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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1905)
V YOUR' .CHRISTMAS MNNER WILL NOT E COMPLETE AVAR ON REBATES III FULL BLAST V y. O , , Federal Grand Juries in Many Parts of th Country Return- Ing Indictments. RAILROAD OFFICIALS TO ANSWER FOR VIOLATIONS Packers and Railwaya , Indicted at : Kansas .City and Chicago Manu- ' .facturers at Philadelphia Investi- -- . '. gatioa on Coast. ' . . ; -' JoaraaI Special tsrrlce.) . Washington. Dc. it. The orders Is , sued to United States district attorneys by Attorney-Oeneral Moody, to prose cute givers and takers of railway re bates and jtlolators of tha Elklns law have mat with a prompt raaponaa In a down states and Indictment are begin ning to pour In against both railroad officials end shippers. . . . Tha first Indictments of the week were thoae returned In Chicago- when Beth B. Cusev. ttafflo manager of the Bchwanwchlld A flulaberger company J TTurDe3Xuie a evidence, reaulting In the Dr.N.J.FULT0N NATUROPATH KOSOTsI ago Dr. N. J. Fulton opened an office In Port land for the practice of her profession. TODAY she la more widely known In Portland and throughout the states of Oregon Washington sod Idaho, than are nany doctors who have given 'years to the upbdildlng of their reputation aa healers of the sick. -: ( WIT Z TXXSf ' Tha answer Is very simple. She has cured the sick. . They have usually coma to her after trying a great many other doctors, and In near ly every case they have been greatly benefited or completely cured. " ,-, . - Z XT AWT WOIDII she Is well known t Her patients from all over - Portland, from various places In Oregon, Washington and Idaho go home cured. Their friends and relatives hear of It and thus her reputation grows. - About two weeks ago Dr. Fulton was called to the bedside of a man who has been constantly doctering since about the first of June. ' He has had several different doctors, but he gradually grew .11 h time. Ufa doctors finally f wanted to "perform an operation, but he ' would not consent to it. nsn ur. r ui- ton waa called aha found him in a high tamrjerature 104 degrees. She treated him less than two weeks. He went home (he does not live In Port land) today. Dec 7, nearly well. TXZS XI A Snrota OASS) of many Similar ones. . '-.,. AVB TXTTS kZB marVTATXOsT y . omows. ArcjouSicIi? r If mi Ttm won In 10 wa " Fulton, the great naturopath. , Dr.N. J. FULTON NATUROPATH ;. ornci sis rwnrn sr. ova . ' axAxx sua, ' - -THE m-ir Indictment of officials of tha Chicago A Alton and other railroads. These Indictments were followed yea terday by Indictments at Kansas City agalnat George H. Crosby, general traf fic manager of the Burlington; George X Thomas, New Tork - merchandise broker: L. B. Taggart, New York, Cros by'a efiief clerk; the Chicago A Alton Railroad company and John A. Faltborn and F. A. Wann and other officials, the Cudahy Paoklng company. Swift A Co.. Armour lacking company, Chicago, Mil waukee A St Paul railroad. Nelson Mor ris. Edward Morris and Ira N. Morris, comprising - the partnerahlp - of Neison Morris A Co.. and D. H. Kreaklt, Kan sas City freight brokers. . Oread Jury a TMboo. " a federal grand Jury has been called for San Francisco Monday to take up re bating on the coast and Indictments are expected to be returned against the Santa Fe and Southern Paclflo officials. Federal grand Juries have also been called In many of the larger cities where similar prosecutions will be undertaken. At Philadelphia Thursday eight In dictments were returned against the Oreat Northern railway. R. D. Wood A Co., C I Campbell, agent of the Great Northern, I W. Lake of the Mutual Tranalt company, Walter Wood, George Wood. Stewart Wood and Richard Wood, members of the Wood, company, Paul J. Diver and Mutual Tranalt company. Philadelphia. Bebetee. " - The transaction that brought about this Indictment was recently brought to the attention of the Interstate com merce commission. . R. D. Wood A Co. of Philadelphia have extensive Iron works at Florence and at Camden, New Jersey. Wishing to escure a contract for Iron waterplpee for the city of Win nipeg. Manitoba, they went to work on the railroad companies to secure rebates in m' In order to meet . the competition