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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1905)
) V THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENINO. DECEMBER 18, 1805. ml TELLS OF i: PR0DU2G TRUSTS Commissioner Garfield of Bureau i of Corporation Make v Annual Report."' BEEF, COMBINE REPORT ; SUPPRESSED. BY TEDDY President Did Not Think It AMa- ,. able Wheq Prosecution! ; Wera About to Commence to Make Pub- lie Result of Inquiry. . - Washlnrton, Dec IS. All .the various phases ot ths corporation A eoestion ln ' ths United States are treated at leoatta : to the report of Oommlesloner of Cor po rations James A. Oarf leld, made pub '.: llo today. The question of prices and t tbe margin of profit In the packlna shows that the tnvestlaattens have re ' ' salted ln the obtaining of much lnfor- matlon aa rea-ards the question of com bination as between the lerae peokinc companies. The reason for this infor mation not being- made publle was by order of the president, who together with others did not deem It expedient to make 'public Information bearlna upon a combine at a thne when the depart ment of justice bad under adrieemont the taking of proceedings aaainsi cer tain packing companies and their of ficers for alleged violation of the fed eral anti-trust law. ' , ' ' . ' Tbe bureau has made extensiva In-' .qulrles into. the oil and steel Industries . and a special report on 'the IsHter will shortly be made to the president. In vestigations are in progress Into the coal, lumber, sugar and tobacco Indus tries. The report- state that while 'the compilation of state Insurance laws has been finished, in view of the deci sions of the- supreme court, the commis sioner has not felt warranted in assum ing Jurisdiction over the Insurance com panics . for the purpose of Investiga tion.1 - ; ' Of the total appropriations or iids, S20 appropriated for the bureau. tUS,- ' I68.ii, have been expended leaving ail I onexpended balance' of lSl.9lt.40, which was reapproprlated for the fiscal year of 1I0MK, which together with regular appropriations makes available for this year the sum Of f Z1T.S7S.49. . The com missioner statest ' j "It is strongly felt; that preventive ratner fnan . remeaiai meaauree nun be' used ln dealing with, the entire prob and Stark streets. It wss one of the popular resorts, a sort of drop-In place, e clearing-house for the male goealps, sa exchange for business Information. Personally known to every business man of the city,- nevertheless he lived here, prospered, grew rich end went away with the motive that actuated him .bound up. In a reticence ' that stood the tests of nearly half a century. He never had a real confidant He lived within him self. and. probably bad It not been for hie tottering mental powers and the Instinctive movement toward thoee of kin, would have died without the ro-i manoe at his life ever being known. GASOLINE SCHOONER TO BE BUILT ON SIUSLAW r f(8sectal Dasetea The Joaraal.) ... Eugene, Or, Pea IS. Contracts have been signed for the construction of gasoline schooner te ply between San Francisco and Siuslaw 'bay. Lana county's harbor. The craft will be 144 feet' long over alt feet beam and feet depth of hold. It will be equipped with two gasoline engines of 100 horse power each and-will carry 175.000 feet of lumber. . Tbe vessel will have a speft of eight knots aa hour. . The huU of the new craft will be built at Cooa bay and taken to Ban Franelso te have tbe machinery put In. The con tract . specifies . that the vessel be ready to run by April 1, 101. The cost will be about 140.000. The Wendllng Lumber company will be the owner of the vessel, ... FARMERS DRAG RIVER FOR MISSING NEIGHBOR PLOT TO RUN CITY AGAIN a com (Continued from Page One) i. consequence ef this advice, according to Information of a reliable character, the Identity of the gamblers'- can dl data f haa not yet been given out and It Is I even asserted that only those who ere In ths very Inner circles of the Intrigue are jrpgnisant of who will be selected. I These, In brief, are the main ele f merits of a plan that haa as Its object . radical - retroaction from the advance. snent. that has been made lnrthe past two or three yara In the direotlon ,of ; civic betterment la this city and, county, The plans are eomprehenalve and to i their execution a big . campaign fund i wllk be- raised. Money will be epent t with prodigality and no means left un t tried te accomplish the desired ends. Ait part of the rich pickings for those :' who lend themselves to the