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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 17, 1905. -1 4 STORE OPEN' EVENINGS UNTIL XUAS Women's Umbrellas An wiprecedented offering of Women's High Grade Umbrella, newest novelties new shipment just received exceeding 'in value the splendid offering; of a week ago. ' 7 Best $5 and $6 Qualities on Bale Tomorrow at . . See Window Display Tt sale of Women's Umbrellas at this price, advertised in The Journal of last Sunday, created a furore in umbrella circles, and the question was-repeatedly asked of us, how and ' why we were able tp sell them at this price. "We were too busy handing them out in. ones, twos and even three to a customer to explain , the whys and wherefores. Suffice it to say, L we are in-a position to etaiJ-hisot-at-from-one to two dollars' less, than our competitors pay for them in lots of one hundred. A broad : statement, but one that you may easily verify by an examination of the umbrellas. P'ent . of umbrella stores in-Prtland;shop around, and get prices. You will require no further convincing of the truth of what we say: WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF AN ADDITIONAL LOT OF SOO these go "on sale tomorrow forenoon, We anticipate a crowd: of eager buyers, so advise early purchasing. .The um brellas are of the finer, more elaborate kinds, " such as we usually sell for Xmas gifts at ' double the price asked.-They are of extra quality silk and linen taffeta, with selvage edge, are piece dyed, and -have Paragon frames of the best crucible steel. The handles are void plate and sterling silver mounted,-and -are ALONE WORTH MORE THAN WE ASK FOR THE ENTIRE UMBRELLA. An endless variety of handles to select from , gold plated, 'sterling silver, pearl and burnt - ivory effects with gold bands and caps, silk t cases and tassels, and EACH UMBRELLA PACKED IN AN INDIVIDUAL BOX, mak ing a handsome gift. Hardly any two handles in the lot alike, so to secure the best and choicest be here early. The entire lot of over 300 on sale tomorrow none reserved. " - SEE THIRD ST. WINDOW DISPLAY. Useful Holidays :SS: Goods Manicure Se t8,, of French . staghnm 1 k . silver aterhnar mountinirs. from , to fi.w Manicure Sets, consisting of Buffet Salve Jar, Cuticle Knife and File; comes in s pretty - box. From...... 75e to 82.50 Toilet Sets Mirror, Hsir Brush, Cloth Brush.' Comb and Hat Brush; in silk-lined case; very handsome. From;. ... .85.O0 to 88.50 Military Brushes Sterling silver mount ings. Set, from... ,...81.50 to 83.75 Holiday Handbags With braided handle, gun- . metal and nickel finish, moire lined, with purse to match. From 81.00 to 87.50 Bags in walrus and grain leathers, made with extra strong clasp, neatly lined -with silk;' worth from $1.25 to $2.00. All on sale Monday and Tuesday at 81.0O Holiday Bibb on We are equipped to satisfy every demand Sot Ribbons, in every width and quality. 8-Inch extra heavy floral, printed warp Ribbon and stripe effects, suitable for opera bags. Per yard,...... 85f 5-Ineh wide Silk Dresden" Ribbon. Spe- :ial, per yard....,..... 35V -Inch wide Silk Taffeta Ribbon, in all :olors. Per yard....... 18 J4-Inch wide Pillow Ribbons. Per yard 25f Children's $1.25 and $1.50 Rubber Boots OOo These Boots have pebble legs snd' are fleece lined, making them thoroughly warm. You can't please a child more, and they cost you 99 700 Pairs men's fancy embroidered and imita tion alligator Slippers; the dollar grade. Monday ... !'. . ? . ,.59 Finer grades Men's Slippers in all leathers at fl.OO, 81.50, $1.75 Ford'a women's high-grade Shoes; their reg ular $3.00 and $3.50 qualities. While they last ...82.12 ien's Shoes sre good for men. The famous $3.50 Churchill can be had for an Xmas present for ', 82.50 Useful Xmas Gifts " .''