:.-jas ' J ... m i rnimnroi-c caota ri AI ITflTO A' CIDER FOUNTAIN . Jj: - 1 . . . - i ,ppii"fij,nj f i . . . -aw srtszwi, t V .V L ' ..: j. - Afl the folk were (here. Reggie ame out. made a bow. And proposed that we all lake a Chrutmas drink. ' Dear Tonuny-Iwh you M ..-....,. V ; Everybody stood up, and lo their astonishment Reggie filled all the glasses from the tiny jug. 7 But he didn't get the hana of shutting it oil. and the jug began to apurt cider Then Reggie got rattled and dropped the jug. and immediately became living cuer fountain, bay, iximmj, jl was jtwtull lours, eicy wuue. --AND OTHER THINGS YOUR UNCLE HAS Brought your littlei Cousins to spend CHRISTMAS AND THE ARE 6OIN6 TO HAN 6 UP THEIR STOCKING WITH YOU T0-NI&H1 . D MICE TN45.r HELLO, W9 V HE! HE! I HAD THIS STOCKING SPEC ALLY MADE SO rt.L 6ET MORE THAN THOSE, r 1 - fife UP Hi 1 v. X i ..liiiiffinmiin . r- YOU MAKE A BULLY SANTA CLAUSjT r I I'.IA MY. WHAT A 6 REEDY Boy! he donj deservc MORE THAN ONE STICK T r . km -...a ' I h 1 rJ.i-"".;. iin 75T . n(ha! filled Tm UPt Yti n C1?0 N?T CRY- littleA AND PUT ONLYrWsK Jv J "ONES! I VMlLl 61VE HONE STICK INJ r,-i T b It - - YOO EACH A PIECE ypRCY!5rir 0 - t-, C ) lOF MY CANDY. ZZT ' T s. NEXT MORNING 1 ; V ; and to Think) - -' cWJ7 'ill S VC "Tl HE'D ROB THE C 6 ) WL HI Y0ULL 6ET I POOR LITTLE J 01 . VK I NOTHINGS AT