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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1905)
II THE OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SUNDAY' MORNING. DECEMBER 17, 1903. l' ' I n o I Merry Ciiriisfc mag HoIidgyHiritsr- " You may have bought your Christmas presents for everybody but "that man." If you have been unable to hit upon an appropriate -gift, come into our store and you surely will see what you want We know what men like and it is our- From Now Until Christmas We Will Keep Oar- Store Open Evenings. It is perfectly safe for a lady to trade it our store. Our suggestions as to taste and style, are Jta be . depended i upon. J f .. i t business to know what aU the latest fads , we teu you war. an arucie is accept. and fancies of men's wearing apparel for a gentleman's present, you will find are. that it is so. ! Here Are a Few "Helpful Hints" - FOR- 11. V ' , Present ' Smoking Jackets - Golf cloth, new effects in Plaids and :--- frir Tweeds... .......... ...... .......v.. $5 10 $15 Alfred Benjamin Correct Clothes .;'.:; Overcoats Paletot, West End, COA tt C2C - Crofton .,... ............. n . . i . , . ............ . 3J 11 7 " "Suits The new Single and Double Breasted dOA a . tor sacks ............ ..... to !j55 Nobby Neckwear We have just received a splendid stock of late New York styles. The new creations in Barathea and Bengaline PA a. dn pA silks are beautiful. Price..... . ...sMJC.lO $f.5U I Linen Initial Handkerchiefs Made the way linen was. made when the world was young. jY "7C 50 each or boxes of six for. .,4.. j........,th.s (O -SillSuspenders Men take a sneaking pride in a fine pair of Suspenders they won't ad mit it but they do. Sterling silver mounted. fC f a a We will engrave initials free. . ........ . . JpZ.UU 10 f 4. Jll We are selling what is known as a Christmas Certificated You may buy one for any amount. We sell many for sums of 50 cents up. The certificate is good for its face value in trade at our store any time. ...This is a safe way to make a present. "The man" may then make his own choice. Sole Agents for Finest Sflk Underwear Sole 'Agents for the ' Knox Hat Sole Agents for the WARBURTON HAT 9 HATTERS 311 MORRISON STREET Opposite Postoffice JEWS WERE KILLED IH 100 CITIES Relief Committee Receive Let ' ters From Russia Detailing ' - Recent Massacres. IMMENSE SUMS NEEDED TO RELIEVE SUFFERERS , Atrocities ' Committed Are Inde scribable Parents Murdered Be fore Children Bsbes Torn From Cradle and .Flung Into Street. (Rparlal IM.pach by Ltaard Wlrs to Tlx Joarnal) New York, Dec 1. Arnold Kuhn, ' vice-president of :the State bank and a member of the committee which in raising- a fund for the Tellef of the sur vlvora of "the Jewish mnsaacres In Rus BHu, today made public letters from correspondents In Shltomir and Klnht- nt'ff concerning the situation In those el t Ira. The letter follower "Hhltomir, Nov. !. Oentlemen: Re plying to your favor of the 11th Instant, we be to say that tnaaaacrca of Jews lfap fcplm-Kleff.-edesaa. ICDrhltiotr. - W4MMaav- Moiwtlav. Pro to u, tlnaa.. Bo- nfoL Otwlofol. Klotonoscha,' Ootta, ete. rtiitomlr baa brvn spared. ao far.' The atrooltlee (ommltted are Indeaerlbable; pannla hsvo born murdord before the eyoa of their children: child ran siuq In the presence of their parents; babxs torn frro hlr cradlea and thrown otit r th lndiwa: slrls and women mal treeted; aluivs and houses toUUy raced. and the police and military were help ing the murderera and preventing the people from defending themselves. You can Imagine that In these days of ter ror thousands of Jewish families hare been driven to poverty and left with out shelter. People who were rich are now starving. Immense sums are heeded In order to relieve the sufferers, the-conditions generally " and . the " total lack of buaineae' In Russia being In every way fatal. ' ; "We are In any reapeet at your dis posal and