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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO. DECEMBER 17. 1C05. TOWN TOPICS. TODATS AKTJSrifZirTl. lahM, Empire. Bkr . Lyric. . . l.tborty Urana DIM "All th Comforts of Born" ''Tli Mlnuurt Oli-r .,,.,.... If Mlcal Burlenja A BuaUiara Horolno Taudo,llle VaudoTllla .... YanOeolUe ' Th acond ult brought agalnat an inauranac company aa a, result of tha sawmill Are at fit. Johna laat Septem bor was filed yesterday In tha circuit court by tha Merchant' National bank against tha Royal Exchange Assurance. It la alleged that at tha tlma of tha lira A $1,00 policy on certain building and too about tha mUla waa held by A. B R. p. D. and A. D. Douglas. It 1a alleged In tha complaint that at leaat ii.suu worth or tha property covered by tha Insurance waa deatroyed and that ' amount la' demanded. W. T. Mulr la attorney for tha" plaintiff. Tha drat ault of thla sort waa Bled Friday by I'aniet jirecm against , ma uw ana Crown Insurance company for -IT. 600. Tha nolle- In tha Im and Crown com pany alao waa taken out. by. tha Doug lases. . ,. . . . That Dr. Short believe' In laboring nan being; exempt from unnecessary work on flund&v la evidenced bv tha rermon h proposes to preach tonight in tha Taylor Street Methodlat church. Ha preachea thla aermon at tha request of a Sunday worker, and says: "Tha man who compcla unnecessary work 'la a criminal before God and muat and will eome day be punished." Hla announce ment laat Sunday night to preach thla aermon baa created considerable Inter est among laboring man, who find In Dr. Short a true friend. A minstrel company la being organ ized In Portland to play over the north west . district. - The promotera of tha enterprise are Millar and Vallely. two anterorlalna vounar men who have- been with tha Lyrlo theatre for aom time. They will have IS people In tha com. ninv tnnliiftfna. a ttonA jif 14 f la expected that tha enow will go on the road, about the first of February. 1 Deputy Sheriff J.W. Ferguson, chief deputy of tha tax collecting department, aaya that tnla will be the laat week for property owner to pay their 1904 taxea before the sheriffs aale begin. Boms $10,000. la. yet du the county for laat year" taxes. . The aalea will begin Tue. day, December tt. Deputy Sheriff Harvey Moreland re turned yesterday from A two days' visit In Salem. While In tha Capital City he vlalted many prisoners In the penitentiary, many of whom ba had aided In arresting and others bad guarded on their Journey from Portland to the prison. .... ... .1 i Presiding Judge Arthur I .Fraser lata yesterday afternoon Announced that he would be unable to reaume Monday the hearing of tha divorce proceedings brought against Lillian Levre by R. F. TLevr. Part of the eaa waa heard 'Fri day afternoon and then continued until tomorrow. .", - ' '. ., Guy Rathbun. born and bred In Port land, haa been appointed chief of police at Olympla, Waahlngton. Ho. waa edu cated In- the Mount Tabor school.- hav ing for years been a seatmat of Deputy County Clerk Fred. Prasp. Rathbun'a mother a till reaidee at tha Mount Tabor home.. . .. Tou are'mlssing a golden opportunity Loewanateln'a,. 80SV4 Washington street Yu -can get dlamonda, watches.' cut glasa, jewelry, ate. at prices that can- sot . do aupiicatea eisewner. Bale at 10. J and 7 o'clock, fieata for ladles. ' Artlclea of - Incorporation for the Standard Construction company were filed iu the office of County , Clerk Frank 8. .Fields yesterday by Orrln Backus, R T. Ames and L. X Langley. The capital stock of the new company la $20)000, divided into J00 shares. For San Francisco and Los .Angelea The steamer Noma City aalls Tuesdaj evening. San Francisco, cabin. 