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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 130J. Millinery Crovdcd Out V BY CHRISTMAS GOODS. ' Who is' thinkine of hats at Christmas time ?H People would perhaps .make many more gifts of millinery if they knew that prices are as low as this: In the Bijou Salons Second Floor, Annex. 100 HATS WORTH $4.00 TO $6.00 AT :: :: $1.50 EACH. ... - , A tnilv rmarlr- " . : . able o f f ering, all this season s best styles and leading- shapes in hand mad,e tli r b a n s, and ' handsome, fash ionable dress' hats. Silkvel- vets, chenille braids and fancy felt shapes, all clev erly and stylishly ' trimmed with pretty, fancy- feathers, etc- - In plain black; bluesM Drowns, grays, reas, greens, etc. values ranging from $4 to $6 only 100 in the loti Come early for this "snap" and choose , for ,..?1.50 A11 other hats at one half price. : ' Ostrich Feather Boas FIR8T FLOOR. t . . These boa ara . made, specially to our order.' Wo guarantee perfect satisfaction and will not' IdmK an Inferior article Into our stock evsry boa must be made of the beat male atock and properly con. structed. - .. ;. Black, white -and novelty shades in the showing. . Prices each, f 15.00 S1S.OO S20.00 - 922.SO 92B.OO $27.50 and up to $50.00 Christmas Art Pieces - Bargains tn the. Art Department Bhops. ' : .:.. ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. 1 :''! OIDZBBD OIimKIOM FOB Our entire stock of hand-embroidered, seaterpleoea. In' floral and conventional designs,' embroldred In cloiater, hedebo. English, eyelet. ML Melllck, French and shadow m broidery. . ' Also Cushion Blips, ready for the filling, embroidered In- the same fancy stltehlngs as the centerpieces. Priced from (1.60 to M,00. Special " " ' at kaxf nuom. 91.00 Cushion Tops for To Satin Cushion Tops, In assorted colors and pretty designs. Our $1.00 vrnliM. Special at, each 794 ' EVERY WOMAN WANTS A HOST OF PRKTTT Christmas Laces ' and Ribbons : ' FIRST FLOOR. ' c " Beautiful Taleaeleamea and MecMla tapes Priced . at the yard.................. .10 to 85 Fine Bilk &aeea - for Cushions, Trimmings, etc Prices the yard up from. . . .15 SO and 25J staaasome auosons xor cusniona. - ricea , ai me ' yard up to -. .....7S Blbbons for Bars Priced at, '-the yard ........................ .60 up to t)1.50 All Kinds ' of Xolly Blbsoas for fancy work - and for tying up Xmaa gifts. Priced at, the -yard 25 and 504 t-Bby xabona--meed at; the yard.-X, 2 and 3 ' Women's .... Knit Underwear . BrZCZAXi VAXUBS. FIRST FLOOR. ... Woman's $3.00 Silk Tests. $a ja Fine alt-silk whit Vestav high neck long sleeves. Swlss-rlbbed ; reg ular values SI40. Special, eadh ..92.29 Women's $5.00 Silk Tights, $3AS Fine all-silk Tights, in black and. white, ankle length, Swlss rlbbed; regular value 15.00. Special, the pr..$3.8S Women's $3.00 Union alts, SJt Winter-weight lisle Union Suits In flesh and white, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; regular value $8.00. Special, the suit $2.39 Christmas Handkerchiefs . ' Ul Ennt-ALL FBXCBaV . FIRST FLOOR. - And pick them out -' now when '-you can do It pleasantly, leisurely, most satisfactorily and most comfortably. And when Oie selection Is at Its very best; especially of the popular Initial Handkerchiefs. Then, too, you can have - the plain ones marked with Indelible ink without unusual delay. Qualities? PrleeaT, Well,'ve relied 'for years on this as. Portland's best handkerchief store and the oak that's rightly rooted stands staunch. Sug gestions: - '. ', Ladles' Pure Ilm Flala . aT.omatltoa.ed Baadker - ehlefs Priced at. each 1....12H. 3 for BO 25 and 35 Ladles' Initial Zanea Bandkaxohlefs,.. f In a box. Priced at, the box, fl.OO, S2.U0, 92.481 alao some t In a box, priced at. the box..' TB Ladles' Embroidered Linen Bandksronisfs, In a box. Priced at, the box.92.OO 93. BO and 96.00 Ladles' Swiss Bmbrotdered Handkerchiefs Priced at, each...... 25, 35, BO,' 65, 75, ' 85. il.OO and 91.25 Ladies Armenian Bmbroldsred Handkerchiefs Priced at, each. -TB. 91.25, 91.60 to 92.50 Ladles' Foist Laos Baaaksrehisfs Priced at, each, up to' ...925.00' Portland's Best Glove Store-lst Floor- ' The largest and best stock ' we have - ever bad Is here now ' ' " ". ' Being best, ft Is largest. Ws sell more gloves than do any other two Portland stores. . We sell mora and mors $tU year and the growth Is faster than ever. Women's Gloves, Children's " Oloves, Babies' Gloves. .'