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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18. 180J. TODAY'S MARKETS VERY BAD PACKING SAYS HERREN Former Portland Deafer Tells of the Potato Situation in Los Angeles. ; STATE'S REPUTATION - WBFS. ) ABj. -i OSBK ' " - i wnue uirr rroauce Trade U Lieht : Country Business Is Good grid About Makes Up for 'Deficiency-! Canned Fruits Showing Advances. Front Street, Dec. 18. The prtnctpel features Hi tb Portland wholesale market, today are: -Country order sre - very- liberal. Kgga continue to wesken. , ' Chickens arrive very slowly, ' Ducks and gees srs la demand. " Several ears of bananas arrive,. ,;' ." Turkey demand is still email. ' Potato market " IB" niuddl.""v''"JuA""'' Canned goods still advancing.' ' . Great scarrlty shown In fresh nab. ' In-eased meats srs la active caU. Beaos axe higher. ."..'' ' "' 1 " Complaint a' to Potato-rooking! " " exertion of the boxers thai potato men are not sorting their stocks right Is shown by several , late tnatsnees. George Herren, formerly a local potato-borer, bat now of Los Angeles, writes to . this city telling of ' the attitude of the trade of that section la regard to Oregon potatoes -Ue present sessoa. The letter follows: "I am indeed sorry that the Oregon potatoes are not op to their aaual standard of quality. Los -Angeles -people -tell rn rthat- they do not get the right kind of sorting front Oregoa any more; that the farmers do not put them op so good as tbey oaed to; that they run them too email and -"too many knobby ones, culls and so on. In fact they claim all sorts of Job work Is dons them, and consequently are giving the.. Nevada and C tab stock the preference ever Oregon, la reality the stock coming from - those states is . not so good as the Oregoa potato, but the dealers claim to get better sorting from those states; slso better treatment.- It is too sad If oar Oregoa farmers srs going to lose their reputation for putting up good potatoes, a rter spending many years building ' It op. , Wbat's the matter with them? Don't they know there are other states railing potatoes beelrka Oregon)! Plata Xsssea for the Dullness. nai iuci .a m- tvi f ' uuil piiiv -m IB local potato market Is not to bedrnledV Poor sorting comprises the principal detriment to a tar... ImilMM. Onallfw all lh naa was not quite up to the average - this season bat besides thla Oregoa potato trade is suffer ing oecsose .mere are more growers woo are 'arnvenliitn When ti u mttvkm aea idnt . -im a, m mn 4nfia - iuai lumini m a i ia times oot of tea the) cars are rejected. Eves thoe cars found to be gtwd srs looked' upon with suspicion. ' At the moment there Is s demand for fancy potatoes, bat they are not bringing within 10c of the pries they would otherwise have secured had It not been for the general poor peeking this sessoa. Oaten Still la Bad Shape. There is still a eery bad feeling la the emliM. market nn iwnnn t aa the Affaetn. of stock that will not keep.- This eosdltloa la -" - "- i Trrrr h n t" belief, however, that as soon as thcee are oW of the way the market will imprort eoo Iderably, No change today. Oenntry Orders Are Very Liberal. . While there Is general dullness la the city produce and fruit trade, order from the coun try ars coming very freetrf"- Srveral eara of bananas' arrived on the aveaef diirlha- the aurnina. Thee were In laa- sral good eondltion. A mixed ear of csullflmrer and celery Is dus la from Los Angeles this evening fur tomor row S Business, lonay raaiinower IB equina at $2.60 per crate, hut the car goods will Da Bus lower oa account of the a mailer -el aed psckages- - j Greet oarcitr Shewn la Treat. Hah. With the exception of haltbnt aU varieties of fresh flab were scarce today. Colombia river salmon 1 especially alow in coming and it Is likely to be scare antll after the holi days, when the tubers return to -work. -. . Canned (roods Still Advancing. ' During the paat Sd boor several varieties of canned goods bsvs been advanced. Among the number srs pis apples, apricots, blackber ries and peers, all of gallon slie. Advances la the canned-fruit market from the opening prices now rang between 60e and T6o per dosen. fruit looks even higher. - Tina ia Poultry - Barks. Chickens ant still very alow in coming, with the demand good at printed prices. Oeese and ducks are vary scare. Demand for both very good at the price. . J Turkey are hardly coming at all bat de mand remain nominal at the moment. Eggs continue to weaken with receipts still I I vn decline tndav. IIWIMUUBl . - - Butter la trmer with several Arm announcing an advance of 2tts to follow the rise mads by other Ust week. . A ear of rasters gg cam la during th dTh trade paid th following prices to Front street dealers. Price paid producers r so speclnM: ' ' ' ' , . ? Oram, near and real. WHIAT New club, 73c; red Raealaa, esc; blueatem. Tec; valley, T8c ...... BAKlYEY-Feed. 122.60s rolled. 