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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 20. 1905. GEER A CANDIDATE FOR GH10H Will Seek Again, as a Republic ; can, Nomination for the . Place He Held. C. A. JOHNS HEARS ' WITHOUT A TREMOR Geer's Candidacy, Eastern Oregon Man.Saya. . Will ..Strengthen Hi Own Chance Other Men in the Field Thought He Wanted Toga. H: (BdmU!-Dispatch toTk. JomaLt - BalemT Or., Doc. 20. Ex-Governor T. TrOeeriias' announced his candidacy for : th Republican nomination for governor i at the primary election to be held April JO. Thia la looked upon 'as the real commencement of the Oregon campaign for chief executive, and while Mr. Deer's announcement created ' but little sur, prlse. it cauaed some stir In political ., circles. The ex-governor makes- plain ' his Intention of doing aonte vigorous campaign work and states 'that should he ba the nominee he will challenge the Democratic nominee to a Joint campaign ; on the stump.' C A. Johns of Baker City, Republican ; candidate for governor, who aj-rlved In Portland this morning, believes that the ; announcement of Kx-Gbvernor T. . T. . t Geers'- candidacy, far from hurting it, will strengthen his own position. Mr. Johns' friends bad been Informed some time ago - that Mr. -Qeer would ' enter the United States senatorial fight, Mr.-Johns, 'however, saya that he was at no time deceived and that ha told his supporters that the ex-governor In tended to ba a gubernatorial candidate. Geer made a tour of eastern Oregon, 'i stopping In Pendleton, Baker City and " other towns. At Pendleton he Intimated ' that he might enter the gubernatorial lists, which was the first hint that he ' had abanadoned his senatorial aaplra- tlons.- . r . ' - "I am inclined to believe at ' first thought," said Mr. Johns, "that Ex-Gov-eronr Geer's candidacy will strengthen roe. I cannot aay that I have thor oughly surveyed the field as altered by the announcement of Mr. -Geer; but, so far aa J know at, this time, I am not weakened but strengthened thereby. "I hs,Te been quietly pursuing my way alnce making my announcement and liav how come to Portland to look into the situation, and I hope to gain Infor mation that will enable me to return better satisfied with my chances, for I believe that naturally I should have - considerable strength, here In Multno mah county." , -- i ' B.allgnment in Marlon. Further- than this Mr. Johna would not discuss the matter. It la known, . however, that the announcement of T. T. Geer as a governorship candidate compels a realignment, of Republican ' ' forces' In Marlon county. The neceaal ; ties, from the. standpoint of that party, are that Marlon county eliminate some of the numerous candidates who are WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20. ' " It Is to Your Advantage to Do Your Shopping Early Our stock of Hats,' Furnishing Goods, Suit Cases, eta,' is complete in every way.-- A few suggestions that-.will help .".'.' .-.v.: ' "( you please him ?,. EXCLUSIVE STYLES IN HATS ' $5.00 $4 to $10 $3.00 "' . : & ' A FEW HINTS FOR HER . : "'-. - TO HIM: NECKWEAR, 50 to $4.00. . ' . ; . Exclusive designs. , : MUFFLERS AND REEFERS, ' f 1,50 to $5.00. For all occasions. SUSPENDERS, 50 to 95.00. " . All the new effects. ' HANDKERCHIEFS. : The new weaves, plain and fancy. HOUSE COATS. If in Doubt. Buy a OPEN EVENINGS. M. SICEiEL Introducer and Designer of Stylish Toggery. 288 Washington St. Bet Fifth and Sixth aspiring for Important offices. The list is: T. T. Qeer. candidate for governor. " Walter Toose. candidate for congress. Professor W. C. Hawley of Willam ette university, candidate for congresa. Claude Oaten, candidate for secretary of state. Prank L. Wrlghtman, candidal for secretary of state.- ' Lot pierce, candidate for secretary of state. The understanding has been that the Geer people had agreed that the ex-governor would keep but of the way of other Marlon county candidates .for stats offlcee. : It la claimed that Geer had made a compact with Gatch that the latter was to have a clear field, ao far aa state offices were concerned. Based upon that understanding. Gatch went ahead with his arrangements, con ferred with his friends and laid plans to succjwJ Franav J,- Dunbar aate state's secretary. . Walter U Toose Is said to have been another Marlon county man who was certain that the ex-governor would not enter the field as a candidate for a state Office. He ao expressed himself - re cently in Portland, . Soma Mast Oet Oat. ' " It was thought by the Marlon county Republican leaders that Geer's candi dacy for senator would not Interfere with their ambitions to fill atate posi