelry and Silverware on easy-weekly payment. II down, 50a per week: open evenings. Mature 4k Co., Jeweler and upucian. in sixtn (treat. ? Official photograph. Lewis and Clark exposition, plain and hand-colored; beau tiful and' appropriate gift, at small coat. lit Morrison street. - Grand ball Xmaa night. Aiion ,hall Elegant door prise free. Good music. Admission 60 cents, ladles free. v Pro- lessor union, manager. Arthur H. Babb I in the city from Albany. where h is attending collee-. visiting his mother, Mrs. Helen Babb, at me Clayton. ,,.. TCaena vnuf HfottiM lMn.1 wrmmA i? nrai rui. x-acino van. nignt. ' Any watch cleaned, II. Any main spring, II. All work guaranteed nne year at Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street. Sheriff Word., Chief Demit v Sheriff ueorge Moroen and a corps of deputies maae a tour or the north end and SILVERSMITHS' SAHTA GLAUS AT COURT HOUSE He Leaves Word Fishing Rod and Umbrella' and Clerk Field : a Seal Ring. . SILK SUSPENDERS , ; . GLADDEN DEPUTIES Many City " Firms : Remember Em " ployeg and . Turkeys Will Grscs Tables That Never Expected to Be . So Honored. V . ' i "' V Two surprises were given Sheriff Word yesterday afternoon by th depu tlea working under him. those In th tax department presenting blm with a hand some gold-mounted umbrella, while those In th ' "catch-'em" gava their chief a fishing rod. The presentation of the rod waa made a great event lM.h sheriffs office. Deputy Sheriff Dode Parrott mad th preaentatlon addresa He spoke these words: "Mr. Sheriff, ladles and gentlemen: It Is written somewhere that you should not spare th rod and poll the-child. Alt ue fellow chipped In and got you a flshtn' pole, sheriff, so yon wouldn't have to us that old hasel one you bad last summer. We all trust that yen catch 00 or 100 fish a day when the season comes, and wish you a very mer ry Christmas." v -i , ' When Parrott had : finished - kearty "amena" were uttered by Deputy Sher iff George Morden. Harvey Moreland, 8an Downey, John Qrussl. Holly Hol Hngsworth, -John . Cordano and Jailer Harry Grafton, all of whom were pres ent, Th nmbrella waa th gift of J. W. Ferguson, W. W. Mcintosh. 8. B. Martin. C. A. Ambrose, W. H. Mercer, & Kafka. P. H. Coffey and C. A. Rob ertson. --. County Clerk Frank 8. Fields was pre sented with a seal ring and a Maaonio Elka badge, it being th gUt of th fol lowing deputy clerks: H. CL 8mltb. F. W. Prssp, C. D. Chris tensen, H. O. Schneider. W. O. Kerne, M. A. Hanson. I Kennedy, M. S. Phillip, Vera M. Field. W. B. Hammond, C. B. Barth. A. K. Long. H. V. Banford. C. C. Roe. B. A. Reld, T." s;"Well. J. H. Bush. M. U O'Brien and Carrl H. Qulmby. - : r Mr. Fields presented each of his male deputies with a pair of silk suspenders, while gifts of other aorta were made to tha gentler deputies. .-(. The firm of Roberts Bros, remem bered their employe handsomely. Be sides the presents given leave of ab sence were extended to some of the em ploye of from two day to a week or more. . . i ' "My custom." said ex-Senator Ben Selling, "has always been to remember my employes. on New Tear's day, and I shall adhere to It this year." . Cash presents were made to all the employes of L Oevurta Co. "We wish you all a merry Christmas," said Mr. Oevurta when he passed the presents to tha men. .',.. . . . ...... Deputies In the county assessor's of fice presented County Assessor .'Slgler yesterday with a handsome waton ion. Tha fob . consisted of tha assessor's monogram suspended from which was a locket of Roman gold. Shortly before 11 o'clock, -while the assessor wa busy at his. desk, 'his deputies filed Into the office. - Mr. Big' ler looked up in surprise expecting a demand for an Increase In salaries. "If there Is any trouble, I would like to know It." said he, as . th deputies hesitated a moment In silence. - "There's no trouble at all, but we desire to wish you a merry Christmas and present you this Chrlstmaa girt,' said tha spokesman, handing Mr. Slgler