111; ateerage. $8. Los Angeles, cabin. 121.60; steerage, fit. Meala and berth In. eluded. C H. Thompson, Agent, -121 Third street . Wtll! Well! Well! The Union Mantle company at 184 Yamhill atreet, below Caa company, la cutting again on prices. We ar giving a Welsbach or Lindsay chimney and mantle for tt centa Moo day only. Tel Main 1111. -Unusual opportunity. Ostrich" plu: and tlpa just half price. Immense stock. Complete assortment. Black, whit and all tha lateat color. 78 cent to 120, now half price. Fraley (Becker suc cessor), 214 Third atreet v vr; A tUI I I III II - I IA i )) y SI: A Don'tyouthink it tould be a mighty nice thing to ' give your wife a savings pass- . book, made out in her name and showing ' a balance of $10, $20 or $50, for a Christ mas present? It would then be hers -to save or spend all or part, as. she might desire. Think , this .over . between now and December 25th. ' WE PAY 496WTERE5T OREGON trust V SAVINGS BANK GENERAL BANKING W. H. 'MOORE President W. C MORRIS . - . Cashier been A part of the holdings of tha lata Thomaa Olbbons. Dr. McKay waa the executor of tha estate and it waa In th eettllng of thla property -that Magulr Allegea that th defendant In tha ault became hi debtor. Dr. McKay aald that he had never made any bual ness agreement with Magulr. s Caah or Credlt.-WAtohe. Diamonds. Jewelry and Silverware on easy weekly payments. II down. 0o per week: open evenings.' Metsger Co., Jeweler and Optician. Ill Sixth atreet. A meeting of th Portland Retail Gro cers' association will be held Monday evening, December 18, at the office of tha association. 81 - Russel building. Fourth, and Morrison atreet: ; Th program next Wednesday evening at the Seamen' institute, iu worm Front atreet. la to be In charge of Mlas Elisabeth Hoben and promises to be on of th beat of tha season. Bankrupt Bala Clothing, gent' fur nishing goods, hats, cap, trunk, va lises, boots, shoes, etc. at greatly re duced prices. To be old in 80 day. 233 Flrt atreet. . ;,...,....,..:,,.. J; B. Of ner will leave Monday evening for Waahlngton. District of Columbia, where he haa accepted A position as attorney in th land department. Wanted Experienced , saleswomen, also girl between It and 17 years. Apply at auperlntendent' offlc. Olds, Wortman King. , -,. .. Should A Christian Work on Sunday t Dr. Short will anawer thla . question Sunday evening At Taylor Street Meth odist church., - . J' T Pan-Co-Veato club, . II per month. Keep your clothe cleaned, pressed. 178 West Park. PaclAo 8- Open all night W are still selling those dollar eye s-la saea; a .perfect fit guaranteed. Metsger A Co 111 Sixth street. - Dance! Dane I Dance I Auditorium hall, Monday. December 18. Admission' 25 cant., y Portland' beat dancing school, 308 Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Buckenmeyer. At th evening meeting of th Peo ple's forunTA general discussion will be held on a subject "Shall th Front ttreet Franchise Be Given T" Th meet ing begin at 7:30 o'clock And All Inter ested are welcome. Judge Cleland yesterday beard th testimony offered In the case brought bv James Magulr against Dr. Harry McKay for 1500 alleged to be du a commission for having aided In th aj of certain property that formerly had Aem Oil Co. aells th beat safety coal oil and fin gasolines. Phon East 788. ' Watches from 85 and up At Back's, th jeweler, 107 Morrison street. Dr. J. K. Lock at offlc, usual hour. Dr. Wells, Hobart-Curtla. Main 822. Fin chicken dinner Ive, 181 Third. Th Vegetarian cafe. 106 Sixth, Frits' lamales ar the .best - Half an Hour. Spent' with ui 1 refreshing. A picture Is a laatlng token of esteem and tella th story In It own peculiar way. Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beau tiful. Our plcturea are. both and w hav a splendid display of oils, water oolors, paatela, photograph In endless variety. Visitors welcome. Store open evening until - Christmas. ' Sanborn, VaU Co., 170 First atreet Milwaukle Country Club. ' " Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood And Oregon City cars st First And Alder. - 9 the Gift Season MUHMKHSaTM -. jp' jj - Is fairly on. An early selection of rifts is wise. Don't put off your Christmas buying until the last day. A myriad of suitable things await your choosing here, along with the beautiful wares in gold, silver and rich gems. There are scores of pretty and useful gifts that any one would be glad to receive, yet whose cost is slight'comparatively. . Of course the most desirable gift is a fine Diamond. Our stock is particularly Urge and varied this year. : It has been selected with the greatest care and comprises only the finest clear stones of the highest grade. Let us show them to you. . OUT OP TOWN INQUIRIES INVITED. . JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS. tu . iCll2 lllUlllkXiJllA Ul. 1 liOwest-Priced Jewelry House for Fine' uooas ..-:...)..... -4 Utrrrrzrrmcrr: CM1 BUILD GREAT STEEL SNIPS Plant at St. Johns Abla to Con struct Vessels of Columbia's . Typa Without Difficulty. BIG CONTRACT MAY SOON BE SECURED Hundred Thousand Dollar Job la in Sight Local Yards Can Success fully Compete With All Other Coast Plants, The. east side efflee of Tha Journal Is la tt store J. M. 0. Millar. 800 Kut Morrtsoa strett,7tltpbon kut 878. A completely equipped shipyard has beeir-buUt up by th Portland Steel Shipbuilding company at Bt. Johns. At present a contract la being figured on involving th expenditure if more than 8109,000. ' Few outside those directly In terested In th work of th plant are awar of the existence of A yard of such sis. Portland can build a 800-foot ateel ahlp complete. H.10 per cent less than any yard on the coast Albert Kelly, who Is one of th Incorporator of th company, and In chars of th shops, haa been employed In every big plant on th coast and several In tha east and abroad, hla lateat work being on th Ne braska In th Moran yard at Seattle. -- "W hav more machinery and are better fitted to "do heavy work with our present plant than th Union Steel works ol San Francisco waa when it aeoured and completed a contract for three torpedo boats and If w had to we could duplicate the Columbia or ven build a 100-foot boat" On th frequent uproar made In Seat tle, over accidents At th Columbia bar Mr. Kelly, had something to say: .. "From personal experience I know that not one ship meeta disaster in tha Columbia, or Willamette, or at th bar to 80 that do In th Seattle harbor and through th aound." Of courae there la more shipping there but th risk here 1 much smaller. There 1 not enough trouble for our repair abop. W ex pected . to so th drydock kept busy overhauling -steel ships and steamers but since building our plant we .have had little of this work and are forced to go out for building contracts." One of th largest Jobs .turned out by th new. plant waa th construction if a number of oil tank for th O. R. A N. company, tho tank being placed at vnrlous points on th Umatilla and Eugene division. Work of thla sort. and In fact all kinds of heavy stool con tracting,' haa ' been carried on by the firm because there hav been few ahlpa needing attention and because a certain reputation and: financial backing waa needed to go after a 1100,000 contract and land it, but the preaent plan of th firm are to enter into active competition with Moran brothera and the San Fran cisco yard. The first big ateel boat built In Portland probably will be bent into shape In th St. John establish ment before th clos of another year.