THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DZCZriDZH 2, lC:?. : Order from Your OT WfiM R W M7?- . ' Ur, N Grocer .Today KggM 2i ii AlZiSsT yV liUll VLmhA Order from Your Grocer Today SAMB AS SERVED AT PORTLAND EXPOSITION 4. TO MAKE YOUR .HIRIS TO BE. REMEMB TMAS MONEY AVAILABLE AFTER 60 YEARS Northampton Gets Fortune Left by America's First Philan thropist for School. THIRTYTtf OUSAND GROWN L ; - .TO THIRD OF A MILLION and when It la Completed Paul Sartorl will run It It will be propelled by an eight-cylinder motor . developing ltd horsepower an will .welch under tha required weight limit 'Of J. 104 pounds. Laat year Mr. Vanderbllt'a horse power Mercedes racing- car made a dle appotntlnavabowtng at tha Ormond IX y to ola races. This year the same ear, waa entered In tha Vanderbllt cup race, but an early accident put It out of the ooatasu It la Mr. vanderbllt'a am to own tha fastest automobile In Ule world I DOINGS IN RABBITVILLE Xanitr Webster d Rufua Choate Battled in Court Over Wfll Left by Oliver Smith S latere Founded CoU ' lege. -...',' , .' (Joorsal Special Servlee., Northampton. Mass.. Deo. M. After a . wait of to years, the acTlcultural school provided tor In tha will of Oliver Smith ' fa to become an accomplished fact Mr. Smith died December 21. IMS. His will , provided that the fund for the estab lishment of the school waa to accumu ; late for So years. Hence H became available today. In anticipation of thla date, the trustees of the school laat ,D0nth purchased a site In Northampton In order to be ready for establishing the ' school. The - purchase conalats of l - acres, and the tract lncludea about all the varieties of soil desirable for eg xicultnral purposes. .. Tha will art aside f 10,000 for an agri :. cultural school, the money to be plaoed at Interest and to be allowed to accumu late tor CO years. It la thla fund. ' amounting -to about tllf.OOO, which be A came available today. - Oliver Smith belonged to tha eame - class of philanthropists a Peter Coop er, Anthony Drexel'and Charlea Pratt f His aim waa to give practical assist to young men andVomen striving to get a foothold In life. He Is perhapa entitled to be called tha pioneer phllan ,. thropist of America, for It waa early ' In tha 'SOa that plana for establishing a permanent . source of benefit tor young l; men and women took form In his mind. Hie benefactions aa they now stand are ? weU toward tl.600.000. . Oliver Smith waa born at Hatfield. thla atate. In January, 1760. He never : married. Hla father died a year after : Oliver's birth, and left six sons to the , cars' of their mother, who is deaoribed 'as an active and intelligent woman. ' Oliver received little education except , that given him by hla mother. He took his ahare of the paternal aetata when ' be arrived at ths age of tl, receiving land valued at $500. In middle life he vraa tha proprietor of the village store ' In Hatfield, In company with hla brother Benjamin, and in later years ha aoconv ; pllabed the rapid Increase In hla wealth . hy stock transactions In New Tor. , Hut throughout Ma active life a part of ) ila attention waa devoted to farming. ': He Beams to have been always succeaa- : Sal In hla undertakings, and conserve- - tlsra appeara to have been one of the . most marked traits of hla character. , Belonging to hla family were other cele brated philanthropists, among them . Sophia Smith, founder of Bmlth college. ; and Mary Lyon, founder of Mount Hoi- yoke college. The provisions of tha will were not permitted to become established with- out a contest tn the courts that waa commensurate in . atrenuous endeavor i" and In the eml'nenoe of tha counsel em- t ployed with the lasuea involved.- The . : will became tha subject of an encounter betwen the two men who were the ' glanta of- their time In legal contro- veray and who remain commanding flg ( nrea In history Daniel Webster and ; Rufua Choate. Mr. Choate appeared as leading counsel for . tha helrs-at-law, . and Mr. Webaur for the defense. Mr. r Choate In his argument spoke three 1 hours and Mr. Webster two hours. The Jury, returned a verdict for the will, ;.'t being-out one hour. , ; TWO MILES A MINUTE - ' ' ; IN VANDERBILT'S AUTO :' ; V" J """Wsarasl Ipeetal lervtceT . New Tork..t)ec..i..AUred Owynne Vanderbllt has ordered a wonderful automobile for the ' Ormond-Daytonla . Beach racee and expects It to run at a speed exceeding two miles a minute. The machine- la being deotgned by Francois Richard, a French engineer, Coughing; Span Ceased Death. "Harry Duckwell. aged tl yeara. choked to death early yesterday .morn ing at hla home In tha