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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
. . v THE OREGON SUNDAY" JPURNALT PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ( 17, 1S55. IT FESTIVITIES PLANNED BY I .. - Y 1 I J II Tl U IVl V . I . r ' ' ' ' '. 1 i ! w pHAT wlh Chrlatmaa ahop- ping, ana inni work, and Christmas con- t kaM tlRa. " j - .nnM for any en- Been not a min " of t.rtaloing th. post -?tlB J Imirsat-Mbat ot tha Inevitable oara XbwhTh damand only , i or evening here and there, with no sp. ' clal worry of plans and preparations. HoacUvltl.m.r.lI wrs 1 which m-n- bun up-a Ulng ' ihlnaTat ' thla Christmas-tree aaaaon. ? There Sav. leen so, mu.lcal things. anTS number of fair. 5 ner.. The coming out ot Mlsa Brack. ?h"gh an informal ""0O "I" , t ru . interest, and many , a matter of ttinu are. ,nt. J SST Xn'r Vowing up at in ..iiiivni ana - .. ,i. interest naa pwo im. arrival home. Thera win oouoi- uiaL aomTray antartalnlnr ovar thara f n"hVn.x Xaw'waak. la their honor. ' 1 . w w " ' tJ'Th. Thursday alanine "at ho?" thi Irrlns-ton cfuirhava proved -o ' lla-htful affair, tha two paat weeke that ' I v'.r, on. to eager for th.nt.n. ! it waek tha evening was 1" -narge ' ! JfMra. Frank J. Haley she pre- .fntad an excellent mualcal program. ' - - IWr and Mr.. -W. - -fcott -an, fJrti and both were In excellent voice. . Scott elao contributed aoma pleas J number- and tat. In the T CUI Montelth cama orar from the - weat aide, where ha had appeared In a : MtaL Ha aang aeveral aonga 1 :S' 1 and t "mmenta were made on tha treahnea. oHt Wlca after an early evening pro- gram- Thare waa ' alao - aoma piano 'ustc Mra Heppner being among thoae ii Turing Some of tha gueata a pent the 'T Jvenlng with aard. and other. In 1 tnm. The pratty-own-.worn. by Joma I partlcuUrly no tlel -and It WM remarked that aacn aucceaalva-event la prettier In thla . enact. Dr. Chamberlain waa there with ; fnfroducUon to her huabwd j Mra. Chamberlain wore a aoft red gown I with glrllah llnea. It waa trimmed In white lace effect and ah. waa much ad- :mSrt WUlIam Woodward wUl b.v. have charge of tha entertainment thla week and Mra. W. t Northrop tha fol lowing week. l , W W Tha firat of the debutante JpaxUM of th..,on waa that of Ml Brack laat week, when Mra. w. a. : iSviti m a ' I Ti d; to meet her daughter Informally at a ' -mull tea. Mra. Breck wore black crepe , 3e chlnV-wtth garniture, of polnl itae , and her daughter In a PlJ ow" white mull and lac, made 'ml-tr-lo. : reelved with her. Aealetlng In the ra- "wing rm. war. Mia. Norcroaa. Mia. Trevltt and Mlaa HH,,WT' Tra Warren Houghton in white erepa ae chlnrand Mia. Loulaa Morrla In pal. ' g?ay poured tea in the dining-room. , ,' Th. tebl waa pretty with drybreak jcarnauone and candle. l holder., Tha entire houM waa lighted - Sy candlea In pretty, quaint wO- - .tipka - Aaalatlng in aervlng were Mlaa BreCck;. yung ''end. MUaa Kathleen and Carolyn Burna. Mlaaea Efje and ; Claire Houghton. Mlaa Clair. Thornp i .on. M1a Margaret Morrtaoa and Mlaa i Vlda Nlchola. . - ' v " ? Mlaa Breck returned a few ' from Europe. Where aha nd hw mother Kifl liwiit eillit metitiia. - mint m inrir. ocean trip aha had been i"ln ln echool In Naw Aork. She la con alderl a bright and charming girt and ' will receive a .warm welcome into ao , ';. elety. . ' ' r . . . , w The J Frank Wat.on. received a warm welcome on their return Saturday, a week ago. from their ".liver honey moon." They .tarted on their tBth an - nlveraary for a months tour of )ld Mexico and tha entire trip waa one of , intereat and pleaaure. Mr. and Mra. Wateon. while gueata of the vlce-preat-t dent, attended a reception given by . r Prealdent Dla and met him and nia aon. They were ehown. through the . palace, where Mra. Wataon"a artlatlo eye . , waa delighted with the beautiful old brocadee and the handaome wood flnlah- lnga. amona wn-n ... . , .". la much need. - Bhe received the keeneat . enjoyment, however, from th. beautte. - of the ecenery and the gorgeoua coloring of the native flora. The trip from the I City of Mxlco. which 1. Iteelf on a high i . . ... Mmitttalti miAm trt r?ilr ' navara, waa the moat beautiful, and ahe - deecrlbea vividly the wonderful view t Wltn me goiaenroa. cnmwn Timmam in ecarlet polnaetta growing wild In great quantlliea. jura. arson ib oum m run .; land', moat delightful hoateaae. and I. c ner. Bhe I. quite widely traveled. 1 The Mary -' Alverta Mora. concert , Tueaoay evening waa largely aiienaea - and many of the prominent musicians of the city were present. Mr. and Mrs. . J Warren B. Thorn aa, Mra. Walter Reed, I Mlaa Wat Moon Iwlxr Mlaa Rthal I.vtl Mra. Oeorge Russell, Dr. and Mra A. B. Rockey were among those present. Tha patroneaaea wer. Mra. A. E. Rockey, KEISTER'S - LADIIS' TAILOSIlf O COLLEOI. A srbonl when ladlrS ca lesra ta dnft tbelr a-psttorn and eat end Bute tbelr trme. Write far booklet. tag aad 400 Aliaky bid... ear. M aad Harrlsea -.Webber's' Studio Tasdolln. BsnJa. Onltmr Intrnetlna. gtrinf errbevtra for receptions. Agent for Mandolin.- Rift Alder. Mlla SUM. Ulbana LITTS , Fourth and 1 Washington Announces for tne; Week One-Half Oft : On All Tailor-Made Suits and-Costuxnes - Open Evenings Mra. C. R. Tampleton. Mra. FlatoheiL Linn. Mra. J. F. Ewlng, Mra. Warren E. Thomaa. Mra. H. C Wortman. Mra. Max M. Shllloclc Mra. Charlea Warren. 'Mlaa Agnea Watt, Mra. Ruaaell Lewis, Mra Edgar E. Couraen, Mra. A. H. Blrrall. Mra. M. C. George, Mra. K. C. Ecken-berger,- Mra. - F. Eggert, Mra. J. I Schulta and Mra. 8. SlcheL . Mlaa Morse la a gueat at tha home of her aunt. -Mrs.- IT a. y lea of tha aaat aid a. A number of amall affair, have been given for her and ah. waa tha honor gueat at tha meeting of tha New Eng land Conaeryatory club, w . . , Mra. Oeorge E. Chamberlain went to Salem Friday, staying overnight and re turning . with th. governor Saturday. The return of their aon. Dr. Charlea, and hia bride laat Sunday waa the occasion Every one la saying nloe .thing, about the new Mra. Chamberlain and all de cide that her beauty and charm aurpaa. expectation, buoyed up by pretty photo graphs and enthusiastic descriptions. Mra Chamberlain. Jr.. promisee to be come a favorite among her friends, both with th. older people, among whom hef married title place, her, and with the young girl, among whom her extreme youth glvea her place. She la a blonde with fluffy hair, and her face, unusually aweet and pretty, .how. muoh .trengtfr of oharacter, Mra. Fred Hiram Strong gave one of the pleaaant afternoon, of th. week, a "tOO" ' party at her home. T6S Eaat Burnalde .treet. Smllax and carnatlona made the rooms pretty. Her gueata were: Mra. , Fielding B. Kelly. . Mra John Weat, Mlea Delta Watson, Mra. George M. Strong, Mra. Sanderson Reed, Mlaa Corlnne Sheldon, Mrs. Samuel M. Rothchlld, - Mra. Max Hlrsch, Mr Webster CaAipbell, Mra. Haldana Dick son. Mra. F. Branch Riley, Mra. Ralph Dtinlway, Mr DvM S. Willie ma, Mlaaea Agnea and Beatrice Hill, Mlsa Margaret WUaon, Mlaa Grace Ollbert Mlaa Violet Webster, Mr. Will, of