of ftfturtri in Scotland wno rma a preferential duty Into Canada of 11.40 a ton. The American duty into Canada Is Is a ton .making a 00m petitory dif ference of fS.SO a ton. Thomas I Morton, the trafflo man ager for Wood, sent out letters to vari ous railroads asking them for rates.' Tha published tariff rate was 48 rents. C. E. Campbell of the Oreat Northern got the contract" for 44 H cents, cents a hundred weight less than the legal- rate. There were '1.100 tons to ship. - The Great Northern made arrangements ' with the Baltimore A Ohio and the Mutual Transit company with a, line of vessels on the Great Lakes and the Iron pipes were shipped. The bill of lading read 49 cents, the regular published taiiff.'and this waa paid by Wood. ' After the transaction was over, L. W. Lake' of the Mutual Transit company, presented the firm of Wood A Co. a check for 11,800. the re bate of I cents a hundred. The check waa first handed to Morton, who In dorsed 'it "to Wood A Co. AGED NEGRESS INHERITS . FORTUNE OF A MILLION ' (Joans BpecUl Barries. I Palmyra, Vt, Dec II. Emily Scott, an old negro woman In this town, is at present the center xf general Interest. The fact that over night, so to speak, she has become a millionairess, after having been a poor and lowly working woman all her life, haa made her an eight-days' wonder and has given to her a promtnenoe which she seems to enjoy Immensely. . Mrs. Scott, who has lived here for many years, has a son, Thomas, who is of mature age and. making a living by doing odd Jobs. Recently John Bowles Flannagan, an old negro, and the father of Mrs. Scott. "died In the wat, having Just come Into possession of property In Omaha City Nebraska, valued at $1,000,000, after a long drawn out litigation In the Nebraska courts. He waa 114 yeara old at the time of hla death and did not live long enough to enjoy the wealth which fortune had suddenly thrown Into his lap. The property Involved consists of several city- blocks In the heart of Omaha and waa given to Flannagan by an adven turess for whom he had worked several years without compensation. Omaha at fcthat time was a village of 14 houses. PREACHES RELIGION IN JAIL NIGHT AND DAY " (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joernsl.) Chehalls,, Wash., Dec 14. Silas W. Penn, Wlnlock Jeweler and watch- re pairer, occupies a cell In the county Jail, where he makes time hideous for the other occupants of the place.. Day and night a,t frequent Intervals he raves In his mad delirium over the subject of religion and It. Is likely that the other four occupants of the Jail are Just now getting more religion talked to them than, they ever had before. There la no sleep for them or for Penn, either, and more , than ever ' they now realise that the way "of the transgressor Is hard. Penn Is crasy on the subject of religion. Hsjrtordere4 committed to the asy lum at Stellacoom . Wednesday. ghiloa Vort Blecta. ' JL (ft per 11 Dlrpatcti t The Joernal.) . . Newberg, Or., ueo. is. i ne following Officers were elected by Bhltbh post. No. T7, G. A. R.: Edwin Horton, commander; H.' - Hunter, senior vice-commander; rimnrm ivkti. lunlor vloe-commande": K. Nash, rhsplaln; Oeorge Allen,, treas urer; M. Hleks, officer of the day; James COlton. orscer ox tne guaro. -OREGON -DAILY- JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY PRIZE WINNER OF THE WORLD tiwih wm- n j.t mown w?m UNCLE SAM AFTER STOLEN LAUDS Government Takes Steps to Re cover Property Under Patents . Secured by Benson. majority of owners ; ; ; innocent purchasers Rumored That - District Attorney Frye Is Preparing - for Criminal Prosecutions for Swindles Com mitted in Washington. (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) Tacoma, Deo. It. As -an echo of the Benson-Hyde land frauds, the govern ment haa taken ateps to1 recover land worth $600,000 lying In Pierce, Lewis, Pacific; Chehalis and Thurston counties. The lands In question are held under patents secured bv Benson and Hyde and the, present owners, or at least a majority, are said to have been in nocent purchasers. - Yesterday deputies from the United States marshal's office started to scout the lends in question. Thev are armed with the necessary papers for service of process ana it win "r