THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 22, 1805. t1 i TO VN TOPICS , -j. toinoHT'i AxvuzimiTt. Merquaai Grind... ....."TIM Bho-Gon" HUm. ....... ."All Um Comfort of Hoom" hmkn Muatcal Barh0 Lmptre,. ....."The Mlaaourt Ulrl" Lrrle ,...... "A Bwutbara Heroin" Ltbarty Vaullll ttr VHdTill Urasd VauWlU . Gideon. th Christian commercial traveling; men' a organisation, plan (or t routing meeting at 1:10 o'clock Sat- , urday evening. December 13," In Taylor Street' Methodist church. - Dra. Brougher and Bhort. pastors In tula city, will Uke part In the meeting, which will be 'tortghVertth -stories and-experience -of tha merobera of the Gideon band. There - la a membership of about S.00 to the t. uideona scattered . throughout the United States and Canada. . Theodore B. Adams Is secretary of the Portland oamp. which la growing rapidly. Mera ' bers of the order state that they are 1 surprised at Jhe progress being made ; and forecast a time when the Gideons ' will embrace) more than a majority of the merry knights of the grip. .' Joe Morak has returned from an ex tended trip east and was nearly frosen before he got back. '. On November It he started. He was-for a few days ' with Seattle and Tacorda friends, spent a few days in Spokane and then went to Billings, Montana, where he spent several days visiting various nearby In dian camps and getting a line on cow boy life at close range: He lingered in Et Paul until It became so cold that he had to flee back to Portland in or ' der -to- save Jhlsj life. He sutes that ' several times on bis homeward Journey y the train. was held up by blhnards and ' once the snow got Into the coaches, ' forcing every one to put on overcoats and winter furs. : ' , . , . Members of the New England society ' met with those of several state socie ties last night at the Mret Congrega ' tional church to celebrate forefathers' day. . Judge H. H. North up of the New England society presided, and addresses " were made by Judge J. C. Moreland for -the -Dixie society. Her. Dr. T. I Eliot and Rev. Dr. E. L. House for the New 'England society. Arthur LanggutH for , the Michigan society, and John "Man ning for the Nebraska society; A mu sical program arranged by Miss Souls - was rendered by Mr. Allen-Goodwin, : Miss Ethel Barkadale and Mrs. ' Millie Perkins.- ... i i ' ' The city board of school directors is holding an informal session this after ' noon for the purpose of discussing .the ' budget to be -submitted to the taxpay ers at the annual meeting next Wednes day night Recommendations will be ' made regarding the amount of Improve ments to be made In school facilities during; ltOS and .the amount of the tax to be levied. Bchoor Clerk Allen is compiling a report of the financial con dition of the district to be submitted ' with the report of the directors at the ' sams meeting. ' ;.' " ; ' 1 ' ' ' "John Baserino. who lives on Ninth street between Burnslde and Couoh, was walking along the Southern Paclfte tracks yesterday afternoon when he was struck by an In-comtng train and knocked from a bridge SO feet high. His foot waa cut and ha suffered other In ' Juries, which, however, are : not con sidered serious. Baserino was walking from Oswego to the city and waa on the trestle ' when the train suddenly ' tunned a curve. He was unable to es cape and the engineer was unable to stop the train la time to prevent, the ac At the annual election of Portland . 'Chapter. No. - Royal Arch Masons, ' Wednesday, evening, the following offl- rere ware elected and Installed; Nortls R. Cox, high priest: Henry I Pittock. king; Albert J. Stiles, scribe; Albert M. Knapp, secretary; Deodato O. Torn. " stnU treasurer; Henry I Bancroft, cap tain ef host; Hugh J. Boyd, principal sojourner; Jerome R. Rogers, royal arch captain;' Andrew M. Smith, O. M. , third vail; Hopkins Jenkins, G. M. sec- ond vail; Frank H. Reeves, O. M. third vail; Mortimer D. Toung, .guard.. . John D. Olwell of Medford, who Is a . guest at the Portland hotel, says prep arations are being made by new flnan , rial Interests allied with the Medford Crater Lake railroad to continue eon-. struotlon of the line from Eagle Point to Butte creek, about 14 miles further on the route toward tha head of Rogue river. He says there la also to be In corporated In few days a company to promote the construction of a railway from Medford to the Blue Ledge copper -district, about M miles. . 