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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 20, 1803. 12 t r - ti&Wtl the aeetoffloe at Portlsnd. Oreaoa. for traoeportalioa lUNfk the BUM aa eaeui pSg PUr. ft WW, " V ' to 4 pss, . (-. ; V'p.V-'t".-' nxxrooYza. . M Ertai 52 kuluM Office... V ' roEM8 ADTimnsnia nxrmEimATiTX. . fmteK BnJiBli Special Advctng Aswacy. ' i.v in. ka Xorkl XrUMU Balln- lafc Ultra, imcmnTiov lita. " tnai y v . - Th Dstly Joarnal, with Sauday. I ra-- Tb Dally Juaraal. I t T.lLl' JV Th bally Journal, with Sunday, 6 months. 8 i The Dally Journal. 6 Bwmtbe. ......... The Pally Joarnal. wltii Sunday. 8 aeon the. l.wo The Dally Journal, t month, .i.. Th Dally Journal, with Suaday, I outh.. A The Hsily. par weak. deUrered. Sunday , eluded ......r.,..-.,... VZ'"V1 lb Dally, fw week. dallTarad. Bead at- sap tad ' Terms ay BUB, " Tke Fatly Joarnal. wltk Bandar, t year. ...$7 Tha Dally Journal. I year: .:C"i2S Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. xooa tha. M Tha Dally Joarnal. 6 owalaa. " Th Dally Joarnal. with Sunday. I seoathe, Jo Tha Dally Journal months.. ...... -J? Tba Dally Joorssl. with Suo'day. 1 BOBth.. Tha Dally Journal. 1 moot Tha Sunday Joarnal. t year J 7" rba Sunday Joarnal. Boatba u0 1 Tha Bemi-Wsaklr JoarexL ' Tha Semi Weekly Joarnal. B to 12 pefS , each iaso. Illustrated, tall market - - - pQf ' gKaauT awv)ne ' a s Bemlttaaren ahnald ha nada hy draft, aoatal Bttea, aipraaa ornera and asall aawaaU ara aecapUbla la 1 and -ceot aoataira atamaa. . v- THE JOVUIJUa I. O. Be 1. PortUnd. Oraaaa. . WHXU XXX JQtTKX VAT BX rOTTVa ' Tba Joarnal tu ba taana aa aala at tba foUowtnf alapaai ' ' UOI8B. lfiAilO B. Ballar Oo-T CHICiToo-rVatotflca Hawa com pa ay ITS Daar bora atraat. ' DENVER. COIORADO J. Black, Hltaaath and wria niwia KANSAS CITY Tan. Nov Hawa compaay, allNNEAPOI.IS at. JJ. KaTaaaack. M aoath Third atraat. . KEW YORK CTTT Braataaa'a. Caloa aoaira. OMAR A Millard Hotal nawa stand; Megaath ' Stationary company, 1S0S rarnaB atraat. SALT LAKE CITY Kanyoa Hotal aawa stand; Barrow Bros., 4S Wast Bacond street. Booth. ST. LOUIS Philip Boeder, 610 Locust atraat) . T. Jett. ana OltT atraat. ; BAN FRANCISCO W. B. Ardlaa;, Palaew notri aawa atand and K08 Market atraat; told . smith Braa., KM Hatter atraat and 'Saint ; . Fraactox hotal; Poster Oraar. rerry balld Ina; N.'beatler, morable aewa atand. aor aer Market and Kearney altaata. . 8F.ATTI.E Rainier Grand aewa stand; W. b. Fhinka. tlotel Beat tie news stand. BPOKANB. WASHINGTON Joba W. Orahaa aV Co. TACOMA. WASniNOTOf Central Haw wmv ' pan: Hotal Taroma aawa atsnd. J TICTOBIA. BRITISH MI.CMBIA Tlctotia Book At Ststleeterv eoennany. WEATHER REPORT. Tba storm central yesterday morning error British Columbia advanced slowly eastward. and la now central oeer the British possessions 1 north of alontana. It canard a Tonrliiuathw of nnsettled. rafaiy weather Jn-rallfornla, Oreaatt. Washlnctoa and northern Idaho, and atrooa. - irnaty. aoath to aoathwest winds along tha l . snedlata eosat and oa tha Inland nselaabla wa ters' of w eaters Washington. At Portland tha total nrsripltatJom elace i a. B. Tuasday was . 1J23 Inches. . Tha pressnra conthinet high In tha middle At lantic and Ota' New Kngland atstea and along tha Caliroraia mast. A well defined disturb ance haa ait da Ita anneaTranca In tba lower klla . ehMrippl ealley, where It has caused avneral ralaa darlna the last S4 hours. Elsewhere tltronghont tba lolted Sis tee no araclpltatloa of mnaeoaenca la reportad. Tba Indlcatlone are for occasional rain Thare rlsy n westenr Oregon and western Wssh .- Inatnn. and aenerallr fsh aad colder weatuer . In tba eastern portions fit tbeaa atataa and tn Idaho, . 11 irrTHI-ST t-t - S - n-"'"- ' -- , , , TEMP free, la Max. aim. last U hrs. Baker City Oregon.... M ,, . SO . , T. .Jtaeton. Mass... 44 ' S4 0 li lea so. III........... M , . H4 .. 0 Dearer, Col t 4 4 0 Kanaaa CitT. Mo M , 0 li Anrelea. al...... MM).. .02 - New Orleans. La....... - S2 . M 1.70 . New York N. t..... 44 .; . !. 0 Portland. Oregon. 44 "- !W 1 Roaehurg. Oregum..... SA ; -..Wl St. Louie. Mo M SO . T. Haa rranelaco. Cal..... M S .01 Bnokana. Wash eO , M ."1 Tscnma. Wash.'. 4S SM .42 Wslla Walla. Wash... 4 '. . -, T Waslilngton. P. C 44 2A ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Hack Orabam. Arleta. Oregon, 30; Ida Dona. SS, D. If. McParlssa. SI: Amanda Turner, IS. Mark B. Hogg. 26; Inea I.. Clsiton. 24. ' W. L. Ooaeer, Tha Dalles, Oregon. SO; M. R. rVlHioajoear. SW. II. M. Greene, La Crosse, Wlaronatn, 17; Julia M. Cooper.-IS. " Weddlna Cards. W. O. Smith ft Co., Waah- tngrha hide., car. Foorth aad Washlhrtoa ata. Miss Bertha Martrn. mom 212 Altaky hblg, Stamping and fine needlework; lessons frren. BIRTHS. MARTIN December IS. to Mr. and Mra. John 4". Martin. 4KH Wllllans amne. a aon. MANEY December 1, to Mr. and Mra. Thomas P. Maney. WI7 Kant urant street, a nangntcr. KACKHR December la. to Mr. and Mra. W. IT. Karker. 7M Kelly atreet. a dsnahter KINNEY Ieeember IS. to Mr. and Mra. w. A. Kinney, 147 Kllllngawortb arenoe. a son. CORN FOOT December IS. to Mr. and Mrs. WIIIIsb Cornfoot. 204 East Thirty-fourth street. ' a aon. TRUPLEHE December 14. to Mr. and Mrs. ' Emit Straplere, 2 Elerantb atreet. a dsaahter. " ' . ' . CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. ' KOt'HEIt December 1. Edna Kocher, 6S0 Onlmby atreet. typhoid feaer. LEVITT Kegember IS, Jnam LarKf, 829 First 1 atreet. diphtheria. . FOMTKR December IS. Lea, Lola and May Foster. 