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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAItY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20. 1805. 13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ANGELES - ' nnUDAY spbital. N , BtE mm AT OMI. J 11.800 dnwa. balance . to. BHlt. 88.50Q; B-roora large huuH, tile end basement, bath, fireplace, not and eold water, pautry, , ckiihee-rloeeta. eo-font f rootage, on nice. lawnvd Kaet-Btghtrntk-t. lot, 1 block troia Murrlaon-t. rar; will rent for (30 luunUil. ANUELKS, 843 Flftn and Main. . -OITR 6-ronni houses ta ManUTtlla: $700. 1,0"0. t.n). $1.00; way tariua. i. P. Brian, 2U4 Allaky bldg. IS ACRES en helguta ta enutuera part of tUa elly; would make 100 full Used Me; this Ida Hamilton ave., bandy to rar Una and , new en building wltlila on block; would make gllt-edae addition; 175 par lot will buy It; lota adjoining aell for (300 and up. B. I. Cook I'm., 351 Alder at. TO HOMKHEEKKH8 AND SPECULATORS. Beautiful bome In Holladay Park for. .. .(3.S00 An excellent home la Irvlngton for...... 6,!W0 lloine Ml" Hellwood at., rare bargain 8.700 Lou on Portland and Willamette Hetghle. Baat Salmon at. and Irvuigtou. Lota and : acreage la St. Jobna. Bear teraia on all of abore. Rentale and fire Insurance. R. H. , Hloaenm. THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 81 t'bamber of Commerce, - FHRER new boa Ha, rent or aalei aaap. 164 Foartk at., room 18. Owner. bYEKTKRN OREGON TRUST OO, llne. Pbone Pacific U3. 391 Stark at., Portland, Oregon. Real a. late, timber land, rental, ' fire ineu ranee. Take full eh am of proper t lea, secure tenants, everaee repalra and collect rent. iACRF.S, all clear and la eherry tree to year old; Be ear fare: lota adjoining 1 100 ta (1001 . (SKO per aero. I 81, eara of Journal. tlH ACRES, H mil from electric llaoi a . rock or gravel: fine anil, aey ta eteeri nlng water, road on t eldeei (79 per gore. ....easy terma. I AO. eara of Journal. (OB BALB at a bargain, modern T-roora boa a. oa Kast Taylor, dose In; (arm ta gait purebaear. Apply i 43. eara Journal. g"OB 8 ALB II g-rooua eottagee oa oaat aide) baeeaient and yard. hot. and erdd water, balb afrtoe e.,ew .num. v w, iinniH (OK SALE Modern anbarbaa cottage aloe ta .rerllne, Boe location, (round lOuxloO. O. W, P. Towoalte Co., ISA Ilrat at. tWO. fine lota. 100x100. corner: good view of anuw moan telnet cheap. Ala now nodora furulabed B-rooae boaaa, barm. Baat 438. ar Mala 1418. HOW la tbtet A neat room boos, nice ,. lot bOxlOO, oa Eaat 14th at., one blork frraa ear line; the beet boy lo Baat Portland 1 (1,000. . M 15. eara Journal. (ELLWOOD LOTS. (8 down and 88 a aaoathi frag. (75 to (200. ... Bellwood Tow anlta Co. - Pbone Eaat 4704. , If Tom want ta any or aal real aetata call oa u. I we -do not deal la en a pa, but Hat yonr . property with oa at Ita real value! we will . cell. It for you. Sou. re peel Real Batata . Co., MS Morrlaoa it.. Allakv bldg.. room SUA, " Pbone Pacta (01. W. S. liar. axanager. (J. TOO, A BNAP Corafortahl mod are boas. . - cloaa la em the oaat aide, llrlng-roonai. bath, ate., gaa and electricity, large oaeement eo. talnlng laundry, two" ctore and fuelroomel everything about thr bouae la iret-clae re pair; the lot la ISO feet deep, eoatalne eblckea bouae a ad yard and n amber of (no fruit treeai aa Ideal bom. for ro en fort and coa venlenoa. Call or addreaa tbe awaer, room 00. toe lUrquam. Pbooe Mala aoe. to 4 ' (1.700 FOR lot oa Kearney at., Tyaoa Klneell, 001 Comnwrclal blk. , Mala 2823. . - - . , I ACRES eery fine land, leaa tbaa m mile from alec trie line. 11 mile from Portland, oa fine road: there k. ao rock or gravel;, lie level and oeay to clear! fns per acre. 'any kmd of terma. I 48. eara ef Journal. . . NORTH PORTLAND. 7 v -.WILSON'S ADD. ' -' ' - BLAOKISTONra ADD. Lota (1.OO0 to (l.TBa Heat realty Inveatment In Portland. B. H, IX)MBARD, 814 Chamber of Commerce. ITS CASHOood 4-room plaatered aooee. I lota. H block car, aloee la; balaaca (10 aaeaih; price Vw. . 8TATR INTTtSTMKNT CO.. 118 Ablngtoa bldg. BUSINESS lot, I'nloa are. Call 8W . Waaa. WK aell .kite and on I Id bouaea to aait: oeay , terma: aatlmatea farnlahed. Wa are eotnrae tora or bulktlnga. 8berwood A Co.. 80SVk Morrlaoa at., room 8. A T-ROOM aaodera bouae la Weet Irving too; moat aell: owner leaving cltyi moot be aeo to bo appreciated. Apply oa premlaea,. 480 ' Tbombcoa at. . EIGHT-ROOM modern bouae la good location: eleetrle Ughta. furnace, cement walka. and In gaa dlatrlct: for aale at a . eacrlftce; owner leaving city; can be eeea at 493 Kaet Twenty-third at.: take Waverly or Wood atork car; a bargain. (8,100. Alao 8 cantre . Iota oa Braoklya Height.. (400 each. Call ' at above addreaa or pbone Union 8638. 'rOR BALE Cheap; alghtly comer and Inalde lot; Lower Alblna. Inqnlre 871 Market at. THREE acrea St. Jobna Una. Owner. 827 Chamber of Commerce. . (1.400 4-ROOM cottage; hot and cold water, bath, woodahed; Uood bet. Lincoln and Hall; rente for (18; weat aide. Inquire 188 - Arthur at.' - Call after 8 p. m. FOR BALK IV-room modern cottage oa car line: bath, toilet, hot water; eldewalka down; - lot 41x100; price (1,20, (300 eaah. balance per moatb, T14 VUU , are, cor. mltb. . 01woois ACRES, 8 mllea from city, near car) S-room rt aldence, barn, Jant treea, ate. (1,000 Modern 8-rooen 'Vealdenca, baaemeat. gaa, aldewalk, nice yard. Three pronertlea nicely located; terma If d. aired. Call fore- , noooa 87 Kaat Nlntb. north, near Davie. JJF.AUTirtX new colonial bonae, 8 large room, large eVoeeta, . full cement baaement. gaa, etc.; thorotfghly. modern: cheap and on enay terma. Inquire oai iry au raoao uaioa wesu. ROOM bnuee, hot water, fruit treea, barn, . . . , , lv 1 . l 1 1 - etcj terma. e rtwf , ii.e PRQPKKTT. Income (300 per month. 