23.S0. brew ''oftN Whole, $27.00; cracked, 128.00 par ton. ' ' ' v ' BTF) per ewt. OATS Produoers" price No. 1 whit,' flT.00; PrLof"I-riw eastern Oregon n tents. 94.K; Stralghta. IS.70(33.0; sport, a.30ya.M val ley, 13.703.S0: graham. t, I3.M; rya, Sua, SSOO: bales. 2.75. ... ' MlLL8Tljri'8 Brsn, I1T.60 per ton; mid dlings, 28.00: shorts, country, 10.SO; , elty, SIS fto; chop, $18.00. ' RAt Producers' price Timothy, Willamette alley, fsncy.; ordinary,. $T.0ul (i); eastera Oregon. $14.0081S.O0; mlxeT $S.!Kia9.00; clover. $t.003.00; grain,. ,$8,408 p.oo; chest, KLOOeaM Buixer, - r BUTTKR K AT r . a. b. Portland Sweet err am. 2ttIftlc; sour, MMftVX:. BIJTTK.rS-t'rty creamery, 8032Hei fancv a7Hto30c ordlaary. iB374ic: tor, WKOO Ko. 1 freah Oregon, randled, S4QS5; eold stores snd satem, 8T8me. CHKK8hV-New Fnll cream, Sets, IBAlBHc; toung Amerlcs, IflOldHe; Cheddar, lotto. GAVK-eckranblts. il.TS ,ldoa. POULTRY Mixed chicken. 11Vi61; fsncy kens, 12c per lb; rooster, old, 0c per lb; fryers, 12c pet lb; broilers, 12c per lb; ducke. lflc per fh; dreaeed. 180 per lb; squsbs, $U.70y $.00 per do. ' Bops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1005 Oregon, choice, llflllHo; prime. H9c; poor grade, THfJ ashing- WOOt lod clip, valley, coare to medlnsa, teH26ttJ Sea, 2S27e ter Oregoa, kl OH A I R NomlnaL SOeJ Sic. MONDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET a -- DeXV Mar chicsifo ....;..$ . : New York..... Mllwaukc .... .($ Duluth ....... ..... Liverpool ..... lallHd : Bt. Ix)ul...... ..... ) 7H 1' a 1 $6 d) 7 ua . 8HB 4 I0UA Mlnnenrmlla Bun rrarrolaco.l.l4 j i t . w ay .ti y iijii I'-y. w JOURNAL'S DAILY V TIPS JON MARKETS ;' . On account of th raneraJ poor packing; of potatoaa thla season It la suggested that thwi grow-- erg - who really . put up . fancy goods and ar hurt by the prao- tlca of othera. In . tha futura stencil their name on' every aack .of potntoca aent out Dealers are wllUng, and If stocks are f lrat claaa It will build up a reputation for the' grower Just " aa some have reputations for , good fruit, , ' ? SHEEPSKINS Bhsarrng. 1520e esdrt abort wool, 2041-tUc each; medium wool, 8007ft 00111 long wool. 76c 2 $1.00 each. ' TALLOW Prlara. par lb, IH0l No. S snd grease. aav,e. .. . . CHITTIM BARK So per lb- ''.. ' HIDES Dry. No. 1, IS lb and ap, 16HC ITH per lb; dry kip. No. , S to IS ft, lee; dry celt No. 1. anoer S lbs. lac; sslted aides, steers, sound. SO lbs and aver. 100110; sow. M.c; itags and bull, sound.. 07c kip, 15 to 80 lbs, Pc calf, sound, under 15 lbs, 11c; freen. unsslted. If lessi culls. Is per U lees; orsrhldes, sslted, each. $i.2nifM.TB) dry, each, $1,004) 1.50; colt hide. SfieoOei goat salue. common, each, 10j$lftc Angora, acaw SftcO fi.OO. "'.' ' - . .., Vrulta Snd Veretsble. : POTATOES Best Oregon, TftsjMOo par- eeckj producers' price for" car lots, ,70e par sack; srdlnsry. g570e; producers, trie, . sSQMc; swreta. tl.ieO pe aack: ta.0xlti2.2S per.crate. ONIONS Oregon yellow ta overs, $l.(ml l 23; producers price. No. 1, $1.00; No. 2, 6i7Bc; garlic, Sfiioc per lb, - rUESH ITR01TS Apples. Oregoa, ' $l.00 1.60; fancy, $1.75(32.00: oranges,-new aavcL $2.00s).00; seedling. $1.75(32.00: hananaa, 4J 4H per lb: lemons, choice, $2.2622.75 per box: fancy. $3.2665.75 per box; lime. Mexican, $1.2rt per 100; pineapple. $4.00 per do: grapes. ii.50tll.TS; pears, $1.2601.50 per box: pome. grsnstes, 1.25 per box; tangerines, $LT5; Jap- aneae oranaea. 70s ner box. VBtiETABLES Turnip. BCW, ft. I 1.00 pei sack: carrots. $1-00 nor aack: heats. Sl.O0jJ.25 per fl.l sack; Oregon radishes, 26c per dot; cabbage, Oregon. $1.26(81.60 per ewt: green peppers, Te per lb: California tomatoes, $1.0001.25; Dare nine. $l.on(1.2S string beans. 84210c; eaiilt flower, $2.60 per crate: rhubarb, lb; grec.l peas. 810c lb; borsersdiah, Ac per Jb: artl choke. Mce$1.00 per ana; 'hothouse lettuce, $1.00fjl. T6 per box; celerjr, local, 45t05e Pr do: eggplant, $1.60 per crate; pumoklna, IHc; quaah. lUe; cranberries, Jereeya. $18.0(114.00 Ct bblt Cm bay and Tillamook, $10.00; red hes, Stle per dos, - - ' . PRIED -T-RUITS AppUa, evaixwated. lorj lOHe per lb; apricots. 10V,Q13c per lb; K aches. 10Hffllo per Ibl neks per Tb ia; pro nee. SO to 40. gvc; He drop oa earb elxteentb a ma Her else: flgs, California black. BH9e per lb; California white. 5c per lb; dates, golden, Sa par lb; fords, $1.86 par 15-lb box. ' . , ' . . - - - t ' v ' Oreoeriee, JTota, Zta. .' SrQAR 8a rk basis Cube. $0 SO; powdered. J3.A6: fruit grannlated. $6.69; dry t-rsaulatrd. 