The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 24, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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Ferguson's Filly , Runt Splendid
Race and Wins Out in the
Last Sixteenth. , .
' Large Crowd at Ascot Track- Thor
oughly Enjoy Superb Performance
7 of , Three Favorite Winner Waa
Bad Actor at Port. ' 1 ' '-
gSpocUl rHpat-b by Uwd Wire to The louull
hou Angeles, Dee. ;!&. For a number
of years to com a few thousand proud
people will b. -able to' throw a mighty
'ohest and eay; -"Well, anyway, I nw
Wearoatcher win ' the : three-cornered
That waa the big- event todayV There
a good stake race and five high
claaa events .of other kinds; 'there waa
alao a filing' rarer war and a slaughter
( of bookmaker, to make a Christmas
holiday, but the great race of the sea
. ann came when Bearcatcher, Crusados
and Handsarra faced the barrier.
1 No such interest has ever been shown
at Ascot park. When the horses pa
raded each one v.'aa warmly cheered,
wltl. little Vnndarra taking the big
ml of. the demonstration.' Big Bear
catcher looked fit to rua for his Ufa ami
C'ruKidos waa full of ginger.
Whet the thre horses -faced the bar
tier the stanl was still. A start means
iniK'h when thiee uh horses are run
, niny fur a IV-'K uree and the prestige
of victory. Bearoittcher r afted very
badly at the post-and darter Dwyer
had his own trouole lor over Ave raln
iwtea? At , last k caught there all
' moving up. yu-ked the rope and a yell
:went up from the stand, "They're off."
"Lovely start." Three horses left the
l post as one and before they had gone
' te feet the red and white shot out In
- front. - Handsarra was using her early
. speed. A sixteenth of a mile on the
way Handmrra had more than one
' length to the gcod and then Crusados,
on the outride, sot Into his stride and
' went up on the le-uier. At the-half pole
Crusados wan passing -Hnndiarrsk. and
Bearcatcher waa trailing along in the
; rear under wraps and fighting for bis
, Bead.'. .
Searoa'-cliar la the
' That second quarter was a hummer.
Crusados wblrlnd out In front on the
turn and ounui into the rail cutting
Jlandzarra of. I'uddln McDanlel took
the fllly to the cutxide and called on her
for all she had left - Inside of 60 ysrds
Ilandsurra was nose and nose with
Crusados and when they turned. for
home the leaders were not more than. a
foot apart. Bearcatcher went wide '.n
the turn and when the three horss
were' straightened away the big brown
fellow waa more llian four- lengths out
of the race and down on the rail. Hand
sarra and Cruadw weire running a none
and nose duel of speed. But it until
Jils nose was turned for home did Bear
catcher bea-ln to run. and then how the
big fellow did pound The track. At the
naddock Crusadoa was falling and Hand
crowd In the stand was cheering the lit
tle chestnut ' heartily and they -nearly
overlooked Bearcatcher, humping down
the mlddlfc of the track. At the end
of the stand Har.dsarra was alone out
In front and Bearcatcher was lust pass
ing Crusados. The lust sixteenth stamps
Bearcatcher as. a. race horse of claaa. ...
' He actually increased the killing pace
he haj been maintaining from the
aireicn turn nome .ana in ina last ev
yards he went by Handsarra like a run
away angina, ' winning by one length.
Those who caught Ferguson's colt for
hla last. quarter say he -ran It In some
thing less than 0:32 and If this Is the
truth, It waa a marvelous performance.
lie showed the people the difference be
tween a real raca. florae and two sprin
ters today and every man. who bet on
the big fellow felt for his tickets to
Tear mem up ana inrn tninim n mmu
i that great last sixteenth in front of
tho wire. - . . . ' '
Brooks course, selling ML Relna (C
Grand t. to to I, won; Hoodwink, sec
ond; The Borglan. third. Time. 1:84 4.