'John Batsrlnl,' an Italian," was struck by the Southern Pacific train near Fulton . yesterday. He was crossing a trestle and received , Injuries to one of his legs .. and his scalp, being removed afterward to St. .Vincent's hospital. . ;. , , Under the graduated scale of wages several members of the fire department CHRISTMAS FURNISHINGS FOR MEN . . We've-', an '. excellent' stock o those article of ' mens', dress "..which are , always most ..acceptable ' as . a ' . Christmas gift. , W eVe Umbrella s. Gloves, the finest Neck-V wear, Bath Robes, Dress Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, ' Fancy S u a pen d e r sT Fancy Hose, the best of ' each. ," Hcwctt, Bradley v C& Co. '-.-v- ' 944 Waihlngten Jfreet - aTXAK aAJTO TKXATiu. c4merican Restaurant COB. TWXMB AJTD OOTTCM . , or bat Am arzan. Clara Broth. Coffee and Toast. ,.,.lBd Steamed Little Neck Clams 20w Scrambled Brains 20 Com Beef Hash and Poached Egg. 1 Set Cod Fish Balls Spaghetti and Cheese. Italian. 15 Baked Pork and Beans .....16 Ham and Efga . 25d Liver and Bcda 154 We bake our own -Bread, Plea -and Cake. We corn our Beef. Coffee. Bread and Butter and Potatoes with all orders-. ;- 1 ! ' - 1 ' BXBTJTO-BOOX FOB TASXXB. , Everything is first class, cheap and dean. - are In line for an Increase of $5 a month m salary and the raise will be given them this month. Among those entitled to the Increase are K. M. Lambert. F. A. Zell ner, A. B. Bonner, George -W. Wey gandt. Robert H. Hunt, J. T. Emert W. H. Maaa, Ottle Dunn, Walt C. Speckel meler, F. E. Proudflt. C. D. Shane. J. J. Baldwin, George. Finney, I R. Lambert, Adolph W. Wefel. O. M. Bliss, Joseph Vermllyea and Harry J. Beck. ; ' At a meeting of the Oregon State Edi torial association In, Portland January 1J and U an address will be given by Rinaldo - ML Hall, advertising agent of the jO. R. dc N. Co. on the subject: "The - Newspaper as - a Factor - in ; De velopment." A complete program has been arrgnged by-the editors and they will bold .their convention in conjunction with the meeting of the Oregon De velopment league,' announced for the sams dates. -r - :, ... At Its meeting last Wednesday Wash ington lodge. No. 4S, A. F. A. - M.. elected and Installed the fallowing of ficers: L. D. Freeman, worshipful mas ter; K. V. Lively, senior warden; A. M. Wright. Junior warden: R. B. McClung, treasurer, and J, H. Richmond, secretary. Special services will be held at I o'clock this evening by Talmud Thora -synagogue, Sixth and Hall streets, and to morrow morning at o'clock. In tha ob servance of the feast of Hanukah. or the feast ef dedication, yftev. J. Shapo will officiate.; .4 . ; Basketball." . ' ' '"' ' '' ' Girls' championship match. ( Monmouth college ts. Portland. ' 1 Tonight, December It, l:!0 p. m. ' " Rlngler gymnasium," tot Alder street Admission 26c Reserved seats l&a ' Xmaa Holly Wreaths, Jerusalem cher ries, primroses, begonias, hyacinths and cyclamen, delivered on shoat notice. Roses, violets and carnations. Phone Main S10S, Tonaetb Jk Co., florists, lit Sixth street. , . ; . -'- ' A fine line of umbrellas gold, stiver, ivory and pearl handles--Just the thing fori a Christmas present, at Beldlng Bros.. Jewelers and opticians, 41 Third street. Also -cut ' in diamonds and watches) during holidays. Tou get mors furniture for less money at Calef Bros, than anywhere else In town. - A splendid assortment of holi day furniture. Tour credit Js good. !