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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAt. .PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20. 1905. Holly. Berries and Mistletoe Leaves The real Santa Claus is her, children. He romps and laugha with thV youngsters every d7 , up on that wonderful fourth ' floor, where he reigng supreme over Joyland Toyland, Boyland and dear little Girl-land. He'e there every after noon from 3 to 5, and each evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. Come, and whisper In Santa Claus ear what you want him to leave at the foot of your bed on Christmas morning. Santa if a Jolly old chap, and every child la aura to love him.-. Shop early In the day; keep to the right; .carry amall parcels. . Lefs make It Indeed a "Merry Chrietmaa by making all around ue happy. Speak kindly, look emiling and don't mind a little good-natured Joat ling by the happily busy throngs. Let everybody help all they can to the general good nature and Christmaa spirit. . No store in the city ever showed so much; ever made visitors to comfortable r ever sold Christmas goods so sensibly. " ' Come down tonight; share in the special Bales' and enjoy the grandeur of the evening. The store is worth a journey to see, these Yuletide days and nights. The Christmaa shows are grand and grander still under the brilliant Illumination of electric area and bulba myriads of them that tur,n night into brightest day. , , Oh, Fudge I What do I care for the rain r said one woman at the etore yeaterday. TWhy, I just come down here to the store, check -my wraps, shop around, and enjoy the crowds all day, lunch in the tea room, and go home rested, at night" Where In all thle great western coun try can, you find another such a Christmas store? Where' in the wide world can you find a better "oal.;;rJL !i . : w - Wonderful Book ' : .CLOSINO OUT THE STOCKS.', t . . .... ,..,.... 7 First Floor Annex. -Another reminder to buyers of Christmas' gifts. If in doubt, stop all perplexity and buy books. The lines sre disappearing fast Share in the values before-it's everlastingly too late. Don t wait for January sales this year for there won't likely be any sale on books. Reason no books. Better buy today. i .' :; ' ' i - " : WE SHALL MAKE OFFERINGS THROUGH. OUT THE SHELVES LIKE THIS: 9 Handsomely bound books in cloth, good print, over 100 standard authors to choose from; J sold elsewhere at . 15c to 20c. ; For the Christmas sale .., .',."... 19 Beautiful presentation books in a -Jarge- variety of fancy stylesf bindingSrdotlir library size; poetry and prose and many, especially adapted for boy's and girls' reading; sold -af-boToTWfbf J5C Tllls'Uie.7. 19f ' 45 A grand 'collection of rare; 'values usually sold at other stores for 75c to yuc, expired copyright.- llhnrv edition ' binding a grade bet- ter than the special 35c books. To close out, JL choose at ,..v...... ..... 13 Splendidly bound books in large size, cloth, well known classics; such volumes as appeal to"" the average reader and sold by all book stores at 20c to 25c. This sale.... ,13 22 The regular 40c book of the bookstore, handsome gilt topjibrary styles, cloth bound. Matchless Christmas gift for . such a trifle , of price ..22 35 Hundreds of copyright books on which ; copyrights have expired, library edition bindings and the usual 50c to 75c values of specialty bookstores. During the closing of our stocks. 35 501 Choice of the balance of fancy-bound poets, - sold at all bookstores at 85c to $1.00; an ideal gift for the booklover. To close, your pick .v. ........ ..f.i ..50 75 Your absolute choice of all of the usual $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 books as sold everywhere, popular copyrights, included but none of this year's, as we have bought no books this seasowr -This is a. closing. out sale of live books, and books that will live forever a feast for book worms, a treat for library builders, a bargain- " fest for. holiday givers. ; . T5 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS. - Books with pretty colored bindings and col ored pictures. Regular 30c values ...24 'Story books with, pretty colored bindings and colored illustrations. Regular 22c values for. 18 Story books in ' paper bindings and bright colored pictures; regular 10c books.