the fob. -. Mr. Slgler looked first at th present and then at hi deputies and It was Momt tlm before he a poke. , mis is a nanasome guv saia ne, "and I appreciate H, but I appreciate more the kindly, spirit In which it has oeen grven ana wmcn n rnaranensea our work together In the office." -' through 'Chinatown on a- search for gambling and gamblers. Although many places were visited unexpectedly not a gambling game waa found In operation. Carroll Hurlburt la In th city for th holiday, visiting his father, W. II. Hurlburt of th O. W. P. R. R. An elegant turkey dinner at th Cot tag Waffle Christmas' for E0 cents: 11:10 to p. m. lis sixth street. Addresa, calling, engagement and shopping lists at Kilhams4 Waah Ington street. Portland'' beat dancing school.'. 101 Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Mis Buckeameysr, Fin Olft Memorandum Book for gentlemen. Kllham's, lit Washington St. Acme Oil Co. sells th best safety coal oils and fine gasolines. Phone East Til. Men's Pocketbooka, card and pass cases at Kllham's, 24C Washington st Bridge Whist, "EOO" and other card set at Kllham's, lit Washington st Fine Desk Furnishings and Inkstands at Kllham's, 210 Washington street ' We want to buy your second-hand furniture. - Phone Main ltU Fin chicken dinner Sue, 111 Third. Th Vegetarian cafe, lot Sixth. Frlts's tamale are the best. SANG CAROLS WHILE HER HOME BURNED As aha aang Christmas carols with the choir of the Taylor Street Methodist church last night the residence of Mrs. Dsvld d wards. East Blxteentn ana Salmon streets, was destroyed by f Ira The fire Is satd to have originated from a defective flu. Mra Edward Is a member-of th choir, which was practicing last night for today' service. Mr. Edward waa also away from horn at th tlm th fir occurred. - -- :. Mr. and Mr, Edward occupied 'he upper floor of a two-story nai. in lower floor was occupied by Mr. and Mra. H. Q. Laugee. Th upper etory wss completely destroyed by fir while the lower anartmente were greatly damaged by the flame and by water. The. building was owned by J. w. Will iams. - " ' Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern snd Seattle rscea Take Bell- wood and Oregon City cars at First and Aider, . . r- CALIFORNIA TRIP ; A More Applications From Business Men Than Cart Be Favor- ; ably Answered,. ITINERARY LEAVES NO WORTHY, SPOT UNSEEN Excurtionists Will See All of Neigh. boring State's Attractions, Includ . ing Monterey, Del Monte and the Big Drive, for Modest Sum."' . -I Tha list of reservations for th Oregon business men' excursion to southern California ha retched the number of SO, and -th success of the excursion la as sured. . "This means.' said Assistant General Passenger Agent.McMurray of the Har rlman lines, "that there will not be enough berths to go around at th last hour. - Th train will probably not have enough capacity to hold thoaa who will at th jasc moment decide to go." Th itinerary la now arranged. Th special train will leave the union sta tion at T o'clock th evening of Satur day, January It. Th tlm at th dif ferent stations In Oregon will ba as fol lows:- Salem.' January 11. 1:08 d. m.: Albany. 10 p. m.; Eugene. 11:25 p. in.; Roseburg, January 14. I:zs p. m.; Grants pass. a. m-J Medford, 7:85 a. m.; Ashland, s b, m. i ' People ' attending th Development league convention from eastern Oregon on special rate for that occasion may have their tickets extended to use on return from California trip If they do- sire. - - "It was decided yesterday by tha spe cial committee of the league to extend th time limit for making reservations to December 10." said Secretary Rich ardson. "The cost - of tbe round -trip ticket from Portland to Los Angeles. which' Includes six days and nights In a Pullman car, and the meal between Portland and Sacramento, th first stop. will bo With two person occupy ing one berth these tickets are 158 each. An immediate deposit of $25 Is. neces sary tb Hold reservation, and this check should