intrigue, , liberal appropriations have been made 4 The Instructions are te utilise printers' - Ink in every way that will confuse the i real lasue that confronts the voters of . this city and county. , - : GLOBETROTTER INSANE (Continued from -age One) i Portland about It yeara ago. Where he haa been since that tlms nobody knows. I He made his 'big financial killing In the . tobacco trust. Ha wee a ahrewd. auo . eeesful business man and the trust i wanted him to fill one ef Ita offlees, but i bs deollned the preferment" . - For yeara a search has been carried on by his relatives to bestow on him . an Inheritance of 150,000, which waa his . share ot tbe estate of his father, who ' died some years after Lasarus diaap- , peered from New York., Members of . tbe family paased away until there were left only one brother, Lewis K. Gold- smith, and his wife and children, who live at ltl West Eighty-first street. New Tork, and are wealthy, . , ., Sad Three-Tourtka of MUloa. t' The brother, en -finding him a month , ago and hearing from his lips stories i. of his having beoome a millionaire, at . first doubted him,, But examination of - his effects showed securities amounting to 1760,000 In the two trusts mentioned, and there were other valuable holdings. Afterward the brother thought him In sane and ths court took cognisance of his condition and named guardians. , Many old timers of Portland remain- i bar his little cigar stors down on Front (llliealal THaeatc te Ths JooraaD Lowden Station, '' Wash.,- Dec 18. Nearly SO farmers .of the state line neighborhood spent yesterday and today dragging thrWVYella . Walla river and searching the woods near here in an effort to locate O. W. George, a promt nent state line farmer, who disappeared from hie ranch Saturday afternoon. Owing to domestlo troubles It Is feared George naa made away with himself.- - George held up Joseph Wilson at the point or a pistol two weeks ago and ad' ministered a severe beating with buggy whip. u- ' '. PARTIN IS ARRESTED - - FOR STEALING CATTLE - (Special Dispatch te The Jeamal.1 - Canyon City, Or., Deo.. 18. John Par- tlar.who resided In the Isee country fa many yeara, waa arrested yesterday by Bherirr Am t rose, being .wantea at tuts- villa, Adams oounty, Washington, to an swer to a charge of cattle stealing. Ho will be held to await the- arrival of a sheriff or a deputy from RltsvUle, . and he will be taken there for trial. S LATTERY MURDER CASE NEARS END AT HELENA (Special Dispatch to The Joernal.) , Helena, Mont. Dee. II. The Blatter murder case went to toe jury lata today, This Is Slattery-s third trial. the two rormer at uutte having' resulted in failure of the Jury to agree, when the case waa transferred here. filattery Is accused of 'the murder of Mahoneyv a Butte bartender. , - WbRK OF R0BBIA STOLEN ' FROM ALTAR IN CHURCH ', ' -' (Journal Special aWvlcs.1 Florence. Italy, Deo. IS. -A most au dacloua theft ha been committed at tbe church at Pecln, Whsre thlsvea auo ceeded rn stealing a notable work of Lucia delta Robbie, after removing the entire altar. . The lose Is Incalculable. XiOdgee Blaet Offleere, (RpecUl DispatFh te Tbe Journal.) Canyon City, Or., Dee. II. Julia chapter No. tl, O. E.8.. has elected the' following officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Josephine Laycock, worthy matron; K. K. Chambera. worthy pa' tron; Mrs. Ida Nlven, associate patron; Mrs. Lassie Robinson, treasurer; Mrs Winnie Cosaard, secretary; Mrs. Mary Johnson, conductress; Mrs. Selma Brown, associate conductress. Ths following officers have been elected In the Hebah lodge, I. O. O. F. O. L. Patterson, noble grand; Isaao Quker, vice-grand; O. I. Haseltlne. sec retary; A. J. Wendler, treasurer. The Rebekah lodge nominated the following orncers: jnoois . a-rana. Ella Martin; vice-grand, LUlle Huffman; secretary. Selma Brown; treasurer, Florence Went- ler. ,. Pythlane Oheose Offloera. -(Hpeelal Dtapateh te The Joaraal.) Athena, Or., Dec II. The following officers have been elected to serve th Pythian lodge No. II for the snsulna? year: T. B. Moseley, C A; A. B. Stone, V. C. Jerry Swart, prelate; W. E. Dob son, M. of W.; Jess Foss, K. of R. and S.; Tork Dell, M. of F.; L M. Kemp, M. of E.; Arthur Shlch, M. of A.; Wil liam Peterson, I. a.l a. W. Bradley, 0..0.; W. H- Booher, trustee for terra of three years. " jrnrria Boned Out. ' - (Joaraal Special Serrlce.1 New Tork, Deo. II. Fire In the es tablishment of Max Palseekl Co., wholesale rurrlera and manufacturers, last night destroyed furs valued at H00.