-Spe-cial at T Children's toy books, in paper binding and col ored pictures; usual 10c values. Special at.. .7 Children's books of Fairyland and Mother Goose - books, prettily bound and containing entertain ing pictures in colors; usual 10c values.. Spe cial at ...74 Votes MUST Positively Be gotten at time. otV purchase. None will be issued after, cither on duplicate checka or others wise. This is absolute." Ask for your votes at . . time of purchaae. . . - ','-V . .v.-.... - V ' VOTE FOR BENEVOLENT FUND DISTRI BUTION AT 10 A, M. TODAY. Fruit and Fjower Mission..... 29,340 Patton Home,..'. .. ...... 29.119 Baby Home.."...... 24302 Crittenden Home . 24,185 People Institute..........':..';...... 21,703 Salvation Army... 21,034 St. Vincent'! Hospital 20704 Old Ladies' Home..............."...:..'.; 11,170 Mt St.Joseph's Home forjhe Aged 10.135 Good : Samaritan ; Hospital hjji . ....... 8,064 , Open-Air Fund . 6,496. Children's Home 3322 Visiting Nurses' Association 3,721 King's Daughters of Marshall St Church. 2,463 Volunteers of America......... 2,131 Scattering ., , 11,084 ' ' - - .Total 1 ,229,973 Store FOUR DAYS MORS OF CHRIST. MAS 8HOPPINO "The Different Happiness Is Fashionable for Women's -Christmas Gifts Grand Salons Second Floor. women's fine coats attractively .priced. This is a complete Coat Store. ' We ahow every kind of coat. But today let us talk par ticularly of fine Coats. Evening Coats most popular in broadcloth; in. the( various tones of white, pastel, pink, blue, and green; biscuit and grays; and beautiful and becoming wraps of the crimson and wine reds. Black Broadcloth Coats models of distinctive elegance. Black Velour Coats including styles especially fashionable for middle-aged and elderly women. For calling, carriage wear, church some sufficiently hand- ...ninir .or .. nranH for Christmaa 1 OWIIl IUI V. . V s - - - - f giving. Pricea are all in your favor. BIO REDUCTIONS IN SUITS AND FURS. 4 length Suit i the home thi a wrrk at HALF PRICE. All costumes and evening -J WA H.IIR.I1 UUII ... gowns at great reduction. Every bilk . retticoat. in the house reduced a fourth; All Furs reduced. Every Fur in the house, Coat or Neckscarf, in a--sweeping reduction sale all ONE FOURTH OFF usual prices. -. . T. J I -1 .1 ..... 1.. .1.. M.1. thi. ItiMHtfllAttt he extensive , stocks ' of exquisite, magnificent FANCY SILK AND LINGERIE WAISTS The most carefully aelected stock of ultra fash ionable and exclusive evening waists in the city. Variety and assortment are too great for detailed description. You must see the beauties to feel their charm. Reductions this week as printed. $20.00 Waists now 815.00 $2Z5a-Waists now fl6.85 $25.00 Waists now flS.TS , $30.00 Waists now 22.50 $37.50 Waistr now a28.15 Proportionate reductions all through the lines up tcr a8.BO. - Every article in our stocks is from clean, airy, sanitary workshops, made under positively health ful conditions, by expert and careful workmen and skilled women operators, who get highest pay for superior, workmanship. mucrfaaumnr Women's Underwear xaltwea Alales JMrrt Tloor. To nit a small walat. a woman "dare not wear clothing that bunches. ' Ideal Underwear la the union suit, because it does sway with that double thickness at the waist and that uncomfortable bundle at the back when drawers are tightened In. - Union suite are made of ribbed, fabrlo that la elaatlo, and so they fit enufly all over, yet give wttn every motion of the body. . Of course, fit la very Important with such er menta, but we hare looked after that, and our union auita are guaranteed to fit light and you may be the Judge. ' . , ',, -- -, . noiAXi TAZ.Tri xmza WMX. ' WOMEN'S tJ.OO UNION ! BUIT8,--IMS Winter weight Hale Union Suits, in flesh and white, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; regular value 13.00. Special, the suit $-2.39 WOMEN'S $3.00 SILK VEST8. tl.t Pine all-silk white Vesta, high neck, long sleeves, Swiss ribbed: regular value ft.00. Special, each ..$2.29 WOMEN'S I6.S0 SILK TIOHTS. fl.16 Fine all-ellk Tlghta In black and white, ankle length, Swiss ribbed; regular value I J. 00. - Special, the pair . ..