The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 20, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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Irate Irishmen Fore Company to
:Ckf Theatre and Can
. , eel Engagement.
Manager Ii Oivert No Opportunityto
Demonstrate TheY-Hia Show Con--'
taint No Reference, to the Irian
Offending Poster to Blame.
i Bpeell Dlapaten. to The Journal.)
- Biltte, Mont., Lwe. to. The Dreamland
: Hurleeque company last night aban
doned further efforts to give their per
formance In thla city. Manager Frank
- Calder announcing that ha had concluded
"that thera waa little use in endeavor-
ing to rive a performance when nearly
MOO Butte Irlehmen had affixed their
Daniel to a paper declaring that the
- appearance ef 4he show - weuld aot be
. permitted.
Calder -waa closeted with the lndlg-
nation committee for two hours yes-
terday afternoon, when he pleaded for
an opportunity to give the commute
trial performance to demonstrate that
bis show was free from any reference
to the Irish. This request was flatly
refused by the Irishmen; ;
The manager then asked to give a
performance to the press alone, or to
the committeemen and the public, charg-
Ing an admission, the -proceeds to be
riven to charity, mis was aiso reiuseo,
and when another large mob assembled
In front of the Grand theatre last night
, Calder called off the show for good.
.- The trouble arose over a poster In
,Whlch as Irishman waa caricatured and
chained to a. negro. .: ,
' ' (Joarnil Bperlal serTlre.) ;' -Cleveland.
Ohio, Dec. to. If the plans
t of the mm who .represent Cleveland In
the state legislature are carried out the
City will soon undertake an" enormous
task, which will greatly increase the
waterfront facilities of the city and add
KO acres of valuable land to the-city. It
Is proposed to fill In about 630acrea on
lsnd now submerged by waterT to build
out Jnto the lake about SO piers for the
handling of freight, construct a rail
road tunnel under the whole city, to ex
tend the breakwater and add other valu
able improvements. It is estimated that
-the work would cost about $35,000,000, Of
which the national -government would
pay about $4,500,000. According to con
servative estimates the 860 acres of sub
merged land on the lakefront would rep
resent a value of about . $22,000,000.
v Xmas Is Coming.
A "good picture as a holiday present
roth in g nicer. K. H. Moo rehouse Cora
pi ry. $11 Alder street.
Foley'o Honoy
and Tap r
- There it no case on record of a
cold resulting in Pneumonia, -or
other serious lung trouble, after
Foley's Honey and Tar bad
been taken
It will cure the most obstinate
racking cough, and heals and
strengthens the lungs.
( Foley's Honey and Tar has
cured many cases of incipient
Consumption and even in the last
stages' will always give comfort
ana relief.
. Foley's Honey and Tar gives
quick relief to Asthma sufferers,
as it relieves the difficult breath
ingat once. '
Remember the name- Foley's
Honey and Tar and refuse
substitutes that cost you the
eame as the genuine. Do not take
chances with -some unknown
Contains no opiates. -
Curid ol Tirribla Cough on Langs.
-N. Jackson of Danville. 111., writes:
'My daughter bad a severe attack of
' La Grippe and a terrible cough ou her
' lungs. We tried a great many remedies
without relief. She tried Foley's Honey
and Tar, which cured her. She has novel
been troubled with a cough since."
Consumption Curtd,
Foley A Co., Chicago, r Dana, Ind..
Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Taf
cured roe of Consumption after I had
offered two years and was almost des
perate. Three physicians failed to glva
ma aay relief and the last one said he
coald do me no good. I tried "almost
'very medicine 1 heard tell of without
benefit, until Foley's Honey' and Taf
was recommended to- me. Its affect
right from the start was magical. J
Improved steadily from , the first dose
v and am now sound and well, and think
Foley's Honey and Tar la a God-send
to people with Throat and Lang Trou
ble, yours very truly,
Three sires 25c, 50c, HI. 00. J
; The BO cent siie contains two
and one-half times as much as the
small size and the $1.00 bottle al
most six times as much.
