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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 17, 1S05. 18 ras-: CONSOELO GAINS ' A HEW TITLE ;.',-..' : :.. American Duchesa of ' Marl borough Christened ' Church' . Army's Best Agent 1 PREStDEsVf BAZAARS ; ; FOR SAKE OF CHARITY ; Makes Tour of Various' Stations of ' , the. Army, and Gives Motor Car for Benefit of Work Drums Up j Trade to Kindling. . '. I V- (Special CwTcapandeoc ef The JoaraaL) London. Dec. 18. To th many haughty titls which Consuelo Vander bllt acq u led by her man-lag to the Duk. of Marlborough has Just been added a new one. It la one of which she should feel prouder than of all her -other . dignities combined, for she has actually ''earned it --- , The. Kev. Wilson Carina, head of the Church Army. In the course of a publlo speech the other day said that the American duchess waa the "best com mercial' traveler In London for the Church Army." . The Church Army Is modeled on lines similar to those of the , Salvation Army, and has done more than any other organisation to relieve the established church of the reproach that It neglect Lasarua In order to pander ' to Dive. : Last winter Mr, Carlll sot the Duchess of Marlborough to preside over one of his charity basaars,., A.. titled dame of high degree always helps draw the crowd, and the crowd brings money, and therefore, th promoters of the beneficent enterprises : consider . them selves justified in thus Unking philan thropy with snobbishness. It is a can of the end Justifying the means. ' V But the dnchess waa not content with merely playing th role of an aristo cratic magnet In her -motor-car, ac companied by Mr. Carlll,. sh made a tour of th-various stations of the Church Army and aw how Its work was done, : 'She was particularly- Impressed by the evidenc that U all Its depart ments the governing principle -was that relief whether In the shape of a bed or a meal should always tie paid for by work In soma 'form. ' There was ' no pauperizing about It , - . The duchess- expressed her approval -of what sh saw .by presenting Mr. Carlll with a check for an amount that far exceeded hi most- sanguine expec tations. But sb did not stop there. Sh. placed a motor ear at 'the disposal of all her friends and acquaintances whom' she eould Indue to visit th va rious centers of Church Army activity . In the metropolis. . And she constituted hersetf an agent for. the sal of th chief commercial products of th Church Army's derellots kindling wood. She besought orders for It wherever sh want. ' '" 1' It scon became understood that the Drat essential thing to get Into th good graces of ber grace "was to order a. lib oral supply, of firewood from th Church . Army. Snobbishness asraln. perhaps. In a way, bat it helped all the earn. It was not long before , the duchess was selling mor kindling , wood for th Church Army than-anybody else In th country. A a token of gratitude sh TWIiir ii" i'ii in Iirt ulth a Si air marts nr . wise- It Mi- 1.t .. out-of-work cabinet-makers, who had found temporary shelter In one of. the Church Annri homes.. ': There Is an Interesting contest now going on between two American peer esses as to which of them shall advance her husband farthest in London's mu nicipal life - and Incidentally acqulr thereby the largeat measure of reflected glory. - Lady Cheyleamore has Just had the satisfaction of seeing her husband elected Lord Mayor of Westminster for a second term, which make her a lady mayoress for another year. About 11 months ago Lady Essex induced her husband to run for the London county council, and he was elected ss a member for the borough of Marylebone. Mu nlclpally a county councilor counts for rather more than a mayor of any of Its subservient districts, but it is a posi tion which confers no. distinction on his