$3.85 OTHER GREAT SPECIAL VALUES FOR THE : Man' s Christmas Chriatmaa fipecialalon Shirts A line of the latest ' styles in men's Stiff Bosom Shirts for this week only at about half price. They come in blues, tans snd light effects, with attached or detached cuffs; sold ' regularly for $1.50. ; Special 99 f Half Price for Sweaters A bunch of college Sweatera at half price; all desirable colora, fancy . stripes and weaves; styles favored by athletes and football players. Regular $2.50, $3.50, $375 and $4.50 values at.. ..HALF PRICE Christmas Suspenders at One Fourth Less A man can't have too many pairs of suspenders. We show the swellest line in the city special Christ mas stock. . They're put up one pair in a pretty fancy box. Initials-engraved .on buckles free. .'.We've priced these "galluses" at 75c up to $5.00, - allowing this week a special 25 per cent discount. Apparel Open Evenings Until Christmas 01ds,Wortman,King Store" Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets the Ruling Spirit of Christmas This Is a rint floor Amaex Slxta St, This house sells more House eoata. Smoking Jackets, Bath robes, etc., than any other two stores In Portland. Manu facturers and our own Obser vation assure us of this fact. Our customers note, too, that we bave the largest and most varied stock of Men's House coats Smoking Jackets, Dress ing Gowns . and Bathrobes In this dty.'. This gratifying con dition is the result of aggres sive though careful and stralghtforward business methods. . Customers, and especially thoe buying gifts, want . to be positive that no old. shopworn... brushed-up goods are offered, them at full prices; and they '. have every assurance that our stock ' la new and fresh, selected with taste, from the beat makers, and markef'at the lowest pos sible prices. A very wide va riety, Including the following great special values: . tr.oo An ' : sovsa , - coats, 9ta. . ;' T CHRISTMAS HOUSECOATS ; SPECIAL Smoking Jackets . color line embracing . olives and seal browns: collars. . euffs and pockets trimmed In plaid; swell, comfortable gar ments; regular value $7.00. Special . 95.39 wooii uim Boaaa. Our regular I8.S0 value. Spe cial, . each ........... $6. OO Our "regular $ and tS-SO value. . Special $T.OO Our regular Sll.Oe and llt.oo: .value. Special ...... .$8.00 Our regular $11. SO value. Spe cial, each .'...$10.00 . raaar oxotx aoaaa. Our regular f f.7t. value. Spe cial, each- $4.75 Our regular $7.50 value. Bpe- ' . cial,; each $5.75 Needlework Conjuring ; From the Anne Art Shop Aaaes aeooad floor. XAjro-aKaaozxamai caaraarzaoas roa, - Our .entire stock of hand-embroidered"' Centerpieces. Ih floral and conventional designs, embroidered In cloister, hedebo, English, eyelet. Mount MeUIck, French and ehadow embroidery. ALSO CUSHION SLIPS ready for the . filling, em-' broldered In the same fancy stltchtngs as the cen terplecesv Priced from fl.50 to flS.OO. Special at .; HAir raioa. 11.00 ' CUSHION TOPS FOR 7te Satin Cushion Tops, in assorted colors and pretty designs; our $1.00 value. Special at, each ..794 COME UP TO OUR GAME PRESERVES. ITS OPEN SEASON FOR ; . Toys and Dolls . Fourth Floor.. .' Here our buyers have suppliedus for you with the Isrgest stock " of the newest in Toys, Games and Dolls shown in the city. Probably the best selected line on the coast. The prices are we . are positive the lowest quoted any where.' What more need we say? Come up and prove these assertions for yourself. Santa Claus himself is here to play host to'the children every afternoon and evening. We print one of Santa Claus' tempting price lists. A little sum. is invested with lots of buying power if the buy ing is done here at Kria Kringle's own store Olds' Wortman at King. GAMES AND , TOYS Potato Race Consisting of 48 potatoes, spoons, etc.; our $1.25 value. Special at ...65 Roulette Worth 25c for 16c Nickel-plated rotary disk with numbers; our 25c value. Special at, each ........16e Ring Toss An amusing outdoor or parlor game; our 25c value, Special, each .......... :lttf Ubola or Parlor Tenpins Nicelv finished; an in teresting game for young and old; our $2.00 value. Special at, set..... ............ .,.$1.45 Numerical Boards or Counting Boards Our ; 10c value. Special at, each. .......... ........7 Our 30c value, special at; each... ...... ......20eV Little Carpenter .Seta Consisting of hammer,' saw, chisel, pincers, etc. . Special at, the set..l5e Nickel Trumpets 14 inches. long, with fancy cord; value 20c . Special at, each.....:.;.,.,14 Eaael Blackboards Metal board with pencil rack and paper rack, hardwood frame, six feet of drawing copy; our $200 value. Special at, each ,...