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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, ' DECEMBER 0, ' lgC5- TOVrJ TOPICS . anssasnnnsnnsrWaaBSSaaanBSnnssnerVsnnnSnsnnnSSI " TOBIOHT'B AMTtEJflBTS. XIarquas: Grand.. The Bho-Onn H-U,cu "All the Comforts of Hon,1 ftaser , Uueiral Burlrsqae tmylre..... "Tbe Mleeoort Olrl irle "A Stmtoaro Herulna' Liberty ...................... ...... V,ul.llle titer ,Vaode,iUe Urand- ,-u... ...... .VauO?llU Reserved Stock Must G Hundreds of cases of rare, choice old vintages of well-knowa standard brands, .accumu ' lated during our business carver In this city of the past 11 rears, will be sacri ficed regardless of cost, during the next 30 days. In order 'to males room for an Immense) shipment of new vintages con tracted for. Every bottle or barrel la our possession of the above goods will be sold regardless of cost Connoisseurs and lovers of good wines should not fall to stock their wlnerooms with these old .vintages. 8. A. Arata Co., 104 Third street, phone Main 480; O. Arata Co., First and Main streets, phone Main S914. Living Presents. Can you think of anything nicer for a Christmas present than a fine palm or rare plant that will grow and become mora beautiful each year? Our Import shipment of Japan stocks has Just arrived. It is the larg' est and certainly the finest ever brought .over end consists of all varieties of Japanese palms, camellias, peonies,, iris, aaallas, maples, hydrangeas, magnolias, prunus, evergreen conifers, dwarfed thuja obtuso (soma of these 100 years old), fern balls, lilies, rare plants, etc., etc. . Delivered with or without pots. Portland Beed company, Front and Yam hill streets. Eastern reports tell of the robbing last night of $400 worth of Jewels, the property of Miss Winifred Byrd of 8a- lm. ' Miss Byrd Is attending the New England Conservatory of'Muslo at Bos ton, where burglsrs entered her room and carried away nearly everything of nluw Miss Byrd Is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Byrd, of social prominence " In the capital city. Her mother Is a gradual of the Institution the daughter attends and Is a member of the New " England Conservatory club of Portland. Only- three days more of this great sale. Everything goes at almost noth ing. ' Diamonds, watches. Jewelry, cut , glass, etc., sold to the highest bidder. Your Inst chance -to get nice Christmas presents at prices that cannot be dupli cated elsewhere. Lase and fixtures for ale.- . Auction sale at 10, S and 7 o'clock. Seats for ladles. Loewen stein's, tot H Washington street. Japanese Fern ,Balls They soon pro duce a lovely mass of delicate, green ferns. Hang them In the dining-room or parlor. Full directions with each ball. Fin for Christmas presents. 78c each,' sent to any address. Descrlptltv pamphlet free. Portland Seed com pany. Front and Yamhill. ' A fine line of umbrellas gold, silver, ivory and pearl handles Just the thing for a Christmas present, at Beldlng Bros.. Jewelers and opticians, 45 Third r-treert . Also - cut - In - diamonds and .watches during holidays. I E. Juston, reetauranter. who Is spending a vacation abroad, arrived In London laat Monday. He will spend a few dsys there, but expects to eat his Christmas turkey In Paris. - Mr. Juston , wlll tour Franc for several weeks. 