wife. Therefore Lady Essex wants to see her husband a lord mayor, too. Within th last few weeks b has gone to work to make himself "solid1 with th Marylebone constituency with a vlaw to capturing th mayoralty there at tbav next election. Among other things, he 1s displaying keen interest in the Marylebone schools, and has promised to provide bails where the children can Indulge in gymnastics and other kinds of physical exercise. Mary lebone will accept his gifts with more or less show of gratitude, -but there la email likelihood that the Mary lebonere will ever elect him mayor. In most of the London boroughs democratic Ideas are In th ascendancy, and It la a fact lamentable or otherwise accord ins to the point of view that a base- born plebeian stand a better chance of receiving the highest civio dignity tnat their electors can bestow than a belted earl. Battersea has Just elected s working tailor as its mayor. A signifi cant Indication , of the new order of things l furnished Dy tne new mayor of .Islington, who has Just announced that hereafter he-will dispense with the ancient symbol of authority, th mace, FAT FOLKS 180 lbs. tat lha MES. B. WlLUaMS. MS Rllleott So., Buffale. &ost la weight.,.,,. ST pounds ZrfMrt la bast..,, a laches XjO la waist.. lo iaehes Lost la hip...,.. SO Iaehes This ptif ore give yes as Idea of nr ipprrr- 1 . mA a f t mi M.lnnl ... .. ; low pinqir ' J"m mu ion 01 mj appear- 1 ancfi brtnrr a ad after any redaction by Ir. I . Snrder. My bealtS la perfect. I a-w enjoe i i txctrf kelta la mt Ufa, ant a wrinkle ta b - W t. . n- imi, LtnU I. ... i mrvm. . " "( ' . warm 1 tllf la at hauaf , , I. nrr guarantees hie treatment to b perfertly sarmle in evwr particular. No . rien-la. se-ataMlns or dlarmnfnrts. I. nr4f baa been a simrfallat In the anrevaafal treat, nwat erf iteaHy fw the paat ZS yeara. aM kaa - the anuaallsXl rntiraefneM of tba aiedlral fr. t.rnll. A bouklat tailing aU about a free. - IFf'f SJ aUkdal f SIS Karaaaae 14g, lxth and kCorrlsoa atrta, ygrtlaad. Oregoa. a?"-VM r t i i V i r " ; !i - -J P4 Uliif 4 J Mme. Calve, the World's Greatest Singer, Who Comes to the Msxquam Grand Theatre Monday Night, January 22. 1906. and the services of that most imposing and useless . of . officials,, the . .mace- bearer. English civio life 1 becoming mor and mor a mere matter of busi ness in which titles go for nothing and ability alone counts. . Little Princess Wary of Wales wilL unless she changes very much during maturer , years, be the tomboy of th family. In this propensity she is tak ing much after her aunt. Princess Maud, who is now. queen of Norway. It Is well known that Princess Maud was the least conventional of the daughters of King Edward. When things were dull at Marlborough house or at Sandrlng- ham. th princes would quite spon taneously change the whole aspect of the 'situation by singing the latest comlo song or doing, a- skirt dance In th most approved muslo hall fashion. Sh waa not oven, above dressing herself in her brother's Highland costume and doing a sword dancS or a Highland reel. Princess Mary s greatest ambition Is to do conjuring tricks with which to confuse her brothers.. When they sre completely absorbed In trying' to- solve the mystery, she ha frequently started a display of fireworks under the table. This so frightened her nurse on one occasion that the poor woman we'nt Into hysterics and threatened to throw up th ' Job If the princess persisted In playing such, tricks. . Th princess IS a fearless cyclist and enjoys getting her brothers. Into tight corner when they are out together. She usually rides her Shetland' pony "a la clothe peg" and without a saddle. Naturally she Is the queen of Norway' favorite niece. r The crown prince of Germany, of whom) fondnews for horse I told r- rrntlr In Tn"rT1' ' I 1 , -l 1l-j