565; fonf A. 8S.S0; beat grsnalated.-S6.S5 extra C. $5.05i gulden C. $4.04: O yellow, $4.85; bbla. 10c; H bbla. 28c; boxes. 60s advance on sack bssls. less 25e per ewt for cash, 18 (ays; maple, 14'Sr per lb. (Above price apply to ealee :ef leee " thaa car kits. - Car lota at a pedal pries ubjrt to fluctuation HONKT $, per crate. -COr-rEB Package branda. $18.78;-'- SALT Ooerse Half ground. loOe. $7.00 per m ,.kt. in. til m .nfl. Cm VR. fm. 224e. $16 001 extra Sne. - bbla. t. bar 10s. 4 60476.60: bulk M lbs. 84.00a5.on; aaeka. 60s, S6(!nSAc; Liverpool lump rock, $18.50 per ton: no-ib. rock. 7 oo: luu. so..o. CHAIN RACS Calcutta, Ttte. ' RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. flc: No. 8. BfittH!' New Orleans heed, Tc AJax, 5c; Creole. 8t. r BRANS Smen whit. ' $.Trl: large . white, $n.26; pink. $2.76; bayou. $4.60; Limes, $5.60; Mexican reds, 5 He. NUTS Pesnuts, Jumbo. 8He per lb; Vic gtnla. Ttte par lb; roaated. Pc; coeoannm, SAttSOc per dos; walnuts, 16Tl9V4e per lb; pine - lnif ntta, PfT Tb: hickory irate 10 pet lb: ebeetnute, eastern, TovrKW uw III nut. 1 per -lb: filbert. 14(916c per lb: fancy pecan, 15ttMAVt: almonds, 15Q1TC Bar lb. . Valato. 0al ' OUa. It. ROr! Par Manila, 144o; ataadard, ltte; ataal. lie. - (,. COAL orL Pearl or Astral Cseee, SOHe per gal; wster white. Iron bhk), 16c per gal; wooden, lac per gal; headlight, 170-deg., case, 22tte per gat OAROLINE -de., cases 24H Bar 81. Iron bbla is per gaL T - ' . BKAEinK es-deg., casee xae per gsi, xroa bbla'. 18Hr per gsL TURPENTINE la cases bbla 8c pet gaL 1 - woodes WHITE LEAD Ton tor. Te per Tb: 600-lb lot. Re per lb: leas lots, Stt per In. . WIRE NAILS Present oeae at fa. LINSEED OIL Pure raw, ta fl-bbf lots, SOc) l-hbl lot Rle; cases. 60c per gal: genuine kettle. boiled, caaes, one per gal: B-bbl Hiu. 0: 1-bbt lot. 58 per gal: ground cake, 'cer .lets, 820.00 per ton; leas than ear let. ISO. 00- per to. Vests, risk and Tiovlsuus. FRESH If EATS Front street Beef steera, 6 ((oo par Ibf -bogs, ' blorkj Tc per ,. Ih; packers. Te per lb;' bulls 466c per lb; cows. SttOSe par lb: veal, extra, TttQSs per lb; ordinary, flc per lb t poor, 5e per lb; mot ton, fancy, TJTtte per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pock (local) bams. 10 to 14 lbs. 120 per lb: 14 to IS lbs. 12tte per lb: breakfast be coo. MttOlStte per lb; picnic So per lb; cot tag, 8tte per Tb; regular abort Clears, ansmoaea. iuvc per to; smoked. 11 He per lb; clear baeka. nsmoked. inue ner lb: smoked. 11140 lb: Union hulls. 10 to IS lbs, onamoked. Se per lb; a molted. Be per H: clear bellies, onamoked. lie per B smoked, 12c per lb; shoulders, Stt per lb. LOCAL LARD Rettle leaf. 10a. llc per tb; 6s, lltte per lb) 60 lb tins, We per lb; stesm rendered. 10s. lOSc per lb; Sa, 10tt per lb; compound. 10s, lyt. CANNED SALMON Columbia river. 1-TJi taTle, $1.80; S-lb talla, $2.75) fancy l ib data, $1.9o; H-lb fancy data. $1.16: fancy 1-lb aval, $2.75: Alaska tolls, pink. aSQSOc; red. $1.60; nomuial 2a, tall $2.00. riBH Rock cod,' Te par Tb; Sounder. 5 per lb; halibut, Te per lb; crab. $1.50 par dos; striped baea, 12H per Ibl catfish. Tc per lb; salmon, sllversldes. Se per lb; eteelheede, Te per lb; herring. So per lb; eolee, Se per lb; shrimps, lue per lb; perch, Se per lb;- black cod, Te per lb; silver smelt, Te per lb; lobster, 15c; fresh mackerel. 8 per lb; crawfish, 25e per doe. -OYSTERS Sboalwater bay, per gaU $2.28; per ack, $.75. ' . CLAMS Hardshell. ' per bos. $2.00; . fasor clams, $2.00 par box. COTTON SIXTEEN TO SEVENTEEN POINTS OFF New York. T)ee. 18. Cotton futures closed lfl to IT mints Official quotations by Over beck, Stan gt Cook company Open. High. Low ,1179 1180 1155 Cloa. yi5t6fl ll4i70 llW,(jjl1 Hitiiyu2 llMj00 laoina laonuori 11NAUK7 lOWlfUIKI 11404,48 January ..... February , . . March ...... April May ........ June ....... July Ana-uat October !eceuiber ... .1208 1210 11N4 .1216 1212 1200 .1222 1224 11U3 ,'l22 122S 120 .1200 12 liM .11(10 lion lono .1172 1158 1148 Llearpaal Oettofl Higher. ' Liverpool. lec. IS. Cotton future closed 1 to 8 point higher. . . . bostok oorrzm xaxxxt. Boston, Dae. 18. Official closing nid . Adventure S 25 Allones dl.00 Atlantis ... 2:1.60 Bingham .... 85.00 Calumet ..Tl. Too.00, Centennial t. 2S.(N Copper Rang M2.2Ttt Paly.Weat ... 18. Rim River ., 2.60 Franklin ....17.26 ri,..n. nnn..... 9R.7A V.l( WM..e fifl ,lO Old Itomlntonl! 82fl2tt i . . i , . ... Oeceoia lir.5U Parrot I'boenlg. ....... Ravel 82.60 1.26 ' A 00 asTtt Hants F .... Nhennon . - . 7. an . 122.00 Tamarack Trinity 11. TB Ton. Wamav aejM. oranny ...... Maae .7n B.76 l'elled Copper 6H.75 .tau Ictnrl ...... 8.25 Michigan 81.60 M. Jiaw k ii-tiiijl 60 - W ti i T . 