124 North Tenth atreet. diphtheria. " KAtM'frneceniher- IT. Daniel Kanpt. Bt. .Vle centTT aanltartum, eryalnrlaa DEATHS. . O'NBIIX Pecemtier IS. Patrick -W. O'Neill. , aged 74 years. KVI East Oti-h street; cause, ' nneitmtmta. Rnrlsl plaiv ontlecided. FLEMISH December 1(1. Tliotnss Fleming. ,M aged 62 sears, st Good Ssmsrltsa hospital: , ". rsnee. gunshot wonnd In abdomen. Burial at Oreenwnod cemetery. rtOMMI'.U December I". Koherl RotnWT,sged 22 yesra. at flood Samsrltsatesmltnl: csuse. ' gunshot wound. Burial st Lone Fir cam ... tery. KE1JJON December IS. f.srry Kelson, aged .V . yera. at Fifth sod . Cotieb streets: rsnae. ' csrhollc. acid nnlsimllig. Burial at poor farm. UNDERTAKERS. J. P. Flnler at Son. fnnersl directors and em n. Inters, comer Third and Madison streets. Offlca af coaaty anroner. Talepbona Main . . .'" Dnnntng. McEntee A fllthangh. andertakers aad emhalmera: modern la ererr dotjll.. Sarsatb aad I'loa. ..uaia js ai. uny aaaisrani. , Fnneeal arreaths and eat flowera specfdlty at Bow City Oreenlioasa. Twenty-ascoad aad Ksst Morrtsno. apnosita cemetery,! The Edwsrd Holmsa t'nnertasinf enmpsny, ranaral director . aad ambalmara. 220 ahlrd . ... mntr ST. t-aooa o-t. ... A n flematnrk. andertaker and amhslmer. Fsst Thirteenth aad Umatilla sea. Phone East 4T31. . BODLEY. TUB FIcORlST, 124 FIFTH RTBERT. l aUTimriZat CEMITIE E.. Single grarea lid. Family Iota tTO n tl.0n. Tha only cemetery ta Portland wkh-h per petaetly roolntalua and rarea for lota. For fall ' rnrornstlna apply to W. B. Msekensle. Wor- eetter hlork. Hty. W. M. Ladd. president ..REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. k.s tlell u K J Rnellsh aad hashaad. h.m Uuvk asUwavd .............I aVM Iforthwestera'-:.; ' ; . -.'Miitiialliife OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. From tha date of arganlgstlon ta - ' Jsuoary 1, iiMtn, tn rotnitany haa paid to rrpreaentatlres of oVcaasad policy-holders for death ' hsaea T8,TTT.8M.T And to llrlng pollcy-holdera for amoenas. msturea endow Bend, snrreiidvred uoUdes, etc. SS.S96,TBT.10 Total paynwat ta pollcy holdtra flTi.4T4.S21.BT Add aaarta, January 1, lOOfi..... 1KS.TTT.433 2 Amount paid ta policy-holders aad Beia (ur tbaa .joa.!(o3,txn.Ba Total premlamt ractlre. . . . . 332.0Sl.20l.31 Exraaa of aasera and par men ta to poltry -bolder oyer premluas racclbt V. I SS.1T0.T92.BB Tha maaher la whlrh tha trait tommttted ta tha maiiaaement haa been ailmlnlatered la el- deneed by tha foreKolna. AKTKR PATINU ALL ex I knhks ok masauemknt the t;oji- PAN Y HAH RRTI'BNell TO MEMBEH8. OR HOLDS r"Ott TIIKM. OVKR.TH1UTY-81X Mil, LIONS OF POLL A Rn hllTKK THAN TUKX UAVK PAID TO TUK COMPANY. ora POLICY HOLDERS . '; ARB ' 8AT18.IED. v GENERAL AGENTS. ', c Concord BnUdlntr PortUnd, Oregon. SHORT TALIS ON- .LIFE INSUMHCE . ,;- KO. I In Blaring Ufa Insurance a DrosnecttT - ap plicant will do wi ll to systematise hia In restlgatlona under three general beads: The Company, tha Contract and tha Coat. In all boring tha ronstderatlona goreriiing should ba quality and price. In thla Instance tha quality Is represented by tba financial responsi bility ana character 01 the company, togetner with " lta Contract or Policy. Tba coat - Is not 1 tha premiums charged, but tha premiums leas tha dividends which may ba used aa anally In reduction of premiums or to lu cres sa tha insurance protection. Lire insurance was aerisra aa a mean or co Taring aa uncertainty tba uncertainty of Ufa. If a quest lonshle company la acletted the oh) ret is not attainea, bnt tnero 1 in troduced another basard aad added to tha un certainty af Ufa ts tha uncertainty of com- any. la thla Batter a man cannot aitora 10 ska chance or aieke experlmenta. He shonld be sura. He cannot g bark and correct mis takes. IT la aiiomatle thst Ineurlnc can be no better tbaa tba Company which la back of It; there fore tha ae lection af Company, la of paramount Imports oca. ' Depenaeace can pa niace in 01a una or aasi reserra comnanif oniy ana in eacn eomoanlea anlr after they hare attained such aga as to .hare passed those dancer to which all Infants ara liable. The Northwestern Mutual of Mllwanke was organised In 1H8T; baa assets of over 1410,000. 011(1; la tha-largest Company whlrh limits Ita business to the t'nlted States: ' nay annual dlrdenda an all Ita potlrtee now being le aned. Security perfect. Integrity of orocers nnquentionrd. net cose 01 lnsnranee-ror laai VU reara lesa insn in nay oiner. uur policy holders ara satisfied. 8. T. Ixickwood m Son. General Aceata. Concord Building, Portland, Oregon. ........ ' - , .. LOAMS We have Ample funds to Joan in any amount on improved business and residence property in . Portland and . vicinity at lowest rates. Titles Insured Afcstracts Furnished Tk' Title 'Gnarantcc. ' k' Trust Company ' f aMsaaaawaaaa !,-1 ii. , 240 Washinrtont,. Cor, 2d PORTLAND, OREGON. Pdrtlaid Established mr TnistCoinpaiy S. E. Cor. of-Oregon 3d and Oak UNEXCELLED FACILITIES. TERMS AS LIBERAL AS CONSISTENT WITH. SOL'ND xTAKKWtT PRINCIPLES. WB INVITE NEW BISINE8S. ' SPOT: CASE. FOR FUMIIIIE We also sell on commission. Quaran te''beat raaulta. PORTLAND AUC TION ROOMS, til First atreet. A. Schubach. proprietor. PhjOne Main 8661. IGIEST rCASE- PRICE RAID FOB SECOND-HAND .1):FURHT0EE Los AigclcsWniitiirc Co. 1 Phone Clay 26. Box 60, Th Journal. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Kate Montrlth to F. Vlmck. Iota f and' . Meek 2M. Feat Portland 6,800 Title tlnsrsnfee ft Trnet comnsny t Jewel II ardours? lers IT to 22. block 8. liosewood 1 ,123 f. II. Johnson snd wife to W. Clsrk. lots II to 21, block 6, StanU-y's sd.lltloa aia, J aitaMAMtuiiuiutiuMal frOQ -- . , . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. F. Irle aad wife to William trie at si., lota 23 and 24. block 10T. Norwood. Daisy p. Rand and husband ta T. B. Hand, lot 2T, Arlcta park Harry Real and wife to William B. Charlton, lot 1, section, IB. township S north, range 1 west. 4.H4 acres 0 100 George W. Eraus and wife to J. E. Black. jurn, lot lu, block 23. Mouut Tabor Villa ..; ISO George C. Ktcbola and wife to a. C. shearman, lu.tmo square feet section II. towji.nlo 1 south, nun 1 east Sarah J. Ooodnln to G-orge B. palmer, Ms 1 and 2, bhrk'Si Laurel park Minnie U Sahiatrom to W A. Reaw slan, liMiztti fret kits 1 aad 2, block IS. Feurer'a addition 1.U0 Anna O. Uantenbeln to A. E. Gantenbela, acrra Beginning case and west center Una errtluu 2, townsblu 1 aouth, . rang 2 sast 1 Susan Payette to Jasoer a. Stereua. lot 12, block T. King s Second addition. S HOO Daisy. band and huaband to Mauda - morris, lot a. block S, Tcrwllllgur Homestead addition 1.500 Oak Park Land company to Henry Henderson, lots 10 and 11, block 4, x Oak Psrk addition No. 1 1 William M. Kllllngawortb at sL to Henry tic uacreon, kit a and 6, buck t. Walnut Park 1 000 Helen J. a. Warrena and . bualiand ta Edith E. Wood, lots 1U and SHJ. block 2. kdeudsle addition . S00 Morrla Anderson to Dsnlel I.esher, Port. isna ocginulng aouth Una lot 23, block B. cltr ISA H. Free borough at al. to George F. Bar ringer. lota t aaa fi. Dluc'k 1. AI011U riils .-..-.a: 600 Edward B. Moor at sL to O. M. Settle- east H lot . and aoath 10 feet of cast H lot a, block 115, Eaat Port land .... isso George "8hlel and wife to John Dobaoa, kits stid lu, block 2, Myrtle 275 F. tl. eMctirry to K; M. Overman, 2.65 acres e.-rtlon 16, township 1 south, rang 2 east 131 B. VI . Wallace to Mary M. Gillette, lota S aad 4. block 25. Couch's addition. T.230 0. F. Wllsna to M.. M. Gillette, trustee, . lots 1 and X, Dlock 2M, Coach's sd- wi,wn ,... 1,ew Georgs I Story to D. G. Tumaelnl, trus tee, lots 0. azs.. m 10 ill. 02, oa, Newhurst Park 1 Merchanta' Inreatment ft Trust company 10 ina llarma. tract in. lamirsniit li'lahta ..... S25 Portland General ' Electric company to L. at. Hubert at al., kits 1, a, Dior. 10S. cltr 1 W. M. Kllllngsworth et al. to H. Beck- man, iota a, ana 10, block , walnut Park A 1.500 H. L. MrKenna et sL to the public, parcel lana no tcet wide ax tending from nortn line Willamette boulrTsrd to south Una of F. H. Ramsey donation land claim, section T, township 1 aortb. range 1 eaat -1 I. N. Perry et si. to the public. feet ' wide estendlng Westanna street to Gilbert street. Northern Hltl addition.- 1 B.- tjnarkenbuan - trustee. - et - al.,--to-- J. : ProToat, lot 5, block 2, SeTeranc d- dltkoa .... BOO B. A. Olsaa and wlfa to' Julius Provost. lots S. 4. 6 snd 6. block IT. J. Johns' Second addition 2.000 M. Bi. Dunbar to II. B. imnnar, undl- Ttded H lot 2. block 5. Fairrtew .... 1 Ben Selling et al. to Mrs. Addle Bslrd. lots T and 8, block 6. Kern Park 200 Aloys Harold' to Colnmhla Jtesl Estate -cnnitwnr. lot. 16. block T. Wlllametta addition .., 10 J: H. Ktstler and wife tn A. F.Waah- bnrn. lota block 17. Mount Taaoa Villa 110 A. U Tyler to Mrs. A. B. A. n.rflrld. west V. lota S and 4. block 2. Hanson's addition , ...irv-1 Oat your Insursnc and s ha tracts ta real . tuts from tha Title Gusrsntee ft Trust company, 240 Washington street, corner Second. iBS I ssasgsaarsag NOTICE. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALS Dis trict of Oregon. By virtue of aa order of ' sale Issued out of th United Ststee district i court for the district of Oregoa. on the lHth day of December, lOoS. notice Is hereby Hiven mat 1 win aril ny punue auction, tot caehjOn Thiirsdsythe 2Hth dsy of Decem- rer, jt"sj. at lu n rKt a. m., a l tne tmittd door qf tha postof flee and federal building, situate In tha city of Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon, oa tha block bounded by Fifth. Slith. Morrison and Yamhill streets, the steamship Tn)edo. her engines, boilers, machinery, 'boata. tackla. apparel, ap piirtenances and furniture, a sha bow lies just ahnv th foot of Jefferson street, In th asia city or rortiana. oregon. - . , I HAK1.M t. rlKKlt. '". United State Marshal. . WE.I tha anderslgnad faraltara and piano mov ers, will require tna payment or all caarrv upon delivery of goods, after Dec. I. 1808, H. C. Hssrk. O. F. Harder. O. F. Hu'saer. Coagrov Bros., Portland Delivery Co., Post Special Delivery Co, Psrksg Delivery Co.. Holmsa Transfer Co-. Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Auto Despatch Co., John Hamn toa. James McLlndea. Owen McLlndan. Pacific - Transfer Co., Oregon Transfer Co., Port I a 1 Vsa ft Storage Co., Waksmaa-Morsa Transfer Co., Eaat Side Transfer Co., C, O. Pick Trane- . fer ft Storage Co, 0. M. Olsen. Baggage ft Omnibus Transfer Co., A. J. Murphy. Kad- ' derly Trsnafrr 'ft CqmmlBloa Co.. John A. txiv. Andrew J. Murphy. F. M. Ire Lama. F. Miller Finch ft Henderson. NOTICE I hereby given thst the annual meet-' Ing of taxpayers of school district No. 1, Multnomah county. Oregon, will ba held la the high school building, city of Portland, county sfureeald, on Wednesday. De cember 27, 1005. st 7:S0 p. m. Th busi ness of the meeting will be to consider tba reports of the directors and clerk, snd to levy a tax for the support and maintenance ' of th schoola of the district for the ensuing year, and to dispose of such other business aa may legally com before It. By order of th board of director. L. W. S1TTOW. - , Chairman Board of Directors. - Atttat: H. S. ALLEN. School Clerk. Portland. Oregon. December 16, IOiiS. NOTICE TO PRESENT- CLAIMS Notice Is hereby given thst the Portlsnd Implement company bss transferred to the undersigned, as trustee, all of Ita property for the benefit of all Its creditors pro rsts according to th - amnnnt of their respective claims. All persons having claims sgslnst the eaM .corporation are hereby aotlfled tn present the same to th undersigned at the office of said ' company. No. 104 Front street, ltv five city of Portland. Oregon, duly verified, within three - month from the dst hereof. EDWARD NEWBWN.