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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,"-SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER MV 1903. BUTtM OPTTITTOrO QOA1Tt" IAITIM QPTTITTIXI CQbTPAsTT I BAITIM OUTTITCTsTO) COMWAaTT OUTTITTIirO COMTABTT AT OtJTTITTIsTCr COICTAWT IIITtlM OTTTITTTBTO COsCTAsTT gA8TE OPTTITTIjTO COMPAJTT nrr Every piece of marked 15 to 25 High -Grade Furniture in this house per cent lower or Holiday purchasers Make your selections as early as po'sslble while choos ing is good. Goods delivered promptly when promised tbv-tj QQiM-aQ' 'h i I J I I IK Tlf " 11 X yi M-TI .A J APPAREL You may need a new Hat, Suit, Coat or some, furnishings for Christmas. This department ' of fers many neW fancies in Holi day attire for women,, men and children. $1 A WEEK oKi Your Credit is V7 V? as Good as t fag tA. Your Cash. &Y About half the people of Portland arc dealing with us now, and they know the convenience of our credit system. We want the other half to open an account here before the Holidays. No additional charge for credit, and our prices are not a bit higher than elsewhere." Buy what you want, pay a small cash sum and' nothing more until after New Year's. Isn't that fair? p Your Credit is aa Good aa Your Cashr FOH TABLE "A "Woman always ap preciates nica things for the dining table. We offer many beauti ful and 'useful things, such as Silverware, Cut Glass, Dinner Sets and Table Linens. . $1 A WEEK (7) A FUR FOR HER Furs are 'always ap propriate Holiday Gifts,-and at the low prices we are asking for these makes the giving easier. . We Show many charming single pieces and sets. Also a: nice line., bf Fur Coats. . 50 CENTS A WEEK AND UP SUGGESTIORIS Cut Glass Table Silver Dinner Sets Table' Cdvers Glassware. Jardinieres -Water Sets Wine Sets 1 Steins ' Smoking Sets . Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Military Brushes ' Collar and r -Cuff Boxes Watches : Chains , 1 ,v- C Charms .. Fobs - ' Rings , v4 Link Buttons. Dining Tables CT50cOR$1.00AWEEK . : : i TOILET & MANICURE SETS In a great variety, of strictly high-grade . goods. They make very suitable gifts for either ladies or gentlemen. II you are undecided what to give, ask our salespeople. 'SUGGESTIONS Dining Chairs Sideboards Buffets Writing Desks Book Cases Library Tables .Music Cabinets Morris Chairs , Parlor Chairs Rockers Mirrors - Fur Sets M Fancy Neckwear Fancy Waists Fur Coats Opera Coats '- .' Ladies' Hats - Men's Hats , .-. Men's Clothing Smoking jackets Umbrellas CCT50C OR $1.00 A WEEK A KORRIS CIIAIR FOR THE MAN A man always thanks the day" that brought him ' a Morris.. Chair. Give one from our exten sive lot He will appreciate the comforto -. ., All the Good ones are. here. Prices from $9.50 to $22.00. 50 CENTS A WEEK fi A tN) r.i U LU J i nrTnnnTirTP' P0 THE STORE WHERE TOUR CREDIT IS AS GOOD AS Y0UR CASH WASIMfETORl Mi TOT COUNCIL MEETS AT " OREGON CITY Last Session of Year Held and ' Many Matters Passed on ' . at Sitting. HOv J'JCULTURISTS TO HOLD MANY MEETINGS Funeral of Grant Colfax Bacon to Be m. Held Under Auspicea of Woodmen of World Mrs. Hannah .' Hanaee Interred at Mountain View. . (Special Dtepatcb te Tbe Jserssl.t Oregon City. . Deo. It. Tbe Oregon City council held a special meeting laat night at the council chambers at S:30 p. m. The petition of Frank Busch for the opening of. Eleventh and Moaa atraeta waa paaaad. W. E. Wllaon waa ranted a aaloon license. The Southern Pscino waa riven 0 days? extension in which to complete Its work on Rail road avenue. I H. George's saloon' license was - transferred to Justin Melndl. who recently . purohased the place. Wallace Cole's saloon license was transferred to Oriessens aV Cassens. City Attorney P. T. Griffith presented tor payment a bill for, 1200 for fees in defending the Injunction suits brought against three members of the counclL It was referred to the next meeting of the council. , A' motion by Knapp to have a new stove put in the city jail was referred to the 0 nance committee. A resolution offered by the Oregon City Suburban Railroad company for an extension or its franchise was with drawn after a discussion. - This, meeting is the last-of the year and four of the present members will go out cultural society waa held yesterday In the. county courtroom.