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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 17, 1805. DETECTIVES MM J;F. TAYLOR Head; of Mysterious Produce Company at Seattle Beats ' v ' Victims Out of Money. OREGON FLOUR MILL '.'; r- amongthe:number Farmers and Millers Who Were Vic timised Band Together, and Make X Every Effort to Locate Alleged ; Perpetrator of Swindle, 1 (ftpeelal Dtapatch to Th Joarnal.1 ' ' Seattle. Dec IS. Detactivee In the employ of Idaho and Oregon flour mil men and a Washington farmer arc look ins for J. F. Taylor, aald to ba tha bead of tha mysterloue Tarlor Produoa A 'Warehouse company with head offlcea at Victoria, Brltlah Columbia. Taylor aeeured $1,700 in Seattle. Taylor has dlaappMred from Seattle and hla Vlo- . torla offlcea are vacant N. II. Wlnans of the firm of N. It Wlnana Co., deal era in real estate, in ' the New York block. In whose office Taylor bad a desk, la responsible for the .story of how Taylor's swindles were worked. . Taylor bought a carload of hay from a farmer at Chehalls, had it sent to Se attle and sold It. From B. 8. Carman - of Cul . da - Sac,- Idaho. a miller, ha purchased a. carload of flour and another carload of flour from a mill at Wasco, Or. All of this flour was sold in Seattle. The farmers and millers according to Wlnana sent drafts to Taylor through the local banka. Taylor accepted them and - promised to pay them in 10 days. He- kept $1,100 on deposit Jn a Vlo torla bank to which bo referred his vic tim. December 10 the drafts became due and tha local banks called on Taylor ot pay them, but ha disappeared. - - - The day he left for Victoria ba told Wlnana to telegraph him if anything lmportantViappened. Wlnana accordingly wired him about tha drafts, but Taylor QOBIQ ' IIUI VW . telegram came back to Wlnana ami he had to pay too cnargus on u a i,w days afterward 8- S. Carman tha Idaho ... a Seattle to investla-a te. He could t fn a trace of Taylor, and : . . . . I 1TI t.l. k.Ht, that arneO I rUII! ii;wm vmum hrf Mia out' all tha money he . j.nn.11 anil that the cotntanva .prfloes in vwiona oa uwn vtusvu. one la Seattle i. knows xayior , escvpi .... li. HwAil frtr . UmA at tha' vv innoa. . - - Rainier Grand hotel and at the Butler. Ha passed as a man or weaiin. mm vio- . ... k.nHii tnMttu. and detectives to locate and apprehend him. TO RACE FROM CHICAGO TO NEW YORK ON FOOT iSp:Un5l.patefitfTeaee4Wlri toTbe Journal) York. Dec. 16. To run from Chicago to New Tork Is tha latest project of Albert I Corey of .the Chi cago Athletic association, who recently failed to break tha record between Mil waukee and Chicago.- Corey la enthu alastla oirer the 1.000-mile run. and-la positive ta&t he ean cover the distance v. wmWa Ancordlntf tf his present plane Corey will etart about Jqno I, wnen rue ruaue mrm m . i .... .,. ,h.p -1a nnl too wamfl?" DUVt M W M.w " Backers of ths French distance; man hnve no douDt as to ma sonny w cuvci ..... .11.1.-.. I. Um than a. fnrtntflrQt 1111 .,! -" ' In order to do this he wlU have to over an average. 01 a wue mora man iv miles a day COLEMAN FOR REGISTER OF YAKIMA LAND OFFICE I gperlal rrtopateh by Leased Wire to The loornal) Washington. Deo. U. Postmasters nominated today were: Artsona, Hugh Watson at Clifton: California, B. Hog- ley at Alturaa, worman aincroii i Hollywood. J. C. Ferguaon at Clovla, Oeorga Humphreys at Dunsmuir; Mon tana, Pr M. Worthlngton at Townaend. To ba register ofethe land office at North Taklma.