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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND,, SATURDAY EVENING,' DECEMBER 18. 190S. HISTORIC BRICK AS BALLAST Clan Graham Carries Six Hun dred Tons of Old Sari Fran . cIsco Customhouse. THIRD TIME SHE HAS HAD TO LEAVE WITHOUT CARGO ' la Her Pilgrimages, British Ship Has Lost Nearly All ; Her . Crew at Every Pprt She VisitedNow Has . Number of Whalers. " . ' " : Six hundred tone of brick taken from . the old customhouse building which re cently was torn down at San Francisco .'served aa ballast for bringing the Brit ish ahlp Clan Graham. Captain Mcln. tyre, to PorUand from the Bay City. , The brlcka are pretty well broken up from being- handled ao often and -are practically valueless. Tha contractor manned In' the task of destroying the building wes (lad to get rid of tha ' waste material ao easily. ; It la the first brick ballast ever brought to thle port. . Sand and travel , are used almoet ex clusively. Since aha left her home port more 'than two yea ra ago. the captain says thla mukpe the third time that the . Clan Uruhom ha been obliged to leave Ban Francisco without a cargo. When she arrived there the ftrat time with a general cargo, the ahlp remained In port f.r owhilo after It had been discharged, but none of the exporters had any busi ness fur her. She waa finally fixed to " load lumber at Pttget aound for Austra . lla.- When the passage had been com pleted iihe waa chartered to transport ; a cargo of coal from Newcastle to San Francisco. On his second arrival at the-California metropolla the skipper . found that the situation remained , un- ',".' changed ships . were not -In demand for outward buHlness. She waa again sent to the aound to load lumber for the antipodes and once more aha took ?oal from there to the Bay City. Shortly after her arrival she waa chartered to load grain at Portland for the United " Kingdom".'-' " "- T " During these " pllgrlmagea back and forth, the Clan Graham lost nearly all of her crew at every port she visited. Although sho carries but SO men. 110 sailors have signed to make the voyage wince she left England, despite the fact that the. members of the original crew were under the usual contract to serve ' three years. Among her tare now are a number of whalers who recently re-H - turned to San Francisco from the far north. The cuptaln say a that some of them are fine seamen, but aa they pos sess the restless sailor spirit, it Is presumed that they will Boon walk ashore and cast about In aearch of berths on. some other versel which Is preparing to sail for a port they are desirous -of vlrltlng. . Thla la the Clan Graham's first trip to Portland. As soon as her ballast haa been discharged she will begin taking on nor wheat cargo, which will be shipped by the Northwestern Warehouse company. ,,' . BARK ON DRYDOCK. a Boehjae,neU Leaking- aad Will Be Miaasd Qibcs BhJpe -sealrtar. ; As soon as her ballast has been re moved, the French bark La. Rochjaquelln wilt be placed on the drydock to receive . needed repairs. Since her . arrival . of more than a week ago It has been no ticed that she Is leaking freely aft of amldshlpa. ' Water does not . enter to an alarming extent, but the captain has decided on receipt, of advlcea from the owners to have her repaired. . She la - under charter to take out a grain cargo. The BrltlMh ship Hlythswond, will also be placed on the JBrydock next week for cleaning and painting, it is snia mat other square-rlggera will also be lifted for treatment soon. ' Vntll a trifle more, than a year ago It waa necessary to send ships to the sound or Han Francisco when the bot torn of their -bulla "required attention. and aa a result Portland lost a tremnn- duus amount of business.- Were there no drydock here now It la almost cer tain that the ships sent north . to be dry docked would receive their cargoes . thnr. That waa the plan followed dur- lg previous seasons. 