thank you in advance In the names of the unfortunate ones for your sympathy. Tours very truly. "8. LIPBCHIT Director. PASADENA HOTEL THIEVES GET THOUSANDS IN GEMS (Special DUpatcb by Leaaed Wire to Hie Journal) Pasadena, Dec. 16. Another big bur glary occurred at the Hotel Oreen last evening. Mrs. James Morgan, a widow of Chicago, loat diamonds and jewelry of me value or iiz.ouo. in spite or the close surveillance which hss been , In force since the hotel burglarlea of a year ago, the thief aucCeeded In enter Ing Mra. Morgan's apartment while ahe was at dinner and stripped it of every valuable therein. The dresser, trunk snd grips were searched thoroughly by the burglar. ,.. -e. A woman guard, posted in the hall way, aaye ahe maintained a cloae guard upon the rooms snd throughout the dinner she was In sight of Mrs. Morgan's room. House detectives who made a cloae examination of the apartment say the windows were not tampered with. m conclusion -is mat the room was entered through the doorway by aome one having a skeleton key. ' " """ have occurred In over 100 place., imimil ..jr ' VnVfli-r. .r P l"5. i i ir i rv rmit.ifT'1" O'run K inj Taturned an hour later rind tnrpiace in confusion. Manager Holmes lias private detectives on the case, but ao far they have found, no clue of the robufcrV . ... . Worst ef Tollies. . 4 5 Tnm ba ratrage Tribune. " tMrkenaim lnat aa elorttoa hot, bar ynat t anpinM It waa one of thoa fnak hrU. Tom Ttlker Yea: It m Ui nxiat , lillnllr ess 1 em bmos. 1 bet tae cash Uils Ubm.' ' . ' ' CP V' . ALICE ROOSEVELT'S GIFTS VALUED AT $20,000 Pt;e3ideht'ri5augfiter Pays Duty Upon Valuable. Presents From Oriental Potentates. (Special niapatch by Leased Wire to The Jonrnal) . Washington, Dec 16. Mlsa Roose velt's presents from the orient era her owA today, and will probably be Used as part or the furnishings of her new home. Of these presents, 60 are oriental fans of the roost exquisite make. Mine Roosevelt gave her personal check for tl.SOC today for the duty on her pres ents, the actual value of all the preaenta being about 120,000. One of the mikado's souvenirs is a tall screen of white satin with pearl Inlay. It is said to be strikingly beau tiful. The sultan of Bulu gave- Miss Roosevelt two very valuanle pearls, per fectly matched. .They are unmounted, and the president's daughter has turned them over to her fiancee, who will have them made into a ring for her. Miss Roosevelt has many pieces of royal satsuma. One piece is over 200 years old.. Of ths larger presents, a Uiree-legged teak wood chair Is most ad mired. It is the Intention of the young lady to give each of the members of the party that accompanied her on the trip some memento of the occasion from among her presents. She haa already distributed among the younger Roods veils en assortment of - Philippine weapons. 1 " The Spirit of the Game. - From tba Baltimore 'American. ;'We eo-da. ainit I all-ready for the. great funttiall rams, today." 'Van'f immm in 4k a. mr.m ti .(.. - -- J v .'B.J, w I football with the twir' Of wwm, ' wadon t play with ihn, h " " limi .IIU-m-IWTnjIM.l nua vi wr cwinre leeia, sua we u ears a Hit work today.'' 1 1 i hot iry 1 TJOTr HOLIDAY SPECIAL SALES THROUGHOUT THIS WEEK Before completing; your list of Christmas gifts it will be well for you to consider these four attractive specials which we have arranged for this week and. which at this holiday season are specially-appropriate-for-gift-givingaWe havjftjpcnt ourJestefforts in. selecting, these valuer giying specials and you no doubt will find here something that will appeal to you as a surely pleasing Christmas gift-' On these we will not accept any mail, telephone or C. O, D. orders, and positively will no exchanges be made. ; . ' , ' ; SPECIAL " Carpet D Second rioor GENUINE. :-.r:'-- One ':??H Tkird Off on , All Sizes ' ' Comprising a most select and beautiful assortment of specially, imported Oriental Rugs 'iff "the full splendor of Oriental designs and colorings. These rugs, unsurpassed for wear, become more beautiful and their value increases with age. . These then, are what make almost everlasting gifts. We make the assertion that this is the most ar - tistic importation ever shown in the northwest, and combined with this most liberal holiday offer of one third off . regular price, should be items for consideration in the selection of a lasting gift. Here are a few of the many sizes and special prices: '.