The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 22, 1905, Image 6

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    tfUfe Journal!
Published every evening (except Sunday) and every Sunday morning, at
.,-, ,
KeaeaW ... t
, Two and a half centuries go the first Jews to
and thev And,lheirdesCCad-
'-. I ...a ,,... Kn rU thev
ailL' ll , 1, 1 1 VI vtiivw uva. a
years the increase of Jews in America
100 vcars aco the total Jewish population Ol me unueu
States was only 2,000. Now there
' Tew in this country, a Jewish population exceeded in
'no country except Russia and Austria-Hungary, an(J half
hi increase has been trained durinar the last quarter of
a century. In the very yeacjn. which Columbus found
America, the Jews were expelled from Spain, France
'.-.I T-..r..,l hut (n. Innir tint evndtta from their
European refuges' to America was denied them, con
sidering whence they came, and that most of them, had
been victims of cruel oppression and were poor, their
progress in this country has been marvelous. The Jews
owe much to America, and on the other harfd America
owes something to-the Jews. They naturallyissimilate
with citizens of a liberal and just republic, for such was
1 the ideal of the Hebrew Commonwealth.. They had been
warrinra tint desired neare: manr were in-norant. but
they desired education; they were not Christians, but
; they taught and practiced the. essential principles of all
religions founded on love, justice and truth. Some
scholars trace the excellencies, of the Roman law back
ti.k at... pmIt, 1,& 1 araura
Alfred the Great found in Hebrew
- tion principles of the English constitution. -
Turn from the Jews in America to those in. Russia,
where thousands of them have recently been killed, and
' contrast not only the condition of the Jews here and
there, but the difference in the. two
are about 5,UUU,UUU jews in Kussia, living in the south
ern and southeastern portions of the empire and 'in
.Poland. Many have thrived. as money -lenders, brokers,
merchants,- peddlers, ' innkeepers, - contractors, and in
other vocations, and this fact doubles the prejudice of
.... ....-... -O -., -a..
J1 a aw i
ana some are oeggars. inrougn inneruea ana acquirea
prejudices, about 90 per Cent of the
ulation are positively if not aggressively anti-Semetic,
and those who do not th'emselves engage in the persecu
tion even unto acatn oi jews stand Dy
auuiuvuiKiy. juuik pi ut a a mini
country! For three days at Odessa, for instance, the
slaughter of Jews went on; they were attacked by Cos-
sacks with artillery; girls were assaulted and children
a. a inaiii) U Vlli; .11V IVUl Ml , itIC aUUI'
manding general ordered "the v massacre stopped A
Russian official said last month that out of the tumult
three distinct parties had arisen; the revolutionary
party, ine constitutional party, and the Black Hundred,
the latter made up of priests, office-holders, the police,
army officers, and other retainers of the monarchy, and
he went on to say: - "There is not the slightest-doubt
that the Jewish massacres were organized by the Black
Hundred in order to avenge themselves upon the Jews
. StlH tVi a. . t a,n (nm bU,., IsrAr"2-. f..
tionary movement. The mobs. were led by police of
ficers, sometimes in disguise, but frequently in full uni
form. M i ' wllft I a liaittenani in nak .V m.
ments stationed at Odessa, write to me that when he
begged the colonel of .his regiments for a company -of
troops with: which to check, the ruthless massacre, he
W3I th rnt mnA mmritU aa iAuatm.rfi.l
Look on this picture, then on that, and find reason
enough for the immigration of Jews to America, and
for the anxious solicitude of those. , here" for their af
flicted brethren in the land that has been the czar's.
sianapai oaiern Maiesman, Dy ; way ot reply to
The Journal's article in regard to reciprocity with Can
ada, says "our commerce with the Dominion last year
reached $166,000,000, the largest , amount on record and
far ahead of Canada's business with any other country,"
Yes, but Canada's retaliatory tariff, tbt will, shut out
most of our exports to that country was not in force
last year, but will be next year. : , '
' , ' ,7 " . - ( -
m'CltY. COUNCIL manifests
--, t.Muuc ui iwcsiry ouiiaing
. luuicient ground to -constitute small
park. There is no money in the treasury, to close the
deal which the council has passed up to
yet it criticises that official for failing
funds which he hasn't got. 11 ' '
. ITiis, then,-should be a fair time
whole matter. - Is it -worth while to
.nil 1 Maiaa U.U . . ...Ill .
v. w utci mm win necessarily prove a white ele
phant? In the very nature of things the building will not
last for many years. To make it habitable several thou
sand dollars must immediately be spent upon it. From
m 7 ucgiiiiiing u win pe, a source ot expense and
dd to the city's fixed charges without an adequate re
turn tot the money. invested, i . j
; It would seem to be very much better, if we have any
irc, 10 spena ii in tne improvement of the
parks which the city already owns. No city could own
more delightful natural parks, but while they are beau-
Dim .at very mucn to onng them up to the
.highest notch. It is possible that with the money at
their command the park commissioners hare done all
vuu.u iu. eTcn in me city park much is left o be
desired. The roadways are not in the best of condition
nil th nAraf . ... . . .
