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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. -WEDNESDAY feVENINO, DSCEMDCR 0, 1005. 10 FIVE HILL LEVY ENOUGH FOR GiTYlAflY OLD FELLOW . - NEEDS, SAY T AXPAYERS Council's I Program of Expend ltur Causes Strong Protest 1 '.'- from AH Classes. COUNTY COURT WILL J v - NOT BE A CATSPAW If High Levy ; ! Authorized by Municipal Off icert It Will Stand, rn. will Wat -. JLe-ain . Force east " - - -m - - Economy. ;' v.. .' : ; - ?-' ' t W levy for the city tax will be made at today's meeting of the council, county 1-1. rl. EH. 1,1. has hMD Dn&bl tO CXtCtiCl : the tax roll and make the oertlncate of the actual-assessment yaluatlon of city property,,: uniu mis ceruiiceic u received, the levy ta Impossible, although -the council member know approximate ly the total. Mr. Fields, stated this mora Ins' that the work was about i finished, and he would have 4he veertMcate In. a very short time, so that the eouncllwlll hold an adjourned meeting thlafweel to . . i . t ....... rrw Uu hA mail -mew uio m . . xuw . j and A certificate of .the-aot transmitted to the county authorities before Janu ary i. - ' ' ' ' Until the report of the ways and means committee of the council Is before ..that body, members who-are not on the committee do not care' to forecast, their vote when final action la neceasary. There seems to be an inollnatlon to favor, tnf fir department Improvementa . recom mended hv the committee, and possibly giving the police a larger sum than the department had last year. Unless the influence of property owners Is exercised -to the contrary, persuading members of the council to Hold7 the general city levy down to I mills, It seems probable that the ways and means 'committee will be sustained. ' .. , , .. ..; -Xlffh levy Being Tonght.: '' Publlo opposition, to a higher levy than mllla continues. Many property owners have been frank to express them selves against any' Increase above that figure, v Several have interviewed mem- . bers of - the council personal ly, and put their views before those officials. "We do not want to cripple any de partment," said a member this morning. "If the lire department really needs new ' equipment, ana laauia iw muiv "v ' tlons, we feel that the city should grant them, as a matter of economy. Fire protection is something that cannot be . 1 1 . . 1 ,' , . .... nnl.aa ..,. T j the case Is not ao urgent The harbor , master needs a new boat, Dut the city would not be so endangered by any fall- FortheBaby' tflPXoJlD) I' 'Does your baby -sleep well? . A baby should not fret and be rest less at night, but' on thecbntrary,' ' after bis evening meal, if hit food is right, be' should go to' sleep and aleep "woeth ' and peacefully until - early morning. - Use Mellin's Pood and year baby will sleep wall, and a eay sy say. rone and rood aatorad for a area sample for your baby, The WIT Infanta Feed receiving the CKANB flUI at St. Leaks, Ie4. Gold Medal, Highest Award, Portland, Or. 19Q5. , MSIXtN'S FOOD CO., BOSTON, MASS. ure"fo expand the work of this depart ment as In the case of the fire depart ment" -i 1 Last year the county court reduced the count levy at the laat moment to bring the total levy for property situated here to an even 40 mllla.' This was done after the county court had concluded that It needed slightly more money for county affairs, and . was the result of a conclusion by those officials that the aggregate tax waa getting to hlgh.Th county levy' cornea laat, ao that the final reaponalbllity rests with the coun ty court Many persons are Inclined to believe the council is laying its plans on such liberal scale with the expecta tion that If the total levy Is above 15 mills the county court will hold It-to that figure by further reducing its levy. Court Kay Stand rat. Against thir possible attitude of the council, the county court Is expected to stand pat this year and throw the full burden of any increase above II mills upon the city government All of Isst year the cdunty court -economised rigid ly, and was able to emerge from 1(01 with affairs In splendid shape and but a few unpaid road, warrants Outstand ing. -County officials reel that there, is no- reason why they should economise so painfully, while the city government is liberal . '..,..'