THE OPvEGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 22, 1CC5. WIOUCCIDEBI r IS HER LUST Thistle, Wrecked and Abandoned J ; Off Palmerston Islands, Has a History The Big Store In the Middle of the Block Horseshoes Over the Doors , Next to United States National Bank 69-71-73 Third Street, Bet Oali and Ffcs ONCE BEFORE ADRIFT ; I ON AFRICAN COAST .That Time," Also,' She Was Bound From Portland, but Was Rescued . by a Tuf Before She Struck on the .. Coral Reefs. '. .' -4 . Orto tfefore within the past yeafthe BrUlta bark Thistle," Captain England, which waa wracked and abandoned on November S oft the Palpieraton Island while bound from Portland to Port Plr rle, Australia, with a cargo of -lumber, cam almost . solna to . her . doom. -Btrana-elr enough, on this other occa sion In her exciting- career she waa also , en rout from Portland with a cargo of lumber. - , . . . . f ' When nearlna the South African coast, for which she waa headed, a rag-. nurrjeaoe crossed her path. . Nearly u or nr. ngfinff. waa carried away, . and she drlftod aabora near Port Elisa beth. . Fortunately she -did cot strike sny rocks and waa pulled out to sea by a tug before receiving any great amount of damage, .- -Other ahlpe ware badly disabled In the same storm which swept the coast of the - dark continent for . almost a week with una bating fury. The etorm waa accompanied by rain and a few tnUes inland the eountry waa.lnundated On bis return here In the early part of the summer. Captain England reported that hundreds of eoollea employed' In the fields, were drowned. ' The skipper of the -ill-fated Thistle ed ae a careful and has long been regard' competent navigator. grienaa in Portland. He has . anany -' .SARAH WILL BE REBUILT. are and Setter oat fo the Blare f ; - Ooaapamya meet, r .'-":- a new- ana larger Doai will be made . of ' the steamer Sarah Dixon of tha .'Shaver Transportation company's fleet. " Yesterday a contract waa let to the ' Portland Shipbuilding ' company to re ' frulld her. She will be provided 'with a .British Bark Thistle Which Has Been Wrecked; new hull' II' feet longer than the -old one, - giving her a length of ISO feet. Her beam will be given an additional width 'of two feet, making her IS feet wide.- All of -the uppe works 'will' be enlarged to correspond In size with the hull, and In reality she wilt be a new vessel throughout. V She will- elao be equipped with an- oil burning apparatus. wnen (tie wore iaij oat tq De aone on the oraf t has been completed the vessel will be placed la the log-towlng trade.',. Captain , James'' Shaver has Just . re tiirne4 front the aotind. whsre ha want to look at a steamboat with heivlew of buying her, but decided that ah would not be suitable for operation on the Willamette and 'Columbia rivers- TO USE OIL AS FUEL Towing Company Oets Veraalaelom Sot Two Vote Boeta. --'.-, Permits for ' placing ' oil-burning planta In the steamers B. F. Jonee and " 1 1 Maria have been granted and the work of making the alterations will be start ed at once. These boats belong to the Columbia tc Willamette River- Towing company and are about the only ones left at this port which ' do not use oil aa fuel. Several other smaller craft are still burning Wood and coal, but It la said that- they Will also be convert ed Into oil burners very, shortly. Tb liquid fuel has given the best of satis faction whenever, used and river . men say It Is more economical than either wood or coat. , V . LUMBER TO GO BY HORN. - Za Charge of Sailor Oaoe but Oat by a .- s-. ;.: - V Streetoa. ' Captain A. 8. ScAmmana arrived from POget sound yesterday to assume com mand of the American ship C F. Bar- geant. which will carry a cargo of lum ber to New York aa soon aai the re pairs being made to the vessel have mi m mi mm. This is just a reminder that we have made especial preparation for belated shoppers. ; Tomorrow our store will be the place to come if you want satisfactory service and ': prompt 'delivery. ' For those who have delayed in their selection of gifts we have added ' 'a few more specials fof tonight and tomorrow. Here are a few of them. Come and see the others. , . : '.:; "V iiniDiu - .-.-..l-4 . 'j v . i . 7,.. . . . . v ..' -i. '., . ''.' 