Tr 0v..v.-s iiiuatying IS UOl UO
ard that mark the reallv fammi nrt.
With the expenditure of a little moner
n absolutely ideal spot.that would be the pride of all
the people and the most delightful and attractive of all
our public resorts. ; Instead of concentrating upon the
pai;ks we now own and making the most of them w that
they may constitute another feature of the citv'. life
w. i h7r'8,.VTn. X "rry r'y delihtf impressions,
we either stint the expenditures or fritter away the and 1 finally wind up with a system of parks
which owe the.r attraefveness almost exclusively to na
ttjre ' .
u y !? .a k twic before e to into the
Aiil-fhaa. f 4 Via t..:tj! fcw Ilic
rHivw, vai, ill IUI coil J UUIIQing.
OnIin Bxpeadltare. ,
rortland, !. tt. To tti Editor of
The JoumiU What le the of anend'
tng the rltra mone to purchase elte
for the roreetrr buildlncT It ta true
that It la a worthy Illustration of one nt
ur mot important Industries, but its life
will be m comparatively limited one.
Ioa with the berk on speedily decay in
our climate, and in a few years the
IxtlMlaff will fall a victim of natural
decay. If there la money to be spent
let the perk eommtssloq ret It for the
SuroM uX imiitwiat lreaiJy.
; 1
nmu ronunu, vrcgon . .
America ' cettbrited
I I "court,. Mike
pose Jot elling
nmt. For 150
was small, o thf t
1 T . J
are about 1,600,000
effort, his illegal
$1,000 in cash,
trials, and he will
and then perhaps
saloon business would have been more protitaoie.
Judging 4rom the
sophistry, so that other violators of this law may have
an object lesson and take due warning. Corvallis voted
for orohibition and' has a have it, as every other
community has that
amat la i aaif that
persist in selling
writings the. founda-
ment he justices
Those Blackwell's
nearly 600 female prisoners from death by fire, and
made no effort to get away or do mischief, proved that
there are streaks of wood in all humanity, and they are
countries. There
well entitled to some credit marks, in recognition and
repayment of their courageous .and honorable conduct.
.aawaa aav ,
a a a
entire Russian pop-f
names, is reported
trust an American of any sort. They are nearly all ras
cals.: tl have never touched their schemes myself, nor
have any of my friends, but we have been victimized."''
inamerentiy it not
nsppcmnir in mis
This is certainly
isher who made
Americans by a few with whom he has come in contact
in business "schemes" and then perhaps he got hold of
the hot end of the
Americans, for there seems to be about as great a pro
portion of British as American "rascals.'' .
Yet that there is
opinion cannot be denied. Big business affairs, ar well
as the public service in past years, have, become in large
part agencies of great grafting operations. Not only the
leading life insurance companies but some of the great
railroads, ; bank and
protected trusU-Jiave simply parted with principle and
chloroformed conscience when it came to making money
off other people. . X ' ' ? V -;':?. ;-
1 No, the American people are not nearly all rascals,
but withjhe big, fat overgrown concerns. the business
moral 'slaridard has become so low that it is not strange
this opinion should be held by a bitten Britisher. '- ;
Ex-Bos Odell
last be of some
York.- ; W "i -
have, on what their ancestors, whose crimes as well as
their own they are answering for now, did through many
years of fire and sword, of devastation and slaughter,
to Poland, that out o( .this chaos may emerge again, un
less crushed by William of Germany and his allies, an
independent state, as Finland has become. - The Poles,
it is true,' had degenerated into a lot of ferocious fac
tions, and had long, proven t themselves incapable of
maintaining a stable and homogenous government, but
this scarcely excuses . Russia for joining with invading
hordes of Turks, and Mongols to finish the work of
destruction. Long before its partition Poland had
ruined itself by internecine strife, as Russia it falling
into ruins now, with a fair prospect that no czar or king
or any sort of government will rule over all the Russias
again in a long' time, if ever. There are many Poles
who can look on at the work of destruction and the pro
cess of disintegration in Russia and believe them a be
lated judgment 6f providence. i ' 1 -
v .
. , . ' -.
genuine anxiety
ana to purchase
the mayor, and
to pay over the
, '.... ;u '
to reconsider the
make the purchase
. ....
: The railroads promise to be good, but it will be test,
nevertheless, to have a law that can be put into opera
tion if they should break their promise. '
trated on- the objective points which promise the best re
sults. It will not do, as a correspondent clearly pointed
out in .The Journal yesterday, to waste any time in try
ing to compete with the steamship line which now runt
from Seattle and the Sound cities to Skagway, Juneau,
Sitka and other soutfieastern Alaska points situated on
inland waters. - While we may do business through
Seattle With those points it it idle to talk of steamship
competition. ; . y y , . . '.'
