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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 18? 1905. It POR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALS OR HINT ICW ARB SEOONB. HIND 8EWINO MACHINES. ' STANDARD , flWINO MACUIKI AUIKVI. B. 0. JUNKS. f SOW UNUILb Bi. ; . . DIAMOND, watebee and Jewelry lit Mrln( ' or za per cent, n. at. tsrrert at urn.. wnoia. 1 uU and retail JimlM OfMcss BQf Ausky - kldf Third and Unilio ' T .BORSKS, harness, eeeood-bend wagons, cm goos nan; eieo rigo nw rtni 07 a or aioetA. aw uiwuonav raoae aaai 13. FOB SALE 1 eow, single wioi and harness. uciHior. t qom aeat zaio. . 'AT closing -oat prices, several MnpW gasoline i - imiww. Minm st.cuto.rr tw. rovilaao. -; engine, llila, eoapleta. Inqulr (not US BWIW UUCS. - - , ALL or part Internet l well drill. Address ; box T, Hosts X. Grsshaot, Oregon. FOR. BALS eow. North Bamalda at.. Ho. 2. It K I A LIE A new. flrst-elaee etean tog. ST 1 feet inches knif. IS-foot beam, dapth of nolo reel, mm Dign-preeeore new engine, .t iwiHs-ineii Dollar. Address WoBn Jbamoot, ssemoaawa, waabingtou. FOR ALE English - nag pnpptee,- fine and Call Mm Morrison at. ItFW 200 Cfalrxerlns nlana I1M: Darker ttv . 12S organ 15. illy, First, corner Mala, , npetaire. . " TWO wan eases for aala at a sacrifice. Ora- ' son Loan Ofnce. 80 N. Id. iWICE boggy or saddle-horse, gentle, with new tt iai fnrnltsM and will nay full Value, Phone Pacific T98. - Western BalTage Co., --IT Washington at MBW fen range, sost fceV 11X11. VaclUe PERSONAL, ii F. P. (Tltal-Fwsr) tahlete win reetere te yoa lha nap, Tim and via of aianbnod; , oa ara lacking la the power of vitality, lu . . loaa resulting rrora inmscretione ana I eeod for a box of these tablets and ba eoa- vlaaed of their mectt. Rv mall la Dials DSe.. . SI.'. Tha Armstrong Tablet Co., Inc., BOB ., Toiaoia bib., iMtroit,- Micoicaa. . BPRCUL NOTICI TO - WOMBK Doa't Ha -t foot II nw br aa-oporatloa wbaa Da caraa DJ aaroiiaaa awinooa; iwcmmi . 1 Drooarl anollrd win aava Ufa wbara opara- tlooa kllL Wa poaaaaa tba lalaat Innatloa - to control dltiaata ponltar to wobim. Dr. . W J H.ra, u a . Mnllral Klartrlrlaa. Of. fir Tl Dtkam bide Paoao Bad 1381. Offlea aowa a-ia, x-a. DR. ACBr(.UMT. dhwaaaa of womaa and aar , r7. SOS Allaky bld(.. Tbird and Morriaoa. DKTKCTITB AKNCT OooldVottal lBTatl ratlooa; reports aiada on an ladlrldaal bnal ' ana or pro pert r; mlaalna rvlatlrra loeatrdi bad aVbta oollaeted rh.rfM roaaoBahlr: ecr j - rrapoBdanro"' aollclted. Orrirna Dtatla Rerrlro, ofOera M SIS miamMa bldg., aoa WaahlBctoa at. Pboo Mala dsid. MICIft W0MBN1 Rarmond'a villa poaltlTal . ntf nrrvoaanraa and lark of TIUH17; (1, 4 bolea AS. Plummrr Drag Co.. SOO Tblrd. CONFIDRNTIAL, anadfc-at adrtro to woman Wa traat niaraaea or woman rxcinaiTriy. carina " with nnrarrlng aaecaaa all frmala allmonta (ran tha ,11 h tent loral Irritation to tba moat complicated In tern, 1 tronblcat maternity eaaea glnn arwclal attention, prlvata bnapltal a- commoiiauoo: pmreMmnai iaay onraea id at tendanco: conanltatloa and adrlca fraa. X Radlaa " Medical InMltuta and SanltarlBm, Third aad Aldar au., mtraaea ISS Aldor at . Portland. TtTRKIBR BATHS, Soft Orrgonlan Mg. ladlea aaja. gantlemva nlgbta. Mala iikib. Bltrrs praaaee wblla ym wait, ROe. Ladlea' aklrta preaaetl, 60c. Gilbert. 11 Wxtb at., aaxt- to Qn.lU. Phone clay 0S. MRS. ANNA LPCKRT and BTHBL WARD ara Dow located at MO Tarlor at.; nrlnclpala of clip dleaaaea; all klnda of hatha gtern; ale. trie maaeare. mnntrorlnf and chiropody; alaa at mil me naima iiuniaia lenimn tloa gnaraotaad. Pboa Mala x34S. TBS. Palmo Tablet a maka Too alraw perfectly they core aarTnaaneaa and make' yaei-arroog! . price HOe a box. t boxea f3.IW: gneranteed. All drnrrlata, or addreaa Brooke Drag Co., T . norta mird at.. 1'ortlatul. MAN'LT vigor restored by Dr. Roberta Nerra Qlouhlee. One amatb a treatment, 93: I ' montha, (B; aent aecnrelr eaal'd by mall. A rents. Woods rd. Clarke A Co.. PortUBd. Or. BOOKS! ' Here titer are: J'Docameroa," Rea tamema," "A Hot Tamale." "Fanny HIU," "Twenty Teara a Faker," -"Forbidden Frnlt." BOe each; IUU free. A. Bcbmato. 229 First at. LOST powere reatnred by tba groat Dr. Lorena'a Jerre Tonic Tablrtat tSc per box. boxea for (I IS. Write or call at ByaaeU'a Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bat. let and 24. LAMBfl Ton appear 20 yeara yoangar, ra more all wrlnklea. bare akia like eeleet by aetnf Oregoa Orapa Bkla Food. Pboae '; iaat iJT. . WHY Ilea alone when yoa ran eeenre a life companion by Joining tba Interstate Intro dnclna Society, and meet or ot respond with repntabla poranna of tbla sect loo. many wealthy; the November retrlater. 