.,.. ' Our glove experts ara known wherever gloves are made as belna- most critical. The best gloves tbe world produces are hero. You'll get the best value and aavs time by coming here first though It pleases ns ,to have you compare! our gloves with others. Long and short gloves for drees In unequaled - assortment Suggestions. Christmas glove-buying: ..--..! .- The -'"Monarch" Two-Clasp Kid O lores Paris point backs, here In all the novelty colore, black, white and erearo. No better gloves ever, sold at the price. Price, the pair .....) 92. OO The Tskay" Tbree-Clasp Xld Olovea-In the new champagne, Alice blue and rose shadea. as well as . all the staples, brown, mode, tan, navy, green and red Price, the pair .. -91.BO "Derby" Two-Clasp Kid Oloves Full pique sewed, wear well and fit perfectly. In all colors, black and white. - Price, the pair 91. BO "Magnet" Two-Clasp Xld Oloves In all colors, black i'and whlts-Prtoer th patr .ivir-. iTi-iTv.91.00-Our l-Button Kid Oloves at, the pair. ...... .93.00 l-ie-Bntton-Sttetle KM ttloves at, the palr.-rt-rril'.BO It-Button Ol ace Kid Oloves at, the pair .92.75 (-Button Olace Kid Oloves at. the pair 92.00 Children's "Ierby" Kid Gloves at. the pair... 91. 35 Children's "Itlanco" Kid Olove at, the pair. .9100 il THE CHRISTMAS VILLAGES ARE ALL' IN HOLIDAY DRESS J V- Olds. Wortman , Kiner "The Different Store," Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets The AnniwJ - -Yuletide Fair Is On. Wonderful Attractions Every Day direct from Kringlcland THE STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS Six Before Christmas ; 1 Days .v;vVKw:-,-v':-i-- 'Tis the People, Puzzling. Time : : v MAYHAP" THIS MONDAY SUPPLEMENT TO - SUNDAY'S CHRISTMAS , i PAGE MAY HELP SOME PUZZLED ONE TO SOLVE. THE GIFT PROBLEM V Of course you know this is the very best Christmas Store in all the northwest -that it has the largest stock of Christmas and staple goods suited for holiday gift-giving and at the fairest prices. But, law sakest don't every store make that claim? and one can't believe 'em all. Of course not, friends, don't try. , Just rely on this best-all-the-year-'round store, isn't that easy ? A store that suits you best 12 months of the year is more than apt to prove the best store to shop in at Christmas, don't you think? There's bigger stocks here of the things wanted at Holiday time than in any, other Portland store. It's the safest store in town to shop in. Three mammoth elevators, the largest west of Chicago, making shopping oh the fourth floor TOYLAND as easy as on main floors. The aisles are wide and spacious, you may be jostled a bit; but no one minds that at Christmas time,- and the folk -you -touch elbows with are the nicest people in townIt's really worth a whole lot to meet them and to mingle with them. Not a word as to deliveries. - Our great public is giving us such a liberal holiday trade that we must ask them to assist us all they can in the delivery of the goods. While we have by far the largest and most perfect delivery in Portland, there is no such thing as perfection in delivery when Christmas comes. . The strain is too great with such a great house as this, which supplies more than half of the population of the northwest with their Holiday goods. So, will you assist us so far at is possible. by carrying the Smaller parcels with you, it's quite the correct thing to do, don't you, know, to carry bundles at this time of the year. And then, another thing; it's well to remember that a minute spent in being sure that the salesperson has one's name and address exactly right, may save hours or even' days of delay. We are better than ever before prepared to guard against errors ahcTlo make deliveries promptly,-but thoughtful cooperation on the part of our customers will be highly appreciated. 