.' .. Taking the early estimates which Assessor Blgler used In his computa tions as reasonable, the county court feela that Its duty goes no farther than complying with the 'limit ' fixed' then. which they advised the assessor some time ago would be a fair basis of ex penditure. Any Increases above the primary estimate win nave to ne norne by ' the departments demanding more money, . . . --r-.. 81 nee. the matter baa been discussed publicly, and cltlsens realise the exact Status of affairs, greater ; Influence la being directed upon the counclL Those suburbs asking better fire protection ap pear to support the waya and means. committee report while the taxpayers at larce state that If the city council would economise properly it could furnish all needed fire protection ana nave sum dent funds for city government on a (-mill levy. 4 TO FORECLOSE ON OLD . UNION PACIFIC GRADE - (Special Dispatch to The Joornal.) Olympia. Wash.. Deo. 20. B. B. Oros- cup, attorney for the Northwestern Im provement company, nas commencea foreclosure proceedings in Thurston county upon delinquent tax certificates Issued against the old railway grade of the Portland A Puget Bound Railway company, otherwise known' as the old Union Paclfio grade, which was con structed about 15 years ago, but has never been used. - It Is stated that simi lar foreclosure proceedings have, or will be. Instituted In other counties-through which the- grade runs-and upon which this same company repreaentlng the Northern Paclfio, holds delinquent tax certificates. The- amount Involved. Is HIGH7WATER' MAYTJELaH WORK ON BIG BRIDGE (Special Dlspsteb te Tee Joenal.t Eugene, Of., Hoc. 10. A Southern Pa clfio oonst met Ion crew arrived' here yes terday 'and began the work of laying the track .on ..the Bprlngfield-Henderaon cut off today. Work waa begun at the Hen derson end of the line and the -Y" will be put In' first. The grading for the. road has been almost entirely completed and work on the big bridge-aoroea -the Willamette la being rushed. It Is feared that the present rain will cause the river to rise ao aa to delay the work oa the bridge. , t Auctions. Afternoon and evening auction sale of umbrellaa. Sixth and Alder streets. Great Remodeling Sale! We intend to enlarge our present establishment in order to be enabled to handle our. steadily growing trade with more case and greater dispatch. To' accomplish, this, and as soon aa possible, we have-decided to-sell our large stock of Imported and Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordials at reduced prices. We will during this month allow on every article in our store a discount of IS to 20 per cent on the dollar providing you refer to this ad. , Our well known Crystallised Rock and Rya-we have reduced to 60 CENTS a bottle net. ' We sell our goods as we always did, at lowest figures and same prices as ever besides, will allow the discount. , r DURING THIS WEEK every lady purchaser to the amount of $1.00 or up will receive a suitable-present - ' Call -yourself' or use Telephone Main 2625 and goods will be delivered free to your bouse. . - ' ...'' D. GERM ANUS - The Family Liquor Store. 