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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1905)
' - lt . : ' : . y:v;:;';;:; -' -the - Oregon : Sunday ' journal: ( Portland; -sunday. mornin6, December 21, isca. t jl ; ; ' ... . .,. - .111 1 "t , - , r 8? THE NORTHERN PACIFIC i;-.y 5-, ,.' '" 7.' f il' v; vV-.:'v;.::. ,.v ,. ' wishes you . i ;v- --v:;. .'..;.'' ., ... K , : St ; A Merry Christmas - m - . - W 'I J. ' fie -. -, - ., c - urn ' X J 4 -; i ' ' -.'.it7' '-' s.r- i. J : IS. Kahuwu Fall, Hawaii. Thia ia one of the many acenea that The Journal Party will aee during their atay .. " : ' 1 in Hawaii. ' -l.. ... . .. ; . - .. -'-. ; CLOSING 1'IEEK OF . THE CONTEST End Near of The Journal's Race ? to Secure a Free Trip to' J '.-Haanr'-'K':'-. HEAVY VOTING in : : ; ; ALL DISTRICTS Several Candidate Have Pasted 'the One Hundred Thousand Mark A , Big Shower of Ballot Looked for in the Last Seven Day. V f if ;;Mlae Blane' Brow., . Only .-week remains Of The Journal's Hawaiian trip contest. lurin thm past week the' votlna has been exceefllnalr J heevjr. In the first district, .which .em braces Portland, three- the'candldates bave now more than 100.00 votes each, whUe the leader. -Miss Minnie 8. Phil lips, ha 135.160 'Votes. The Indications are that during; the f Inal. week of the contest the votins; will be much heavier than during- any other seven days of the contest and expectations are enter tained that some of the candidates will reach and probably pass the 1 160,00 Mark. -.- In the First district Miss Minnie & Phillips stUL 'retains , first plaoe- with 135.150 votes, while Miss Bailie Madian comes second with 121. 68 votes, Miss Sadie ' Wintermantle - Is third with 109.064 ' votes. Miss Laura Baty Is fourth -with 81,01 votes, and Miss Oretchen Kurth comes fifth with 79,656 votes to Iter credit. Miss Mollis : Proebstel Is still leader In the Recond district"' with 111. 181 votes. Miss Katie" Nash Is second with 89,763 votes, and Miss Aanes Fletcher holds third place with 71,831 votes. In district No. 3 Miss Emllle Crossen still retains the - leadership with 66,340 vote and Miss Luclle Crate Is second with 49.(96 votes. Th leader In the Fourth -district, MJss Effie Mae King, now has 47,01 votes; Miss Hattle Barton is ' second with 37,441 votes... r Jn-the Fifth district Miss Ketherlns Gore retains th leadership with .40.769 votes; Miss Florence Heavren . comes second with 38,300 votes. ' The Sixth district, has a new leader. Miss Blanche Brown tskes first, place with 99,149 votes. Miss Madge Battee Is second with' 76,619 votes.. . 1 Miss Bertha Courtemanch Is still leader In the Seventh district, , having (8,873 votes; Miss Myrtle Butler Is sec ond with 43.022 Votes. - In district No. 3. Miss Edna Parsley retains first place with 71,311. votes. Mia Katie Nash. : "I As a winter j dessert, ice cream is ' coming: more and more in favor!' Liko -the punch. or sherbert served I between -meat courses, ice cream seems to be just exactly the most tempt ing topper-off forji rich tfcpast.- Aftcr-an -e4ab- orate meal warm if the dini and the ice cr one , on wnne comes the coffi fectly';v Unlike most gredient in pur with dinner. or indigei burden a everyone: s rroor trarm uncomfortably is closed as in , winter I dessert seems to cc e . tilf 4 senses;, ' TF ewm blcnxMo' TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY .i' OBAKOI VASTAZT this whipped cream, bricks, Sunday and , the price of plain Ice . rooraan nriess, OBI crei- BB 1 nil IsKBJsm. uaniDriaB.i MY WEEt Ml wood will deliver - fruttl dream, . in Christmas day : at nart bricks, 1.00 J 1 i ner ciserar. -tiiere - is- it ' ice'cnam that will le desserts, either trouracl e M1 occasion aisco.miprnifartr- iach already faxed totSnost - capacity. But ice' cream is so delicawhen made from pure cream, and blends so perfectly witn otner toods, and is so appetizing, that it - - .t.: i j . i .. , is anyinmg out a ninarance 10 aigcsuon, unless u is caicn ic KJiTjscrwaiv. - tt i I - - rum mr -t- . xiunurcus gif t i &antjiuernave 4earnei this to their d(ghIJ?fcV14 think? oi compieiing m nign s-norCT of criiT) table d'hote menu, witlfau -idfc cream as the jfincipal dessert