80 the local float ing drydock Is looked upon by every one Interested in shipping aa rteing a most valuable acquisition to the port ' PORTLAND IN TOO. ' Government forage for flipeat to the rbllipytnee Kay Be Delivered Bare. Government forage for shipment to the Philippines may be delivered at Portland as well as Seattle. Telegraphic advices to this effect have been received by Quartermaster Jesse M. Baker from T'nlted States Senator' Fulton.. When bids for 1,600 .tons of oats and 1.600 tons of hay first were solicited, a stlpu lotion waa made that the forage must be delivered at Seattle, with the proviso that proposals for delivery at other Im portant, railroad centere would receive consideration. 1 nis gave general ois Hatlsfartlon, and local shippers flnaHy derided to take the matter up with Son- ator Fulton. The bids for supplying the grain and oats- will be opened at Port land, Seattle , and Ban rranciaco next " Monday. , HITS UNKNOWN ROCK. Bailey Oatsen Has Sola Poked Into for ward Bad of u -B iver Tory Xkw. " "' While bound for The Dalles yesterday tha steamer Bnlley Gataert struck an uncharted rock Just below the Cascade locks and sprung a leak In the forward part of her hull. She put Into Bonne ville, where the freight-was transferred --to the steamer Regulator. The pas . irengera went on through to their desti nation by train. The hole has been " patched up temporarily 'and the Oaliert Is expected to reach Portland thla aft ernoon. Local omvlHla Of the line any that she will be repaired In time for har to resume service on Monday mom- If) p The- accident Is heldTo be- duV to the extremely low stage of the river. Two other rocks recently have been 01 "cov ered In the upper rapl!j .tear the locks, which are a meni.-e to' navigation dur Ing the low water season. The one the steamer ran agnlnst yesterday was not in .. tt .i . The others had not - - - - A Trlghteaed Bona, r.unnlrg Ilka mad down the .1 . . . t h- . ftf.i.nttftnts. or s t hundred -Kir ncrtos? .r. wrnrf renrea. It behooves everybody to hsve relfnhl Salve handy, snd there a ttpna . good as Hu-klenS Arnica Salve. mrns. Cuts, cores, Kcsetna and Piles, llHpper quti-klv tinder Its southing ef-i,..-t. , -r.c at yklUinor Drug Co., lvl Third sutet been- located -until -thla -season and as soon aa their presence was noted the at tention of the United Suites engineers waa called to them with the request that they .be removed. Owing to the great amount of work which has been under wsy In other parts or me district the engineers have not been able to at tend to removing them.- ' Steamboat men are complaining again all along the line about low water and the difficulties of navigation. t .The Ore gon Railroad Navigation company was obliged yesterday afternoon to tie up the steamers Lwlston. Spokane and Norma, which have been In commission on the Snake river. Thts Is the second time that tt haa been neceaaary to take them out' of aervlce since tne latter part of the summer. -A-report 10 me company this morning gives the stage of the water at Rlparla at only .4 of a foot above the aero mark, wnne at Lewlston It Is about II lnchea. Never before haa it been necessary to tie up these boats twice during a single season owing to iow quantities of grain are awaiting to be shipped from that section to tidewater and some of the vessels loading here for foreign porta may. be-delayed. .; " - a 1 ,t-f" ' SCHWERIN COMING. . ; Will Yiait ortlnd Witt at . A. . ton. rresumably aa tnspeouoa, , K. P. Schwerln, ' vlce-presldint - and general manager of the Harrlman ateam .hin line, and H. E. A. Ralltoo. auditor of the company, will arrive in Portland Monday from San Francisco.