'For Ban Francisco The elegant steel steamship Redondo sails direct Thurs- a I- I'oloek. Oaeltv li steerage, tl. . Meals and berth includ ed. C H. Thompson, Acant. .121. Third street Bankrupt Sal. Clothing, gents' fur nishing goods, bats, caps, trunks, va lises, boots and .shoes, etc. at greatly reduced prices. To be sold in to dsys. 10 North Sixth street corner Everett Cash or Credit Watches. Diamond. Jewelry and Silverware on eaay weekly payment. - tl down. SOc per week; open evenings. Metsger Co Jewelers and Opticians. Ill Sixth Street . - Official photographs, Lewis and Clark exposition, plain and hand-colored; beau tiful and appropriate gifts, at small cost 141 Morrison street 1,000 Children's book at cost - The best jflac In Portland to buy your book gifts for children. Ewing's Book Store, 1ST Salmon street . . . Bpeclal watch aale this week; dla mends. fin Jewelry, silverware, clocks, cut glass,' umbrellas. A. Vullleumier, JJ1 Washington street- Pan-Co-Vsto club, tl per month, ifeeps your clothes cleaned, pressed. 171 West Park. Paclno It. Open all night ' After a brief married llf. In which she says every day was a happy on until last Monday. Mrs. Michael Mur- phy. who resides In Woodstock, called FINEST HOLIDAY NECKWEAR For men we've the very best stylet bi all the newest hues, including purples, helios, greens, in various shades. Clubs, Four-in-Hands, As cots and English Squares, 60s) 'TO f3.00 For ladies we've the cele- -, brated "Reiser Stocks, ' Belts and Opera Scarves, In ' medium and highest grades. "Not the common' kind." He wett, Bradley ca Co. -. AaaanAmas. ' 344 Waihtngton Jfwel ' axAa aiAJTB rasATmx A Christmas Deed That will be remembered t be year through, for many a year to come, is the gift of a bank book with our Imprint and your relative or friend's nam upon its, cover showing some amount to his or her credit with us. You give more than appears on the surface, for w pay 4 per cent Interest on the sum and com pound that Interest every tl months. Besides you inculcate the habit of sav ing a great gift In Itself. - - OREGON "t -"SAVINGS BANK . GENERAL BANKING 77 W. H. MOORE . . President W, C MORRIS . . Cashier at police headquarters today and swore tb a warrant charging her husband with threatening to kill. Th man will be taken Into custody this afternoon. Mrs. Murphy Is SS years of age, and was msrrled last 'September. -Her husband began drinking Monday., she says, and threatened to kill her. Bhe rear tnai he may kill hlmaelf. Xdtlce"6r"aivOrce suit 'begun -re cently at Newberg, Oregon, by Ernest J. Taylor' agalnat Delia Taylor was (lied In th local clroult court yesterday. Taylor alleges thst one his wife hit him on th hand with a rock, another time threw a knife at him, and later hit him with her fist ' All of these alleged assaults are said to havs been accompa nied by oaths. The couple were married at Minneapolis, March 10, 1901. Presiding Judge Fraserithis morning fined It, T. Daly, who pleaded guilty to conducting a poker game, $60, and th following .. players of the game were fined tlO each: Oeorge Wilson. Harry Fraser. J. H. Smith, Harry Morgan and Jim Jackson.. Th men , war arrestad last Sunday afternoon during a raid mad on an east side poker game by Sheriff Word and Deputy Sheriff John Grass I. . . Joseph Stampfer has begun a suit for a divorce from Sarah E. Stampfer, al leging1 that she was rendering his life burdensome. The domestlo affairs of the Btampfers have been in public gase before, Mrs. Stampfer recently having had her husband arrested on the charge that she had been ill treated by him. patrolman Thomas Hemmereleyv who has been on the local fore for the past two years, resigned his position to day. He will engage in the rooming- house .business, at Fourth.; and Morrison "iffe"elK "HVTiae been regarded as one of th most efficient policemen on the force. ' ' Holiday Goods. Nothing nicer for presents than pictures. Closing out sale at oost Art Store. silVt rourm street A nice Christmas present gas or elec trlo portable, prices lowest In city. Manning tt Third St ' Tel. Main .111. Any watch cleaned, tl. Any main spring, tl. All work guaranteed one year at Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street ' Anybody buying material from us now may have akirts made" free of charge. N. T. tailors. 