(-- East Morrison street. r - : When thinking of your Sunday and Christmas dinners, do not forget Jus .ton's, 169 Fifth street, opposite Meier at Frank's. A splendid menu haa been prepared. - Music n Sundays-and holi days.''' 'n V . ' ' ' - Do yon know that tha new Wei s bach mantle will not pop or eatch fire at bottom of burner when being lightadf Fits any gas burner. Get them at Man ning's. 41 Third street. TeL Main MIL Bankrupt Bale Clothing, gents fur nishing goods, hats, caps, trunks, va lises, boots and shoes, etc, at greatly reduced prices. To be sold In 10 days. 10 North Sixth street, corner Everett. Cash or Credlu Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware on easy weekly payments. 11 down. 50c per week; open evenings. Metsger It Co., Jewelers and Opticians, 111 Sixth street. . . Bankrupt Sale Clothing, gents fur nishing goods, hats, caps, trunks, va lises, boots,- shoes, etc at greatly re duced prices. To be sold la 10 days, tl First street. On December tt all companies of the state guard will be Inspected by Colonel Jsmes .Jackson, orders to that effect having been ' issued to the different organisations. . . The Friedman Packing Co. wishes all Its patrons "A Merry Christmas' and "A Happy Nw Tear." Be sure you see their ad. on the market page of tonight's Journal. .- .,- v .. - ; y . , ." '' ' Holiday packages Special attention given to delivery of holiday package. Reliable messengers dispatched to any part of city, - Call phone Main SO. . . Official photographs, Lewis and Clark exposition, plsin and hand-eolored; beau tiful and appropriate gifts, at small cost. 140 Morrison street. i.000 Children's hooks at eostTM best plsce In Portland to buy your book gifts for children. Swing's Book Store, 117 Salmon street . f . Grand ball Xmaa night Arioir iali Elegant door prise free. Good music Admission tO oents. ladles free. Pro fessor p Eaton, manager. ; ;" ;; ' ", Speoial watch sals this week; dla etviA Uwftlrv llvirwin. clocka cut glass, . umbrellas. - A. Vullleumter J 101 Washington street. We clean and press your clothes and shine your shoes f on 11.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co. 17 Washington. Main 114. .-, : -, , ", . . s, - - Many dimes can be saved by reading the . advertisement or tne - ineomu Packing Co., First and Columbia streota r Holiday Oooda Nothing nicer for presents than pictures. Closing out sale at cost Art store, niH rourxn street. ' Any watch cleaned. IL Any main anrlng. II. All work guaranteed one year at Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street ' i u ' An elegant turkey dinner at the Cot tage Waffle Chrletmae for (0 cents; 11:10 to 0 p. rn. i nixtn street. Robert Hoe, Jr., of New Tork, head of tne nrm or pnmini Hi.Hui.u turers. is visiting la the city. Tou will find everything In Watches, Diamonds and Silverware at Beck's, the Jeweler. 307 Morrison street' , . - - Portland's best dancing school, 100 Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Bucksnmeyer. Fine aift Memorandum Books for gentlemen. Kilham's, 140 Washington st Only three days more of this great sale. Everything goes at almost noth ing. Diamonds, watches. Jewelry, cut glaas, etc, sold to the highest bidder. Your last chance to get nice Chrlatmaa presents at prices that eannot be dupli cated elsewhere. Lease and fixtures for sale. Auction sale at 10, 1 and T o'clock. Seats for ladles, Loewen Steln's, I01H Washington street Largest and best assortment of holi day slippers, lowest prices, Rosenthal's 140 Third street Quality considered, Rosenthal's ' Shoe Store quotes the lowest prices on holi day footwear. .J'.- Address, - calling, engagement and shopping lists at Kilham's 140 Wash ington street Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oils and Una gasolines. Phone East ISO. Men's . Pockolbooka. .card and . pass cases at Kilham's. 140 Washington st Bridge Whist. 