"Ifeuuaia, Cane & Co." Bad .--. -
Nineteen-Cent Market Now Pre-
vailing Expected to Con
tuiue for Year. '
- . - . til. ;
This Year Saw theTIraf Serious Trot
ductlon in State, and Several Prop
erties '' Are In Lin for Much
Heavier Work the Coming Season.
Nothing In the metal mining situation
has given Oregon greater encourage
ment thn the rise In eooner. and assur
ance of good authorities that it wUl
continue for at leaat six months at near
IS jcenta. Experts have computed the
supply en hand throughout the world,
the rate of consumption ana proamnion,
ani have concluded that thera ia no bear
Influence back of the market save legiti
mate, demand. Copper has -become so
universal In the manufactures, especial
ly In the growing-list of electrical ma
chines and fixtures, and alt war arma
ment and munitions, that consumption
has about overtaken production, and
even wl?h the great stimulus the pres
ent price gives, the price Is confidently
expected to remain high for much of the.
coming year at least.
Oregon Is ' Just entering ' the - eopper
list. This year the matte shipments
from the Sutupter snd the Takllma
smelters constituted the first eopper ton
nage of moment sent from ths state. As
the first odtput u? first-class plants, ana
the preliminary work bf. promising dis
tricts, this tonnage Is believed -to- pres
age much heavier production.-' The Ta
kllma will produce during aa or tna
open eeason In '10 at the rate of SB to
41 tons of SI to SO per cant eopper
matte daily, and may be enlarged to
double that capacity, ak late strikes of
copper shoots showed the best ore ever
worked there. At Bumpter the product
la a Topper and Iron matte, the percent
age of the fprmer usually running low,
but carrying aa much of the red metal
aa vii possible to procure. The smelter
at Bumpter ls receiving J, 009 tons of
ore from the Seven Devils, Idaho, which
runs unusually high in copper, and both
Indiana and Copperopotla, In Oregon, are
expected to commence In 1(0 deliver
ing a good grade of copper ore, while
the Iron, Dike ta assured steady work
either with Ita pwn matting plant or
with a concentrator. '
In' both southern and 'eastern Oregon
the high price of copper will prove of
Inestimable benefit thla year. Attention
la being directed to the copper districts
o southern Josephine and eastern
Baker aa never before. They have been
proved to carry large bodies of eopper
ore.- i
Under the most favored conditions,
eopper la being produced from a sul
phide ore at S to S cents a pound, giv
ing, under the present market prices,
profit of 10 to 11 cents a pound. - -This
means a profit of about f 2 on 1 per cent
copper ore. The lowest "deposits of Ore
gon which have been worked aertously
do not carry less jthan S per cent cop
per, i Allowing for the Increased cost ef
production thst must govern in all new
or email properties, the margin' of profit
with lt-cent market Is yet greet In
the Takllma ore that waa mined last
summer Jhe fi0pperran Jfrpm. JLtP-it PL
cent. Despite the 41-mUe haul lor coke
and matte, the profit possible la yet
hleh. .
" If present prices do not bring Oregon
copper to the front, there Is little hope
for any material results for many years.
Btrlke ia Richmond Oronp, Adjoining
the Biff Bonaasa Mae, a Oelaer.
ISiMvUl DleMtek to The JosraaL)
Baker City. Or.. Dec. IS. A promising
ore body In the Richmond mine has been
reported by telephone to Nat Coo pel by
Al Stearns, who has been doing aasess
ment work on the Richmond group at
Oelser. This . group adjoins the big
Bonansa mine, and la on a spur of the
Bonanza -vein. Stearna aays that ha
broke Into a vein of rich or which Is
nine feet wide between walls, and Is
tha continuation of the old . Bonan
shoot that made that camp and mine
famous. The ore la Identical In char
acter with the Bonansa aa found In tha
old workings of thst property.
P, Bsschs of the Basche-Ssge Hard
ware company in thla city, owna the
group. His friends ere rejoiced at hta
good fortune, as he has for msny yesrs
been helpful to the miners, often at ths
expense of his private Interests.
(Journal Rnerlal Service.)
Helslngfors, Finland, Dec. SO. The
Finnish diet was reopened here today.