-'TrMte. Dated PortUnd, Or., Dm. 6, 1905. NOTICE. Annual meeting of th River View Cmetrry Aeeoelation. The annual meeting pf th member of the River View Cemetery " association win be held at the bank ot Ladd ft Ttlton on Mondny, th eighth day of Janu ary. 1906. at 8:80 p. m. A general at tendance Is desired. All owners of family lots In the cemetery sr member of Hi . association and entitled' to participate. W-.-R. MACKENZIE. Clerk. WILLIAM. M, LADD, President. TAKE NOTICB That th nnderatgned will not be responsible for any debt that anyone may ' make In the name of P. Miller ft Co., anles it haa. iha approval of . Bl'BV ft FRANKLIN. . t ' Successors to P. Miller ft Ce. MEETING NOTICES. . NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF 8TOCK HOI.KEUH. th Oregon Wster Power ft Rsll- " wsy enmpsny Notice I hereby, given thst th regnlsr snnoal meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Water. Power ft Railway enm psny, a corporation, will be held st the office of the compsny, corner First snd Alder street. In th city of Portland, Mult- - nomah county, Ore arm. st th hour of 10 o'clock a. m, of Tuesday, th Pth day of ' Jsnusry, MOn. Th ssid meeting will he held for the purpose of electing directors for the enenlng year and for th transact Ins) of each . other bnsineas aa may he legally brought . before It. Thla aotice fct riven pursuant ta th requirements of th by-laws of tba com- W. T. MUIK. Secretary Tha Oregon Water Power A Rail ' wsy Compsny. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS By " sltendlng Csmp TONIGHT yoa will have a chance on a high-grade Al'Trt MOR1LE. to he (Ivea swsy by Port snd Camp. -i UJIALANX K. of P. meet ery . Friday at H'sstl hall, cor. Jdrsnd ave. and F.sst Pine, at 8 sVckx'k;' TlslUiig knights InvHed. , , ;U A. (ViLatSt 0t 0. M sf LOST AND FOUND. , . ' IAIKT Solid gold crescent pin. between Lov. Joy snd ivttyitrove sts. ' Finder will pi rase rvtura to 60 .Lorejoy . at. and receive llbaral ' reward.. . v FOUND A purs, on Washington St., near Be- .1 . ' uii .,-Vna ui or phone i'sclflc Til.- ' ' LOST Suitcase, Monday, th 11th, bet. Pty- arrove ana iwrmj-mi . - -Heventreutb. Phoos Main 4W6S. . Urandy, P2 North Seventeenth. LOST Whits female bull terrier, rare and tall cropped, weight . 30 pound. . 412 Murrlaon. ' Reward. LOST On Belmont at... bet. Eighth et. and Uraadare.. gnra waica. nwiura to tw w.- nuwt; snltsnle rewsra. HELP WANTED MALE. ' WANTED Barber to know than, O.' N. W. Wilson Co. s bsrber supply house will move hack to their old store, 72 Sixth at., oa De cember 18, where they will continue the sale of tueir firs-damaged goods, and will fill orders from their new stock, that has Just arrived, aa fsst aa the Sams ara received New catalogue for 1W06 will ba ready by February 1. Goods delivered In tlm city llmlta fre of, charge. - If yo wish on' city aalesmsn to call on you, drop n a postal card, or phone Pad Be 1177. MEN aad boys wanted to learn Plumbing trade. paya 85 day alter completing coarse or practical Inatractloa at home or In our schools; grsdustea admitted to anion and Master Plumbers' associatioa: positions as cured. Coyno Bros. Co. Plumbing School, New Tork. 8t. Louts, Mo.. Clad una tl, O. Frea catalogn. WANTED Clerk and window-dreaarrs to study show-card writing at T. M. c. A. uigni arhool; personal InstructloB. Apply lor par ticular, v 1 Portland Barber Collet. ' Tuition reasonable aa any school oa coast, avjr riaaocr at. WHAT Is tha Bed X Cross DyspaBsaryt At 4a H Third, corner Ash.. 220 TO 260 per week easily made selling sick ana accident neneora for vxooa aauiaai ie , Aas'a.. 705 Marquaa bldg. WANTED Good. relUbla maa to handla eof- fe and tea route: muat nave capital anoagn to own his own horse aad wagon. STANDARD COFFEE ft Rl'lOB MILLS, 200 Second St. . WANTED Insuranr men: no- limit to money can be made; selling sick and acldent in surance; weekly earnings guaranteed right men. American Mutual Benefit association, 210 Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrison. STENOGRAPHER Msle. experienced; perma nent position -for Drat-claaa man wao csa furnish reference. Address A 6, Journal. WANTED Woman - for - lea da; - also- Juvenile man: established company; good amateurs mnsldered. Address, with photo, A T, car - JoarnaL WANTED Good, sober Job printer; ststs wares- and capacity. Southern Oregonlap, Med ford. Oregon. WANTED Rone trimmer. Annly at alaugbter- L UuliU. tlata. - Daflkhi. 1A W.i N adam road. ' WANTED Edgerman. small mill. 22.80; 10 mill and yardmen. 82 up: 6 barkers. $2.78: others. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 205V, Morrison at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOEIfCT. 848H Washing ton St.. mr.. Seventh, upstairs. Phon Mala 2692. Female help wanted. , WOMAN, .over 2fl. energetic, reliable, to take charg of a VtCvl offlca. Call or "'address room 3, Lewis bldg. - PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL Fashloasbl dressmaking. 27 1 H Morrison st. earns 4th, room C System taught PERSONAL Instruction fa shorthand, bookkeep ing, penmanship and English at a tultloa tea lesa than required by the boslneaa eollga. Addesaa Mi fti ftlhtas 66 Slash ati WANTED At one, a bright, 4oergetle. pre scn table maa or woman, a gnod talker, ta taka ap aa attractive pro position. Inquire TSS Cham bar af Commerce, 0 a. at. WANTED 8 good Brents, aalsry et eommkaaloB. Call room 8. La boa bldg. HELP wanted and supplied, msle or female. - B. O. Drake. 