- - A GIFT FOR EVERYS0DY -LET NONE BE FOX.TTEiJ -MORE-ABOUT-CURRIER.- )UJ DIBXOT npnt FJsAJfOm. Every Pieo StAmpad. II 80 and up try Brushes, per pair. . .. urunnea Mllltai Cloth Hat Brushes" Honnet Brush Hair Brushes . Ebony-Back Mirror Comb and Brush, in case. Comb, Brush and Mirror, In ess. a oust Articles ........... 1.60 and uo 81.00 and up 81.25 and up 81.88 and up IS.00 and up 13 6 and up 14.60 and up 80c and up . Seal Rings for Ladles and Gentlemen Atom new patterns juat ar rived, both In plaim Bo man. Bos Oold and fancy patterns, set with dlamonda. BngTavlng don free by am expert engrav er, who will do the engraving on thee ring or any article bought here. Ladles' seal rings from 81.80 up. Baby seal rings fr om 7Bo up; for gentlemen, from IJ.60 up. Belt Sets and Pins Sa silver, gold-flUd And gum mtl, set with fancy stones of all kinds; alao a great many -plain or engraved. Prlcea ranging from 11.60 up. Bier are a few other aoveltfee to look oven BBAOcUOiTS, aaTXBT WAIST IBT8, QABTXBaV COMBS, COLLAB VPPOKTEBS, OABTBB PUBAES, BAT rata, SBAIi BIIOlj CABS OASXS, As Above, SS4Q. I f you want s suggestion just watch our windows. Why forget anybody, Vhen. with a little money you can vbuy such beautiful presents? Our popular line of goods, with popular prices, makes It easy to get nice presents. OPERA GLASS Eft Taos ood. Belt. able Kind Genuine X atsir. Pearl-haadl Olaasea, regular 87.80, but we are overstocked, and while they laat only 15.00. O en nine X Kalr Glasses aa low aa I.s0 othera up to 128. Opera Glasa handles 14.00. , Beautlfal Opera Glass Bags silk, leather, en&mola srin - some beauties, from 81.(0 up to 110.00. . -:M . STORE OPEN EVENINGS i People living outside of the city should send for our beautiful illustrated cata logue. Out-of-town orders promptly filled. ' Cca't Overlock Cur Eij Wt'. Z-'.z TOM TSXS Will. tt U fola beat Any al w have ver had, tkewatehe simply muat be sold 800 watohe must be sold At ptioes whlok ax tempting. Ladle1 gold - filled watches . from 89.50 up. Nickel one from $3.28 up. Solid goli. ones from tit up. asntleauua'S good, reliable n 1 c k el watches from $2.50 up. Sliver one aa low a 18.60. 811.50 buya a, 10-year. gold-filled wnteh. with .w- Elslrt or Waltham . AA AbOT movement. 816 to 118 " buy a 17-Jewel Elgin or Waltham In A 80 or 86 year gold-filled case. 818.60 buya an Elgin or ' waltham 17-Jewel movement in beat nickel ease. Bow la your time to buy a good watch cheap., not -old shop-worn styles. Every one fully warranted. Our watohe sell too fast to become old-style. Our price are popular.' ' . - ; Purses and Shopping Bags , Xn alligator, saJ, walra s, aatelope, silver, g-na metal, gold-ftlled, the finest line ever shown In this city 81.50, 82.60, 88.00. $4.00, $8.00, 810.00. t 11.50. $16.00, $25.00 up to $40.00. Bever before ave we ahown auch a beautiful line. Th new 1 old-Ailed one, mounted In fancy stones, are go f to b aU th go. Price rang from $3.00 up. Jewelers Opticians JAEGER BROS 290 Morrison v';' Street'. :;y A Delicate Operation The Tuning of a Piano Requires Great Skill and Experience, BUs Bt. Johns TlotUns