..-'-.'. Practical and sensible gifts are always appro priate and always appreciated by the house- l wife. Unsurpassed assortment ana unequaied prices -are to be found here. Damask and Huck Towels, hemstitched and fringed. Special values at 25f, 35, 60f, 75 and 98 Tray Cloth A splendid sssorttnent to choose from. Special values at 25 35f , 50f , 60 and ..... T5a Tea and Lunch Cloths Plain, linen and satin damask, hemstitched. Special values st 45f, 60, 75f , 85, 1.00, f 1.25,.f 1.40. fl.75 and up to..'.,; .82.75 Damask Sets, consisting of one cloth and half dozen napkin to match. Special values ' J rrom.t-.-;rrtHivv,....f J'TO up to fis.iw Lace Curtains An unsurpassed assortment m . the latest patterns. apeciai vames ai 81.50, fl.75, fl.90, f 2.25 and' f2.90 The demand for Christmas goods thus far this season indicates an unusually large holiday trade this year. This being the case, the wisdom of buying gifts now is obvious. The last few days before Christmas the store is sure to be crowded, and notwithstanding added facilities for serving shoppers, it will be impossible for people to make selections with as much comfort as now. '.You will find our holiday stocks remark ably complete and especially attractive in novelties that cannot be bought elsewhere. Acceptable gifts ; for both sexes'; and all ages from babyhood to grandparentage, are here in a profusion that leaves noth ing to be desired. Our prices are the very lowest possible to quote. If you have set aside a certain sum for holiday shopping you will find that you can secure more and better gifts here for your expenditures than 1 Y a? J a. 2. 4.1 . 1 2 Y"i.A.1 A Pl.J.iMaa atiAnnmiV PC Z1 V elsewhere. From eyery point ol view Shows itaelf this vear with a moat eomnlete line of Toys and Dolls. a complete line of all sites of the celebrated makes, Randwerck and Kestner, the most world a Handsomely dressed Dolls, to endless special bargains at 19f , 25f , 35, 45f , 98 f 1.25, fl.BO and up to.. endless DC, Monday the Last Day 81.59 FOR 12.00 DOLLS. 25-Inch Kid Body Dolls, msde of best quality kid leather, cork filled, with fine bisque heads and arms, moving eyes, pretty mohair curls and shoes and stockings; splen- ' did values afr regular price.- Monday, the last day...81B9 91.09 FOR $1.50 DOLLS. 1 J 22-Irfch Kid Body Dolls, made of best quality kid, fine bisque heads snd srms, moving eyes, light and dark hair; exceptional values at $l.5U. Monday, at CHristmas Tree Orna '' ments ; IN ENDLESS VARIETY. ; Special tablea will be used for the big display Come early for 'first choice V rt ; ; ' .'. All 5c Ornaments for.....',.... 8 DC All 7c Ornaments for. . . TfZ. AfM0cOraaY!1??n$ for e All 15c Ornaments for... 9f All svc unset tor... ........ Tree Candles All sizes snd colors; regular 10c kind. Special Monday, per box..71-2f i LJ Christmas Handkerchiefs Our greatest holiday sale of Handkerchief a is just now. in full swing representing every possible variety, includ ing every popular pattern. No equal opportunity to econo mise on Handkerchiefs of thoroughly reliable quality waa ever offered. Women's Fine Linen,- Lawn and Pure Linen Hand kerchiefs 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 Women's Dainty Embroidered and Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, 10, 12 1-2, 15, 20, 25, 35, 60f and T6 Women's Fine Lace snd Footing-trimmed Handker chiefs 16, 25, 35 snd 60 Children's Initial. Plain, Hemstitched and Color-border Handkerchiefs 6, 8, 10 and 3 for 25 Women's Fine Linen and Swiss Embroidery Hand chiefs, in scores of dainty patterns. Each 15 Women's Embroidery and Hemstitched Linen Hand kerchiefs, in dainty designs. .Special, each 25 Children's Handkerchiefs, in fancy boxes. Per box.. 15 BE Pretty emu Novel 1 Women's new snd stylish Neckwear, beautiful creations of this season's styles. stocks trimmed with gilt-snd chiffon niching. Special prices, POL. 50c .' 