20BV, Wsshtngtoa at. BUck I88S. WANTED Woman for leads; also JueenUa-maa; estsbllshed company: good amateur -. eon at tiered. Address, with photo, A T, Cat Journal. . . TWO experienced mangle girl at Pacific Laun dry. 23 'Arthur at. WANTED A few reflned.. energetic Jsdlea can And steady and profltaMo employment by rslllng at SIB Aiisty oing. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE uiiiULE-AGED ladv wants work, day or hoar, chaniberwork or housework. H. J. Wilson. . ' Kearney. Montsvllls. . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. NATIONAL Employment aad Labor Agency. 812 Pine at. Phone Mala 1804. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . FOB MEM. 26 M. Second St. Phon Mala 1526. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. Henry Tahara; 26T ErerU St. Pbona Pa ri fie 640. BIG FOCB EM P. AGENCY Help supplied free. 16 N. Second at. Phone Mala 1815. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co.. North Second; furnishes all kinds em ployment for men, sud women. - Mala 8088.' THB Portland Employment Co., 2084 Morrtaoa st. Phone ran no WANTED AGENTS. AOS NTS to aril the beat In sick snd accident Insursnce. Paclfl Aid Associatioa, 600 Da- kum bldg. WANTED Agents; anmethtng aew; good wellar. , big wages. 206 McKsy bldg. . WANTED--A gent, either sex, in each town, te sell hlgh-grsde shirtwaist materials and la dle" suiting by th. rsrd. We famish samples st small cost. Direct Cloth Co., St. !oufe, Mo. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVB bnyra waiting for elty real eatt; what hav yon In home. Income property or vscaat Intsf B T, care of Journal. v IF voa hav a flrst-clssa farm for sal, sea us. We always have buyer for that kind of property. Gregg Bros., 817-818 Fento bldg. Phon lis In 6303. WANTED To buy house and lot and turn In 40 scree of nnlmnrnjed land; will psy rssh difference. See M. K. Lee. Q.H4 Sixth et. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent farm. 15 or 20 acre. Beat city: honae and bam. M. 0. Morgsa, 8J Mtlwankls st WB wsat desirable bmaee and Rata, all parte of the dty: have hlgh-clsas cllejU wsltlngl rents collected." Ttrofierty eared for. - -f THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, 24$ Stark at V Phone Mala 1876. BOOM wanted hy nnm an employed1, with as of bsth: BMist b reasonable. Address Mrs. Norton, car of Joumsl office. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, spraying and whltewsahlng trees. basemen ta: barns, dorks, et. largeet gasollae 1 sprsylng outfit am the roast M. G. Morgsa -f ft Co.. 870 Mttwaekt st Phonn Esst 26IT. S, J. RYDER, printer. Second aad Wsahlngto ' at. Phone Msla 66.16. . SEE th Lewis and Clark fslr Vat homes send ne la stamp for handsome photo book, nesrlv lr pbotn of fslr. THSH fnebe. WesternView Book Co.. Portlsnd. Bog BH. HIGHEST cash tntce paid for bottle snd yank of every description. Portland Bottl Supply (., m KvttJb AlahUtdUt, i'BCB aUla Stoa, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WB WILL BBIT. SFI.L OR TRAPS ANT OLD THING. WE9TKRN SALVAGR CO., 627. 628 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TSS. HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for farnltnr la any quantity; also take ssma oa commissi -mi and gue rente best results. Th Portland Aacttoa Rooms. A. Scbabaco. prop., 311 First at. Phone Mara B665.. . , WHO IB M. O MORGAN ft. Cat FONE8 does sprsylng, pruning, whitewashing. FOXES will give dgnrea oa spraying. WHEN yoa r ready to dlspoa af yonr urmiurw, ninrr oy aoriloa or to sell out right at a food price, call up Mala 504. Aak for - O. K. O. , - ., I WANT to rent a good bit chicken coap. Adores a lu. joomsi. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE HAMANN. IRS N. 18th.. cor. Hovt Newly rornienen rooms, bi.ov ap: convanirnt local ion. IS minutes' walk to fair grounds: Morrison car at anloa depot direct ta house. Pbooa 8470. CHEAPEST and beat located rooms In Portland. 81 week, aad ap. Oilman. First and Alder ats. BEAUTIFUL front suite and 2 other dealrahle rurntehed room In monera borne of privets family; . phone, hath, furnace heat, walking dlitanca. 680 Fourth at. Pbooa Pacific SlO, FURNISHED mama, single or en salt. 88 par monin aad ap. Hotel rarrmonnc. Tweaty .alxth and Upshur and Vaughn ata. THE GRAND Newly furnished room by th week or month. Grand ara. NICELT furnished rooms at moderate prices for rent in larg pnvste nouee. cloaa B. vail at I4T Tenth St.. sear Aider. HOTEL NORTHERN Single room, room and board, and rooms lor housekeeping; 810 per month an. 12th and Marshall at. Usla 1409. HOTEL MONARCH. SnS Stark atM Mra.' Aekley. rrop. nestiy rurntsned rooms; traasienta. THE GRAND. 4AV North Third atRooma for srcaiirnieu, i.ou per wee auo up. . THB RICHELIEU. 8SU NOBTH SIXTH ST-' ki.hit ruitsiKiiaU ulhjmh; , bikam UEAT AND BATH8. THE OTIS. East Burnslda st. and Unto av. Newly furnished .rooma facing aouth; prices raasnoabl; electricity, bath and phoaa fre. THB BELLBVUB, HS Fourth St. Neatly turnisnao rooma; electric . ugnis, porosiata baths; vary low rata by wk . or Bonto. Hood T01. THE HUB. 86 Eleventh St., cor. Stark Newly lumianea. steam neat, gas light and raws; on block from -carllne; ratea ressonahla. . CLIFTON. First aad - Columbia Slngl rooms V, r' wwa ami upi traaaianca auv, sue, per day; a children. THB LINDA VISTA. 247 Vt Fifth New maa agement; bedrooms single, double; low ratea. LARGE well furnished rooma; boat, bath, gas snd phone; In private bouse, cheap. No. 41 East Eighth St.. N. East 2836. . ELEGANT front rooms, 'privst family. $12; . bath, heat, light, phone: 2 blocks from Portlsnd hotel. 