-v . -"; : -. ,:-- . 'c "'j. 18x34-inch ANATOLIAN RUGS ; regular $7.50. r -Discounted SPECIAL ...........?5.00 ; 43x60-inch SHIRVAN RUGS; regular $20. ' '. Discounted SPECIAL ........... ;..........?13.25 : 41x65-inch DAGHESTAN RUGS ; regular $22.50. Discounted SPECIAL if 15.00 , 34x72-inch DAGHESTAN RUGS; regular $28.50. -Discounted SPECIAL . . . ................ ?17.G5 36x78-lnch DAGHESTAN RUGS; regular $30.00. Discounted SPECIAL . . ?20.00 39x80-inch DAGHESTAN RUGS; regular $35.00. Discounted SPECIAL ..?23.25 41x78-inch ANTIQUE DAGHESTAN RUGS; regular $40. Discounted SPECIAL .$20.65 3xl0-foot PERSIAN RUG; regular $50.00. Discounted SPECIAL . . . . . $33.25 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY SPECIAL SALE ARM ' These handsomeArrnkerilia-aelected quarter sawed jgolden otkot ma bogany, richly polished. In every line they display ease and comfort and their , design is strictly up-to-date. The backs are high and the spring seat is covered, in high grade leather. This is a piece of furniture that would grace any home,' and certainly would be an ideal Christmas gift. . Regularly sells for $13.25. Dur ing this week they will be special at $9.50. - Now on display in one of our. windows. ' . . '' " .. , "' THIS OAK DESK J SPECIAL $5.23 SPECIAL SALE WRITING desks V.-:--::y These pieces particularly at this season -are' most popular for gift-giving. Some thing that no home is complete without. In this special assortment are many up-to-date designs, which being the samples of remaining stock, are offered at these value giving prices in order to make room for new "pieces. The many "opportunities which this special lot offers in the way of gift selections can be gathered from the economical prices here quoted: . . v . A SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL $10.50 SPECIAL $11.75 SPECIAL $14.00 DESK in trolden oak: reeular value $7.00 DESK in mahogany finish ; regular value $8.00. ......... DESK in golden oak; regular value a.ou. . . . . . . . DESK in mahogany; regular value $12.00 DESK in birdseye maple; regular value $14.00. ....... DESK in mahoeranv: reeular value $15.50 DESK in birdseye maple; regular value $16.50.. ........ DESK in mahogany; regular value $20.00 5.25 5.75 6.50 8.00 9.00 ieaa IN OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT :., . SPECIAL SALE SOFA PILLOWS ' : . Another special, which not only offers exceptionally special values,' but something in Sofa Pillows aside from the ordinary: styles.", Some of these are made up in 'real hand worked Oriental goods. . Another lot is covered in wearable silks, in such goods as Moire and Tapestry. , Others in beautiful shades of velour. Also some in leather. . The great variety of -styles especially make .these pillows most adaptable for Christmas gifts. We have priced these most 'fairly during the week. Note these special reductions: ' .. - . ev', i ah t ti. ,ti b i $1.50 Pillows 85 $2.75 Pillows ...... .V. . . .$1.35 $3.50 Pillows .....$1.85 $5.00 Pillows ....$2.65 $9.00 PiUows ........... .$4.75 - . -. $2.25 Pillows $3.25. Pillows $4.50 Pillows $8.50 Pillows $12.00 Pillows $1.10 .... .1 (1.65, J (2.50 ,....$3.50 $7.25 THROUGHOUT"" THE WEEK ' ' . OUR STORE . WILL BE" OPEN DURING EVEN INGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK. -TULL-.S-GIBBS- - ' MOUSE THROUGHOUT . THE WEEK OUR STORE ; WILL BE OPEN DURING EVEN INGS TILL 3 O'CLOCK. . J