1A cents, Snlta 24 Rnanrll bldg. Pboae Psclfl C2. . to ont of town natrons, nor latest rata lone of tnnrf work, pillow tone, canter pieces, ahlrtwafata and noTeltles. The Needle rtaft Shop. 207 Allaky bldg., Port (and. Of. DOLLS' nnettltal; repairing and drsaalag. - Zam bill and Waet Park eta. BINO CHOONO. hn porter of Chinees mot medi cines: eelle Chinese tea that la certain core for all diss ease. 101 Becoad bet. Tamblll anJ Taylor. ' . BBNI B. B RICH. PORTTTAND. 0RFOOI. 2S for 2s Assorted souvenir postal. X. T. E .Why ao allent? Smnka ap! get baay, or yon will- lone oat. Esther. , . DR. Wont.ET BENIAMIN. tha Foot Spedallet, unfit, Waahlngtoa at Uood B04. Bora test made aonnd. flrxn for free list ef est prices and clabblng rates on magaaloaav Jonaa Book Stars, 201 -Aider at. DR. ATWOOD, l Rnaeelt bMg.. IrMIH Foarth at. Female dleeaeee and confinements taken and cared for) spea 0 renins. Oonealtatloa free. DBS. N. A. N1SBETTI, " Sweflhib apectallata. - core rbenmatlam. kidney, stomach and llrer . tmubtee. chronic constipation, obealty and all . chronic and Bervona 'dlseaera; no druga; aa knlf B10 per month. Consultation and deav ' snstratlona free. Hood 1022. 411 Morriaoa at FIAVB too seen onr holiday specie let $1. Bts kdlo, oiits. Fifth and Waaliingtoa. ; ..ORDER OF WASHINOTON Foremost fraternal society of northwest : protects the llrlng. Alt Marquem bldg., Portland., Oregoa. ,OET" married: Meal plan, beet rsenlta; send 10 fin particulars to tba Paelfla Carrsspoodcnos Club, Alms, Oregoa. BALM OF Find for all female diseases. 620 Eaat Belmont. Phone East 40fl4. " BED-CROSS atanda for relief; specially treat- Ins chronic and prlratf discasss. Cor. Sd and Ash. " WANTED TO KNOW the wherexhnuta of Ella . May Swlrkard: ermirtlmes goe4 hy the name ' of Ella Mar Brent: thought to ha In Porf 1 land or llarre, Montana. . Addreaa 407, Weet ' Third srenue. Penrpr. Coloratly. TOl'NH lady glree electric and magnetic treat tnenta for rheumatism and nerroua dlanrders; - also facmf-and'scalp maaaags. 14BH 6th, aor. ' Alder. - B. P. Was mora pleased with appraranca and general addreaa, -so much ao that snin . word from yon. would be welcome. Add re- Mnltnomah. cars of Journal. ' . LEONARD t' as yonf heat Judgment Leers It mllrely lo you. Shoold yn rare to eom- ' ' mnnlpatA do not hesitate. There can he ao complaint. It at bualneea. Yours. Grace. WASHINGTON ST. Mneh surprised at yonr ah sencs. . One mors fsllnra aa yonr part will see tne ena. nine nuir. . .TED-cWers yon there? - No nee talking. It waa , a great affair-from' all accounts. Will, be on band Tlmrailay. Wosdlawn. WANTED Names and addreaeea of a few more , of my oM pupils. Char lea. I". Bloom, Torty alghta and Belmont AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVEY. Fifteenth aad Alder, agent for Csdlllss sod Pierce kutoeaobllea; machines 1 .i J l I A 1 - ASSAYER3. 0ARVIN CYAN1DB 1 RETRACTION fO aad Montana Aaaay Offlea. Ita5 Morriaoa at. ATTORNEYS. " A H. TANNER, attorney. BUS rVimmerclal blk.. Second and Waahlngtoa ata. Pboaa Mala. M. B. T. Bt'RLEroH. lawyer. I2S Graad ara.. Bast Portland. IDWARD T. TA00ART, attorney and - aelor.. 41B Chamber of Commerce bldg. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER. S4S Alder. Portrait and la noses pe artist ana leacoer. ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES B. PFAHLET Pnblle auditor and ex pert scconntsat Room 1. Chamber of Coamercs bldg. - ' - BXTHS MASSAGE." TOt'NO lady girea rapor. alcohol aad aaedlcatcd . bathe. Parlor 27. 26814 Stark. TUB BNOWDEN BATHROOMS Two lady at ' tendsnte: 274 - AMcs at., bet. Foarth and . Fifth; tnb and Tapor and mssaaga. PhotM ' Wain KOUA BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES- B. BIRKEN WALD CO.. B04-BTHJ Brerett at Largest batchers' eapply bouse OS tha coast BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVI8 A KT LHA Iff. 10B-111 Second st Blank boob manufacturers: agents for Jonea Improved Loose-Lea f ledgers; aes the new Eureka leaf, tha best oa the market BLACKING. WERFOOT Blacking,, abeolately wsierproof. are. serves tbs leather, makes shoes wear B0 per cent loagss. , For sals srerywhsre, . 10 aad IS cents. - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LBNSCH BROS., commission merchants. Boar, feed, hay and produce. 2U2 to 208 Frant st Phons Main 2CO0. BVERDINO tt FARRELL. produce and commie .. slnn merchants. IfO Front at. Portlaad. Or. Phoae Main 17B. '- ' - CIGARS AND TOBACCO. EtiRRRO-OUNBT CO. : Dlatrlbatora ef - . . ITNI C10ARS. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST 8T. VEOKOB ORMONDB. aeer of Egypt telle you or marriage, love, business, sickness, now to invcat money, speculatloa. baying. - sell ing, partners, friends, enemlee; cures all oervoua dlsessee. - weakness of every kind, settles love quarrels, renal tee the separated, haatens . marriage, locatee mines, burled treaaurea. miaalng ones, papera: renews youth. fill vitality, glvee magnetic secret powrra or control, derrlopa, teaches, goo wasn. Ington st. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist asrromgiet aad epintual u Teres ner, caa give IniDortant nnd reliable facta about the pact Meant-and --folurs 100 Bc renth-at. 0PtV oteT-pertttBd. mens rartmr Ti-- MADAM ANNA WARD. Scientific Eastern Clairvoyant and ara Header; aon c ran 10 consult her oa all mattera. 331 tt Morriaoa St.. room IX. I'hnne Main i"j. "CLEANINO AND DYEING. XAMHIIJ, CLEANING PRESSING CO Work rallrd for and Sellvarsd. Pneaa Clay OBO SAT M.KII1 - Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work.; prac tical batter la connection. Ill 4th. ' Clay to. CLOTHES cleaned and "preee-d Si per month. ralqoe Tailoring Co.. S47 Waahlngtoa ex. b. W. TURNER, profeaalonal dyer and eVeansr. 009 ecrreraoa St. roone mam aoia. NEW process lsce curtain cleaning, BOe to 1 pair, ena unean, main oeoo. COAL AND WOOD. CH'lRCHLBi BROS, here re moved from foot Davla at ta 2B Kearney at. Bear Uth: le now the la r rest woodysrd is rns eiry. carry h all kinds sf wood snd aosL Mala BSt, flREOORT A MORRIS, sercasaora to Cala A McKans. dealera la wood and coal at lowest prleeo: aatlafscrloa gnaranteed. Cor. Taatk and Irving. Phone Mala 4STB, WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co.. on Front betwsaa Glleae and Hoyt dealers la all Kiaos or house mala aad blacksmith soaks, Phewe Mala I01S. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealera ta cord wood, esal aad greea and dry alabwood. R. K. ana ah Mne are., 2 blocks east ef ferry. Beat B74. STEEL BRITW1B FTTEL CO. Dealeri la. coal. surdwood aad dry slaBwooo. r-Boee aaat n. TRY RAG!. LUMP COAL. ton 2. tea 7 Henke. 14S N. Sixth. Pacific Ml. 0RROON FCEL CO Aft kinds of coal and wood. BOS Alder at Phoae Mala on. KIRK HOOVER. BIS Watas at. wood and seal. Pboaa Mala 4os. FULTON WOOD CO Pboaa Pacific 004 for dry m areen mowsw. KING COAL CO.. Importers high grade house, steam aad amitning costs, siam iw. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largeet plnnt on tne meat Ioring aad naming ata.. tele phone Eaat 20 Carpet a cleaned, refitted, acwed and laid: both ateam and la test eora- prceeed air process renovating mattresses snd res there a specialty. v- sAnnani oarpet cicanina. aocTion ana one ti , Mvq air comninro; crpri. ciesnen on laoor wltnoot rsmovsL Mala 6334. 'Eaat 4S2B. CARPKTS cleaned ea tbs floor t are re tee ad oast Phone Clay 81. free SemonstraMon. -CHIROPRACTIC POSTTTVELT nrrse all forme of rhenmattem. Dr. Eva Hngan. BM Hall at. Pbons Mala 004. CAFES. THE OFFICE vr, Waahlngtoa at Phone Msla in. hdhi vixneeo. essssaserii ! iiaaBttaBsssaaceamsaaeaaeasaBsBasssaea, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WH0LE4ALR crockery and glaaawere. PraeL llegele m to,, ino to iog rirth. cor. ntsrl at CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpenters, tmtlderai re Ulring ana Jonning: store and ornce ni tares lit. Shop 2ia Colombln. Mala B2S7. WASHBURN! A FLOYD, wagon mtllders and general work. BB Bth at Pbons Hood ssa. F. R. VANDBRnOOF, rsrpeBter aad Jobber. 287 Stark at Phone Mala 147. " WM. F1SHBECK, carpenter: repairing and Job bing oone xui Bnrnalde at I'Bono Main eta?. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any one owe yoa money f Wa collect bad debts of all klnda. 122 Orand ave roams 14 and IK. Phone Eaat 4424. - DETECTIVES. TFI.L ns yonr tronhlea; we never aleep) evidence trees 4 4a ctell and eeiralael aaa HenlBgsr. Box Sou. DRESSMAKINO. KRiaTKR-S LADIES' TAILORINO COLI EOR. Bi-e4eOQ AllskJ bldg.j write for booklet. DRESSMAKING Strictly ap ta date! latest Be- signs, awe Clay Si DRESSMAKING . first-da as . and op to-date; chare-ea ressoosble. - Tel. Mala 1622. Call 414 Fifth at. DANCIN0. WOUOWARD'B dancing school ef tba Western Academy of Sluale, Monday sad Thorsday. Spectators Invited. Lessons 60c Dancing g ta 11. Cor. Macond and Morriaoa. pOCr-ANPH0RSBOSPrrAIe. DR.C.E PROWN.D.V.S .D.C.M Dog. Rorae boa . pllel 2X7 Bnrnalde. Phones: MalneOoOi PacJMO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTH WIST ELECTRICAL BNOINBERIN0) Company. BOB Stark at. Portland. 0. K. foe everrthlng ta tba - electrical Una. Phoaa Mala I80S. PACIFIC ELEfTBIO CO Fn sincere, eon tree - -s. rspetrers. electric wiring, aappllsa. 04 First cor. its,-: Mala BAB. R. H. Tats, mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OR BOON Fare.! tare Manufacturing Covjpaay Maaafactnrers sf toraltara Bug tha trade. Pertlaad. Or. rrRNITTTRB mannfacrarlng aad a pedal ardera. L. Ravsaehy'a feral tare factors. B70 Front at FURNACES. B0YNT0N warm-air fnrnaens save fuel. J. 0. Bayer Furnacs Co.. 2nB Second. Mala sax. FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only bums 1b Portland to gst French bread. Barrere A Maylle. 