.; When we move along the tine of least resistance then
vee1-accomplish most." There is an important field in
Alaska which is naturally ojirs; it is at St. Michaels and
Nome City. -There the advantage is with us instead of
against us -and there we can.'under the most favorable
circumstances, build up a trade that would be well worth
while for Portland. With this fact clearly understood
we should get to work and not rest content ' until we
have established permanent business relations. "
lO tfte ftlirh fttanrl.
t A
it m,,U K-
in existence. Instead of purchasing with
h. m sue ror a structure wnicn never
was Intended to be other than tempor
McCurdy an Expert Botanist
Prom the New Tork Herald.-;
That Richard A. McCurdy is physic
ally another man since his retirement
from the presidency of the Mutual Ufa
Insurance company Is th opinion of
his physicians at Morrlstown, N. J.,
who were his close advisers during the
trying days f the Investigation. -
Foe a time Mr. MoCurdy showed slcns
of mental collapse, arid his wlfs and
family were eonetaatly by bis elds. No
visitors were allowed to see blra.
Mr. McCurdy is now rn Very p!ee
ant day riding through Morrlstown with
no, r. cAakou.
The Journal Building, Fifth and YarnhOl
" " ' . '
of one of his eases to the circuit
- Kline of CorvaJlis, who conducted
and athletic club , there for the pur
Jiquor in rviolatioaothe JocLP1'01
law, Was fined by Judge -Harris fWO and sentenced to
30 days in jail. He has been convicted five times in
the justice court by juries, all pfwhom agreed unani
mously on hir guilt, and if he appeals all these cases,
with like results, he will have found that his blind pig
establishment wasVTbsing proposition He will, appeal
the case just decided against him to the supreme court,
in the hope that on some technicality the local option
law mav be held invalid, but if he should fail in this
acts Vill. have cost , him more than
besides his attorneys' tees in all his
have to spend many months in jail;
he will conclude that - a legitimate
action of the various juries, and the
remarks of Judge Harris in passing sentence, it seems
there can be "no doubt of Kline's persistent guilt, and
that being the case it is to be hoped that due punish
ment will not be averted through any legal quibble or
voted the same way, and men who
liquor in them deserves an tne puntsn-
and circuit courts giv the.m. . " " "
island male prisoners, who rescued
a $300,000 policy in the great British
Mutual Life Insurance company, in discussing
its- affairs and thdse of- the big American com-
as savin?: i una ic amicuu io
a gross exaggeration, and the Brit
the statement evidently judged all
poker, while trying to .hand it to
a good deal of foundation tor this
brokerage houses, ' as well as the
is very angry, and therefore may at
real service to 'the people of New
' - --"v-. '" : 'v'. ': :: "
HE GOVERNING, or recently governing, classes
of Russia might pertinently if not profitably re
i fleet ; now, in any leisure moments , they' may
work of providing a steamship line
to Alaska should be pushed vigorously and
systematically, every effort should be concen
his wife. Part of the day he spends
walking about his estate, and In his
greenhouses. He often directs- his
florists In the care of . the rare plants
and) flowers' which he has for years col
lected. . Hardly a day passes that he
does not visit his son, Robert H. Mo-'
Curdy, at Morris Plains, and his daugh
ter, Mrs. Louis K, Thebaud.
' It Is said that Mr. McCurdy still re
tains some Interest In th future wet
fare of the company, and la anxious to
see a capable man at Its head.
, When Clothes Don't Count'-
' From the Atchison Olobe. "
Wheii there is sickness snd trouble
and mother is sent for that la ono occa
sion when , no one notices she wears
old-fashioned clothes,
ThoM ptopU who can pay cash for
Dacember purchases H1 nav a nappy
Tilers will b no duty to b paid on
moat of the next botch of presents Alice
will receive, v-
That 0-pound turkey would .last
some ramlllee, in various .. forme, , iiu
New Tear s, ..
Jt Ja reported that President Roose
velt's Christmas turkey, weighs SQ
pounds, v. That is surely a big (drum)
stick bird,
The man who objects to minding the
baby is likely to refuse even to mind his
wife. . '.. - ,.-,
, - . " e e . . - , ,
Looks like It would be a wet Christ
mas if not a white one. . . .
-'. - ;.- e . e .;-.' , , ;". ' ;
Governor La Follette will have two
weeks before the senate meets In which
to change bis mind a, few times.
' ' ( .-' ...'... e e , ; .. . .'.
The chances are that the man who
without par helps womstt trim Christ
mas tree is In lev with en or more of
them. . ,
,i . e ; .'...- r
All Baba'a Forty Thieves hid In bar
rels. The 40 Insurance thisves filled
the barrels with money. -.-..-
e- e -i " ' . '-
That waa either a curiously consider
ate or else a badly .scared big Colorado
gray wolf which snatched a piece of
bread and sugar from a little girl's
hand and left the child uninjured. But
after this she will eat her bread and
augar Indoors. ' , . . V
If you would put off your- shopping
don't complain at .. being Jostled and
crushed.. : ." ', ". ' : , .... .-. ;',-. .