$1.65 Eaael Blackboards same as above, with 2yi feet of drawing copy; our $1.50 value. Special . at, each ;...$1.18 Indestructible Tenpins" In nice' willow basket; the tenpins handsomely decorated or figures, such as elephants, hares, etc.; our $1.35 value. V Special at, the set..... 85f Larger size; our $2.00 value. Special at, the set., ..81.35 Runabout Automobile, friction propeller with1' chauffeur. Price, each.... , ,..75e JTJefenkt'- Safety - Guns Absolutely harmless! , shoots hollow rubber ball; the best gun ever made for small boys. Price, each.... 85f Metal Wheelbarrow With 12-inch' steel wheel and iron sides, nicely finished; our $1.10 value. . Special at, each.. 85f Roller Chimes A very pretty snd"amu(jig toy for small children; our 35c value. "; Special . at, each ., 22e A Hbusecoat f Man's Christmas The Hurry Days are Come Shop in the . Morning When . Possible Happy Store. In the Christmas Hand kerchief Shops OaaAT TAX.T7XS. .. Win noes." ' " liauuneiLiiirf out by the, Ihmiaanili bus there Is still plenty for everybody hundreds of styles to select from no two alike. , The selection Is at Its very best; especially of the popular Initial Handkerchiefs. Then, too, you ean have the plain ones marked with Indelible Ink with out unusual delay. . QuafltleaT Prlcest Well, you've relied for. years on this as Portland's best handkerchief store and the oak that a rightly rooted stands staunch. Sug gestions: ' LADIES' PURE LINEN PLAIN HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS Priced at. each .12H VI for 50e 25 and 35 LADIES INITIAL LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, In a box, Priced at, the box ...7. $1.00, $2.00, $ 2.48 Also some t In a box,' priced at, the box. 75 LADIES' EMBROIDERED LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS, I In a box. Priced at. the box ..$2.00, $3.60 and $6.00 LADIES' . SWISS . EMBROIDERED HANDKER CHIEFS Priced at, each 25, 35e, 60eS 65, 75, 85e $1.00 and f 1.25 LADIES' ARMENIAN EMBROIDERED HANDKER CHIEFS Priced at. each 75, $1.25, $1.50 to $2.50 LADIES' POINT LACE HANDKERCHIEFS Priced at, each, up to $25.00 The Christmas Gift Bazaars A araooA roa saorraaa. ' rirss rioor. ' Something here for everybody. The problem works Itself out for you in these First-Floor Christ mas Shops. FRAMED PICTURES With black .wood frames, as sorted subjects, slse of pictures, 14x11 inches; our $1.00 value. Specialist, each 98e ' . ROUND . PLAQUE PICTURES lS-lnch slse, as sorted subjects; our 10c value. . Special at, each . .19 PERFUMES In fancy holiday boxes, all odors; our J 5o Value. Special at, the bottle 15 ALL BRISTLE CLOTH BRUSHES Our tl.t Value.-; Special at, each .y .......... .75 REAL EBONT CLOTH BRUSHES With long han dles, extra 'quality bristles, new shape; our $!. value. Special at, each $1.75 FINE SOFT BRISTLE HAT BRUSHES With rose wood backs;-our iie vnlue. Special at, each.. 32 COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES With two compart ments; our 5o value. Special at, each... 45e LARdR SIZE FANCY CELLULOID TOILET CASKS With- brush, comb, mirror and manicure articles; our 1!.0 value. Special at, the set. .$2.25 FANCT MANICURE-'' SETS In pretty . celluloid ' . boxes; our value. Special at, the set.. $1.25 SMOKER'S COMPANION In fancy box. with pipe, cigar and cigarette holders; !6o value, each... 45 NECKTIE BOXES Made of fine black hardwood with fancy brass trimmings, satin lined; our 11. II value. Special at.' each $1.25 EBONT FINISH BRUSHES AND COMBS Sterling sliver mounted; our 11.21 value. . Special at. set. eeob "wiirnT ti iff w... .,.,,.,.,, . $1.50 PHOTO ALBUMS With fancy" eeltulold top, re , dlum slse; our 7 So value. Special at, each.. ,.45 MILITART HAIR BRUSHES With ftrte ,and earved aluminum backs;. value, special t, each . .4 $1.75 HANDKERCHIEF AND hf-ftVE BOXES With fine band-painted reltulndl tT and eilk ulitn, in ml colors; valun. (iei.Mal et, frh ......7k w Special Tonight ! i'v-,-- ' t co o oaxr. area's XmperUl" sTeeksearfs SIM Kind. SOe A big line of our newest and smartest Neckscarf a In' the extremely popular Imperial style, all new silks and latest novelties in high-grade dollar neckwear, for two and a half hours only at ,....,.50 Special Tonight I Apron Lengths 7 to m oaxr. ' ' , ' Wlite Ooods Jouater First Tloor. Dainty White Laws with fancy hemstitched and openwork bordered Apron Lengths, each. .. t. .25 CUT GLASS CSl, CHINA MATCHLESS SILVERWARE AND BRIC-A-BRAC Attract thousands' to the Third Floor Shops this week. The great floor and the Crystal Grotto beckon the Christmas throngs with irresistible power to admire their beauties.'