4f7 BUth st Dally 4eUr- ary. - Phoae Oresa 60S. . GRINDING. B. J. CA8TERUNB CO., Inventor of the famons ateel tempering process) tools sharp ened reasonable. 147 N. Bth at I'aClllc Bex, Raaora, knives, scissors sharpened ts psrfse Vlon. Karlaon Co.. 401 N. Bth. Pacific 70S. GROCERS. WADH AMS- A CO.,- wholesale grecers. mssa fscturers sad aommlaaloa merchsata. Fourth and Oak ata. ALLEN 4 LEWIS, sommlsstoa end produce nice ehaata. Front and Davis eta., Portlaad, Or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Oa. aolldta opportunity ts enote prices, IBS 1ft st. ear. Aider. Mala 1BS4. HOTELS. MOT EX. 1 rjfBOTEL . Pertlaad. AjBsrtcaa plaa; BS. BB par day. HOTEL Bt Oeorge. Peadlatool leedlog hoUL BELTBDBRB: Earopeaa plan: 4th and Aides 1 HAY AND-GRAIN. L O. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed aad ftear. 12B Caloa are. Phsae East 1817. 'INSUR AWHT J ISAAC ta WHITB. firs laasrancs. Boa) OaAaai LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO. Firs tnsarsaea ssd reel estate 1 erncee rnr-iisj aasriocB Ding. Main 10081 dspt 404 Eaat Alder. Eaat 401. JAB, Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability aad la. dividual accident surety bonds ef all kinds. . Pboas 47.. BOS McKay Dlog. I. F. BARTBLS COMPANY Fire rasnraw 44S Sherlock bldg. Orsaoa Phone any BBS. -LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, expert lock and keremlth; senera! rcDairlne: caetlroB braalnx: all work ' guaranteed. 287 Burnslde st. Pbons Pacitle 1053. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith ssd Bicycle repairing, m Htarx. usy CUf a'' F00"- Umlm MSB. - MONEY TO LOAN. HBADOUARTERB FOR SALARY LOANS. 428-8 Mohawk bldg., cor. Morrison and Third. Ladles or Gentlemen. No Pol.ucity. If yoa borrow 120 roe pay bark 11.86 a week. If yoa borrow 123 yoa pay bark f 1.A6 a week. If yoa borrow 'I0 yoa pay back 12.00 a week. It yve borrow .'UI yoa pay bark 22. .16 a week. If yoa borrow f.V) rao psy bark $8.00 a week. raymenm auepenaca is ease or ski Strictly ftslary Loans. THB ORESCENT LOAN CO- 4A Mohawk bldg.. cor. Morriaoa and Third. MONEY TO LOAM On Improved city property or for bo tiding parpnsss. Any amount sa from 2 to 10 yeara' time, with privilege to repay all or nart of loan sftae one roar. Leans ss p roved from plena snd money advanced aa noiifling progress ss j mortgages isaea op suss replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent 242 Stnrk Street. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, were -earner, aaa gst aa his note, without mortgage - Month. Vi si onr a. Trees. ann.nn Repay to as 11X.IP1 sr so.nn or to ss 212.88 sr td rH or 8 S 86 to as I B AS or I8.8A or 81. 88 to ns i 4.00 or (1.00 er l.0 Sxo.on Repey tlS.00 Rsosy - tlO McKay bldg. WHY PAT RENT when we can furnish yoa . money to bur or hnlld you a homer SMALL MONTHLY HEPAYMEXT8 with LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Drop a rard. or call on J. H. Hubbard. State Agent. 202 E. Morrison at. MONET te loan, aalarled people, teamster, etc.. without aecnriiy: easy payments: inrgen bualneea In 49 principal dtlee. Tohaaa. 228 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Main 8467. MONEY to loaa on real, personal and collateral security; special attention to chattel snort. Figeet notes bonrht. C. W. Psllrt 604-S sntoa bMg., B4 SUth et HIGHLY respectabla place where ladles and genta can borrow money en diamonds aad Jewelry. Collateral loaa Bank. 208 Waah lngtoa at psoas Black 71. . . . CHATTEL Inane la s mounts ranging from BS to gn.ono; rooming-houses a epecleity. new Era Loaa A Treat Co.. BOB Ablngtoa bldg. WB make all klnda of mens oa good security at lowest ratea; apeelal attention given (a chattel loans. 102 Morriaoa at MONET to loaa Ja en me ef from tlOOO ta en.,aaj terme to suit tne norrowsr. sMwose 200-10. CommerHal blk. . MONET to- loan ea Clack am a a county lands. B. F. aad F. B. Riley. 80S Chamber er Cuae- LOWEST rates ea faraltnr and pianos. Fast- em uoaa u 44B snsrisca Brag, cisy asn. TO 10 A N Same ta sntt oa ehsttel asisilty. R. a. rrame, ni4 The Msrqnam. MONEY TO IX) AN on all klnda of- eecnrlty. William Boll, room B. Waahlngtoa bnlldlug. tl.non rl ono . TO Vwa by prlrate party 1 real ewteTO semrtty. vox vjosnmerrisi piis- LOANS ea city, euhurnen and farm property, any amonnt. easy terms, B. K. Davla, room 780, Chamber Commerce. WANTED Mortgage Inane: moderate a mount a in or aoont at Johns. ,w. B. r, era, lawyer, Allaky bldg. MONUMENTS. RED A KINOSLEY, 208 First at.. Pertlaad' leading Biatble aad graalu wotka. MUSICAL. THEO. THORHAMME8, ' Tlolln Repairing. Expert work guaranteed. AZ2 Tuomy bldg., Hecund' and Taylor ata. LEHHONB - Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vklla; Instrument fur aala. Bsllaj First, eur Mala. Mrs. Martla. .. .'' - PIANO, violin, atxtnruand wind taetraments. Profsssar avtwia A.,Bmlth, SM Twelfth. Mala 470B. ' PIANO renins. $3; perfect wort caaraatsaaV 0. W. JoLnaoa. Pboas Mala MIL I. A. WESOa rlollB-maker and repalreri war Brat skua. 26 Unseal bldg,, 4th sad M.STtoos. FRER lessons ea the violin, mandolin, guitar aad banjo. Levy'a Muele Hoass. 