.. . ' -.- -: ,
Now Christmas eheer
Is very near ' '
'.. "' : y
Sunday might be a good fast-day.
', .ere-' ' ..'. ,
An eastern doctor says people -should
give their stomachs a vacation. - Tea,
Just after Christmas.' 4 .-,. v
The members of the beef truat will
have a enerry Christmas. - The Judge
trying them Is of the opinion that they
can't be punished eveot convicted.
It looks' as If basketball wag one of
the main things In normal school train
ing, --.------.-r- ---
What la th use of keeping a man on
the anxious seat for eight yearsT
Balem Journal. Well, can't be get off?
Is ho tied there?- . '
.... . e "'.,- -. .
The members of the brick trust .got
hit with J,000 bricks. . .....
v..-r e e ' . '
'Mark Twain says a man over TO 1s
an honorary eltlaen. ' ; And soma men
don't cease even at that age to be
ornery cltiiens, . - ..;.,. '5; ,
An ' Indiana opera-hoy se manageress
named Miss Nellie Ham. but this
does not prove that she is a theatrical
ham. . ' 's-iv..;'.; '''.''.".....'''
Assurance" seems to ' have beri 'a
more appropriate term than insurance.
We told yor? to get 'em earlier..
Haines expects electric lights next
month. ' '- : '.''
. . e "e ':-,. ,
A t.00-arre stock ranch near Heppnar
sold for 120,000. . . , ; , :
e .' '. -,. i
A Olendale girl, says the News,
wrote a letter If feet long to .her
steady. He will probably read It on the
Installment plan. V
There Is a great deal of activity along
the Bandy river for water-power right.
Several surveyors are busy and fancy
prices are offered for land for right of
way. . . . ' ,.
' t .-, . v. e " e .';.-A-
Four , l-months-old porkers that
weighed an average of 12 pounds each
were marketed at Corvallis, bringing
' Four Seaside men have purchased a
$4,000 machine with . which . they will
dike their tide-land farms. .
- 7'
A Corvallis Chinese pheasant raiser
has an Inquiry "from , the stats game
warden of Kansas for Chines pheas
ants in lots of 1,000, -1,000 and S.000.
and he is trying to recover his breath.
.- .4
There Is a flock of Chines pheasants
nearBend, and how they came, there la
a mystery..-
e e -. ' ;.. .;
' Awsy bolow aero weather io the ?lue
mountain region.
. , ! e . e
' While a rancher was warming him
self, inside and out. in an Adams saloon
some one stripped his horse of a $51
saddle, besides blankets and bridle, -y
..'. :r
Bandnrti being 'Mry,". will resort o
an occupation tax to raise revenue,
' .'. ' -
Bend has secured a tract of 40 acres,
at a cost of 150. for a park and a ceme
tery. Mayor -Goodwtllie relinquishing
his right to the land without psy.
v. ..';-'.;'-. .'. :' : v '.,
Now it is a Free water goose that has
yielded gold nuggets. fT.lf worth, ac
cording to the Times. All anybody haa
to do along th Walls Walls river to
get some gold la to kUl a fowl. '!,
. ... :.. e ' ' -
Central ' Point " contemplate - a new
brick achoolhous next year. -
, ' ''.' -"
4 People living on, Weston mountain
ar not I troubled with nlghtmarr-the
coyotes Tiowl so all . night that people
can't sleep. : . ;.'.
.... ... ,-,'... e e
Ad old maids' convention .was held at
Milton last week, and some sewing and
mor talking waa dope. ,
:,-. -;.e e , ...
An Applegat woman - has sent to
Ornate- Pass from to 15 dosen eggs
each . week since In July, receiving 40
cents a dosen. She uses an incubator
for hatching the. eggs, which Is don
during February and March. By th
middle of July the pulteta begin to lay,
and they keep up their laying all fall
and winter. She now hae it hen that
ar laying I '4-centa-aplec eggs on a
Cost for food f less than a cent an egg.
e .
Many .penpl around.. Dillard setting
out strawberry plants. ..'..'
... , e '.
Albany pemocrat: : "Been'cMlnk for
17 months." muttered a man who stum
bled rall-feno shape along th street. J
.',.'',' e e '
Probably, a creamery, at Echo,
- ' - : LESSON ' -
. w By H. D. Jenkins, D. D.
Topic, "Ths Character of the
slah."Isaiah lx!l-7.
Golden Text Thou shalt call his
name Jesus, for It la he that shall save
his people from their sins. Matt. 1:21.
Responsive reading. Psalm 46. t ,
1 : , tntaoductloa. r ...