-.... ; A host of unmatchable valuea await those folks who choose the useful for the home in selecting gifts for the holidays. ' The great "Housekeepefe Exchange", never has1 equaled these bargains at any former holiday aale. Christmasy things that are peerless. Read, how easy. they are to buyt BEAUTIFUL CUT GLASS. Portland ajrency for Libbey Cut Glass, perfect eutting, rich design.. Libbeys name insures the best. - - ."; -. Rock Crystal Whiskey Tumblers; regular ' value $i7.0a Special, per dozen... ...... $21.50 Rock Crystal Table Tumblers; regular value $36.00. Special, per dozen.. ......$28.75 Rock Crystal Wines; regular value $30.00. Special, per dozen . . . , .... . .-. . . . . .$24.00 Rock Crystal Clarets; regular value $35. Special, per dozen .8 28.00 Rock Crystal Saucer Champagnes; regu lar value $45.00. .Special, per dozen..,. .$36.00 UNEQUALED ASSORTMENT DECORATED CHINA.-: ;V Salad Sets...j........l..r...";rr88,to $36.00 -Cuffte Ceti.i iiiiirn $2 00 tn MaJlQJ Chocolate Sets. $2.75 to $60.00 Fancy Plates, per dozen... ....$ l.OO to $48.00 Saia4.Bowls, each.............. 25 to $12.00 Chop Plates, each..............T5 to $15.00 Fruit Saucers, per dozen.... .'.f 1.00 to f 18.00 VASES AND ORNAMENTS. Closing out a line of vases and ornament at HALF PRICE. . : ART ROOMS! Contain a choice selection of Cut Glass, Bohe mian Glassware, Electric Figures and Portables, hand-painted China. , .-. k ' SUITABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Bronze figures and ornaments, art pottery, Doulton, Teplitz, Dresden Vases and Ornamenta, Beer Steins, Punch Sets and hundreda of other dainty and useful articles. . ROGERS. BROS. "1847 TABLE SILVER- WARE. ' ' - Community Silverware, guaranteed burnished or French gray finish. Teaspoons, set of 6 Dessertspoons, set of 6.... Tablespoons, set of 6. ...... '....... Sugar Spoon and Butter Knife, pair.... Berry Spoon, each Pickle Forks, each Cold Meat Forks, each,, ...... ........ Fruit Knives, set of 6.... Cream Ladles, esch... Gravy Ladles, each............ Child's Sets ......,.. - Special sale odd lines Cut Glass. - - 25 ' years, ,.:$i.5o ...$2.65 ...83.00 ...1.40 ...$1-35 60 ...fl.OO ...$3-S 904 ...fl.20 ...flO RICH TABLE LINENS as saunrozD onzarataji aurra. . First rioeevs Can you think of a more appropriate gift for a housekeeping friend than a beautiful satla damask hemstitched tablecloth with a doaea napkins to matchT . Every housewife ardently desire to bave her linen closet shelves abundantly filled with good household linens of every kind. You'll find here all that ' is newest and best In handsome Christmaa linens and you can make the on particular house wife happy by adding toiler stock at Christmaa time. Rest assured she will be pleased. with the gift. New Tablecloths, tn square and oblong shapes, la all widths up to, 6 yards. 'In the lot are some new designs never shown here before. We mention par. tlcularly the Louis XV, American Beauty rose, moss rose, spot with holly border and carnation pat terns. All of them are very riendnome. Towels Richardson's harid-hemstltrhed huckaback Towels, plain or with fancy damask borders, -Fine Satin Damask Towels, -hemstitched; i also knotted, fringe with faney drawnwork border Linen .Sheets and Pillow Cases, richly embroidered and hemstitched. They are all ready for us. ,. , 1 Christmas Shoppers Are invited to rt and lunch in the eoy Tea Room cm second floor. A delicious lunch servf 1 daily from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. by the l.vV i the Schoolof Domestic Scicncr-i.n.lrrtl.r aus pices of the Portland Y. W. C. A A ' -I mrnu each day served t nio.lcM pn.-c. .r tables, with all aeeer.f . are cc.nvcriir; : I v -free to all. Victors ate w!rre t-. u- t ,, privileee for - a.l.IrrMf t ( t ,f tun frieru!.