111 r -'S I - cTLSf f .. . - ras-rrr v M V V -r sm I ' -- - " "" " 11 - ., . . frtiw. L- M h m. if iv - : .... . . , V this store is the best place in Portland todo We take pride in saving of fully 20 per cent on these makes here. variety. Extra I Full Jointed Dolls, with natural variety. Extra 69, 80, f 10.00 The best values in the citv at 82.50, SS.OO and up to.... to Buy Kid Body Dolls 4T FOR 75c 18-Inch Kid Body Dolls, same as above; best 75c quality. Monday, the last day, at '- 79 FOR $1.25 DOLLS. 20-Inch Kid Body Dolls, same" as above; regular ?l.5 values. Monday, the last lf r UK 35c 20-Inch Indestructible Dolls, patent, washable face, imi tation stockings and shoes, stationary eyes, dressed in lace and ribbon-trimmed skirt; sold everywhere at 35c Monday, the last day, at..,.,..... 19f the last day, fl.OO Games of All Kinds All : AU lOc All 15c All 20c All 25c All 35c All- 5c Games...... a 7 9 All 10c Games All 15c Games All 20a Games.. ..14 ..19 ..39 ..69 All 25c Games All 50c Games ............... All 75c and 85c Games at. .... CANDLE-HOLDERS. 5c kinds, 2 dozen for 5e All 75c and All Toys at Special ' . DRUMS SPECIAL. 35c, st ..19 50c, st 39 75c, at.......... 59 $1.00, at..... ..4. ...69 Why Not a Pair of Gloves?, Nothing mora useful or appreciated than Gloves, or a Glove Certificate, which can be made for any amount desired and good until redeemed. See these Christmas specials: 2-CLASP KID GLOVES fl.OO. 2- Clasp Kid Gloves, in all the newest colors; sizes 5 to 7yi. Special......... .fl.OO $2.00 KID GLOVES f 1.50. 3- Clasp Eudore Kid Gloves, msde from the finest se lected skins; every pair guaranteed. Special, per pair , , , f 1.60 MOCHA KID GLOVES fl.25. Women's .Mocha Kid Gloves, absolutely guaranteed just like velvet; all sizes in a full line of colors. Special values at fl.25 OUR GLOVE ORDERS. W fans Olova Ordw tnaks a Mfi ObrtBtmas a-tn. If yon ar In donbt about tlia slao, pnroham Qlov Ordor tba roolpUnt gats asaotly tfca artiste vuuL Neckwear for Cliristmas 75c $1.00 Sl;50 STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XXIAS SOET-I 3 yourChristmas shopping. our Doll Section, carrying famous doll makers In the hair and real eyelashes. 81.47, 82.00, 82.25, 810.00 at These Prioes - DOLLS. day, at. 79f UOLLS. .DC Books at Special Prices , ;; Books.. 5 Books............ 9 Books.. .1..13 Books..... 19 Books......?:..... 87 85c Books st. 48 Prices BLACKBOARDS SPECIAL. 25c, at. .......19 50c, at....... ; 35 WOODEN CARTS. ISc, at 9 10c, at....... 8 3C 3U a Chiffon each Jabots, with "JP Xmas Aprons Useful gifts in women's and children's ready- made Aprons, in both fancy and plain service- able styles. A few special prices are mentioned. below: . . Children's Aprons VALUES FROM 85 TO 75 . A pretty assortment of Children's White Sleeveless Aprons, trimmed in innumerable -styles with laces, embroidery, insertions and hemstitching, special prices range from.. ....... .......... ..35 to 76 ..35 to 76 EACH r . . . . Gingham Aprons ' AGES 4 TO 12 YEARS FOR 35. Children's Gingham Aprons, long sleeves snd high neck. They have the turndown collars trimmed in white brsid; sges from 4 to 12 years. Excellent value for.. ..35 These can also be had in the best quality of French Gingham in the' dainty blue and pink checks. . Price 75 , Itlaids Aprons - VALUES FROM 35 TO 85 Do not forget we carry a most excellent as sortment of fancy Tea Aprons; materials are Very sheer lswns snd daintiest of lace and embroidery trimmings. Prices run from........ .85 TO 85 EACH Timely Sale of Elegant Coats Hundreds of stylish and elegantly tailored garments at exceptionally low pricea. . . j OUR SPECIAL EMPIRE KERSEY. COAT, fl2.50 , The greatest value ever retailed at the price. : They come in black, navy, brown and tan. 00-INCH TOURIST COATS AT f9.60 Two Idose Tourist back styles, vehret collar, double-breasted snd of fancy gray mixtures, in same styles; regular $15.00 values. CRAVENETTE RAIN COATS AT f 10.50 Full length Costs for rain or dusty weather; style, material and colors are most desirable; good $15.00 values. - - - j r Bargains in Men's Wear The holiday side of this men's furnishing department is-putting its best foot foremost, and all along the section may be seen the beau tiful holiday merchandise. Every customer can buy any article in this department at a neat saving In price. , FANCV-6U6PEMDERE 75c Fancy Suspenders 50 Men's Fancy Sus penders, one pair in box; splendid assortment of ..handsome patterns -to choose from. 75c value for SO $1.00 Fancy Suspenders 75 Men's Fancy Silk Suspenders, in s large assortment of pat terns, trimmed with fsncy buckle; 1 pair in a pretty colored box. $1.00 value for.. 75 HOLIDAY NECKWEAR. Men's 75c Neckties 50 Men's All-Silk Neck ties, in large shspe English squsres snd wide . four-in-hand styles; a large assortment to - select from; regular 75c value. Special... 60 Men's $1.50 Neckwear fl.OO Men's extra large shape English squares, msde of extra heavy silk in the Istest patterns, both light and dark shades; $1.50 grade. . Special fl.OO SILK MUFFLERS. 'Men's Blsck snd White Brocaded Silk and Satin Mufflers. Special values at 50, 66, f 1, fl.25, f l.SO, fl.OO and f 2.50 Men's extra heavy black Surah silk, reefeir style Mufflers, with hemstitched ends. Special... 75, fl.OO, fl.25 Petticoats and Robes Black Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, msde with deep flounce, trimmed with small ruffles snd tailored straps. $1.65 values for.,. fl.25 Robes of German Flannel, Persian and Japa nese patterns, plain borders, made with 7 full kimona sleeves.. ., 75 Silk Shawls, in cream or black, finished with lace or fringe 98, fl.25, fl.50 Fascinators, in white or colors, lsrge assort ment of styles; vslues up to 85c Special, your choice at 48 Silk Petticoats in a large variety of styles snd all the wanted colors; good dependable taffeta. Priced at...... f 4.60, f5.50, f0.50, f7.50 Furs for Xmas Gifts Every woman will appreciate a nice Fur Scarf. Our stock is most complete with the most de sirable kind, ranging in price from.... fl.25 UP TO fl7.SO Children's Sets st fl.25, fl.OO, f 2.25 snd .................... ................f2.90 Waists for Holiday Gifts Three Special Values for This Week at r f 2.25, f 2.50 and f 2.95 ----- Made of fine quality alpaca, in cream and all the latest colors, tucked fronts with embroid ered pleat or wide pleats stitched, new button trimmed cuffs. Extraordinary value for Monday's' selling .f 2.25, 42.50, f 2.95 Xmas Specials in Dress l 54-Inch Worsteds, Tweeds and Scotch Plaids Values from $1.50 to $2.00 per ysrd. All In one big lot at, special price, per yard. ,.f 1.25 Meltons, Herringbone, Coverts, Tuxedo, . Vi cunas and Venetians 54-inch wide: values JlQjn. $Ju25L6iecial4ricfvpecyat(t9 t NOVELTY DRESS GOODS. Novelty Dress Goods in sll kinds and colon. Specially priced for Xmas week at, per v.rrf "5 r 8 n 7 L. ! V IS 9, J m - .1 .