"Though the nam J of later origin,
the Idee, of a personal Messiah runs
through" thrwhole of th " Old Testa
ment. Th first prophet to give a de
tailed picture of the future ideal king
was Isaiah, tx.l-t. sl:l-10. kxxU:1-6. Of
late the authenticity of theee passages,
ss also Of those in Jeremiah and tse
klel which gave expression to the hope
of the Messiah, haa been disputed by
various . biblical scholar. The objeo
tlons of these scholars, however., rest
upon th hypothesis that the Idea of a
Messiah is inseparably oouna up witn
the desire of universal dominion, where
as. in reality, this feature la not char'
acterlatlo of th Mcsslanlo hop Until a
later stage of Its development. The
Ideal king to whom Isaiah look for
ward will b a scion of th stock of
Jesse, on whom will rest the spirit of
Ood. his loins girt witn righteousness
and faithfulness (xi:l, I. 6). He win
not ensase In war or In th conquest of
nations; the paraphernalia of war will
be destroyed ix:4. The rruit or nis
righteous government will b peso and
order throughout the land. The lamb
will not dread tfte wolf nor will 'the
leopard harm the kid (xl:t); that la. aa
the following vers xplalna, tryanny
and violence will no longer be prac
ticed upon God's- holy mountain, for
the land will be full of the knowledge
of the Lord as the watera cover th
sea xxxll:l-i-lt). Th people will not
asplr to political greatness, but will
lead a pastoral life xxxll:ie-20. Under
such ldeal conditions the country cannot
help but . prosper, nor need it fear at
tack from outside nations (lx:ll-ll.
The newly risen scion of Jsss wlu
Stand forth aa a beacon to other na
tions, and they will oom to mm zor
guidance and arbitration (xl:10). He
will rightly b called "Wonderful.'
Counsellor,' Godlike Hero,', "Constant
Father,' "Prince of Peace (ix:)." , .
W do not know where to find a bet
ter Introduction to th atudy of this
lesson than - in th above comment
drawn bodily from th . new Jawlsn
cyclopaedia, volume IX, under th head
ing of the. "Messiah." It la written by
Professor Moses - Buttenwelser, profes
sor of exegesis In th Hebrew Union
college in Cincinnati. Ohio. It presents
the best thought of the devout Jew of
today. The prophecy of Isaiah Was de
livered in a time of great depression,
but it Is singularly hopeful, inspiring
and definite in Its promises. Th king
of Judah, Ahas, waa a traitor to his
country and an apostate from his faith.
Th country was overrun by , hostile
troops. The outlook was dark Indeed.
but to Isaiah was given a vision' of
days yet to com In which all and mor
than all 'that had been dreamed of
Israel's greatness would be fulfilled. -
Vers 1. Th revised version Is -es
sential In th understanding of the first
vers of this lesson.- Ths authorised
version renders the Hebrew so confus
edly that little meaning attaches to Its
translation. . Th prophecy Is that days
of light shall succeed days of anguish.
Th land upon which the prophet and
his- contemporaries looked out as
land brought Into contempt and griev
ously afflicted, shall In th Messiah's
day be mad glorious. - Even the more
distant borders ' of Israel, the. land of
Zebulon and Naphtali. beyond Jordan
and cloee to the sea, shall rejoice In th
light of th .Redeemer. Even that part
of th holy ' land which waa already
spoken of il l "Gentile" district ("of
the nations"), should have a part In
this regeneration. - W remember how
the r immediate disciples of, our Lord.
who perhapa had seen annoyed at their.
Maater'a giving so much Urn to th
heathen-population of this northern dis
trict, recalled happily that this was In
accordance with Isaiah's vision (Matt.
Iv.ll-lO). - '.,'
Vera 2. Th characteristic ' feature
of this prophecy is 'light" Isaiah did
not see great commercial cities rise, or
vast armies In advance, or vineyards
covering every rocky hilL . What he-did
see was "light": light where then dark
ness brooded; light reaching down into
the valley so effectively that It drov
out th shadow of death. Above every
thing else, light means knowledge, and
It waa knowledge concerning God and
duty and heaven that Jesus brought
(John viii:izi. rrora tn rising oi
Bethlehem's star to th vision of th
Celentlan city, th gospel Is a story of
light - '
Verse I. Th revised version her
supplies on of th most Important
emendations to be found among all Its
various changes, most of which ar
verbal and not significant But ths
Hebrew . has two words which sound
exactly alike. On means "not" and
th other means "to him." Kvery lan
guage has multitudes of similar terms.
Except by the context, how could we
understand "no" .from 'know," or "not','
from "knot?" . The transcriber, writing
from dictation, would easily writ In
which ever of the two words first cam
to mind. But even careless readers
have long understood that th promts
of this vers waa that ths nation should
b. multiplied and yet happy. - Th fact
fit Us prosperity should not take, away
it aSllgniS. AmiU US aUUmitlalU-J 11
could still possess th Joys of its earlier
and almpler life.; .- .- t ' '
Vers 4.- Captive taken in war war
often made-to draw, heavy carta by
belns- hitched to. them, and all manual
burden-bearing waa by means of a state
Dittoed across the shoulders, to each
end of which the weights were attached.
