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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. ' DECEMBER 16, 1903. n FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.- ACBB TRACTS! . OC tPECUlTT IB ACBB TBACTBI FoD-stoed itwH wator to Mch acn. . TERMS $10 PER ACRE CASH iu pes acbb re it month. xoa n to low UfM m rne Sana ea nay the urn Be far the lot n,a The lot maa (a your arlghbor, bvl ha U ra- tririea majority .or feature that make , a (i nvurpt, Borne. Open Wedueeday and Saturday gvsolnga. a. a cHrRrmu, a co inc. 110 Second at, ' KEEP ob paying rend tb landlord bara to II,, too; but It yoa an m-lttah and sfter '. law yssrs yo want to h your owa . property lustrsd of a buahal of rent re . erlpta, (bra luvaetlgate tbeae propositions: $l.O0 New -room houses; $juj caab, $11 BWIIIU'.T. $2,2oo Spauleh bungalow, th Boat mod' am. neatest aud beat butlt kouaa ?oa srer : saw. $2.500 Ntw -room modern bona, , well built, beat ot material; $400 .caab, $:!) ' BMmiUiy. $4.uoo Beantlfal 8-room housa. vry mod era convenience, welkins dlatance: a bars In. lieu? otber food bargains for laaa ur mora . money, r. ruciis. 14V, First, 3 ,000 Modern 0-reom hnus, larg attic, full Daaemeui. turner, electric ugni. corner vk, war In an eaat aid annA nelahhorhnod. $1.230 Nw -room houaa and two full . .Vitii, oa aat aide, en bluck , to . cars, 20 nilnutee' ride from bare. $l,oiip S-reom plaetrred eottac on eat tin, in Montaviu. 7ft0 B-rooia hone In good repair, full lot, ll.BuO i-nxun cottage batb, bat and cold water, near in on eaat aiae. $3,00014 full lota, with new 4 room bona, all feneiwl- near Hawthorne ear Una. We can five food term on the above houaea. wi bare aeveral mdprn -room to aell on ran? 'Installments. V GUllKDY-MELliATH CO., .,; Sell Morrlaoa St . MT. TABOR $200, 100100. T-room bone, barn, trait. Owner, 120 Tblrd. LOTS, a tree re and reatdencee on Portland iivigbt. J. o. B bo trier, bob Tsmnui, or. ran 'SIM ACRES, U mil from letTle Hoe; n reel or gravels nne oil. eaey to clear; ran. nlnt water, road on 2 el deal $7$ par acre. eay terma. i ou, car or J on max. , IDS BALK at a bargain, modern T-room bone Eaat - Taylor, close in; terma to euii purebaaer. Apply r ea, ear journal.' FOR ALB S-rom cottage oa eaet aide) Daaemrnt and yard, not and aold water,' be till pric ai.auu.- aarao u eu. journal. lt)R RALE Modern antmrban cottage, eloa t earllne, Bne location, ground lOUiluu. O. W P. Tbwnstos Co.. 484 ' rirat at TWO fine lota. 100x100, comer; food view of i . anew monntalnat . eneap. A bra new modern rumiaoea o-room eouae, nara. aaat axa, er Mam iib. , BOW la thte) A neat A-rnom bona, nle le,el lot SOilOO, on Eaat ltb at., one block froip canine; tea neat buy la Eaat rortland; $1,000. aa lo. car journal. Bri.LWOOn LOTH. $0 down and $5 a month; , , fma $75 to $200. . aeUwoad Townalte Co. fbona Kaat 4704. . .IF yoa want to bay or cell real eetate call en a: we do ant deal In anapa, but llat yonr . property witn oa at lie real value; we win aell It for yon. Bauer Ileal Real Eatat . ., son Morneon ., A near mag., mom sue. Phone Faclne nul. w. C Iler, manacer. $3,700, A NAP Comfortable modern aooa. cloe la oa tb mat aide, a imne-rooma, bath etc., taa and electricity, larae baaement eoa - talnlnf laundry, two atore aa tnrlroomai eerythinit ebont The Bonae te araKlaaa r Mir: tb lot la ISO feet deep, eoatalaa cblcken- . noaae and yard and number of ana fruit . treea; an Ideal home tor comfort and eon- eeniene. Call - ac addreea the ownvr, room - aoo. ta liaroaam. 