be made payable to me, and for warded to my office at once. "These tickets, ara sold with a 10-day limit, with privilege of any desired stop over returning. . Under ordinary condi tion the Pullman reservation alone, for six days and nights, would b about 125. The trip down i made via the coast Return csn be made either on this line or through th valley. ' . , "None of the meals at any , of th hotel will cost to exceed tl each. The stopping place will Include not only the very best in th hotel line but the moat interesting part of ; California. - After one day of publlo reception at Los An geles each and every excursionist will be free to go wherever he please. . This trip, including all that Is necessary to spend In making It luxurious, need not exceed $100. and It can be made for tSS." The complete itinerary haa been Is sued by the Southern Paclfle comnanv and shows how the r excursion party wut do entertained each day. Monday. January 15 The- train will reach Sacramento before davllaht reception will be given by the Sacra mento chamber of commerce, beginning ar. o ciock. The Sacramento Valley Development association will also par ticipate, saving Sacramento at 1:10 p. m. me party vm arrive in San Fran clsco. at 6:10 p. m. Sleeper will be transferred from Oakland to th Third street depot and placed in a convenient position to ds occupied oy the excur sionists. The -entertainment at - San Francisco will Include a trip to China town. Tuesday Th California Promotion committee, assisted by other organisa tions, will offer special entertainment. program or which is yet to be an nounced. The California state board of trade has also xten-d Invitations for a receptlorr-iTnts rooms 4n th after noon. Thla will be accepted. A visit will be mad to Mount Tamalpals. Th entertainment In San Francisco, will not in any way Interfere with "excur sionists being free a large part of the time to see their friends and visit places of Interest according to Individual In clinations. Wednesday Leave San Franclsoo from Third street depot at I a. m., ar riving at Palo Alto at 10 a. m. Drive to Stanford university. . Leaving. Palo Alto at 11:30 p. tn., arrive at San Joae at 1 p. m. Luncheon at the Hotel Ven- dome. At 2:30 trip will be taken on liiterurban electric Una through Santa Clara valley to Saratoga springs and Los Gatos, returning to Hotel Vendome for dinner. An opportunity will also be given to see the city, one of the most beautiful in California,- Reception in the evening by Snn Jose chamber of commerce. Train leaves at 11: JO p. m. Thursday Breakfast at the Hotel Del Monte, the show place of California. Leave the Del Mont at a. nv for the famoua seventeen-mile drive. Luncheon at 2:30 at the Hotel Del 'Monte. De nurture from Monterery at 1:30 p. m At t o'clock arrive at Paso Robles. Din ner at tha Hotel Paso de Robles. The celebrated baths, recently completed. will ba thrown open to, tha Oregoniana a a special courtesy. The night will be spent in Pnso Roblea Friday- Departure from Paso Robles at a. m., arriving at Santa Barbara at 1:10 p. m. Luncheon at -either the Arlington dr Potter and a drive, to In clude the boulevard and a visit to th old missions. Reception in th evening by th Santa Barbara chamber of com merce. - Train will leave at 11 o clock. Saturday Arrive at Los Angelea wher for a day at least th excur sionist will be In charge of the Lo Angelea chamber of commerce. . Honesty Demonstrated. Honesty In advertising was' never bet ter demonstrated than In the advertise ment of Samuel Rosenblatt ft Co-, appear ing of page I of this Issue. An honest sal based on business principle. Every garment in their store is' actually marked down not up and then down- but down from the original selling price. They don't elalm to be selling out a so called, "bankrupt stock." f lre-damsged stock." nor are "they giving anything away Just a plain reduction sale, which comes one a year and Is for tha pur pose of moving th good quickly