- 0014 Other tenants were badly damaged by water. ''r J'aCpv : ' jt j I : A NEW YEAR'S NECESSITY Is gooVI teeth, end one that cannot be neglected, es your health end happiness depends oa. -them. A visit to Wise Bros, will 'convince -you that .their methods are not only painless, but thor oughly scientific and durable. Their crown and bridge work Is marvelous. WiseBros.DenlisIs Tannra, Txxmo aks wash. Open Evening and Sundays. ' Mala Boas, - 4 OriTjna j Coupon Free : Ha wallan Trip - , lienolulu, hawallaa lalaadj '"''; " t "' - ' ... -T: I vote foe... ........ .. ...r.,... ,...., This eoupon must be voted on or before Deoember IS, 101. r E KTXtXSSSZSSSaZSStSZSXXSSMMUmmnmWMMMMmaMMaMMMMMK full co:;fessio:i tiade -- by she8i.uii , Prominent Montana Men Arrest- ed in Connection With the Murder of Studzinski. (Special Dlepstch te The Jooreal.) 'Helena, Mont, Dec 18. James Sher man, the newspaper man arrested In connection with the murder of Samuel Studslnskl, an aged Jeweler and fur man, who was killed In his place of business at Lewlston laat August, for the purpose of robbery, haa made a full eonfesalon. disclosed the hiding place of the plunder ' and Implicated several prominent cltlsena in this affair aa well as several other recent robberies. ' In cluding that of the postofflce. In ad dition a plot te poison County -Attorney Roy Ayers has been discovered and it is supposed it was the purpose to get him out of the way because of his alert ness in the case.- Those Implicated by Sherman are Dr. E. A. Long, Russell Hortop, David Atchison and ' Walter Qooch. former night marshal of tbe town. All have been arrested out deny their guilt Sherman had an excellent repu tat Ion for ' several years, having been engaged In a confidential capacity in the Argus office. Studslnskl had a wealthy brother en gaged in the jewelry bualnesa In San Francisco, while the victim of the crime waa a man ot considerable means, pos sessing at the time of hie death a num ber of valuable diamonds, gold coins and other jewelry. The principal por tion ef the plunder has been recovered. Attention was first attracted to Sher man by tbe sale of a watoh said to have been one of Studslnakl's possessions. The arrests havreated a decided sen sation, aa all the Interested persons are well and heretofore favorably known. Angus McCauleV. Janitor of the Argus building. Is also in custody, bv Lawson. and the stock dropped to ISU. ; The market was demoralised then copper rallied, gaining per cent SITUATION RELIEVED. Olsarlsg Xoose Action Averts Financial CreekrBoe-worta la Obarge. , f Joaraal BDaeial Bxrviee.) ' Washington,, Dec lt7 Controller Rldgely, at Chicago, haa telegraphed Secretary - Shaw - that the situation at Chicago has been relieved by the clean, lng house committee and Bank Exam iner Bosworth's appointment to run the three banks with the guarantee ef the other banks to pay all liabilities. IDAHO GAINS 430 MILES BY BOUNDARY SURVEY- Increased Area in State Shown , ' by EngineersAll in the ; Forest Reserves. . WALSH'S BANKS FAIL (Continued from Pake One.) that even the mighty railroad Interests arrayed against Walsh could not force, the collapse of the Chicago money king. When, acting under Controller Rldgleys Instructions, he arranged for n. exam ination of the Chicago ."National and made the date to coincide aa nearly as possible with the date of the- state ex smlnatlon of the Home Savings bank and the Equitable Trust Walsh waa struck In his one vulnerable spot and the In evl table followed. Controller of the Currency RIdgley haa been ln the city for three day a Sunday' afternoon he called a meeting of tha other bankers at the office of President James B. Forgan of the First National bank, the bead of the clearing house committee. The . meeting lasted until 1:10 o'clock this morning, wbea ths announcement was made that the banks would wind up their affairs and quit buslnesa '" At the last statements issued by the banks ths resources and liabilities of the Chicago National were l..54,lt. ; of the Home Savings.. 