60 Nevada Coo. . -11.00 (Welveehv an 13U.W4 - rrr toss corrri maekit. New - York, Pee. 1. Coffee future closed eteady, unchanged to S points -higher. Official prtcea.'.. . M. 'i,. i ' ' Bid. Ask. Jannary ...$ S $0 nOlfuly- ........$ 00 $H P6 February .. 0 60 fl.luilAugnst ..... 8.K5 T.oo u.r. h iv) a twvcntcmbee .. T.ofl T 10 April S O Tnt vtnrwr--r, Mav 8 76 fl (INvemrw ., T.10 T 2(1 Jun 8.D0 e.SOleeemtvr .i . 8.46 Now Proposed That Shippers of Fancy Po tatoes Stencil Their Names on Sacks, Thus Giving Credit .Where It Is Due Producers. UNSETTLED SPIRIT FOR PIT RnancLaf Conditions Responsible for Break in Chicago Wheat, Market Today. ; DECEMBER OPTION IS . A FULL CENT LOWER May Loses Half and ' July. ' Five Eighths Old December Corn Has Sharp Advance Oats Suffer From Liquidation. . - MONDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. f . Clnee Close Mon. ' Sst. ixmi Close Moa. Year Ago, December. ....8 .ha 'A 8 .84 8 .01 . I Si.wva Msy.. 8TA .87 U A . .00 Mi ui.., 2 .8A .004 .884, L Baa Traaclsco. Dec- 18. TOciocat Ituanclal nnsettlement contributed much to tb aaalcr feeling of today' -wheat market, and tb In crease In the vlalbl of 4,000,000 bushel tgaluat 2.260,000 buahekt eecreaae last week brought out more selling. Th opening wss firm and ror a time thereafter a fairly good tone waa maintained. Thla wa due to the smaller world's shipments, showing a big falling off In tbs Russian movement. Tb trade wss -settled, nervous and Inclined to dreg. The close wa week with toe nort Interest more confident, owing to their suece la uncov ering stop orders and forcing liquidation. Some turtoat react me, woma boa oe.eur prising t. f.u. old December Advannei, ' The ' featdr waa' to "aharp advance la old December corn, which, on ' limited business, moved op sharply In response to lb abort covering. New pecemher corn and tb future have bad a heavy ton. " " " Oat autfered from what looked like liquida tion. Th decrease m-th visible waa dis appointing and brought out some selling.. - Provision ruled strong snd. considering tha action of other pita, tb gain might tie called fuhetsntlsl. . Official Quotation by Over beck, Starr at Cook eotnpny; - - - -, WHEAT, Ooen.'- Hurh. . . Low. Cloa. iee.-.....a Je May ' .87 euiy v .OS- k .884 -.82lJ - .821 : CORN, t . , CORN.. Dee...... ..... , .Ti .44 May ' MM '- .44ii . ' ,.44 .44 B Jalruettev4ft -.44H .H .44V, ' OAT8. ' - - .80 .80'A' . .80 14 M .S0J -.ViH-rMW -M1lk Dee...... May...... juiy..... IEf PORK. Jan......' 18 OT . 18.18 .18.0T 18.32 13.80 , T.82 T.82 ' T.SO . 18 12 18.82 May 1S.H Jaa . T.83 T.SO , T.8T May T.SO be -T.-rV?- . SHORT UBS. Jaa 8.82 - 8.85 8.8S TJ2 T.15 - T.12 T.85 T.2S , TS S.M T.1S TS May..... July - CHICAOO CASH WHIAI, ? Cfclcago. Dee. 18. Caah wheat: : . Monday Frl. h Bid. Ask. Bid. No. S red ........$ .K7I4 $ .tWU .88U, No. .8 red.M. , .m& .HTl . ,87Vt No. S bard. .' .mJ . 5& t, No. 8 bard .80 No. 4 oortnara ........ -Soft .88 , -tH4 asKebara, iaaaaaMseaa:" 4- .( . .874 -T8T- No. a spring .raii- OB. All VOVZMZafT. Chicago, Dee. 18 Primary receipts: ' Today Year Ago ' Bush. Bush. Wbest 1.842.000 1.0R4.0U0 Porn e....- 1,253,000 1,278,000 1 Bnipmenm: .. - t Wheat SST.OOO 188.008 Corn 808,000 481,000 , CEICAOO OEADf OAS I.0TS. '. Chicago, Dec 18. Grata ear lots: ) ' ' - . Car Grade Bat. Wheat 27 1 68 Corn 848 . L 660 Osts .845 44 T5 Wheat ears today: Minneapolis ST. Dulnth 85. Year ago! Minneapolis 614. Dulutb 127. Chicago 44. UTZSrOOX. 88AI KAKKXT. Urerpool, Dae. 18. Official price: . Na ! . . . - WHEAT. 1 ' -. .i Open. Clna. December 8a imd 6s 11H4 May 7a I Ud Ts Ud July el0d 8al0id .' . . CORN. Jannary 4s 3d 4a 8d ltd Marca s?sa es ?ta ... wotxs'S enr aarmm. Chicago, Dee. 18. World' grsfn shipments: Last Weak Prev. Week Yeer Ago Bush. Bnah. Buab. Wheat 8. 108.000 12.762.000 8.840.000 Cora .4,712,000 8.071.000 $.782,000 BETTER RECEIPTS AND GOOD INQUIRY A Livestock Market Still Has Holi day. Character, But All Prod l ucts Quoted Firmer.. Portland fnloo Btockrards, Dec. 18. Live- atock receipts: ricare. ' vexiie. Dueep. Today ...17T . 8o 160 Week ago 1"5 Pravlou week 188 T72 Month ago SO v.. 10T Becelpta or lives toes were rair (ouay, con aiderlng the holiday character of the market. As oa Saturday, bogs and eettle bar firm feeling, with price unchanged. ' Sheep are In fair request but tb future of to market look better. Offlelgl livestock price: ' Hoga Best esstern Oregoa, $5 T6fl5.86: blockers and China fata, 86.00; stockere sad feeders. $4.25. A Cattle Beat -astern Oregon steers, $S.50 8.76! light snd medium steers, $2.60; light cows. $2.60; a tuckers and feeders, $2.26; bulls, $1.50. ..... ...... Sheep Wethers, $Hc; mixed sheep, 4c; Umbo. 44c Calves bond veal, 150 to 200 pounds, 4V&1 Be; rough and heavy. 