1 ' - jTcs. ""'--i eeV '. Votes XVR posltlvsly : be ' rotten at tine of purchase. SToae wlU be issued after, either on duplicate checks or othsnrlaa. . This la absolute. Ask Xor your vote at tlma J - Proo- ' VOTE FOR BENEVOLENT FUND DISTRI - BUTION AT 10 A. M. TODAY : - Pat ton Home .. Fruit and Flower. Mission .................. Baby Horns .. People's Institute Ciittendon Home . Salvation Army . ........................... Bt. Vincent's Hospital Old Ladles' Home Mt- Bt Joseph's Home for the Aged ....... ... Good Samaritan Hospital Open Air Fund . Children's Home '. Visiting Nurse Association ................... Volunteers of America A .., King's Daughter a of Marshall Street Church . Scattering . - - . ' J Total , IT.4TT ..... IMSt IJ.4 to.tzs 17,62 lt.m lt.ll 10.7S ..... t.tis 7,669 ..... t.w .15 ..... t.tts J.087 1.084 10,644 ,..101,121 SPECIAL TONIGHT! 7 TO 9:30 P, M. ONLY" Domestic Aisle First Floor ' EIDERDOWN. FLANNELS AT 28e Best quality wool Eiderdown" Flannels, all rnlnrs. 27 inchps wifle. Special at, the yard.:. ...28 $2.75 TEACLOTHS $1.78.' ' Richardson's fine quality all linen fancy drawnwork Tcacloths,-all hand made; ; regular value $2.75. Special, each .$1.78 Dress Goods 25 Percent Discount OFF OF ALREADY REDUCED -PRICES FOR THIS EVENING ONLY 7 TO 8:30 O'CLOCK , Reductions Reduced for 90 Minutes' Spirited Selling .-. DRESS GOODS SALONS . ' First Floor, Fifth Street Annex , Remnants of Colored Dress Goods in all lengths, colors and styles. 25 Per Cent Discount off the already reduced remnant prices of this week. . for Matchless Values for v Housekeepers . THIRD FLOOR, i. A host of unmatchable values await those folk! who choose the useful for the home In selecting gifts for the holidays. .The great "Housekeepers' Ex change" never has equaled these bargains at any former holiday sale. Chrlatmasy things that ara peerless. Read how easy they are to buy! BBA.UTITU& 47V OX.ABB. Portland agency Llbbey Cut Glaus, perfect out ting, rich designs. l,lbbey's name Insures the beet. Rock Crystal - Whiskey Tumblers; regular value $27.00. Special, per dosen .' $21.50 Rock 'Crystal Table Tumblers; regular value $34.00. - Special, per dosen .$28.75 Rock crystsi wires; regular value 130.00. upeciai, per dosen $24.00 Rock Crystal Clarets; regular value 136.00. Special, per dosen $28. OO Rock Crystal Saueer, Champagnes; regular value $45.00. Special, per dosen $36. OO unovALip itioamn sboobatxs oxxb-a. Salad Seta ...88t to $36.00 .'Coffee Bets Chocolate Bets Fancy Plates, Salad Bowls, each 25a to $12.00 Chop Plates, each .......... ... Tftf to $15.00 run naucers,- per aosen w.. . . .Sil.OO to B1S.OO .y. . . Tallf AJTD OmwAMXITTa. - Closing -out a line of Vases and Ornaments at xaxt vmxoa. -. . , . AJIT BOOKS. i Contain a choice selection of Cut Glass,' Bohemian Qlsssware. Electric Figures and Portables, Hand Palntad China.".' , ,- WCttMtM OniSTatAI OITTS. . . Bronte Flgurea and Ornaments, Art Pottery, Doul ton. Tepllta, Dresden Vases and Ornaments, Beer Steins, Punch Seta and hundreds of other dainty and useful articles. . . . - .. . BOOXXS BBOkV 1S47 TABU SIXTBBWABa. ... Community Silverware, guaranteed $1 years, bur nished or French gray finish s- Teaspoons, set of 4 , ...$1.50 Dessertspoons, set of , .....112.65 Tablespoons, set of .1 ijj.OO Sugar Spoon' and Butter Knife, pelr ....... .HI. 40 Berry Spoons, each 111.35 Pickle Forks.: each -rnlmjj. ii. . ........... 0 I I Cold Meat .Forks, each ...... -$1.00 L Fruit. Knives set xtj.. .u, UJ.( ,,.