The' population Is highly enthusiastic over
ths overthrow of the .tyrannical yoke of
the Russians and the restoration of Fin
land's "ancient ' rights and freedom. The
dictatorship has been abolished, the mani
festo of February 15, 18W. baa been an
nulled and the status existing In Finland
before the Russian government began to
curtail .the freedom of 'the nation has
been restored. Enormous throngs sur
rounded the parliament building. Where
the diet met, all- day and everywhere the
people manifested their Joy . over the
national emancipation of jrnna
4Joarnal Special Service.)
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. . Max Flelsch
mann, a brother of Mayor Julius Flelsch
msnn. and Miss JSnerlock of this city
were married today In the presence of
large number of their' frlende. The
couple will have one of the most peculiar
and Interesting wedding trips ever en
joyed by bridal couple. Mr. Flelsch
mann has chartered the Norwegian ves
sel Laura and has engaged- an' ex
perienced crew, that haa twice sailed
the Arctic waters and. accompanied by
his bride, will cruise In the Arctic sea,
trying to get aa near the north pole as
Municipal Bonds Wot Taxable.
' petal niavetek e The Joerael.l
Olympla, Wash, Dec. 20. The attorney-general
haa iasued an Opinion
wherein he holds that municipal bonds
are exempt from taxation, and while the
question waa not presented, he hold In
ferenttally that warrants ;must - be
crafted In ' the same category! This
opinion conflicts with a ruling of the
state , tax commission that rtoonds and
warrants must be taxed. - Bankers are
opposed to taxing their securities on
I the grouna inai n wouia causa invest-l-mentfundsJo
withdrawn from ths
i atate . ' ' r.
: Mm u
it . sis n. i
i' ... .
- (Bulletin 225, U. S. Geo. Sur. 370.) V - v '
For nearly a generation "oil men" have known that oil existed in this district Only
after the discovery of gold in the Klondike was active development inaugurated.'
. The Kayak field has brought Alaska' oil chiefly into prominence, and it is .not un
reasonable to expect that before long the first shipment of Kayak petroleum. will be upon
the market, bringing a cargo that will be the beginning of ,a new era in the "world
of oil." - . '. -.- - .. -'.-
It is now positively known that oil has been struck in sufficient quantities to justify
shipping operations.- , .
. .The Alaska Development Company struck a phenomenal "gusher" of oil at a depth,
of 365 feet According to the report of disinterested government officers in Alaska this
. well sustained itself to a height of 110 feet for several days, flowing from an "11 ri hole"
until capped. . ' , ' -
Upon discovery of the first gusher, the Alaska Development Company leased and
disposed of their property to London capitalists, headed by the firm of McKenzie & Mann,
well known as builders of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Under this management some
seven or eight wells are either completed or near completion. Heavy tankage is under
-construction, and much of the oil is now being used locally for fuel and lighting pur- "
fioses. This- oil has the-unique distinction of burning in an ordinary lamp without re
ining, and is used in the field for illuminating purposes 'during the winter months. Oil
is also sprayed under the boilers for fuel purposes. ,
Prominent operators .and holders" are the Cudahy Oil Company, the Union Oil Com"--pany,
and in fact all the principal, oil interests in the United States are more or less
represented in these fields. r ,
The oil has a commercial value of $2.00 per barrel, crude, at the well. This field
being directly upon the water front, with good harbor facilities, and a thousand miles
. nearer the orient than any port in the states, will control the Oriental oil trade. Some
thing like eight million dollars in refined oil products were consumed in the orient last year.
Oil refineries are also contemplated for Portland, and the' several oil refineries now
operating in California will also be in the market for these goods. -
600-601 OREQOINI
C. S.-ButIerJsChosen JWayor
and M. F. Eggleston Recorder -"
' Will License Saloons.
(Special Piapatea to The Joeraal.) ' ,
Ashland, Or., Dec. 20. An excltlna
and hotly eonteated city election .was
held In Ashland yesterday. Tha con
servative or "wet" ticket was victorious,
electing- their mayor, O. -8. Butler, by a
majority or more than S to 1, and their
candidate for recorder. Captain M. E.
Eg-gleston, carried every ward, having
a total majority of S6 over Berry, thd
candidate of the Anti-Saloon leag-ue.