101 First street Largest and best assortment of holi day slippers, lowest prices. Rosenthal's, 14 Third street Astra circle's ball, Thursday evening. East Side Woodmen' hall. Cash prise waits, 19:10 p. m. , . Quality considered. Rosenthal's Sho Store quotes th lowest prices on holi day, footwear. - . '. . Address, ' calling. engagement and shopping lists at Kllham's 14 Wash ington street s. ...... Portland's best dancing school. 101 Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Buckenmeyer. Fin Gift Memorandum ' Books- for gentlemen. Kllham's, 24 Washington st ' V Acme OH Co. sells the best safety coal oils and fin gasolines. Phone East 71. Men's Pocketbooke, card and pass. cases at Kllham's, 14S Washington st Watches All kinds and all prices, at Beck's, th Jeweler 107 Morrison street Dr. J. K. Lock at office, usual hour. r Bridge Whist "BOO" and other card sets at Kllham's, !4 Washington st Fin Desk Furnishings and Inkstands at Kllham's, 14 1 Washington street The Irvlngton Tennte club will hold no social this week. . . . . ' - Dr. B. C Brown," Eye-Ear. " Marquatn. ' Fin chloken dinner Ive, SS Third. . The Vegetarian cafe, lot Sixth. Necessity dlsbpan. . Seen ltt ' .. - Fritx's lamalas ar th best Mllwaukie Country Club, Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. ... . , . . . . aTew Xoase. .. Th following building permits were Iseued yeesterday: - Ben Selling, repairs to store, comer" Fourth and ' Morrison street, cost K.BOO: C H. Korell. flats, corner Twenty - third and Johnson streets, cost 5, 000; C. C Going, cottage, corner Eaat Twenty-fourth and Wasco street, cost I1.S00; C J. Crosby, two cottages, corner Skldmof street -and Alblna avenue, coat 11.000; D. C. He Clcllan, two cottages, corner Eaat Sixth and Lincoln reet,"or t,00r Mr R. Hilts, cottage, . corner Clinton" and East Thirty-first streets, cost tUtl J. H. Gove, repairs to cottage, corner Sev enteenth and Market streets, cost I2S0; Mrs. J. C. Burke, cottage, corner Eaat Ninth and Brooklyn streets, cost 11.600. , 1 Warning. Don '4 get wet' Com to auction. Sixth and Alder- atreetar- HAS RUSSIAN FLAG, ENGLISH UAUE Ship Isabel Brown , Arrives In Port From Guaymat, Mexico. . 4 WILL CARRY GRAIN TO UNITED KINGDOM Is Second Russian Vessel Here This Year French Bark Michelet , In ; From Glasgow With . General - Cargo Will Take Grain. Bearing an English.- but flying th Russian Ulag, th. park Isabel Browne reached port this morning from Guay mas, Mexico, after an uneventful voy age... In company with, th French bark Michelet. she arrived about noon and dropped anchor la th stream, a plan which all of th veesels hav been obliged to follow during th past twe months on account of th berths at th docks being occupied. The Isabel Brown is th second Rus sian craft to arrive this season and she probably will be th laat carrying th color of th northern bear. . No others ar under charter to com hare, and until this season none had visited this port for many years. Th vessel now her got her name when she belonged to a British Arm. She cam In ballast and will be supplied ' with . a grain cargo for transportation to the United King dom by th Northwestern - Warehouse company. . She will begin loading as soon as her ballast has been discharged. " The Michelet cam from Glasgow and brought a general cargo consigned to Balfour. Guthrls A Co. . She completed th passage In 148 days, which Is about th average time required to make the circuit of th Horn from Europe. . Tb vessel Is In command of Captain Tou teau, who Is on his first trip