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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.: PORTLAND. MONDAY .EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1805. 17AR SIGNALS FLY BIG ALASKA RAISE IS COMPLETED III II M - TV m - r I I 71 X V T iTV t r 1 ! FROM WIGWAM l ,;; ' . I.'' .1 ; ign gl XTz.zL2 .,isMmM. -i!is . s- ' - ' - .. . ' . Li. " V. . J". J. ? ' Clash Between Boss Murphy an4 . , Mayor McClellan Over Mu-. ' nicipal Appointments. MAYOR TOLD THAT HE " MUST CONSULT LEADERS (Thomat.Hatiett Appointed Secretary of the Weter Board Without Tarn- many' Consent Not Type of Man , Uaeful to Boaa, ' V (TnarMl SpecUl itk.F-, f Nw York, Dec 1 1. Storm - ln r up on the Wigwam. Murphy and McClellan -ht clashed. Murphy haa ' aake.1 if the riiayor Is Koine tp appoint more men to office without consulting ' the organisation . leaders and Murphy ' has not yet obtained an answer. The clanh was caused by the appoint t ment of Thomas liaasett as seoreury of 1 tha board of water supply. The place I rommands a salary of 6.000 a year and ts spoken of as a life job. The water supply board will within the next 10 years Have much to do -with expending 1175.000,000 for an extension of the city , water system. '' Hassett la intelligent And will probably be efficient In office , and consequently not as useful to Mur phy as the boss might desire, j -r- The mayor - faces two alternatives. He can stand by the organisation, have 'the support of Tammany men In the board, of aldermen and get along well ' with his old friends, or turn reformer i, and disregard the organisation, as ha i did In appointing "Hassett. ''- . The question about McClellan'a status wan me Tammany organisation must do settled this week or next. ' Bobber Via Vp WsViTnmas. Joraal Bp'dal Srrrlre.1 " " Nuffield, Conn. Dec; II. Robbers ear ly yesterday tied Watchman Jones and his It-year-old son to chairs In the Suffleld Bavlnga bank, blew open the safe and escaped with 160.000 worth of stocks and bonds. President Newton of the bank says the securities are not negnttable. - The robbers overlooked tl.000 In cash. ,. Preferred Stock OsjumA Oooda. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Santa Claus may put up a bluff with, the Reindeer busi ness in these- Auto days but he " makes good " , with the gooife ....... ; " No rQereenzed-Cotton-in-his all-wool Suits. " .We" are headquarters this Season for- his output and he will feel quite put out if you fail to come in. : ' j Special Suits and Overcoats, 915.00; Special Scarfs, three for $1.00. Special Gloves special for holiday present, $1.00. STORE "r OPEN TONIGHT. IfiortCiicrrHinCfQ . ct3 Jtufm-Prop On tfltters for Ms and Boys. 1M and 1M Third Street, v. Xohawk BoUdlaf. Vertical Drive of 'Nine Hundred . and Twenty Feet on the . . Perseverance. NEW TEN THOUSAND FOOT CROSSCUT JUST BEGUN Sixty Stamps of Perseverance Mill In J Place, Forty More Soon Will Be and Another Two Hundred Co in Net Spring. ' ;' fSpeelal Plapetcb to The VosraaJ.) Vancouver, B. C, Deo. It. Colonel W. Sutherland of "New Tork. president of the Alaska-Perseverance Mining com pany, operating at Juneau, Alaska, while In this city reoelved news of the com pletion of the greatest single raise In tha history of -mining. The work baa taken more than two years. ! The raise Is 10 fset high, perpen dicular, II by feet, and for the whole dlatanoe It was driven In low-grade milling ore. It connects with a tun nel 1.140 feet long. Another tunnel 10,00 feet long Is driven by the same methods employed at the Slmplon tunnel In Swltserland. Whan the tunnel Is completed. If values continue as indl cated In present Work, the compsny will have an ore body more than 1,000 