171 suarta. EMIL T1MELH0RN. pupil of Ssvclk. violin teacher . Stadia 108- SUU. . TaL . Mala DIM. iiasseuii ssi 11 11 MACHINERY. THB H. 0. ALBBB CO. Second-hand aiachloery. eawmuai, ate. xss uraad are. HII'PBLX A MYERS, machlnlats and sire trlclare; electric elevators, electrical aaacbln- - cry and gaaollne englnee a aspects uy. pit usx at. roone Slam iw. OSTEOPATHS." DBS. aIDIX 4 NORTH HHP. 41A.1S-1T Dlrl Hd.. Third mod WaahlortoBi U. rm Ks a . .4 a r PssBBgsa ., jaaTaUaal UBAHM AA Veaw DBS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 40B Macleay bids, Clay T7A Baa. M. 1AL OoaaalUtloa free. THB very best lady osteopath la town. Or, L. O. Johnsoa, suits 18. oelllng-Hlreca bldg. PLUMBERS. D0NNBRBEB0 - A - RADEMACHER. plumbers. 84 Foarth ft Both pboaee. FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers, 281 Recoad, bet Mala aad Salmon. Oregon Phone Mais BOOL PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer faint Os. . window-glass aad gUalng. MS First at Phoae 18o4. EBNE8T MILLER A CO.. Becond aad Taylor Wall paper, paint oil at market prices; tree delivery. RARMU8SEN A CO. Jobbers, paints, oil, glass, aaah and doors. Becond and Taylor. PRINTING. WELCH A DAVIS, Printers Doers sf clever things with Ink snd typs oa peper. B tsars bldg.. Sixth and MorrJeoLMala 4147. ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, printing, - lithographing. bUah - Psoas Mala 17. BUS Alder st ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jooning. J. lesll, gig jerrereoa at. - RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP. WORKS. 248 Aider St. pboas Mala Tio; runner stamps, seam, atenciia. oeggage, trade checks; ssnd for cataloane No. 23. SCALP TREATMENT. OR AT, falling hair, dandruff treated; shampoo Ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mrs. B. F. Kyae. 1BSM Fourth, ear. Morriaoa. Room 22. Phono Padfle 2BB. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODE'B TnrnlturaT House Highest r rices paid for second-band furniture. BIB Beeend at Phono PsclBc 408. - ' TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all makes, rested, sold aad repaired. Coest Agency, 281 Stark. TaL 1407. LARGE atnek aecond-hand Remington and Underwood Typewriter Vo- 281 Btarh st SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners, economical elrrrrle fans and eigne of all klnda made quickly. Foster A Klelaar, Fifth and Everett Phone Exchange 68. HOLIDAY SIGNS Off Ice doors snd windows lettered st cat prices. Elrnglcbel. 111(4 Washington St., apstalrs. Phone HoodlTM. SAFES. WE repair and rebuild automobiles, gaa engines, printing presses, time locks, ssfsa, open lock outs, do all klnda of machine work. Columbia Oaa Bnrlne A Safe Works. 242 Second at Pbone Paclfls 674. Frank J. Bnpsr. snpt. DIBBOLD Maa ranees ssfee: fire aad barrier arocf work: tell aad prlaoa work: bickoata I repairs. I. a. lis vie, aa TBira ea. SPIRITUALISTS. STANLEY, MEDIUM Locates mines and burled treaaurce; anltea the separated; caaaca beppy marrlagea; glvee meesagea from .departed loved once. 103 Fourth, npstalra. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BHOWCASES ef very desert pttoal sank, ba, snd store flxtnres made to order. The Letke Maanfactorlng Co.. Portlaad. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Contraction Co., etreet paving, ei de ws Iks and crosswalks. 716 Oregonlsn bldg. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Co. of PortlaBd. Of flee 0A6 Worceeter blk. TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. We have them bv the thooeenda: strong, nesltby stock. Onr 1008 Illustrated and priced enta- loans tells ail. fuuiutnu bkbu uu4 rroni and Yamhill ata. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, pianos and furniture move 4. packed ready ror antpptng ana enippea: an wori gnaranteed; Largs, B-etory. brick, Bre-nroof Warrbonse for atorags. Office 128 First at C. M. Oleen. Phone Mala B4T. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor.- Sixth and Oak ata.: bearers checked from hotel or residence direct to deetlnstlon: paaeengera there fore a to Id rush and annoy ance st depots. Private Exchsngs 48. 0. O. PICK, office SS First St.. between Star and Oak ata., phons 604; pianos snd furniture moved snd psrksd for shipping; com mod lone brick ere re house. Front and Clay ata. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. r-nonr Main aw. Heavy hauling aad atoraga. BAST MDR Transfer Co.. A. E. Holeomb, proa. izs Eaat water st I'Bone Beat DS. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. B00H Wssh- ingroa er, rrjona Mala rrtx TELEPHONES. THR only rxclnetve telephone house. B.-R lectnc A Trieptwoe Maaafactarlag som pany, 82 Fifth at. I TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT Comb, brush, eosa. 11 per oiootB. Lawrence niraa.' Towel Bapply 'o., Ninth and 'Conch. ' Phone 410. WELL BORING.' JAMES W ORFEN 20 yeara Experience ta - well-borlnr hnal in ana ennui rortieni; 200 Vaacoavar are. Beet beet of references 2Mr "WIRE GOODS.- RAST POR7T.AND FENCE A WIRE WOR 2SB Beat Morrlsna at Pboae East B21. FINANCIAL. M ORRIS BROS. Ill First It, Portland, Or. Offer CUt-Edge Investments B MnnlclpaJ gad ' naiiroaa Bonas, Yi rue or tail. (AT COk FINANCIAL. POBTLAVD TBVBT COMPAMT OF 01 BOOM. Xhs Oldest Traat Oempaay ta Oregoa. -f REBOUACBS OVER fl.2tW.000. Oeaeral banking. Biehangs aa an parts st tbs world. Bavlnga acconnta. Time sertlS cetva. g to 4 per cent; short call epectal sertlB satea. gS00 sr svsr, I. to 4 per cent Call for bonk of "ILLUSTRATIONS. Bo-ith'aat Corner Third and Oak Bta. Phone Privets Ka change 71. BENJ, I. COHEN. ...V. President H. L. PITTOCK ,'...Tlea-Prealdent B. LIE PAGET Secretary 0. 00LTRA Aaatstaat Secretary MCXOHAVTB' WAT10WAL BAVK, PORTLAND. 0KXO0M. I. FRANK WATSON President R L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. noYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier Drafta and Letters of Credit lasqed AvallabU to All Parts of the world. Culled lone a Specialty. LADD A TUTOR. BANKERS. (XstsUlahsd fa 16BB4 ' Transect a General Baakina Bustneee. Collections made et all polnta on favorable terme. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all polnta la the United States. Sight Eirbsnge snd Telegraphic Transfers eom oa- New Xor. waahlngtoa. mice go, at. I-ouls, Denver. Omaha, San Fraaelsoo and Montana and British Columbia, Elchanee aoM m tonkin S. rls Bsi tin. Frankfort.-Hongkong.-; Tokohama, Manila and SJUOOIUIS. u RTIFD BTATVS WAT70HAL BARK OF FORTLAWD. OREOOB. M0RTBWZBT COR. THIRD AMD OAK ITS. Xraasaste -a Ooneral Banking Aroalaioa. rtRArn-a tnsi-Rn. Avallsbls In All Cltlea of the United ettatea and Europe Hongkong and Manila. COtLECnOKB MASK 0x7 FAVORABLE TERMS. t-realdent.. , t. C. AINSWOPTH Vice-President.... W. B. AVER Cashier R. WT. BTTTMEER Aaslstaat Cashier .....'....A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST BATTOWAL B ARXT ' OF PORTLAND. ORZQOaT. Designated Depisiltnry and Financial Agent ef the Halted States. President A. L. MTTIJI Cashier... J, W. nlWKIRR Asalatant Ca shier W. fl. ALVORD Second Asalatant Cashier B. P. BTEVRN9 Uetters ef Credit hened Avsllsble la asrope sad tbs Eastern States. SishF Excbanss snd Tslesrsohle' Transfers scld on New York, Boston. Chicago, Bt Loots, at real. Omaha. Baa FraBcisca aaa tne principal points la tha Northwest Bight snd time Mils drawa In earns as snir 1 Lsndon. Parts.- Berlin. FTankfort-oa-tbs Meln. Hongkong, Yokohama. Copenhagen. ChrteHenla. Btorkhnlm. -At Petarsberg. Moa- sow;. Enrich, Honolulu. Collections Msds oa Favorable Terma. SECTJXrrY B ATTN 08 A TR7BT COMPART. BOB Morrises Bt. Portlaad. Or. Traasaeta a Oensral Bankirg Bualneea - SAVntOS DEPARTMENT. Inter set Allowed on Tims and Bavlnga Deposits. Acta aa Truatee for Eatateo. Drafts aad Letters of Credit Available la All Parts of tha World, 0. F. ADAMS President Lm A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President R. O. JI'BITK Secretary 0E0. F. RUSSELL, .Aaalataat Secretary JHX COXTTIBEXTAL COMPART, FINANCIAL AGENTS. - BTOCKA, BONDS AND M0RT0A0EA. . 248 Stark Street Phone Mala 1S7B. MORTGAGE LOANS OA Portlaad Beal.Xatats at Lowest Rates. .Titles Insured. Abstraets Furalahad TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST 00. MOlgeaJilnBoBtorlkcond ind GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Formerly 268 Aldar Third. located at Has Moved Ta the large bnlldlna at R. B. ef First aad Morriaoa EntrAncA 16254 rirU StrBt Br. 0. Oss Wa. tha Orsat Ohlaass Dsstsr. la wall know a and famons thronshoat ths 0. S. bscaass bla wonderful aad marveloae cures have beea h. raided broedeaet throeghoat the length and breadth of this country. He tresis aay end all dlsessee with powerful Chinees roots, herbs, buds, berks snd vegetables thsl are entirely anknowa to medical ectenca In this reentry and throngb the nee si these harmless remedies be guars ntees te core catarrh, asthma, rang tronhlea, rheumatism, narvoosneae. -etomaeh, Hver. kidney, female tronhlea and all private d'seeeee. This fa mone doctor cores ' with ont the aid of the' knife, without neing noleons or arose. Hundreds of teetimonlahi oa M at Bis eincee. Call and ace him rharree mederate. O0KB7JLTATI0R TK2.K. Patients sat ef the dty writs for blanks and circular. Incloae 4c atamn. Addreea Ths 0. One Ws Chin see Medicine Co., leBVh 1st Bt, r. Morrises, remand, ur. Please msntsoa thi $1.00fo1r$1.00 Turkish , V Bath raj