Behind , th - tolling Slav cam th
driver with his rod and goad. These
were all too familiar emblems among
th Jews, who had of late conducted
few successful wars. ' They- had be
come, or were fast becoming, the slaves
of th cast aa they had before been the
slaves of Egypt But whip andcarry-tng-etlck
and cart-yok wer all to be
broken and the oppressed waa to go
free In th day of the Messiah..
Verse I. "For all -the armor of th
armed man ,ln th tumult and th gar
menta rolled In blood, snail even be ror
burning and for fuel of lire," as th
revised version expresses It. The orig
inal of this verse Is confessedly dif
ficult of translation but ths meaning-Is
certain. . The detritus of war ahall not
be. hung In the houses of their gods aa
nations have alwaya hung the trophies
of war In .their consecrated fanes
Westminster abbey, for. example but
they shall be burned Up. Bloody gar
ments, or "boots" aa Some render the
word her translated "armor." and gar
ments (chariots and flaga, aa on might
say) shall not be kept aa proofs of vic
tory, but consumed as something people
would fain forget.' They ar not to b
used again, not to be needed again. -
Verse . Now let ua mark of the
Messiah that he was to he "born"; that
Is, "a child." In ths latter days the
Jews declared that th Christ should
appear suddenly in the temple and no
aoait should know whence ha had coma
(John Vll:17). It was objected to Jeeus
that about his youth and childhood and
adolescence there waa no mystery. But
this was according to prophecy. He
should not be as Messiah a captive or
a learner, but a governor.. Upon bis
shoulders should rest grave responsi
bility. He should not bear a . single
name, but Ilk th prices of -th royal
line, have . variety ot cognomens and
titles. Men1 should "wonder- ai mm
and look to him for wladom. We do not
know why; the modern Hebrew scholsr
Should render the Hebrew following
Gensentus and DeWette "Kl giooor. ai
"Godlike hero" (see Introduction), ex
cept that it seems necessary to decide
upon "a priori" grounds that tne Mes
siah could not bejl'El." God. absolute
and singular. "The construction of Na-
aelsbach in I.ane's Commentary (1S77J
may be studied by those who care to
pursue the study farther in this direc
tion , which this great Heorew scnoiar
laid down year ago. The same may
be aald of "Everlasting Father." which
in th Hebrew lack th artlol ("th ),
which la rlshtly omitted in the revision.
Th word "Ad." which th Jswiah cyclo
paedia translates "constant" (aee In
troduction)," is used in a score of pas
sages in the Old' Testament to Imply
"endless duration." To all Of which is
added aa a final characteristic. ;'Prtnoe
of Peace." It is ss tbougn tne propnet
feared that what h had said of th
greatness and heavenly majesty of the
Messiah would b inevitably construed
a. indicating his military, supremacy.
We know that in our Lord's day the
Jews did wxpect th Messiah to be a
leader of successful war in apii oi ail
these definite Brodiction.T--v- .
Vera f.,- That there waa a "chosen"
people, the present existence and great
ness of ths Jewish people makes plain.
That th promises to David wer not
empty words, the descent of Jesus from
his kingly line make plain. That, his
kingdom la widely extending; the pres
ent nrogress or foreign missions wu
nesses. That his kingdom la never to
be .overthrown, its strength at th close
of II centuries would lesd us to be
lieve. But th prophet believed it be
cause he believed tn God. Not because
this or that element haa been found
permanent and victorious, but because
"th seal of Jehovah" is behind this
purpose, was his ground of eonfldeno.
From th ' Philadelphia Inquirer.
"Robert B. lie waa th first man who
discovered that all armies wer Improp
erly uniformed,' observed a well-known
army officer, "and he was so strongly
convinced that he was right that he
abolished the blue uniforms worn by
the cadets at West Point and substituted
gray, which has been worn ever sine
in its place. , General Le waa In com
mand of th military academy at West
Point some years before the clvll war
and It waa here he put his ideas and re
forms Into operation. He was, according
to th record a. the first officer in any
army who favored inconspicuous uni
forms. '' ' ' - ,' . ... . : ' '.-
"Th khakis, drab and blue, which ar
universally used by. the armies of th
world today aa campaign uniforms, are
th direct result of his original thought
and consideration. . Other office rs may
have thought along the same lines with
htm, , but he was ths first to start th re
form. ..V- ..... , ',..: v ' '" '
'Of course he met - with violent op
position, for soldier people as a rule- are
tn ravor of as mucn display as possible,
but he never let up. The first organisa
tion that adopted his suggestion waa ths
famous Seventh regiment f New Tork
city and which has worn gray since, fol
lowed soon by the equally famous Fifth
regiment of Baltimore, Maryland's Na
tional Guard.-' Other soon fell Into line.
"Only recently, in studying over th r
ports on this subject on file W the wsr
department at Washington, I rea across
the reports of ths then Major Lee. Hia
only fault ' In th matter. Ilk those of
all pioneers, waa that he was M years
ahead . of his times, which alwaya has
been and I presume alwaya will be an un
pardonable sin. . In these reports Major
Le not only urged the abolition ot con
spicuous uniforms for campaigns, but he
went even further In recommending that
arms, accoutrements, cannon and all th
thing used In the business of war should
be without polish or glisten.