Tha vote on wee and dry proposition re
sulted In a majority of 25 for the, vet.
The dry. ticket elected one oouncl
man. In the second ward and one coun
cilman In tha third ward. The total
vote cast today waa 71S.J
Excepting the year 1S0S Ashland haa
been dry for flvs years and continu
ously In saltation over saloon licensj
for 10 years. Conservatives celebrated
the vlotory by fireworks and horns last
night ' '
Up Against It'
' From the Philadelphia Prm.
"No lettrr for bm r-t t" the nemos Biea la
qnlrrd for the aeTeath ot elf nth time.
"No," replied the general a.llTfry clerk.
"Ton seem aux4oos to frt that letter."
"No, I'm anxious not to get It. --I'm travel
ing tor Huatle A Co., and I'aa expecting to be
Bred.' ' . -
- -1 ' WITS .
Teas, Coffees
V Spices
Gome rliht aloni and
let us show you how
quicITand easy you
can det a beautiful
Guaranteed Watch
Great liiicrlcm.Importlsj Tea CO.
SOS riret at,
331 Waahlna-toa Bt.
) Fortlaag.
11 li VUliWli
IboH hole snatalaed Itself three days at
m tveighS of one fcunorea mmn m
Oi the strength of this stock U the
company jumped from IS easts to S1040
ever algfet. We think ours aa rood.
"1 1
you in
Special Election Shows Big Ma
jorityTavorTng rVTunTcIpaT 7
Ownership Project.
(Speelal Dispatch to The JoaraaL)
Independence, Or., Dec. 20. By a vote
ef two to . one this city yesterday de
clared In ' favor of eatabllshtng and
maintaining a gravity water system.
While those opposing tha city owning
Its own water plant did hard rustling
the last raw days, the final vote ahowa
the sentiment of the town was strongly
against them. '-The agitation for the
city ownership of the water plant began
about nine months ago, and. last sum
mer the city council had a preliminary
survey and eatlmate - made - and - last
month ordered a special election, that
the people might have a chance of
voicing their sentiments, which resulted
In the overwhelming vote In favor of
city ownership. :
The cost of the proposed plant will
be in the neighborhood of 126,000, the
city to issue bonds to cover the full
amount. The Intended source of sup
ply are springs situated on tha eaat
aide of tha Willamette river, about three
miles from ths city.; The water la of
excellent quality. A reservoir will be
built sbout two and one half mllli
from the city at an elevation of 17S
feet above Main street The capacity
of the proposed reservoir will be 260,
000 gallons. The carrying capacity ot
ths pipe while used for Are protection
will be about S2t gallons a minute.
When the reservoir Is filled this will
keep three 1-Inch fire noxxles going for
ten hours at a pressure' head of 100 feet.
The ayatem will be supplied with 20
Are hydrants. The distributing system
will consist of six and one eighth miles
of street wster malna. The water will
be delivered to the -consumers at a pres
sure bead: of 1(6 feet. The network of
pips covers practically the whole Im
proved portion Of the city.
In paying for the ' proposed plant
bonds are to be Issued and a sinking
fund created, ths surplus revenue each
year to go Into the sinking fund to pay
for bonda at time of maturity. ',
(Joornat gperlal St i Ice.) ,
New York. Dec. SO. The church of the
Ascsnslon will be the scene of a highly
fashionable wedding thla afternoon,
when Miss Buiette de Maiigny-, Hall,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cor
nelius Hall, snd Charles gchuveldt Dewey
will be married In the presence of a large
and fashionable assemblage of friends
snd relatives of the two families. Miss
Hall belongs to a distinguished family.
Shels a great-granddaughter of tha late
Mrs. John Randolph. Orymea of Orymes
For Infanta and Children.
Tlii KtnlYoo Hai8 Altajs Bought
Bears the
LAST SUNDAY WE HAD AN AD IN THE JOURNAL In which we gave In detail our
plan. The result haa been that the fifty (SO) memberships may be all taken up before we can again .
advertise this; perhaps you did not notice our former announcement. Let ua repeat .a good atory
ia never injured in retelling. r . . ' . V
NOW HERB IS OUR PLAN: We have deed to eight (8) claims that are located one thousand
(1,000) feet wcjt of the famous English Gusher Well, near the Cudahv Company's holdings and next to the big '
Seattle company's two wells. While the Union Oil Company and the English company, in fact, all the prin-.
cipal oil interests of America are interested in this district, known as the Kayak District on Controller Bay
; in Southern Alaska. '. . -,. V. . ,: .