One mile, selling Secret (Miller). 11
to 10, won; Sandstorm, .second; Sainada.
third. Time, 1:414
Six furlongs, purse Big Ben Mc-
ond; Valencia, third.' Time. 1:13.
una ana a pixieeemn miiee i;oronaio
Beach selling stakes Varieties (Wiley),
IS to 1. won; Rubric, aecond; Marshal
Ney third. Time. !:.
' 8lx furlongs, special, 11,500 added
Bearcatcher (McBrlde), 7 to 10, won;
J landxarra. second! Crusadoa, i- third.
Time. 1:11."
One mile and 70 yards, handicap
Oood Lurk (Buchanan), t to 5. won; FJ
CHros, second; Msl Lowery, third. Time
l:ti '- 'J, '
One Vnlle Cutter (Wiley), to I, won;
Judge Denton, second"; Sals, third. Time,
l:o, , . .
Big Event Planned by Louisville
for Next June's En
tertainment. '
Monster Concert at-Which Will Be
Sung ?My Old Kentucky Home"
Two Monument to Be" Unveiled-
Many Praea to Be Awarded. 1
Oregon City's Organization Re
ports Accomplishing . .
Many Things.
Established Correctness of Asses
sor's Census and Prevented Waste
of County . Funds Will Worjt for
Better Vfelephone Service.
oob. Txraa aid cotcbx sts. ..
, . OT DAT itS aTZOKT. '
to I P. M.
. r. .
ciery, with uarley, rree with all orders.
llteamed Little-Neck Clams, drawn
.butter ..... t r"-v r,-.- i . ; . . 20c
Fried Rasor Clams l&e
-Fried Halibut lie, Salmon 16c, Cat
Fish . ,. . .He
Clam Bouillon, with toast "and coffee 15o
Breast, of Lamb, caper sauce. . .
4 ' wrimMs .... , ,
Phert Rlba Beef, aweet potaToes","."1 . 20c
Pork Tenderloin, creajn gravy .2Sc
Clam Fritters, a la Maryland :20c
Veal Pot Pie, dumplings 2flC
Chicken Giblets, on tonat au Maderl, 20c
Corn Beef Hash, poached egg lio
Baked Pork and Beans lllc
Spaghetti knd Cheee. Italian ...... 15c
Iieef 8tew, with vegetables.. lie
11.1, aHv4H I i An.lAut , A
1 I , pTIIMp VM.WWM. WW .WW. .... I , n
Turker, cranberry sauce sndcelery , . 1 Cc
Iurk, stuffed, baked apple le
'hlokn. with dreeelng v. 1 5c
1'nrk 16c, Mutton I ha. Beef ........ .16c
tery tc, Radlahea 6c' Green On
- 4nna tc. lettuce 1 . i ....... ,10c
F.utliah Plum Puddmg. brsndr sauce. Be
. I 1 I.I. . L .. I
f I ! mnrv ri" I nimivmHun ft -
We make our, own breed, plea and
rake. Coffee, tirend and butter and po
tatoes with all orders. r ,
rpeeua piaiar-Boeal rer avaoiea.
Irtln unnn a aiieflreatlon made to It
Km ..nun. 1 . hnrn In If All I lirlt V. but
now living In Colorado, the Louisville
Commercial club la , to nave a . -nome
coming'' for all Kentucklans next June.
Th. nluna tr B matured. CuntSRl
plate a celebration much more, exten
sive than any or me -noma cumins
weeks ever held In New England. The
dates fixed are- June IS, . It, It, It
and 17. :,.
The first day known as Re
ception .and ' Welcome -day. ;. Kvery
nnnno in the -tat will eat&blish head
quarters In the new armory at Louis-
vine, wn re regiairaiiun ui t ibhui
will Uke place. This will be followed
v. . aIwIa -n mflitartf tiarmria. llenrv
Watteraon has been invited, to deliver
inq CflHf auurm "i w-i, ,.,w.
former - Oovernor David R. Francis of
.M l . V. Amona' KltnV
Invited are former Senators William
Lindsay and Jemi U. i.:ariisie m nw
VA.W ..f w A ..n,.l. w T nat l.wi John M.
u. -i. n ' v.. iTnitA NutM eiiDreme
court. fprmer'Ooverno Thomas T. Crit
tenden or Missouri ana xoriner i
President Adlal El Stevenson of Illinois.