212 Seventh st. J m 1 111 liasaasaaawaMaaagjsaaeaaaaaaaaaswwasBasaHsa FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT Furnished housekeeping -rooms la best brick block en east aide; gaa range. bath, etc, ; 00 trenetentat price moderate. Locaa-blk., 10SH Unfoa are., cwrnar East Alder. Phone East 4624. THB MITCHELL, Flanders aad Seventh Booma, housekeeping aad transient; convenient; price ressonable. THB GLADSTONE 612H Barter st, fnrnlahed moms; under new management; price rea " sonabl. - S1.T8 PER WSKK fraa ctaaa - fwraJaaed bousekrepln rooms: lanndry aad hath. 184 anermau. aoata rvjruaao. THE LINDA V1HTA. H'KJTrftCiew" managv ment; for light housekeeping; low rats. HOUSEKEEPING room. 22tf and up a week; electric light and phone Included. 801 H Wa ter et. . DOT'BLB narlora and kitchen, furnlabed com. plete; gas, bath snd pbonc; central location; references, avj norra Elrventn at. HOUSEKEEPING noma, $14: 2 well furnished rooms; all apartments modern. 632, LoveJoy st Phone Main 4&8T. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOMS with bnsrd for permanent tenants. reasonshlA; Brat-claaa bom cooking. 281 Sixth at . LINDEIX HOTFL, Fourth and Market New brick, elegantly fnrnlahed, gaodara .throogb auti ratea reasooable. THE COMMERCIAL Select fsrc'ly hotel: nicely furnished; single or a cult; tsbl 6rst risss; rre paths; sream neat; rat reason able. 4S8 Wsablngton at. SOS. SALMON, bet. Froat and First Board aad room 84 to 83 week; ssodera brick bldg. ROOM 'with break fast or board: 15 Blaute walk to let and Washington ata. 48 Eaat th st North. THB MAMTOU. 261 Thirteenth St. Elegsatly furnished rooms, single or ed suite; excel lent bom cooking; steam beat, abundant hot water; terms very moderate. pboa Mam iikw. FOR RENT HOUSES. H. E. EDWARDS. - ' Houseftirnlsher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT.' If yoa contemplate moving, call and see as, aa we hav the nwart cdmplete list of vacant houses In the city for rent Follow Ing, Is a partial Hat: WEST SIDE. - . -' 1 B-rooro house, fslr condition S 8.00 8 rooms, hath, gsa 10.00 fl-room ho nee, cellar, barn room 12.00 5-room house, bath, good condition. , , . , 14.00 8-roorn house, good condition 1T.00 7 -room house, new, bsth. gsa 20.00 Broom house, new, bath, gss ........ 2O.O0 5-room house, bsth, gss, good condition 22ift0 5- ronia house, bath, gss, furnace ...... 25.0 6- rora house, bsth. jras 20 is) 10-rooi bouse, hstb.-gas. 12th st .10 00 llnom 8st. bath. fas. good condition.. 45.00 lo-room house, bsth. ass. close tn 60.00 U A-roora house, new. hath, elect rlcty.... 50.00 11 -room nous, tnornngnir moaera...... M.oo - EAST SIDE. 4-room house, new $10 00 4-room honse, on csrlln 10.00 7-room house, gnoe condition 12.00 ' 4 rooms.- bsth, gss, water Included.,.. 12.60 B-rnom house, good coudltloa. barn .... lh.00 5-room cottage, new, bath, gaa IS. IN) $ room eottegc, new, bath, gas' . r 15.00 7-roone house, bsth; gss, Tillamook st. 17.00 , S-rsnm house, bath. gss. good condition 2O.00 5- room house, new, modern, close In.. 2o.00 6- eoom boase, 'hew, modern, close In.. 20 50 H-ronia house, bsth, gas, fura. Mnr. at. 27. AO 6-rnnm house, new, bath, gaa eloee In.. 27.50 22-roma house, new, modern, close In,. BO. 110 aiote No Information regarding th' houses csa be given over phone H. B. EDWARDS. Hnnsefarnlsher. ! t 1B1 First.. St Hoaasa- For Bent. "" Bent Collected. EDWARD U-HTNHON. Boob I Hamilton bldg. . Phoaa Black 8188. HOims. serf North Twentieth. T mens, mere Is In hath, furnace, cement bment- B. L Gils, 420 Chamber ef Oommree. iKADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable ptsne and fnmltare movers: also stor age. I'oone Mala inra, oroce, 110 n. Third. MODERN 6-rnnm . cottage, porcelain- hath and . basement, Hnllsdsy's sddltloa, nesr stel -bridge. Inquire room Sol. the Deknm. Tea- . pnoiiv ppiwen sua , ricut vast HOUSE far rent; S-room modern feonse en esst side lajgond location. 82ft. Hartmsn, Thomp son ft fuwera, a cnamner 01 comaseree. A NEW modern house ef 7 romas, with furnace. Inquire 5 Esst Eighteenth, cor. W sab Ing toe. IIOl'HE for rant: 8-rnom modern honae oa esst aide In good condition. $IH. Hsrtmsn. Thomp son ft powers, a cnamner 01 uommercs, WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., v I'honJ Pacific OM1. 201 Slsrk St. Ws make s specialty ef rrntslai take full charge of properties, secure tenants, collect rents and oversee repairs. FOB RENT New modern cottage, ' $12 per sUOBUl, e'aWfc Salt ittlS, . ; t FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Hothouse, good sr chard, on two guoa car tinea; all tne ayoaiia waucea, wiia or without 6 or 9-room sottage. 0 . IS, Jonraal. FIVE RtMMlM house, with bath, corner Rodney av. and Bes.-h at; larg yard, inquire gun Falling at. Phone East 591. ' SUBURBAN horn an car liner fin for chickens, . vineyard, berries, trulls. Phon West 201. 8-ROOM furnished bones, 82fl; can be ased tor two tsmiliea; no, iiu hii- rvunnuia and Aider. . . . 6-RM)M bouse for rent on Arthur at Call VWo Front. Pbona Front lo2. . FOB RENT OB BALE 6-roora house on Wood stock csr; barn, rruit tree, ceuar... city, water. Phon Esst 2nK3. - V 640 EAST ANKENY, bt. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Modern B-roos Bouse, annas, gas Sxtiire. Bne law a, rosea I. Vanduyu, 2711 Washington. GOOD S-room rnlshed bouse, elegant lo cality, arrasMred ror Bouaekeeping; a gowo paying protxailtlua; rent 876 tier luootb. OTTO ft CROCKETT. 24SH Washington st. phons Blsck 26T1. HOUSES ' FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOR best results oa . - rl KNITCKar Whether to buy or sell, ring ap Msla 555. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 1 211 First st ' FOR RENT FLATS. 