UhB RiKAt, AO tar n King's Baths BWrentB Aad Waata. tnttom Bta. fiaigt) aavd Urgaat oaAAal SB UVS eAty. JAPANESE GOODS THB B. X0KABA CO. Are better prepared to snpply the pnblle arm thsa ever, with tbelr two magnificent etorea. A fne display ef Chrlatmaa gonos, consisting of Bne Ramhos Farnlture. Jepaneae Cnrle and Porcelain Wares. Tha public la cnrillally to ri ted te Inepect tbla atoaT elegant display at . SM-tM HOBBIBOB STREET. BMevf SlVThsJ .isAs-isrevoOfV -atieaSV I S5e- TONIGHT U-T0ISIQHTI Exposition Rink isun sxatiso. at azrosmoa stnxozse. MS vwuiiim su. Opens Tonight, Monday, Dec. IS BQTxnaBBTT. , Exposition Hall, 100x160 fast, has been laid with a wblta maple hard wood floor. Wall lighted. Good ventilation. Full aseortment of tha world fa mouB Richardson Steel Ball-Bcar1ng 8katas. all new, all sixes, for ladles and gentlemen. eTOsxa Psrsons' . Orchegtrsu-WUlfiirnlBli music for ths skatars. Admission, 10c; Skates, 25c ZXPOBTTIORT BTJXLSrjrO, BTlnateantA and WavrJilaArtOBi Bta. COMIC SKATING EXHIBITION TONIGHT A - barrel of . fun for everybody. Skating every afternoon and evening:' "Afternoon, ladies free. MERRILL'S HALL Seventh and Oak AdmissionlOc Skates, 25c Marquam Grand Theatre Pboae Main 86. T " : T0BT0HT AT 8:11 0'OLOCZ. Every Night Tbla Week Only Metlnae Sat arday, Henry W. Savage of fere GEOBGE ADB AND OI'STAVE LUDER'S X0BZiUr coanrr ofeba,- 1 "THE SHO-GUN" WITH JOHN E. HENSHAW. - Excellent Caet. Bssntlful Caorns, Aug mented Orchestra, j NIOHT PRICES Lower Floor. 21.50. 2100: Balcony. 1.0,-TIW or; Onllery, 00c-c; Hoaea ana Lugea. siu.m.. . ma ti " e Fit m:s 2V-. av-. bjv. TV. 2100 fi ts" " WB lff t aTl" "fW 211 plfUlllllllJls, Betasco Theatre BKXABOO KATZB. BROFB. 14th aad Wash, Bts. B, L. Beckett, Res. Mgr. T0KIQHT AIX wxxz. RBCEIYE0 WITH BOARS OF LATJ0RTER. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME WUliaaa BlUsHs'g Breat Oomedy. PRICES Night, BM to TBe. Mats, 16 to BOe. Next Week"BIue Jeans" Baker Theatre Oregea Theatre 0e4 was. X. Bsksr. Mgr. Yamhill and Third Sta. Phone MaliTalwOT. THIS WXXX T0R10HT. Broadwiiy Oalesty Qlrla Headed by Mildred S toller and Joha Web ber, the Germ a a Comedlana. Twvnty Drettr flrla, two funnr hurleequee. seven star acta i vaudeville olio, the greet hjelroee troupe ex scroosts. Note Wednesday Matinee, Bargain Day, 2Bc lo any aeat. Other Matinee. Saturday IBc. SBe, SSc, fine. Last performance. Kvenlng prices 2Scr BBs. oc. TV, BUT ATTRAOTIOa 'VOLLI OIXLO." Empire Theatre vsMsrsr MIL.TON W. SEAMAN. Manager. PORTLAND'S POPl'LAR PLAYHOUSE. .. TtUIIOHT ALL WXXX. Fred Raymond presents bis fsmone comedy, Mfiir ificcAiTYii rim Poelttvrty the greatest comedy enecese of the season. Regular matinee Satnrday. NIOHT PRICES 15c, 2Sa, SBe, BOe. MATINEE PRICES 10c, Inc. 2B. ' BEXT WZIX "JXRBT FROM KERRY," aUibertTThee.trer,?lS PABTA0IS ' ATTRACTIONS BIST ACTS OKLT. Frank Wlloea. The Four Oeorgee. - Baltimore Quartet tea White. Maude Carter. O'Dell aad Bart Biograph. ' aleoted Orohaatra. ADMIHSION TEN cents to any aeat Per formances deny at x su, i:au aaa a p. ns. Lvrlc Theatre WEEK BTAATDfO MONDAY, DECEMBER 12. .. The Incomparable Lyric Stock . Company prraenta A Southern Heroine A rntnaito it th sarrtith in fttMir acta. ' "I,(k a brvatti nf m-rnolU." ADMIMI0M lOol BX8EETXO SXATfl ttH. STAR Earl WUaea. Yorks A Herbert Trie. Miaa Thelma Deverne. t. Frank Ely. Ealno. W. H. Hartford, "Ths Rea With tha Oeldea Egg." TBEATRX Week of Dee. IB. . Matinees, 10c; evenings. Snorts r a aad baU daa. lue aad BOe. Boa as at a, Boe, GRAND THEATRE - Week ef Dee. 1B.- Faller. Base A Oe. Ithel Whiteside, aad Her rirhasianleo. Fran A Dandy. -u Josses Benness. BWlBSll.. setae. Harold ftoffr "Mevusg Day." Matrneee, lOe; even Ins. Snndsra aad holldaya, I"" and fie. hx Beets. CcAPOLLO - , , cAPOLLO UO CAR SERVICE HALF li DAY Union Avenue Lines Out of Com mission Through Burn Ing of Cable. - EAST5IDE RESIDENTS , - WALK OR MISS CHURCH Temporary . Connection With Oregon City Line Enables Service to Ba Resumed in Afternoon By Tonight Old Schedules Will Be In Effect. Tha ssst aids efflcs of The Journal Is la the a tors of J. M. C. Miller. SOO Beat Murrlsea street Tile pbone Best 27B. - Because of tba burning-, of A cable yesterday tha majority of oast aide residents were "compelled to walk to cburch. For half a day all tha Union avenue lines were oat of eervioe and even today the Ruaaell-8hArer line to Multnomah- an Lower -Alblna, Is- Idla. Tha bl cable that carriea current fop Vancouver, Woodlawn, Alblna, Vernon, and Broadway ' lines burned out At An early hour In tha morning and the break: waa one that could be repaired only with a new cable. Aa soon as It was discovered how ssrloua-tne accident waa ill effort to repair the cable was given up, ana linemen started to rig out a temporary Una from the power cable from Oregon