Philadelphia and Mlaa McKeU ot Aus tralia. - The children, concert which Mra. W. K. Scott is planning to give at tha It vlngton elub - for the benefit - of the housefurnl.hing committee to looked forward to with much pleaaure. Tha data to not yet definitely decided be cause of a number of other affair, to be given at the club but It will be about the laat of thla month or th. first of January. Th. entertainment will be a leotar recital giving th. pretty child songs of Eugene Field. James Whltcomb Riley and Robert Louis 8trnaon, with short explanation, and teeoiipttona, Mra Scott used to be popular for such cntertalnmenta before she cama to Portland and all her friend, are eager to hear her here. w -.. The Exposition Skating rink, at Nine teenth and Washington , streets, will have Ita opening tomorrow evening and it will mark tha revival of thla In door exercise among the society -folk of th. city. Th. new enterprise Is being pushed through by a number of the leading young men of the town, and It la understood that society is to follow tha example of San Francisco and In dulge In thla sport rather than In danc ing this winter. Tha rink, which 1. th. old concert hall of tha Exposition build ing, haa been equipped with a new whit, maple floor with the Inlaid race course effect at tha ends of th. room and 1 aM tn he nna n tha Wt flnof. In th. weat. ww " Th. announcement of Ml. Julia K. Com an 'a engagement to Charlea W. Jonea of San Franclaco la received with Interest. Mlsa Coman la a prominent member of the Delta Iota Chi aorortty and la a favorite with many of th. young people. Th. marriage la to take place aoon after the holiday Mlaa Coman ha. recently returned from a long visit with Miss Stella Love In Honolulu. Mlsa Love'ir marriage to Frederick J. Patterson baa been an nounced to take place December It In Honolulu. Instead of San Franclsoo, as at first planned. ' . ' ww."'"-'' ' Mr. and Mra. Big Frank celebrated their china, wedding laat Sunday night on their twentieth annlvereary. - About 10 of their friend, wer. present and the evening passed with delightful In formality, each choosing hi. own ' plan of entertainment There were cVrd. and othec game, and prices were awarded Mra. Sol Roaenfeld. Mrs. learn White, Mra Ludwlg Hlrach and othera. The rooms. wer. 'pretty with' flower. 'and fern An elaborate supper menu was served at small tables. ww Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Weatherbee leave this week for New York to sail January I for Europe. Dr. and Mra E. DeWltt Connell will aall In company with them. Mrs. Connell left for New Tork some week, ago and th. othera will. Join her there. Th. party will visit - London, Pari, and Berlin, going finally to Vienna, where both doctor, will engage In graduate medical work, w w . Th. Irvington Argonaut aoclety haa Issued Invttatlona for a dance at the Irvington clubhouaa December 17. Mrs. A. A. Courteney. Mrs. A. H. Wlllett, Mrs. Klrkland and Mrs. F. A. Daly will be chaperon The aoclety, which Is ' of two years' standing, la made np of the girls from 14 to 17 years of age and haa given a number of delightful parties. - W W -:' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holman enter talned at cards Wednesday evening at their home. 787 Overton etreet Oregon grape and carnation, were used In dec orating the room ' Quests were thera ti fill nine tablea and Mlaa Holman and Fourth and Washington - riT Until Christmas" ..j - - . . , I evening. Widow auohra was the (urn Mrs. J. Frank J. A. Malarkey