228 Morrison St. GOOD enough Council License Committee Fa vors Giving Permits to Every 1 Man Who Has Asked. , " I . PAST BAD RECORDS GENEROUSLY FORGIVEN Four Hundred ind Forty Wish to Sell Liquor and Probably All Wfll Pe Given-the Chance Despite Old Scores. The- liauor license committee : of the city eouncll this morning considered 44 applications for liquor licenses for ISO and all of thenJ were favorably recom mended to he cjlty council. Among the number were applications from aeveral saloon-keepers who had violated the city ordinances many times ana wno naa been convicted In the municipal courts, but-the committee decided to give them all another chanoe. 'I -feel a little chary about granting licenses to any of these men who have been convicted of having women in their saloons," said Councilman Wallace. "I would like to have It undtrstood,- satd Councilman Wills, "that unless these men toe the scratch their licenses will be taken from them." "That'a what we aay all the time, but we don't dO It," replied.., Councilman Gray. c - Among the 17 applications ror new licenses waa that of John A. Lee, the deposed patrolman who waa caught In the saloon, after 1:S0 o'clock a, m. by Captain Bruin, for which be now desires a license to run. . . - The new applicants for Licenses are J. A. Lee, H Russell street; George O. Harris, 171 Third street; Henry Hoff man. IT4 Hawthorne avenue; H. Jor shaw. til Water street; C J. Culllson, 224 First street; J. Maranday, I8S Burn side street: W. Scott Morrill, 4 Jo Wash ington street; Relnhard Porter, 171 First street; Lyman A. Ware, -11 Al berta avenue; Henry Adams, .corner Tnird ana nanaers i streets; uaum at Co., 140 First street; K. Condon, 157 Burnslde street; Cass & Furey. 181 Mor rison street; J. Carlsorv- 394 -Front street; Guy Swltser, SOS Alblna avenue; J. H. Leader, 21 Alblna avenue; Jarbour Restaurant company, 109 Fourth street Each of the members of (he commit tee had to sign eaoh of the 440 applica tions, which ocoupled their attention the entire morning. - 1 LAWSON REAPS PROFIT OF THREE MILLIONS ' (ionrasl Special Berries.)' Boston. Dec. 20. -It is believed that Thomas ' W. Lawson has ' cleared more than 11.000,000 during the last three days on the stock market. It Is understood- that' he received previous Infor mation of the failure of the Chicago banks enabling him to get from under and catch what others had dropped. He is now preparing ror another bear cam nilm. Lawson's loudlv proclaimed - admle- sions of virtual bankruntcv have been viewed askance by brokers, who' were much more alarmed over the announce ment than they' would have been' over his reaping 'a fortune. - Lawson st all times put up a strong bluff and It la believed that the an nouncement that he waa on the verge of being "broke" was solely for the pur pose of disarming his enemies and catching them unawares. D0WIE G0ES T0 JAMAICA TO RECOVER HIS HEALTH - (Joernal Special Rer,c.) Boston, Dec 20. John Alexander uowie, "Elijah the Restorer," who Sun day resigned aa overseer of the Chris tian Catholic Church- of Zlon and turned his- affairs over to a triumvirate, ar rived here this morning en route to Jamaica, where he hopes by rest to re cuperate from his recent Illness. Dowle was carefully carried aboard the steamer Admiral Dewey and started .on his cruise In the -care of nurses, ac companied by hla son, Gladstone Dowle. The founder of Zlon Is unable to move from hla Invalid's chair. In which he virtually - Uvea, Another attack of paralysis baa rendered him all but help less. BRITISH POLICY-HOLDERS TO REORGANIZE MUTUAL (Jearaal Special Berries.)' London, Deo. 20. Thirty ' thousand British policy-holders are .. demanding a thorough reorganisation of the man agement and '.Methods of the Mutual Life Insurance company. While .they