Vorat Society sad ban Koch About BUs Beoord. Sine th departure of A. Currier, who after a year'a stay In St. Johna left About two weeks ago, those whom he left behind and who have been so seaf oualy hunting him have discovered much of an Interesting character, which has mad them th more eager to dls cover him and ha alao disclosed the fact that in their search they are by no meana alone. Definite Information from alleged victims st Butts, Eugene. North Taklms and aeveral other northwest towns and cities shows, it 1 said, that for 10 years Currier has been working the same gam, with variation, that he tried in St. John so successfully. On of his Yakima tricks, so It Is claimed. was to plaster a property with liens, sell It to his wife, who lir-ttrrn-purveyed it Aa f re of Incumbrance. ". Th trick of selling four men th asm house and lot. which was his culmlnat Ing act In Bt. Johns, appear to hav been a new scheme. Currier's earliest legal history yet discovered I aald to date back to Butt. where h ran against th flat of th law because of hla having no marrtag license. ' Bine hi departure the list of hi 8L Johns victims has lengthened so that a rather large organisation known as Currier seekers haa been formed, of which Editor McKeon.of th St. John Review is chief officer. Ho- Keon occupying hi position because of having donated $400 to th Currier bank account and having been th first to raise th alarm. EAST SIDE NOTES. E. Vandermeer has purchased for $7,000 a half block on Taooma street between Ivanho and Ilayea atreota In EL Johna. The property haa two cot tage on it. Th entire block waa bought some years sstt by T. A. Smrth, who sold to Mr. Vandermeer for $$00. Th recantlv organised homeatead of Teotnaa at St. Johna win give its first Invitation dance Thursday venlng At meaner nan. St. Johns W. C. T. U. will hold a rally service st th Methodist church Monday afternoon and evening. Mr. Bill of Michigan la announced as presiding of ficer. . - " v... ...... . .. Tho" basket factory owned by C IX Edward nd U. 8. Calkin In Lower Alblna will b removed to Cottar Q rove, ss th town haa donated a alt and Insured a large number of order. Mr. Calkin haa sold hi property in St. Johns and th purchaser haa sold, it again at "in advance of $1.000.. Brooklyn assembly.. United Artisans, held a flag-raising and Initiation Friday venlng. The officer and team of Ore gon No, 1 took charge of th initiatory ceremony. Mrs. Louis Spencer and Mrs. J. Klstler presented A large flag to th assembly. - Th reply to the com mitter wa mad by th master artisan. Being Held Up. ... By, high-priced furniture, stores should be avoided by patronising that large popular-priced east aide furniture house of Calef Bros. . Odd chairs, Morris chairs, easy rocker, library table, la dle desk And hundred of other use ful And beautiful Christmas presents at about on third leas than eold at by other dealers. Tour eredlt Is , good. 8mallpa,ymnt down, balsac monthly. Calef Bros, 384-A-8 East Morrlaon street, just outside of th blch-rens district. Open venlng all week. . What a Sensible Gift. A' nice pair of andirons, fir set brass folding spark guard, gas or - electric table lamp would make. 8e the new line at the M. J. Walsh Ca'a. 848 Wash ington atreet, corner BeventK. Let Eilers Piano House Put Your . Piano in First Class Condition for the Holidays Prices $2.50 or $3.00 Special Rates by the .. Year. ' " . No person unless he be thoroughly competent should be allowed to tun or even attempt to tun or regulate a good piano. .... Many piano-owner are unaware of th great