won th. prises. Th. game was "flvo hundred." Mra. Dan Malarkey asaleted tha hoateaa. . WW Mra. W. A. MacRa. entertained charmingly with earde Saturday a week ago. - The aevoteee or Dnage nuea one room and the "600" conteatant. another, with 14 tables In alL Primes wer. awarded to the highest .coremak.r. at each table, Simple deooratlon. of Ore gon grape and carnations war. affective and pretty. Mr. and Mra. Frank Watklns enter tained a few frienda Informally at "five hundred" Monday evening. Prise, ware won by Miss Florence Watklns ana Oeorge McMillan. The guests were Mr and Mrs. Qeoree McMillan. Mlaaea nor ence and Eleanor Watkina, Miss Henri etta Lauer, Mlaa Thereae Friendly of Eugene, Dav. Jordan, Peter uverneia, Bert Kerrigan and J. A. Ho ran. ( Tha Early Waek Bridge club waa em tertalned Monday brs Arthn f Mlfiatt.' ''''MYsr"WaT?en Houghton won th. first prise and Mr Jamea LAidiaw, who aub.tltuted for Mlaa Hoyt th. sec ond. Miss Whalley , entertained ' the Tuesday club. , " WW Mra. Curtis Strong and her daughter, Miss Alice Strong, have gone to Hemer, California, to spend th. winter. Mr and Mr Fred Strong will be at home In the family residence, 40T day .treet, during their abeence. .: w A nrettr cottage la being reared near Portland academy which it la said will be the home of the Balls .after their marrlag It la understood that Mlaa Whalley'a wedding to Mr. Ball will not tak place till early aprlng. WW Mlaa Dalay Roaener of San Francisco will remain with her hobtea Mr B. Llpman, for some tlm There haa been a good deal of entertaining for her In email way. and aha aa maae many friends. ww There will be a box party of II at tha Marquam tomorrow evening given In honor of Mr. and Mr Fred Seller, who .all early in the year ror oermany. Supper at the Portland will follow. . W W Friend, are aendlng solicitations to Mr Oeorge Hoyt. who had a bad fall laat weak, resulting In a broken arm and some painful bruises. She probably will be confined for a fortnight or so. ; Some of the prominent women of th. city are talking of having a apeclal ear to accompany the party that takea the California excursion trip. It 1. under stood that a number of the leading may trona will take the trip. . w w Mlsa Agnea McKell of Australia I. visiting her sister, Mr Samuel Kerr. She will remain for an Indefinite length of time. w w"- Judge and Mr Stenrne of Hotel Port land left yesterday for Santa Barbara, California, to spend th. winter. . Misses Hlldred and Ruby Jacob, en tertained the. "(00" clnb at their bom. Saturday a week ago. An . Interesting entertainment was riven at tha Third Presbyterian church Friday evening for th. benefit of the improvement fund. The women of the church are collecting this fund to Install a pip. organ and new seat The pro gram given Friday waji good and in cluded tha following numbers; Piano duet, "A Country Dance" (Nev- in). Mra. L. W. Chamber Mlas Zuls Smith; reading. "The Spookendyke'a Re heareal for Private Theatrical" Mr M. G. MeCorkle; recitation a), "Enter taining Her Blater'a Beau," (b), "Don't," Lucille MeCorkle; contralto aolo, Mra. Lang; reading, "Mra. Mayor's Story" (Mr. Craig Connor), .Mr M. O. MeCorkle: contralto -solo, "Shad ows" (Carrie Jacobs-Bond), Mrs. J. B, Werleln: chorus. "Nightingale and Roe.' (Lehnert). Third Presbyterian Choir; reading, "Mlas Maloney on th. Chinese Question (Mary Mans. Dodge), Mr M. O. MeCorkle; contralto solo, Mra. Lang; rend In a. "Searching for th. main,' Mr as- a- XaTXlja.iaail. "- " ' , w ' w A hrlTHant function