230 MODERN a-cnom npper Bat. basement. w . . ... . ... . . ...1. n.iv 1 .1 , 1, Mill, nesr jiin, nrmcui. FOR " RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICES, unfurnished. Bad sample-room: alas hall 50x20. Uoodnoaga Diag.- -ppiy at ta elsvatrr. .. CENTRALLY located office-rooms, with phone, . light and beat, 87.60 per hiooth. U. L. tan, at ejeoovw ... BOOMS and ofnee fa Lewis bldg. Inquire of I. I White.' Btsj ueaam oiuax. FOB BENT Larg store. Sixth t.r near Waah logtoo. Inquire 8. Morton Coba, 854 Oak at Phone Main 13S. FOR RENT Large light office. Sixth at., near Washington; csa be ased for light mnfso tnrlng. Inquire 8. Morton Oohn, .854 Oak at. Phone Main 1S8. MANUFACTURING or other interests needing COeS P. well llgllivu epecw, Ing 551 Morrison" at; 2 lower stories, rear face, each 40x40: store above. 20x40. Inquire 54 North Twwty-firsts JAojse,-Mh 1544. A SPLENDID location for Sower store or Jewelry . store, oa Washington at.. near ruin: tmnt see to salt long lease. The Continental Co., 1 248 Stark at. DESK BOOM In elegantly furnished jofflee; beat location in tn UNFURNISHED ROOMS. . .. HOTEL FAIRMOUNT. Borth Twenty-Uth at., frea Cpataa te " f. : M.. -: - '"A"'- .' . Rooms furalshed and unfurnished, alagle and aa suit. $1 per week and up. A peemasent modera building, plastered aad with bathrooma aad modem plsmblsg. " " PIPED FOB OAS FOB COOK1N& UNFURNISHED room with board, within 10 blocks of Seventh and Washington sts.; reasonable terms. Address T4 Seventh St. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT 238 seres. 10 cleared; 12ii miles from Portland; Waahlugton county, 4 ml lea frons railroad; will take one half in work: beat of soil, level land. 2A3Vi Wash ing ton St., room 9... . FOB RENT 100 acres: 4-room house, spring water, B acre applee; hay aad Implement for sale. 206 Allsky. , FOR 1 BENT 280-acr . Colomhls-rlver dairy ranch; stock for sale. Inquire 265 ft Second St.. room 4. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB BENT About January 1. 2-story brick building 100x100. northeast cor. Third and Madlsoa; will remodel aad lease whole or part to de1rabl - parties. Apply t B. T. Cos, No. T First St.. room to. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANGELES r FURNITURE SNAP. $275 'hay Una furniture, vesrth doable; rooma. rent only $112. fxl. nVms large and light, clothes -closets with stationary shirt wslst snd hstbnxes; this Is an exceptionally Food bargain; will loaa yon part of pnrchaae price If wanted. - ANGEUCS, 242 Fifth and stain. ALWAYS oa band, choice residence property, vacant lots, acreage, large ami smsll farms, dairy and fruit ranches, a few good -stock ranches, some Al timber tracts, well located nd good titles, good business openings, rooming-house most sny locality, st your own terms; don't fsll to sea as befors buy ing. "". - wNORTHWTST I,AND CKV ' 2u6 Obodnough bldg. HOOMING-HOI'SE. 10 moms. 6nely fnml'Uhed. very choice locution, for sal or would trsds ror nous sno mi ana pay nan uutereuce. Call 98 H Sixth at. . PARTNEB WANTED tn country tows In the valley; Bo money needed, only horse and wagoa: man who know a large number ef farmers; It win psy yon to investigate. A 8, case Journal. .. FOB BALE On account of sickness, nice, clean, money-making business en esst side; sales from $16 to $ per day: price $1,400. or will Invoice; n ageat wanted. O 58. care JoarnaL WANTED Renons1bl man to manage branch of flee and depot fr large1 coffee snd sale company owning It owa mills; salary $2ia) monthly and commissions: reference and In vestment of $1,000 required. Address ma . ager. 16 River at. Chicago. ON account of sickness. wTII sell our two stores ef millinery snd ladles' furnishing goods st a sacrifice; $800 down, balance .- on time; fln location; no competition. Ad dress P 14. care Journal. FOR SALE la the beat ralley town of 6,000 Inhabltsnts. clesa stock of shoes; Invoice about $4,000. Inouir Tl 1st at, rortiaad. ur. WHO 18 U. O. M0BGAN ft CO.t FOR BALE A well established knd good pay. " Ina grocary business In beet town of souther Oregon; good Iocs t Ion; prtc $1,500. W 6, car Joarnal. OOOD pay Ihf restaurant, clgsr and confection ery store; flttarea complete, cheap. 202 2d ., The Dalle, r-r.-- - : ---i - $1.2110 GROCERY store, fln stock. In besrt of city, less 2 years, will Invoice $1,onO; - psrty aelllng haa other hnalness; 'no agent. 00a Tourny ning.. aecona ana jsyior. A noon coffee hons on Rernsld St.. doing -a I good business; $165, National Realty Co., HIZ Fine at. 1 .i PARTNER wanted With $!. lu established rmalneas: need help; siprrlenc UDecsasar'. k 0, car eX Journal, , . ' ''..--JOURNAL'' "Waitid"Eates TJBDim ABT CIAISUIOATIOI Five Cents per Line Ke ad taken for lesa than 18 per dsy. Sevan. word, aa a rule, constitute a line, but ssoh line la charged regardless ef the numh-r of words. "WEEKLY BATE T tassrtfeaa (Insludlng ea Suaday lasua) 80 CEMIB par line par M0NTHLT RATE (melodlag an Buaday ' 00 Una par month. ADVERTISEMENTS mast he la Fsaraal husinesa eft. y la -lw)k wsek day . aad by 16 e'slsok Saturday erasing for the-8uady lasua, te secure elaasKoatiea. Display sates given raw appUeeUea at the af Boa. THE JOURNAL BRANCH- OFFICES ADVZRTISEhrikTTB. ' -Win ba received at. renlar Bsra-effVe rstee. Follow In la a Mat af aatborlaed asent. who will forwsrd yoee advertise ment In time for,. pabUcatloa la the neat BOBTH BTDX. , ' "l" B.A. Prestwi. druggist. Twnty-thlrd snd ThnrwisB etreeta. Nob rflll Pharmacy. 