tions. The Inference among politicians, therefore. Is that the announcement of Geer will force a complete realignment among the Republican forces In Marion county, but as to who will be compelled to get out of the way to make room for the ex-governor none here Is prepared to say. The effect wrought on the Republican situation - In Multnomah county- by Geer's candidacy cannot be indicated clearly at this time. -It Is known that local Republican leader desire the United ' Htates senator for" this county and It, Is probable that alignments on the governorship matter will be gov erned In part thereby. That the posi tion assumed by Geer mixes the situa tion considerably is admitted by all. ' Professor James Wlthycombe of Cor vallis. another avowed Republican 'can didate for governor, is known to be. making special efforts to round up the vote of the Patrons of Husbandry, com monly called the Grange. C- A. Sehl brede of Cobs, bay, although announced as a gubernatorial candidate, has not yet .been determined as to his poten tially. He Is the last of the list, of those who are publicly known to aspire to be governor of Oregon. ' . C A. Johns will dwell on the fact that he la . from eastern Oregon and claim -support on that score. -He ' wilt argue that his section deserves recog nition" on the ground thst the honor haa not yet been given- to that part of the state. '- . -t ..".Woman- Asks for Dlvoro. (Special Plspatea to The Journal, Eugene, Or., Dec 20. -Mrs. Etta Krewson hss begun suit In the circuit court her for divorce agains Joseph Krewson, whom she married In Douglas county on December . 1903. She al leges that soon after their marriage he become cross and overbearing, and has at all tlmea neglected and refused to properly support her, compelling her to earn her own living by working in hotels and doing general housework. ' Sign Factory Burned. r tum usl -special Service. . Chicago. Dec. X0."-One fireman killed and the probsibl loss of several lives among employes is .the result of a fire that destroyed the enamel sign factory, of tho T2. M, Bchonk company last night. - The loss to building and contents is $260,000. Be vera 1 employes are missing and may ba in the ruins. ' CANES. UMBRELLAS. Merchandise Order BOY RUNS AMUCK WITH A RIFLE Colfax Youth Irr Jail for . Mali 'clously Shooting Five Rams and Neighbor's Cow. . GUN'S MAGAZINE EMPTIED , ON TWO SONS OF FARMER One Youth Shot in Hand and a Bullet Passes. Through Hat of the Other Father Surrenders Son and .With draw Bond. . (mHiI DIsndtceTib Tlx Jaerasl.) Colfax, Wash., Dec. JO. Wesley Cor nelius, aged 1 years,, is In the courtly Jail on a charge of malicious miscnter. The boy Is charged with having shot and killed five blooded rams and shot a valuable Jersey cow on the farm -of M. 8. Holllngsworth, and with shooting at two sons of Farmer Cole. The two sons of Farmer Col were walking along the public road past the farm of H. 8. Holllngsworth, when sev era! shots were fired at them from the brush. They ran. and the shooting eon. tlnued. full a, dqien shots being, fired On bullet paaaed through the hand" of the older Cole boy and the other through the hat of his brother. The next morn ing it was found that five valuable rams had been killed In Hollligsworth's sheep sheds and a Jersey cow' had been shot through the leg. Tracks showed that the work was done by a boy and strong circumstantial evidence" was : secured against young Cornelius snd he was ar rested, but was -released on -S100 bond furnished ny bls-father. - v Today, his father brought the boy to the sheriff's office and gave him Into the custody. of the sheriff, aaklng that he be locked up and the father released from the bond, which . was done, . The boy has been drunk lately and has mis behaved ao badly that he was expelled from the public school. The boy will be kept In the county Jail until after Christmas. . 41. and several companions of about the. same age have-been get ting liquor lately, but all efforts to In due them to tell where they ' got It hav proved futile.