- County Fro it Inspector J. H. Reld was present and conferred with the members of the so ciety relative to 'the arrangement of a program for a aeries of meetings to be held at . various places throughout Clackamas county. The primary object of this new society Is to encourage the growing of fruits and to facilitate the marketing of products. ranersl of draat C. ("pedal Dlapeteb to The Joarual. Oregon City, Deo. II. The funeral of the late Grant Colfax Bacon, who died yesterday of pneumonia, will be held at his home at 1:10 p. tn. today and from there the body will be taken to the Woodmen's halL where It will be taken charge of for burial under the auspices of the United Artisans In which he was an active member. The Oregon City aerie of Eaa-les No. 991 Is requested to meet at its hall at 1 p. m. to attend the funeral. - Tlie funeral of tneiato Mrs. Hanna Hansee took place from the home of Mrs. B. M. ' Doollttle, Seventh and Adams streets, yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The interment was In Mountain View oemetery.- . VANCOUVER PLANT MAY BE SOLO Electric Lighting System May Pass Into Other Hands Deal Now On. , . Xas Aakle Brokea, rgoecUl Wroetca ta The loerael.t Oregon City, Pec It. J. O. Weston, an employe at the Willamette Pulp Paper company, while wheeling a truck yesterday suddenly slipped aiid the truck xelP cm bia foot, breaking bis ankle. ,'.. H0QUIAM MAN PALLS . AND IS BADLY HURT ' ("pertal Dtapateb t The Joemel.) Hoquiam. Wash4 Deo. lt.O. C Fen lason, president of the National Lumber aV Box company while going down stairs at the mill about neon' today, fell part way down, broke his collar bone and dislocated his shoulder. Re was at once taken to the hospital for treatment ' The mill will be started Monday. XoTttonttorai Bovltr Meets. (Special Diepatra te Toe Jooraal.) Oregon City, Dec. l.-An adjourned meeting of the Clackamas County Hortl- American Inn Plumbing. We beg to advise those Interested that we still have a lot of the latest pattern low-down tank water-closets, enamel basins, with nickel-plated fit. tings complete, slop sinks, 1 Inch woven rubber fire hose, and a large quantity of pipe of all sixes for sale. Call at our office, z2-z2S Front street Herman Metsger. 4 fi We Manufacture ifGRAPnOPnONES t AM) RECORDS CoM Moulded y Under Byacoria- t ISOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS w THIRTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF GRAPHO ' PHONES. NINETY THOUSAND RECORDS ..-.v OtR CHRISTMAS OFFERING 10 EVG0 RECORDS .60 Cents Will .bpen , Evenings During Xmas Week. ' Columbia Phonograph Co. 1 J7I WASBICT0?l STREET WEST OF STAR THEATRE construction. Many organs were' thor oughly examined and tested, but after considering every one In the minutest detail It was the unanimous declsloi) of the committee that the world-renowned Kimball organ embodied the best prin ciples and In tonal quality far sur passed all others. , The results obtained in these Instru ments are Impossible under any other known principle than what ta technical ly known aa the Kimball Duplex Pneu matic system.' By this method the. ac tion la operated by two pressures of wind, one heavier than .the other, the heavier pressure closing the valves and the pipe or lighter pressure opening them. This la a . positive agency. . So long aa the wind Is in the Instrument It is bound to operatei -The- repetition Is marvalously quick and the touch lighter even than a high class piano. The various pipes or voices are as sembled In the best known proportions and each ttnn " trmatmji - ni. r uU-ThmsKl n. I nil Its office to the best advantage. w ee & VS ITUM SB I . . , ... " I Tn mt Inarenna V ea at wn 11 anna I misillr SIGHS OF STRIFE AMONG II MB Mitchell Said to Be Greatly Dis appointed Over the Turn Af- , fairs Have Taken. NEGOTIATIONS FOR HOTEL FALL THROUGH Many Improvements Were to Have Been Made to Handsome Struc ture Washington - Street" Bad. (Special DUpetea ta The jMtratl.l Vancouver, Wash., Pec. 1. A deal to buy the Vancouver Electric 'Light company's plant ll in progress. It waa admitted today by aa ofneial of the company that out aide capitalists are looking at the plant Beyond this no statement could be obtained. During ine past two years many improvements have been made by the present owners of the plant When the city sold the plant the Vancouver Electrlo Light & Power company waa Incorporated to purchase It ..The principal stockholder la A. O. Chumssero. . Practically all the remaining atock Is owned by J. R. Harvey, who manages the operation of too piant. ITegotlatlona Van. ' After