offering. Scorei of homes are lipplied .frequently during the winter witTTfron des serta and. the demand is constantly increasing. Hazelwood is catering especially to the home Ice cream trade, and during the holidays is-offering somcfancy .ice creams' at plain, ice. cream prices as" a special inducement to have Hazelwood ice cfeam tried for dessert by many who have not tried it before. Read the list of specials; phone Hazelwood, Exchange 40, and . lhc ice cream will be delivered exactly. on time. tooir-TAirTX ites. Hi! day tsBeelc, i.rlc of nl1wPr cream rmiMiuri swnoss. bi-chj l wo-q ar win 4 combination of : deliver this in holiday week, at the brioks, 100 UIC UFI i i Sni mm m TarT it niin wane omething very .dainty Snd delicate will do weiry to order fresh strawberry Ice cream. In bricks. .. either straight-or In combination with vanilla. . or wiih aJaVer-of sherbet In center. -Tts mad with genutie esh strawberries . renr arart vrvim. MJe- tart a, soo. 3rioe of p Sl.BOt . b licks. ' msiTi and Hnselwo Lir order r-i BB- $1,001 aart rmmr muiinr coram lelsct Tour favorite fruit flavor, 111 freeie a SDeclAl auanttty toj mnotn, .velvety, piqunni Ml k. unn. ai.&O: V. B-allam, $1.00 1 suart, 60e. iLSODl TJDDUtW 1 nin ricnest I or nf.rtl(ind will- Dlelne all who wish to meal wltfc's royal inn IBs rlokll contains eesert: It !i"B ecaaures-s. zs is r. ICE CREAM' - " Phone Exchange d ' ' ' Phone Order n Early Today for'Today ' Delivery V .. i . I . ,.-. ( - A Happy W Prosperous New Year And. all the other good things of this world, including , i .I" Trip on the Electric Lighted ; - - moms ( t. i .; ,.-.,- . - ' . ' : : I. . ;. ' ...j ' Between Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Mlnneapollf,,- St. Paul, Puluth and the East. . . . ,.. 3 Through Trains-Jo the East-3 . , THE DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK PuUmanrFirst Class ; v Dining Car on Ml Trains Wonderland, 1905, will be mailed to you on application and 6c in atamps for postage " X The Tickef Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Corner Third A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Miss ' Dais Harmon Is' second ' In this district with 3b,3 votes to ner crwrn. -a. ..t. . . . n . A vm . mnre remain. now Is the time for all candidates to work hard, as the contest closes on th rwanhiri f o - at I o'clock. rvciwn, v. - - - The fortunate eight young ladles who win , this trip : wUl have an enjoyable outing, for no"epense will be spared by The journal xor tneir comioi i wa enjoyment . : ' ONLY THREE LOTSLEFT; It Is tlk'sly That a ItUllon Hollars WUl B a pent In Bnildlag Jsesldeaoe la That Staadsom Addition Uurina 10. Tk.n ar hut three unsold lots "lh the original plat of City View Park, th remarkable record having been maae oi disposing of every lot but these within 1 .1 . - .m,' fnm tha time the 1 , IUU J V . - . . " - - ' property was placed 'upon tne msraei. An addition to the original eddltlon was platted a fw months ago and that, too, Is selling rapidly.- ' w a m -11 wv 1-t mat sapniiai.iTii.Bsa wmi property know. City View Park is lo- jt ,. iiaiivhtful eminence to CBlou ' wi . - -w the esst of tho Oaks pleasure resort on the Willamette 'T". " - hle-h above the city mat it oummmiu. .k. ....t.r nart of West Port- lsnd, and also the ever snowclsd moun tains to tne east ana uie '"" to th north. In every- ssentlal ele- . Kan. thla tract Is SlmOSt fac-slmlle of the territory bordering on the Hudson, wnere so many wtimi homes are standing, -and lt is now pretty . .v.. -m Vimmr Park, within a certain - . : . - . . , . few years, will considerably duplicate Its famous essiern pruiuiyi win kissed by the Atlantic breeses. A blld . .1 a. th. . ln 4rannfer 'namtrs prohibits ths erection of residences cost- . . .A AAA . WABAM Ing less xnan vcvvv, nu ivm k Indications but few will be constructed of value even so 'small as that Many a longing eye has been cast toward this chsrmlng section of our city by those coveting Its handsome and -1 .i.t nmntpH,!.' and enersetlc -has been the scramble-to secure a foothold there. Many r tne purcnasers are per sons of lsrge means, and th- present building ouUook Is that a -million dollars will b espended in uixy view Kara residences during; ths year 106. Plans MaHa for. hiilldlnM cnatlna- up to 15.000 and 'K.000, and such will soon dot an pari m m Mqumi7 attractive plot. 1 Ua aaII 1 rt w tit th rtrnn- erty." remarked to a friend the other day thst 1 consiaer myseii rauiir an enterprising dealer to sello many lota Im aa ihAPt A lmM "No credit to you at all." was th rejoinder. "Anybody could sell thst prop erty," the gentleman addressed con tinued. On reflection Mr.'