Thursday. June 14. is to be Foster
day, In honor of JUephen Collins Foster,
the author of the Immortal song. "My
Old Kentucky ,Home." The events of
this day will Include brass bands and
vocal concerts. It being plsnne-"to mass
. . . . . s.i, v...
several panas to reoaer my wu
,Ww mnA h,v hnntl tit aev-
eral thousand children honor Foster's
memory. The Commercial ciuo nas ar
ranged with Miss Enid YandelL the
noted- Kentucky sculptor, to make a
statue' of Foster to be unveiled on this
dayrto-belete placed in the new-rtrpftol
at Frankfort. This statue will cost
-v.n.. , . AAA n4 will Km r M for with
contributions by the school children of
A Daniel Boon Bay.
WMa v IS. Daniel Hoone ' da V
will give both host and guest the op
portunity or paying triouie to mm ivcii
tucky pioneer. ; Following the oratory
there will be given old-fashioned games
i. whih ' aHim will be) - awarded.
Features of the day will Include sewing
bees, spple parings ann corn nuraing-.
the day concluding with the "Virginia
Reel," danced on platform, built in
side a stockade, to hold 1.000 couples.
The dob Is-now arranging for the necessary-shocks
of corn and barrels of
apples to be used in the husking and
paring. Special recognition Is to be paid
pn thia day to all the kindred of Boone
.w v. MHv1t1a . A tiandanme
medal will-be given the person present
WhO CSn prove ine ciuaeai -iauiiimi W
the great pioneer. Arrangements have
i with Cinlaiwl IZ C. BlckeL
who has presented the eity of Ixulsvllle
with a statue or uapiei uoone. 10
thla statue unvellen Daniel Boone
day. The atatue Is 'being placed In a
plrtunsque spot in (Cherokee park.
Saturday. June It. has been set aside
as Greater Kentucky day, with bar
Mmnttm and the like.
Sunday. June 18, will be given over
to the aplrlt Inspired by ine song, -uniu
We Meet Again." All the pulpits of the
t ....i. ohnrohaa will be filled by
ministers ot Jha gospel who are former
KeniucKisns., ..
Bentncklaas XTerywnere.
The census of 1900 shows that there
sre over 100.000 natives of Kentucky
now living In other commonwealths' of
the United Statea. The Louisville com
merclal club has a plan whereby it
hopes to. reach 'a large ' percentage of
this 600,000. Through the efforts of
Kentucky societies in other cities, and
of. prominent Kentucklans In many of
the states, the club nas aireany coueciea
a Hat of several thousand. -It -now has
names from every state and territory
In the union and 11 foreign countriee.
The club has decided that the details
of "home romtng" week shall be worked
out under.Jts committee on conventions
snd entertainment, of which Colonel R.
B. Brown la chairman. - -
Ths club expects to get the railroads
at the United States to make a rste
of one fare for the round trip for this
great event. It alsoexpects to arrange
with the rallroada to grant si ana ew-
day extensions-nn alt ticketa, which will
enable all visitors to lesva Louisville
on the nlgnt of June 17 for any point in
Kentucky to stay for a time with tneir
frleifilavr. Special excursions will also be
run to Frankfort to see the progress of
the work on the new capltoi-,, to Mam
moth cave, and to ths two high bridges
across the Kentucky river
The club expects to maae awards in
addition to the Boone prise to the. fol
lowing:" The former Kentucklan present
who came the greatest distance;
former" "Kentucklan present who has
lived longest outside the state without
having returned; the former Kentucklan
present who left the state at the ten-
derest age; the. former Kentucklan pres.
snt who left ths state at the most ad-
t . - " ' f
T sm iivdvi emgao.
President IT. W. Ooode of the Lewis
and Clark fair corporation will not sub
mit to the company tne necessary aata
for its dissolution for some time yet.