- it is pre sumed that their visit at this time U for the purpose of looking over the local freight situation with the view of im proving ' the steamer aervlce between here and San Franciaco. , The Harrlman people recently In creased the fleet until It now has four vessels on . the route trie- wtii i Senator, Costa Rica and Homer. While they have been providing an excellent service It. Is still contended that there. Is plenty of room for further Improve ment Twice gsnuch freight Is being shipped from Portland to California aa ever before in the hlatory of the port It la known that a couple of weeka ago the Harrlman peoeple were planning to add the fifth steamer to their fleet. The latter wes abandoned temporarily- on the plea that -the raft 'or which they were negotiating waa found not to be suitable for the route. General Manager Schwerln haa not been In Portland since early last Bum mer, It la possible that his coming st thla particular period may be attributed In part to the annual report of -the chamber of commerce, which declared that the -coaster were Inadequate to handle the Increased traffic. J. H. Dew son, local official of the line.' asserts that the fleet can take care of all of the (-business offered. 1, - , ' " WITH CARGO OF OIL : ' Argyll Baa to Discharge Part of Bar Cargo oa lighters. - Carrying 20,000 barrela of fuel oil, the steamer Argyll arrived thla morning from Port Harford and will discharge the product in the - Portsmouth tank. Owing to her deep draft, about 10.000 barrels of the oil waa discharged on lighters provided by the Diamond O company. Until this was done the steamer, which waa drawing t J" feet of water, could not get alongside of the tank. The Argyll la operated by the Union Oil company, and thla la her first trip to Portland In -more than a year. On her prevloua trip also It waa necea aary to lighter her cargo. She Is one of the largest and oldeat Oil carriers on the coast ALONG THE WATERFRONT Major S. W. Roeasler and J. S. Pol hemus. assistant United States engineer; spent the .most of yesterday examining Ilia repair- woifc' wtilfli' la Trt'Ttig itiafla tu the government dike along tne uregon shore at the head of Hayden island. These will be completed In a couple of months. The Regulator line haa chartered the steamer Joseph Kellogg t6 ply. between Portland and The Dalles jn place of the steamer Dalles Cty, which will be laid up for about 10 daya having changes made to her machinery. The Kellogg went out on her first trip this morning. . With f0 tons of general freight and IS passengers the steamer Senator ar rived last night from Han - Francisco. On tha return trip tomorrow night ahe will go put loaded to the hatches with freight and have all of the passengers she can accommodate. The south-bound travel Is heavier than It haa been kince the close of the fair. Laden with 1.100 tons of wheat R00 cases of cheese and 200 bales of excel sior the steamer Jeanle Bailed last night forSan Pedro by way of 8an Francisco. She carried also a number of passen gers. ; The steamer Aurella sailed for San Franciaco laat night with 600 tona of wheat and 220.000 feet of lumber; ahe also had nearly all of the passengers she could accommodate. Tomorrow morning the French bark Europe will leave down bound for the United Kingdom with a grain, cargo. The schooner Oakland will leave at the same time for San Francisco with 450, 000 feet of lumber. Arrangements are being made by the Port of Portlnnd.gto repair the dredge Columbia. , Her cutter and boiler require attention. She la lying, near the dry dock. United State Inspectors Edwarda and Fuller made ax trip to the upper Colum bia thla morning to complete the work of inspecting the atearaer La Crosse, which was built recently by the iV"lnd River Lumber company.' -;"- ' The British steamship Croydon' hna been delayed In the harbor for more than a day waiting for a amall ship ment of flour from the Interior- with whloh to complete her cargo. It la be lieved that ahe will be ready to aall for Japan thla afternoon. 1 Laden with lumber and carrying a number of 'passengers the steamer South Bay-aatled for San Francisco early thla afternoon. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Dec. Arrived down nt midnight, British steamer Blackheath. Arrived down 'at 7 a. nt., steamer Cas cade. Arrived down at t:S0 a. nw Brit ish ships Dunboyne and.Kynance. jAr-1 rived at 10:20 a. m- British barkVan- duara, from Antofogasta. Outside it 11 a. m., four-masted bark. Arrived at 10:40 a. m.. steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay and Eureka. St Helena, Dec. IS. Passed at l;IS a. m., ateamer Argyll. . Astoria. vDee.. II. Arrived at 11:40 a. m. and left up at 1 p. nr. atenmer Argyll, from Port Harford. . Arrived at noon. Russian . bark Isabel Browne, from Guaymaa.' Arrived at 12:40 p. m., schooner r Robert R. Hind, ' from San Pedro. Arrived at 1:10 and left up at 2:40 p. m., ateamer RedondoV from Sah Francisco and way ports.- - Sailed at 2 f. . .kin . Ma,uinHalr r. m 1 p. SI.. ubiiiibii ! , . tt.i .... n. .ui 3lr'.n.'Ti.. JLrrlved at 1:10 n. m. Tlrlt. tah ship St. Mungo. from Guaymaa. San Francisco. Deo. II. Sailed at I P.. nTLetH..t .F A. Kl'b"r". r"' Pnrt.i land and way porta. -Astoria, Deo. is. Condition of the bar at I a. m., rough; wind, south; weather cloudy. ' ' " - Astoria, Dec.l. Left up at 11:40 a. m.. bnrrentine Aurora, scnonner Admiral and British ship MUtunburu. IILOPEO ICII FRUIT L 0. W. P. Has Secured Right to! ( Way Between Cedarville and Troutdale on Columbia. CONSTRUCTION WORK WILL BE BEGUN SOON Company . Has Lines Now Thor oughly Exploiting Agricultural District " Between , Columbia and Clackamas Districts. The -right 01 way for tha Oregon Wa ter Power A Railway company between Cedarville, near Gresham, and the Co lumbia river, at Troutdale. ia about complete and construction work is to be commenced at . an early date. Thla line will have a length of eight and a half miles. In addition to giving the company a atatlon on the Columbia a rich part of Multnomah county between Gresham and the river will be opened, where there' Is as fine fruit, dairying and garden land ; aa anywhere In the. world. With the main line of the Oregon Wa ter Power company penetrating north eastern Clackamas - county a distance of 60 miles from Portland, the Mt. Scott division .taking' a ahort cut to Lenta through Vhe splendid suburban district north of Mt Tabor, and the Columbia river branch opening the country 'about Troutdale, the aystem thoroughly ex ploits all of the agricultural district of Multnomah and Clackamas counties be tween the Clackamaa and ' Columbia rivers. Development to the south, which IB expected when the Oregon City line la out beyond Canemah Into that Im mensely rich country, will give to this railway ayatem. It la said, a pre-eminent position aa a medium between the great metropolla and tha thriving districts ad jacent to it ' Thla year the T company completed about seven and a' half miles of new track and the 'coming year will build at least the Columbia extension and per haps more. Ita expansion has been rapid considering the enormous work done on terminals, power-plant and other, con veniences. TO BfTGREAT cylinder ' 140 FEET Portland Gas Company's New Holder Will Be Biggest , in Northwest. . , When the bfg holder that la elnr built by the Portland Gaa company at Front and Gllsan atreete ia completed and Inflated It will be a conaplcuoua msrk along tha river front It will have a capacity of 1,600,000 cublo feet of gaa The lower ring of the great telescope affair haa a diameter of 146 feet. There will be two other rings, the topmost of which will rise 140 feet from the ground when the holder is fllled to ca uatUj. The guide iwmlntaj 4he upper ring will have to be more than 140 feet high, raising this part or me struc ture up to near the same altitude aa tha top of the Oregonlun tower. In San Francisco there ia a larger holder than thle one. having a capacity of about 1,600,000 cubic feet of gas. but the new tank of the Portland company Is the largest In the northwest It com bines all of the- modern convenlencea and safety appliances known to tha gas manufacturing business. The colossus In height of all Port land structures Is the- cement smoke stack of the Portland General Electrlo company, at Twenty-flrst and Sherlock streets. The crown of thle stack is 210 feet from the ground, the Inside diame ter being 11 feet Thla slender column attracts much attention, because of Its preeminent height but the big gaa holder will command far more, owing to Ita diameter, which will give It the