48,S00; bif.lneaa property, Income (160 per month, (; H block, Holladay, near Union, 8:1,600; comer, Union are, near Holladay, ' (I 8S0; double booaa. North Portland, (1.W0; iu acree at Ht. John. (2.860: 40 lota, Highland Park, (100 each; houaee and lota ail over city, appiy io vwaw, rr. kiuh room 15 WaahlngtoB block. BARGAINS IN HOLLADAT'B ADDIITION. 11 klb am tteAadwav 82.230 XL block oa Hancock. ,.......... 1.000 H block oa Twelfth at 8.2M i block on Schorler 8.000 forner lot on Broadway. ..r.... -1,800 One wt off" Eleventh and Tillamook .... . 700 4 block. Fifteenth, all Imnrovementa In. 1.860 W . BWABI, ! taamiirr di vwumt.-w n nj u i r , iu - ..... , good weat view. high, alghtly: (1.460 thl ween. - ine toninieiii.i " GOOD corner bit en Front at., nontb:,. good In- reatment; we can ahow you. The (Contlaeotal ao oiar. , WE bare rood Front-at. brtalneaa building: 8-atory brick. oml repair, (175 per month . ...l.i I. mnA 1 n .ulnu.l income; 1. you .. .. - . . at (26.600 call. Tbe Continental Co., 848 stark at. fcAROAINS IN LOTS- ' . (4HI takea corner Wa. fentral AIMna .. , anal lor nice " - ' - (H00 taken g.d Ineldj nroperty. . We kav geveral good buy! la farm, cloaa la. 385 nurnaiae ' e-Ao . f c - m hnuae and 811x100 Int. Kaat Twenty-eixtb at., near A"beiir. Inqnlre-433 Wllllama are. i none m. ANT ONE wanting aoapa In Wondlawa boaaea cell p. Eaat 4815 and will be taken direct io too FARMS, email traeta "i.rj"r" 0. W. P. electric lino. O. R. Addlton, Lenta, Oregon. Teke Mount aeon .. . FOR SALE FARMS. ".x ... i..a u le enlrJeattoa. Baa ale and level, rich black kmmi It a io mn of Pnrtlaad: wilt offer II fid n Htm taM. Ml T II BIB BW BWW. aeeaa a 1. eare JowraaL - - IMVirRB farm 18 mile eeat ef Portlaad oa I IrACRB rarm. lr muee ei i naenr nrari w biiib nwo ' - i imneoeemeeM. 16- acrea a Powell Valley I mmmn. io- aerre wm U mile eonth of reeereotri abort 41a-1 from 8 earlloea. 17 acre tond. level roed. ImA aol.ttnlne Uotnr addltloB. . W. AV. FCaV Lin., in Valine hide. ' d FOR SALE FARMS. MOSIKR. 180 acre. 48 cleared, 80 In wbeet, 8 be ing planted to ataiidard applee: all eeally cleared; eeveral aprluga; partly fenced; price (lM) per' acre. . SIS ei-ree. nearly all level, H mile from towa, 18 acree la bearing, orchard; ao build Inge; . price (178 per acre. . -. 1 acrea ou road bet ween Moeler and Hood River; T eprloga oa the plaee. about 80 acrea cleared ; price (30 per acre. Tbla to all good apple 'land and well adapted to .mall fruit. Ta real red ap ple 'nooD RIVR TAI.LET- , , . 60 acrea, mllea from town, 40 In eal tlvatlon, 1.800 fruit treee. loo a full bear ing, large apring and under Irrigation canal, bouae and barn on place, telephotie and bV. r. l.; avrrybody admired tbe apple front tbla place at tbe fair: price (0 per tcre. JO acre, ta oamo locality aa above. T acrea' cleared. 120 young appla tree I email bouae; price only 51,600. ' - av acre., SH mile from towa on Una of new railroad: will have apur on Pce: 80 acrea In cultivation, 18 In two and hree y ear-old orchard; new B-room bouee. good bexa and other bulldlnga; prlw (126 per acre.. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. ' . . 160 acree, . between Eataceda and the Molalla river. ' TO acre In cultivation, all la crop or meadow except f acrea good 8-roon boaaa, - 8 barna and aeveral other build- i . . . .i . M.nK ..n .he .ilaeAi we liga, poBtoiiirw enu - - . recommend thla aa a fin farmi let aa glv . D"itcuJ"- .... Vn .iilaMe. o acree, e i -.. ----- T acrea In good cultivation, email orchard, creek through the place; box bouae, baro. etc.;' price (1.060; tbla la In' a new and promlaliui aectlon; the aoll I excellent. ; LAN01U.K RAND. Tranafer bldg.. . Mixta and . Oak eta. 103 H ACKRir io la eultleatloa and tilled. T5 aa nearly lerei, xo acree im. .--t of aota and timothy la! wall feaced. cedar peat, plank and wlrei mnnlnf water year around; its tone of bay, J buabcm of oate. 800 aarka of potatoee, good team. 4 row, I boga. eh Irk ana, wagoa. barneaa, buggy aad all . klbda of farming Implement; R. r . D. call; IS ml lee from elty and oa food road; price. '(S,H, termc to cult. , 190 acree of Al land, three qoartera Boarly ' leeeL other quarter allgbtly rolling, well fenced, one half aeeded to eUrrer and gra. 00.000 feet. of good aaw timber, cedar enough vtonukl 100,000 fence poet, 600 piling pole, balance fair timber, place weU fenced, fine logglug a (ream by tbe place, ao atone oa toe place, fair kooee and 1 good barna, I to 10 . acrea lo good cultivation, nice young orchard. .- - ik. hnuaa. a tone of bay. 30 I aarka of carrot, 10 aarka of rutabagaa, 10 Carta of paraalpa, au aacaa or. poiaion, w and 8 helfera. 1 8-Inch wagon. 1 plow, 1 bar. row and other thlnge too oamerouc to mee tloa; alao I cook atora and all cooking at alla. TliU place can be diTlded between two part If If deal rod. Oa a good county road; R. F. . mall, cloco to achool. 8W atllea to depot and rlreri good atorea. good mar ket at home, 1 hour from Portland;, (800 aaah. (1.800 long time. per cent. 76V acrea alee level land. US acrea la a high atato of cultivation, of which 18 acrea to gennlne bearer dam. eome cwall land, come food timber; there ar w or Ida of graaa. a good u-rootn fraaia bouee, good water at the door, a fair bare and other bolldtnga. fine or chard, of the beat eerletlee, milk route by the door!Al dairy land; R. F. . mall and ' phone Una. oa a good roa,d, I mile frotu roreet roe: price $.'1,000. , 4 ho acrea, 800 acrea bottom land, 8S m en. tl ration. 7 room bouae. I barna, 40 fruit treea, . l.OOO.OuO feet of good aaw timber, apruce, cedar and fir, 10 eowa and 8 S-year-olde, tea in. warm and harneea, 1 buggy and boggy boree. 1 new mowing machine, plow and harrow; ; price la.rmo. la tbe etate of Waablnstoji near -the Oolnmbht rreer. . RSPRV-CHAMB REALTY 00. Room 1 Hamilton bldg. . FOR BALE. 80 acrea, eeveral acrea cleared, email homa and bera good well: 7 mllea from Vancouver. 8 mile from boat landing; level land, on grae. ebrd road, near achool; B. F. P. Prloa (1.800. terma. . 100 acrea, T mllea oaat of Vancouver; good graveled, road: 60 acrea cleared. 