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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1005. bu I S sa' nr. . . i . : . ... . ...... ,- rr.ri CANAL BILL HOW PAST SENATE Deficiency ' Measure Accepted ' After President Promises Re 1 form in Management. PANAMA PRESS AGENT LOSES HIS POSITION Insurance Grafters Are Grilled by Senator Culbertson for Trafficking - in Political Influence Crans Dis- i, places Millard, N Sw-eil rUitrk by Leasee Wlr to Tk Joornal) Washington, Dec. 16. Not until ths word of the ' president waa ttven that the Fanama eanal cotnmlaslon would be good little boys and not do naughty things, such as the hiring of a presa agent and wasting Its money on high' I! priced, lasy officials, waa th canal de- I Tciency bill passed by the senate today. The assurance -waa given in behalf of the administration by Senator Hale of Maine, who felt so keenly the situation tn the affairs of the canal commission that he made It bis business . to call upon the president . personally to ex press the displeasure of the entire sen ate over the state of things. But even then ths passage of the bill wes not had without another blast 'from the - Demo-, crate that was not answered by -the Re publican. The speech of the day was that of Senator Culberson of Texas, who declared that our conduct of af fair at Panama "waa legally lndefenL bie and morally Infamous. Trees Agent Loses Job. It was thoroughly understood before ' the bill wee put upon final passage that f 4k. n. la.lnn wmi M ..... 1. n afin,. ter upon ' the literary, bureau, give VPreae.AgentT-Bishop a, real secretary's work. If he wished to remain In the commission, and at a salary the aame tn amount as that received by . hla pre deceases'. $5,000 a year. Bishop, of '. course, will not, stay for the money. "W hen these assurances were given, the bill went through without a dissenting vote. - - ' ' , : In the meantime, the cotnmfttee on '- lnter-oceanio canals will , take - up ' the i matters that havs been' so t generally denounced, especially the salary list, . '; and will cut and pare, things to normal proportions. The senate said that - It , would expect the committee to get to work at once, and Senator Hopkins, the " chairman, declared that he was ready - and willing to get to work Immediately after the hojtday. recess.' The bill as passed makes It Impera tive on the secretary of the' treasury to send congress - Itemised schedules ' of ' moneys asked to be appropriated In the future and each Item of estimates will bavejto be explained. . " ,. .,, -AooonBt jof 4q jgoasy..--";' -:-, Borne of the best suggestions in this matter -have come from ths Republican side of ths chamber. Oalllnger of New . Bampahlre suggested the cut la Bishop's salary- Hal had Inserted- Into the bill the feature of the itemlsatlon of all schedules for 'revenue. AUlson assented that both were wise provisions, so It will Ho leva mat in tersjat commerce commissioner not abated. There Is a scheme on now to try to get former Governor Flfer to withdraw his resignation, so that , the political complexion of the commission shall not be mad Democratic by Lane's aooee alpB. Senator Cullora of the interstate commerce committee has asked that the matter, be held -In abeyance until he I able to be about. He wanta to see the president about it. but la still too 111 to do so. It looks very much aa though Lane's name would be scratched by the senate lor purely political reasons. Crane nooeeds Millar. ' Today waa announced a significant change In the committee. It Is the drop ping of Millard of Nebraska and the aubstitutioa of W. Murray . Crane of Macsachusetts. Millard waa considered a rather weak rate revisionist man. He has always been on the fence. Crane la a thorough anti-rat man, believing that the power does not lie in congress to make rates, nor - doea It have . the oower to delegate that power. " . The committee on naval affalra, to which waa committed the duty of lnves 'tigatlng the Annapolis haslng, baa not vet determined wnen mey win oegia. It la announced, however, that nothing will be done until after the holidays. The Democrats ln the senate caucused today and nominated Gorman to take Cockrell'e place In the committee on ap propriations. 