appearance of a gigantic tube set on end, with frail steelwork guldee to support COUNCIL COMMITTEE GIVES FRANCHISES A BOOST Recommends Three Petitions td Executive Boards Without First Considering Them. The atreet committee of the city coun cil resorted to an unusual procedure yea terday when It recommended that the three petitions for franchlaea for erect ing poles and stringing electrlo light and power wires over the streets of the city be referred to the city executive board without first having considered them and eliminated all tha objection able features. ...... The executive board will take the franchises as they are and fl varoa tlona according to the concessions granted and then return them to the council, where they may have to be materially changed. . The "three companlee which have ap plied for franchises are the Mount Hood Electric Mght Power company, the Cascade Power company and tha Ban-field- Veysey company. . Today the membera of the atreet and the Judiciary committees of the-ctty council went to Blount Hood to Inspect the proposed site of the hesdworks and the water power of the Cascade Power company. The' party will be gone two daya. j i . '. Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen A Lewie' Best Brand. . Tha French bark Emma Laurena haa moved from the Mersey to the Oceanic dock and the British bark Oweenee from the Irving to Columbia No. t. Cong hlng Spell Ceased Beat . "Harry DuckwelK aged 15 - yekra, choked to desth early yesterday morn ing at his home In the presence of his wife and child. He contracted a alight cold a few daya agn and paid but little attention to It. Yesterday morning he waa seised with a lit or coughing wntcn rint)n. ..... .1-. III. alto-Mil tl f ,-ir nhVatelan.. but before he co arrive another coughing apell came on and Duckwell died from suffocation. 8t. Louis -Globe Democrat Deo, , let 101.M Ballard's- Hnrehound By nip" Would have raved him. 11 ."). i0o and tl.00. itVoodard. CUrke to. AID lias moro than throo ilmoa tho aironih of Oooom mixed with sugar, ' starch, or ar rowroot, and Is, there for a, t tar mora oeonontloalm , ValterBairlCo.'s Breakfast '((occa Thie Finest in the World JUtlstand. V. a. !-. oo. 45 Highest Awards in Europt and America . A new and handsomely lllusw trated Beclpe Book sent free wal(er6aafi&co.Ltl E.bQb4 i7M BorcUKtM, Pass. - - - - THE PUBLIC IS AFFECTED much more than the manufacturer by adulteration and substitution.. Especially V this so when witch hazel is ' purchased instead of POND'S EXTRACT, a tried and true extract of hamatalia, and the only one of standard strength and purity. :". CAOTION. Wkch Hazel it not "the ame thing" as POND'S EXTRACT. On analyae el 70 tamplesof witch hazct bought of leading wholesale and retail drugguti and department store, 52 contained Wood Alcohol (poison) or FormaloUhyJ (poi aoa). oc both, and not one of the other 18 waa up to the required standard of strength. The peril of these poisons may be avoided by the exchnive tne of - PDrios TxtraC Pennyroyal, pills im ur.m U4 I4 MUm kut MM Mk klMrikM. Tkaatk . BcAm BsrM SahMltUw aa lalla ttaaa. Saj mt jr.-r DrMtM, r M4 4. w mmmf Ut rrtl Ttl islsll mm -Bnr tmr La4toa,a MHr, mf rm Ml lO.WITMMMM. SMr DrMS- I bl 1 k.l i Ca RELIEF for LADIES ' FRENCH Tansy Wafers Origi nal and only genuine Put up In yellow .v rapper and "Crown trademark. - For sale by the LEADING DRUGGISTS. MOVEMENT TO HAVE WIRES LAID UNDERGROUND Home Telephone Company Lay ing Trunk . Lines in Conduits , and- Using Aerial Cables. Shall the telephone, telegraph and power and light wires of thla city be put underground!1 The question la be Ing asked in seriousness by many promi nent - Interests. Several persons have taker! It up with tha councilman, and memrtere of that body aay they will consider the question w.hen th rush of buslnesB has passed. Discussion waa precipitated fy ' ob serving what the new Home Telephone company la doing. It la laying all of Ita trunk' lines In conduits and la ar ranging to use aerial cables In every part of the city where there are to to II