The corporation cannot dissolve until
the ralr, grounds nave been cleared oi
buildings' and the wrecking of the build
ings will consume considerable time. '
The Work of wrecking Is now in
progress, but it cannot be told how long
It will continue. In order to get all
the salvage possible the purchasers of
the buildings, will take more time than
they otherwise would, but it Is expert
that the work will be ended in about a
month. When this hsa been accom
plished the corporation will soon re
ceive from ''President Ooode the data
covering his administration and the- life
of the corporation from Its inception.
and the directing organisation that
handled the details of the exposition
will psss out of existence.
"I have nothing to give out at this
time," said President Uoode, "and will
not have until we are .ready to dissolve
the corporation."
Departs for Philippines.
Special JMnpatrk te The nnraal.) I
: Helena, Mont., Dec. 23. The Seventh
regiment has. arrived from the Philip
pines and the Twenty-fourth departs to
morrow for the post .in the' islands
)ust vacated try the Seventh,' via, San
franci sco.
fgpectal Plapetea te The JoaraaLI -
Oregon City. Or., Doc. 24 J. H.
Campbell.. secretsry of the Oregon City
board of trade, has been requested by
the directors to make . the following
report to each stockholder:
Our first work waa the publication of
25,000 booklets, descriptive of the re
sources of Oregon City and Clackamas
county. Of these 1.500 were distributed
at the Lewis and Clark fair and about
as-many mora In different points In the
east . . - -
"The mall schedule In effect between
this town and Portland during the early
part of the past year waa very unsatis
factory to the business men of the
town. The board tok up this matter
with the postal . authorities and were
able to get the schedule changed so that
there Is now a mall from here to Port
land at noon, thus making It possible
to send a letter and get an answer In
the same 3ay.
"The directors also took up the mat
ter of the assessment of property In
Clackamas county with the resttU that
soma of the inequalities heretofore ex
isting have been at least reduced. The
assessed value of the property of cer
tain "corporations have been raised
about $40,000.
, "At the time the census of this town
waa taken much dissatisfaction was
found with the figures returned by the
assessor. - This board In order to aettle
the matter employed at Ita own expense
a man to make a recount which ahowed
that the figures of the assessor were
practically correct. '
"For the purpose of awakening Inter
est In the fruit snd dairy possibilities
of our county the board provided a se
ries of" farmers' Institutes throughout
the countje. ,
"Starting on the principle that the In
debtednens of the county should . be
wiped out ss soon as possible, we have
opposed the. expenditure of all money
by the county court where the same
was not considered necessary. For thla
reason" the board strenuously objected
to the building of the Barton bridge and
It waa chiefly through, this effort that
this project was defeated, thereby pre
venting an addition to the county's lia
bilities of about 110.000.
"This board waa also Instrumental in
defeating the. passage by the city coun
cil -of the now famous O. W, P. It-year
4 "In the near future the board Intends
to take up the opening of the Stafford
country. The mail service between
Oregon City and the surrounding coun
try Is not nearly as satisfactory as It
might and ahould be. The matter of
getting satisfactory telephone connec
tions throughout the country Is still
under advisement, which win have a
tendency to make the . Paclfio States
Telephone company give better rates to
the farmers and also to give the city
people better service.
S Why
Ul J Get
J-C- Best
Scwlrit; Vlachlno
t wo-nr-oni.
To "Standard'' Kotarr haa the Unwt eatt.
bla of aar loc-atltca machine: bolrta im
yarns of fto. in cotton, it aiakM ITS atltcbas
wane etnars max urn. .
It BMkra bum lork-stltrh and chain atltrk.
.mm aolae than any othr machine; .rune 75
Have sor maa eaU aaa exDlala the aau
euar good natures. i ,
tM Yamhill it., ear. tk. aeae Mate 10.
Real Estate Market Shows Al
most Immediate
To the grat armyof customers who have so liberally patronized us
since we moved to our new building in the LOW RENT DIS
TRICT, our policy oi selling lurnuure on tne easy payment pu
. , J 111 t . ; J ' "
at greatly reautca price win uc ton
firmed . throughout the vear 1906.