8 acrea good orchard. T-roora bona and barn! near achool and church, 8 mllea boat landing; 13 eowa, team borere, harneea, I heavy waeona. aprlng wagon, binder, mower and rake. M toae bar. plowa, barrowa, dlak. other email toole; AO acrea ala.hed and aaey cleared; R, F. D. Price (SJ00. terma. ' 80 acrea. 8 ml lee from Vancouver, 18 acrea cleared, all fenced: beet of aoll; 1-4-etoer frame houae, 8 room, fair barn, other oat balldlnaa: one quarter mile to atoree, R. F. !, achool ana quarter mile; aeveral cowl, team horaee. plga. chick ena. etc.; alp ktn-le of Implemeata and toole. Price (8.100, term, or will tTade for city property. 853H Waahlngbak at. 10 nm FARM of 400 acree. no-, cultivated. rtalene aeatnre: ao acre eioverj wain, barnat vennld aell la lota of 40 acrea. Ad dreea E. Bell. Route 1, Rick real. Oregoa, or 408 Baat Twelfth at, Portland. jrOR,gAjrjv-40 acrca fra- (1.8041:(!dnwTi. balanceon"' timet"' ThdUffe-J'Mra.,"M. ' Tbomp- aoh, 14ST Davidaon ave., aaouiavuia car uue. A to-ACRE farm, all In cultivation. mllea front eoaethouoe. 1 mile from O. W. P. Re. Co.. (3.000; terma to eult. or "will trad fot konee aad lot. Joha P. Sharkey, T01 Cham ber of Commerce. FREE LAND IN oRBOON ander the Carey Irrigation Act. Iieea nrrect from erate. - Write today. Booklet aad map free. B. 8. Cooke A Co., 8St Aider at. Portlaad. Or. ACRES, ht fine atate of cultivation, on fine road, mile rrora eiectne ime, om nooee, a acrea to bearing orchard ; there to no rock or gravel: price (1,300. M 14. can Journal. , FOR BALE Stock ranch of 8.400 acre aear Co burg. 8 mllea aertheaet of En gen. Lane county, Oregon: price low and terma eaar. F. D. Chamberlain. Labb bldg.. Portlaad. (.000 ACRES of farm and fruit land .for aale In the famona Urapqua valley. For part km I a. -a write the Myrtle, Creak Real Eatat Co, Myr tle Creek. Oregon. . FOR SALE OR TRAPS. SB acrea aear city, all fenced. 8 acre enl ' fleeted, balance eaally cleared; will trade all or part for reaMence In city or will aell on . ea.r terma: price (3,800. 83S-acr farm oa railroad, alt caltlvate.1, good Improvemeata. running water, orchard, etcrv will trade for city property i (35 per . V": w.'j;daV CO. . 1681. Foortta at, room 88. FOR BALE 4 acre . on Powell VaUey road, all In cultivation: bouae, bam and "Ice orchard:-price (1.000, one half eaah: 6c far. Portland Real Eatat Cot. S054 Mnrrtoon. 80 ACRES In Waahlirrtoa- county. 40 aero heavy timber, near sawmill and good grav eled Toad; (6 per-acre. 206 Allaky bldg. 81.350 BUYS 10 acrea on weat able. 8 mllea from ceurthonae: beet aoll, all cultivated, no ' gravel: beautiful view) oa new ear line now ' building; w have five of three In on tract; bny'one of thee nowT-B. 8. Cook 4 Co., 361 AMer et. FINE farm of 138 acrea eplendldly located. level and excellent aoll: thla la on of the beat at (VI per acre; aee pnorogranha at Our - offlc. B. 8. Cook A Co.. 361 Alder at. aw an.acre farm aear Rherldaa. Oregon: .18 acrea partly cleared, good peatnre, bale ore Br and oak jimoer: gooa a nan orrDoree. wagon and 8 eowa, S-room houae. bara 40x60, eraodabed and cblcken-bouae: 81.600: a bar- gala. Call early. National Realty Co., BIS nne at. - 8 ACRES on Powell Valley road; 1 mile from - atrcet ear; flrat-claaa mad for email frulte, all Hmproved, lta acre atrawberrlea, email , aona. , BtAB A nURLBtTT. .' 815 -Ablngtoa bldg. ' ' ' (.10 PER acre' hnya fin farm In Temhlll county; ever 300 acre cultivated: near- good town; (nod building; .on mile of railroad - atatlon: ' would divide rm-. nicely Into (64 per acre email farmei . B. 8. Cook et Co., ' S.M 'AMer at. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED acrln. any eiaa pleeeei low eal nrlce. W. O. Howell. 888 Chamber ef Com. FOR HOMESTBADB. timber elalma aad acrla apply to 808 Commercial blk. - TIMBER LAND WANTED I eaa handle a anmner of good timber claim In Deecbnte timber belt, at oncet title maat be perfect. I. N. lluater. Bend. , Oregon. I WILL take 81.300 for following Inrr acrea la Pacific, county. Washington: N. W. eee- tlon 14. tnwnablp II. range 10; good timber and near Naael Rlrer. Wrlta to Jamee H. Clover. Btandlah, Michigan. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. TUB M0PEL STABLES, Browa Footer, prop. Phone Mem 847. Boarding, livery and at let etpreee end baggage tranafer. 208 Davie at. TO EXCHANGE. WILL a change aoaae valuable mining atoeb " -i1,i4 iia und. A.. 1. 60T Me- Kay bldg. . - - TO EXrilANOE V 'ere eKnleBvea1dence Iota for a 'paying bualne prepoaltlo. Be M. aV M, Slllb-at. ; TO EXCHANGE. . 180 ACRES oa Columbia river, near Cathlaroet J em. uuuer enouga IO pay ror .r,p erly; eacbange for houae and lot. or Offrra. , .BLAIR HtiBLBIIT, aio auingtou niiig TO EXI-HANUB (Jood limber land In a flu lore l toa fur aierchaadlea. - Wkllary Brua, Irving, Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALErTo cloee out. eatate ef prominent - " ' " M , W,l. WIS U. .IIKWIM MIWHI.IH walnut, rare wood, A. Rocco etyle, nearly new . lamia piano; I a quick buyer thai b. a bargain; left en sale with aa; eatat pay aa our eomulaakai, ao you gat all there I In It; yaet the preaent for Xmae; paymente If deelred. Manufacturer' Plana Co., SMI Alder. Opea evening. FOR BALE Fin French walnut Puritan etyle Decker upright piano; grand cabinet alae, la teat dealgn; coat (4S0; will ell it a anap price, eeea or eeay paymenta If deelred; all L want la good, reliable buyer. Call at 8607ARter U tan be eeea la evening If you deelre. Wl print your nam oa 80 eaTllng-card. proper alae aad atyle, ana; oualiieaa caroa, .1. Browa A Bttmale. 328 Flrat. PortUod. Or. BOOKS boogbt. eold and exebaacad 'at tbe Old Book a tore, 338 Yamblll at. WESTERN OR BOON MININO MILUNH fcrmattoa at 180 Flrat at. Pbone Main 163d. MACHINERY of all ktade repaired. OeatennJal iroa ateel worxa, zns unaaa eu LARGEST atork of bottle t nerthweet: order filled promptly. Portland Bottle supply vok. 8l NorUi Eighteenth at. Main 3388. SHOWCASES AND FUTURES made to rder aecoad-band good for eale. rariaoa auur atronx. tW Couch at. Phoa Clay S7L BILLIARD -AND POOL table for reat or (of ale on ea.f payment. TUB BRUN8I( K-BALKE COLLENDEB Ca . 