aubeerlbers. On no pole of -the new telephone system will there be more than one crossarm, and there will be none at all aave In remote parts where the lines are being distributed among ,the residences. In the lower part of rhe city everything will be underground. The aerial cable, which will have from 50 to (00'' wires, will do away largely with the wire nulaance. One cable will carry aa many wires as a half doien crossarma on the poles. There will be no more noise of slftglilg wires and the mase that becomes such a nulssnce In business centers and proves of great disadvantage to firemen when they are suddenly called upon to work against fires In the business sections will not exist Fat Folks. have-reduced-my weight Js pound a. bust nine Inches, walat eight lnchea and blpa nine Inches In a . ahort time by a guaranteed,' harmless remedy without exercise or starving. I want to tell you all about It Enclose stamp and ad dress Mr.. Charlotte Woodward, Ore gon City, Or 1m m Along a Hocky Coast Off Waiqsp jr. ftaL.; Only Fourteen Days More an& the Greatest Contest Ever Conducted by a News , . , paper on the PacificCoast Is at a Close. HERE IS Votes received up CONDITIONS -Of The Journal Hawailan Tour "r CO NT EST irmsT r yeeag fclr er, 18 yeeia ef see suy tie BomlnsteS at aay time ee bUaks oril4 by The. Joan el. with the tadonwmeat et twe wsU-ksowe eltlasss ef the ala trlet la which she resides. ' SEOOWD Three ledges agreeable e th tlfferaat eandldstas shall be selactvd te . rods 11 y maDoaaee the wtaase Is seek Met eee yoeng lady e be eha fro each tlstrtet THIaD As la etatr eleetless. each eta " fcrlet shsn vote eeparately. The vote Is ese esBBot stfset the ether. Matters pro p erlr eoseonilng the SUtrlet wlU fee eettWd b the wlshss of the m&jorltr. The wl set (bill hsvt the right te bssm a prosy If assble te attend herself. TOTmTH Voting will eosa moaes Thare Say. Ansest S, taOS. s close atarr. DoeoaitMr SO, st S o'etoek e. -. It. CVmpona sest he voted wlthla sovoa srs after tssoo. Con poo eat from the Dally Joaraal asset be aeatly trimmed. ail onpee4 wb.tkor stngto or special, siast hose the aaae ef the eaadldata te be voted for. 00 mm abs rm as roixo t ftm Single eoa'pons. est fro the Sslly pspor, sre good for one vote. Saberrlpttoe o tho BTealog Joaraal aad Bandar Iforalng loaraal. throe Bootha, II Hi, a special eonpoe of 150 votos (paid, la advenes). Soboer Iprloe to Bvoalng and Sanday Mors- log Joornsl sis Bwaths. fS.TS. a special eoapoa of S50 votes (Pld Is sdvsneo). Safe serlprloa to the Bvonlnf and Snndsy Morn ing Joaraal 11 Booths. ST.sO, a -special eonpoa ef TOO votos Ipald adTSses), abserlptloa to the Bvealng sad asdsy Morning Joaraal. thne atonths hy Ball. 10. a spsetel eoapoa of ISO votes (paid Is sdvasce). ' Sabs Iptlos to the vssl ng ' .sad Bunds? Morning Jttraal bf null six swaths, aim. a apodal eonpoe of 100 votes (paid la advsaes). BobacrlprJoa to the Toning aad Sunday M .alng Joaraal by mall 11 Bontbs. $7.00. a epoein! eoapoa ol TOO votes (paid la advsaes). Beau-WooklF Joaraal. l.oO a yesr. spec I enapea tt 10 votes (paid laadvaace. grXTB Ooapoas sboald fee voted st tne feeadqaarueie assrest roe av Boiled to the aapoa dopnrtaont ef The Joeraal. or at any point si mod below. Votes will be coasted Mondays. Wtdnoodays -sd Fridays snd tho total naaoaaeed to the aabUe the -followtag ear. Aa7 eaadidste withdrawing frea the oon tost cannot have hoe votes coasted lot aa ether. - KXASQVABTBBB UTO TOtlxi rtAOMl Tin t District Moltnomsh and Claebasaae eoantlae. Voting place. Ooapost Do port moot ef The Joaraal offlce. ooceA BistHob Oaloa, ' CaatiUa and Wallows eoantlca. Third Wstrlov Wssee, BberBsa. Otltiasn, Marrow. Whoolsr and Crook eoaatics. rserth DtatHcb Baker . Oraat Baracy aad Mslbcar eonatisa. riftfe IMstrie CnlnBbla and riafeMp 'eoantlae, O-iroe: Kllebltat. Cow II U. Clarke Fadfle. Wahslakoa snd SkaaMnla eoaatlse. Wsabtngtoa. gbrth Wotrte Marlon, Unn aad tans erantlca. - ' Sonth Butrict Wasblnetoa. Tttianaoa, Timkill. Beaton, Polk snd Unco eoantlae. BicMh XHstrie 0eer