'i i ATTACKS MORTON. Tillman Calls for Papers la Seat re Bebate Case. (Rnx-Ul Dfcuatck br teeeed Wire to The Joaml) Washington. D. C. Dec It. Hidden behind a seemingly Innocent little reso lution, asking that the testimony taken In the Santa Fe rebate cas D iaia d f or- the senate. Which resolution waa Introduced by Senator Tillman, lies the story of ths senator'a attempt to ptnory the administration for Us whitewash ing of Paul Morton. Senator Tillman is aeterminea nai the country shall have all the facta In the famous case and hla resolution la th first step toward that and. Before the senate th others day on th ques tion of the usurpation of power by the executive at the White House, tne sen ator declared that It waa quite useless for the congress to pass laws against railroad abuses If the chief exeoutlve of the nation wa going to atep In and save them from prosecution because the culprits happened to be members of the cabinet. He declared that the president bad flagrantly Interposed himself against a prosecution of Morton, that be followed this by whitewashing him and that thua one of the greatest scan dals la ths nation bad been smothered at his behest : ' . It Is Senator. Tillman's purpose to see If it be hpt possible to get Paul Morton before th senate committee on Inter state commerce so that all the viola tions of law which Morton and all of hla agents are accused of having been concerned In may be fully known and that some drastic legislation may be passed seeking, first, to stop th Inter ference of the executive In such cases and, second, to prevent ,s recurrenoe of the alleged crime, t KU'ltUUIlLBIIS lis stood for what the president and Sec retary Taft have done. Taft was openly accused of not being very frank In his definition of what Bishop's duties were. Bhonts was declared to be likewise. Bishop waa commended for Sot lying about things. Senator Culbertson declared that these . were . perilous tlmea for the republic, for It waa established that men high In -., ; the world of finance had been guilty of v crimes that were the highest forme of treason. He referred to the Insurance - scandals of New York. . Insurance Kern Grilled. ' "' . "They have trafficked In political ln- fluence as thexv would the wares upon their shelves. They have Invaded th --civic; stat and national legislative balls and, I am aad to aay. It has been shown . that they have succeeded In securing In their web a member of this side St. reduction of St per cent less than they would have secured a member from the Other aid." Senator, Ston attacked the method that was 'put In vogue in buying th Ward tin ships. H declared that for eign ships could have been bought for less money than American ships, , for the reason that the price had been ad vanced when It waa known that the com mission wss In the American market for ships. They were worth, he said, about half of the 11,100.000 that waa paid for them, for they were sis years old when purchased. Immediately after the passag of the bill, the nam of Frederick A. Buss was sent In by the president for con firmation a postmaster at Chicago, set ting at rest for a time a bitter war thai I lias been waged over that office. right Against Z-aas. ; F." A. Coyne, the present postmaster, shook th dust of the capltol from hla feet the moment the appointment was certain, leaving upon the I o'clock train for home. ' The fight over the appointment of ' Franklin K. Lane of California for In MILLIONS SENT ABROAD AS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to Toe loaraal) Nsw York. Dec If. Bine December t. In 14 days, ther has been eent In money orders to Europe In the sum of t4.m.69l.4. This morning slon th steamship , Philadelphia carried1 $785,- 606.41 In money orders. This represents 0.111 orders. For tk 14 days th grand total of orders was Z8,S7 a list uum si sin re this mora. tng went to Great Britain. Ther were 17,489 money orders for King Edward's realm, representing I191.088.7L Th greater part of this sum went to Ira land, where for mora than half a century th landlords hsv been paid their rents out of the money earned In th United States. To Italy on ths Philadelphia went 111, 1CI. 10 and to Germany 71, 110.84. Russia was remembered with tt0.tS9.0S and ths Swedes sent home for Christmas 174,098. HEARST FIGHTS (Continued from Page One.) ver, ther ar some boxes that could be opened by the direct proof of fraud and furthermore, I believe are could get them opened on quo warranto pro ceedings. right to s rialeh. ."As I stated. I am In thle fight to a finish, and If It takes a year, I ahall be fighting at th end of It. Th fight la not confined to th counting of th ballots, but w ar proceeding against as many as we can reach by criminal action.' ' Already two nen have Jumped their ball of 15.000 each and on of 110,000. W - ha v th assistance of judge Ivinrf, who waa the "Republican candidate, he having volunteered his services -and we also have Governor Black aa our counsel. In this decision which has been rendered, th other side may see the bop that th contest will now stop, but It will not. In fsct. I think that In a few days or weeks, they will realize that It has not stopped by any means. . "I am willing to eonfesa that In a case of this kind I would rather