000" and other card sets at Kilham's, S40 Washington st ' Fine Desk Furnishing" and inkstands at Kilham's, 140 Washington street Ladles, be sure you read the Friedman Packing Co.'s ad. In tonight's paper. - Fine chicken dinner tec, 101 Third. . The Vegetarian cafe. 101 Sixth, Frits' tamales are the best ., MILLIONS TO BE SPENT -. .... . . , (Continued from Page One.) haa not taken in anything north of that state." - r.-7 While In the east he spent the time visiting electrical manufacturing plants and attending to business of the com pany In New Toric Ha made -various purchases of machinery and equipment for the new plant and oiiioe ouitaing. The structure will be of steel, and flre- nroof - - - . ''' Henry EJ. Keeo. secretary oi .- ine Lewis end Clark Exposition company, has been preparing a final statement of the business of the corporation, and Its completion ms dhs wiiib; -turn of President Ooode. It Is Intended to reach a final settlement of the busi ness of the company, wind, np Its af fairs and pay over to the -stockholders whatever Is coming to thenhy the first of the year. . , -' Mr. Goods had not found time at a late hour today to have a conference with .Secretary Reed. They will prob ably go over the mattera pending and dlapoee of them tomorrow, when au thoritative announcementa concerning the settlement may be mada, . . , i,; 0 ii .i . . , . Watches Free. - - With every purchase of a suit over coat, or cravenette, Saturday morning, at London Clothing company, 171 Third atreet ' CAFE AND MUSIC HAH A Uerry Christmcs to AM Fay Lesley RIlSS ' . Belle Lawrence And , Other- Christmas ' -C Attractions. ::"' ( Beginning Monday, Decem ber 25, including the famous C:; aggregation ' . "' TlleFicchfl,sIdlcs, ; Quintette and Tyrolefm Trio SPECIAL Sunday Matinee 2lo5oaock Program Changed Daily. Bntraaees at II Worth Third street, ai, S3 and 08 Vorth See ad street, and 143, S4S and ST. .: Burnslde street. .'.' Watches Watches watches, mamonos, jbwslbt akb -. , ' SILVEftWABB. . TOCft, CmiCDIT . 18 OOOO WITH Cn. ' li.oo rowif oo cbwti n witutt " METZGER Co. CO. . Ill SIXTH KU1 WaHlH0T0t.' USONS JEHTDMS OBI BE COIITIilOUS Bssjrsasawwaaasnstae , j 1 . ' Chamber of Commerce Commit tee Makes Personal Inspec tion of the Big Mole. . EARNESTLY URGES NEED OF CONTINUING CONTRACT Citliens Advised to Take the Trip to tha Mouth of tha River and Sea or . Themselves the Immense Project -and Progress That Haa Been Made. In order to Inspect the Columbia river Jetty and ascertain the condition of the work a committee representing the chamber of commerce made a trip yes terday to the mouth of the river. The party consisted of George W. Boschke, chief engineer, of the O. K. N. Co.; 8. at, Meara, C. F. Adams of the Port of Portland commission. A. H. Devere and I. N. TeaL At Astoria they were Joined by Brenam Van Dueen and at Port Stevens by Gerald Bagnall. the realdent engineer lit charge of the Jetty work. Mr. Bagnall escorted the party out on the "Jetty and over the entire plant showing every courtesy to the visitors. The members of the committee came back to Portland deeply Impressed with the necessity of maintaining continuous work on the Jetty. All of them are con vinced that a 40-foot channel will un questionably be obtained when the Im provements ot the mouth f"Jthe river have been- completed. In describing the trip and the observations of the com mittee Mr. Teal said today:" precautions for Safety. ; Up to 11 ' o'clock It was unsafe to go on the - Jetty on account of heavy seas, but In the afternoon at low tide the water calmed down, the sun came out, and we were enabled to go over the entire length of the Jetty and see everything to good advantage. Bvery precaution Is taken for the safety of the men. and the work, ' a strict block system being maintained for the oper ation of trains aa weU as track walkers, and a telephone system; la fact every thing that could be thought of to guard against' accident on such a dangerous work. - The Jetty is now fully six miles hi length and the rock work, while not oompleted, extends to the end. This year they have put In place about 00, 000 tons of rock, which Is an excellent showing.