do not assail the Integrltyof President Peabody, .his resignation is demanded and the substitution of an able and ex perienced Insurance mar requested. D. C. . Haldeman, the man who 'has for IS years been manager for the Mu tual In Great Britain, la the man wanted by the British policy-holders, who as sert that -if what they request Is. not granted a systematic campaign of anni hilation of the company; In that coun try will begin. ., While You are Buying KMasPtesehts ' Let us suggest a few articles always appreciated; -; Bicycles for the Boys and Girls. - Punching Bags, Boxing Gloves,. Footballs,. Exercisers, Shotguns, Hunting Coats,' Sweat ers, Fishing. Rods, Flash Lamps, Revolvers, Fish Baskets, Pocket Knives, Razors, Gun Casesr""', ' For Husband, ! Father, Brother and Son Articles , that are useful and of value . . ? . -We have a new, clean stock toselect from and for-the Holi days we are making prices to suit your purse; The S;tt.Bramtid Co, r . : ; '122 GRAND AVENUE. TtyeEast Side Sporting Goods Stores '-J -OperrEviningsr A Few Cents Extra. Car fare will save you .dollars on your Xmas purchases. Our great Janu ary clearing sale la now on In full blast r a few days before Xmaa. We. start our reduction aalea early this season.: What Is our loas Is your gain, so take advantage of our extremely low prices and buy your' holiday presenta of that big popular-price east, aide furniture house. - Your credit Is- good; eaay pay ments. .Calef Bros.. SC4-C-S East Morri son street, just out of ' the high-rent district. Open evenings. . " Three Great Specials , In ladies' fancy ' lace and embroidered handkerchief a at 26c, 20c and 15c -You will pay double the price elsewhere. Children's handkerchiefs to and le. M' ALLEN A M'DONNELL. GOVERKOR TOOLE REFUSES - TO RUH FOR SEHATE Montana Executive Declines to Contest for Seat Now Occu pied by W. A. Clark. '- - (Special Dispatch te The Jearaal.) Helena, Mont, Deo. 20. Despite sug gestions to the contrary that have been made within recent days, Governor Jo seph K. Toole will not be a candidate for the United States senate to succeed Senator William A. Clark, a year hence. Soma days ago Sheriff John. J. Qulnn Of Butte waa Interviewed by theDeor Lodge Silver State, declaring It his be lief that Governor Toole waa the log ical candidate on the Democratic party for the senatorablp. ,. Sheriff Qulnn said that Butte would stand by the governor In the race or the senate regardless of the reported Helnie-Clark combination, and ' that he would not be a candidate for re-election aa sheriff, but will make a race for the state senate, so that he could vote for Governor Toole for United States sen ator. . Governor Tool was asked If he had seen the Interview and said: "Yes. I have read the Interview. I appreciate what Qulnn so kindly says about me, but It la Just as well to state again that when I accepted the nomi nation for governor I did ao with the expressed purpose 'of being out of the ensuing senatorial race. - If I do not serve out my present term of office it will bo due entirely to the condition of my health, which la far from, good, and not to accept any other office. When I am out of the governors office, I am out of politics;"' .r i FINDS HUSBAND'S BODY DECAPITATED BY BLAST fSpeclal Dlspatrb te The Jearaal.) Butte, Mont, Dec. 20. Oscar Wells. 4S years of age, of Melrose, was In stantly killed In an explosion at hla mining claim, about three miles from Melrwee, yesterday afternoon. Hla bead waa severed from his body. How the accident happened will alwaye be a myatery. He bad been doing assess ment work on his claim and had his shaft down only eight feet.