We offer fifty (SO) memberships in the Underwriting Syndicate at One Hundred ($100) Dollars each,
: subject to being unsold. These memberships to -
STOP AND FIGURE where this
be one of the actual partners, and
organized as the ALASKA-POKTLANIJ COAh ANU OU, tOMJ'AWY. ,
' ' This company will be incorporated when the fifty(SO) memberships are sold and your, membership will ,
entitle you to ten thousand (10,000) shares of stock, par value one ($1.00) dollar. But best of all. we will
then offer in this same space the treasury stock of the company at not less than twenty cents a share, and -if
we strike oil as our neighbors did. our stock will also be worth ten ($10.00) dollars a share, while the coal
- prospects alone gives it the value .of twenty cents a share right now.' Thus your stock will have the same" .
market value at the treasury stock within thirty days. . ... '
As we confidently expect that these rnnberthipa will be placed readily, you will not secure one or ,
more memberships without having. them reserved for you at once.; ' - ; ' , , . , ,
"'' Send ten 7J10.00') cfollars for each membership you subscribe for 'and the money will be returned to
case all are sold before your subscription irrives.; Balance payable monthly.
Volatile material
r-: i
Ash ...
XBT Bxpzauxvea,
-ft iwstimrTATiojtV
X Ksrowusoa,
XsT Mucosas.
BladdeVroablsa, aTydrooele,
Tarloooole, K Mmples, Ulcers,
Kidney Oomplalats, Blood Ioioa,
Srervone Debility,' trlotare,
Bhesunatlsa. . Private Disease. .
Files . Xesst Vitality.
. All manner ef Chronic Afflictions ef
men and women. Most modern and sci
entific treatment No euttlng. No pain
ful operationa. i No detention from busi
ness. No misrepresentation. Reputation
established for honest and fair dealings
with ell patient's. Consultation and ad
vice free, i-
CT MIIK Medical and
df'aaa Yamhill Sta, Vortlaad, Or.
inp -
,nv .u' it
n r
Hill, - Btaten laland. and a grand niece
of the late Mrs. Samuel Ward and Mrs.
Louis von Hoffman. Among her other
ancestors Wars Governor William C, C.
Claiborne- of Louisiana; - Philip E
Thomas, who waa tha first president of
the ' Baltimore A Ohio railroad. Her
great-great-grandfather was the Marquis
Mandevllle de Marlgny of New Orleans,
who entertained Louie Philippe when be
waa In this country.
Miss Hall's attendante will be Mra
C. B. Ely and the Misses Agnaa.Hall.
Elisabeth Hudson. Lily Wilson, Winlnred
Burnett. Gladys Templeton, Kdvtb Lln-
plneott, Edith Chappell and Helen Baf-
ft ftrnwr
would out you on a One Hundred ($100) Dollar investment.
would be entitled to your share in the
. (Bulletin 223, U. S. Ceo. Sur. 376.) . . j .
In speaking of the Controller Bay district for publication in June of this current
year, Dr. Martin said:".. . , J . .
"The twenty-foot seam now exposed in the tunnel on Carbon Creek -is the most
promising coal seen by the writer. It not only, possesses the greatest thickness and
is entirely free from bands-of shale and other impurities, but as the table below shows,
it is the purest coal snd has the highest heating power. Its composition shows it to
be semi-anthracite, of somewhat the same composition as the coal of the Bernice Basin
(Loyalsock) in Pennsylvania, although it ia purer and has a higher heating power than -that
coal" Note - - : - - ,,
The following is an average of several analyses of "Loyal sock" -coal: r -'
. -t - ' -. ' Per cent.' .
....... ........ ................
.v. ;
. .
t.. .... . ...........
Controller Bay coal is purer and has a higher heating power than "Loyalsock."