Max weagain see the. laces of all 7 7 sffj
our old friends as well as a host of 7W ( flj
new ones. 77 , . TtK J f I JJX
1 " m
Floor Mill, Shipbuilding Plant and a
Box Factory Practically Xaaured
Hope to Begin Boatbuilding in the
Clackamas County Oalna ST early am.
Uoa la a Tear.
Oregon City, Or., Deo. 24. Assessor
J. F. Nelson yesterday completed a sum
mary of the lt06 tax roll showing the
aggregate of the assessment of the
county to he 110,057,120, aa against
only $0,364,000 for the preceding year.
This represents an Increase in assess
able values In the county of 1683,120
over that of last year when there were
allowed no exemptions. Deducting the
legal exemptions, this year's roll repre
sentt an Increase of $200.000. in the
total taxable values and on which the
levy will be made. Last year's county
tax levy was 20 mills, but it Is ex
pected that - this year's levy will not
exceed 18H mills.
County Treasurer Cahll yesterday
sold bonds to the amount of $5,000 to
Thomas P. Ryan. The proceeds will go
for the building of the Kstacada- school
house. The bonds will draw t per cent
Interest, the premium being $51.
Marriage licenses were Issued yester
day to Lucretie - Imnn and Walter
Shrlner. to Kmlly Freeman and Homer
J. Rowan, to Emma fltler and John
Joerg, and to Rosa JJBell Blair and
Albert RLee. "
Appointed Postmasters.
(Speelsl Dlapatch by Leaaed Wire te The Journal)
Washington, V. O., Dec. 2S. Frank
lin I. Kline, appointed postmaster at
Ellison, Gila county, Arlxona; James W.
Hyatt at Emigrant Gap, ,1'lacer county,
California. '
Deafness and
Catarrh Cured
Ninety-five per cent of all .rases of
nearness orougnt to our attention is the
resu' - chronlo catarrh of the throat
and middle ear. The air
passages become clogged
by catarrhal denoaits.
stopping the action of
tne ioratory bones.
Until these deposits are
removed a cure is Im
possible. The inner ear
cannot - be reached - by
promng or spraying,
hence the Inability oi
specialists to always
rtlve relief. That there
sa scientific cure for
moat forms of deafness
snd catarrh Is demon
strated every day by the
"Actlna" treatment. The
vaoor current eenemted
Actlna" passea through the Eu
stachian tubes into the widaie ear, re
moving the catarrhal obstructions as It
passea through the tube, and loosens
up tne oones inammer, anvu ana stir
rup) In the Inner ear, making them re
epond to the slightest vibration of
soad. "Actlna" has seldom ulled to
stop ringing -Hlses in the head We
have known people troubled 'With this
distressing symptom t on ,..yeifre'o be
completely cured in a few weeks by this
wonderful Invention. Actlna also cures
la grippe, asthma, bronchitis, sore
throat, week lungs, colds and headache
and all other troubles that are dlrectlr
or Indirectly due to catarrh.- "Actlna
is sent on trial postpaid. Writ us about
your case. We will give free advice and
positive proof of cures. -A valuable
book Professor Wilson's 100-psge
Treatise on disease. Free. Address New
York snd London F.lectrlo Association,
Dept. rC, 2t Walnut street, Kansas
Utjc, Mo.
tUneelal nianatrk to The Jnnraal.)
Vancouver, Wash.. Dec. 13. The an
nouncement that the Portland A Seattle
railway Is to bridge the Columbia liver
at, the, site of the old Union Pacific
bridge pier has caused considerable stir
locally. It has stimulated the estate
market, and I will, it Is believed, result
In the location of several manufacturing
establishments. It has been known for
soma time that several concerns have
been waiting to know where the bridge
would apan the river before deciding on
locations for their plants.
Among the Industries which . It Is
thought will follow th railroad are saw
mills, flour mlHs, box factories, a ship
yard, wheat docka and a furniture fac
tory. Of these, a flour mill to grind
wheat for the export trade, a shlpbulld
Ing plant and a box factory are prac
tlcalr assured.