- The amount authorised to be expended' under the continuing contract -will be exhausted about January 1. and at. that time the money en hand from the old appropriation will also be ex hausted, excepting an amount sufficient for maintenance. The work will be shut down about January 1 until a further appropriation Is made. In the meantime the plant - will be gone- over and put In order, ready to proceed with despatch If a further appropriation Is made, . Walt for Appropriation. "The oontractors furnishing the rock are carrying the contract under the expenditure3 Authorised to be made in Jthe sundry civil bill ' and eannot of course receive any money for the work done under this contract until the ap propriation ts actually made. Since August last they have been receiving certificates for their work, which cannot be paid until, the appropriation Is mada "While, of course, but a general idea could; be given by a -visit such aa we made, the entire committee was -thoroughly impressed with tbs fact that tha project as contemplated ts entirely feas ible and will produce the results, the question being only a matter of money" and the amount of work that can be done within a given time. It Is there fore of the utmost Importance that thla work be continuoualy pushed.. On re turning to Astoria the committee spent an hour with the pilots, going over the matter from their standpoint, and found them willing to answer, .all questions fully and frankly. They have a thor ough knowledge of the actual situa tion and the information that they gave waa valuable. 'v , raver Continuing' Contract. "The committee has not had time to thoroughly digest all of the facts, but la agreed that tha first requisite at this time Is to get an emergency ap propriation of or isoo.ooe to continue the work after the plant la put In shape, until say July, and In the meantime It Is' the committee's convio tlon that It thla work la to be completed within a reasonable time every one should stand for a law authorising a continuing contract and making an ap propriation of sufficient amount to In sure Its completion. Any one who will look over the situation will see at once that thla Is the only economical and speedy way ef getting this work "It is unquestionable that a1 40-foot channel can be had. It la stmply.-ame.i-ter of time. The committee will prob ably meet next week and go over the matter again after having had time to think It over. However, to those that desire to understand this subject ' and to appreciate the fact that one ef tha greatest river and harbor works in the United States la In progress at the mouth of the river, we strongly urge a trip to. Fort Stevens and an examina tion of the work. Otherwise one simply cannot. appreciate It or understand it" NORTHERN PACIFIC " MAY UNITE TWO LINES .. . The Northern Pacific Ballroad com pany haa placed a surveying party in the field to run preliminary surveys for a connecting link between Hcappoose. on the Ooble line, and a point near Ver nonla. on the route of the Lytic road from Portland to Tillamook. ' This sotlon la la adcord with the plan of the promoters of the Tillamook road to make connections and traffic arrange mentsi with ' the Northern Paclfte and Southern Paclflo companies. The link between Scappooee and Vernonla wilt be eight or 1 miles and will be built- and operated by the Northern Paclflo. It Is said, unless arrangements are made at some future time by the Lytic company to take over the line to. Scappooee and Incorporate It In the Tlllamook-Portland system .