Torn before their task is completed. The officers will rind much difficulty In serving the documents. It Is feared. Many acreetff the lands have pasaed Into the hands of .. large companies, whose members 'are nonresidents. The deputies must learn If there are any persons on. the. lands In Question on whom service can be made. The offi cers must cover some . of the wildest sections of the southwest part of the state. . Some of the tracts are up In the mountains, far from civilisation, where the deputies will have to battle with anow and storms. Therefore, they do not view their task with pleasure. There Is a rumor that District Attor ney Frye Is preparing for criminal pros ecution but he .will make no definite statement. It is known that secret service men .have, been working In this state for . months attempting to ferret out land frauds. . It is believed that land cases will receive no little atten tion at the hands of the federal grand Jury which convenes at Tacoma In Feb ruary. FASTEST RUNNING TIME FROM CHICAGO TO COAST (Joornsl Rpedsl Berries.) ' Chicago, Deo. It. By a new schedule which will go Into- effect on the Harrl man lines tomorrow the fnstest running time between Chicago and Los Angelee wilt be established, and It will be possi ble for ' winter tourists going to the Pacific coast to, make the trip of t.0t miles In ( hours. Thla is the fastest schedule ever attempted to the southern California city and marks another step In the advancement of railroading . In the west. The train is to be known as the Los Angeles Limited and will run via Omaha, Cheyenne. Ogden and Salt Lake, then running 'over the San Pedro, Los 'An geles Salt Lake system. WARSHIP TENNESSEE IS GIVEN HER TRIAL TRIP ' " . (Jnernsl Bpeelal Serrk.) Boston, Mass., Dec It. The Tennes see, the largest and finest specimen of the armored cruiser class so far built for the United States navy. Is being cleaned and painted at the Charlestown navy yard preparatory to being given her standardisation test off the Munroe island (Maine) course. The Tennessee was built "at Crampe' yard, Philadel phia. She Is of 14.000 tons displace ment. Is 720 -tone heavier than the ar mored cruisers West Virginia, Colorado, Maryland and Pennsylvania, - and car ries, two more guns In the main bat tery". : : . - - v.'-. , TO BUILD A LABOR TEMPLTAT HOQUIAM (SpMlal Dtopetc to The Jonmsi) ' Hoqulsm, Wash., Dec IS. The labor unions of this place- propose to erect a labor temple. The plan Is to erect a building to meet all of the requirements Implied by the name, Including a free employment bureau. . . - -Bemarkable. Ours,. "I waa much afflicted wnincTatlea; Writes Ed. C Nud, lowavllle, Sedgwick Co., Kn., "going about on crutches and suffering a deal of pain. I was Induced to try Ballard s. Snow Liniment, which relieved ma . ' . "I used three- too bottles. It Is the greatest liniment I ever used; have rec ommended It to a number of persons; all express themselves as being bene fited by It. I now walk without crutches, able to perform a great deal of light nor nn in. Tsrrn. ivv uw .a.vy. VsVoodard, Clarke Co. 'OiTaccctof tlil giSterit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. DO HOT DE IUP0SED UPOII We originated. Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy. and unless you get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do riot get the original and -genuine. Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine.; Foley's Honey and Tar is put up in three sizes -25c, 50c and 1.0 o Prepared only by FOLEY M GREAT HOLIDAY SALE OF DISHES and ! A-l Roasters, Best You Ever Saw, Half Price--40c each We have teacups and saucers and soup bowls and platters and plates of all sizes EVERY THING USED IN THE HOME OR RESTAURANT at about one third off from regular values. We are selling A GOOD QUALITY OF PLATES AS LOW AS 25.PER SET. This price is a sample of that we have set for everything in the stock. See our First street window. We have taken these goods from the shelves and shall not return them to their: former places. WE ARE GOING TO CLEAN OUT EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE, JUST AS WE DID OUR GLASSWARE. First come first served, and the biggest bargains ever known in Portland. ' . Oar COLE'S HOT BLAST