'His Idea has been universally adopted
by all th armies of th world and today
It would be a violation of. all rules for a
soldier In a campaign to have anything
about him, even to a button on hi cloth
ing; which haa even th sHghteet polish
or even susceptible of polish. .. For play
soldiers and dress parades fancy colors,
polish and glisten will do well enough,
but for campaign It Is a thing of the
past Had th armies of Europe dis
covered this years befor they did their
lists of killed and wounded would havej
been considerably less than what they
were. . .... - ' : ' ... '. -'-; -
"Nine tenths of the people of th north
and th south think that gray had some
connection with th south on Its own ac
count never dreaming that gray waa first
worn In ths north by the cadets ot West
Point, where It Is still used as a dress
uniform, and by ths leading military or
ganisations of ths north, notably in New
York and Boston. -General Le when
called upon to organise th army of the
south put Into practical operation the
Ideas he had formed long before he had
ever dreamed of the otvll war. This
explains also the reason why he was
less Strict In having th soldiers of the
Confederate army wear their pretty
clothes during the war. He had found
out by his study- snd -observation that
the less show and display meant th less
casualtlea and he sought the latter. ' Th
campaign uniform of today the world
over Is his Idea and ha did all be could
to carry It Into effect" ,.
1 At Fort Clatsop.
December 12. There wss no Interval
In th rain laat night and today, so
that w cannot go on rapidly with our
buildings. Borne of th men are In
deed sick.- others have received bruises,
and several complain. of bolls.. We dis
cover thst ptrt of our elk, meat Is
spoiling In consequence of th warmth
of the weather, though we have kept a
cOnatant amok under it '
. .. - ; .......
' President! Chriatmaa Turkey.
. From 'the Baltimore News. ,"
' For President Roosevelt's Christmas
dinner a 60-pound turkey will be sent
from Belolt Wisconsin, according to a
statement made by Mrs. Mary Maltby of
Belolt who la visiting near Geneva.
This bird Is th largest ever raised in
Rock county and measures two feet
across ths back. It was raised by Her
man Relmer and Is 1 years old. Mrs.
Maltby said that when she left Wis
consin, several dnys sgo, the turkey Was
still growing fatter, and she would not
be surprised If the gobbler tipped the
scales at 70 pounds when it reached
Washl&atOB. -r ..
,..V. , ,'. ..
Flora Haines In San Francisco' Bulletin.
I reside at Table Mountain, and my nam
Is Truthful James; .-.-,
I'm not up to small deceit or any sinful
games; ..
And I II tell In simple language what I
know about the row . ; ,
That broke up our. society upon th
, Stanislaus. . .
' In his early rhyming days Bret Hart
had a-eurtour fashion of attributing Wa
vers to on "Truthful James." a sup
posed mythical character whose habitat
was somewhere along the table-mountain
formation of Tuolumne, or Calaveraa
counties. Truthful James was ths author
of j"The Heathen, Chine.", of "The
Spoiling Be at Angel's." of KA-)estlon
ot. Privilege." of "His Letter" (In re
Joinder to Hers!), "and of various pithy
rejoinders to editors, on subjects treated
in dialect verse, narrating incidents of
early mlnlng-camp life, which have be- ;
come familiar to readers wherever th
English language 1 known. . -
"Truthful James" haa been accepted aa
a fictitious character, or at least a nick
name mischievously bestowed upon some
casual acquaintance of the mining camp. .
Laiara mere were in plenty tn those pio
neer daya, yet had they all competed la
iub prnwras ot a jury oi uieir peer
too. palm, for-mendacity-would unhesi
tatingly have been awarded to "Truthful
jamas, - wnom it la now high time to In- ,
iroauce oy nis own proper title or jamea
W. E. Townsend, pioneer printer and
newspaper man, editor of the Miner In-,
dex. up In Mono county at the Urn of
ills death, some four years ago.
nn story of "Lying Jim Townsend." a
he waa , famlllarlv. called hir hla as.
oclates. I heard at first hand last sum-'
mer from the lips of hi lifetime ao .
quaintanc. William Ullll of Tuolumne
county, himself a pioneer miner and
printer and one of the best cltlsena who
ever helped In laying the foundation
stonea of th Golden state.