- Prosecuting Attor ney Klpp hopes to secure the evidence, when he will prosecute the saloon men who- have been supplying the boys with liquor, . - -- - . PROHIBITION ALLIANCE OF LINN HOLDS (MING Venango Plan .'of Work toB Adopted and Annual Session ,Held Her in February. ; (Speelat Dtipsteh te Th. Jonrnl. . Albany, Or., Deo. 20. -The Linn Coun ty ' Prohibition alliance held . Us meet- lng In this city yesterday and trans acted- considerable business. President W. IV BIIIIUIB 1 Ut DIUWIIBUHS iUMMUff and a large number . of members st tended. Professor R. B. Rutherford of Portland reported th work don in Coos county in enforcing the local option and other laws and he stated that better conditions prevailed in many- of the southern . Oregon towns. He recom mended the alliance plan of . organisa tion and urged the adoption-- of ' th Venango plan of work of interesting the voters In the enforcement of. prohl hlbltlon. Upon motion It was decided to ask th state committee to send a man to 'this county to work th Venango plan and secure a majority of the voters at this county In the interest of prohibi tion. , . . Resolution, wer passed favoring a union with other .temperance organi sations with a view' to enforcing the local option law and extending its op, rations to all parts of the county. During 'the afternoon, W. At" Taylor -of Michigan delivered an address' to th. alliance and last night he again spoke to a large audience on th temperance question. .The alliance will. hold the an nual meeting In this city on February If and th executive committee was In structed to arrange for th meeting and for. a banquet-following :. CANDIDATES OUT FOR OFFICE AT GRANTS PASS ("peels! Dispatch1' ts The Joaraal.) Grant Pass, Or., Dec. 20. Though the s election .la yet a full half year ahead, th county political pot has al ready bgun to bubble in Josephine, and aspiring . applicants for political office are announcing "their desires." This early activity is especially notice able in Republican ranks, as there are a half dosen or more applicants for each office. For county judge, -on th Re publican ticket, ex-Consul Colvbz seems to be in the lead, and is followed by Joseph Moss and Other leaders of th Josephine county Republicans. A still greater1 number want to be candidate for aherlff on the Republican ticket, among them being Ed Lister, J. P. McConnell and O. W. Lewis. Mr. Lewis is 'the present Incumbent. He Is - serving his second term. George H. Durham of the law firm of Col v la st Durham has his banner out with several othera, for represents tlv from this county. Among the Democratic ranks there Is yet no apparent stlc snd probably will not be for a few months yet. The of fice of county judge, representative and treaaurer ar held by Democrats. HOOD RIVER WRITTEN UP FOR OUTING MAGAZINE (ftptetal ntspstek to Tb Joaraal.. Mood River. Or., Dec.. JO. Tom Rich ardson, secretary of th Portland Com mercial club, and Frederick flcotford, a traveling repreaentatlve of Outing, vis ited this city yesterdey. They wer taken In tow by EL L. Smith, president of the "Oregon Development league, and Introduced to 4h member of th Hood River Commercial club." ( ' , It was th Inynttrm of the visitors tk take a rlfl through th famous' Hood Rlv.r fruit belt, but rain and the fact that their time was limited prevented them from rioln so. - -r . . ; In th af ternoonn Impromptu meet Ing of th club was held, at which H. J. Davidson of th Davidson Fruit com pany presided, and at which both th. visiting gentlemen addressed th meet ing. . r Mr. Bcotford said that th.. Febfusry number of Outing would contain aa in-4 teresrmg- article- on-the1-Hots. tUvw ntu ley, and read excerpta from the advance proof anU of it, il dwelt strongly .. .. . ..... . .. .- - The Dentists You Should Go To! Everything depends an bow you teeth ar treated.. Poor dental work la dear at any price. The Alveolar method aa practiced by .th Boston Dentists ss sure -permanent-ana -oeautUUL. results. If your teeth are decayed or ab scessed or loos and falling out, or your gum inflamed and sore, than your health demands that you teeth be at tended to. - If you ar looking for the best work at a reasonable fee w would fdvlse you to call - upon th Boston Dentists,- tm "' Morrison street, the dentists who originated th Alveolar Method Jh most talked-of and renowned of re cent dental dlsooverles. . .Examination free. Lady att.ndant. Skillful specialists. 891 H Korrlaoa ax, Opp. Mala aTrank ' . ssi Pmiomos. , . - ' Bntraao BS1H Monrlaoa Olflc Hours r:10 s. m. to f p. BundsjriSanJMMtjJIOprn THE of Commerce Capital $8,700,000 r Reserve $3,500,000 . " Portland Branch, tti Washington. ' " E. A. WTLD, Manager. ; TravefcrsV Lctfcrs of Credit Avallabl In all parts of Us world . lit branch. In Canada and th United Stat, Including: San,,. Francisco, Seattle. Victoria, Van- ., , eouver, Nanalino, New W.stmlna. ' t.r, Dawson (Tukon). . Drafts Issued on ny Branch Transfer of money to or from any part of Canada , by )ttr or Ulegram. . " - A General Bariklns: ' Business "Transacted . on th advantages of Hood River aa a resort for tourists on their was to Mount Hood, and predicted a prosperous future for this city if Its many beautiful scenlo feature . became . known . te wealthy