8.3H. - w I . - ' KOOS STEADY TO LOWM. rbleeevL Dee. lfl. Livestock recelnts: Hnge. Cattle. Sheep. Chiracs 48.(lO 81.000 28.000 Kanaaa Oty fl.600 ll.OOO 8.000 Omaha 4.2l)i 8.300 4..KX) Hoga Opened atesdy to Be lower, with S.6H0 left over: receliita a rear am were 44.00O, Prices: Mlved snd butchers, $4.TOt4.86; anod snd heavy. $4.0(g6 00; rough and heavy, se-lixa 4.80; light. $4.T644.86. Cattle Steady. . ' , Sheep Strong. - - ECHO OATTLK aaXXa, " ISoeeial Diane t-h to The laaraatt Kcho, Or.. Dee. 18. A number of eblpment at aattl have been mads, from Echo In tb past few "daya.rtva rsrlnad -were skipped to Iortlsud by the rry-Braba enmpsny of Seat tle, at $.1.28 per hnndred,. Another shipment waa made yeeterdeS; by thla cnnipany of 10 earlnane at sa.eo per nuaarea. aisnneia now, af Rrbo shinned three carload Wedneeday which brought them $8.40 per hundred. Thee cattle ere awstlr from tb famou Batter Creek regloa, a faw miles from fccao. . Sterling ststaa. New YeVkTlDeo. 18. SternnrTBieai Deiud, BAD 486.40Q4N0.60; SO day, 482.;B0488, BAN K LIQUIDATIOH Ti, 'i$"i " - Failure's in .Chicago Cause Bad ' Break in Values Jon New York Stock Exchange. FUEL-rrlRON. STOCKS HAVE BIG ADVANCE Colorado Fuel and - Tennessee Coal Score Heavy Rise' In the Face of Slumping Market List Recovers Some of Loss. ' ' - LOSSES. Amalgsmated .... 21Katy. pfd Atchlaoa Missouri Pacloe.... 1 Norfolk t Ontario gt Western. V Pennsylvsnla ..... 71 do prfrrd.... Sugar ...t.., S Bmeitar , da preferred.... faclttc Mall ...... V Brooklyn 2UI t'.oule's Uas 14 St. Paul lTeiPreased Steel .... 1) W do preferred. .... Chesapeake 1 needing ay Hen. Steel, pfd...'. IS Canadian u Colorado SouU.... Si Denver lfc do preferred.... 1 LocomoUv H do ltpf4""''H 2 Illinois Central... - Louisville .... C H. r.. 2d pfd 21- Southern Hy....... U. O. Htee4 ....... do preferred..... Weetera Cnloa .... Southern Paclfle... 1 Tessa A PsclflCaA.. I'niou Paclfle f.... , II. 8. Rubber........ Wabaab. pfd ..... 11 ex lean Central k-aty - Wisconsin Cen p.MV ADVANCES. a;.'ipu . Baltimore la I Colo. South.. Id B. Colorado Pud I'AIHvrropnutan N. r.-Oeutr.l..... lilHepuJjUft Steel .... H k UUnd. pfd., iTeiui. Coal SVt .... ' ui I . - ' Bock Wall, Street, New York. Dee. IS. There was a bad break la stock values early la the sea ion but Inter tb trading became eonalderably Better ana prices started berk toward th eloas. Tb reaetloa wss not heavy enough to cover the early decline and soma Deary lossos are shown. In the face of th bear trade tbera.war sensational advances ta - noma euartar. Conspicuous smong- these were Ten nessee Coal Iron and Colorado Knsl Iron. Tha cans, of tbs slump is the closing of severs I banks la Chicago, oa account of financial dlf acuities. An examination of tha affairs bas been la progress for a week. Controller of the Currency Bldley has been In Chicago several days, assisting the investigations. It Is an nounced tnat IB clearing-house bank of Chi cago will guarantee all liabilities of tb liquidated banks, which. Will pay in full. Official quotation by Over beck. Starr Cook company : DESCRIPTION. Atchison, com... ao prsrerred Am. Cer 4t roandry, e. do preferred Am. Sugar, com. Am. Soielr;, cosa. ...... do preferred Baltimore A Ohio. com. Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Canadian Pad fie. com. 160H 1H1 ?ta ,14 X - 86 172 V a. w TT i . npn,,,,. 'Vk CbL, Mil. St. P.... C A N. W com 117 218 ' Cnsaapeaka A Oblo.... 68 A Com. Iiel A Iron, oors Colo. Southern, com.... aa 22T V. H. o.. coca...... 86 U do nreferred..........! Mtel 89 V, 48 4 72 78. sne, com... I an do eecond preferred...! 72 do first preferred....! TP Illinois Central M781A 178 mo 118 181 H 178H Loulavlll A Nashville.. 161 Met. St. Br 118X Manhattan By llHlV Mexican Central By 2X Idfa Minn., bi. r. m aim, at. ia? 187 ioi" do preferred Missouri Paclfle , M. K. at T com...,.., 8J 87 da preferred New York Central.... Northern- Paclfle Am. Uocomotlv. ...... do preferred Norfolk A Weetera, com North American N. Y.. Ont. Weetera Pennsylvania By P. O. L. A C. (. .... Preosad Steel Csr, com. do preferred Psctflc Msll 8. S. Co. Reading, com do ecoad prererrea.. do first nreferred... Rep. Iron A Steel, com do preferred Bock Island. Com 82 V 103. do nreferred Southern By., com..,.. Southern Pacific St. L. A ft. f, 2d pfd. at. I,. H. w- com. Teres A Paclfle Tennessee Cos I Ima. T.. St. L. A W.. pfd.. Union Picibc. com.... 141 U 87 V4 do preferred......... V. 8. Rubber, com.... da preferred 4... U. S. Steel Co., earn., do preferred Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred ; Western Union Tel.... Wabaab, com.......... do preferred.. ....... 88 Central Leather , do preferred; Total ssles f dsy. 1.870.800 shares. CaU money closed otre per cent. ' tovovah itnrnfe stocks. ; Ssn rrancleco, Dee. 18. Official closing, morning Seeeloa: Bid. Bid. .18 .."22 Montana . ...82 88 Jnmho Kiten Midway ....... 