2 SPECIAL FOR ' p CVDUSEATS In Oolden Oak and . Jlahogany. Plata or, - covered seata. ... - Spcdal $1.25 to $5X0 mi 1 ' mi :; I hi I m ViiHI??''"'Mj ARM ROCKER Built of selected Birch with flne Mahogany finish. -Regular Il.tO.. Special $2.50 MAGAZINE RACKS la Oolden Oak and Weathered - Oak. In. a variety ,of shapes. , $1.I0 Io $8.00 CUEVAl MIRRORS - ; Some beauties In pol-, ished Mahogany with nne piae wtirvi. IB. ill Special $32.00 WEATHERED ROCKER . Handsome Weathered Oak Rocker with . leather seat. Solid and mas sive. ; i Special $9.75 SHAVING CABINETS In Oolden Oak,-Weathered Oak and Mahogany. Special .......... T.T5 Special ........910.25 Special ...... ..f 13.75 BISSEL'S BALL- DEARKG CARPET SWEEPERS less. IDEAL XMA3 - r Kasr to Operate, Absolutely Noise- CO ' CI CS CIO; gift... .,Mfifysfisry v-r i.u f. r . rirst ta& Taylor Sb. (1 DlflnHIcd Credit lo i AU been completed. Captain Scamman was master of the Sargeant until about a year ago, when he waa badly Injured in a streetcar wreck. At that time his ship waa moored for the winter In Columbia slough and the skipper was hurt while returning to her from Fort- land. When he had finally recovered the Sargeant had left tor Alaska to 're main during the salmon fishing sea son. He then went to San Francisco and recently took charge of the Ameri can ship John A. Brlggs, belonging to tne same line. She, too.' will carry lumber to New York, having completed loading her cargo on the sound a few days ago. The Sargeant will take out about 1,200.000 feet of lumber. Making the trig around Caps Horn will be no new experience to Japtaln Scamman. Many years ago he made a number of voyages on sailing vessela from the Atlantic to the Paclflo coast.. . TO MOVE COUNTY SEATFROM . VALE TO ONTARIO Mass Meetings tfeing Held and Petitions Circulated for Re ' - moval of Courthouse. - (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) . Ontario, Or, Deo. A maas meet ing was held at the opera-house Wednes day night to Inaugurate the camDaian for county seat removal. 5i4 i There was a large attendance and It waa the general -opinion that Ontario would receive to per cent of the vote of Malhetfr county as against IS per cent ror vaie. The finance committee has 'collected 1,000 to carry on the campaign. Several present gave 1100 each and pledged more as it Is needed. Mayor J. A. Lackey waa elected chair man, J. X Burtridge secretary and C ID. Kenyon treasurer. The executive com mittee elected was B. H. Test, W. W. Looney and W. B. Laurence; the legal committee. A. N. Sol Ins, W. R King and C, McGonaglll, and press committee Sey mour M. Bell. William Flugoorr and J. R. Oregg. Ontario la growing very- fast and now has fullv 60 per cent of the vote of Malheur Tsoaaty. petitions will be cir culated at once and every precinct In the county will be thoronghly canvassed. ALBANY POULTRY SHOW . ' PROVING BIG SUCCESS - (Special Dispatch te The loaraaLl Albany, Or., Dec. 21. The . poultry ahow of the Central Willamette associa tion now running here has proven a great sucoess and many fine birds have been brought to the attention of poul try growers. Thai rooms are constantly filled with sightseers and the flne birds of all kinds-are a great attraction to the citlsena of Albany-and- surrounding eountry. Many fine fowls have been sold to visitors to the show and the breeding of fancy poultry will receive a great stimulus here. - Tonight the dressed poultry will be exhibited and later at a banquet to be held by the exhibitors the exhibits of dressed poultry will be given a practical lest in the menu. Itls expected that an association will be formed tonight to Include the cities of Albany, Cor vallis, Eugene and perhaps Salem, when shows will be held annually alternat ing In these towns. ., ONTARIO TO VOTE UPON ' BONDS FOR NEW SEWER s '' (Speelal Dispatch to The Journal.) Ontario, Or., Dec. ii. The city coun cil Tuesday night passed a resolution calling a special election in It days to vote 20,000 worth of bonds for the pur pose of putting In a sewer and drainage system. There Is no question aa to their being carried almost unanimously, aa a sewer system la badly needed. The mayor and city council are solidly in favor of the bond Issue and the city has now reached a else that sewerage Is a necessity. . The Ontario ; Lumber company la a new corporation that will start business here January 1 with a capital stock of $25,000. . Mr. J. D. Lackey will start work on a new brick building on Nevada avenue, adjoining the present Lackey block. The building when completed - will be occu pied by . a new bank. . . ?.; A Joyful. Awakening.. Christmas morning many a home will be ushered In by the aoul-atlrrlng tones of a piano" brought by Santa from the houae of Ellera; 10 down -will place a fine high-grade piano In your home for Chrlatmaa and make U the happiest Christmas of -alL '" ' Coma and select your piano today. Re duced prices on all lines. Ellers Tlano Houae, ' til Washington street, corner Park. .'