acceded to the request of the German Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal to become It patroness. More than this sh haa been using her In fluence to get that equine Instrument of torture, th bearlng-relru. abolished In th royal stables In her own It is never used and en. jndlct has Just gone forth ' from th kaiser to - that effect Hie example, it Is expected, will be generally adopted among aristocratic folk in the fatherland. The bishop of London, who recently caused a sensation by denouncing drunkenness among the undergraduate at-Oxford, sets a stern example of rigid abstinence from Intoxicants of all kinds at banquets and other festive occasions. A story now going round may possibly account for his temperat example. When a clergyman from a distance preached at the Chapel RoyaL St James, In th days of th good old queen. It was customary to place In th vestry for his refreshment a bottle of rare old Madeira brought from th royal callers of Buckingham palace. On on occasion Dr. Ingram It was ions before h became a bishop was th preacher and the customary bottle was opened for him. A etlassful waa poured out and the reverend gentleman put It to his lips, but promptly rejected the liquor with expressions of disgust de daring emphatically that It was rank bad sherry. , Inquiries being made. It was discovered that the old verger had been in the habit of selling the royal Madeira from her majesty's cellars and substituting for It the cheapest sherry he could buy. -He attempted to Justify hi conduct by saying that he did not believe in wasting good wine on people who generally were Incapable of appre ciating It, LADT MART. G; A. GEARHART WILL ; ADDRESS THEY. M. C. A. SOCIETY (Continued from Page Sixteen.) Goodwyn; largo, "New . World - Sym phony" (Dvorak); "Chrlatmaa Pastor ale" (Q. Dlnelll) ; "Angelus," from "Scene Pittoresques' (Massenet); aria, "As When the Sun." from "Samson" (Han del). 8. H. Allen-Good wyn; "Variations on an Ancient Christmas' Carol" (Q. Dethler) ; morceau symphonic, ' "Horn mage a Mosart" (J. B. Calkin). ' . - ,.- . The muslo at the funeral of Senator Mitchell was spoken, of by thoee who attended aa particularly beautiful and appropriate. tTh quartet composed of Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, Mra W. A. T. Bushong, W. H. Boyer and W. A. Mont gomery, sang only the two favorite among old hymns, "Lead, Kindly Light" and "Nearer, My Ood, 'to The," with beautiful effect - Mra Bauer-gave in solo a sad, sweet arrangement ef "Abide With Me." - ,'-. .-r ; . ; Th -Tuesday Everting Glee elub met last week, with Mn. Rnia Rlmh.nit avneT worked -en "Estudlantlnl" and "Ab sent" (Metcalf). The soloists were Miss Grace Gilbert, soprano, who sang Lisa Ihmann'e pRoses After .Rain." and Miss Alma Bwanson, who gave "Thou'rt Like Unto -a- Lovely flower" (Pontlue). - - " "' -' "; . The Warren triple quartet Is working a SQmajChjlstrn as carols and may ap pear at some of Ihe Christmas- exer olaes for th first time this year.- W4 Marquam Grand Theatre PHONE MAIN 865 All Week fTMJrM.. ri-.- 1 Q 1 01C Only Matinee Beginning hlUllUcty, ISCl AU, J Saturday - -A Widow Zs to Corner Stoa of Srery Ohann Disk Vasty.' HENRY AV. SAVAGE Offers en Xxqnlalb Oocale Opera. m sho A KOU1I OOSrOSZT.'sTOTZTa AJTD TAatCTJtATTJf . Book and Z.yrlos by oaOBOS ADM. ICusle by Q1TTAT tmVMM. r CKOBVI O BSAtrrr, TOOAIi STrPBZMAOT Ajro BXIOUTIOaT. ..-.-.''.'- ' TB3 mwaxskiin oast xbtotjzjxb John B. rlenshaw : Aizrieism Cains) Brown May Ten Uroeck William C Weedon Thomas C. Leary Oonovlva Day - T4abU U'Armond ti. -. Parsons Dlttman M. Poppln Lawrenee Coavor ; s Doujzlasi Kuthvan e , . inOIAUT AVOKZBTBO OBOBBSTBA. , , BTBBTJTw BBXOBS. Z Lower floor, axoept last t rows... 91 M S Lower floor, last I rows. .S1.00 Balcony, first I rows........ 81.00 Balcony,, second 1 rows. .7S T Balcony, last rows...... .60 T Gallery, reserved . ...L...r........ .SO X General admission ................ M i Boxes and logos..... ...910.00 : Entire lower floor. ..... .$1)0 i Balcony, first rows.,., .TS Balcony, last I row..,, JBO Gallery tSe and Boo Boxes and Loges. ...... .87 JO Seats are now on sal for the " entire engagement , , IIKZailKXZZXXKZIKKXIinUKin fourteenth amd Wathingtom Strict M M BELASCO A MAYER,' Props. B. D. PRICE, Oenersl Manager. PHONE MAIN 311 H B. L. SACKBTT, Rss. Manager m BEGIinUNG WITH MATINEE TODAY 30th Week offhe- Belasco Stock Co. ;" Presenting WM. GILLETTE'S GREAT COMEDY Com IBM lot Home A LAUGH IN EVERY UNE PRICES: Night. 25c to '75c." Matinees, 15c to 50c Sals of seats st theatr bos offics only.l-' ' Rservations two wks in sd vanes Nexf Week Elaborate Christmas Btn Blue Jeans Christmas Matinee Monday (J. A. Oearhart of New Tork will give an address before the Sunday club of th Toung Men's Christian associa tion this afternoon on 'The True Cltl- sen." Mr. Oearhart Is a lyceum lec turer of not and he Is stopping in Port land over Sunday, between engagements on the lecture platform. He is, a law yer end was at one time member of hte legislature of the state of New Tork Th Sunday olub addreS that had been arranged for today will be deferred un til next Sunday. Mr. Oearhart' address will come at 1:10 in the auditorium. For half an hour preceding this the association or chestra wilt give a concert The solo ist for the afternoon" Is- Mr Susie Oambell Whltehurst The whole aft ernoon's program is free and for men only. Frederick W. Ooodrlch's Trotym. The following program of Organ mu sic will be played today at St. David's Episcopal church by Frederick W.Qood- ilt-h. organist and choir director: Morning Prelude, "Andante." sixth organ sonata (Mendelssohn) i offertory, sole, "Comfort Ye My People" (Handel); postlude, "Solemn March for a Religious Procenslon (C W. 1'earcs). Evening Prelude, "Andante in B Flat"(Tschalkawskr); offertory, "An gelus ad Virglnem" (C..W. Pearce); postliMe, "Allegro Pomposo" (T. IL West); shncjorgsn recital, (a) overture. ' nayiiiund"' mbsolse-Thomaj ), (bjl uuiiginaj iinnwan (jungraannj, (e) march, "Schiller"-- Meyerbeer). .,- , Xm as It Coming. " A good picture a a holiday prMeitU. nothing nicer. BvH. Moorehouse A Com pany. Ill Alder street . COMING EVENTS The meeting next week of the Wom an's club will be a musicals in charge of Mrs. Warren Thomas. The Lakm quartet consisting of Mrs, May Dear- ""rn-OHi wu jams awiei LiyTla, MISS Marion SUckoole and Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong, wlir give several numbers, mong .them being Schubert's "Hark, Hark, the Lark." rniitl nt.v. ... rangement of "Annie Laurie." "The oe pa race iaay ana "Bparrowe Twitter." B. H. Allen-Ooodwyn will be soloist and he haa been requested to repeat the song cycle "Eliland," "which ha gave ai in reciuu last week. The program begins at t o'clock. w Astra circle. Women of Woodcraft win emieriain u mends next Thurs day even In a- at Eaat Olili. wn,in..n-. with a "Christmas tree ball." This is an annual feature and I an innovation In dancing parties, many novelties be ing Introduced to make th program In teresting to th memhera mm avail guests. A speclsl number will be th knruimw xree ounce oy . Z4 young women, paueroea arter - tne old-fashioned Mavrjole d&nr. nn. K i tlon of Professor Allen. Other novelties win oe moonlight and competitive prise waiiamn. me patronesses are Mes dame Gregory, Herschler and Ferrtll. ,. Multnomah county W. C. T. TJ. will hold a sale of home-made candles and baked goods at the W. C. T. U. head quarters, room tot Ooodnough building Fifth and Yamhill streets, Tuesday aft ernoon. The sale will be open between the houre of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. ""The