-Tha-shlpyard will,- If everything -goes
as expected, begin operations In the
spring. If a satisfactory location can be
secured at a reasonable price, a 100-bar-
rel flour mill wltl be constructed. This
plant would do an exclusive export bus
ness. '
Kk. k.. nmlait tiaa been hana
Ing Are for some time, and It Is believed
the announced location of the bridge
here jll-hasten Its construction.
Ofttesi aaa Soldiers at tie Oarriaoa
' to Celebrate. - "
Vancouver. Wash.. DeoTjJ-Although
.h..t, nf Vancouver have com
plained of the exceptionally poor
Christmas trade, the holiday season
here la going to be aft unusually lively
one. The churches are all making
especial preparations for Christmas. . At
each church there la to be a Christina
tree. ,. . '
At the garrison. Colonel Irons and
the other officers of th post hav been
busy for the past week making arrange
m.nta.fnr' the Chrtstmsa tree for the
children of the ntlr garrlaon. Not
only will th cnnaren oi ine omwra
ramiiia. loin the festive party, but
those of th enlisted men also., There
will be 10 presents and a use numoer
of sacks filled with candy for the little
-ca.h niM will ba n resented with
a Christmas remembrance. Including
box of candy.-
Attendant atf School for Defective Tonta
Soocumbs to Quick Attack. -
Vancouver, ' Waah.,' . Dec 1$. Mrs.
in Ca x n
ii -Ttr i - -rr an
Crdlt for All j
v.: , i 1 i
Credit f of All
To Our Friends and Customers:!
Our HeartiestWieSheaS f or a
Merry Christmas and a
We have .especial reason for feeling cordial toward the world ; in general
7 ..v. we've had the largest business during the current year in the history' of our
concern. We' desire' to thank all of our friends for their liberal patronage and
7 trust we will have the pleasure of many calls from you in the new year to come.
tPJ.yy AND SOLD AT $3.50 TO $4 33.
jp 3.5C)
Goodyear Shoe
Repair Factory
Y. MX. A. Building
Mary K. Oan. aged It years, a nurse
employed at the state school for de
fective youth, dropped dead at th
sctfbol early this morning. - Death re
sulted from heart failure, with which
deceased had been , troubled for some
time. . .
Mrs. Oan had only -.been, t - th
stat school two months, coming from
her horn at Orlflno, Idaho, to take th
position of nurse at th school. Sloe
her arrival here , she had mad ' many
friends who will regret to hear of her
sudden death. Mrs. Oan was an old
resident of Idaho and was 'well known
throughout th state. She leaves a sis
tor. Mrs. "8. E. Davidson.
The funeral will probably take place
Tuesday from the undertaking parlors
of th Vancouver Undertaking company..
Interment will be In Lone Fir Ceme
tery, Portland. .
For President. Scott of th Provider.!
Savings Life association th conoern,
waa rightly named; he had eight mem
bers of hi family on th salary list.
. . . . . .... . i
l at - .
They Taste Good
Ralston Health . Oats have - a deliciously
different flavor Your will eat- them for
.... .4. .... .. . ' -'
the taste's sake: but
" " -
all the time they are
contributing a good
store of, energy to.
the brain and ncrv-
'; tt ' , i 7
bus system. -r' :
It's all in-the Roasting;
New Process
..... v "
. Ralston Health Oati (new pro "
cett) re different from any other "
cereal food. . Our new. Cereal
Roaster) the only one of lt kind
. on trie Pacific Coast, heats the
oat gradually and refulatee the
temperature to the fraction of
a degree. That brings out all
of the natural oat flavor. ' '
JJhi Cereal Roaster, by the.
perfectly regulated dry heat,
tofteng the tough little leathery
envelope around , each starch
granule so that the aecond cook
ing prepares it for perfect and
eaay digeitlon. "
mm wmm w w I n m. m a b c . aa
Va "wt euerrv it saaanouNT." jr ,
Juct Try a Package the Checkerboard'
Package and See How Much
. Better You FecL
as I '
hwt"i'iiim,ii. i"""m.ii.. 'sww1 pii.M "'sj ' ' ' ' mmy;