feet In height, 1C0 feet In width and about 4,500 feet In length. ' Arthur L. Pearae of London. England, has -'charge of the new work. In De camber, 1104, a oontraot was let to the Joshua Hendy Machine Works of San Francisco to erect a loo-stamp mill on this mine and already 40 stamps are al most ready' for operation and 100 will be Inatalled shortly. Fr eight months of each year tha mine and mill plant will be run by water power and the coat of milling will be less than II a ton. POCKET WAS RICH. Kane Creek Strike Beeatv and Stay . Xngsader Sharp UUgatloa. . . : (Special Ptapatrh te The Jenrnal.) Medford. Or., Deo. 18. The recent rich pocket opened on Kane creek proves to have been more of a strike than at first reported. It is said that more than 120,000 already baa been taken out. and some persons aver that the amount will not fall much If any short of $40,000. It Is conceded to be only a surface pocket, and that It Is practi cally all mined. Enos and Al Roten for many years have made pocket . hunting" their only business, and they bavo had good luck. Although the country is covered with s heavy growth of brush, scarcely a sea son goes by but they tind a rloh. pookel In the limited district ln which they operate. The gold found In the Kane crk pocket Is almost pure. Some of the atrlngera could be bent without break ing, . there tx-lng so "ttle quarts . with the metiL lh poi'kQt ,le en No. i In the Alice group. whln la situated on a railroad 40. There la a prospect Of liti gation resulting from lhe find. It Is claimed the land haa bean deeded by the Oregon & California railroad as rail read lanitr'and under reeent ruling mining on such land la not permitted. The ore haa been eh'pped to the 8elry compsny through . Oranta Pass, Oold Hill and Central Point express offices. Roten brothers had been quietly work ing out their find alone, when the other partners found them at the wok and were let In on the deal. . During Exposition times, when placing orders for HOUSE COATSmy furnishing-goods man largely over-bought himself. The , styles' and' prices were so tempting that he bought almost A Mile of H Very many more than I. could possibly sell at usual prices. , ; :- ;(..;.: ;": ';VX TO DISPOSE of these in the next SDCDAYS, I am going to mark them at prices which will insure . ;-;'"-;!' . A Speedy Clearance ..r LUCKY BOY'S CLEANUP. Flatee la November Said. to Save Tleld- ed Beat Be tons Tet Beoovered. "Uugene, Or..-Dec IS. Reports from the Lucky Boy mine. Blue River dis trict, are to the effect that the No vember cleanup from the 40-etamp mill was the largeat In the history of the mine. 1 The exsct amount of gold saved on the platea Is not published, but It Is believed to have been more then tit, 000. The largest clesnup previous to the laat amounted to 120,000. President Zimmerman aaya the No vember cleanup eurpaases that one. He saya that the present stopes are In good ore, which seems to grow richer with depth. Within 40 days the decp crosscut on the mill level will be oompleted and the ore will be delivered at the mill Ml Our Easy Fayment System f Easily enables any one to secure-the best -Watch there la by simply paying a small amount when making purchase (you get poesesslon when making first payment) the balance - $1.00 A WEEK We carry all the highest grades Elgin, Waltham and Hampden works Boss, Fahys Dueber and Crescent, eases, solid gold and gold filled In endless variety and antes, from $9.00 to S6S.OO. MARX&BL0CH 7 THIRD STREET N..r Oak. The public knows I never do things by halves. THESE PRICES tell the story: Coats $2.9$ Coats $3.25 i Qoats $4.15 Coats $5.95 Coats $7.35 i., ...... .. This is; the . most comfortable store in th city to