. ,. -.;.--,- ... ' ' Indiana Choose Interpreter. v (flnectal DtaMtrti to The Jneraal.) Pendleton, Or., Dee. 23. In a conven tion at tha Umatilla Indian reservation Leo Samaon. an educated Umatilla In dian boy, waa ' elected to act as in terpreter in all ' transactions between the Indiana end the government. . . - Tomorrow ., -. . . . . . - '. . . , . v. ' ' - " . : V to Purchase Men's $20 $18 and $15 Suits, Over for coats & Cravenettes flirae Dollar $20 Tuxedo Suits, $20 Cheviot Suits, $20 Tweed Suits, for ...... $18 Blue Serge Suits, ; $18 Fancy Worsted Suits, $18 Homespun ' Suits, for . v . . . . . . . ; . $18 Cheviot Suits, $18 Tweed Suits, $18 Double and ( : Ttaria finifw fnf 1 - VVW WaUkP eWa ,1.....'......... - $15 Fancy Worsted Suits, $15 Black Worsted Suits, ,$15 Tweed Suits, for . . $15 Cheriot ' Suits, $15 Unfinished Worsted Suits, $15.Worsted Suits, for.....:..................J...M.......: $15 Long Belt Overcoats, $15 Cravenette Coat, $15 . Medium Length Coat, for.....,.......:., Men's Shoes - $2.50 and $2 SHOES $1.45 'Odds and Ends of all our ' 'regular and best selling ' $2.50 and $2.00 Shoes; Bala Bluchers arid low - cuts are represented, in all kinds of leathers, and V all the new toes. : . ' Special at . . . .'. . .$1.45 $4.00 AND $3.50 HIGH" CUT SHOES, $2.85 ' 10 and 12-inch High Cuts, In graifi calf, Samson calf ' - and viscolized; a great Shoe for any one requiring footwear for hard outside '.' wear. Special atv$2.85 Men's Embroidered Slippers . . . .'. : 65 Men's Alligator , s Slippers ............85 v . Men's Black Romeo Slippers .$1.50 Men's Russet Romeo Slippers ........ ..$1.50 ; teeeee . , m is aee.ef ' m M i. AMERICA'S GREATEST $2.50 DAT A Hat to .Fit your Face A Sire to Fit YourJ Head 60 Styles 30 Shades and Colors. New Mid-Winter Blocks Just received. ; Don't give tip $3 for A Hat when The Fullworth of fers the same quality, and in many instances more style, at a saving of 50c. Investigate. Thousands have been convert ed. A showing ' wtU convert you. The Fullworth is the Hat that proves. s $2.50 Hats for $1.85 ''Just' received another shipment of 30, styles of new Mid Wmter Hats, in 20 colors. These Hats are sold all over the United States" for $2.50, and give excellent satisfaction and wear. . Will place them on sale tomorrow at. . . . . . .$1.85 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, Boys' Overcoats AT ONE-IMF MCE . You take off One In the house $1.25 $13;. T7i. 51.67............. 1.03........ 2.17 $2.43..... .... $2.07 $2.03 $3.17....... ...... Se343 e we-- $3.07............. $3.03............. $1.17..... $4.43....... Half of any Boy's Suit or Overcoat For our ...... For our ......For our ....For our For our ......For our .".....For our For our .... . .For our For our ....i.For our ......For our ,...For our .. ,. ..For our regular regular regular regular regular regular regular regular regular regular regular regular regular regular $2.50 $2.85 $3.35 $3.85 $4.35 $4.85 $5.35 $5.85 $6.35 $6.85 $7.35 $7.85 $3.35 $3.85 value value value value value value value value value value value value" value value Boys'; Furnishing Goods 50c Corduroy Knee Pants. .............. .p...... 35 Fleece Lined Underwear....;... .25 $2.50 Worsted Sweaters. . . .$1.50 ' 35c Waists . ;.10 $1.25 .Flannel Waists. ..,... 85 50c Gloves ..... . . 25 25c Gloves :...15 Smoking Jackets v at Almost lala -Mce $5.00 Smoking JackeU 2 (J5 $7.50 Smoking Jackets j J $9.00 Smoking Jackets J J gJ $10.00 Smoking Jackets . 50c for $1 aadl 75c KecStiver Xmas ""Special 100 doxen "' Four-in-Hand Ties; regular $1 and 75c silks, all new patterns. Special at.... 50 Boys' Dhoco Grain Calf, Extension Soles Every pair warranted; !r-i 9 to 11; regular $1.3. Special T . - ' Sires llj to 2; r- ' - $1X3. Src:l Sires 2i til'r.i i r " r ' ' '