44 Thu-d at., . Portland. HORSES of all ktada for aela at very twtaoaabl prioaa inquire 3TB Front ate FOR SALB OR RENT NEW AND 8 BOO NO NA ND SEWINO MACHINES. STANUAKU F.WINfl MACHINB AOENCZ. H. D. JON US, 3K0 YAMHILL ST. . DIAMONDS, wa tehee and Jewelry at a eevlnf or y per nt. H. M. lorrert at nro;, vn aale and retail Jeweler. Office 807 Allaky bldg.,. Third and Morrlaoa. - HORSES, harneea, aeeond-band w a roue, one good hack: alao rlga for rent y flay or mosu. 420 Hawthorn. Phooe Eaat T3. FOR BALB I cow, a etngle wagon aad harneea. incabetor. Phoa Eaat 8x10. - AT cloalng-oat price, eeveral eampl gaaollne nginea, marine ana atationaryi wrue iue price. Releraon Machinery Co Portland. ALL or part Intereet la well drIU. Addreaa Box 47, Bout 3, areanam, uregoa. . FOR BALB Scow North Bumalde at.,. No. 3. FOR BALB A new, flrat-claa .team tng. 67 feet Incbe long. 13-root . seam, oepm 01 l...ia a . hlvk-neeeane uv enelne. 64x84-lnch poller. Addreaa Job , Lamont. 1 Bkamokawa, Waablngton. NEW (4O0 tcerlrjg piano (ISO; Decker; (6l aiea .-IK QJI li. rirat corner Main. upatalra. ; " '" - WB need furniture and will pay full ralue. Phooe PacIHe TBS. Weatern 81 vag Co., 627 Waablngton at. . ' EDISON Botary Mimeograph, almoeti new. In perrect couaition. . jail or auunwe wv - blilg. FOR BALE Parrota, eery fin talkere: Im ported canariea. ngora c., JC":, . etc.; luat th thing for Chrlatmae. P.irll'Vl Bird Co., 137 Sixth at.. North. Phon red 861. FOB BALE 860 buy a new rnhrwr-tlr borryl only bee naed a lew monina; d' axle." cuehlon tire. A 8, care Journal. PERSONAL. BB WENf ' . .... ... ' ' V. P, (Vltal-Powarj tanieta wiu reio . yoa tie anap. vim and vigor f manhood II 1 yoa are larking la the power of vitality, Ita loea recalling from Indlecretlona and oxeeeeea, aead for a bog of tbeee tableta and be eon. vlneed ef tbelr merit. By mall la plala nka. , 81. - The Armetrong Tablet .0-. lath. Htm Tolama blk.. Detroit. Michigan. SPECIAL NOTICBJ-O WJlMKN Doot rjak your live by an operation whan yray-ca be cured by harmlea asetboda; .lectHclty properly applied will eave life where opera FloBO kill. We noeoeaa the tateet laveatlo to control dlaeaaea peculiar to women. Dr. W J. Nac. M. r... Medical Electrlclaa. Of. flea T18 Dekam bldg. Pboa Bad 8381. Offlc hour 8-13.. 3.g. - DR. AUSPT.UND. dloeaeea of women and ear awry. SOS AlUky bldg- Third aad Morrlaoa. DETECTIVE, AGENCY ConBdentla! Ineeetl. ganooe: reporre mene on bbj -..". - eeea or property: mleelng lVtlree located; bad debnj collected: rh.rgea rea aona hie: cce. reepondenc eolMted. Oregon t.t'wJtl; Bervlce. ofdeea 814-818 Colombia bldg.. 865 Waablngtoa at. Phone Main 861. MEN! WOMEN! Raymond' pill P1tlvlr cur aetvouanee and lack af vltall v 1 I (1. 4 aoxea ga. f lummer in-ug ve.. w CONFIDENTIAL, medical ad rice to women W .eea HIh.m nr wneneu .tcra.1T. r. emm with unvarying auceeee all femal allmenta from th ellgbteet local irritation to tne ami complicated Internal trouble: maternity caaea given eperlal attention, private noapltal ao commodatloo; pm'eeelonal tody nareee la (at tendance: coneultatlon and advice free, X Radium Medical -Ihatltute and Sanitarium. Third aad Alder ate., entrance 358 Alder at, Portland. , r FREB eample corn, bunion "arid wart core. -Ed win U Dean. dept. B. Tauatoa. Maae. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregonlaa bb"g.j ladlea aya, gaatleaien Blgnta. ataia uus. 8UITS praaeed while yon. wait. 60. Ladlea' fklrt prcaaed. 80c. Gilbert 106V. Blxtk t,. aext ta Quelle. Pbone Clay 6. MRS. ANNA LUCItEY and ETHEL WARD era now located at 880 Taylor at.; principal of ' tne amenceu ne-eury rariorB. ra .i ... ecalp dlaeeaea; all ktnda of be the glvent eleee 1 1 iv HiBBaaav. nupninii. iu. . . . . . ..v,, , , Marl. ma Karmw'a famoua remedlea: aatlafae. tton guaraateed. Phone Main 3248. " YES, P. I mo Tablet make yoa Bleep perfectly! they core aervoaeneea and mak yoa atrong) ate. aw. a Knv a howea ta 60: euerenterd. All drnrrnita. or addreaa Brooke Drag Co, 47 North Third- at., Portland. - MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Robert' Nerve Glonhle. One month treatment. (2; I month. (8) cent earn rely aealed by mall. armnv woooaro, tw. m . u . , BOOK8I Here fbey are: Decameron." Hen. tameron." "A Jlot Tamale." "Faany Hill." "Twentv Tear a Faker." "Forbidden Fruit." 80c each: Hate free. A. Bcb matey 328 Flrat et LOST power reatored by th great- Dr. Lore' Nerve Tonic Tabltta; 35c per bo. 6 box re for (1.SS. Write or call at Eveeell Pharmacy. 327 Mnrrlaon. bkt lt aad 3d, LADIES Yoa appear 30 year yoonirer, re. . . , -. Ilk- mlmmA tkC nore ail wrinairB, bbtv eam . naing Oregon Grape Bkla Food. Paont beat 1267. . WHY live alone when yoa can eeenre a llf companion .by Joining tbe lntretat Intro ducing Society, and meet or eorreapond with repernnte aeraorta or inia aertiou. wealthy: the November retrlater, 16 cent, Bnlta 34 Ro.eell bldg. Pbone Paaifl 626. FREB In oat of town patron, nor lateat eate- IVMrne o ranee work frillow ope. -center plerea. hlrtwatta and aoveltle. The Needle Craft Shop, SOT Allaky-aldg.. r-orriana, or DOI.IJT hoapltal; repairing aad dreaalng. Yam hill and Weet Para ata. - B.INO rnoonfl tmnorrer of Chlneee root medl 1nea: aella Cblneee tea that la certain cur for all 41a. aee e. 181 Becond bat. Yamhill anJ SEND B. B. RICH. rOBTT.ANP, ORBOON, 26c FOR 35 ASSORTED SOUVENIR POSTAL-l. TCI rAtll mtr Bb raaf Tk Ul tat dr.. font flfear4a 1 lP. SdOH Washington at . Hood 804. Bora feet man anana. SEND for free Hat of cut nrirec aad clubbing rare on magaelnea. Jonee' boob otore. AM at -r DR. ATWOOD. Id Baaaell bid.. InAU FonrtS at. Female dlaeaaea and confinement taken - aad cared fort opea evening. Ooaaaltattea til M a wtancrn awedlab aoedallata. care rbeumatlam. kidney, etomarh and liver treehtae. ehronl eonetlnetlon. ebeelty and all chronic aad nerenne dlaeaaea : no.;drnget no knlfa: 10 per month. Coneultatlon ano om free, lined 1823: 411 Mnrrleoa at HA VB yo aee retr holiday aperletof (1. Ita dlo, Olir. riU aad Waablngton. -PERSONAL. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremoet fraternal aorlrty of north weat: nrotecta the living. 613 Marquam bldg., Portland, Oregon. GET married: Meal plan, beet reunite: eand 10c or periicumre to Toe. X aci 1 1 uoriBeieJtnjvww Club. Alma, Oregon. BALM OF FIGS ror all female dti 636 caat Belmont. Phone Beat 4084. BED-CROHS atanda for relief; apeclally .treat ing cnrooM an privaia autaaaa. tor, aa anu Aah. WANTED TO KNOW the whereabout of Ella May Bwlekard; aometimea goee by th Bam of Ella May Brent; thought to b In Port land or Havr. Montane. Addreaa 407. Weat Third avenue, Denver, Colorado. YOUNG lady give electric and magnetic treat- Btente tor rneumetiam and aervoue aieoruere; alao facial aad acalp maaaege. 145 Vi 6tb. aur. Alder. LENA Shall make aa early attempt. T be candid, wae well Impreaeed, eud am anrry now that I did not apeak eoooer.- It I never too late, ao appidnt Friday. D. F. . ELMEB Never looked Into th matter ao aerloualy. Sine yn direct me to, and glv reaaon for It. I will be pleaeed to aupplr de elred In formation Wadneeday evening. R. M. WELL-TO-DO yang bnalneea maa deelre the acquaintance or nice-looking young lady, uu Ject matrimony. Addreaa A 4, JournaL BALM OF FIGS for all female dtaeaaes. 873 Hartford .at., Penlneular atatloa. MARY ORAMMER-Send eddreaa. Harry. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVEY. Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadillac and Pierce automobile; machine rented, repelred and etored. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, aad Montana Aaaay Office, IM Morrlaoa at ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, 004 Commercial blk., Becond and Waablngton ata. Phon Mala 643. 8. F. BURLEIGH, lawyer. 133 Grand ave., Kat .Portland. ' EDWARD T.i TAOOART, attorney and eoun, eelor. .,418, .Chamber ajf Commerce bldg. ART EMPORIUM. PROCESSOR R. MAX METER. (48 Alder. Portrait and landacape artlet and tearjbor. ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES B. . PFAHLET Poblle andlror and .expert accountant Boom T, Chamber of lummerr eiag, BATHS MASSAGE. YOUNG lady give npnr. alcohol and medicated hatha. Parfcr 37. SOfttt Stark. THE SNOWDRN BATHROOMS Tree-lady at tendee!: 3x7 H Alder at., bet. Fourth and Fifth; tub ana vapor and .maaoago. Pboue Main 6BMS. - . ... BUTCHERS SUPPLIEST B. BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-806 Everett at Largeet butcher' supply boose aa th coaeb BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DA VIB A KILHAM. 104-111 Becond at. Blenk book manufacturera: agenta for Jonee Improved Looae-Leef ledger ; eee th aaw Eureka leaf, the beat oa th market BLACKINQ. WERPOOT Blacking, abeoratelr waierproof . pre. aorvaa tbe leather, make enoee erear 80 per rent longer. For aal everywhere, 10 and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALL nrodne bundled on eommtaeloa : try na; wo pay high eat price and pay Immediately, HI BY A FRANKLIN. . Snccreeor lo P. Miller A Co. Pbone Pari Ac 64. 286 Conch at. t-BNSTH BROS., eommlastoa mcrcbanta. Soar, feed. hr and produce. - 363 to 804 Front at Phon Mala 3698. KVBRDINO at FARRRLL. eroduce aad commie loa merchente. 140 Froat at. Portlaad. Or. Pbone Main ITS. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESRKRG-Gf'NST CO. ' ' . i Dtatrlbotor of - FINIrTOARS. Portland. Oregoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST BT. GEOROB ORMONDE, aeer of Egypt toll yoa of marriage, love, bnalneea, alckneee, h.ew V. to Inveat Blooey, epecnlatloa. buying, aell ' Ing. partnera. frlenda. enemies: cure all aervona draeaae. weekneee of every kind, aettlee love ciuarrela. rennlte the aenarated. baetene marriage, locatee mine, burled . treaaurea. mlealng one, paper: renew youth ful vitality, givea magnetic . secret power of control, develnpa, teachea. 3fM3Vi Waab lngton et. . MRS. STEVENS. Portland'a leading pelmtot, eatmloglat and aplrltnal llfereader, raa glv ..Important and reliable r.cte atmnt tne peat preaent end future. 140 Seventh at. epa. Hotel Portland. Pbone Pacific 714. . MMT4. HELON1A EGYPTIA Paychle llfereader, ectenile palmlet; Egyptlaa taro cardreader: occult teacher and healer. Cor. , MoreUoa CLEANING AND DYEING. YAMHIIX CLEANING A PRESSING CO. work called ror and oeuverao. I none t,iay 3X2. 847 Yamblll. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work: prac tical batter la connect loo. Bit 4 th. Clay 704. CLOTHES cleaned and nread 81 per month. Tn!nvj Tailoring Co.. 847 Waehlhgtoa et fa. W. TURNER, profea.lonal dver and cleaner. 608 Jeffereoa et Phone Mela 15 IX. ' NEW peoceae lac curtain cleaning. 80 to (1 pair. n uiiaan. Main CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carnet Cleaning Co.. largeet plant , on tlx meat, Lortng and nardlng ata.. tele phone Eaat 20 I arpeta Cleaned, rernie.1. - awd and laid: both a team and lateat eorn- ireeaed air proreea: renovating mattreeeee aad 'eetbar a enenalty. aXITRT carnet cleaning, ruction and com , praaeed air combined; earpete cleaned on floor 1 . I . Ih kiuu r asuA. CARPETS cleaaed on tbe floor: we rate a Phooe riav gal. rre oe wooer. arrow. CHIROPRACTIC- PrnxmVKt.T cure aM form ef rbeumatbma Dr. Eva Hogen, 806 Hal at. Phono Mala 404. HCAFES. THE OFFICE FW Wartilngton ft Paoa Make aft a-ti.n.,. ' COAL AND WOOD. CHTTRCHLEY BROS, kav removed from foot , Davla et. to i Kearney at., near lltht to Bow the largeet woodyard la tfca elty. carry. In all kind of wood and anal. Mala Bdl. 0FROORT MORRIS erjceeoeora to Cata t) $ Mcnaa. deelere la wand and aoel al mweet . Price: aatlsfacttoa gnaranteea, Co. Taatb aad Irving. Pbone Mela 4478. WFSTERN Feed A Foci Co.. on Front, between QMesa and Boyt, dealere la all klada of b-mmt coala aad black. mltb eoale. Pboa Mai 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealer ta eutdwood aoel ana green and 4re alahwood. R. R. and Al blna are., 3 blecke eeet of ferry. Baal 87 A TEFL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealer la ena I. coraeuod ead dry alabwood. Pbone Baat 4X4, TRY EAOI.B LUMP COAL. U ton (2. toa (T nenke. 