eastern tourists. - BAKER CITY PIONEER PASSES TO FINAL REST . (special Dlsostch te Tb. Joan.!.) Baker City, Or- Do JO. J. M. Laeh ner, ' a pioneer resident' of this city. dtd yesterday 'morning at his bom In' this city after a lingering illness. , Th' deceased wss born In Munich, Germany, -February I; 13. His early education was secured In Oermany. and he cam to America In 160. He Imme diately enlisted In the Union army .In Missouri. After th war he crossed th plains to California and In 1864 he cam to Oregon, settling in Oregon City. Her lie remained until 18l, when 'he returned to Germany and was married to Mlsa Walburga Auslnger, who sur vives Mm. In-the asm year they re turned to' the" United flutes, coming to Cnr4 Faraiysls. W. F." Bally," P. O. Tm. Texas, writes: "Mr wife had been suffering flv years with paralysis la her arm, when I was persuadei to -use iiiutro nnow Lini ment, which cured her all right. I have also used It for old sores, frostbites and skin eruptions. It does tb work." Woodsrd. Clara a L'& Don't Forget Your CHRISTMAS HAT The best possible Hat 1 V time is our famous "BROOK" The peer of all $3 Hats Y0UMANS Correct shapes in - Silks, Operas . and Derbies Spedal care given to the fitting of Silk and Derby Hats. w STETSONS in all the popular and extra large shapes. This store guarantees every, hat to. give entire satisfaction to purchaser or a new hat free of charge. - - -- v : - The Greatest Novelties in Holi day - apparel for Women, Men and Children ' $1 A WEEK -.r.: :; IS JET ONLY THREE MORE. DAYS LEFT TO BUY .'-''' ' JARDINIERE & PEDESTAL Like,. cut; -very deco rative; worth $1.60; 'wUl b sold tonight and tomorrow while -they last (not mora than, two to a cus tomer) at ......65 3-PIECE WRITING SET Consists of inkstand with silver-mounted ebonoid - cover - paper knife, silver mounted ebonoid handle; blotter holder of ebonoid, silver-mounted. In neat box. An attractive little gift. Spe- AtZft cial price, from 7 to 8 tonight. . "wW A alo pleo of oat-fflaas, Jewelry or table linens will d.Ugnt the women folks $1.00 A WEEK Oregon by way of Panama, and settled In Canyon City, Grant - oounty. where they lived for three years. In 1S71 Mr. Lachner removed hi family to Baker City, where he ha continuously resided up to the present time. Mr, Lachner devoted rnoet of hi tlm to. th hotel business, but retirad from active ilf about eight years ago. - He leave a widow and four children: Mrs. Carrie Mullen of Chicago; Miss Walburga Lachner of Baker City; Ber nard Lachner, a student of th Jeffer son medical college In Pennsylvania, and. WllllamJ. Lachner of flaker City, and a preaent member of U state board ot tax commissioners. , for Xmas or any other Clothing House in the Northwest - G AN you think of sonic thing you meant to pur chase for the Holidays, and now at the last moment find that your appropria tion is almost exhausted ? Mighty good time to in vestigate our credit plan. Choose from our immense stock anything you desire and say "charge it." The price will be no more than you'd have ' to pay else where, and you can pay in such small weekly or monthly driblets that you'll never miss the price LADIES' NECKWEAR "Th season's very latest novelties in fancy - neckwear- for - particular- women dressers. Dainty.rjiough for a present to the queen. Values up to one dollar your choice tonight from 8 i to 9 o'clock only. ......... ... ,,TuC EASTERN OlITFlTnWG CO I T.-.Toa, wmrlWASHINGTON dl I TOP c ooo ITRNTH STREETS CMICHriTSS'S IN.LISH EtiHYROYAL PILL3 jfL-V .hMl ty twilH, ITS, il-M.ftlKH, LilMhUIIHIirs a CH H II KST KK'i KNlLIii I. SI M4 ! MMIk I SSM mUrnm mm ImH S r m DrM.uA. m w. 4. tt bh, M,M k,.m rill rA, . nr. Kark ataaa arrestML - iJonmnl Ifiiertsf H'IHii i. . N'W Tork. lu.-Mra. Mark Jlan- ha. widow of the late I'nlted Hlates s.-n-ator, was arrested, together with a m Store open evenings. Prompt delivery of all purchases. . . , Hat. Dept. under the super vision of two Practical '" Hatters. ' .; Furniture pieces make appropriate and lasting -4 gifts. See our line 50eAVEEK SOME SUG GESTIONS Oat Olasa Tabl. Uvet Slaae Tabl Covers Olasawara Jardlsier . Wat Beta Wis Beta , tains Smoking Mta, Toll Beta Watch Oaalaa Charms Fobs King xa&k Battaoa SlnlBg Table Slnlng Chair . ldaboarda Buffrta Writing Casks Book Oaaaa library Table acosto Oablasta lCorrl Chair Farlo Chairs tlrror . For aMt -Fancy aTokwa Fancy waist Far Ooata Opera Ooata . xdia mat Men' Kata , Ken' Clotalar Bmoking Jaaksts ' ViaaTsUa INJCCTIOM B R O HJ will cvaa GOuOnL'.'CE ri GLEET ', .WITHUt'T OTHF.a TRSTMH." r - Sold ty :i Crv -Utt ri ynnrx w '1 ' ' h t', f'" ,( ! i ! t : 'iti"ii..!,m ry 'I I : "i : I . t l