11,941.477.11. The following notice was issued to the publlo by the clearing-house committee: . Beaks Issue Statement, - "The Chicago National bank, the Home Savings bank and Equitable Trust com pany, which havs been controlled' and managed by John R. Walsh and .hie associates, have concluded to wind p their affairs and quit business In this city. After a thorough snd careful examination of their, affairs by the Chicago olearlng-house banks. It la stat- ed that aU of the depositors of these Institutions will be paid In full upon demand, the Chicago clearing-house bsnks having pledged themselves to this result, thus putting all the resources of the Chicago banks behind the depositors of these three Institutions. Ths diffi culty with the Institutions has been that Investments have been made ln aasets connected with ths railway and coal enterprises of John R. Walsh which were not Immediately available to meet deposits and. have 'been taken over on terms which will ensbls the three In stitutions to pay their depositors , ln full." . . The statement was signed by J. B. Forgan, president Of the First National; G. Mitchell, president of the Illinois Trust; Orson D. Smith, president of the Merchants; James Eckels, president of the Commercial, and B. A Ham 111, presi dent of the Corn Exchange. - Walsh's Ksteorle Career. Walsh hue for msny years been one of the leading flguree in Chicago's mu nicipal and political life. He waa born In Ireland in 1117, and came with his parents to tbe United States 10 years later, settling In Chicago. He became an employe of J. McNally. newsdealer. In 1151 and ln 1111 founded a newa business of his own" which very soon sfter consolidated with the American News company., which he controlled. v.Walsh became Interested ln numerous enterprises. In 1111 he founded tbe Chicago National bank, of whlcb he has since been president He was a director In ths World's Columbian exposition and s one or the leaders of the Cook county Democracy. ' He founded the Chicago Herald and later the Democrat. In recent yedrs he has been owner ot ths Chicago Chronicle. He has 'been blimed by reformers as being one of. the most corrupting Influences In Illi nois politics and is accused of having done more to corrupt reform than any Other one man. ' He Is a GolcV Democrat, i but like all bosses Is bi-partisan and his political activity is not connnea- te any one party. ... The rate of the Chicago Chronicle Is uncertain. As a newspaper It ha never been a paying venture, but run as an organ to serve certain purposes rather than as a newspaper. ' Bosworth In Charge. National Bank Examiner Charles H. Bosworth,. with a clerical force from the clearing-house, baa taken the place of the resigned president . All ; members of ' the clearing-house committee and Bosworth were elected directors. RIdg ley Issued the following statement: A misunderstanding appears to ex ist. The bank haa not failed and has not closed Its doors. It is embarraased by Investments of a large amount of Its aasets In unavailable securities. ' It is open for business. Every dollar will be paid Immediately." Depositors got tneir money readily as the run continues and sought Informa tion, which was denied. t - On of the heaviest losers Is the es tate of the lata Martin J. Russell, Mra Russeli having Invested heavily. In Walahs private 'ventures. ... . f gnertal Slsoateh to The Joarael.t ' noise, Ida., Dec 11. Engineers in charge of the survey of the boundary Una between Idaho and Montana have completed the work between Lolo pass, at ths north end of the Bitter Root for est reserve,- and St Regis pass, about one third of the distance to the norta line of the state. The result of the work done shows aa Increase within the boundaries of Idaho of 410 square miles over that shown by any map heretofore made, At the surveyor-general's offloe it is stated that when the line ie completed next year further additions will be made sufficient to increase the gain to at least 100 squars miles. - Tbe Increase will come within the lines of forest reserves, and so not be available for settlement, but the state will be entitled te lieu lands for school purposes, to compensate It for tbe loss of sections II and II, amounting to 17.100 acres. Theae may be selected et any time, and will sell for st least 110 an acre, adding 1 174,000 to the permanent school fund, ef "the state. RACE SUICIDE JUSTIFIED BY CHICAGO PREACHER (Joernal Special Scr-rlce.) Chicago, Dec 11. Rev. A. Arnold Ross, pastor of the Ryder Memorial church, yesterday evening delivered a lecture upon "The Coming Woman." ridiculing the Idea that the world will be depopulated as' a result ef "race suicide," and declaring that the outlook for the future-of tbe country crowded with 100,000,000 people Is not a happy one, and declares that It would be bet ter for both the nation and humanity to have elbow room for good men than the presence of teeming millions strug gling for a chance to live Touching the divorce question the pastor declared It. Is not an evil, but a natural result due