1.82V McNsmara ..... .88 Belmont ....... SOS North Star .... .61 Beecue .07 Gold Mountain.. .08 Jim Butler-.... .84 Nevsds 14.28 Ton. Bitea..... S.28 Joldflcld , 84 Bed Top ...... .60 -' Sandstorm ..... .68 A Sandstorm Kx.. .WA Ads me ........ .04 Mohawk .28 Dili . Kendall ' .88 Columbia Mt... .11 Jumbo '.......,. .08 Black Butte . Silver Pick .... .10 .80 .24 .18 .84 .06 .14 .18 .28 (loldrn Anchoc.. Ohio Ton ,i '). Bull Prog... Dlamondfleld ... Houieetake .... Lone Star caah Boy Denver Kdlnse 31 National Bank.. .18 West End 1.15 Bt. Ives. ....... .11 Bluebell re) Atlantle ....... .10 Odd Bar ...... .82 Empire , , .03 4 ' SAX ISAJICISOO LOCAL STOCKS. Ssn rrsnclsca. Dee. 18. OfSclsl close, Ing session: Bid. Contra Coats Water .............. 48 morn- Aak. 47Vk 4oJ 17 88 77 12 IS 82 2a 88 82 4 '4 106 Spring Valley Water , 4014 Mutual Electric ., 17 S Sea rranrlece Oa A Electric. . . . . . 88 Si Olant Powder 74 Houokea Sugar 12 Hntchlnsoa Sugar 14 Msgawen nugar .................. m i'aauhau Sugar 22 Ala.ka Paekeee At! California Win .......... 81 Ocevnle Bteemenrp ParlSe State Telephone 104 Paclfle Ceaat Boras ....182 Hawaiian Commercial 8.1 California PruU ..... 7 88 COMSTOCX aTXinve STOCKS, Baa Pre ad aco, Dec. rtcsl,.....: 18. Official morning Bid. Bnllloa 8 .2Sjavags .7T7.S .60 Belcher 21 Con. Cat-Vs.. . l.HS Opblr 176 Caledonia ...... -66 Petnal , .10 I'hrnn Con Jlf Vellovr Jacket. .12 Richeauer 88 Male A Norcroas. 1.20 Icorploa .12 Mellcaa 1.88 Andes ,onniU ' FOKTLAJTD BASK BTATZX IST. T " in BUS V rWparayaaaasW.a 1.117.324.27 mm. Anaconda Mlnlnr Co HK2U!1lwtu!nulittiu. I I fid I ta, 1 URi. u.) a. lal 108ii lOSU losu 103 iT I Bs lance 14T.IW1.1J M1E This is CHRISTMAS week at Fellows' and a splendid pppor tunity to lay in a complete stock of dainties. -On account of the limited space we cannot quote our prices on everything, but come in and see us. We can please you in price and quality. ' 1 pounds Choice Mixed Nuts, t lbs. English Walnuts. Btnall also. 5 ' Quart Fresh Roaated Peanula. ' 25. ' : S lbs. Plain Mixed Candy. 25 I lbs. Fancj(. Mixed Candy. - '. -.-'- pound Chocolate Creams. .- 25 t lbs. New Crop .Dates. 10 I-lb. can Assorted Soups; regular - price 26o can. , , .1 lbs. Washed Currants. 81.00 'V It lbs. Drjr Granulated Sugar. -- East Side Store S48 wiUlams Annua KABI loe. Wert Fork ud WaslutoB. Sts. STEAMERS 1,000 FEET LONG - PREDICTED FOR FUTURE Umltjn Speed for Ocean Grey hounds Has Been Reached V 1 Reaction From Luxury. , (Journal Special Service.) - New York,-Dec. 18. Captain Dtederloh Hoaemann. commander of the North German Lloyd liner Kaiser Wilhelm II, makes an Interesting prediction concern ing the future of ocean steamships. He sari: , The limit of speed has been reached. To go faster would require a tremendous Inorease In coal carrying capacity and would .not I n r rea nn. thflaufc 1 mora. lha a aw bouTC BunTie-TTrrilt in Sltsrm my opinion. Is not nearly reached. A 1.000-foot steamer with a beam of 100 feet IS coming and will carry twlc the amount of freight and paeaengers now carried on tha Kaiser Wilhelm II, which is 707 feet long and 72 feet beam. XI will not ia deeper or speedier. - "We have reached the limit in luxury. Reaction has aet In . and elegant sim plicity has taken .the place of elaborate decoration. A semi-weekly steamer Is now established. Three steamers a week will come next If travel warrants it." TRIUMVIRATE SUCCEEDS DOWIE IN LEADERSHIP - (Journal Special Service.) Chicago, Dec. 18. Announcement of the abdication of John Alexander Dowle, head of the Christian Cathollo church, waa made at Zion City yesterday even ing: The authority of the former head of the church has been transferred, un reservedly, to a triumvirate and tho formal announcement made 'that the management of the head Of tha church has been placed In the hands of Over seer John C. Bpeicner, judge u. v Barnes and Deacon Alexander Granger, The flnanoea of Zion. City Institution will be immediately reorganised and a radical change will take place in the administration of both the financial and Industrial Institutions. Dowle will at once leave for the Islands of the Car ibbean sea, where he will remain until spring In the hope of regaining his health. It la stated that he expects to resume his control of the church upon his return. - FARMERS WILL MEET . IN MONJAVILLA HALL TJtruw a' IliVla, Inteeeet farmera ' Bra looking forward to a Joint meeting of Multnoman fomona grange ana nusseu vllle grange t the I. O. O. F. hall In Unni.vlll. iiatI - Wanrutar A rreat many Important matters will come be fore the sesBion. -mere win do ivu