and making mom for th new line of spring goods, which will soon be arriving. Where to Dine. . If. C. Brand, let Sixth street will serve an elegant 0c dinner today and th finest Christmas dinner aver. Sunday dinner, tha best popular prices, ! Wsshlngton street Strouse's Res taurant. lift ft? ' tvtaifl fhlnkei IS ! m1lAvlne wtata fa U oniy.t itttnf mold. - IIMER JWH(S)M 346 BROADWAY. By direction of the Board of Trustees of the New-York Life Insurance Company, the following information is published for the benefit of the' policy-holders and the public: , . v New York, December 11, 1Q05 GEO. W. PERKINS, Esq., ; Chairman of ffte. Finance Committee," ' 346 Broadway, City. v , ' Dear Sir: I herewitlrsubmit to you, "in accord ance with your request, the following information as to the operations of the Finance - Committee of the New-York Life , Insurance Company since you became its Chairman five years ago. ; j , On December 27, 1900, the Company was possessed of bonds and stocks, the cost value ol which approximated $160,000,000., J ? : During the five-year period there have been offered to the Finance Committee for purchase securities to the .. r; amount of : i . : ...;-...... Z ... ?1,5G5,047,G71 Out of these offerings the Committee has selected and pur- t chased bonds representing over 550 specific transactions, amounting to . . $284,505,584 Of this latter amount the Company still owns and holds $100,869,477 . ,The remainder, or . ; w . . . . . representing oyer 600 specific transactionsVfias been sold . during the five years at a cash profit of : : During the same period the Company has. received, from . participations in bond syndicates to which it has been a sub-' scriber for the purpose of obtaining bonds at the original issue price, from joint accounts and from other sources, a total cash profit of m . L . , . m m . m During the same period the Finance Committee has sold bonds out of the above referred to $160,000,000 of bonds and stocks which it held five years ago, realizing from such sales a cash profit of w ; ', . . my m m During the same period, this Board having determined to1 invest the policy-holders' money in bonds only, the Finance Committee sold the Company's bank stocks, trust company stocks and railway shares at a profit of - - - m . .- . - , Making the total cash profits from the four sources m mm m m - $918,001 'During the same period losses have been sustained on five transactions involving securities In -.the possession of the Company five years ago, and on five transactions involving . ) securities purchased during the '-I.. .-. an aggregate loss of .. Making a net cash profit realized for the policy-holders dur- ing -the past five yearsof . ; ' ; . -mm """ - ' '." . ." These cash profits are over rand above and exclusive of interest on the Company's securities, which rate of interest during this period has averaged over 4 1-4 per cent. The present market value over cost value of the above referred to $190,869,477 pfbonds purchased during the" last five years and now held In the Company's assets is m m In this $190,869,477 item is included the Company's " participation of $3,200,000 in the International Navi- "- gation Bond Syndicate at a valuation of 80, although the securities therein have now over 90. N Making a total profit In five . The company is now possessed of approximately $312,000,000 of bonds, which have an average of fifty years to run, at an average rate of interest of over 4 1-4 per cent, and ' which are worth on the market upward of $10,000,000 more than was paid for them. - ' " w-Y ours respectfully, v C M. WOOD, Agency Director 1 200-205 Chamben of Commerce : C PORTLAND, OREGON. . MLMRICE COMPANY m past five years, representing .... m : - . m m-'m an aggregate market value of years of m . " F. If. .Jj NEW YORIt $93,636,107 $1,135,225 $1,812,102 $1,670,674 $4,700,000 m m . aa m m " m $702,670 $8,615322 f $1,404,674 i. J 'VI w $10,010,996 SHIPMAN, Asst. Treasurer. ! J .. .'