14S N. Sixth. PacirM cxx. OREGON FUEL CO All kind, ef eoab-aad wood, ata Alder et Paoae, Manx an. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at. wood aad eeeX Pboa Mela 454C FULTON WOOD CO Pboa Pacific 404 for dry and green alabwood. KING COAL CO., Importera blab grade bonai aieera ann amuning coaie. aaam .aw. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A "WOOD, earpantera. bnlldera: re pairing and lohhtng: atore aad office rixtare built. Shop 304 Columbia. Mala 834T. WA8HBURNB FLOYD, wagoa builder and general torn work.. 68 6th at. Pboa Uood Aaaa. F. B. VANDBHHOOF, carpenter aad Jobber, 88T Btark at Phon Mala T4T. WM. FISHBECK. carpenter; repairing and lob bing done. Wl Bumelde at I ho no Main si, BBawBBmnBaaBaBBBBBwewaBHevawaaBBBuasacaeeaaBH.e CROCKERY ANt) GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glaaaware. Praet Hegele Co.. 100 to too Fifth, cor. Stark at COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any one ow yoa money Wa collect bid aenra or ail ainna. a urana ave 14 and IB. Phono Baat 4434. DETECTIVES. TFIX at jronr troobl; w ntwr 1wr; tI(1v?Ov5 Tr(a in c'tii una cnniui wmwwn DRESSMAKING. -L rnrrra'i t.Aniwir TiiixiRlNa COLI ROR. 302 and 400 Allaky bldg.; write n wom letfl: DBE8SMAKINO Btrietly 44 8 date I la aigner- ho llaaiji DRESMMAKINO. flrat-rlaee and up-to-date: char yea reaaooabl. Tel. Mala oxi. .van 414 Fifth at. DAN CINQ. WOOOWARD'B dancing eohoot wf the Weafer aca.iemv or unaie. aionoar auo inuranar; Bpectatnra Invited. Leeenne Boe. Dancing S to II. u. Her on a ano morrmoe. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR f w TtROWN n V S n.C.M flea. Hnree boa. pltal.2K7 Bumalde. Pbonee: Mln4086; Pac.840. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 808 Stark atr Portlaad. O. K. to avers tning la u iecxnoai une. Mela 18S. PACIFIC ELECTRl" CO. rSiBlBeera. eootrae- torn, repalrere. electric wiring, supplies. 44 Ftret eor. Stark. Mala 6TW. H. H. Tata, m FURNITURE FACTORIES. .LNle. OREGON Furniture Maanfaetnrtng Company Manuractnrera or lurulture (or xa srao. Portland, or. FURNITURE manufactarln and epeelel erdere. - t. Kaveneky' rornlrure rectory, gro rroai ex. FURNACES. BOTMTON warm.alrfnmcea eav fo.l. I, ft Bayer r-jrnir. Co.. 366 Becond. Main 461. FRENCH BAKERIES. THB enly place la Portland to get French bread, Barrere A Maylle. 407 Sixth at Dally deliv ery. Phon Greoa 808, GRINDING. B. J. CASTERLINR CO., Inventor of th famoua ateel tempering proeees; toola abarp. ened reaanoable. 14T N. 6th at Partfte 843. Baaora, knlvee. si'laaora sharpened ta perfe . tlon. Karlaon Co.. 40U N. th. Pariflc T08. GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO.. wboleaale grocer, mane faeturera and aommlaeloa merckaata. Foartk and Oak ata. ALLEN LBWTfl. eommleatoa aad prodnea aner cfcaata. Froat and Davla aba.. Portlaad. Or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Ce collet ta opeortaaltr t oant TAricee, UB let at, eor. Aiaer. Mat laae. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendletoa. P end la too. W.A. Browa. mgr. HOTEL Portland. American plan! (8. (8 par day. HOTEL St George. Peedl.toal leedlng hotel. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A CO Potatoee, feed aad flour. 138 Union ave. phone Beet 1617. INSURANCE. I8AA0 I WHITE, Or loan ranee, 804 Dekam bldg. . LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO. Fire In era ere and real eetata; office lot -loa Sherlock bldg. Mala 1008; Aept 404 Beat Aider. Eeet 41. JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability snd In dlvtdaal accident enretr bond ef all kind. ; Pbone 4T. 80S McKay bldg. B. F. B ARTELS COM PAN Y Fire tMnreni 448 Bberlock bid. Oree-oB Phon Osy 834. ' LOCKSMITH' J. H. RICHARDSONl expert loch and kryemlthi genera! repairing; caat Iroa braslngi all work rnaraateed. 287 Burn. Ida at. Pbon Paclfl 068. ' BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert lockemlta and bicycle repairing. g"ci wt.ra. uay Clay 823: nlgkt pbone. Main 88S8. MACHINERY. THH H. C, ALBBB CO. Second-hand maablnery, eawmllto. et. 348 Grand aea. - HII'PELY A MYEHM, marbluUta and elec trieiaea; electric elevatore. electrical machin ery and gaaollne engine a apeciaity. 324 ' oak at. mono nam law. MUSICAL. THEO. TIIORHAMMER, e ' Violin Renairlne. t inert work gnaeauteed. . 823 Toarny bldg.. Second and Taylor sta. LEONS Sor Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin; tnatrumente for aal. 841 Vi Ttrat, eor Main. Mra. Martin. .1 1 Mil Btnltaa a.rtne and wind rnetrament. . I'mfoeaot Sdwln A. Smith, 364 Twelfth. Mala PIANO tuning, (3: perfect work gosra steed. - C. W. Jot neon. Phooe Mala 1411.- J. A, WFRCO, violin-maker and repairer work BrcTclaaa. SB Ruesel bldg.. 4tb aad Morrieea. FREE leeenne . tbe violin, mandolin, guitar . .and banjo. Levy 'a Mualc Houae. 