presence) of hie wife and child. He contracted a allaht cold a .few days ago and paid but little attention to It. Yesterday morning he was aelsed with a fit of ooughlng which continued for some time. Hla wife seat for a ' physician, but before be eon. arrive another roughing apell came on and Puckwell died from aufforatlbn. ht. Ioule Ulobe Democrat. Ded. 1st Wfll." . - , . Iialtard's- Horehonnd SyrufTwonld have mved him. 16a, tOa end 11.00. Vno1ar. (larke A ( 'o. c Rabbltville, Or., Dec. 11. One of them hlfalutin girls of the tribe of Honey bottom, sent away to one o' them male order atorea and got a para of hosiery wlch coat her 11.11 and now aha dont care wlch way tha wind blows. Our barber shop closed agin and tha barber a gone away, that he'll not ahow hla noaa agin In Rabbltyllle wa pray; O. he WTi a cheap galoot, and raaora had but two. honed em on the leg of a boot and with . 'am hair cut too; may God wash away1 hla sin, keep trubble front his head, but If here he comes agin we'll kill him dead, dead, dead. A feller what keeps a little hoaa. ranch out Heppner way come in to aee Dook Standpatt laat week and give Dock 1110 to diagnosa him. So he retaled bis slmptoms and asked Dock what ailded him- and what he'd better do- for It Dock took hla temperment felt his pults, looked at hla tung, thumped his back and pounded his chlst then asked him If he could read and rite and If ao why and how much, and If hla father and mother died alngler. aevral or col lective, and a lot of other pertinent and im-pertlnent questions touchln on and appertanln to hla ezcuaa tor 11 win; than Dock says I gesa- there la something sDoutt your envlropg wlch is fast leadln you towarda lonjevvftty, but the feller aays that cant be for I had all o' them cut out o' me by a hosplttle doctor down to Portland mora n two year ago. .The city drug store given notlaa that it -he dealded that It will no longer toady to the monster Rum, believing that most an the t rubbles on this mun dane earth are dew to bad likker. Hense therefoar tha city .drug store will no longer pander too depraved - appetites and has forewer discarded the sail of them Vile, Hellish and Villainous nola truma, Peruner. Llkkersona and - old Dock Hostetters btttera. Our cus tomers what haa got aot oh theaa aole- destroyln compounds can best and quick' eat reform by tha ateddy use of our aellebrated prescription No. 1001. wlch the boys oftenner call The High Stepper. A chunk of an Irishman what herds sheep, him and a dog, over on ) Eight Mile, waa In -town moat awl last weak on an offul toot When ha waa kind of sober in np I aald to him you'd better look out or you'll git the Jama, and he says what can a poor cuss do, and I told him he'd better go down to Portland and take a gold cure from a Jag factory they have there. . He asked me If could rekomend It and I aald I aure could, bavin been permanent cured there of tha likker habblt 1 tlmea my ownself. Old Ouvsner Slnjohn. of Kansas, his name beln St John regalar, but In his blggotty way ha called It always Slnjohn; well, ha waa a grata temper ance feller.' He had 1 aons who was grata temperance fellers two. . Betwixt 'em they had a skeme to annia hllate the Monater Rumm. It waa Ilka this; Old. Man Slnjohn waa to atop tha dis tilleries from makln any more of tha Vial Stuff and the S boys waa to con- sums awl that had been maid. Oh it waa a lovely ;akeme. a pec tally for the boys, and thay throwed there whole aolea Into tha conflict ' But tha old man ooodent make good and fell down on atoppln the distilleries. , But the boys,. I tell you . them boys waa ded game. They dlddent consume It all, not kwlte. but they did there levvel best and died a tryln, and who could do more nor die In pursoot of a noble amblahunT Hanca we can still hay perecrlptlona at the city a rug store, . Preach in at early oandlellto Sunday aevenmg come on come awL The ladles aid society- haa sent me word to put a little nottss In tha paper askln the sisters to pay their dews, or aa sister Bunco says, ante or git out o the game. So this here Is a warnln to that tenor and effeck. Preferred stock Canned Oooda. . . Allan aV Lewis' Best Brand. j 1 r ." , JEia rarttnf Shot. . From tha . Washington Poat . . "Whan I waa younger than I am now." say" a lawyer who la still somewhat thla aide of middle age, "I bad a posi tion In the office of a man who haa a big reputation.