las, Onos, Carry. Josophln. Jsckaoe, KUvath aad Uv se eoantlce. ; Any Information regardinf con ditions of th Hawaiian tourahould , bw addressed to the manager of the Contest Department of The JournaL ' , ' Owtijmuju3 CouponFree Hawaiian Trip - Honolulu, hawalian UUoUa . I TOte fOr... .T..T. ...... ..... llHllHMHHCJimrtMM Thlg coupon most be yoted on or before iw'etnber 18, tS. "It" - -nT . - "i a-' Jf, ." THE WAY THEY STAND to Friday evening In The Journal's Hawaiian Trip SISTBICT Mian Mamie H. PfallUps. depnty elerk elreiiireonrt Mlaa Hallis Maillsan. olds, Wortmnn ft King Btord Mlaa Ha.lia Wlntermantlc. CHr I'r Works Mins iMrt Batjr. S40 Kan Raraol atroot.. . Mlas Oretrhen Korth. telephone operator Portland Hotel Mlaa neon Wiaroo, 810 Caat Ttiirtietn street Mlaa Hum U, endorsed brrederated Tnuise Conncil '. Mlas Mancaret Smith, fie Williams svenno .... Mlas Henrietta Wlnklemaq. U7 Bast Coach street Mlaa Kdtth Hern. 24l Htark atreot Ml Iiara perbysblre, two Water street. Mlaa Hnphla' Olaim. Ztft 17 atreet Mlaa Klsa UrlaoeL soft East TliB-tf-Srst street Mbw Alrona Horn. Oregon Cltr .... Ill Kin Ilurlhert. ttt. Jnhna.... Mine Oeuevtere Hulmeo. -Nls. W ortolan King Store Mlaa Nellie Manser, WW Raleigh stroat ........ .... .. Mlas Oewtla Mnk. X9i Barn Ida street Mlaa Cora Jolly, TM yi t atroet .............. .... Mlas Marlon Leahy. Woxdard. CUrke Drag Co. Mlac Cornells Harker, bhs urand aToauc Mlas Burac Kedillck. th-esoa city. . (Voting Place, Uouiwa uoparuncat. joarnai uinco.j . ( , - 9ISTBIOT BO. S. . UUa Mollis Ptw hotel, Ta Ortndc. Oregun...:. .i.m. Uf Miss Katie Na.h. I- Hranda. Orcgoa v-V".: V TSvMO i Voting I'Uea, La Orandc. Mtetaucek ft Blcrer Con fectloacry.) .. Mlaa Agues rietrhor, Pendhttoa, Oregon..... ".ai Miss Pearl Ilarrta, Pendleton. Oreroa. ................ Jt' Mlas Orsee Hawka. Pendleton. Orea-on - 'J-rfJ Mlaa Mabel Jitbnaon, Pendleton. Oregon.... 1 .TS- - (Voting Place. Pendleton. Brock A McComas' Drag Store.) . Miss Lillian B. O'Hsrr a, Athena, Oregon , IS.aei (Voting Place. Athena. Iell Hroo. 8tore.) . . , Mlaa May McTalliatrr, Walls Walla, Wasnstoa MM?? Mlaa iTy MrCalllater. Wslla Walla, Wahlnstoa y..... 1.W1 Ulu R.,T, Ymh. Walla Walla. Waalilncton ... ....... ...... .. 2.iaie Mlaa lUtlle Brown. Walla Walls, Waaulnstun Mlac I.nells Barr. Walla Wslla. Wsahliiston (Voting Place, walla wan. Kaaamgion aaam nwa.j Miss Stella la La ado, Weston, Oregon . ' SISTBICT VO. . '' . -f ' '' ' ' Ml Rmllls Cm en. The Tlaltea. Or run Ulu I.ucIIk r'r.l. Tha Uallea. Orecon I Voting Place. Too Dellea, Blakely Mlas Htella Richardson. Hood Hirer. ureoa Mlas I ura Cramer. Hood River. Oregon. ....... ... ... (Voting Place. Hood HITer. wrlghl s Btore.i Miss Klorenro (Mvirge, Arltnatoa. Oregon. ...... (Voting Pisco. Arlington. Brahaai's Centattloatry.) Mlas Ina Rae; Hepnner. Oregon. ................. .......J ....... ..... Mlac (Jracc Harer, Heiipncr. Oiygoa..... .-. ...... .................. (Votlne Place. Hrppner. Patteraroi ft Son's Store.) ' - Mise (lertruda Hhannan. Condon, Oregon (Voting Place. Condon. Jackson ft H ami Miss Oertrade Sharp, I'rlneTlllc, Oregoa. SISTBICT vri EfBn'Maa RfiiV"(rnTaHA.m'Orrnn - Mlaa Hattle Barton. Baker City, Oregoa Mint Oertrnde Tire. Baker Cltr. Oresoa Mlas Myrtle Brattoa, Baker City, Ores-m (Voting Clara. Baker Cltr. Lav Infer' Mlac Clara Swain. Bnrno, Oregon-. (Voting Place, Burns, welcome rssnnscy.r .. Mlae Daisy Betterley. Vale. Oregon 4... Mlas Gerald In Durkec. Sumpter, Oregoa (Voting Place, Bumpter, Do Keffa Clgsr and Nags-Stand.).. SISTBICT BO. I. Miss Ksthertne flore, Kalama, Wiahhiaton .. (Voting Place, Kalama. Coffey a ntorci Mlas Plorenos Hear a. Vancouver. Washington .............................. (Voting, Place, Vancouver, eis Mala Mlas Amelia William. Kelso. Wsahlngton (Voting Place, Kelso -Confectionery.) Miss Brs U Todd. Astoria. Oregon Mlaa Robins Hoffman. Astoria, oreroa Mlaa Either Amleroua. Aalnrla. Oreson. (Voting Place, Aatorla. Owl Drug store.) Mlaa Mary fierce. Home Valley. Washington Mlaa Ilalar Watklna. Ht. Helena. Oreson 1.UMIIK ( Mi., r... 1 .r ,r . . d Mlas Annie Perruie, Clatakanle, Oregua (Voting Place. Cutakanlo. HlmmoiMi ft Mlas (lertrntle Randall. I'aatie Mors, at aoningio a .............................. Mlas Grace Wright. Castle Rnrk, Washington (Voting Place. Csstlc Rork. Anders Drug Store.) Miss Alice Perry. Rainier, Oresua ........... (Voting PUce, Rainier, rrlolbarg's conrertionery.i . . :. ,. SISTBICT BO. S. ., '-;.