make a good fight for the benefit of the peo ple and for the accomplishment of great and needed reform than hold office. "The longer Tammany protracts the fight the more crooks will go to Jail, th more reforms will be accomplished and eo th better I will be pleased." A NEW YEAR'S NECESSITY Is good teeth, and one that eannot be neglected, aa your health and happiness depends on thorn. - A visit to Wis Bros, will convince you that thetr methods a re not only painless, but thor oughly scientific and . durable. Their crown and bridge work la marvelous. Wise Bros. Dcnlisfs m rAixxsTo, naxs ajtb wabk. Open Evenings an 4 jBundaya Main aoa. I i s eesssBsjBBsrj' JM. ft M faST 1 MUM GIFTS FOR THE MEN When it cornea to things that make nien eon fortable, you'd better aee us. - We showing long line of men's furniture, pieces you arc not likely to find elsewhere. - Pleasing particular men ia a hobby of ours. " If you want to please him, ask us about it. -a moklnsr Sets, Oaxd Table, Hp teaoks, CMlaewte, Xaay Chairs, Shaving BSaada, Bookoas, ntsta macks, Shirt Boxes, P reeslng Oases and Wardxob. ce ? II lltr I II III I 1 1 II II H II XY day. Shoppers For Holi ' ' We'd like you to do your holiday trading with us this year.- We've, made preparations for you to shop in comfort and have on display a very large assortment' of the newest and most at tractive things for the home. Our store is bright ly lighted and decorated for the season. Well keep open every evening now until Christmas. : Day or night, youll find, our store full 'of the holi day spirit. 1 We've plenty of time-to show you round and just as glad to see you whether you -come to look around or to buy. . Here are some suggestions that may appeal to you:, V : . rrtin : MISSION jFURNITlIRE j This popular furniture still holds its own. In fact it has com to stay. You couldn't find a mors useful gift than a piece of Mission stuff. ' We have odd pieces and sets for, all parts of the house. It comes in golden oak, furried oak,, weathered oak and mahogany. . , The upholstered pieces "are covered In Spanish leather, in natural tints, and Nile greens and reds. Tbt prices art amazingly low. a. PIECES FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOySE DRESSING TABLE Pretty Dressing Table, with oval mirror and brass mount ed drawer; comes in polished golden osk, bird's-eye maple , or mahoganised birch. Reg ular price $15.00 Special $11.00 SPECIAL TERMS: $1 Down '50c a Week THREE-PIECE CARVING SET Handsome set of three pieces, , guaranteed tempered steel with real horn handles. In loose-cover box. Reg-, ular price $3.25 , . . ' .', . ' $2lO EXTRA SPECI AL$2lO WEATHERED' OAK ROCKER 'Mission Style Rocker, built of solid . weathered oak and has wide arms and spring seat, covered with best leather ette. Regular price $14.00. Special $8.75 8PECIAL TERMS: $1 Down SOc Week l We'll Make Deliveries Promptly Half the pleasure in giving Christmss tokens lies in the knowledge they'll arrive ' on time. Well attend to that. Well hold your purchases and deliver them any dsy up to the 24th. You Can Rely Upon Us llJ) wig Lrcfi Corner First find Taylor Streets Do It Now! Don't put off your shopping until the last moment. Come while choosing is good. Youll be more spt to find whst you want. You'll avoid the rush, too. We're Always Qlad to See You II II ffj rati m hi of commiTTEE Oregon Senator Gets Claims Chairmanship Four Places Kept for Cearin. PRESIDENT PROMISES HELP FOR COLUMBIA Dr. Coe Shows Roosevelt Journal Map War Department Recom mends Four Hundred Thousand Dollar Appropriation. ... riiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiimHiHiuHiiiii n tloaolulu, ilawaliaa Islanaj I vote for. ,,,,.... .,,..,... ........r..... ; ; " Thla epupoa must be votd en Or Defor December tt, llol.. .aa!KMS!gS:g2mgMmMlBBMMMMMWSlslSlSl 2 (Wsshtafto Bores e( Th tarsal.) Washington. Dee. IS. Senator Fulton has received a list of his committee as signments, which are: Chairman of claims and claoes on Industrial expositions. Irrigation, pub lic: lands, revision of laws, postofflces and post roads and publlo health. Committee place have not been as signed Benator Oearln of Oregon, but th following places have been reserved for him and assignment to them will be mad when he Is sworn Into office: Ag riculture, pensions. District of Colum bia and forestry. Dr. Henry W. Co of Portland called upon President Roosevelt today by ap pointment and urged his help In se curing sn adequate appropriation at this session of congress for continuing ths Improvements on- th Columbia river Jetties. Dr. Co called th attention of th president to th map which appeared In th Issue of Th-"Journal of Decem ber I showing the. extent of territory which would d affected by discontinu ance of Improvements. 