- Naturally I felt my re sponsibility. It was plain to ma that the head of tha firm had outlived his usefulness, and I used to feel sorry to think what would happen to him If I aver left him. Sheer magnanimity mad me overlook a lot of things. I wssn't treated In that Office with all the deference due ma. but I stood It till one day somebody went too far. Then I marched Into tha-old man'a pri vate' offlc and laid down the law to him. I told him I wasn't going to endure euch treatment another day. I waa going to quit that waa what I waa going' to do, and I waa going to quit right then and there. I unburdened my mind freely, and then t stopped to give him a ehanc to apologise and beg m not to ruin him by leaving. Ha didn't look tip from hla deek Ha Just said to me, In a po lite kind of a way: , "Tleaee don't slam tha door when The Dentists You Should Go To! Everything depends bn how you teeth are treated. Poor dental work la dear at any prlca. The Alveolar method as practiced by the Boaton Dentists, te nures parmanent and beautiful results. If your teeth are decayed or ab scessed or loose and falling out. or your gums Inflamed and sore, then your health demands that you teeth be at tended to. If you are looking for the best work at a reasonable fee w would advise you to call upon the Boaton Dentists. 11H Morrison atreet, the dentists who originated the Alveolar Method Tha moat talked -of and renowned of re cent dental discoveries. - Examination, free. Lady attendant A Great Remodeling Sale! Skillful specialists. Boston Dentists M1H Morrison St. Opp. Mela Trash and Postofrioa. , Batraaoe S1H .Morrison S. . Offloa Houra 1:10 a. m. to o. m. Sunday, l:S0 a. m. to 11:10 p. m. NEGRO PAYS PENALTY - FOR MURDERING WOMAN (Journal Special Service.) San Antonla, Tex., Deo. 11. -George H. Turner, who waa found guilty of , We intend to enlarge our preaent establishment in order to be enabled to bandit our-ateadily growing trade with mora eisa and -greater dispatch. To accompllah this, and aa aoorr ca possible, wo have decided to aell our large atock of Imported and Domestic . Liquors, Wines and Cordials at reduced prices. We will during this month allow on every article In our store a discount of If to 20 pea cent on the dollar providing you refer to this ad. t Our weU known Crystallized Rock and Rye wa have reduced . to SO CENTS bottle net. We aell our goods as wa always did, at lowest figure and same prices as ever besides, will allow the discount. v DURINQ THIS WEEK every lady. purchaser to tha amount of $1.00 or up will receive a suitable present. Call yourself or use Telephone Main 262$ and goods will be delivered free to your house. , D.' GERMANUS The Family Liquor Store. - 228 Morrison St. NEW STORE WHERE? 392f4 Morrison St The Novelty Store 5c, 10c and 15c Counters all loaded with fine goods. Also useful and orna mental - goods for the holiday trade. Call and Inspect our stock. It ia a pleasure to show goods. Smith & Boomer Proprietors.'- - - having murdered Mrs. James Lynch and sentenced to death by Judge Edward Dwyer, waa executed brhatrg1ng today In tha presence of a lsrg number of In vited witnesses, among them James Lynch, tha husband of . tha murdered woman. Sheriff Tobln, who waa In charge of the execution, had given Lynch permission to attend the hanging upon Lynch's own request. Turner , onoe uvea in jron wortn ana Kiiiea a negro several yeara ago, but eacaped the scaffold at that time. ' Ha known no good who boaste ha doe o harm. '.?. $1.00 I ' ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath aaiarn, King's Baths Ingtaw Sta, . vjr fix r'-v j: - kPaVHrea, ;.aw JAP AfOSE GOODS - : TKX a.' XOKASA CO." Are Better prepare te sapply the pabUe ', wtta taetr twe susnlaeeat e A One el.slar.ef Ctarlatmaa soods, eeeaaiUnf ef Soe Bemboo raraltwe. lapaseee Carlo, and Porcelain Wane. The public la eor41.ll In vited te rnepwt Mile BMwt elennt -fltipla at ui-su atoaaisoa stkxxx. simp fF Pwisibk cTVlake someone's home light and cheery for the Holidays with either a Welsbach or Linsey gas - light the clearest and brightest light in the world. Give a Welsbach or Lindsey drop light to your friends.; No gift would be nlore acceptable or more useful, - more enduring or more artistic and beautiful; : it yill help them save on the gas bill fpr : I: pne of these lights Ay ill give three times as much illuminatici as v thef ordinary ; burner and with less consumption of gas. We have some beauties in brass, bronze, oxidized copper and Dresden geld. The f shades are in the art shapes and tints. ;7 Merchants: The . r Gas Arc? Is the best possible . light for stores, "'It will save you money. " . it will make the store ; bright and attractive, it will show . your merchandise off to the very best advan- " tage. See these lights : in the many stores In Portland, then let ua tell you jibout them. '.V. ':' - - you (O Mf .