-, . ' ' ". Y. M.C.A. NrcHT.SCHOOL. Winter Term Opens Tuesday, Jaaaary a. Ciaaaea In arithmetic, algebra, archi tectural and mechanical drawing, book keeping, carpentry, tminuirr. sitt, electricity, English grammar, geometry. engineering, plumbing, shorthand, type writing, penmansnip, vow musio, wwuu earvlng. Specie schools Forestry, Automobile and poultry raising. Catalogue and folders may be had en application. .;,. . Calot Brec Turalrare, ' Out ef the high-rent district. ' ; Buy This - A . . M. i) n. ) is l v J for It as they are going up so fast Don't Imagine ,- J you will have to pay a large amount for a moder ate alse stone. We are not charging the fancy prices asked by some dealers. We would rather make a email profit on ten diamonds than a large amount on one stone. We believe In advertis ing, and happy oustomere are the best "ads' we can get No matter how little you wish to pay, we can supply you. - We Have Some Very EXCELLEffT WATCHES In gold and gold-tilled, that we are selling a great many of for Chrlat maa presents. They start as low as i.60, 11.00, $4 2i for boys; .60, tl drto., Co Itulteaaad i7.F0, $8.60, 110.00 for gentlemen. The more elaborate gold-filled and oolld gold watches, with many Jewels, are higher. In price. For Instance, 25 or 35 buys a watch good enough for any body, with ouch works aa the famous Howards, Hamilton, Hampden. Gruen and other fine movements. When we sell a watch it most be a timekeeper. That's our guarantee. Doat Tray until JAEGER BROS. CATATOOTTl! FRKR TO 290 if OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS. SaJEZZZZSZZZSSE V - We have" wholesale Call and examine them. They are all guaranteed to be this ' year's goods. We manufacture, we "recover, we repair at specially low prices. Give us a call and you will come again . 4; ' 1 . , and bring your friends. ' - . - - SATURDAY SPECIAL, f 25X0 UmbreUaa '"""f?-52 $20.00 Umbrellaa fJi'Sx ': : $15.00 Ufnbrellaa "f1- ' $10.00 Umbrellaa f ''-. $.5.00 Umbrellaa ....... a.ou : Bartlett & Palmer , Store OperTEveninrfa. CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STS. IP YOU WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT, SOMETHING - - UNIQUE AND ORIGINAL, IN - Breast Pins, Scarf Pins, Hat Pins, Chains or Pendants - -I.-. ' i . v',i' ,."'. " r:.' ! . 'V ,".;'';' .'. i'.v ' :' " For Christmaa presents, we invite you to look at our atock. We have the largest and beat collection of gooda we ever had. We give particular attention to our atock of Watches, and the selection of one here will be an eipecial pleasure for two reasons. We offer a matchlesa assortment of American makes YOU ARE CERTAIN TO OBTAIN THE BEST IN QUALITY AND STYLE at whatever price you deaire to pay. FOOTBALL p FOR STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AU-Salem Stan vs. Moltnotnah Athletic Club Multnomah Field, Christmas Day at 2-30 P. M. Rain or Shine. Admission 75c. " ' Tickets on sale at Schiller's, Wlttschen & Cameron's, Nan's and Kowe Mar Sf" pharmacies, Perkins Hotel and Olds, Wortman King'a. RACES Turkey" and -Hoop APOLLO SkatingRink SATURDAY NIGHT Skatlna Kerr Afternoon and Evening. : Admlaelon ltfcTt. e' . Merrill Building Seventh and Oak DRcTWESIROW'S " WONDBRFUI. ;-',. RHEUMATIC ( - : , curbs. v .. ' - roR baljb ai allj rmuooiaTfi. - - All Happy for $6. To you know that t down and It a month will place artne high-grade piano In your home Chrlatmaa morning and make thlfT the moat Joyous Christmaa of all? Ellers Plane House, til Washing ton street, oorner rark. , - , a iamGiid Christmas ... 111 1 . ham. aanl. M.M you. fet our prices. JEWELERS OPTICIAMS Morrison St., Neer Fifth UMBRELLAS FOR CHRISTMAS 3,000 Umbrellas to be sold at price during the next two days. w Exposition Rink 19th and Washington Streets The greatest place of amusement In the city. Skating every afternoon and even ing. Private Instruction every morn ing. Parsons- orchestra every evening. Admission 10e. Skates Koi' Ladles and children admitted free aft ernoons and.rnornlngB. Skatea reeerved by phone Main (!(.- Learn to 8kat With the Crowd $5 REWARD $5 For Information leading to conviction ef any one cutting or destroying tree a IN WALNUT PARK OWNERS W. M. KILLINGS WORTH FRANK M. WARREN Milwaukle Country Club; : Eastern and Seattle raeea ' Take Sell- wood and Oregon City eara af.rirst and Alder. . , J mwLii Chrictais At Half Pric Ladies' and Men's Slippers, and $2, worth - double the price. Men's Fancy House Coats. $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00, worth twice as much regular. . 