do your CHRIST- i . ':- me-en - - . - $4.00 House $5.00 House House House House $6.00 $8.50 1.00 LEADING cuotHier without the .use of the tram, thus ef fecting quite7 a saving. MINING-NOTES. Chehalls, Wash.. Dec. H. The Cres cent Coal company again Is operating Its mines, after-an -extended shutdown. Fourtsen carloads of coal were shipped out early this montn and mining la go. Ing on regularly. The ahlpments go to Poitland. Tacoma, South" Bend and points on the Nmthetn .Paclflo main line. This coal Is one of the beat llg nltea thua far opened In the state. It leaves but little sth, burns freely and glvea splendid heat. The mlnea are lo cated northweat of Llttell, a station on the South Bend branch, four miles west of Chehalls. Sumpter, Or., Dec. II. The Standard company haa awarded the contract for Installing 4ts mill machinery to J. A. Draylor dc Co. of Denver. The plant Is to consist of an Ellapaas mill, four WIN fhey tablea, two sllmers, one' hydraul'o alssr, screens and a settling tank. Cottage Grove. Or., Dec If. The Hia watha Mining Milling company has elected the following officers: David Finn, president; Alfred Johnson, vice president; Qustava Hesse, treasurer; J. C. Johnson, secretary, and T. M. Doyle, the other director. . Development work will be carried on' through the winter and ore blna will be erected. wotto a v wmst We greet patrons with a large stock from which to make selection of appreciable Christmas Gifts. We have a better selected stock this year than ever, and the articles are good beyond comparison. At the annual meeting of the Fidelity Copper company, held at the secre tary s office in the Marquam building, the following directors were chosen: W. W. Terry, M- Morehead, J. I Mitch ell, . U B. Reeder, A. Tllser; William Trevor and J. M. Leeser. They elected Mr. Terry president, Mr. Mitchell vice president. Mr., Morehead secretary, .Mr. Trevor treasurer. Baker City, Or., Dee. More good ore la being round in the Mayflower mine -of the Cornucopia district, some 0 miles east of thla city. Superin tendent Dennis brought In a number of samples taken from the north workings which arc largely teilerium, with some free gold. ' - .- NO ALARM FELT AT EUGENE UNIVERSITY (pedal Tnapatck te The JoaraaLt - Eugene, Or., Deo. 18. All -the men atudents confined In the University of Oregon dormitory except those still 111 with the smallpox were released yester day morning and a great majority have now left for their homea. No new eases have developed there, but at a private boarding-house for students a freshman glrL Miss Stella Anderson, was taken -111 yeaterday. Her case Is light, similar to the rest. Aa soon as the racuity man a tne ruie not allowing the glee club to take Its tour. Manager Lister ' wrote letters to the various places In regard to having the clubs appear during February. The tour will stsrt during the Interval be tween the semesters and last a week. Practice will begin again on the resump tion of studies after the holidays. Beward for Bobbers. (Special Plapateh t The foereiT.) -Olympla. Wash., Dec. 11. Ooverndr Mead today Issued a proclamation offer. Ing a reward or for the arrest tud onsvli.duil lif r Tneri 'tha fTTcId" Sp the North Coast Limited Northern, Pa clflo trsln nesr North Yakima Saturday irMrtit Thla reward Is In addition to thrtse offered by the railroad company ad Yakima county, "American'? Cut Glass tO per cent Discount s.s Inducement to Introduce , this trade-marked brand of Cut Olaaa la that It Implies the beat-' and Is new and up to date. We have a nice stock of Select Pieces for Table -Service, auch aa Pitchers, Water Bottles, Turn biers. Vases, .Fruit Bowls, Nappies, Sugars and Creamers, Celery Dishes, Bon Bona, Comports,, eto. ..... . Til CTT QX.ASS BO Wis I inch, like cut; regu- $6.80 gpeola Moo. 4.80 1 13.40 HS.40 t te.eo 1 13.40 II8.40 - 1 14.20 1O.80 lar price .18.60. Special " i Regular v " " " 1 . " --. Price. Sugar and Creamer Set ...ii... tt.00 , Del.Orne Nappies 14.60 Fulton Water Bottle ........... f.T6 - Harvard Bowl, I Inch ..