-Washington, SB. Y. Cole man. '. " ALL ASTORIA IS III MOURNING ii Hundreds . Will Join In Paying , Xast Tribute to Late Mayor -Surprenant. TO BE LAID AT REST IN OCEANVIEW CEMETERY Late Executive Devoted Practically All Ilia Time to' Good of Munic- - ipality, Eyen Slightest Details Re - ceiving Hi Careful Attention. " V-amwilA an Wad nunatch hr Ltaaed Wire te The Joaraal) Vlllefranche, Deo. 1$. There la a deep Intereat In tha announcement from Brussels that King Leopold of Belgium Is planning to - marry tha Barornae Vaughan. widow of a prominent offi cial in tha Congo region. Oregon farmers can laugh at winter weather. They're ait raw tor ii. CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS - ft-r z Sy X3V TdId. phone Main -(5499 We Carry Wines and Liquors By the barrel, bottle or case and of course have all brands. Z P . t . -J Pt A.-A m riiHfrfnrf in penpie accounis ior tne qinercnce in taste. Our wines and liquors find no favor with those who cannot appreciate goods of fine quality. "Each brand has been se lected because- of strength, purity, richness and fine flavor. Look at our windows and prices, ; . ' ; (Special Dispatch t The JqnrnaL) Astoria. Or.. Dec. !. Tomorrow aft ernoon the body of the lata Mayor Sur prenant will- be laid at rest In Ocean view cemetery. Catnolto services will ba conducted and at I o'clock a special train-will leave tha city for tha cem etery. It la expected that hundreds will attend the funeral and join In paying tha laat tribute to tha mayor. The passing of Mayor Surprenant has filled tha people of the city. with grief- He waa the beat friend tha city ever had and serving almost without com pensation for Astoria's mayor and councilman are paid only 100 a year Mavor ' Sumrenant devotea pracucauy all of his time to tha municipality, even tha alla-hteat details receiving; his atten tion. He waa enthuslastlo In behalf of every proposal calculated to advance tha city's Interests and tna ivue rsn wniiiA naver nava neen nam uui i him a faw before ha died he told to a friend his plane for a mag nificent carnival In' 150i. Mayor Surprenant waa tha only mayor of Astoria who was thrlca elected. He first became mayor In 1801, when he de feated Isaao Bergman. In 1901 he was .l.t haina- tha nominee of both parties. Early In his second term he refused to do tha bidding of the local bosses and broke with them, thereafter i.nirvina- himself with the Democrats. In the primary election laet month the Republicans had no candidate on their ticket, every man named by them de clining, and the voters nominated Mayor Surprenant by writing his name on the ballots ho Democratic convention nominated him and he had no opposition at the polls. He waa elected Wednesday and died Friday morning. r- 'Astoria's ex-mayors will ba tha honor ary pall-bearers. They are: ur. Aiirea Kinney. John Hahn. Frank J. Taylor, taaan Rtrrmis. Samual Elmor and Charles H. Page. ' Monday night tha council will elect Mayor Surprenanfs successor. -ine onunctl la Democratlo and a Democrat will be chosen. The men mentioned for tha place are Dr. H. L. Henderson, Her man Wise and O. I. Peterson. Mr. Peter son la now a member of tha council, havlnr haan chosen by that body to succeed J. V. Burns, who moved from the second ward and waa compelled to reala-n. Mr. Wise will probably be named, although Mr. Peterson and Dr. Henderson are very popular. STEAMSHIP DAKOTA WILL HAVE NO CHRISTMAS TH.patffc tn Tha Inn nnl 1 TO INVESTIGATE MYSTERY OF.IEUH'S DEATH Friends Suspect . Foul : Play In Case of Young Woman Who Died on Wedding Eve. (Special Dtapatch by Leased Wire te The Journal) xxew xora. dm 10. airs. jriorence Bailou Poole died two weeka ago In her home, 870 Weat End avenue. - Scores ot her friends have been urging her fam ily to make a rigid 4nveetlgatlon. r Mrs. Poole died on tha ave ' of her marriage to Dr. Robert A. Qunna, a physician. He Is an. -old man, nearly twloe Mrs. Poole's age. No one eould understand why ahe had promised to wod him and even to- the members of her own family ahe gave no explanation. She was In her prima, weaitny ana s social favorite. 