Importance of having their planoa tuned regularly and kept In order by a capable tuner. It 1 of the utmost importance and really Imperative to hav a piano regu larly examined in order to insure dura bility, aweetneas of tone and of action. Beware of , th many "self-stylod" tuners floating about th country, pos ing as skilled and experienced tunera who are, aa A rule, absolutely Incompe tent to tun or regulate ad instrument. We employ only tuner - of mature experience) men whoa work w guaran tee to you to be the beat that can be done, men who know piano construction from top- to bottom and are dependable In every way. we also repair, polish, stor and rent all make of piano. . Phon Eller Piano House, 861 Wash ington street, corner Park street, and your order will receive Immediate at tention. i. . No More Profanity or Trouble MARRIED HIS NIECE NOW ASKS DIVORCE Alleging thSjt he had married hi niece, being Ignorant that this was un lawful, Domlnlck La Orand yesterday filed a suit In th circuit court for divorce. Th La Grand war married at Vancouver, Washington, September $0, 1888. Tho husband declares that his wife has not eonduoted herself In manner becoming a mother. He ask to be awarded th car of their four chil dren, Mary, aged 14 years: John, aged 18 years; .James, aged 10 years, and Adeline, aged 8. virT- - 11. rf -a- W M I Sub. . " V" .11 v mn . - - ' VX II II VS EI 1 1 II If ' ' , . aoowa I :l ' mijMxi III U v- a.. l! 111 u a V 111 USA ! -. ' U Holiday Goods. - Nothing nicer for preaent than beau tlful pictures. The largest collection tn the city of etchings and other plc turea at aruoers - Art store, zilVfc Fourth street, near Balmon. ' O. B. BTerrisk la Oaarg. . C. B. Merrick recently assumed th business management of th enterpris ing little publication, th Retail Gro cer Magaxln. published In Portland. Th November number 1 full of In teresting Information to th trade. cAmerican Restaurant THIRD AND COUCH STSL Open Pay and Night . Sudsy Btaxt Prom ll a. so. to y, m. " " ' SOTTP. . . Chicken with Rice. (Fr with all . orders). SAXAO. Crab Salad, Mayonnal Dressing. .20 rni, - Bteamed Little Neck Clams. Drawn Butter ....20 Viam oouiiioa vim roast ana Coffee ......IB Fried Salmon ISo, Halibut ISo, , camsh iB Pried Rasor Clams ..IBs? . . aonra. Beef Tongue, Brussels Sprouts.... 25 Chicken Pot Pie with Dumplings.'. 25 Pork Tenderloin. Cream Oravy....25 Chicken Giblets Saute on Toast. ..20 Fncasae or veal, ureen feaa. . . .ZOe? Pork Spar Rib with Bauer Kraut. 20 Pickled Lamb' Tongue, Potato Salad ..- 2(14 Spaghetti with Cfcees. Italian.. ..IS Baked Pork and Bean 1B Beef 8 tew with Vegetables IB Half Spring Chicken on Toast..... 40 . . BOASTS. Gooe Btuffed. Baked Applo and CeleiTi ... . . . . ,35 Chicken with Dressing .....28 Pork ISo, Mutton 18c. Bf 16 KOB08 StADB PZBS. English Plum Pudding, Brandy . Sauce Be? Celery lo. Radishes 8c, Oreen . Onion 8a Lettuce . . . . N. . . . . ..10 Coffee, Bread And Butter and Potatoes with H order. snmrw-BOOai fob xAsrz. W msk our own Bread and Pastry. Highest grade, simplest and only practical pen. Touch the button and it doe th rest Sold and Indorsed by 18.000 dealers. Prices 8110 to 115.00. The very thing for XMAS. We carry and repair all other makea. Including the PARKER LUCKT CURVE Including the PARKER LUCKY CURVE. Bargains in Typewriters. Office and Rubber Stamp Goods. COAST AGENCY CO. . - . . S31 STABX ST. ... . Retiring From the Retail Business S8.000 steek of whiskies, brandies, (in. wines, ebaaipafiMS, rums, at a redoetloa from 28 ta 4u per cent. Thla stork ainst be rloatd eat within the aext U das. W shaU after as fol. low: AU ef ear Iwevt Wtaea. rsgalar pri 88.00, at 81.M a galloa- AU f ear Wlasa, regsls prise 81. M, at $1.00 a falloa. AU ef ear 8w Wiaes, resalar srlss 81. 