a week'a negotiations the. deal for the purchase of the Hotel Columbia property by Leopold Schmidt of Olynv pla yesterday fell through. It Is un derstood Schmidt will make no further efforts to purchase the property. It seems that certain conditions of the sale were not satisfactory to both buyer and seller. There waa no difference over the price to be paid. Architects In the employ of Schmidt spent two days look ing over ine building . to see what changes and Improvements would be necessary to put the building In ftrst- class condition. Had the property passed Into the hands of Schmidt at least 110,000 would have been spent in making numerous repairs and altera tions, . - The- Hotel Columbia. Is Vancouver's largest and handsomest structure.. It was built in the boom times of 1880 by a M L. M. and A. W. Hidden. The building.., Including the furnlsMrigaj which were the best obtainable at 4he time, coat-flOO.OOO. It Is a brick struc ture covering 100 feet' square, and is four stories' hlglu- lt was recently s4ld to L. M Hidden, one of the original owners, for 140,000. .. Bad Streets,. - Every day there is .heard on the. streets of this city expressions of dis gust over the disgraceful condition of Washington street from the ferry land-: Ing as far north as Sixth street At First and Second streets it is necessary i for pedestrians to wads through - mud ankle deep where there should be cross walks. "One of the worst features of the deplorable condition of lower Waah- ngton strent," said a local buisness man yesterday, "Is that out of every 100 persons to visit the city st least 15 are compelled to traverse Washing ton street." Another Fine Pipe Organ. A. contract has been awarded recently by the organ committee of the hand some United Presbyterian church of Albany, Oregon, to Ellers Piano Honae, Portland, for a new pipe organ.- The organ selected Is the famous Kimball duplex tubular pneumatic type, of large size with -two manuals and pedal: the caeedeslgn being almosf identical with the msgnlflcent Kimball organ recently Installed In the M. E. church at Everett, Washington,' by Ellers Piano Houae. The oommlttee having the selection of the new orgait ln charge waa com posed or C Il. ' Stewart, J. C. Irvine, George A. Achesoru C. B. Hox, J. - W. Bartoo and P. A. Toung, who are all mora r leas versed la organs aad ! their in ethese Instruments been sacrificed In order to ' gain loud effects which In variably prove brassy. Power there Is in plenty lrt the stops intended to be powerful, but the primary object a musical tone, predominates throughout all Kimball pipe organs. - The specifications for this new organ have gone forward to the Kimball fac tory, Chicago, and It will be completely installed In the united Presbyterian church at Albany about February 1. It la a significant fact that In com paratively a few years those new, fa mous organs have been purchased by the most prominent churches of .the Pacific coast and all have been Installed by Ellers Piano House, the largest piano and organ dealers in the west Notably among these are Trinity's fine new or gan, acknowledged the greatest 'and most beautiful in the Paclflo northwest, and the organs In Trinity church, Bt Mark's church. First Baptist church, 8t Paul's mission, Seattle. Wash.; Bt Law rence' church, Cumberland Presbyterian church, Portland, Or.; First Methodist church, Moscow, Idaho; First Congre gational churcn, Whatcom, Wash.; Hum phrey Memorial church, Eugene, Or. Bt Michael's cathedral, Boise, Idaho; First CongregaftlonaT church. Belllng ham. Wash.; First Lutheran, Grace Episcopal,-Astoria, Or.; First Methodist Salem, Or.; United Presbyterian, Al bany, Or.; United Presbyterian, Everett Wssh. United Presbyterlsn, Butte, Mon- Wash.; United Preabyterlan, Butte, Montana: Church of Notre ; Dame, San Franclaoo, Cel.: First Congrega tional, Oakland, Cal.; Memorial Baptist, Los Angeles, -CaL; First Congregational, North Berkeley, CaL; the Synagogue, Stockton. Cel., and Danlah Lutheran, San Francisco, Cal. LEW1ST0N COMPANY TO DEVELOP C0ALT FIELDS (Special Dlepateh to The Joornel.) Lewlston. Ida.. Dec It. The Grand Rondo Coal company, Ltd., was Incor porated in this city today with a capital stock of t2.000.000, having as Its object the development of the Grand Ronde coal fields in Asotin-county. The com- cany, has acquired title to 1,100 acrea of land covering coal deposits along the river and will proceed at once to installJ machinery and sink shafts on the prop erty. - - The coal beds were discovered sev eral years ago and have a high grade product. The coal is hard and free from clinkers, and has found favor with the natives of the vicinity. Ultimately it is thought that an electric railroad will tap the deposits. Rome of the wealthiest men In northern Idaho are members of the corporation and their finances will Insure a solution of the transportation problem, FORGOTTEN PRISONER'S CASE TO BE ACTED UPON fftpeetal Plepetebte-Tlie joereal.) Walla Walla, Wash., Deo. !. Official notice has been served on Oscar Brad Shaw, who murdered Peter Nelson Jn a boxcar at Pasco three year ago, that a motion to dismiss his appeal would be taaea up to ine supreme eout Decem ber 2. BradRhaw has been confined In the Walla Walla Jail three years for safs keeping, and getting nervous over his probable fate,' remarked to a cell mate tnat 71a expected he would be the next one to be taken to the penitentiary and banged. .!.,....-;..;..'. ., ..... . J ulia Marlowe FOR WOMEN EIGHT-HOUR DAY AND " . RECOGNITION DEMANDED Anthracite Men Object to All Ques tions Being Left in Hands of Com- ; mittee to Decide at 'Wanted bj President and Officers. (Special Dlmtch br Leased Wire te The Jooraell Shamokln. Dee.. IS. Before leavln for the miners convention hall this morning President Mitchell . said that the final session would likely occur to day; If the Important business had been transacted by the delegates. The special committee today appointed to wait on the operatora will organise as soon aa tha convention adjourns to- hold a short session. It is believed that tha major ity of the demands have already been decided upon by the leading members of the committee, .Including Mitchell. When the miners' convention went Into executive session this morning lively fight was started by a number of delegates objecting to some Import ant resolutions yesterday being referred to the special committee without their solution being known to all tha - dele gates. Mitchell told them that If they desired It the resolutions would be read this morning. Some of the objecting delegates said they wanted to . go on record aa having the committee In sisting to tha last for an eight-hour day and recognition pf the union. , ' Mitchell la said to be greatly disap pointed over the dissension that la de veloping. There Is a possibility that the resolution constituting the special committee will be upaet President Mitchell left the convention hall at 10:30 o'clock to allow the del egates to discuss alone- measurea relet. Ing to granting powers to tha apeclal committee, of which be la the head. He said emphatically that tha commltte would stand' and that by a unanimous yote. the. committee had deetdad otr-ths measure. Before adjournment the Pan ther Creek delegates offered a resolu tion asking that the miners members of the consolidating committee bs with drawn from that body because they did not succeed in having miners rein stated to places from which they had been discharged by the Lehigh VaTfe? , uoai at Man gation company during the last big strike three years ago. . The resolution was voted down, the matter being referred to the special committee. OR a a Flmtstone Shoe FOR MEN v.- $3.50 am $4.00 . New store and complete new stock of . the latest designs' .In Footwear direct from ine maker to the wearer EVERY PAIR MADE TO WEAR R eeves . ,. 1 - SnoeCo FARMER NEAR HEPPNER- INJURED IN RUNAWAY Arlington, Or- Deo. It. C. Shane waa Injured by a runaway - team that wreoked his buggy and threw- him on the rocks on the Heppner roed five miles south of here at T o'clock Frldsy' even ing. He wandered about until I a. m. today, reaching Aaher Montague's place In an exhauated condition. The doctor now attending him reports aevere con tusions of ths head and face, and says Shans Is Injured internally. He is rest ing easy, but his Injuries may be seri ous. He Is a prominent rancher of the Eight-mile district . " Alameda Sails December 23. This favorite ateamer will make her next trip to Honolulu, Saturday, Decem ber 1t end -the-Tata for the round trip la only tltt. The Alameda la In splendid shape better than for years. Embrace this opportunity to make7 a 'midwinter trip ta a summer land.- Bend for drew lar, Oceania Steamship C. IS .Market 130 SIXTH ! NEAR ALDER LCD .- -1 ,a6T;,Thircl:-Street PORTLAND ,0 R EGO N I f, ., EL A'fSIN G ; M gr; PhinevW(a i nv4 X i.U I,' X X