1 Qunna, old and abao lutely unknown to tha circles In whlds aha moved. In Mra. Poole's fatal Illness JJr. uunne I was her' aole physician up to within ai' few hours of the ana. or. uunne eignea the death certificate because the pnyai clan called Into the case at the laat moment refused to sign It because tha family declined to permit him to lay all the facts before the coroner. When Mrs. Peole'a wui. axecuiea e few months ago. was read. Dr. uunne appeared as a beneficiary in, the sum of 110,000. The next aoveiopraarti in iui mysterious case was the audden disap pearance of old Dr. Qunna on tha day of 'the funeral. Now Dr. Qunna haa reappeared at his offloe and states that he has relinquished nis ciaim to ins 410,000 legacy. . CHARGED W1TIT SENDING ANONYMOUS LETTERS aattwaaBBaa-xeMamwaavaaa-aBBaiaw Inspector Ellis of Seattle Immi- gration Office Accused by Secret Service. - CLARET, pure and rich, a gallon...... ( ZINFANDEL, choice, a gallon............. 1 MEDOC, fine and mellow, a gallon. BURGUNDY, very old, a gallon. . :. RIESLING, fine quality, a gallon 8-YEAR-OLD p'URE PORT, a gallon...:. 10-YEAR-OLD PURE PORT, a gallon..... , 18-YEAR-OLD ELEGANT PORT, a gallon V 8-YEAR-OLD SHERRY, a gallon ......... 10-YEAR-OLD SHERRY, a gallon..' 15-YEAR-OLD SHERRY, a gallon ......... v . . . ...... 50a ..,..75e .... ?1.25 ....$1.50 ....91.00 ...,91.00 ,...91.50 ....94.00 ....91.00 ....91.50 ....93.00 Malaga Madeira. Angelica, Tokay, Muscatel, Catawba, all fine and rich, 91.50 a gallon. . And all the best brands' of Whiskies, Brandies, Gin, Imported . Wines, in bulk or : bottle, at the very lowest prices. Phone us your order and we'll deliver it free of charge. National Wine Co. THE QUALITY STORE ' FIFTH AND STARK ' PHONE MAIN 6499 Seattle, Wash.. Deo. 1. Although tha steamship Dakota carried with Jt when It left Seattle at I o'clock yes terday for the orient a Christmaa tree and several boxes of trinkets, the II passengers and 107 members of tha crew will hav no Christmaa. On Christmaa eve the huge steamship will cross ths one hundred and eightieth meridian, and whan tha passengers awake the next morning it will be De cember 18. ' However, tha day will be celebrated on Christmas eve. MINERS TO INVESTIGATE SEATTLE ASSAY OFFICE (pecll Dlpatrh to The Journal.) Seattle, Wash.. Dec 1. Judge Wlpk ersham of Alaska haa been delegnted by tha minora of the Tanana district to make an Investigation of ths local assay office to sea whether It will be safe for them to -send their gold here In the future.- Wlckersham will reach SeatMe Monday on his return from the national capital and will at once carry out his Inquiry. He will then "mush" it Fairbanks over the Ice and report to the minora. PREFERRED DEATH TO LABOR IN BAKE SHOP (Special niapatek to The Join-sal.) Spokane, Waah., Dec It. Herman Benken, a private In company Q at Fort Wright, committed suicide yesterday by drinking carbolic add. The reason given for the suicide waa that colonel Bolton, the commanding officer, refused to re lease Benken from duty in the .bake shop, where be, waa employed aa as. aiatant. v . I Snarl. 