$3.25 flrsvy La (lie a,- each . i $1,20 Child' Sets -. .Sl.ftO ,-. Speotal Sal Odd Z.iaes Oat .lass. . , ' Christmas Shoppers Are invited to rest and lunch in the "cozy' Tearoom on Second - Floor. A delicious lunch served daily from 11 a: m. to D p. m. by the ladies of Ibje;, School of Domestic Science under the auspices of the Portland served at modest . prices. Writing, tables, with all accessories, are. conveniently by free to all. Visitors are welcome to use this privilege .for addressing gifts to out-of-town friends. ' . - Men's Bath orvLoungirig Robes Reduced .Men's Shop First Floor, Annex, $2.00 to $45.00 ts ..J. $2.75 to S60.00 s, per dosen ...... ,$1.00 to $48.00 Table Linerf Sets FIRST FLOOR.- , . Can you think' of a more appropriate gift for a 'housekeeping friend than a beautiful satin damask hemstitched tablecloth with a-dosen napkins to match." Every housewife ardently desires to have her linen closet shelves abundantly filled with good household linens of every kind. Vou'tl find here all that Is newest and best - In handsome Xmaa llligiis and you iau inahs ths ala stta. . If you're a woman and puzzling over what to buy "him" for Christmas, perhaps this newsnay help your decision and your purse, at one and', the same- time. Commencing this morning we reduce all bath" Of" lounging robes drasticattyr ' ; f; . WOOL-BLANKET ROBES. Our regular $3 value.- Special, each. .$0.00 Our regular $9 and $9(50 value. - Special, each ". . ................. .87.00 Our regular $11 and $12 value. " Special, each.-.;. 8&00 Our regular $13.50 value. ' Special, each .1.. 810.00 TERRY CLOTH ROBES. Our regular $6.75 value. Specialt . .84.75 Our regular $7.50. value. ' Special... $5.75 Dainty Christmas NECKWEAR " FIRST FLOOR. ,' " " ' We are showing all the latest novelties. Pretty Stock Collars Priced at, each, up - -- from . . . . ...... y . . . . 254 an4S544 riae un noes vonsrs rncw ai. eaon, up from 25e and 35l Btaadsonn BOX StookOoUars Priced at, each, up from ...n. 35, 50t and T5f rtaS'lonff Optra Scarfs Priced at, . - each -.t.,.. ..,.....$2.50 up to $7.50 happy by adding to her stock at Christmas time. Rest assured she will be pleased with the girt. Bew Tablecloths in square and oblong shapes. In all , widths up to t yards. In the lot are some new designs never shown here before. We mention particularly the Louis XV American beauty, rose, moss rose, spot with holly border and carnation patterns. All of them are very handsome. ' Towels Richardson's hand-hemstitched huckaback Towels, plain or with fancy damask borders. Flae Satin Damask Towels, hemstitched; also knotted flings with fancy drawnwork borders. Uasa Sheets and FUlow Cases richly embroidered and hemstitched. They are all ready for use. MANUFACTURER'S LINE OF ' . Christmas Slippers FIRST FLOOR NEW ANNEX. Ken's fl.50 and Sa.00 Opera Uppers, Mo Abo tit it pairs men's black, tan, kid and Morocco Opera Slippers, chamois and kid lined; regular values II 40 and 11.00. Special, the pair 08 SCen'a $1.TS Opera BUppera, tLSa 100 pairs men tan and black dongola kid Opera Slippers, wldtha C D and EE, slses I to 12, solid counters, will not turn over; regular value $1.78. Special, the pair . $1.25 Men's plain new shades, Russia calf Opera. Slippers; rea-ular value H BO. Hneclal. the nair at oa v Men's brown Suede Opera Slippers; regular value ii.OQ. special, tne pair , $1.98 . Men's tan. genuine seal Opera Slippers; regular value IS. 00. Special, the pair $2.15 Men's S1.7B and S8-00 Slippers, $1M The best values ever ahown on the Pacific Coast, t styles to select from, new goods made for the Christmas trade. The lines embrace brown sea chamols-llned Opera Slippers, black kid Opera Slippers, black kid Everett Slippers, tan kid Opera Slippers, tan kid Everett Slippers, black seal Opera Slippers, monkey skin Opera Slippers, black seal Everett Slippers,' snake skin Opera Slippers, brown seal Everett Slippers; regular values fl.TS and 11.00. Special, the pair , ."