- -When he did not return at the usual time his wife became alarmed and went to the claim, where she waa horrified -to'Und the mangled body of bar. husband.. It Is sup. osed that he waa kllled-tSy - a premature blast ; UNION PACIFIC LOSES CHIEF COUNSEL KELLY (Journal Special Service.) ' ' Omaha. Neb Dec. 20. William R Kelly has resigned aa general solicitor of the Union Pacific, to take place et the end of the present year. . Kelly In tends to retire for some time from ac tive business. He haa been . connected with the Union Paclfio since 1880, and succeeded John M. Thurston aa general solicitor in lit 4, when Mr. Thurston went to the United States senate. )T John N. Baldwin, at present general attorney for the road,-Is the-only man mentioned as the successor of Kelly. fiefened Stock tseeas. -Allen at Lewis' Best1 Brand. Stors .Open Evenings W.H. MARKELL & CO. 121-123 Grand Avenue 1M EFITF0R11 F Mil? A M E RDPe MKH 3tUIUUfLL THL3 A SUIT, OVERCOAT OR RAINCOAT, ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 'i We are overstocked in Clothing and have determined to unload as much as possible during the balance of this week BY GIVING BIGGEST CLOTHING VALUES IN TOWN without any exception. Compare our merchandise qualities ana prices with any in tne city ana you will una your advantage nere. Men's $10 and $12 Suits at $6&S -y ; - - Choice of fine new stylish Worsted and All-Wool Oregon Cassimere' Suits; perfect fitting and splen- -didly made, . . i ' ' Men's All-Wool Oregon Cassimere 18.00 Suits ' ' at ,.f5.TS ' Men's $10, $12 Raincoats at $6.95 The genuine Crevenette Raincoats, every one of this season's newest styles. '. r - v Men's $7, $7.50 Overcoats at '.:.:::-':;$4.95;';v.--;; Good stylish serviceable Coats, well made ." and good-fitting. VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS YOU CAN DO YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING HERE WITH LESS FATIGUE AND MORE COMFORT Presents for Men 'Men's $14, $15, $18 Suits at The cream of the new -fall Suits, msde by Bran- degee, ' Kinoaid . & . Wood of Utica, N. Y.: beautiful new Worsted and Cassimere Suits, and in best possi ble manner. -. Men's $13.50, $15 O'coats at ::?'r$$i95-----:- The best, and "choicest " Overcoats .we- have, all made by the high-class tailors,1 Brandegee, Kipcaid & Wood.. -v.. r ... ; ;j . - f,. Men's $9, $10 Overcoats at Dandy stylish Coats, well made, perfect fitters, medium length. ; ' X " ' Slippers 0 fl.00 fl.25 1.T5 f 2.00. ' ' "GloveST-a5 50 76f fl.OO f 1.50. ' Silk Mufflers-SOf 75 fl.00 f 1.25 f 1.50." Fancy -S-UfPenders 25 35 50 75." Neckwear 10 25 50. ; ' Hsndkelchiefs-5. 10 121-2 17 25 85. A New Hat f 1.25 f 1.50 f2.00 f2.50 f 3.00. -Umbrellls 75 'f lf 1.25 fl.50 f2 to f 4.50. Presents for Women 7 Handkerchiefs 5 10' 12 1-2 15 20 25 to f 1.25. "'' Glovea-r-25 37 50 60 f l.OO f 1.25 fl.50. Slippers 35 50 75 fl.00 fl.25 fl.50. Perfume lO 15 25 60 75. , - Fur Bos fl.25 f 1.65 f2.5 fS.SO f7.SO. .Fancy Underskirt 08 fl.05 S1.35 fl.75 to f7.50. - .-- . .- " . Fsncy Cpllsr 15 25 35 50. 60 75. -Umbrellas 75 f 1 fl.25 f 1.50 f 1.65 f2 f 5. DOLLS, TOYS, GAMES, WAGONS, VELOCIPEDES, GO-CARTS, ROCK V j r UNG HORSES, TOOL CHESTS, ETC. ' GRAND D1SPUY IN THE BASEMENT TOY DEPARTMENT . ...... A big convenient room, where you will find a big. array of. the newest In all kinds of Toys, ctc at from -10 to 23 per cent lest than west aide prices. : . . . ; . " . . , BRING THE CHILDRENTHEY ARE WELCOME -' - ' Sir Thomas Lipton SURRENDERED TO THE CHARMS OF THE CECILIAN ''anrl has one on board -of the "Erin," hit private yacht If you call and hear the instrument played you will also surrender. Positively the best player in the WORLD; Just the thing for Xmas. - - Manufacturer's Piano Co. i 350 ALDER STREET. ' . . I OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL. XMAS. ' aufene B. A. M- Bleots. ' (Rpeelsl Dlspeteb te The Jonrnsl;) Eugene, Or., Dec. i0.