80c Suspenders, Arm Bands, Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, at 25v Good assortment of Men's and Youths Suits, Over coats, Pants and Hats at One Half Price of their value. Bigr .bargains in Men's Un derwear and Overshirts; also a full line of Trunks. Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters. , JOHN DELLAR .AT TWO STOSES CorTlrst and YarohiH ssd Cor. Third and Davis ATarrsaaasTa. Belasco Theatre aToaaoo.a xatxx. mora. Mtk aa4 Waak. Bta. X. L. aaekett, 1m. Kt. - TOJrtOHT jtATmra tokokkow. axcnvKO wrra boabs ot xaughteb. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME . WUliaai 'aMUetto's nat Ooaieir. ; PSICES Nlfbt, S5 to TBC 'IUta. 13c to We. Next Week "Blue Jeans If - aFKCIAL . ZXaS XATOrXS. MAkQCAM OSAXD THKATRK All week tc Inning with the Okrietmaa Btatlnee. Eitra nUiMe Tharedar and Hat. area?, alelvllle R. RiTnx.n.l iirmu Hit rartooa enated "BUiTE B80WM" Maalar Hice aa "tUj.(-r" 45 People la tee Compear. - Pratt . f lrla, catchy aioale, ee llfhtful eawd. ' I1ATINRB PRICES Lower oor, TSr and tOc. Balesnr. SOe and ttc Oallarr. 2S. NIQHT PRICKS Lower Bonr. l aad TV. . Baleoa. Ibr aad 5 Or. Oallarr, and SAc. 8 EATS NOW BELLI NO. Marquam Grand Theatre ' Phone Maia 8M. - t ' Toaicht aad Tomormr VicM , Bneolal-Prlee TaUtlaee Tomorrow Rear? w. KaTiire Often Oeorce Ade and Uoatar Ladar'e Korean comic Opera Bucetaa "THE SHO-OOM" - , "A BMsnlflrent abow." The Joaraal. jriOFTT 1'KirF.M SSe. 60c, T5e, ft and tl.M. MATINES PHlCKaV 2Ae. JOe, fioe. . 75c, $1. Baker Theatre Oregea Thaatie Oa Oea. L. Baker. Xt. YaaudU sad Third Bta. Pheae Mala 1BOT. TOSIOHT TOWOTtHOW TaTATTirH IB THE LAST FEmrORMAKCE. ,- OELT TWO MOKE TDIEB. Headed by Mlldrad "toller aad John Vfebbr, the Uerraaa Voawdlaaa. '- Broadway Gaiety Girls .Matinee Hatnrda 18e tSe. ate and BOe. Eeaainf tricae use, ase, aoc ana lie. Vest Attract loa. Startin Baaday .. Katiaee, "jout eiaxa." - ' Empire Theatre isjrrtsr. Milton w. seaman. Manaaer. PORTLAND'S POPULA& PLAYHOUSE. T0V10HT TOM0BK0W TdATIHEE ' AJID Pred Baysioad preaenta hla tanwoa eomed. TUE MlSSOLiRIGIRL" Poairlrely ' the irreatret eoacdy aaeeaaa of the aeaaoa. - Rrfnlar matiaea Batarday. MOHT PB1CES Wc. SSe, 36c, 60c. . ' MATINEE PRICES lOe, lSe. 3Se. Heat Week, Btartlnr Bnnday KatUMe, "run rack xjubt." ADVANCE SALE TOMORROW Kalvllle B. Xaymsad'a Cartsea Oeraeiy, " BUSTER. BROWN PEOPLE I TEX COatPAET 4 All Xaxt Weak Beclaaiag Carlatraaa Katiaee. Mnrquam Grand Theatre Mfht Prlrre Se. See. BOe. Toe and II. Matinee Prtcee ase. S5c. 60c and Toe. Liberty Theatre ? PAXTAGXa .. ATTBACTTOMB BIST ACIB . UBil . ' Trank Wlleoa. . "The faar Saanaa. " ' BaJtimsra ffciartet. . lee WkKe. 0 Bell aad Hut. Bleftavh. Belaeted Orehaatra. ADM1KSION TEH ent to any arat. Per. (ormaacaa daily at 2.M. 7:30 and a. m. Lvrlc Theatre WW STABTIKO MOBDAT, BECEMBIB It. , The lneomparable Lyric Bteck Company -preaenta A Southern Heroine A romance ef rha annth ta fnar acta. "Like a brrath of anaanolla." ASTCBaiOM lea ! BESEBVEO BEATS BOe. STAR .. rmATKX rWek ef , Bee. II. Xari WUeea. -Terke Rerbart Trie. Miaa Tkalma Deerae . . I. Freak Eiy. -Ifftf-d." "Tke Haa With the OeMaa XS." ' Htlneee,--10e:.enlnfS. Snort. r a aad boll daa, lOe aad toe. Boa aeata. SSc. GRAND - TKXATXX ' Week ef Bee. It. rrleee Matlnaae. 1V: FuUer, Baae Oa. Xtb.l Wkltaaldae aad Jiav Piekanmalaa. Braae IMadr. ttmw Hanaeaay. Bouaall. TBaaiev Haield TBeff, "Kevins Pay." evealnia. aaedara aad elldaya. lOe and toe. - a aaata. Soe. Concrete Construction Co. . T01 Oaamber ef Ooaaxaeree, Manufacturers of Concrete 8 tone Block. Contractors for all kinds of eement wor"!,-, rmon Mir lee. TEETK roe taedern Beetat wnm. World -re- aotraed apeclWat LrwSt price eonela.enl U Brtt-e' worlv Oe te the NEW 0l: DIINTr roTTBtrrt ro - ppea Bay ! n'- t. i i r