171 Fourth. EMIL THIBMIORN. pnpll of Sevelb.' vloVn teacoM. Stadia 1118 Suit).. Ttl. Mai MONUMENTS. Kin k KINORLET. S8 Ftret et.. PertUad'I leading marble and granite worae. MONEY TO LOAN: HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS. 428-8 Mohawk bid., eor Morrlaoa and To It 4. Ledle or Gentlemen. No PnUletly. If yoa borrow 120 yoa pay back (I.M a week. If yoa borrow 820 yoa pay berk l 68 a week. If yoa borrow (HO yoa pay back (2.00 a week. II roe borrow ill yoa pey beck (2 8.1 a week. If yoa borrow (no yo pey beck (8 00 a week. Paymenta anapendrd la raw of sick earn. Strictly Salary Loana. THB CRKSCENT LOAN CO, 4- Mobawk bldg., cor. Morrlaoa and TBlrd. MONRY TO LOAN 0a Improved elty property or for bundle purpoaee. Any amount oa from 8 to 16 years' time, with privilege to repay all part of ha after one year. Loaae ep- t roved from plana aad BMoey advanced aa lldtag program..; aaortgage takea a aad replaced. FRED H. STRONA. Flnaactal Ageet 843 Stark Street. ' ' THB STAB LOAN CO. ' Any aalarled employe, w. a -earner, eea get oa ala aote. wit boat mortgage , Month. H aiooTB. were, (moo Repay ta a SI.1.M or (d.r or 88.88 (2fl 00 Repay to aa 8 6 08 or M M or (1.08 (18.00 Repay., to oa ( 4.00 or (3.00 ar (1.00 ' at a &.ar a.iii. WHY PAY RENT when we can fnrnlah yon money to bur or build rnn a homer l. BMA1.1. MONTHLY REPAYMENTS with LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Drop a card, or cH on. J. n. Hubbard. Btata Agent 383 E. Morrlaoa at MONEY to loan, salaried people, tea mater, et.. witnout eeunryt eesy. peymenrai nrrrn bnalneae In 44 principal cltlae. ToeBUlaV-,338 AMagtoa bid. Phoaa Mala 8457. MONEY to insa oa reel, persona! and collateral eeeurltyi eperia! atteatloa to chattel mnrt gagee: imtee bought. 0. W. Pallet, 804-8 Fentoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at HIGHLY re. pert. hi place where ladlea aad .011. Borrow wiwr vb eiaan-tu mmw lew.lry. Collateral laii Baak. 364 Wash ington at.: Phone Black T1. CHATTEL loana ta aawanta ranging from 99 to ao.ono; roeming-boneee a apeciaity. new Bra Leaa A Treat Co.. 304 Ablngtoa bldg. WB make all kinds of loene oa food secartty at lnwawt rates: epectal etteotloa givea ta chattel loaaa. 183 Morrlaoa at MONEY to loa a ra eume of from (8,000 Vi.noot terma to eult th borrower. 304-14. Commerri.l blk. MONEY to loan oa Claekaaiaa comity la a da. B. F. aad F. B. Riley. 408 Chamber ef Com- LOWEST rate oa fornltnra and planoe. Baae- ern ixiaa us, 4B nnertoca BMg. uiay n. TO LOAN Sum to suit oa ehattal aacwrtty. B. A. Frame. 814 Th Marquam. MONEY TO LOAN -an-ell blade of security. William Boll, room 4. Waablngton bnlldln. ( TO loan by private party oa real aetata eeenrity. 403 Cornmerclal bldg. WANTED Mortgage loana: moderate amount In or about St. John. W. 8. Ward, lawyer, Allaky bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTH Rt;p. 416-14-17 Dekam Mdg., Third and Waablngtoa ata. Pboa Mala 844. Examination, tree. . DBS. OTIS MABEL AKIN. 408 Maeleay bldg. Clay 778. Raa. M. 3151. Coaealtattoa free. THB very beat lady osteopath in towa. Dr. L 0. jitheeoa. salt 18. Selllng-Hlraeh bldg. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A RADBMACHER. aaaltary plamhera. 84 Fourth at Both p bones. FOX A CO.. eanrtsry plnmbers. 381 Becond. bet, Meln and Salmon. Oregon Phono Main 8001. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F, E. BEACH CO. The Pioneer Paint C- wltutow-glaaa and glaelog. 188 Flrat at Pboa. 1884. BRNE8T MILLER A CO., Becond and Taylor Wall paper, paint all at market price; fro delivery. BASMUSSEN A CO. Jobber, palnta. oil. glaaa, aaeh ead doore. Second aad Taylor. PRINTING. WELfH A DAVIS.- Printera Doera f ehrree toinga with ma ano ypw ew obbbt. bwmw bldg.. Blxth aad Morrlaoa. ' Mala 4147. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. lithographing, blank book. Pboa Mala IT. 308 Alder et. ROOFING. ; TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing ad garl Jopoing, i. Loan, lis jerrereon ax. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 344 AMer et. pbone Mala Tio: runner atampa, aeaia, atencim, naggaxe. trad rebeck: eand for catalogue No. 38. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, daedraff tree ted; abampn. tng, m. nice ring, rniropooy. lace vrora. aarB. B. F. Kyae, Hri Fourth, ear. Morrlaoa. Boom XX mono raeinc ano. N SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODE'S Furniture Houae High eat rrlcea paid ror aecond-hand rural rare, gia Phon Peel ft 444, TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all makee. rested, eold and repaired. (Mat Agency, hi ntara. hi. ieui. LA ROB stock second hand Remington and Smith-Premier typewriter, rrom o np. Underwood Typewriter Co., 341 Stark at SIGN-PAINTERS. OOI.O RIONS. window nattering, cloth banner. economical electric tana and eigne 01 an klnde made quickly. Footer A Klelaer. Fifth and Everett. Pbon Exchange 55 HOLIDAY SIGNS Office door and window lettered at cat price. Elragtebel, 21H we a a a. a 1 . Dk. Uul ITtaal TV alaTilinVTYm gMtB.iraj. a lyvJIJW WJ SAFES. WB repair and rebuild automobllea. gas engine. printing preaeee. time mrka, aaree. open uce oote. do all klnda of machine work. Colombia Gaa Engine A Saf Worka, 842 Second at Phon Pacific 576. Frank J. 8npr. eupt. DIB BOLD Mao ranee aafee: fire and bargler pfocf work: Jell and prteoa worn; mcaeaxe : rape ire. j. . uevm, oe -.orre SPIRITUALISTS, i STANLEY. MEDIUM Locatee mine and burled treaaurea; unite the eepersted; eanaea happy marriage; givea meaaagea from departed loved ones, iwi roortn, unstaira. 'STREET-PA VINO. WARREN Cuastrortloa Ca.. street paring, aid. walka and eroeewelk. Tl oregoa la a Blag. THB Barber Aanbalt ' Paring Co, ef Portland. Offlc ano worceeter nik. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BHOWCASEB ef eery deorriptloai baak, bar ano sTore n mrr. ean. .0 hi uaa, auo mhh aanianwiai vv., rwiwaak TELEPHONES. THE only exrlnelve telephone - bouee. B.-B. Electric A Trlepboa Manufacturing .' eao psny. 43 Fifth st - - ' TREES. SHRUBS, ROSES. We hare them bv tbe tbowaends: etreei. healthy rock. ur 10(I lltnatrated "d priced eet. ' loene Tell all PORTLAND BktED CO. Free! sed Yamhill sea. TOWEL SUPPLY., CLEAN TOWKL8 fill,T--Cob, breeb, enp. J1 per ew.nth. lawrence Rroe.' T'ewel BViW .. .1..,. . I. Ui..... Atti TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, plaee end furniture axva4. pae.d ready for sblpplag aad sMioed; all guaraateed, large. 8-etorv. brlr. er.".f Warebeaee for attwage. OfnVe 14 llret et ' CM. Oleea. Pbuee Main 4.7. . THB BAOOAOR A OMNIHI'S TRANSKER Cf)., ' cor. Sixth aad Oak ate.; beaaeee rheck.l from hotel or realoenre direct to deatloail..a; paaaenaera Cher. for. avoid raeb and aaavr aoce at denote. Private K .change . C O. PICK, efnee SB Frrat at., betweea Star and Oak eta., phone 646; planoe and fnrnltgre mo red aad narked tor ahipnl": eomaradma , brtrb wsreboass. Froat sad Clay eta. OREGON TRANSFER CO..