to Port land. With th arrival. of th Michelet there ar now seven French craft- la port, a larger representation than Is made by any other nation except Eng land, which has about twice as many her. ' Th Michelet la under charter to take out a grain cargo. ' " -' This afternoon the British ship Vn duara will arrive front Antofogasta in ballast She waa engaged for tha out ward trip some time ago and will carry grain to th United Kingdom. O. W. McNear will load her. GOOD FIRE DRILL Few Passengers Know Stow to Put OS mfpi siiis. As th steamer T. J.. Potter was pull ing out for Astoria last night th pas sengers were treated to a fir drill con ducted by the officers Vnd crew at the request of United States Government Inspectors Edwards and Fuller. . Cap tain Edwards says , It wss one of th finest drills he baa seen this year. The 10 lifeboats were swung from their davlta in less thap Ave seconds after th order waa given. The member of th crew were taken by surprise when the command to drill was Issued and they respnnrlsd with nh slanrlly cite the admiration of every one on tho steamer; t They Incased themselves In , life- preservers, snowing tne passengers jusi how this can be done with dispatch. Th Inspectors say that not on pas senger In 100 knows how to put on 'one of th preservers and for that reason It has been decided to give exhibitions In the presence of travelers. Tho Pot ter Is the largest liver steamer that a public drill has been given on this sea son. She Is In command of Captain J, J. Anderson. A CRANKY CRAFT. Bark Asia, Vow Overdue, aTaa Met With ataay Aooidasta. Some anxiety Is felt for th French bark Asia, which arrived off the mouth of the Columbia river last Friday bound for Portland and later disappeared. While th Asia' was at Portland three years ago- she turned turtle In th har bor without any apparent cause and had to remain six months for repairs. She left Hobart Taamania, bound for Portland a week In advance of a number of other French barks. All of th lat ter hav reached her : and ar almost ready to sail. As she was entering th harbor at Hobart th A'sle ran against a rock and was partially disabled. When last seen she waa bearing to the north of the Columbia river and the report was cir culated that the owners had decided to send her to the sound. ' Th vessel is under charter, however, to Kerr, Olf ford A Co. to load grain at Portland for the United Kingdom and this plan has not been changed. LOG JAM EXPECTED. ronf -Awaited Bis of LvU Blv Way Stop sraviratlosC 'Steamboat men say that th lwts river is likely to . become so full of floating -logs In a day or two ss t make it unnavlgable. During th low-water-season thousands of sawlogswer plaoed in the upper ' water of . the stream. It was the Intention of the owners to drive them down the channel to th Columbia whenever-the rains should raise th river. It Is feared -that th Jsst heavy showers will make the river rise so rapldlytfthat tha logs will be swept from their moorings. Should this happen It is said that the bfg tim bers would be lammed so closely to gether as to make tt Impossible for the boats to run. At last reports th river waa rising rapidly and a number of the logs already bad been set adrift . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Bla force of mechanics from th Supple -shipyards ars busily employed in msklng extensive repairs to the Ameri can ships C F. Sargeant .and Harry Morse, which ar lying at tb foot ot East Oak street It will take about 10 daya more to get th vessels In good shape... Th work of loading th Frencn osr Emma Laurans with a grain cargo was started yesterday afternoon at Mont aomerv dock No. 1. : ------ . Since th heavy rains of th paat few days -th. boats plying on the tributaries of the Willamette and columbls river are being operated again on schedule time. .