HEATING STOVES Have Taken GOLD oJL : Telephone Main $15,008,000 CONTRACT FOR WIRELESS IS AWARDED. Massie System; Will Equip Ten Stations for the Government ; Along Seacoast, (JSemel SpMlal aarriet4 ' ' . Washington, Dec IS The navy de- An, ,. mmrAmA tha contracts amounting to I1MO0.00O for 10 sets of wireless- telegraph outfits of the Massie system. One of these seta will be In stalled at the wasnington navy yaru. and most of the othere will be set up at the new atationa along the Pacific const. There was keen competition to obtain .,,,. ,A v.n or elaht bid ders, representing a many wlrelees sys tems, auomittea proposals, rammi price from less than thee contract to nearly $600,000 mere. No one waa able to explain why there should be such a range of prices. -but It-le probably due tojthe uncertainty existing In the minds h dniM, dmdIi In reaard to their ability to meet all the governmental requirements. Tnere is - so nun difference between the systems as one might suppose, and the advantage ap pwrtrtr controlled largely hy lncftl atmospheric conditions.. In recent achievements in wireless communication It was found that the station at Newport, where there Is a T.lefunken system, was able to hear the entire conversation between the naval station at Beaufort, North Caro lina, equipped with the Massie system, and the station at Havana, .quipped with .the De Forreet system. ..The dis tance between Havana and Newport Is - EVENING, DECEMBER 18. (iDF FE.EVS MHEV APE SOLD IT.D nECO-'JEKDED DY CZZZZZ -CL-A RKE & CO-ANXi S SKIDMQRE & WUULIAKD.- J. 1382. Odd D0WS YOUR SHIVERS We sell Cold Exterminators the product of every COAL, Mine that ships to Portland. All our' customers consider us "THE Bfo FEt LOWS WITH THE LITTLE PRICKS" in the fuel business of this big city. Coal orders promptly filled. Full weight guaranteed. Tel. Main 1776. . ... VULCAN COAL .CO. see BTTKWgrs itbiit. 1,100 miles.' and It was demonstrated that wireless messages could be ex changed with only one relay. It was Interesting to 'observe that while New port could hear the other statlona, Beau fort waa the only one able to reply. . Infant Boa Dies. ' ' (SpMlal Dlspetce ts ta. Joaraarf Gresham, Or., Dec, IS. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Burtenshaw, living near Gresham, died December 11, aged 1 year t months and it days. The funeral services were held at the home, Interment being In Oesham cemetery Rev, C. A. Nutley officiated. Oared Faaeiyala. W. F. Belly. P. O. True, Texas, waltes: pMy-wtfe- had- b..w eugarlng five jrears with paralysis in nsr arm, wnen i wss psrsuaded to use Ballard's Snow Lini ment, which cured her all light. I have also for old sores, .frostbites and skin eruptions. It doea the work." Woods rd, Clarke A Co. c 3 KADDERLY 1901 f ORDER FROM YOUR GROCER DUDADn MEDALS at All Big Shows Fellows Temple, Evory Woman iMKlMaa mna wavw siBro-sr ftDOM mo WODOMTOl MARVEL Wah-uog Spray VssTSM o7T"s i Mrs urHon.Ut Ait Most ronrfiln Alt MfsfeaiMbl, If h. MinnolsaciMT tl HtSttL. HwM DO othar. bl tmA (Ukinv far llliuusiad boot mU. It full n&rtleaUn end Itwtinn 1m- TSluabltoU1lM. MaeiVKI, CSV, e tst ST.. ausiaw FOE taXS ST WOOSaJtS, CLaBJtX 00. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE lb Disnnsrina intassta tia mm. 4)tllfl seensi sorar. Cams I srmD.etir th. wont eu. of Sismisms 4 BfcH, B. BIStWt OI SOW Um. Sold bv draMtrte. rue. II n, or By mail. paia,sija,s s.sM,a,jB. THE SANTALEPSIX CO. BellelMtala., Okie, Oarke Oa, TEETH Foe aaodem dental wera. World-re- aown.d specnanatav Lowest price eenalatant with Brit-el ass s te the t NEW YORK; DENTISTS : rOtTETH ASTD MOBmiSOV STS ppea Say and night, from 1.1 s sa Batu fiaav av,ir st ' assj W'Sr . asar . rer Sale h ' , e WITH- TAB v. CO. ROASTMS First and Alder lEo Portland PORTLAND. ORKQON. -. ' EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL . TRAVELERS., '.;, . Everything to eat and drink, and It costs no mor. In the , - Portlsas Hot si Rathskeller " than elsewhere In th. city. Every weekday night from : to It. M. C, BOWIJIS. Kaaager. We MUht TornOul Poor Printing i4r moNT tr. ti M,i i- II.L Morrison snd;Al-1 v v ... . , If W. St 0tnyn shont It mt mr M o. f iwarllr la llt r.Kt l.f W tlBllM S f.llnr. of th. )t.h. W si--t Work wooM B flrti" i IN l