1 nianatph a The Journal.) Seattle, WVah.. Dec !. Parker EHIa, Inspector In the local United States Im migration office, has been directly ac cused by Secret Service Operator B. W Bell with being the author of tha anony moue letters to President Roosevelt and the local newspapers containing charges against hla superior" officers on Puget sound. The letters charge hfci superiors with assisting Japanese women to bo Imported and of Importing them for Immoral purposes. Jack Callan. purser of the Shawmut. Is accused In the letters of smuggling a Japanese ' woman ashore, dressed as a man, with tha connivance of tha Immigration officers. Chano, the Japanese interpreter, la accused of car rying1 on the business of. smuggling women Into the country for Immoral purposes. Charges against tha wlvea of the officers are also made. It la be lieved that tha hope of promotion led Ellie to write the letters. He denies tha authorship of tha communications. CLAUSES' IN WILL WERE DICTATED BY SPIRITS (Special Dlapatch by Leased Wire to The Joaraal) im snrif 1 isr in in tt-h ui u 8 n "U(D)T(2 late Peter Lorillard Ronalds, clause off which In a recent suit on tna pari 01 tha relativea were prompted by "spirits" espousing tha cause of Miss Ellxabeth N. Blake, waa fliea m proDate oy At torney Abraham L Elkus aa executor today. Mlsa Blake Is given a fS.000 annuity from tha rentals of buUdlnga In Bleecker street Her son. Quetavus Blake, to whom the testator refers aa "my son." also gets an annuity. Tha widow of tha late "father of American coaching, who la known aa tha. "dear Mrs. Ronalds" In King Ed ward's set, is to ba given such an an nultv aa shall be decided upon by her and Attorney Elkua. Tha reat of tha aetata Is to be divided between the two sons, Pierre and Reginald Ronalda. But Sot tha very substantial gifts to Miss Slake in the past, tha com naratlvelr humble provisions for her in tha will would be considered surpris ing. The document furnishes tha first Intimation that Mies Blake had a son. No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This is why it is serious; The best thing you can do b to take the great alterative and tonic Hood'sSarsapariHa Which has cured thousands. IN WHICH TO BUY REALLY CHOICE ABTI . CLE&, AND USEFUL, f OR THE GENTLEMAN Every gentleman appreciates A HANDSOME NECKTIE, and we have tris mostdaziIingly beautiful and gorgeous line of finest silks in latest Pa risian effects of patterns ever shown on this coast The wide Four-in-Hand, the French Fold, the English Square the Wide End String Tie, tells the story of correctness of shapes; and 1 as for patterns you must . ' . see them.- The pric range is from 50f to $3.50 a tie.' OMEN'S HALFj HOSE-We exhibit a" great line of German, French and ..English. importations in silks, fislcs, cottons and woolens, newest effects - of shades and patterns, also plain. Priced 25? to $3.50 a pair. HANDKERCHIEFS Fine Irish Linen, Initials, three m a box, ?1.00J ' Finest Linens, white and ftney patterns, oVmestic and imported, 25) to $1.50.' White Silks and Fancy, 50 to $2.00. MEN'S FINE SUSPENDERS-Piain Silks and Lisles, Fancy Silks and . Satins with gold and silver plated buckles. Priced frcftn $1.00 to ' . $6.00 2 pair. FINE GLOVES Dent's and Fowne's imported, also best domestic makes. Priced $1.50 to" $4.00 a pair. , ' ' MANHATTAN AND E. & W. SHIRTS in. holiday novelties also plain - vwhite, day and full dress. Priced $1.50 to 14.00. FNCY AND WHITE WAISTCOATS You should see them, they are just swell. Priced $2.50 to $7.00. . SMOKINQ JACKETS, ihe most handsome imaginable. Priced $5.00 and up to $15.00. - v; :::'"-J'' BATH ROBES AND DRESSING GOWNS, inline Terry's, Outings, Eider- . down, Cheviots, Flannels. Priced $5.00 to $20.00. , .FINE TRAVELING BAGS, SUIT CASES, SILK AND OPERA HAX CASES. Prices range from $5.00 to $20.00. HATS in Stetson's Derbies and Soft Felts, the Ger, the Roland, the Kin- sington. Price range $3.0Q to $12.00 for finest Beaver. Andzffl or Overcoat "Would make the most acceptable gift of all. , Soliciting an opportunity of J serving you should you wish any of above named article we are yours for business.' ".' v : ' - " - i o r uo Just Sttjle and Quality ' aBV '- 269-271 MORRISON ST AnEHPMfKRACK-SAFHS FRUSTRATED BY A DOB " Threel.Burglars Driven Off by Canine While Robbing a Jewelry Store. ' (Special Dispatch r leaaia Wire to The Joaraal) New Torlc, Deo. It. A bold attempt to blow open til safe in D. Zelolts'a jewelry store at 131. Third avenue waa frustrated today by an ared dor TVe burglars had already drilled holes In the safe preparatory to Inserting an ex plosive when the animal Beared them ott. Tha dog la owned by Joseph Months and hla name la Prince. Months Uvea In apartments directly In the rear of the jewelry store. Front hla windows It la possible to sea lnt those of Zelolta and cross over to them on tha roof of a shed. About S a. m. Months waa aroused from sleep by Prince, tha dog, leaping to tha bed and growling Into hi ear. Months looked out and saw a dark figure on tha roof just below Zeloltsf window. A moment later ha observed the figures of two men moving about In tha jewelry store. Aa ha went to get his revolver, the dog, loudly barking, jumped out on the roof and tors the .coat of ona of tha burglars. Tha animal ao frightened tha trio that they fled without stopping to take their tools, tha finest safe-blowing out fit the police have seen In a long time. There was several dollars worth of jewelry. In' the safe at the time but OUR CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS Constitute the largest selections of our own importation , from abroad as well as domestic goods of all grades and de-' scriptions, which is put on the market at wholesale prices to . . the retail buyers. . , . - ' ( Rheln and Moselle Wines from Germany, Cognac, Brandy' Champagne, Cordials from. France,' Prune Brandy from' ' Hungary,' Scotch Whiskies from Edinburgh, Irish Whiskies from Dublin, best Bourb6n and Rye Whiskies from Mary- land and Kentucky. California Wines in -sweet and dry, ranging from 60 to $2.00 a, gallon. Spanish and Portu-,' gal Ports and Sherries. ' Besides our lowest prices we will GIVE TO EVERY LADY ' PATRON to the amount of 81.00 and up A USEFUL 1 PRESENT fully worth the price of purchase. - : Goods delivered free'and'best attention paid to telephone ' orders. ; - . D. GERMANUS MAIN 2625. 228 MORRISON STREET thanks to Months' sagacious dog, Zelolta did not loss anything. i M i 'ii Oeta 111 Vaso'Offloa. (BpMat Dl.patek by Leaaed Wire te The Joaraal) Washington. Dee, H. Alfred I Sharps of El Paao, Tezaa, tha only Re publican member of tha legislature of that atate, la alated to succeed Pat Gar rett, now collector1 of ' customs at El Paao. O. R. A N. buainess never so heavy before In eastern Oregon. From Father to Son ; ' Cold watch, chain and locket, scarf pin, pocket pencil, seal ' ring, emblem ring or charm, leather wallet or card-case, . pair military brashes and comb, umbrella, match .box, pen knife. ' . . .''