- - ----- Th steamer T. A. Kllburn Is bar- bound at Coos bay but may pnfslbly get awsy from there today. Sh ar rived at Marshfleld last Friday, bound for Portland, and had ahe not been de layed would have reached her on Mon day. With 113.000 feet or lumber, tn steamer Nome City will sail for San Pedro this afternoon. - Ttijs mortiTng th fteamerJessi Bar- Leather. Goods MAKE APPROPRIATE XMAS GIFTS. "v We hare them , and the prices are ."right" Gifts for ladies and gentlemen, girls and LboysT , . Shopping Bags, Portfolios, Music Rolls, Wallett, Purses Playing Card Cases, Bridge Whist Sets, Diaries, Fine Memorandum Books, etc NAME STAMPED FREE OF CHARGE. , The J. K. Gill Co. Booksellers aa4srtaUoanu " THIRD AND ALDER Oroas Things at Uttlc Prices." Una was taken off th Waahougal run to hav repairs mad to her boiler. MARINE NOTES. - Astoria, Dec. 10. Arrived down at 1:10 a, m.. steamer Northland. Arrived down at I a. m., steamer Costa Rica. Arrived down at 7j a. m., steamer Alli ance. Arrived at 7:40 a. tnfl and left up at 10:10 a. nw steamer Columbia, from Ban Francisco. Arrived at 1:i0 a. n., steamer -Whlttler, from Port Harford. Arrived down at 0 a. ra., steamer Nome City. Left up at 11 a, m., steamer Whit tles St Johns. Dec to. Passed at t:t si m., French ark Michelet and Russian bark Isabel Browne, Astoria, Dec. - it. Arrived down at :40 a. m., French bark Europe. Left up at noon, British bark Vsnduara and schooner Robert R. Hind. . San Francisco, Deo. II. Sailed at f b. m., steamer Homer, for Portland.-.,-' Redondpn, Deo. 'It. Arrived, schooner Louis, from Portland. . r St Helens. Dec to. Passed at 10:1 a m., British bark Vsnduara - and schooner Robert R. Hind. Astoria. Dec 10. Condition of th bar at I a. m., rough; wind wast; weath er cloudy. . BUSTER BROWN COMPANY TO HAVE CHRISTMAS TREE Till t tiPIT Pf H'l""' rVnrWtt of TX- aa, wno had to spend ennstmaa in Naw Tork City all alone and o invited all the strangers of New Tork In a simi lar predicament to a Chrlatmaa party at Madison park, hat gon all over the country and delighted it hearers. But that Is not a circumstance to th Christ mas entertainment that Buster Brown Is to hav in Portland, which will b a family gathering of 60. ' Th company which 1 to play "Buster Brown" next week at- tb Marquam will arrive her Sunday morning end on Christmas eve will hav a celebra tion. Elks' ball is to be th soene and there will be a big Chrlstmss tree with presents for and from all the members of the company. - Only th big Buster Brown family will be there. , Th Mar quam management is getting ready tb tree and its ornaments for th actor people to bang on their gifts when they arrive.- ELKS TO OPEN HOME . EARLY IN JANUARY Th handsome new horn of th B. P. O. E. at Seventh and Stark streets , rap Idly Is nearing completion. The-deco rators ar hard at work, tinting th walls and making other preparations to receive the furnishings, which, left an eastern firm on December 11. There Is scarcely a doubt that th club will be one of the most elegantly appointed In the country when the formal open ing takes place. Among other features provided for ar btlllard-rooms, a sideboard, waiting parlors for women, a smoking-room for men and a large lodgeroom, which will be of exceptional not for th magnifi cence of the tablets to be exhibited, which are yet to be received. - It Is expected that th new home will be opened In January. Popular Piano Player. That th Ceclllan I popular is evi denced by the fact that they ar used by i many prominent and wealthy men. Many of th yachts owned by these wealthy men ar equipped with this superior