Afth-degree candidates Initiated and the question of organising an Intelligence bureau to rent, sell, .employ and give Information- on all matters beneficial to farmers will come up for discussion. The meeting will be called to order promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. The Initia tion will take place at 7 o'clock in the evening and an entertainment will be gin at 1:20 o'clock. It is expected that many state officers will attend. MORTON ASKS AID TO - PREVENT LEGISLATION (Journal Special Service.) . New York, Dec. 18 President Paul Morton of the Equitable- Asauranca So ciety, In a circular letter, appeals to policy-holders In; all atatea to aid In preventing adverse legislation that may Brine. lie Informa the policy-holder that no contributions to political cam paigns will be made by the society, in the future, but that the society's re serve will be Invested In real estate, mortgages or other securities of estab lished corporatlona serving those sec tions of the country which produce the premiums. , ... Oanyoa City Bchool Tax. (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) p...... t'ltv Or.. Deo. 18. At a spe cial meeting held at tha school hou a tax of SO mills was voted, 10 mine ror the general achool fund and 10 mllla, for the building fund. With the money brought In by. this levy Canyon City can continue to have the beat school In the county, and at the aame time sub stantially reduce the debt of the dis trict occasioned hy the construction Of a new school building. ' FELLOWS OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO ' ' Members Chicago fioard of Trad. ' amAVXV. raOTJSIOoT COTTOBT. STOCKS Aim BObTOS. . 101 Third Strt McKay Building. Portland. Or. , WB BO A ITIlTXT COMMISSlOS BUSrSTXCB. Continuous Markets by Private Vlr. Quick Hervlre RF.FERFNCKS t xir.0tti-vjanl,rB1.ria tyUttud tstata Natrona, ia&i, ui oi:UanaU. , TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia - River Railroad Co. Leave. CS10H DEPOT. I Arrlvss 8:00 a. I for Mavsera. Balnler. U SD s. Dsily.-j Dally. Clatakauie Weetnort CUftoa,. Astoria, War rentnn. ' FlaveL Nan- Bend, fort Stevens, Gear hart Park, Sessid. Astoria aad T OO . m. Dally. hprau Dally. . Astoria Express. 8:88 a, as, Dslly.- - 0. A. STBWABT.'commerclsl Agent. 248 Alder eireev. rsone nam von. UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER. ROUTE rrom' Portlsnd to Irrtgoa and way 'points, la connection with Begulator Lis and Stat Por tage Railway, steamer ... . "MOUNTAIN GEM" urave uelij-o . , .-. . I very TTJISDAT for AKLIBOTOst aod WAT BOIXTS. end I very rKISAT for I88IO0W, AkLnfOTOB and WAT POIMIS. - freight reeelvrd at ALDIE STKEXT DOCK very TTTESDAT and IE1DAT. Special rates for Cms till. Wallnla. Paaoo and Aeunewlck. Vor furthee Information eddress Sunt. W. P. Gray, Celliu. Or., or Inquire at,, of rice of Regu lator sane, rnone stain ve. ALASKA PAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS Leave Seattle "JTTTTHSOH," Deo. t, SO. St. at t 8. Bk, via Wrangle. , ''"' "TABALLO," Dee. S. 88 (oa trip Ba, esrrisa powder and gasoline l se yae, via WrsngsC ktstlakaktla. . CALLING AT ' Ketablksa, yuaeau, Denglss, Hsbje, Skag way. CwBaet with W. P. T. rent for AUla, Sawsoa. Taaaaa, Borne, eto. . Par All SeatBsMtara Alaska Vesta. , CaU or aend for 'Trip ta Wonderful Alaska." "Indian Baaketry "Totem Poles." -';;' ;-' THZ ALASKA B. S. CO. ; . Prank Woolsey Co.. Agents ' 282 Oak St. -' Pevtlaad. Or. S. S. F. A. Kilburn For Cooa Bay, Eureka and Sen Francisco. Next sailing from Portland, Friday, Dee, 22. Next sailing from Sag Frsnciss, Friday, Dee. 20. --p.- L.-ORKrAotIriH, Agt-i Creenwich Doc no; J. Phone Mela 131. BURNING IT OFF Faint that hal pllStfSa,"PS8lsa W chalked--la a tiresome job, and you can figure out what the labor Involved cost. Why not use pure paint 1n the first place, even at a few more tentn per can or kegT We'd like to have a little chat with you on the paint queatlon. We be lieve r-e can convince you that It would be good policy, to buy all your paint bar. , - -tTWM -MO.