City, making a connection near the Inman-Poulaen mtlL The cur rent was connected up - through tha Orand avenue wires to East Burnslde street and Union avenue trafflo waa re sumed shortly after noon, after a de lay of five hours. " v -The cars crossing tha steel bridge, being those on tha St Johns, Upper Al blna. Irvlngton and Lower Alblna llnea. were not bothered by the break and to a certain extent supplied tne aerviee usually offered . by Union Avenue llnea. Today a force of men has been buoy repairing the break on the Burnslde firldge and an entire new cable has been laid acroea the river. Unleee aomethlng unexpected happena tha usual service 111 .I tkl. I -, , will awuuac. IU1S S(DIIIU VIS SMS SW.OV side lines. Such a general delay in trafflo has not occured for months. Owing to tha number of power cables to the eaat Bide and the opportunity to connect with the Oregon City main lines It is said to be practlcaly Impossible for tha streetcars to be tied up for a consid erable length of time acroea the river. The lnstaJaltion of tha big power plant of tha Oregon Water Power company at Casadero and the bringing of this power to the city will give a further protection that Will make it almost Imnoalhle for serious delays to occur.- -- - - - - -- - NEW TELEPHONE LINES. Avatomatts Company Boom Will Begin ' Stringing Oableo. ' Work for tha Installation of tha auto matic eystem of the Home Telephone ak Telegraph company la well along on the ... -IH- a "C r.l- ft". on Russell street and up Union avenisp to Highland and tha work of atrlngtng the cable will begin aoon. South of Russell street on Union avenue and through the Irvlngton and central eaat aide district the company will lay con duits.. Preparatory work for these malna has been completed and workmen will aoon be In the field. Tha pole line on Russell street and Union avenue Is the beat work of tha. 'kind In the city. None of tba poles la under it feet high and the llnea of tha telephone, streetcar and electric light companlea ara topped by 10 feet tor more, A olngla cable will ba carried, tha largest ao fa strung in tha city. It will carry 1,000 wlrea lnatead of tha 100 wires ao far installed by the tele phone company. Should aucb a cable prove Insufficient for the tipper Union avenue district others will ba added. By making the unit 1.000 . wires the company la prepared to carry t.000 wires on a single pole Una more- eaally than I0B wires have been carried under the system at present In vogue In Portland. MORE LIGHT WANTED. . Johns Xas Two B treat XOghta fot ,. Tkrea aCnaulxad Blocks. If a city haa 2,(00 people, moot of whom object to carrying lanterna by night and tha council of that etty haa sis are lights to place, how can the few llghta ba plaoed to tha entire eattefao tlon of the . community? St Johna Aldermen want to know. Tha two ara llghta of ancient pattern that have dona duty In the town have served their day and by closo figuring tha council haa decided that six llghta more can be af- In.H .H T)i.r. ara In Ik. Inen etwiaie 100 blocks of well built-up territory and every street corner has Its several ad herents. To adjust these claims and to put the few llghta whara tba many can that haa occupied moat of on council, and will probably occupy another or two before It la settled. " . . There la another way out and that la to get tha electric light company to give the area at about coat mo that mnra can ba Installed, but ao far thle solu tion baa not Impressed the corporation officers favorably, though urged by tha councilman. Aa tha company haa no franchise in the city, only a right la- operate, It ta dtattnetly under the con trol of the council and some settlement of tha plan la praoaoie. - EAST SIDE NOTES. At tha annnal 'business session et Alblna lodgs No. 101, A. F. ak A, M.. the following officers were elected and later Installed: W. M.. C. McAlfse; 8. W., p. Vena t rand; J. W., H. Woodhaml treaaurer, J. C. Jameson; secretary, A. J. Handlnn; chaplain, W. D. Ewlng; B. D., O. Wilson: J. W, W. Harre!hou: S. 8., M. DMcDonald; J. ., W. Hanann; tyler, R. J. Williams. W. Wlllard Is building a two-g'rrry realdenca and store In Montavilla at tha Junction nf the Base Line mad and K In set street. The coat nf tha Improve ment la to be about 11.50. The warehouse of Russell A Birth st Eaat Fifth and Pine atresia la being re paired and enlarged, the coat of the Im- nrnvementg born a 2200. The W. H. McMonlee fnclory at tt and 1 Union avenue Is undergoing ex tensive alteratlone, the cost of whirl Will ecec.l tsoo. -One of the beat roaldencea yet erected In the Fast Twentv-clghlh street dis trict la that built tr L. C Henrys sl Oat Tnmhlll and Tsrenty-clMI streets. 1 he hmiee will ror ai.out IK. 000 and Is being built by VeTtfuth Pierce. aref erf i I:k ( I Cn'i Alletl 4k Lsi i' L.,1 1 t