was that .at th hom. of Mr. and Mrs. O. Evert Baker at Mount Tabor, on Tuesday evening oi thla week, the occasion being th. cele bration of their wooden wedding annl veraarv. Their beautiful home waa tastefully decorated with evergreens artistically entwined with strings of shavings, both fitting to the Ume and EVENTS OF THE WEEK, t .A Watson. occasion. . Tha gueata wore fancy dreaa and aoro K-ualng complication, aroae over mistaken identity of . those who wore mask Mr. and Mr Baker were tha reclplente of 'many handsome and costly present, tn wood, and of hearty congratulatlona upon th event. An en joyable ttm. waa apent until a late hour, when refreshments wer. served, with th. hostess presiding at th. punch bowl. Those present were: Mlaee. Ethel. Queen and Blanch Johnaon, Jamea Johnson, Mr. and Mr Nell Crouna Mr. and Mr Herbert Meaerve, Mr. and Mr Godfrey, Mr. and Mr CprtlaRob Inson. Roy J. Baker. E. E. Baker, R. B. Fisher, Dr. Flower, th. Misses Myrtle Boston. Kathryn. Llnehan, Leona San sun, and Gladys Shelley; Lane RnaselL Tobias Zachary, Harvey Watkina, Mr. Brown, Mr. Fowler, Mlaa Moo re house. Miss Lucy Ball, Mr. Michael, Mr Mabel Teabo, and Mr. and Mr O. Evert Baker and their aon. Evert Jr. j . w - . , ' Mra, W. O-MoKechnla wag hoateaa at t mnslirr't Tl"'"'t" """ at her home on Borthwick etreet. a charming musical program was given. A group of Indian love lyrics waa artis tically sung by s. M. Auen-oooowyu. Mr -Nellie . Perkins was warmly ap plauded after two aolo "The Echof and "Tha Life of Love la but a Day," with violin obligatoa by Miss Cornelia Barker, who also gave two beautiful violin solo Mr Thomas did excep tionally good piano work and Uttl. Eve lyn Wilson waa given a double encore for her playing. Miss oouie maae an artlatlo accompanied Th. hoatees waa assisted by Mr J. F. Whit Mr C. Rumae. Mr K. M. Bliss and Mra. Mill hoiia Hor room. wer. decorated In green and whit - ' .w Mr R. I Davis was hostess for th. Illinois Study. club laat Wedneaday afternoon. Mr 3. S. Hamilton and Mr' Emily Hempson sang In duet, "Crossing th. Bar" and "Two Marry Heart" 3. D. CDonnell aang "Just a-Wearyln' for Ton" and "Only 'n Dream" Tha atudy topic for the day, T-hriatmaa In Illlnol" waa Introduced by Mr H. L. Torrenc with: an authen tic Chrlatmaa story ana m pir """ Th. Christmaa of Thrs. ueneraiiona r Illinois." ' The program oonciuaea wnn two lullabiee aung by Mr J. B. Hamil ton; Mra. Edward Allen Beals waa the accompanist. Refreshments and Chriat ma. remlnlacnee. eioaea tne aiteraoon Th. Centennial Girl, gave their Christmaa party Wedneaday evening at Ringlet". Hall. Everest', oreneeira play ing the program. Th. Chrlatmaa deco rations of svergreens and Imitation snowballs were effectlv At one end of th. hall was a Chrlatmaa tree wun red llghta and .nowball About couples were in attendanc Punch was aerved. Mr R. O. Stoehr, Mr H. Wetxler, Mra. E. Long and Mrs. J.-W. Grass! wsr. the patronesses. Th. club members ar. Miss Myrtle B. Ldng, Miss Marguerite V. Stoehr. Miss Oertrud. D. WeUler and Miss Hattl. L. Grusai, ww .. Mr C. B. Roosevelt of Pendleton .n tertalned at tea Monday afternoon In honor of her gueat. Miss Lillian Rourke of Portland. The Invited gueata wart Miss Nellie Cameron, Miss Edna Thomp son, Miss "Ethel Johnson, Miss Paralee Halley, Miss Eva Froom Miss Vera Marston, Misses Gay and Besss Camp bell, Miss Jeeale Hartman, Miss Fay Bartholomew, and Misses Eleanor and Constance DeSpatn of Portland. WW'. . The Eight-Ten-Thirty club had its regular fortnightly meeting Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chatten. Chrlatmaa decoration, wer. used, con alatlnar of Oregon grap Ivy and Chrlst- mas bell All the members wer. pres ent to play five hundred. No prises ara given till the end of the year. The next meeting will be with Mr' W. L. Straugh at til North- Fifteenth street w ' Th. .Cosmos club was . entertained Wednesday a week ago by Dr. and Mr Elmer Smith at five hundred. Mr J. M. Tatea and Mr. Allard won th. prise Ths decoratlona of rosns In vasea wsr. -particularly pretty. Next Wednesday Mr. and Mr A. W. Anthony will en tertain the club at til Raleigh street, ww tm 'i nursaay evening, uimihw ii. a surprise party was given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. U. Haugg at their hom Morris .treet. In Celebration, of their IBth wedding annl versArs. A number of gueata assembled and a pleaaant evening waa spent w w St Ann', .oclety of St Mary', cathe dral met at 67 North Fourteenth street with Mr F. 3. Mayer, Thursday after noon. ' . . ". ' w ' Wi ' Mia. Lulu By be entertained lnfor- i mn v a. few frienda at earda Wedneaday I I WEDDINGS. The marriage of Mlaa Mary Batchelor and William Bealey Scott waa celebrated with a pretty ceremony Thursday morning at First- Vnltarlan chapel. Thera wer. no carda but a - number of the bride's young friends were out to attend . the' wedding. Dr. Oeorge C. Creaaey read the- ceremony. A few palma and flowers sent by friends decorated tha chapel. The bride waa In her blue and green cloth traveling autt with blue hat, and tha early morning light lent a pretty glow to the almple ceremony. Dr. Millard C Holbrook at tended the groom. Mr. and Mr Scott left alTond. on thaiilO-lratn for-Calt-fornl They will return through here in January for a short vlstt with Mr Scott's family and then will leav. for Wyoming to make their horn , w w ' A'' quiet wedding took place laat Thursday evening at tha home of Mr. and Mr J. B. Purcell, 8J Eaat Thirty third etreet. when their niece, Mlaa Lucena Rlchey, wa married to Henry Melby. - The room, .were beautifully decorated .with- Oregon grap At 8:8S, to the strains of "the wedding march, th. bridal party entered and atood under an arch of Oregon grap. whll. th. cere mony wa performed by Re.f Mr. Selvert of th. Evangelical church In the presence of 40 invited .guest The bride was attended by her alater. Mlas Estella Rlchey, and Wilt Rlchey was best man. Mlaa Mlna Puroell played the wedding maroh. Th. bride wore a princeaae gown of white crepe de parls and carried Brld. rosea and he brides maid wore aUk . organdie and carried pink carnations. ..Refreshments, war. aarved. - Mr. and Mr Melby will make their bom. In Portland. - w Mlaa Blanch St.phen. of Pleasant Home, Oregon, and John C Fleming of Contralto, Washington, were married Tuesday, December II, at Orient, Ore gon, by Rev. Oeorge Carl at tha resi dence of th. bride' a mother, Mr 3. A. John Th. brld. was gowned In white nun a veiling ana carnea una. rose Mia. Alice Stephen .later ox in. brld attended her, and Joseph Steph en her brother, waa groomaman. Rel ative, and friend, from Portland, Van couver, Cedarvlll. and Oraaham attended the wedding. . , . Mr. and Mr Flaming left Immedi ately for Centralis, where they will make their horn ' '.- A quiet ' wedding took place at th. residence Of Mr. and Mr' William Gates, 78 Michigan avenu Thursday evening, when Miss Mollis Gates and Ben F. Thomas were married, miss Llasi. Gate sister of tha brld wa. bridesmaid and Oeorge Thomaa, brother of the groom, waa beat man. - Ml.. Hasel Richard, preaided at tha plana After th. ceremony a delightful dinner was served.-Mr. and Mr Thomaa will be at horn, to their friends at their resi dence, 711 Missouri avenue, alter Janu- Mlaa Myrtle Buffum waa married to Oaoar L. Smith laat Thursday at ino residence of Mr Sarah Hye th. bride'a mother, at 1714 East Eleventh r..t P.. Tawrenra Tllftj-fc of the Methodlst church vwaa the officiating minister. None but th. intimate mem bera of th. family war. present at the ceremony. Mr. and Mr Smith will be at hom. on Thursday evening ww At St David's rectory Thursday, De cember 14, th. marrlag. of Mlaa Addl. Luella Coulter and Mr. George Alex ander Peel took place. Dr. George B. Van Water, performed tha ceremony. Only Immediate relatives attended. Mr. and Mr Peel left on tha evening train for California. -..ww. Th. marriage of Otto Dlddion to Miss Edyth. Crockett waa performed at the home of the bride's mother In Pendle ton Thureday evening, th. Rev. W. I TELEPHONE MAIN 2030 ' T fc'r.'i utwtmi it w-rr Van Nuye of th. Preebyterlan church performing th. ceremony at 7:0 o'clock tn the" preaenoe of a few Immediate friends and the relatives of tha con tracting partle They will make tholr home In Pendleton. MUSICAL NOTES. Mr. and Mr" W;-t.Perklni large and delightful musicals at their home on East Morrison street- laat Wednesday evening. The decoratlona throughout were in pink and whit The program consisted of vocal aoloa by Mr. Allen-Goodwyn, J. Clair. Montelth, Mr. Clauaaoniua, Dr. J. R, Barber and Mra. Millie Perklna; violin aolo by Mlas Cornell Barker, and piano and man dolin numbers by Mlaa Marie Soule, Harold MUUgan and Mr. and Mr Al bert Clark f ' Among th. guests present wer. Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Miller, Mr. and-Mr Walter Evan Mr. and Mr Oeorge Stapleton, Mlaa Staple ton, Mr. and Mr O. K. Clark. Mr. and Mr Albert Clarke, Mr. and Mr R. Dingle, I Air. ana aura, iiguuai, rar. .nu wi. Qulnter, Dr. J. R. - Barber, Mr . Ida Helnt Arthur Hetnt Mr Soul Charles Soule, Miss Marie Soule, Mr,- and Mr Barber Da. and Mr A. Johnson, Miss Annie Welch, Mlas Hungerford, Dr. B. . Ausplund, Carl Rlnkenberger. Harold Mulligan, Mr. Claussenlu Mr. " Montelth Miss Barker and Mr. Allen-Goodwyn. . -WW ' Th. second of tha series of song oyole reel tale given- by- S.- H. - Allen Goodwyn and J. Clair. Montelth waa generally conceded to . be even better than tha first. A number of prominent muato enthualaate attended Thursday evening at Mr. Allen-Ooodwyn'a studio. Mr. Montelth pleaaed the audlenc with hla artlatlo singing of Lisa Lehmann's "In M.morlam," and Mr. Allen-Goodwyn haa perhaps nsver appeared to better advantage than In tha oylle. "Ell land." which he aang in fh. ooatume of a- Dominican friar and gave with dra matic. Intensity. The answer. "8choen Qretleln." sung by Mr. Montelth, wa. hie beat work of th. evening.' The hearer, were pleaaed with, the Interest ing program. . . ' ' Tha of the recitals are Mr A. E. Rockey. Mr Abigail Scott Dunlway, Mr Ralph W. Hoyt. Mr D. We Have Hundreds of From $15 I WKi f fv'-jii? . ... ' I - - - J-J J-s.iTe. .':.... '. ' . r V 1 . - r 1 IT- f f . m mm U m . . . . . At. mW ... . I r?in(f-i ... , ji.rf.?ps f I Cttl a. Betweea Aides and Morrlsoa. J WILL SOLVE THB QUESTION OF I -T M fr.-':J. : : -rr aA t a- j UrVr r-w h wr- I J, f T. . a : t 4' A iff- XIUWii.- .. . .... -3fiA .-.J'oA--fJL-. wtfi. and-kolir-iilTh.rar la'areai - '- '. ' I. ' ' ' ttrtf.'" Every one a genuine work of art, grandly magnificent, di rect from Turkey and Persia real importations and an honorable pedigree with every one. This unexampled collection comprises Persian Silk, TebrW Kerman, Sarouk, Senna, Shiraz, Iran, Espahan, Fereghan, Lule, Hamadan, Sereband, Shervan, Daghistan, Cabristan, Bokhara, Kheva, Belquchistan, Antolian, Bergama, Runners, etc. . No. more elaborate assortment was ever' displayed on We Oriental Carpets. ATIYEH-:B-1V0. 411 WASHINGTON W. Wakefield. Mr Edyth Tosler. Weatherred, Mra. C. R. Tampleton, Mr , Whitney Lr Boise, Mra. Warren Thomas, Mr E. L. Thompson. Miss A. M. Oakes, MUs Marls Souls and Mr D. B. Macki 1 ; w w .... r ' In September th. T. M. C. A. engaged Arthur Clifford to organise an orchea- -tra. which, after rehearsing Tor a few -week mad. Us first appearance -before the publio at the association building - Sunday, December -I. THe orchestra Immediately received the . favor of a large audience. Today the- following program will be given from to 4 .. o'clock In the gymnasium. All men are Invited to attend: March, "Regatta";' entr'acte, "Moon Moths" (Kueesner)i overture, Luatsplel" (Keler Bela); lntermeaso, "Ingomar"; aolo for oornet, . Mr. Witter), march, aelected. . . Th. following are member, of ' tha oroneatMM C, -J Mathlaa, John-Wlleyr Herbert Galbort. N. 8. ' Butler and Charlea Marquardt, violins; Fred Pou Jade, Mr. Willy, clarineta; H. B. Witter, nrat cornet; William Alpine, second cor net; Mr. Cockran, trombone; B. E. Craw ford, 'cello; E. C. Dalrymple, drum; Fred Coffyn, piano; A. Clifford, violin, leader. Frederick Wj Goodrich 'gave the first of a course of university lectures on music In the chapel of Willamette uni versity on Wednesday -evening -last. ' . Theae lecturea have been arranged for the benefit of tha atudents and such members of th. publio aa car to at tend by the dean of th. College of Mu sic Mis. Helen Calbreath. Th. course . t comprises lecturea on th. pip. organ, th. folce, musical form, -the evolution of mualo, and on certain composers and ' their- atyles. The-, lecturers comprise th. dean (Miss H. Calbreath), Profes sors . William Wallace Graham, Fred erick W." Goodrich. M. Evelyn Hurley ' and Eva Cox. Th. lecture on Wednes day laat was attended by th. president, several membsra of tha faculty, and a large-number of students. Mr. Good rich received many congratulations on It. auocea - .-'. w . ' : , 1 The' program played at Frederick W. Ooodrioh'a monthly organ recital at St. . Davld'a church laat week la given be low. B. H. Allen-Goodwyn, tenor, was . th. soloist Th. program follows: Grand march, "Schiller" (Meyerbeer) ; -overture, "William Tell" (Rossini) J ' solo, "Agnus Del" (Btoat), 8. H. Alleo- ( Continued on Peg. Eighteen.) rr MM Gift A Christmas OF UNEXAMPLED SLENDOR. An Oriental Rug will last thou sand years, and be a constant re minder of the donor's ' affection. the Most Beautiful, in value tO $5,000 . the Pacific coast. .,. ; We Purchase Direct From Persia and Turkey In large quantities and give our patrons choice of the largest stocks at the most moderate prices. We are the largest exclusive import ers of Oriental Rugs in the1 Northwest and our exhibit was awarded Gold Medals at the Lewis and Clark exposition, the highest award -possible to receive. V Anything bought of us for presents may, be exchanged after Christmas if the recipient desires. You are Invited to visit our exhibi- tjs tion whether desiring to purchase or have a fine collection of. others Goods aside from Rugs and - - - ----- STREET, NEAR TENTH