- Morrow considered th retort both eennlbU and timely! It Is no trouble or ousrit not to be to aaII half Its value, and that Ia aKai A-hA Me. Morrow dlif . And he 4s doing th same thing yet at his orricfl on ins srounu iiuur ra iq j. . T k.,iuin. h.V(Nf a rA Jk Mr A 1 a Twm portion of the- addition, to City View fsra nas ss mucn crvmm in wen iuw of soil thst tt contains as Is to be found in ah ,ai v. " . n 1 tlver view will make It "permsnently popular, ana ii uqii nna jwm wwvnc car lines make It easily accessible t any rart of th municipality. . m I AAA , . Oartoa Ooasoll TJadeclded, . neela rx Mirk to The IrmrnmL ' Payton, Wssh.,. Deo. Jl.i-Tbe Auto matic - Telephone- company, through Charles Sumner, hss applied to- the city council for a franchisee. The council Is undecided whether a dual system would be a benefit to th telephone user and la considering th application. NOBODY JUST LIKE A MOTHER In a Lecture Bequeathing Cua . tody of Child, Frazer Moves Lawyers to Tears. REYNOLDS CASE WAS ONE OF THE SADDEST Husband Apparently to Blame for Not Showing Wife More Affection and Hia Wealth Doesn't Count, So Court Decide. "There Is no bns'who can vr com pletely take the place of a mother; not even a srrandmotner. So-said Presiding Judge Frsser yes terday in deciding the habeas corpus proceedings Instituted for the posses sion of the i-year-oid aaugnier or Mr. and Mrs. Quy-E. Reynold. It Was held that for th present the mother should have control of the little girl, but that the father might keep his child two days am one nlaht of each week. "This Is a vsry, very unfortunate caae.' said Judg Frsser with much feel lng; "both are reputable people who dlsaTd.Ahd now each lays the blame upon- the other. . After her nusDana nsa treated her Very coolly ror some ume, hsd called her a fool and refused to go out with her the wife took her naoy anq went to the home of her parents in Troutdale. The husband now wants his child, stating that he Is mor able to nrovide for lt than the mother and that If given xo him the daughter will be surrounded with more weaun mat ii ana remains with her mother. - - "Of course. In a esse of this kind, the thing to be consldeeed- is th welfare of the child, but this doB not mean that the child . should be taken from a mother and given to another simply because th other Is more wealthy. There 1 no evidence to . show any mis conduct upon the part of th mother. I think - the mother parents can keep the child In comfort and that the mother Is able to educate her daughter. I have withheld this decision as long at possi ble, hoping that this couple could be brought together, and bellev that th husband Is to blame for this action not having been taken. While the husbsnd may have loved his wlf before this trouble began, he seems-to- becold and did oot show hi frectlon.".r Judg.Fraser talked at some length upon th matter, and although th court room was crowded. It was silent sav for the sound of th court's voice. . Several attorney present were In tears when Judg Fraaer finished hts talk. : ' " - American Inn Plumbing. , W ' beg to ad vis those Interested that w will hav a lot ' of th latest pattern low-down tank water-closets, enamel' basins, 'with -nickel-plated fit tings complete, slop sinks snd ltt-inch woven i rubber fir hose. Call at our offloe. 11-211 Front . street. Herman Metsger. i - . . Sleighing parties popular . In small eastern Oregon town. ' it-' "Now Darby dons his Christmas best To call upon Joan, . ' A sprig of holly on his vest, A present in his hand. . . ' Yuletide is the time, quoth he, ' Foi giving gifts, and so, 111 dress my best In my Sunday vest , " ! And go to see my Jo." r Old English Sonfi r : ;e. " MERRY. CHRISTMAS TO YOU ' A I