-Euene chapter. No. 10, R. A. M., elected new ofneers last .nlsht . as follows: B. Whattam, high priest; Q. O. Toran. kins; 8. 8. Rpencer, serlbe; James F. Robinson, sec retary; T. W. Osburn, treasurer; Osrwln Brlstow, captalh of host; W. M. Pres ton, principal sojourner; O. O'B. DeBar, R. A. captain; O. W. Norrls. M. third vail; It. L. Ooodrlch, M. second vail; T. D. Henslll, M. first valL After the elec tion Past-Jinn Priest J. M. Ifowe was riven a pleasant surprise by the mem bers presenttny htm wHh a Bultfl' fnld emblem of Jila ofrtre, Hon. 8. -M. Toran making the presentation apeech, - - , Umbrellas UitiBrcllas Corner of Sixth and Afder Streets 6,000 Ladies' Fine Umbrellas must be sold on' account of tbcyng overstocked. Umbrellas are( ready for "inspection. Come and look them over tomorrow "morning. , ; ' ' -r-'V ;. t" . . -r '. ; ,;. , '',- ; : ; .. '. r ' Sale begins at 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 in the evening. These umbrellas range in price from $5.00 to $25.00, and they . will all behold., B ARTLETT iS"; ?kU!M CORNER OF SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS. - Opposite-OregonlSrrBunding. CDRISTMAS GIFTS ntzoTZiT ova scAm t 1 1 riiAXsT e ' OM nOtTMS CSBDIT JEWE LRY & CUT GLASS $1.00$1.00 Turkish: EASTERN OUTFIT TING COMPANY ' TVs Btere Waete Tsar dealt Is Sees, 1 WASHINGTON & TENTH C0FFEE,TEA DAinnOFO'tYDER, tlEJQXilG EXTRACTS rMuhfVrlhr. . flruMlFliYor. Ortltrf$trTn$fh.C&WfvlltrYicv CLOSSETODZYEBS PORTLAND, ORCOON V; 1 f Bath , the susrh aa fee H. King's Baths event and Wastes biftoB Bta. . and largest BBUssettr. DO YOU WANT A HOME OF YOUR OWN We Make a jSpeelal Tea tore ef BuUdlnf -, - , Homes. . .. We are aolne to cater, te the rreat army of wuce-earnera who are receiv. Ins; less than one thousand dollars per year, ana win buna tnem a nome nr such a price and on such terms aa will make It cheaper for them to own their noma tnan pay rent.. If desired, we will also furnish the house complete. Including; piano, and one Installment pays all. 'Don't hesi tate to take advantage of this great offer - because you happen to be a bachelor.-aa we will endeavor to secure a wife for you also. Our business is te make people happy. If you do not want to build now, come In and aee us anyway and learn how rou may secure a house free of eost, f you can't corns In, drop us a card and we will call on you. GElSHMIENDkYX INVESTMENT Co. Temporary Quarters CIS Oreerdnian Bldf. . tbtoxas srotrsKzm, . ', i Xanaa-er Bealty Department, v -- r aona Mala 88111 - Buy and Sell all Kinds of Rcallstafe JAPANESE GOODS ... ..... 1 .- TH1 Bk KOHaSA CO, ' - Are fcttr prensred ta snpplr the (mhlU anw loss , with th'lr two aissnlSeent stnrra. A See dlaplsy of Christmas (ols, eoDalstlnf ef Sns Bsmhoo Furniture, Jspsnese Curios snd rorr.lala WsrM. The pahlle Is enrilUII tn vltsd to Inspect this Most lfsnt dlsplsy at 1 151-IM KOBEISOX ITSXtT. - We-hlTe'eiwteBMrs-far the foUoln:' '-. Ws ws'nt . iootfoo en Vnloo s.enae, serwvea Hullsdsy. snd Kussl. .. , ... We' wiot' several smsll tracts, ef acresf. : . We' want - hiases es both sides of the fiver. We want farait, as We have- larse : list' of eastern neopls . who, srs eomlne; to -Oft-fos and Waabtngtoo. . ' ' . ' , - .''..-, , ... We eaa aell 'your timber land. ' . We want S'-tn- t-rnoai hnnes on'esat side, worth' from f I,2"U to I1.4O0 tTa cash customer ' for same. 'j. ,.,.',.'. ' : f '. .J ' List renr property with as and yea will get a square deal. - ' "' . ..., ' Blair & llurlbut -ais-aie ArjroTOT m5C' , S.D.ADAIR ; UAL BSTATal. mBsTTAiSl AaTO . ..; rsTSTmAjrca . . i : . - Desirable Inside Property, both Business and Residence.' 36 Washington Stl il Boom SOSa- si .