$12.00 Fruit Bowl, Inch $ 76 Del Orne Comports $10.60 Seattle Olive Dish , ... $6.15 Clifford Jug, t pt $16.60 Post Card Albums We have the largeat and best "variety of Post- eard Albums and Squegee Albums found In any city. They are artlstlo and of beat quality. Postcard Albums . ; 50d ' Postcard 'Albums, large onee ............ .C2.00 Postcard Albums, very nice , $4.00 Squegee Albums SS.OO down to 104 Toilet Cases Covered with decorated celluloid and lined with fine satin. . They never tarnish or soil and are very popular- , Toilet Cased, at 50 to 3.60 4.BO ie.oo 9S.OO Toilet Casee, with manicure. '...81.66 to Toilet Cases, to told upright... B2, 60 to Toilet Cases, decorated China. .82. OO to Toilet Cases, leatherette, natural wood fittings 97.60 to SIO.OO Toilet Cases, with muste box.9H.00 to 913.00 New, pretty designs In Atomisers which are guaranteed to spray. y Perfume and Atomizers Atomisers, at 60e TSeVend 91. OO Perfume In Boxes, for children., 264 Perfume, In fanoy boxea, 1 pa. 604 Perfume, In fanoy boxes, 1 os. 91.26 Imported Perfumes, with soap and powder, in . box . .'.....-94.60 8 Manicure Goods . . X fine stock from which to select a set of separate pieces, of real merit, or complete sets. Manicure Sets BOe end Sl.OO Manicure Sets, sterling mounted ( f2.BO Manicure Beta, natural wood 94. 60 With every Safety. Rasor goes a guarantee, and there Is no loss or costly experiment . . . - -.'.'.- c Safety Razors bVbB-BSADT SATBTT 7 blades, sold with nn- - conditional guarantee at 91.00 SOT SATBTT With SO blades, extra blades . cost lo each, sold on 10 days' guarantee . ' 95.00 OBK Annas 92.50 and up. BBCrU&AB BAXOBS Guaranteed t ,.,..91.60 92.00 and 92.6O Bionnmi ITlOn, wMh a guaranteed rasor free, for 91.00 ' IIIIIM.I I IIIIIHB II Til llJtii.r'lilf , Cameras We will develop free any films - or ' platea ' of -pictures taken on Christmas with Cameras purchased of us and give full Instruc tions at any time. BUSTXB MOW! CAMXBAB The one that ehfU dren like .Sl.OO anT82.00 Box Film Cameras .......... .SS.OO and S6.6O Pocket Film Cameras ....91K.OO and 922. BO Plate Cameras .....9IO.OO to 9I6O.OO , Triple Mirrors We have made a hit with our large, varied . stock this year. . They are In natural woods, quarter-sawed. - oak,, curly maple and black. In 7 --solid backs, or oak maple or gilt frames. Here are quite a few prices Black, oval, ettxayi In. ...82.75 ' Mahogany, square, txlO In. S4.60 Out frame, round, 7 In. 87. 50 Oak frame, square, till ... ,...........,.f6.50 , Solid back maple, round, 9 In. 88.76 Black, oval, 12x16... 917.60 Solid, back oak, 7x1 99.50 ; Leather. Goods ' 1 ' " New styles and the very best leather In Hand Bags, Purses, Pocket Books, etc. Hand Bags, good ........... .9I.OO and 92.60 Hand Bags, elite . . . . 83.60 to 88.00 Pookat Books for gentlemen. ., .82.00 to 84.00 Cigar Cases', v-. ....I. Sl.OO to S3.60 Muslo Rolls .............91.00 to 9&.00 Fountain Pens Complete. etork of Parker's Lucky Curve and Self-Fillers and Lincoln Pens.. The rarkeTiaJ many, features which makse It far superior to Other pens Fountain Pens, for .j .81.50 to 84.00 Fountain Pens, ellver mounted ..J.. 94.50 to S6.00 Lincoln Pens .., ..i. . 91.00 end 91.60 ?r7e have upward of BO different etylee of Cameras and can satisfy mil who will interest tbemeelves. II -1-17-0 n mwe DRUGGISTS 151 THIRD STREET 3kN .3