to the fact that a husband Is no longer allowed to beat his wife without fear ot the consequences; that Incident to the growing self-respect and larger liber ties accorded woman, she will not sub mit to the treatment of a slave, bu. seeks redress ln ths divorce court, anl the Increase In separations la not due to lessened morality. sTorweglaa Ship XtOst, -(Joaraal Special twrvtee.) Tunis, Iec 11. - The Norwegian steamer Albula has v been . lost off Kelebta. Only one person, was saved. - EXTRA r EXTRA! .WE HAVE SECURED FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON SOME OF THQ , Most Remarkable Bargains-Suitable for Christmas Presents " ' - - l . . . : ", . ' ' ..... ' ' ' . : : For MAN,' WOMAN, BOY AND CIRlX You will save time and money by coming direct to us. WE GUARANTEE THE BEST GOODSLOWEST PRICES PROMPT AND, POLITE ATTENTION.' v ' See Our Line of Ladies' Fancy Hosiery AU Samples the Swellest Ever Shown ln the City of Portland. ; i . . Special In Ladies Suits, Wraps, Skirtt, Silk Petti : coats. Silk; ' Waists, Jackets and Rain-Proof Coats, t ;r'fj -'.' - Samples of the "Queen" Muslin Underwear, elegantly" trimmed New 1906. White Lawn Shirtwaists, Neck Ruffs, Gloves and Handker chiefs. 'J ' .-. ' ' - , '' For Men - Gloves, Mufflers, Ties, Fancy Sox, Shirts. Suspenders, Handkerchiefs in Silk Mull and Linen, Underwear and Sweaters. . . ' - ; Gentkmen '.- - Come here for your Glove Orders. Regular $1.50 . Gloves for . . . THEY ARE LADIES' GLOVES. Specials .'..' ' 1-,- " In Table Linen Sets, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Stamped Linens, Table Covers,. Pillow Tops, Fancy Cushions, Centerpieces, Carving Cloths, Doilies. ';.T. ; ."'...;, Do Not Fail to Visit Our ' Toy Department : SANTA CLAUS WANTS TO SEE THE LITTLE ONES. s . Extra 3,000 Pairs of Ladies' Gloves in real French Idd Mocha English . Derby overlap seam; values up to $l50.This -week special ;;at. 95c See Our Range of Harid I kerchiefs 7" ' at ? 7.50 $0.00 $5.00 94.50 83.50 S3.00 fiiS.&u ana down to .pz.uu eacn.. TliorA 1c - Ma Iff frirlWv Htfrf ! We hve no competition along legitimate iiwa iy m66iwi rvrlinej. JVVe invite an inspection. CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS ." CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS Human Greed Has Provoked This War ! BAD ON SPECULATION. rallntee Me Bzpeeted U Beents Seri ously ln Mew Tork. .' '' (Jaornal Spsclal Sstvles.) New Tork. Deo. li. uocal bankers do not anticipate any trouble here as ths result of the Walsh bank failures in Chlcac6. Ths failures" will have a bad affect ln speculative circles. Stocks opened weak and lower, show Ins; average loeeee ranalnr from 1 to I per cent. . Amalgamated Copper had a bad few minutes and dropped to (7 when 10,00V shares were dumped, presumably J Hie tt(DittoKjlll and 'Salmw DRIVING US TO THE WALL ! v Our Building Rented From Under Us and We Are Compelled to Sacrifice Our $75,000 Stock ot QoHiing and Men's Furnishings " , We have but eleven days in which to dispose of our immense stock of clothing and men's furnishings, or box the mer chandise and hire storage for it. This latter WE WILL NOT DOi There is not a building in the business district, where clothing could be sold that we can hire, so , that we are compelled to make a sacrifice of everything we have in stock, merely to gratify the avarice of those who have' succeeded in dispossessing us of the premises we at present occupy. The carnage is therefore !.on with us and ' . It Matter Littte "to Us 'tbePrice We Now Realize for the Stock on Hand Our greatest desire is to get the garments out of pur possession to be rid of them entirely so that we may quit the town forever or until such time as store buildings are to be" had at such prices and on such terms as we can afford to pay. Our Paitirig Shot to This City WB1 Be the Most Monstrous Slaiughter of Prices the United States Has Ever Known" Therefore those who require anything jn'our line ought to make jextra exertion to supply their wants while this tremen-i dous "Kicked-Out Sale" (for that's what it is) is in existence. We do not wish our landlord any bad luck, but we'll guarantee that another shall never get us in a boat like this. - . :. ... " . . Ten Square. Sober, Honest Bright; Ailablea Accommodating Salesmen Wanted WE DESIRE MEN WHO CAN REALIZE THAT THE PEOPLE ARE OUR FRIENDS, AND MUST BE DEALT WITH AS MEN DEAL WITH FRIENDS. ; y ' ': l" ." , ' OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL WE'RE BOOTED OUT a,,- j-.-.ik - - J , mm FIRST AND SALMON STREETS V--: