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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
SECTION TWO PAGES 15 TO 20 PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1905.- - Olds, Wortman King, STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL t CHRISTMAS - Olds, Wortman CBb King XMAS GIFTS GIETS Something" Here for Everybody's Ch ristmas FOR GRANDPA .f OR FATHER CI . ' ' ' . . A ' ' .FOR SISTER ' FOR THE 3ABY FOR BROTHER- MOTHER" FOR 6RAHDMA" FOR v tiff' ; f s " -: : "ip;irH ? - - us Vfi MUmlWfi - ' ribbd . -' " " B&&WMmWT ' ,1V- Infant.1 Short' Dre... Skirt.. Long Blip and MM2: ' ' P',r' ' fgS.-Tr HP'-V'L--- ' Lon Skirts Blb Bonn.t. Kimonos Coat. ' nflWsJZr-'. ffial .. rt i . and 81.: French hd-.mbroiderfro. wWVA fV WZ : "ab.!ri "g-. I - - th. m.i. dainty d..ig. to tb. 4SLjA JT - - ?!i'0W' fLlSe LJvW "ally embroidered. Special all week J . - " ... . .... v&r S!ZSLttT ' .- . ' ' --- ... GIFT SUGGESTIONS L . GIFT SUGGESTIONS fe&S - ' GIFT SUGGESTIONS- GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR SISTER. . V FOR THE BABY. T5MT flhCo. ' FOR BROTHER. , FOR MOTHER. S-O Ooek Tee. row. 1 1 tPretty Bonnet, ' Infant Brashe. U : ', ' talCbt "2 tad Fancy Back Coabi, Ferfainea. Glove Box, Wlghtiiioto Saeqoe. Bab, Ceaibe. fi XJ? B.T.. . twin. n.. .... Framed Pletares, iuia Uk 1 HickiM bst n zz&zz rr Bt Baikvt. Dolla , ' ; Cf J-3Jt Tur BattlM, . T7 . ' """""""J Bilk Stocklnci, . Bbf ffpooaa, "7 . . (JgJfc lafanbj' Seta, SIItot MnfS. Etc. , t. 1 1 n ; 1 ' 1 1 . GRANDMA, MOTHER AND -SISTER ,JVANT SILKS A YT rrloaakl Xmaa am for Grandma, Mother or Daughter la a length of our War ranted Black Bilk. - . . ' No wardrobe 1. complete without a food Black 811k Dresa. All the week we .hall have theae dependable Black Sllka'on Sale at very apeolal price, for unn.tmaa giving. r . ' GIFT. SUGGESTIONS FOR GRANDPA. : LMtnglaf Bob. 8aukln( Bat, Bilk Muffler, Tobaece 7ar, Book Boloar, " ' Ctar Llrhtar, .. ... root Beat. . .1 Warm Caa, Uat Braak. Bharlnc Cai; "Comfy Bltppara' Soepaadete. Ktc , GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR FATHER. Office Weate Baakat,Pr. Camping "Strllah Cap,' " BUnkata. - Gillette -, foaotala Paa, Ckthaa Break, Baiekar'a Table, Sharing Mirror, Trarlet Oaaa, . Hooea Coat, Uaea 'Kerchlaai, raaey Teat, Neckecart rU Draae Mofflera, Bte. Maaieore Sat, Comb and Boa Boatary, ' . Braak Sat ' Cktraa, Prettr Clock, Vmbralla. Badroom Bag, 'Tolltt Beta, Bte. ' Pretty Hat, . UIotM, Sat Cnea Watch or Blug, Fob or Chain, Bo HoalerjC Boae Bupportera, Will BBIHj Teat Pock at XIactHe tents. Foetal Card Album, Dtth Shirts, Bte, Scrap Booka, Winter Coat,, . Paacr Calendar, . Leea Oortalna, Paacy Work Baaket, Carpet Sweeper, Pine Lingerie, ; Cot Olasa, Knit Cndara-tar, Dinner Bet, rta. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR GRANDMA. Hair BeoelTW, Boa Boa DUh, Woel Blank eta, Table Clothe, lee Wool or , SOk Shawl. JUBBK,1 Ion Theatre Cloak Shoulder Shawl, Poo to Album. 1 Black 8Uk for flower Lamp, Roeee SHppera, Christmas Jewelry A g i f t for every member of the fam ily. All the new ideas in Christmas Jewelry. Beautiful pieces that have already won the hearts of all beholders. Come this-week while the day is youne and crowds are not so dense as later around thes? blaring Christmas counters piled high with shimmering gems First Floor Annex s- Sixth Street Entrance. FOR SISTER. .. Gold Hoop Bracelets-Prices, each ....... . .$1.25 to $12.00 Hat Fins Prices, each ............ .65 to $4.50 Manicure sets Prices, the set.... ....$1.25 ta $10.00 Toilet Sets Prices, the set. . . . . . .$0.50 to $25.00 Jewel Boxes Prices, e&ch 65J to $3.50 Photo Frames Prices, each.... 25 to $10.00 Jeweled Collars Prices, ' ' each $2.25 to $10.00 Gold Bead Neckchains Prices, each.. ..$6.00 to $14.00 FOR MOTHER. " . Belt Buckles Prices, each.. -....65V to $5.00 L-Sterling .SilverBack-I Iai r Brushes Prices, each . . . . $a.UU to $O.UU Fancy Back Combs Prices, each.. 65 to $6.00 Sterling Silver Nail Files Prices, each 35 to $2.00 Gold Clocks Prices, - ... each. '. . . . . . . . . .$2.00 to $0.00 Brooches Prices,- , . each. 23 to $12.00 FOR FATHER. : Silver Match Boxes Prices, each ..:;..65. to $4.50 Gold Vest Chains Prices, . each .......... .$125 to $3.50 Sterling Silver Cloth-Brushes-Prices, each . . . $3.00 to $6.00 FOR GRANDMA. Sterling Silver Mounted Cologne Bottles Prices 75 to $3.75 Gold Eye-Glass. Chains Prices, each 65eMo $3.00 Silver Bodkin Sets Prices, the set. '. ... $1.00 to $3.00 Silver Thimbles Prices, each 15 to $1.00 FOR THE BABY. Gold Rings Priced at, each. 50f to $1.25 Dress Pins with Chains Priced at, the set. . . .,. . . . .$1.00 to $440 Spoons (crooked handles) Prices, each 75 to $1.50 Silver. Bib Clasps Prices, . . v each....: 65f to $1.00 Gold Neck Chains Prices, each....'.... 50, to $6.50 Gold Ring Chains Prices, . each.;....:;..... 50fta$r.50- Baby Brush,' Comb and Rattle set Prices, the set. . $1.00 to $5.00 FOR BROTHER. Gold Link Buttons Prices, . the pair. . ..... .35- to $8.50 Scarf Pins Prices, - 1 each........ 251 to $5.00 Fobs Prices, each..65f to $7.50 Military Brush Sets (Sterling) ' Prices, the set. $5.00 to $12.50 Sterling Silver Hat Markers Price, each 75 Key Rings with Chain Price, each . .$1.50 tpen Face Nickel Watches Prices, each ........... $1.00 to $5.00 Charming ; Christmas Gifts for Every Type of Man ! Sixth Street Annt Surpassing bargains in the Men's Shop First Floor Annex. A com- flete line of Men's Toggery smart, new styles from eading makers at lowest prices. Monday- we offer the following at a great reduction: , ' Christmas House Coats Special ' 'Smoking Jacket, in handkome atyle. and a color line embracing olive, and seal brown.; collar, cuff, and pocketa trimmed In plaid Swell, comfortable garment.; regular value . 17.00. Special $5.39 Christmas Mufflers Reduced. An attractive-line af -Bilk Muffleni, all atylaal In fancy atrlpe. and flgurea; exceptional I valuea at 11.36 and $1.60. ' Tour choice) . ........... T9 BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S GIRDLES , Second Floor Annex.-. . 11.98 Tape Oirdle. for o ldlea' fancy Tape Otrdlea, in pina, Diue or wmw, i .Inch front ateel and velvet grip hone Bupportera attached. Blaea It to 14; our regular $1.16 value. Special at each 99 USEFUL GIFTS UNDERPRICED. WUM1MS rtuiwn -nntl T?1 Aw : tlJM Vettlooat. for tTo Women', black Fateen Petticoat, in a greai vaneiy oi etylea of flouncea; ood $1.S0 , value, RnM-1.1 at. earn B7e Womea'g liO and $S.0O Pwttlooate for S0.78 Ladle- black Fettlcoaia, or line quality Italian cloth, in pretty and at tractive atylea of flouncea: our regular $4.(0 and $00 valuea Ppeclal at, each r........;3.75. HOSIERY HOLIDAY BARGAINS. Women will be mightily Jntereated in theae exceptional pre-Chrletmaa Special Bargalna In the Flrat Floor Hoalery Shop.. Monday we ahall offer. Women'B gl.M BUk Xoae. tl.10 A beauti ful line of blark dropatltch 811k Uoae; regular value $1.00. Special, the P" v! f 1.1ft Women'B M-BO Bilk Xoee, 994 Imported ' blark thread Hllk Uoae, embroidered. ekad-..nd laoa froot--.wlth,embroldered- boot; regular 'value.. $4.00 and 14 BO. Special, the pair ......$2.89 Women'. . SO. Xoae, BBo A large aaaort i ment of Imported black all lac and !ae knot Jloee; regular value too. Special, the pair . ..............38 Woawl Z.lale Btoee An imported line of . fine Hale Uoae, in black, blue, new browna. new tan. and all the n'w eharle. . at, pa , .,BOe to f l.BO Christmas Suspenders a Fourth Less. A man can't have too many pair, of Sus pender. We show the awellest Una in tha city Special Xma Stock They're put up one pair In a pretty box. Initial engraved on buckle, free. We've priced theae "gal luaea' at 7 So up to $5.00, allowing thla week a apeclaj 80 RB CTT SISOOVBTT. Christmas Special on Shirts. A-4lne-f-the lateet BtyUa-ln-Alen'a-atlff- boaom Shirts, for thl. week only at about half price. They come in bluea, tana and light effects, with attached or detached cuffa. Sold regularly for $1.00. ' Special . i....... .v.99 Half Price for New Sweaters. , A bunch of College Sweater. at HALF PRICE; all desirable color. faayBtrlpea and weave; atylea favored by athMea and football player; regular $3.ft0, $3.60, $3.76 and $4.(0 value, at KAU1 niCB.- Apparel Useful Gifts in Women's i Grand Salons Second Floor Just, brief mentions of b.ig bargains for quick reading of busy women ' Every Three-Quarter Length Suit In the house this week at HALF PRICE! All Costumes and Evening Gowns, at Great Re-, duction Every, Silk Petticoat in the house reduced a fourth All Furs re ducedEvery Fur in the house. Coat or Neck Scarf, in a sweeping reduc tion sale all ONE FOURTH off usual" prices Radical reduction the rule this week thro out the extensive stocks of exquisite, magnificent Fancy Silk and Lingerie Waists lv Evening Walat. In Ui city, variety and aaaort You mu at aee the beautle. to feel their charm. tlon. Th. moat ' carefully se lected atock of ultra, faahlonable and exclu- Variety and aortmnta are too great for detailed deaoTlp- Reductton thl. week a printed $20.00 Waists now.. $15.00 $22.50 Waists now. ........ ?l0.85 $25.00 Waists now .$18.75 Every article In our. atock. I. from clean, airy, sanitary workahopa, mad oinder poal tively healthful condition, by expert and- careful workmen axid skilled women operator, who recefvej highest pay for auperlor workmanahtp, '"-' : :" ' $30.00 Waists now,'. ; . . . . . .$22.50 $37.50 Waists now... $28.15 Proportionate redution. all through the lines up to ...S1S.SO Rajah A New Shipment Just In Great Christ mas Sale of Black Silks This Week Fifth" Street Annex First Floor. The designers must have been dreaming of flowers and moonlight and mist. when they planned the exquisite bilks we ve just received in new Kajan pongees and Ctwjier Bros, foulards the new 1906 patterns for spring no pen could describe their beauty. Every pattern is so true you'd think an artist.had placed it there with a master brush 85?, $1.00 and $1.25 the yard. Jrjnmatchable values in handsome black Silks for Christ mas and New Vear gowns will attract throngs-of buyers this 'week. Read the vaWes the best makes at special prices: . , Frenclv-Swiss, and Domestic Taf- is in all weights and finishes French and American made Peau de Cygne, French and . American made Messaline, French' and American made Rosis ' de Mai, ' French and American made Peau de Soies, also Satin Duchesse and R h a d a m e , Failes, Bengalines, Armures, Surahs, etc. every yard df above Silks is positively guar- anteed to be the best value ,and most durable Silk to be found Regular $1.00 grades. Special Xmas sale, yard.'. , 85s? Regular $1.25 grades. Special - Xmas sale, yard..... .....$1.05 Regular $1.50 grades. Special Xmas sale, yard .......... $1.25 Regular $1.75 grades. Special Xmas sale, yard. , . . . ... . . .$1.48 Regular $2.00 grades. Special - Xmas sale, yard. .$1.69 Regular $2.25 grades. Special Xmas sale, yard.......... $1.05 Regular $2.50 grades. Special Xmas sale, yard. ..-,$2.10 These Special Price.' ahould make our 811k Department ruahed, a. nothing can be more acceptable for a Xmaa Gift thaa ' rich Black BUk Suit or Waist Pattern. The Greatest Toy Store in rTp ' T O Upon Fourth Floor A colossal I OVafl Q r1 Pffc0 exhibit the greatest sale of Toys of every imaginable sort we had a mother go around yesterday, a woman who has bought Toys in many big Eastern stores in years past ; she vis ited every store in Portland where Toys are sold, and she authorizes this statement that the-OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Toy Shop is far the best this Christmas of any In the city. In size, arrangement, newness of Elaythings and very decidedly in service. 'The people who sell Dolls andle therrj as things of life. The Mechanical Toys' are run by experts who show; you how to get results. Giir .salespeople understand the games they sell that's our notion of a Toy Store. It's complete, capti vating, interesting all over. Come up tomorrow and every-day you're WELCOME. ,.;-,...-., v...., . Games and Toys Votato Bace, eoawlstlng of 4$ 'potatoea, apoon. eto; our $1.1$ value. Special at , 68 BVo alette Worth SSo for lo NlrkH-plateJ rotary dlao with number; our lie value. Special at, each ...16 BUng To An amusing outdoor or parlor game; our 15o value. Special at. .each ... 15 tTbola or rarlor Tom Ftn Nicely flnlshmi. An Interesting game for young and old; our $$.00 value. Special. at, the set.-. ....ftlK laTumrlcal Boards, or counting bcanla our iuo value, tipeciai at, each Tfl Our $0o value. Special at, each. . . .20 ' Uttle Oarpeatev Seta, consisting of ham mer, saw, chisel, pincers, etc. Special et. act 15 BTlokel Trampeta, 14 inrhea long, with fancy cord: value 20a. Special at, each . -.;,-...... 1 $ Banabont Antomohlle, friction pmto)lr, ' With chatif fenr. rrlre, each ......7R Baeel Blaoh BoardsMetal bound, with pencil rack and paper rack, hardwood frame, six feet of drawing copy; our $2.00 value. Special at, each. ......... $1.4JS Basel Blaek Boards Sam as above, wltn IV, feet of drawing oopyj Bur 11.40 valne Special at, each $1.18 Xadeatrnotibl. "Tea wins" In nice willow . baakeU- Th ten plna handsomely dVco ratrd. or flirtires such as elepbanta, hare. . etc.; our $115 value. Special at, the . set .' Larger , also;, our 11,00 value. Sr li t. the st , S1.3S "PerenaeT--Safety aaa -Ahaolutely harm-. . le, ahoota hollow nibhnr ball. 1 he bt tun etrar made fnr email bora l'rl' . each fetal Wheelbarrow, wheel and irn all' - our $1 10 vnhi" BolleV Chlm j- V v, y toy f'r pm" I s- )! Ppcrl il a I,, , ii .i-r.t fIi h 1 h ,1 I".