$1.50 Men's embroidered Slippers,' Everett patterns; regu lar value 11.00. Special, the pair 69 Men's Imitation alligator Slippers, solid throughout; regular value 11.00. Special, the pair 694 Boys' slses In the same.. Special, the pair. .. .. .65d The Christmas Bazaars i FIRST FLOOR. Something here for everybody. The problem works Itself out for you. in these First FlooV Christ has Shops. Train ad Flo tores WlTh black wood frames, assorted subjects, slse of pictures, 14x11 Inches; our 12.00 value. Special at, each 986 Bound Flotores--1 5-inch slse, assorted sub jects; our lOo value. Special at, each. ....... 19rf Perfumes In fancy holiday boxes, all odors; our 26o value. Special at, the bottle. ........ 15 An Brlstls Cloth rashes Our $1.25 value. Special at. .each 75- Beal Bboay Olotk Brashes With long handles, extra quality bristles, new shape; our 2. value. Spe cial at. each $1.T5 Fine Soft Bristle Mat Brashes With rosewood backs; our 45c value. Special at, each 32 Collar and Cuff Boxes With two compartments; our 05o value. Special at, each .454) targe Bias . Tanoy OsUnlold Toilet Oases with brush, comb, mirror and manicure articles; our 11.50 value. Special at, the set $2 25 Fancy Kanleare Sets In pretty celluloid boxes; 'our 12.00 value. Special at, the set 91 25 Smoker's Companion In fancy box wtth pipeT cigar and cigarette holders; 5o value. Each .45e ' BeoktU Boxes Made of fine black hardwood, with fancy brass trimmings, satin lined; our UI Value. Special at each .....$1.25 Bfcoar Finish Brashes and Ooxabo Sterling silver mounted: our t l value. Special at. set..$l BO Fhoto - AJbmms With fancy celluloid top, medium else; our 74c value. "Speclar at, each.", . . .7. . .45" Military Bate Brashes With fine hand-carved aluminum backs; M 60 value. Special at.,$l TS Xaadkereatef and WvBoneeWttaWlneThandL painted celluloid tops and silk sides. In all colors; our 11.81 value. Special at, each 75 ormcAsnJ EXTRAORDINARY. VALUES" IN THE Christmas Book Stores FIFTH STREET ANNEX First Floor The great closing out sale of the book stocks continues." It embraces every book (except the children's MpJI a v books" in the store. A sale especially note worthy because of the nearness to Christmas, when books are in so much demand as gifts. Here's just the sort of j bnnks to slease every body. Seldom, indeed, have such values been offered!. ; ,We shall be surprised if a volume remains in stock over Saturday of this week. About 5,000 volumes remain.,. We shall make offerings throughout the shelves like this: Od Handsomely . bound books , in ' cloth good print, over 100 standard authors to choose from; sold elsewhere at 15c to 20c. For the Christmas sale. .9 19 Beautifulpresentatiorr- books-, in.- a- - large variety of fancy styles of bindings, .' clothj library size. Poetry and prose and many especially adapted ; for boys and girls' reading; sold by bookstores for 35c. This sale....... .........10 45 f A grand collection of rare t values - usually sold at other stores for 75c to 90c, expired" copyrights, library edition, bind ings a grade better than the special 35c books. To close out, choose at.. 45 13 Splendidly bound books in large size, cloth, well known classics. Such " vol--umesas appeal to11 the average reader and sold by all bookstores at 20c to 25c This sale ....... .7.,. ......13 22 The . regular 40c book of the book- ?:. store, handsome gilt vtop, library styles, cloth- bound. Matchless Christmas gift for such a trifle of price. ....... .22 . 35df Hundreds of copyright books on which copyrights have expired, library ' edition bindings and the usual 60c to 75c values of specialty bookstores. During the closing of .outv stocks. ..35f 50 Choice of the balance of fancy bound poets T sold arall bookstores at,$L.: . An ideal gift for the booklover. To close, your pick. I...... ."