Referring to this. Dr Martin says f urtheri?It differs from the anthracite of Penn
sylvania and Wales in having more volatile matter in , proportion to the amount of
fixed carbon. . In the ratio of fixed carbon to volatile matter it is nearer to the Bernice
. Basin coal than to any other coal that reaches the general market. In heating power
' as well as the low amount of impurities, -it is almost identical with the Pocahontas steam "
- coal of West Virginia, but excels this coal by having a higher proportion of fixed carbon.
, There is no other .coal with which it is likely to come into general competition, or with
which it can be compared, for it is far higher in heating power, and better in purity than
any coal that is mined upon the Pacific coast, either in the United States, Canada or
Australia."" , ; . ,
Veins from sixteen to fifty-eight feet in width have been discovered in these Con
troller fields. Coal mining , in the Controller Bay district has a distinct advantage. .The
coal measures are easily accessible to the coast. .
These 50 memberships will be quickly placed, so act at once. Our difficulty la not
in convincing you, but in obtaining time an opportunity of doing so. Call or write today.
We treat successfully all private ner
vous and chronlo diseases of men; also
blood, stomach, heart, livery kidney and
throat troubles. We eure SYPHILIS ,
(without mercury), to stay cured for
ever. We remove STRICTURE, with
out operation or pain. In IS day a.
Wa atop drains, night losses and
spermatorrhea by a new method In a !
ahort time, i Wo can. restore the sexual
vigor of any man under 60 by meana of
local treatment peculiar to ourselves. .
We Cure Gonorrhoea
,2 In a Week
The doctors of thla Institute are all
regular graduates, have had many
fears'nkperience. have bean known in
ortland for 16 years, have a reputation
to maintain, and will undertake n
unless certain cure can be erraotarf.
Wa guarantee- a eure In every ease 'are
undertake or charge no fee. Consults- I
tlon free. Letters confidential Inatruo
tlva BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In
plain wrapper.
We eure the worst case ef piles In
two or three treatments, without opera
tion. Cure guaranteed.
ess:fuOU nnotcu cffl0 "J1 Question blank Home treatment suo
Offlce hours, t to I and T to S. Sundays and Holidays, 10. to is. -
. Offices In Van Noy Hotel. 81 H Third Street. Corner Pine. Portland. Or.
These days, and you might as well
travel under his banner by buying
your boy a kit of tools, a scroll saw
or a shaving sst, if ha s old enough
to use a rasor, from the carefully
chosen, completely assorted stock
ws havs In readiness for you. Every
thing In hardware worth carrying or
sending home at purchase-compelling
AVERY & CO., 48 Third St
Betweea rise and Ash Sta,
C O A L,
' '
At a email margin of profit because we
sell so much of It handling, as we do,
the product of all the mines which ship
to Portland. ' '. .
Tall os your -wants and we'll supply
them for ton In' "three shakes of a
young lamb's tall." '
- " - - ' ,
new company now being
- - " "r " r
.. ..................... .........
.". 770
ooiMuuioaa, sun, smzus,
want every man afflicted . with ' the
above dlaeases to honestly Investigate
our special aystem of treatment .We la.,
site in particular all who have treated
elsewhere . without - auccaaa, all whose
cases have .. been ' abandoned by femllf
physicians' and ao-called "VraOIAIr
UTS," all whose troubles havs been
aggravated and made worse by the use
of SBX.TS, risi lutmi, tbiaij
TBBATaCBSrTS and so-called BrZCXT
ICS. Ws will explsia to you why such
treatment has failed to cure you, and
will demonstrata to your entire satis
faction that ' we can cure you safely,
quickly and permanently. Our counsel
will cost nothing, end ws will do by you
as ws would wish you to do by us If
our eases were reversed. Write for our
home treatment If you cannot call.
Boom s'and 7, Winchester Xousev S4
aaa Boraslde Strseta, Vortland, Or. -.
". . BstabUahed 187
for modem gental worn. World-renowned
sneelallstav - - -
Lewest'prlcea aonalatant with flrtl-elaas
Oa ta the
ppea Sa.andnlght-foas Siee-SA -BW
w a m
... X 1- - - - .