-, r ' Miss Blanrba Brows, Salem. Oregon...... eJ.rt Mlac Minnie Ire ton, 8ah-m, Oreaxw. lU.Jrat Mlaa Mary DaeMaon, Halem. Oregoa ' 11.4:14 Mlas U Bell Darby. H.Iain, Oregoa ll.iUO Mlaa Pearl Hlielley. Salem. Oregon T.4 Mlac Minnie Achenhaeh, Halem, Oregoa , l.sTs Mlas Nettle Rmldekoon. Saicni. Orrgiin ... l.aVl (Voting Place, Halem. Haaa' Drug Store.). Mlae Madge Battee, Eocene, Oregon. ..................................... . 8t.S4C Mlac Km ma Moffett. Eacene. Oreson L2-47S Miss Stalls Bean. Eugene. Orecon..;... . -4)o3 (Voting Place, Eugene. Hull's Drug Store.) Mlac Mande Blair. Cottage Urate, Oregiai. Mlas Erne Mtewart, Cottage Ororo, Oregei , Jn.JU Mlae Llsale Vesteh. Cottace Orove, Orecoa LI. 3 (Voting Place. Cottace (Irovo. OlU'e Confection.) Mlaa Lncy Morcom, Woodliurn, Oregoa...., BS.SA4 Mlaa Mrrtle Traak. TVondbiirn. Oregon ......... 11.118 (Voting Place. Wood burn. Bee baa ft Whitman's Store.) MlM Pearl Mara. Albany. Oregon IT.oTt Mlaa Macclc Cbamhera. Alhanr. Oregoa ., "1J Miss Alice Locke. Albany. Oregoa T.MU - (Voting Place, Albany. Dawaon'a Drag Store.) , - . Miss Katbrya (ianls. SIlTerton, Oregon ............... .....M ll.Va (Voting Place, gllrerton. Brook's Drag Store.) 'Miss Addle Slmnaon, Lebanon, Oregon.... a. 473 "" (Voting Pisco, lbanon. Cot ton Store.) Mlae Nanila Oleay, Anrors, Orecon. s.gIT Miss Fay Cookty, Brownsrlllc, Oregon.... 1.MU SISTBICT BO. T. ," ' .. '. . Mice Bertha Conrtemanche. McMlnnrllla. Oregoa ................... ............. 48.8T8 (Voting Place. MrMlnnTllle. lloaet'i Store.) . Mlaa Mrrtle Boiler. Forest Grove; Oregon 41,31 (Voting Place. Forest Urove, La Coarse s Store.) Mlae Haael Kennedy. Lafayette. Oregoa , 17,178 (Voting Place. Lafayette Pnetofnce.) ..Mlae Marie Tloatetler, Hlllaboro. Oregon 14.11. Mlas Roa B. Bow ear. Hlllaboro, Oregoa., S1.2&9 (Voting Place. Hlllaboro. Hchulu rich's Store.) Mlaa Grace Ktarr, Corral I la, oregoa ll.SM . Miss Cora 8 panel. Dayton. Oregon ....... (Voting Place. Dayton. Harris' Drag Store.) Miss Minnie Boy, Dallas. Ore rn 11.898 (Voting Pise. IHtllss. Htaat'a Coafactlonery.) Mlae OHtc Hlmtt.w, Newber g, Orecon... 8,040 (VcHmg Place. Newberg. Cslwell ft Ce.'s Store.) Mlas MUlan Webater. Philomath. Oregon l 8.108 . Mlae Roaale c. Ilolahelmer. Bearer ton, Oregoa . . .... t,il7tt (Voting Place, Kearerton. Thomas Thing Ceafeettonery.) , SISTBICT MO. B, i i... . Mlas Edna Parsley. Roaebnrg. Orecoa Ta.flt Mlaa Dale Harmooi Koaehoa g. Orecon ..... S4.MU3 (Voting Place. Roaehurg, Hamlitim's Drag Store.) r. , Mlas I -on lee T. Jones. Jat-kaonrllle. Oregoa ........ 84.AM Mlas Mande Berry. Orsnts Psaa, Oregoa 84,oo4 (Voting Place. (Irante Paaa. gmlth's Drug Store.) ; r -' Mhw Jennie Woodford. Medrord. Orecoa 82.M1 1 Voting Place, Mel ford, Rnaaell's Ceafeetloaery.) . Mtaa t.rdla McCalL Aahlaml. Orecm .., ., 8111 Mlae Frances Oanornc, Ashland. Oregon 8811 (Voting Place, Ashland, Sattoa's Naws-ctaod aad Bailee.) 71 vf -tot ... r - -" i : - ... - - -: . ... l-ea.,,, 1 - ,.fc.,'e !" o. l. Total Tela. . .KM.81S .lon.iiM4 , x,.-.ii '. TT, . . .. RS.i'lO ........... j.m..- su.Hin IT.iMI ..... lA.'l'IOj W.WJl ............ 22,V2I , 2X ll.Dtie StWlt ........... 1H.WVI .. 1.1.T ... 14.011 , m . ......... ...... ........ UVH . 1.11 .....'.. SOT 4H.4.-VI 8d,3WI Prog Store.) . d - S2.T45 , U,2oa , imbT' LR51 w brook 'a Itorc.) - 1.87 1.T9J BO. 4. a Drag Store.) ... S7.44I ... ).TIS ... 10. ... 1S.1TS ... 8,7t ... 4.010 40,loe .. Se oa strect.i - S3. S3 tl.IKT a ee) S, JsA I , S.0M ..ll.ans ..... a,oua Co. 'a Btorc) ... s-oe e4 l.eWH .. 1.4 l.S0t Counting Is "done, oa Mondayt Wcdact day tni Triiayi nd tha ttr.3 cf t3 fmm j;J. f -, J V4X w a a- " Izr.'