80, at 70 a galles. AU ef ear Dry Wises, ragslar prise 81.80, at 81.00 a ralloa. AU ef ear Dry Win, legale prle SI., at (6 falloa. AU ef ear Dry Wises, legale Brio 878. at 4Ae a galloa. AU ef ear Wklaklev resalar prlee 88 00, at 88.80 a falloa. AU of our Whiakiea, reawlar srlos S4.88, at SATt s falloa. AU ef oar Whukke, resalar frlos 88.00, at 88.40 a salloa. All ef Braadioa. flias aad Eaaas, ronlar srfoe 84 00 s salloa. at $8.T a ralloa. AU of ear BottUd (Ma, rasalar srlss 81.80, at a kettle. AU of ear Bottloa Ooola, resalar sri ' 81.88, at TM a bottle. All of on Bottloa Goods, ngala Brie 810, ot oo- oottlo. r AU etkor foods la pro parties. Lake Erie Wine and Cordial Co. 404 'Washlngto St., botwoo Tenth sad Eleventh, rutiirt sad lease for sal. Telephone UaU TO. WHERE THE FINEST OLIVE OIL IN THE WORLD COMES FROM V a. it n -x "a .(. r.4 : rz:: 'V-s;1 jClTfc.r.aKv r vrvlNf y ton a. t sVsaH , fom lBMlT8' Th Imported Olir Oil knows ss Ttajy Brand eaa bar no superior. .It's ths finest Italy has in her orchards, and Italy's Ollre orchards are th finest In th world. This pur OUr Oil possesses wonderful virtu as a medicine, and It is highly recommend ed by th profession. PRICES ' Oallon, 83.00 Half Gallon, 81.60 Quart, 00 Especially put up for th United State of America. S. A. ARATA & CO., 104 THIRD STREET O. ARATA & CO, 234 FIRST STREET ' BXOXVSXTB OISTBIBXrTOBS. t MAIN 480 MAIN 39ir. VAIV8PIRE Cleans Kid Gloves and Clothing And doe not leave any disagreeable odor or mark-ilk bensln or gasoline. What the VAMPIRE Will Do SPECUL OFFER FOR XMAS WEEK Send us 25 In stamps and w will forward you on 10-cent Vampire post paid to any address and If It fall to glr satisfaction w will gladly refund your money. Address . x . Vampire Cleaner Co. 41 SXXA BT, VOBTUIO. Clean Kid Olove. Slipper and Ten Shoe.' Removes gross, oil, pltoh. tar and fresh paint front clothing, silk, carpets, felt snd straw hats, rugs, etc. Nothing wm Please Better m something h can wear. We have kfor your considers tion an elegant se lection of fine Pa jamas, Bath Robes ;and House " Coats, the finest of Neck wear, Full Dress Requisites, . Gloves and countless other (" articles which sure Ij will please him. He we t t, Bradley ca,Co. a-srssnaaw, 844 Wathlmfion Xtaowt trxAa tron tssAtbs. Miss Edith Kelly Former' ef Oileafo, wltl re!T plane Basils SI studio, IM InroMjalo (rirtooath) St. LI8CHIT1ZAI UITHOD. Pianoforte olro rfndwtlw, ripe fWn. a4 C. n....itl..a. SIM.IIU ef rtiil SIC A W. ( " j. Aita. tu4 Bolouwl strooV I wm tul i- LITTLE CHANGE COMES HANDY When you can get first class merchandise it i reliable store of John Dellar's with about 20 per cent less in price comparison to other stores why not use that lit tle change for Christmas gifts? ' We guarantee the " following articles r Men's and Youths' Suits and Oretv coats, worth $15, $18, $20 and $25 for $7.50, 910, 912.50 and 915; Pants and Hats, $5 and $8 grade, for 91.75, 92.50. 93.00 and 94.00; Shoes and Slip pers for Ladies, Men, Misses and Boys, from 501 to 9100 saved in compari son with other stores' -prices , you save from 25ft to 75ft on Underwear or Over shirts; big selection of Suit Cases, Trunks, Blankets and .Comforters; good variety of Umbrellas at moderate prices. John Dellar RUNNING TWO STORES rifst and Yamhill n J TLIrd and Davis You have tried every thing; else for '.: rri but Tr. L''?y.f$ .."" r. I r..:r C .t r