1 hows Journal' Map. On this map Dr. Co had sketched out lines of New England and th middle states and Maryland and Virginia, glv Ing ths president a graphlo Idea xt th great area of country Involved. Th president expressed great Interest In Dr. Coe's presentation of th matter and assured him that he would do all that he could consistently to have an ade quate appropriation mad. H said It was a question for congress and on In which he could not Interfere. but he favored continuation of large Improvements In livers and harbors and was willing to hsv hi views mad pub. Ho. He did not, he said, favop appro, prlatlons at this tiro for email streams, and thought that , tnls class of work could wait over -until aom more ap propria te tlm arrive tor providing funds to carry it on. He requested Dr. Co to present to him In vrrltten form a concise stat ment of the conditions of th Columbia river Improvements and the necessity for additional appropriations, - stating that he would (end thla statement when received . toCbatrmnBurton .ofthe fujuse rivers and" heritors oommlttee with th request that It b given favorabls consideration. Dr. Co will prepare a statement at one and send It to th president ss requested. - Oeneral - MacKensI, ehlef of engi neers, has decided to make estimate end recommendation to Chairman Bur ton of th house rivers and harbors era! MacKensI ' was Instructed by the secretary of war to keep his estimate for all river and harbor work to the loweat possible limit compatible with the necessities tn each cas. H esti mates that $400,000 will b sufficient to continue work on Columbia river let- ties and preserve work already done. and will recommend . this amount be provided for tn ths emergency riv ers and harbors1- appropriation Dili. Karnes t effort will be made by Benator Pulton to have this amount Increased whence bill is framed to at least dssihl thr'smount namedT Thlrty-slx land offlc clerks In vari ous western land offices were today no- y Coromlsslonw-'Riohejd that they would each recelv aa Increase of salary of 1100 yearly commencing Jan uary 1. But one Increase goes to Ore gon. H. P. Hlgby, Roseburg, getting a rals rom 11.100 to 11,400 per annum. Benator Pile of Washington get th place on th senate territories commit tee through th opposition of Chairman Beverldg of that committee to having Senator Flint of California mad a member. Flint ' la opposed to making on state of Arlsona and New Mexico, and for thla reason Beverldg declined to have him oa his committee and Pile was flveu a place; Senator Dolllver be been given th vacant place on privileges and elec tions, but is desirous of avoldin pleasant duties It Involves by reason of th Bmoot cas and wanta to be re leased. It I believad, however, that th commltte on committees will pre vail upon film lo retain the plaoe. - ANOTHER LIGHTSHIP MAY SINK AT SEA IN STORM (Special Dispatch by Leased Wlr t Th Jearsal) Newport. R. I., Deo. 1. Lightship No. M, which left New Bedford yesterday morning to tat th place of relief M, theKghtship that sana is miles from Nantucket Bhoals Just after her crew was rescued, has been butting against a hard aea and gal since early today. Lightship 00 went . oat without being overhauled and examined and the pre diction la made tonight that she, too, will go to the bottom. When last heard from tonight th lightship waa W miles off No Man's Land, anchored for th night, and th gal waa blowing - from th northwest. Th seas were so heavy that during th afternoon ah waa able to make only . a knot an hour. Lexington Wheat field: Th rain and now of th past weak make th farm ers smile. Prospects were neverbeHr for a bountiful harvest. . mmvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4 ' : t ' i i I rT-zJOVtir-av.. ' r ,-- mwmmrm. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS We have prepared especially for the holiday trade a stock of fur goods, Including every fad and fancy, that cannot be excelled anywhere in the United States. When you stop to think, what can be more appropriate for the Christmas season than a fur of some ' kind bearing the "Liebes" stamp of excel lence? Just glance at these remarkable specials: . ronr-ta-Kand Ties la Brook ' . Wink. Milk SWhlA. au s.- ' berlaa aqnlrrel. Sm. Brmlne, Pff rfl In i X fill w.eiw IV 7A.vv tacsjtaff in psloe from. 515 to $16.50 $17.50 to $20 Set ooaalstlns; of four-la- hand and throw scarfs with muffs to match la all of th above named furs at prices saa sa tsap as follows........ fuutvv III ?iU Chfldren's $ds 2S8 Morrison Street, Bel. Fonrllr and Filth LEADING FURRIERS STORK OPEN EVEN INGS TILL CHRISTMAS JOHN P. PLAGEMANN, Manager S ' SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE committee, of 1100.000 for eoaUnulas 4) eel.