- gATsTT BTOstB. Fisher, Thorsen & Co. raOaTT AVsTO BIOBJIiaOsT BTM. TsT Modern dental work. World-r aowned specialists. Lowest price consistent with flrtt-alass Oo te tka) NEW vVPRK DENTISTS rOTTBTX ASTD KOataUSOir BTB. Cpea day and night, from 8:1 av aa mnui f gw av - a r a' . Irlilf A COFFEEJEA DAIHN0 POWDER, Fl0n;:.GEXTRCT5 ruhPvthr. flittstfliYoi J aOSSETftDEYERS PORTLAND, ORtGON. DOWimrO, XOPTTrTS ft CO, . (Kstabllsbed 1S. tntl ABTP BTp6at BBOKBSS Koovfl 4, Oronnd Floor, OKAM8IB or coMaumcra. - Tall Costs a I.g. " Morris Sullivan, a laborer,, fell dis tance of 15 feet from the docks Bt First and East Morrison streets yesterday afternoon. His leg was broken and he waa removed to Good Samaritan hos pital, where amputation of th leg was found to be necessary. Boy Is ua Over. (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Rainier, Or., Deo. 18. Little Leo Sim mons waa Saturday run over by a team driven by Mr. Ktlby and severely In- Jured. . ' ' l I p. s -rl TRANSPORTATION. SiioijrJLirai iuw Union PAcinc Trains to the East Daily 3 Through Pullman standard and tourist sleep ing -cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, Spokanei tourist sleeplng-eara dally to Kausaa Cityi through Pullman tourist aleeplng-cars (person ally conducted 1 weekly to Chicago. ReoUuieg ehalrcars (seets free) t tb .Baal dally. UNION Die POT. Leave. Arrives. CBICAOO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. e is . i Dally. B JS p. av Dally. , For the Bast via llnnt- ingtoa. spokanb rt.Yr.R. For Kaatern Wasblng lon. Wslla Walla, lew 's ton, - Coeur d'Alene snd Crest Korlhera point. S'.ll B. I Dally. . 8410 a. BV DaUy. ATLANTIC KX PR 188. for th F.aet vis Uunt- 8:18 b. m. T:1B I Dally. Dally. . Ingtoa. Columbia Blear Divttiea. FOB A8T0BIA and way I 8:08 p. a. pomis, conneeting wits iiaiiy atmr. for Ilwaee end ex Sunday B:00 p. m. ex. Sunday. North Beach. atmr. i.fnrdav. Raeaale, Aah-t. (!. TlOlflO . m. TaasbiB. Kiver Bout. FOB DATTOtfr Oreeoal ' City end Tsmhlll river T:00a.B. 7:80 p. aa. Dally avBunday.- E'lnts, stmrs. Batb sndlDally odoe, Ash-et. dock. ex. Sundef . I water permitting. 1 Snake Biver Bout. FOB LCWISTOM. Ida., and way point from 8:4us or upon sr- 4:00 a. BV Dally ex. Friday. nipana, w ass., etmrs. Ipoken and Lewiatoa. rlvsl Trsli N 4. Kal ex. Bar. ilCBBT OFFICR. Third and Wasblugtoa SuT Telephone Main 712. fl. W. BTINnRR rlv Tlefce IsaaL A. ta CBAIO, General Passenger Agent. EAST SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. OVF.BLAKD KXPBFSS. Tralna for Salem. Uoae burx. - AshUnd. . Sacra mento. Ogden, San Fran cisco, Stockton. Lo An eelee. F.I Paso. New Of lean and. the East. Morning - train eea nects. st Wondhuro daily ' except Sunday with train for Mount. Angel.- Sllven. Brownsville. Spring field. Wendllng and 8 .48 p. m. T:28a. as. 8:80 a. m. l-, nass.neer-eon- 4:18 p. necta at WoodburB with Mt. Aintel and 8llvr- lon loeel. . rervslUs. paeseneer. Sberldaa passenger. forest Prove psenger. 10:83 a.m. - T sn a. m. 4:50 b. m. 1110:48 P.m. 8:80 a. m. 8:28 a. a, ij :S0 p. m. Dally. , ".' ' IIDsllv except, Sunday.. Portlssd-Oewsgs ubnrbsa Service and Tamkill . DiviaiMs. -- -rtepot root e ieffereon etrejt. . tear Portland dally for Oewege 7 ! . . 18:80. 8:08. :0O. 8:20 8:28. S'SIV WrlJ. "J p. m. Dally (except Snndavi 8:80. 8 .SO. B.sav La. aw at aa 1 A fA as sst. lvV.ri m. niinnsr .mii.v. - - .. . - t&'ra ilz st 1110 p. re., i . h s. to. - . . 8-28 7. 2S. 8:80. 11'45 a. . Sandsy only. ,6i!ei fr'om evm. depot for D.n bbjJ Inter medlate point, dally 4:18 p. ea. Arrive Port b.nd 10:10 -". Vnf , Unt aecring wnn re"""--'" - at Delia, and Independence. ..., f fi-m Porld to "amment and S.n Frsnclsco 2":J'' bo---" fsr- lt. S-COnn-Cin-a " a ea" elOB Ticket" to Kf..tern point; and F-r op, ale IrrJn. Chin. Honolulu and ";', CltJ Ticket Office corner '.Third snd Waa- 0. w. BTiMJKit. p Asretlc. city Ticaei inre-"- , ,. - - TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland: DA1LT. CHIOS DEPOT. Depart, Arrive. Telkrwxton Psrk-Kse-see Clty-St. Louis 8 pe el. I tue ( hehslle. Cvn- trslls. Olympla, Orar. 8 SO B. BV 4:80 p. ss. Harbor. Sooih Bend. Ta e.,ma. Seattle. Stwkane, Lewiston. Butte, Bll- llntra. Denver. Oman Kanaaa City. 8t. Umls and Southeast. North Coeet Limited, electric lighted, for Ta Kim, Seattle. Spokane. Butte, Minneapolis. St. Paul and th Kaat Paget Sound Limited, for Cheh.Ua. Centralia. Taroms and Seattle only. Twin Cite -Kinrees. for 2:00 p. 1 IQ0C0t8.rtTJ"? I ltt POUTIt T:00s. aa. . 4 :30 p. m. 1033 b, 1 tscoms, Seattle. Spo kane. Helens, Butte, Yellowstone Park. Mln neepolla. 8W Pel ssd the Ksst. - , ' 11:48 B. I 8:80 p. A. D. CHABLTON, . Assistant General Pseaenger Agent. - - 2&S Morrison at., or. Third. . - . Portland.. Oregon, i , ; j ( TNC COMPOR7ABIX WAV. City Tkihet Of Sea, 1(2 M at. Phes 88. 2 Overland Trains Dally 9 'Tk Oriental Llmiud, ta Post Mail' BPZ.KMDXS SEBVIOB TJP-TO-DATB rqTjrrMBWT , OOVBTEOVS BbLPIjOTZB Lfave Vrom Portland . TleVBttl Tia Spekaae ARRIVE 7:08.8. 8:10 a. m 11:48 p. 8:8 p. m. ifod a. ro. (O. Bt m TK. 09.)l Oreat KosMura Bteaaaahlp C. Sailing from Heettl S. S. DASTOTA. BO- 1. ( S. S. MIMMKBOTA, FBB. 1. For Japan n-l china 1'uria and Manila. . mPPOnt TTsrsT BTAISJIA fJaDsn Mall P'eHin-iilt' ( oinpuny) . . s. s. iro ua-o. , tgll from biitie f r Jer-in. tlilnn arid all c I About I 'ccci i.. r I 3 " ' r"-i'rtli,"l"" " -f VBti'ne, . ri on or e ' Ft n 1, c O. x : 1 A I