."T.50f 75 f Your absolute choice of all of the usual $1.50, $1.25 and $1 books as sold everywhere, popular copyrights : included but non of this year's, as we have 1 bought nd books this season. This is a closing out sale of live books, and the books that will live forever a feast for bookworms, a treat, for library build ers, a bargain lest for holiday givers.. 75- SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S , BOOKS. Books with pretty colored bindings and ; colored pictures ; regular 30c values. . 24f Story books with "pretty colored bindings and colored illustrations: reeular 22c values for . . . . . . vl8t ILQiyj si i aseaaasja'ei y Story books in paper binding attd Uflght colored pictures ; regular ivc dooks. Special at ......-7 Children's toy books, in paper binding and colored pictures; usual Mc values. Special at . . ...... . .7 Children's books of Fairyland and Mother Goose books, prettily bound and contain ing entertaining pictures in colors; 1 usual 10c values. Special at. ........ 7a Come Up to TOYLAND FOURTH FLOOR. Thousands of bewitching little beauties will act as reception and entertainment committees this week In Santa Claus' realm. The dollies are out In force. Such fascinating Httls fairies as they are the hand somest dolls in town, of course pretty, smiling Baby Blanche and her sisters. Ethel and Dorothy, the best of all dollies that coma to this country. Hundreds of little doll's, and the most fascinating tlothea for them all clothes that go on and off, down to the last stitch. And ths. toys! My! Why. If we'd had toya Ilka these, fellow grown-ups, when we were youngsters, we'd well, we wouldn't have been any happier after nil. But the world of make-believe haa grown right along with the happy old world we live In as realities wonders never cease in Toyland. Take one of those fine, swift, new elevators and go up today; see . the clowns at. their antics. Over 8.000 klnda of toys have coma from abroad, and 2.000 mora kinds from America, Don't you think that'a enough to start withT There will ba howls of delight over the new me chanical toya And the whlsxln trains and trolleys and shoot-the-chutes that are all running. Tou novsr saw anything like ths new French Nine pins a little flock of birds In a cage, a school of fish In a pond, the donkey minstrels and a group Of Jockeys Inside of a horse. Take them out. set them up, and play In the usual way. Great sport. Ths Brssdsn Bew-Art Toys are., something that children won't get tired of. because they're built by people wtth imagination, and. humor arid child a way of looking at things that's It. All the shiny things for Christmas trees are ready, too.."-- 'f r- Just enjoy yourselves, children. 'Rave .such a good time that you'U hate to go away at ths snd of the day 1:30 p. m. rSCIAI. BAJtOAIBB TO-DAT ABO TUB BOAT. Boys' Drums Beautifully enameled sides Regular l6o value. - Special, .each ..........2Se Regular S5e value. : Special, each .....404 ' Regular (Oo value. Special, each ."...,.,..454) Child's Book Slate Nicely bound . Regular lOo value. .. Special,-each .......... 74) ' Regular to value. Bpeclal. each 4 A Oroklnole Boards S1.7S Boards. Special. .. 15 11. 00 Metal Boards, Special, each ......... .604 I2.2J Mahogany Boards, felt lined. Special, each B1.4S warns Boards Combination Oams Boards, can play so popular games; regular 11. eo value. Special, " each . Regular 14.00 value. Regular $5.50 value. too Musical Tops, lTo Large Nickel Musical Torsi regular value I So. Special, each..., ...,X7f i.iuwr i,.vv tsiui. . upeciai, f 2.28 Special, each 2.95 Special, each ....... .$ 4,25 In Domestic Aisles FIRST FLOOR. Splendid Talaee ta Tine runnels, Bew Silk-Baa. roidered Flannels, hemstitched and scaiiopad edges. Prices, ths ysrd 60 to f 2.00 Waits AU-wool Saxony Beky Flanael, heavy white domet flannels, valour flsnnels for klmonne. - Priced at, the yard i..-12H lo 23 AU-Weoi BlderdownS Priced at, -the yard 4 n BO Bew Sooteh Walotlaa' Flaaaels Prlree, the - yard , ,, s3 BO " 1in FlUow Cases" for 19tii-' rte-4ui 4iun liui. Pillow Csses; our He value 12'4