nuuieii ef th-.Thll Preabyt-. cnurco vui noia a sale Wednesday afternoon and evening of fancy and Porto Rican articles. It Is the custom of the church each year to hold this sale In which the Portn sent by their former pastor figure prom- The Oasette elub announcee Its next party for Thursday, January 11. lo. In the W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. Everest's orchestra will play. Invitations will be out about December 37. The musical denarttnene nf th vxr. n's club will meet at t o'clock Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. R. R. OUtner at 227 Cbaoman street. ENGAGEMENTS. '-Mr. and Mrs. M. Brenner announce the engagement of their daughter Bessie to Reuben Nudelman. At home Sun- Oong hlnf Spell Caused Death. "Harry luckwell, aged 21 years, choked to desth early yesterday morn ing at his home In th presence of his wife and child. He contracted a slight cold a few days sgo and paid but Jlttle attention to It. Yesterday morning he wns elsed with a fit of couching which continued for some time. His wife sent for a physician, bnt before he ro arrive another coughing spell cam tn and Duck well died 1 rem- auffonatlon.- St. Loulsi Olob Democrat Deo.. 1st lfll." . , Hitllard's - Horchnnnd - rfvru- would have saved him. 26c, 60c and IL00. Grand Theatre Week of December IB A Bill of Top-Ilnere Head ed by the Eastern Stare, . FUILER, ROSS-b CO. . In the Screaming Farce, ' "Slick Dick." Prices: . ETHEL WHITESIDES and her pickaninnies. FYNNE AND DANDY, greatest Comedy Acrobats of the age. JAMES HENNESS Y , the Bashful . Maid.:-'-;.. . ' .,',' ROUSELL the Marvelous. HAROLD HOFF, "Juvenile Song II ' lustra tor, third week and continued success. ' ' . GRAND ASCOPE, "Moving Day." Matinees, 10c; Evenings, Sundays and Holidays, 10c and 20c; , Box Seats 25c Star Theatre Week of December 18 Prices: Matinees, 10c Evenings, , Box Seats, 25c. . EARL AND WILSON, Comedy Mu sical Artists. ' YORKE & HERBERT TRIO comedy singing and dancing sketch artists, introducing great acrobatic feats. MISS THELMA DEVERNE the Fe male Baritone. J. FRANK ELY, songs and stories. ZAINO the Midget Magician. A NEW SINGER of pictured melodies STARASCOPE, "The Hen With the Golden Egg." v Sundays and Holidays, 10c and 20c; BAKEK 0)G ftuOftC I OasOON THIATSl .COafFaKT, T II EATR.E TKX BOKI OP MUSICAL BUa- ttseuK. - YAMHILL AMD TKUO ITB.ZITI. 0I0EQS U SAKfB, Maaaaer. Six Nights and Rl'rea Matinees, Starting This Afternoon Sunday, December 17, 2:15 Eoagement JAMES B. CURTLN'S GAIETY GML Headed by MILDRED STOLLER and JOHN WEBBER, , ' the Irresistible German Comedian. . T Twenty pretty girls in costume dainty, two funny bur lesques, seven star acts in vaudeville olio, the great Melrose , troupe of acrobats four in number." . , . , NOTE Wednesday Matinee, Bargain Day, 25c to Any Seat. Other Matinees, Saturday and Sunday, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c "EVENING PRICES; - 3o, 38o, COc, 7Bo SATURDAY MATINEE IS the LAST PERFORMANCE lirvs ivirniorfAii M rttAI AllKALllUil- EzzzrzszsKsi:r -JOLLY GIRLS BURLESQUE COMPANY :zzzxszzzz:zzzzztTS2xzTzzz:zJ ll Empire Theatre voaTLAjro's voruxaa iut xotru Psete Mala .117 Twelfth and Morrison its. Miltoa W. Seaman, Manager Starting Sunday Matinee, December 17, Today And for One Solid Week FRED RAYMOND Presents His Famous Comedy ' " " ":' THE MISSOURI GIRL) Positively the-Greatest Comedy Success of the Season . . ; , i ' INTRODUCING ;l BESSIE CLIFTON 1 as Daisy Orubb . and O. HARRIS ELDON as Zeke Dobson, the Country Boy. . All Special Scenery, New and Interesting Specialties, Care-; , ; ful Attention to Details v ' REGULAR MATINEE SATURDAY Night Prices 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Matinee 10c, 15c, 25c Next Week-JERRY FROM KERRY aMMKXalMWllllanraTWllM I IDC? DTV THEATRE.. Fsarik aid Stark, statist 