-1M North Sixth. Pbone Mala 64. Heavy kealla aad atoraae. BAST SIDE Trenafer Co.. A. B. Holcomb, pre. 133 Eaat Water at Phon Baat 58. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY N. BOOH Inrtoo et Pbone Meln 404. Week, WELL BORING. JAMES W. GREEN 38 yeara experience re wen-oormg ooainea in and anoui reriienni brat of reference. 100 Vancouver are, Beet 3B83. WIRE GOODS. (AST PORTLAND FENCB WIRE WORKS XM Bast Morrieea et phooe Best 831. . FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RIG0X. Th Oldert Truet Com oeay in Oregon. ; - ' RESOURCES OVER (1.360.000. - General banking. Exchange aa all parte ef tbe world. . Bavtngd aeconnta. Time certio rate. 8 to 4 per cent: abort-call special eertl Il ea tea. (noo or orer. t to 4 per rent. Cell for book of ILLUSTRATIONS.' Booth -eat Corner Third and Oak Sta. Phono Private Exchange 73. BEN J. I. COHEN P reel dent H. L. PITTOCK,... Tlce-Preel.lent B. LEB PAGET. fc ,..PecreUry i 0. GOLTBA Aaefaitant Secretary ivr CRCHABTS WTT0WAL BANK. , PORTLAND. 0RE00B. 1. FRANK WATSON, Preelderd) B L. DURHAM Tlea-Preeldent B W: HOYT Carhler GEORGE W. H0TT Aeetetant Caehter Traaaacta a General Banking Bnalneea. Draft and Letter of Credit leaned Available to All Parte of the World. Collect tooe a flpeelalty. ADD TTXTOW BANKFRB. (XataklMied In 1154.) ' - Traaaaot a General Banking Bmalneaa, Col leet lone made at all pointa a farnrabt Lettera of credit lean oed avail. hie la Enron and all nolnta In the United State. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafer sold oa New York. Waablngton. Chicago, St. taule. DmlTrr Omaha. Sa Fraoeleco Bad Montana and Britlah Colnmhla. - Rxchenge eold on Tendon. Parle, Berlin, Frankfort Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. u NITID BTATWB WAT70BAT. BTCA: ow wciott awn nnwnny. " M0RTHWX8T 00B. THIRD AND OAK STB. Traaaasta a General Banking araalaeaa. drafts issura Available In All Cltlee of tbe United Sta lea , ... aad Europe Hoagkoag and MapU. . COI-tFCnONB MADI 03? FAVORABLE TERMS. Prealdent , J. C AISnWnrTH Vlce-Prealdent.. ..W. B. AVBR Vice-Preet dent R. TEA RARNFS Caahlrr...... a W. SCHMFBR Aaalatan CsaMer. ............ .A. M. WRIOHT Aaalataat Caahler.. W. A. HOLT FIRST KATVfwar. BAWTC OF PORTIA NT. ORFOrvw. Dealgnated .Derawltor and Financial Agent at the United State. - Pre1deat..., A. U HUM Caabler "... J. W. NKWKIRPC Aaelatant Caabler W. f). AI.VORD Second Aaalatant Caabler B. F. STEVENS Lrttrra of Credit leaned Aveltabl la Europe "and the Eaatem State. Bight ' Exchange snd Teleeranble. Tranafer rid en New York. Boaton, Cblcecn. Bt. Lent. St Panl. Omaha. ' San PranHee BBd th' principal point In the Nerthweet Sight and time bill drawn In an ma to enlt n London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort -on-tbe -Main, ' Hongbrmg. Yokohama. Cooeukaeen. Chrlatlanla.- Btoekholm, Bt. Peterabnrg. Mo. cow, Erlcb. Honolnla, Collectlona Mad a Fa vera hie Term. ' ST.CTJB7TY SAVTWOS TTtT fOlTPAjrT. tad Montana St.. PwtlenfV Or. Traaeectv ar Oeaeral Bankrer Wuelaaaa. . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereet Allowed en Tim and Savings Dspoalt. Acta ae Trustee for . lost tee. , - - Draft aad Letters of Credit Available la All Part Of the World. F. AftAM8.....7..T...7. . . PreaTdent-"' A. LEWIS Flrat vrieihwatdent A. L. MILLS Becond Vlar-Preeldent ; R. O. JURITB .. Secretary '. GEO. F. RUSSELL ,.Amlatat Secretary.' JR. CONTINrNTAX. COMPANY. FTNANCTAL AGENTS. STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 343 Stark Street Phone Mala 1474. 0RRIB BROS. ' . lit Flrat at., rarsiaaa. r. Of fa Ollt-Rdge rnveetmente la Mnnfctpal and avaiiroaa rjonoa. write or va,a. MORTOAQE LOANS : Oa Portlaad Baal Xatate at La weat Rat, Title Insured. A ha tract a ruratenea TITLE OUARABTEX TRUST CO. 844 Waahlaartoa Bt. Cor. Bnaad OLDEST LAWYER LEAVES FQ W OF NATIVE STATE - " '. . a - Prestorr M. Leslie, Who Has Been Governor of Two States Jour neys to Kentucky. (Journal Special Service.) Helena, Mont. Lao. 20. Aa happy In th thouaht that ha waa (0tn to agnlrt visit th aoanea of his youth and mldril llf and great political activity as though h wer a lad with his rirat pair of rd-top boots, Praton M. L- 11 departed early today via atlnnea po ll a and Chicago for Naahvlll. Tenneiv a, to visit hla daughter for a ahori tlm. after which he will mak a tour of Kentucky, including Louisville. DesDlte th fact that h la nearly 34 yeara old, Mr. Leslie waa unaccom panied on his journey, and upon hi return to Helena will have embraced mat than 4,000 mllea of railroad travel. Mr. Lealla enjoy th dlatlnctlon or being On of th oldest. If not the oldeat. practicing lawyer in th United States. He 1 as active an aierx. aa an orm nary -man half Wa years. He alao has th distinction" of having been govef nor of two sovereign elates of the union of Kentucky, where he was twice elect ed, and of Montana, whoa chief cutlv h waa appointed by Praldent Cleveland during his first admlnietra- tlon. During tn second Cleviana ao mlnlat ration he served aa .United Btate dlatrlct attorney, for Montana. Amity'a BTeW Official. (Special Dlepatrk to Tea Joumst) Amity. Or.., Dec I0.A1I the nwly elected "town officers except th re corder were sworn In Monday evening at the regular meeting of the aOuwII J. T: Banhor," the rvcordpr-l-l, la b ent In th aat and AdnlphuB Ha. th preaent recorder, filed hi r-lgiiatlr.n, which was accepted, leaving the offlc vacant R. a Jon wa lotwd praal dent of th touncll for h eneiilrj year Th rotmcll md rmngrr.nt for lighting the atrwet lamp " "p" dered th r,forc.ment of th Ordinance. Th financial reriort ahowed A balanc In th treeaury f Blank Wrecker CnvUti. (I.etrael e-ll S"'c I ' ' - - " and Jnme. A. I. - "'- wltt, a .-..nn.'r.! v . . I re l... 1 I y ' ' Jury 1