. - From Mother to Daughter s Pearl brooch, gold brooch, pair beauty pins, hatpin, ies " toon necklace, chain bracelet, band bracelet, gold watch and . chain, silver colognes, jewel boxes, belt "buckles, leather card " case's and bags. . , : . From Brother to Sister - ;i! ' Comb, brush and mirror, card-cases, vanity eases, pair ' opera glasses, opera bags, picture frames, Tiff an v glass. Rook wood pottery, a nice umbrella, silver-top puff box, cut glass vases, ink stands, calendars. -; - - From Sister to Brother ' .Fob, locket, emblem charm, stick pin, seal rings, link but tons, set studs, silver cigarette case, cigar cases, card case, leather card case, wallet, pair military, brushes and comb, clothes brush, umbrella, ink stand. . . ; '''.'.. From Husband to Wife Diamond ring, pendant, necklace or earrings, mantel clock, 3-piece coffee set, reading lamp, cut glass bowl, marble piece,. Tiffany vase, piece of India silver, pair opera glasses, opera bags, hand-painted plates, miniatures. - From Wife to Husband Pearl stick pin, emblem chain, fob, satchel and fittings, wallet card case, nobby -umbrella, military brushes, fountain pen in gold or ailver, smoking set, gold cigar-curter or siissors,- lockets. ., ' , - ' ; FOR THE PRESENTATION GIFT 5-PIece Silver Tea Sets : ' - - Fine Bronze Pieces ' : PATCK PHILIPPE WATCHES WATER SET Consisting of Cut-Olass Pitcher, Tumblers and Plateau SUITABLE HOLIDAY (SIFTS FROM ONE TO ANOTHER ; -'.. ' "'- : ' '. . ' i'. , As an exchange of holiday greetings, there are no better or more appropriate gifta than thoae offered by this foremost jewelry atore... , ' FIRST They are lasting. . - ' ' . " " ' SECOND They always look as bright and fresh as the day they were received.; THIRD They have that-real intrinsic ralue. ; - , . FOURTH They can always be looked back to with pleasant recollections. And ' ..... the satisfactory prices as the great number of Christmas - patrons hare -approved of, means real economy as-a result--jf superior quality, and . workmanship. . , . , . T- Cail Orders Olvea. Fvompt and Careful . - . Atteatlom. -rr ' : ' : . J " ; 1 . , Cot. row ana waaninyvoa am sees. ITOU ermw Tanrrjr$S3. CXAKOXD mrOBTXM. For Orandmother -: . Pair gold, silver or tortoise shell lorgnettes with long chain, pair gold spectacles, 'eye-glass chain,, gold brooch, -black enameled brooch, bar pins, hat pins, leather bags, . umbrellas, picture frames. v For Grandfather ; ' Fountain pen, pocket pencil, paper-cutter, tristch, box 1 military brushes and comb, French briar pipes, gold-mounted , amber mouthpieces, ash trays, shaving cups, brushes and ' strops, ink stands. 1 For Gentleman Friend Fobs, tie holders, scarf pins, Jink buttons, lockets,-silver-' military brushes, clothes brush, umbrella, wallet purse, match 'box, stamp box, fountain pen; cigar box, cigarette case, card, case, pair field glasses. ,--,-.. . . . . ' . .. For" Lady Friend Brooches, necklaces. hat pins, barettes, lockets, neck chains, opera glasses, opera bags, back and side combs, beauty pins, seal rings, fancy set rings, cut glass rose bowl, Tiffany vase, : piece India silver. . ' . ' f " For Traveling Man - : . Satchel and fittings, wallets, purees, card cases, silver flasks, "traveling sets,' shaving cups, strops, brushes, traveling clocks, emblem chains and buttons, cigar-cutters, cigarette cases, umbrellaa-iC - , , "Individual Pieces" brTable ServInO 7 ' Berry spoons, preserve spoons, salad spoons and forks, cold meat fork, beef frks, asparagus servers, vegetable spoons, cake knives, pie knives, cheese scoops, 3 and 5-piece carving sets, sugar spoons, butter knives, cream ladles.