piano player. Sir Thomas Up ton, of tea fame, has on on bis float ing palace, th Erin, and a coincident in this connection , Is th fact . that Mr. Keasler, the -manager of tha Manufac turer' Piano Company of 260 Alder etreet who 1 -th local aaent for the Ceclllan, Installed the Instrument on the yacht two and a half years ago, while It waa in Nsw. Tork iarbor. Mr. Kess ler performed for Sir Thomas. Llpton and his distinguished guests, who In cluded members of the nobility and some of New Tork'e most prominent society people. It has been demonstrated In many Instances that th Ceclllan I th best piano player on the market and deserves th popularity accorded it Phenomenal Values. Th London Clothing Co., 17f"Trhlrd etreet who purchased th - bankrupt stock of F. Scheln, ar doing their part for th bargain seekers of th city. All line of th clothier's -art Including overcoats and eravenettes. - men's and boys' suits, ar offered tat 'exceptional prlcea. Their furnishing department especially appealaY6 the holiday shop Dec as silk mufflers, ties, handkerchiefs and suspenders ar ouoted at extremely low figures. - - Lara volume of business, quick sales and small profits, is th slogan of this firm. Returns by Rounds. Full description by rounds ot fri Fltsalmmons-O'Biien fight tonight will be received st the Warwick cafe, 111 Fourth Street AxruuKMm. Dclasco - Theatre tuSu BXXASO0 KATvB0n. 1U as Weak, Sis. g... L. gMkaw. tvss. kgr, " tosioht AU'wxrr. ; t . RECEIVED WITH ftOABS OF LAUGHTER. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME ' ; 'WUlfaua emette't OtmI Oeaaeay. PEJCES Nlfht, SS to T8. Mats, te'Soa Next WeekBIue Jeans" Marquam Grand Theatre Phooe Mi la 868.- , TOMIOHT AT 8:18 O'CLOCK, , Oalr Matinee Sataraay. Hesry W. Savage Offer Oeorge' Ade sad Ouatav Luder's lfaraaa Oomle Optra, "THE SHO-aUlN" evhnijw pRirrs ase. Me, tb. et, MATINKB PRICKS x&e. Va. 5oe, TSa. 11.00. Baker Theatre Oregon Theatre Oe.4 L. Baker. Man Tank aad Third Sta. Pooae Mala MOT. - THIS WBEK TOBIirt. Broadway Ua!ty QtrlaB Baad4 by Mildred Stollar sad Joha Won. tar, the German Comedians. Twenty pretty fir Is, two lunar barleeguM, .seres star sets n vaaaerllle eUo, the groat Melroae traepe of acrobats. Matinee 8atn'rday IBe. SBe. 88c. SOe. Lest perroraaaaee. Bvealng prices SSe. S8e, 80. TB. STIXT ATTBAOnOH "JOLLT tBLB." Empire Theatre kl Maia UT. MILTOrt W. gaUMAIf. Maaagar. ' PORTLAND'S POPULAB PLATHOTJ8B. TOBIOHT ALL . WXEK. , , tYed Bayaioad prseeata a la fa moos enmody. nTnEMISSOUIUGnU.r! Positively tbe eveateet eossody eneaaas at the aoaeon..- Bsgulai aiatlnee Satarday. NIGHT PBICES IBe. SSe, 88e. BOe. MATIXBB ParCES lOe. 15c. SBe. BXXT WXIX "JEBXT FBOX XBBBT.' Liberty Theatre rA YAVTAOIS ATTBAOTIOaTS BXSt ACTS OBLT. rraak Wllsoa. . .. .-. . The Pear Osorgse. -Baitlaaer ftsaxtet. Lee wan. O'DsU sad Hart. Ileeraph. Seleetod IftSION TEN eenta to aa ' ' Bl ADM IftSION TEN eenta to any aeat. Prr foraianeas dally at 8. SO, T:80 end 8 p. m. Lyric -Theatre WTXJC STABTXB0) MOMBAT. DEOXUBXB IS. The Incomparable Lyric Stock Company ' . , presents , ' A Southern Ileroine A ronanea of tbe nrnitb la tear sot. , "IJke a srfstb of macnolla." AMOS8I0B 101 BXSXBTBO BEATS SOe. STAR TKIATBI Week ef See. 18. . Karl -WBee. Torke A Ksrhert Trie. Kaw Thehaa Devsrae. J. rraak Ely. Seine. W. X. Hartfeta,' "The Boa With the Seldea X$." Matineaa. loe; eventngs, Sandays aad boU. dara. loo aad toe. Bos seats, SBe. GRAND .. TBXATBB raller. Bees A Oe. BUal Whttootdee aad er rionaaiaaMs, yyaae Sandy. Week e . I w--. u i wtf "Moving Say." ' Mstlaoes, iocs evenlne. ' Bandars holidays. lOe aad SOe. Boa seam, SB, HTIBIitaiD Saturday BTlg-kt at tn Apollo Rink TXTM TO BTXBTB09T. " Skating every afternoon and avenlng. Light skat and a smooth floor a rare sport for ladle and gentlemen. .. - . Admission 10c Skate 15a Merrill's Building Seventh and Oak .Looking through the prices on Men's and Youths' Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Pants, Shirts, Underwear and Shoes or Slippers.' You want to be very careful to examine the quality of the goods and then convince yourself at John Del! ar's Stores First and Yamhill or Third and Davis We will save you 20 per cent on price. We carry a full line of. Ladies' Shoes and Slippers, also a good assort ment of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters. ' DRacTWESIROVV'S WTJNDKRrTJL, RHEUMATIC for sale at' all. DnuaaiHTS. Concrete Construction Co. . , T01 Oka as her o( Oonunaros, Manufacturer of Concrete Stone IUocka Cont'or for all kind . of cement Vflrk.VrV TXOalS BlAlBT m A HOOP RACt HIT AAjVAAAAAaVAAAAjB.. a.AAAAAAAAA.AAAAA.jVnVAA A A-f. -Ov-A -a, -. aw A A i 'SIamma, Won't -Baby's Own Piano for Christmas . Pay $100 or $5.00 a month. : Santa ClauS has provided t vols, in mc way ot iivb buu oi-uti.avc (iiius aw . . ; EUcrsPifi . They are perfect musical instruments, correct In touch . and tonal qualities, but greatly reduced in size, and are of-; fered for the Holidays, so long as the supply lasts, at prices ranging from $108 to $186, according to size, style and design EILERS PIANO 3S1 Washington -Sicfiel's Suggestions- FOR Xdla ar sspeotaUr Invtied to Inspect the aad a kntnd other artistu . things for smoker. Ooaxtaona sale- j unporTtiaivy. Sichel & Co, . 92 THIRD STREET , Ovpoalt Ohasa1 f gonsJaaro. , , ONLY ONE WEEK MORE 3 . Entire stock of Toys must go. The largest toy store on the ground floor in the city. (Branch at 109 Sixth St, be tween Washington and Stark.) -V Also Japanese and Chinese Curios, consisting of fine bronze, silver, cloisonne; new brass satsuma ware, decorated . tea sets, embroidered kimonos, matting, etc. LOWEST PRICES IN TOE CITY - . r ANMEW 287 MORRISON STREET. .; . WATCHES WATCHES A XMAS 3NAP riLL CAS; eau 11X Slatk. BTsar Waalfton- C" Mail orders,rily ali - AmerMea Keveaaeat. SS. VsnaaM. Voa Get It For ,":V : . e : especially for the little musical St., Cor. Park St. i I-' XMAS the Tobacco Jar .... . 1 . ... A hand-painted Tobacco' Jar is alwaya a welcome gift to the pipe smoker one that will be associated with his leisure and enjoy ment, "u'.' Is he a college man?. We have his school colors and .coat of arms. A sports man? The subject IhatT will appeal to him is here. KARI & CO. A AT BTBKAK. Vktekaa, Wsmssls, Jewelrr, Silvorwera aad Stieoe BeoeltMe. aalxl Gel. Sella SUver aaA ta-Teae 14-K. Uiea. We teep that tlaA aad thai klml only, at all time. an at prices that s vt(ht sow as the aotwaa. Ws snaranie ever article we sell and we ssve anwr tor rs- ee erwry thlnf jn bo. Take aa Xataa ahaaes aa the taste rrioei ia tkla aa. N4T Rnyere Brae, knlvae had ferae, set. . ft M 1M7 Tabs, ajpsoss, halt doe ........... .M 1 IMT Tea spoons, half doe ............... .. 1H4T Stiser ahell .aOe IMT Berry spooa 1 1MT Meat fork . ...... tee IMT I'le knife li t sT Batter halts Uil Boup Udle .......l WATCHT.S. 16 else. SO-reer Slltd esao, T-)eweled Xlf'". t Wslthaaa sweaeat ., .tlaeS IS slae, 20-rear case. - IS-teweled, Stall,. " W.llbam ..v S else. -rer Sited esse, Bkjla e Welhn laillee' wotrh als. t-rnr l-h. illed esse, Iltn e tham lartlrt" erstck, trr ' Olrl'e watch, ra wul or silver. Blest wiej . and s.t i' ' It s. sniiit fnld wat.-he a the wneven-.l . IH arld fwr ani'lie 'i eiiiiii sma im-f sii"-aiiu. wii. mrtiile p.. U4 link eiirf buii nia With .Miulli ll i m. .,11,1 r.,ui ,,T '";..' 1 1 14 I . tt nljr In- sitabllinMiit le-trstlkMa l nr Itmk. V Ht ' tf vk. or C . '1C,7 V r -1 n. 1 ' 1 r TOY SALE