"The Lord knows how old Xylng Jim' -
Townsend was,",. Mr. Glllis says, . not
Irreverently. "In 1154, when he 'was work
ing as a printer on the Times and Trans- .
vnvi, up in mo v ruxcieev, w uvea iv .
speculate about his age, and wonder
aVhaathAV IA W . .MM. SA A. IM ' Hi '
never changed. The last ' time I saw .
him, not so very long before his death,
K m 1 rw, W msAlaiAlw Ik. .aiHiai inii a. ATt'
older. -He waa a fine-looking fellow
talL some-, feet 10 Inches, well BroDor-
tlond,"with a blond moustache and a
grave blue , ey. But Iter He could
He all around any other liar In crea- -'
wvu, ,lluu, I1BI, aji,a,. v.. a..
to open hla mouth and th whopper
would roll out an unending and exhaust-
less stream. I remember we bestowed
th nam of "Lying Jim' upon him when
h came out of a tunnel where he was
working, over ere on Table mountain,.'
and explained that th tunnel Itself was
so black that a piece of charcoal looked '
HU, IU 4b ,. . UVI. IwiaBliaj, ..
advantage in Ms mendacity, which waa
that hla yarns wsr such full-saturated. .
towering fabrications that they never
needed to be labeled. ' He knew how to
look out for himself. , too. I remember
whed he waa working In a shaft 6ver .
ner in a mine wai a nwi uwum
the time, he fixed up a blast and came -up
and sat down to smoke. We thought
th blast never would go off, and. as a
matter of . fact. It was very -nearly an
hour befor we beard anything from It ' '
Jim afterward explained that he , had -
attached th whole coil of fuse to It .
soma W feet which burned at th rat of
about a foot a minute. Ha was deaf as
JIVWI, Wa t, y.vjrwww - -.
a I .a . mmmu .n imi nairll n 1 fl -
V'l I'. - ",
Townaand waa uo north, tn th Fraaer
river country, for awhile. He cam back
because . th mosquitoes wer so . thick.
"Wbv." he said. "Tou can take a pint
cup In your hands and swlp It -round
through th air, standing still, and catch
a quart of mosqultoe in It I"
-. Lik many . pioneer . Townsend was
nmothlnv of a rolling-stone. He waa
-- .h.t .i.te from the bar country
at one tim when .h struck Stockton. .
Dr. Clarke was m cnarge m .
. . -. mw. I a aaaaat k. WAnt
Insane asyium s in -" -
to see bim. '
"I've never ana craay man," he
. . .1 ialv with ona." .
... . . aM.aM .nwn a a .11 ur.
Clark. - ... -
"I'm publishing a ppr. . uuhuw
Lying Jim. "and I tall you I'v nvr
t.iv.ui with a crssy man. , I want to
know how they talk. Oiv m a nlo,
dueatad on." " .
m.. .Aa.M MitM not refuse this re-
auest ' He introduced Townsend to a
? the latter that
th calUr waa a new Inmate, and that
he hoped they would find each thr ,
con rental associates. '
r"What did they put yon In her fort"
th. madman asked Townsend. before th
latter bad tim to Interrogate him.
. I....IA, " I
What did yon Invent V - '
"A flying ship. ;They thought I waa (
orasy " ''.. .
"And what are you going to do with
your flying hlpT" , : . ;
"Sail to thomoon with It and baok in
half an hour." said Jim, with a foolish .
erln - - - ' ' :" ' '
My , friend," Said th madman.
"nil'.a MMI Himi M TBIT IIVAI lllju.nv.
a great Injustice, my dear air. They
ought to let you out You're not craay,
man: you're simpiy a a -a iwu , -.
k Ana aver knew wher Townsend ,
cam from or -augni oi m -
tory. although h related - voiumea or -tt.
Ho wss fond of telling of his sxperl-
ri a.lulllAei haM
he fought with old Nona Sahib to such
advantage that Nana Sahib put him In
oharg of his fortjes snd tne wriusn
nnitiint our a unci w iiv.,wu.
his head. With his own eyes, ne
averred, h saw 1,000 Sepoys fired from
.lk .f i Ha WOUld DOId
adventures during that bloody cam-
palgn, and th marvelou feats hs sc-. '
oompllshed, not 1 cesslng until th
crowds he lnvsrisn.y coueciea were in ,
paroxysms. In f set, when h toured
th early mining campa of th Sierra, .
and the word went round that "Lying
Jim" Townsend was at any particular
place; or was expected there, men In ,
remote canyons and gulches would Isy
down picks and drills snd make for the
settlement aa ir tney naa seen circus ,
poster . . " i
, irr., manv via, imw imva. 1 1, iii.
one dare not say Townsend msrrlsd, a ,
. . u.,1. . . . Kr aall aanntil. X
vear later the wife went for a visit
down by th eokst, Townsend acoom
nanv.nv her. Two weeks later ha cams
back, swelling with pride.
we nave a nvr: n snnouncen.
"What la It JlmT Boy or glrlf waa
the very natural question his friend
asked him in chorus. - - -
A fine big boy!" he answered, smiling
seraphlcally. .. ,
When Mrs. Townsend returned sh
brought a girl baby. ;
l ii m i. . . . ' '
l something Really Needed, i
" From the "Philadelphia preas.f -It
Secretary Shaw la going to glvs us .
an elastic Ttirrenclr h should make l "
elastic enough to stretch evsr th holi
days. .. .'ej. i,
' . '. . ('.' -