4 Reed, Press, Genteel Vaudeville Week Commencing DecemberlSUT rSASTK WTLBOW, the eyole wlsard, . greatest trick bicycle act s ever aeea on the coast. ' - no rovrn oisoBom,- whole show by themselves. In thlr fa mous doll novelty. ODIU AJTD XAJIT, premier come dians. - - BAX.TTJCOKI QTASTXT. prise Instruraentallsta and singers. HI OBtOrsTAl. MATJ9B OABTSB, . You should know her. UO WSTXTS, th popular song n- luatrator. m BiOOBArai In the latest llfe- motlpa plcturea Performance Jtftornoon and Evntngt Continuous on Sunday TEM CENTS TO ALL PARTS OF TUB HOUSE a Q 0 .fa 4ayCcember IT, at 4 Montaomery street. 1 w Mr. and Mra. E. B. Com'an annonnoe th enpeagement of their dausrhter. Miss Julia K. Com an, to Charles W, Jones of Ban Francisco. The engagement le announced of Mrs. Fannie Therkelsen tto Henry M. 'Van Duser. The marriage Is. to take plao next Saturday. PERSONAL Mrs. Ernest Hartman 1 th guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg A. Hartman, Sr., In Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. William Bollons have returned from Pendleton, where they attended th Redfleld-Cameron wedding a week aso. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Werthelmer have returned from a months visit to San Francisco. Los Angeles snd other Cali fornia cltl. ' . Mrs. N. K. te. Spain and her daugh ters; Misses Eleanor and Constance, are visiting friends In - Pendleton, their former home. F. O. Downing left yesterday for New Tork. to be abeent eevernl' week a Mrs. w. D. Fenton vnuea in Eugene last-week with her son Horace, a senior at the University of Oregon. , i Miss Marion Stackpole left Wednes day for a week's visit with Mrs. Amos Strong In Salem. Mrs. Henry 'Rolf -jui.nerr...chlld ar rived Monday evening from Pendleton nmr-Ht visit, They were accompa nied by Mrs. KolfsttidTpBTTttrs. Ellsa-I THEATRE Eeattn floe TYRIC nThe House of Successes w Wook Starting ' Monday,Decl8th Th Incomparable Lyrlo Stock ' ; Company present - A Southern Heroine A romano of th South In four acts. "Llk a breath of Magno lia." 1 flrt ADMISSION - 1 n X VUaXSESTZS I CAT SO. JlXMO peth fotsom. who left In th week for California to visit another ' daughter, Mra Ouy Wad a Mra. Ben Campbell of St. PauK form erly or Portland, waa a prominent guest at th Portland last week: General and Mra. D. Wv Burke end their daughter, Miss Burke, leave today for a two months' trip through Callfor- a. . Miss 0NeU visited, at Vancouver last week. Mrs. JB. F.. Busslea and her daaghtar; Miss Lena May Ruggles, hav arrived to spend th holidays with Mr.' and Mrs. sV-Ot-ilents-of ell SsTrnttt street. "Thy I Abbs m I a V I 4r raw (A IK Santa Clau3 Favorite Gift" If yea wen the children Se re men. , fcee yoa gratefully for years te ceenew - grv) them a Phonograph. They vrOI forsake all other Christmas nts : fee that. They will never tire af tt beeaua N has always something new to offer. It Is full ef fun and tnualo ' ana tIes ereryb4y. bit r UtUe. . Aa , ,,-'.. IMPROVED EDISON.'. PHONOGRAPH ..... tolka. plays anal sing. It make horn ' . hasDV beoauae It provide a greater vanetv ef elaaa fun and eweal and Instrunaantal smislo than any ether eutamatlo entrtalnr. Many Cdlaon CI4 MeuUU4 Record especially - .adapted to children. Hear H froel ef charge at ywicr dealer's. It speak for He If. - - NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY t S Lakecide Areawe. Oraage. H, J. . Dealara, wsk storea, WaataJ ia ver km set yet severed 5 - e. . era from oas rara, a suouro oi unicago, and have a number of friends In Port land whom they wlU be glad td see. DrrA. Ttleer will return this evening front New Tork,. where he has spent a profitable month's work In the hospitals snd eilnles.-' , - Mrs. rloyd Steele of Taooma visited last week her eousln. Mis Lulu By be, at llf Seventh street.' ." M M M .Ti H H