680 Gltsea street. corner Twenty. first ' A. W. Allen, pharmacist Sigtsantk and Marshall streets. HcCommon's Pharmacy, Mtaataaatta and Washington atreet. . , - . ' " ' ' B0UTH, SIDB. B. P. Jones ft Oo dragglsta, lcrSBt aad Olbba afreeta. - . . Cnttel Drug compsny. First nod Grant street. . Fabian R verier, dragglat 400 Jeffarsoa afreet, corner Tenth. . - Retlmaa'a Pharmacy, . corner Sixth sad Harrison streets. Plnmmer Drn( eonuieny, 960- Third atreet corner Madison. . - . ' (AIT BTDX. ' W. B. Love, drugrist. corner Grand arenas and Fast Bnrneids street. Nichols ft Thompsoa, 128 Ruassll atraat, comer Albina avenn. ' . Jancke Drn company, eorcsr Hssrthorse and Grand s venues. - W C Cable, druggtat. corner Tfolladay evenne aad Larrabee atraat near steal hridg,. . B. A. Wllaoa. lit Grand' avenne. near Beat Morrison. - B. W. Ball. 836 Eaat Seventh atraat. asrner Btephena. , . . BTI0HLA2m. '. F. J. Clark, druggist. 1002 North Caloa avenue. .. - -s. . ' SUBBISIDX. J. B. Worth, ' pharmadat, BOO Bslmoat street 1 BBOOKXTV. r" " Brooklyn Pharmacr company, PowIl aad Mllwsokl etreeta. . AjllBTA. OBBO0B". Arista Pharmacy. Mora aod Foster streets. .'" BUWOOJX . Rsmstork's Phsrmacy. 646 TJmatllla ara aoe. corner Eaat Tfalrtorath atreet. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. " 8-ROOM. 8 -story bona, well Improved, aa tar -' line; 1 acre of ground; price $2,200., Klcgant larg 6-rooai house, modern; lot lOOxluO; price $2,800, terms. - 10-room house, lot 100x100; $2,200. terms. 4-room house, lot 50xl5, set to fruit; oa block from car line; prlc $900. easy term. - S-room, 2-story nous, barn 12x16,' lot lOOx 150; fruit; one block tram car line; $1.42. eaay terma. . T-room boase, fall concrete basement, bull l. -Ing new; full lot; price $1,800 cash; a ana p. 8 acrve. 1ft miles from ferry landing, all -under cultivation; good boas, with -bath! chicken bous, all kind or fruit, good i.V barrel cistern, on mala road, fin view of Portland aad Vancouver: price 81.100, terma. 10 acres, 8 miles eaat of Van,-ouvr. t mile front ,Uttl: town; .nice little home; -t $1,150. '',, 61 seres, 2 mile from Vancouver, well v JSlfm! 81.0.10 term. 714 acres oa Woodstock car Una, well lin- , proven; ao.ow, good terms. 0 1-8 acres. 2V ml lea frota Vaocoaver, weil 1 Improved : $3,600, terra. 10 sere, well Improved, en O. W, P. car line, sot far out; 83.000. term. Hume of the very best farm for sal In the valley, on good .term; also farms t trade for city property. OTTO ft CROCKETT,' 145 tt Washington st. THB BReVC- BARGAINS. - 23,500 Fsshlonshle 9-room residence, fur. - asce. gaa. all other modern convenleoceat awell locality, cloee. In. west aide'. 83.T60 Swell, nedr. strictly modern 6 roots residence, corner kit. close tn. east side. Kleeant A-room cottage, alyllah 84 1 new: OOxlOO-fnot lot, oa Braron St. $950 A res I awell 5-room cottage, full lot. Bast Ninth at. Woodlawn. $7008 full lota, amall cottags. sll fur nlabed, poultry yard and 'bouse; Woodstock ave. $1.800 An ap-to-dkte S-acre - poultry md rrden place; neat 6-room cottage, good barn, -large poultry bouses, Incubator -and Brooder. " choice fruit, berries, roses. ' It's a darling borne on beautiful drive, near electric ears. $2.250 Very besulifnl 6-room cottage, mod. ern ileslgn and completely finished, eorn-r lot. East Flanders. 1 11.2-Vi Very fin acre tract North AlMn.11 best thing In town for the money. ' $0 Beautiful new cottage bom 1b Mob. tavllla. $ rooma, 50x100-font lot. '' ST00 8 full lota, furnished cottage, nice poultry yard and chicken bouse; Woodstock av. 8850 Fine tract of land. 120x147 feet, m Esst Ninth st near Alnsworth are.; a snap. Apply to TH B DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY. iw rirtB at. - . WB MEAN BUSINESS. J, , ' A grand colonial 0-rtm. rrsldene.! corner lot charming array ef rose and - ahruhberv, on Eaat Eleventh st; will sell for Irs than house cost to build, or exchsng In part -for cheaper suburban cnttsre property. Apply ' THB DUNN-LA WRBNCB CO., " 14814 Firat st. THREB good corners, near the N. good buys. National Realty Co., P. terminal; 812 Pin at h.150 10 ACRES good level land. Bear Moots. , villa carllne; $700 cash, balance en food terma. $.1.000 Block of ground 280x800 feat, 1 .block eaat of Union ave., mirth. $1,500 If yoa want a nice 2 acre chicken and dnck ranch, with food buildings, well wstered. 8V ml lee nut, see this. , - $1.250 Good 6-room house, 2 full lota, block from carllne. eaat aide. ' ' $750 6-ronra hons and 50x100 lot la Montavtlla. Mock to csr. . ,-GBUNDY-MKLRATH CO., . 246 ty Morrison at. . -a- 50x100 oa Slxfh at, close In: $11,000. 50x100, Tenth St., north; bargain at $10,000, 50x100 on Sixth at, paying 10 per cent) . 100x100,' Washington at., food Income) . $,16,000. I0O1IOO, Sixth af., S blocks from postofflce; ' $2fl.ois. - loox 100 on Grand Bv.r paylnf over It J JjT' 100x100 on Taylor at.t $U,o00. ' " , lorixiotv on Yamhill st, close In; $RS.noo. KNixluo on Twelfth at, aoulh. Boa location; $8,500. Torino on Twenty-flrst ' St., near Irving; -t larg modern a. room houses, bringing- good rental all the time: a ansp for $0.0110, Larg modern S-room house, nearly aew, " steam heat and everything no to date Twenty-Brat' at -near Irving; $4,680; can ( be beat on the wet aide. 80x100 with large 8 -room hons oh Clay St.; $3,200. , .New 7-room house, East Third, walklhf distance; 64.000. New modern 7-room house, East Seventeenth St. $2 800. Houses snd lots Is sll psrt at the city. I Timber, fsrma. certified land scrip. k . , COLLINS LAND CO., Rtearna bldg. Main 2:124. " 4 ACBB TRACTSI, 0UB BPBCTALTT 18 ACBB TBACTSt FsM-slsed streets, water to each- acre. TFBMS $10 PER ACBB CASH - r .l0 PEE ACBB FEB MONTH. Ton go te these sere on th same car, tsy the ssms 8e far th lot maa psy. The t maa la yonr neighbor, but be la re stricted ta majority of .feature -tbt make fme euhnrbea home. - Open Wrdpecdsy and Ssturdsy, venlngs, ' A. a cnrRcnn.1. co, ina. ; 110 fjeeond C - V,