1'boo Mala aa, to 4 ' P. m. $1,700 FOR lot on Kearney at. Tyaoa Klnaell, mil commercial on. Main arcs. ACRES eery fin mad. lee tbaa one mil rrotn electric line. 11 mile rrom t-onian.i eaeie leeel -and aay' te rlewrt $ns per aero, any ante) er terma, l aw. car or Journal. ANT ONE wanting anapa to. Weodlewn borne cell up Eaat ! and wUl be taken direct to - NORTH PORTLAND. ... WIIJWX-8 ADD. BLACK1STO.W8 ADD. ' Lota $1,000 to $l.Tsa ' ' Heat really Inmtuient la Portlaad. , B. M. LOMBARD, ' 814 Chamber of Commerce. $2 , nPO Moilern o-rootn reeldence, nicely ranged, comer lot flOxflO, etreefa Improred. concrete walk, cnulceat of etu-nbbery and toe aoaiie. ' , II eoo Modera B-room reeldence. Theae prone rt lea are nicely lore (ed : terma If deaired. tau torenonae, or Kaat nuia near Dana. . HAVH beantlrnl reaMeace lot oa weet aid , . we tea wih eacriiK at once; payer eaiy; ao agent. P T, car JoaraaL (-HIKIM new bonae, 4M Beat Twelfth. . W., $3. TV): $900 down, balance ey monthly paymenta. Owner, pbone Eaat 079. f-ROOM colonlaJ bonae, $1,600. $M0 down, bal ance te uit. raea Kaat a to. fSilHO FRONT ST.; S-atary brick; bring $100 per monta rent; price eio.iaai. S acrea. F.aat Twentj-aecond at., ehean. Cheep lota la rortland llomeetead, bout a Farllaad. , , BLAIR HI RLBrT, aid Ablngtoa bMg. - 1T CASH Uood 4 room plaatered booae. S iota, imicm car, vwa w, wwnve ?iv iwiwi P" TAT1 INTERTMENT CO... - . 11 Ablngtoa bldg. e I HAVE a enlrndld reeldence lot eat eaat a We, keer HornaUle brldael will eell at a aacrUlee for 10 daya. O . car of Journal. FOR aale by owner New modera a-rnom bona, bet. TwMity-ercnnd and Twenty-fourth ate , near Waero. llolladay Park; will ho I Id on - either of 11 lota fnua plana and term (o anlt rarchaarr. Adilreea R. B. Rlc. $81 Mandy road. Pboa Eeet 103. BARGAIN la a corner art: gaa. water and newer on atreet: $4oU, good terma. C. W. Mow?. 804 Margnerlt are. Eaat 480. Bl SINRfS lot. I'nloa bt. Call 3 R. Ween. POO FARMS, email tracts and kite: bargain ea 0. W. 'P. electric tine, a R. Addltoe, LeaU. Oregoa. Take Mount Scott ear. ta. ' $8.300 HALF RMN'K at North AIMna. ll ronm bonae and barn, nlc lawn; terma. gl.giio Modern rooca boua bl Montartlla, '" Bear car! terma. .M , ; 1:123 Vacant corner. lonrlOO, krrel. a bauab. near MonteTllla car line. O. P. BR VAN. Sua Alleky Bldg. $M TK1WN. $11 monthly and tntereet. bay new fnnr-room cottage Joat conipleted: Bne Int. fenced: prlc $1,000. Eaat Mala at. and Aid. : Pbone X'nkm too. ' A T-ROOM modern bona la Weet Irrlngtoa; meat aell; owner leering city; moat be eeen to he appreciated. Apply on premier. 480 Tbompeea at. ' ' HOHT ROOM modera boo) In good eneattoa; electric llahta. furnac. cement walke, and - In gaa district: .for aale at a eacrtfw: owner leering rt ty; cea be eee at 4A r.aat ; Twenty-third at.t take Waeerly er atm-k car; a bargain. $.rion. Alan S choice lota oa Brooklyn Helghte. $enl recti. Call at abor addreea or phone Intna 8;l. FOR PAI.B Cheap: alghtly corner and roaW lot! Lower AIMna. Inquire 171 Market at. FOR -RALE New ft re-room cottage, t nt. hem: aim eleht belfer and row. Apply HO Kaat fle-rentecnth at. 1 ACRES lead, all cleared and atrretcar line ritnnlee through It: eery AWIraMe fur nere are property; $ per acre: eeay terma: flral-ruuw land; a bargain; call early; close !Ucad rVrw near !r P." terminal. . i .r i NATIONAL RKALTV CO.. .rrr?---. an pin st. l'PRel""rocfc" rent "wd" Pnrnltwr 4.W 'Oa. here rare banrabM la Improved and h- praeed reeldenr pmpertr: ecreae property raaae la. Campbell 4V McMillan. 27 J SU at. WirwlW will aell her bom rheae: -eoooi 1 hot water, fmlt free, bara, l-i term. 4 I Pearl at.. MonlarllU. rtxet BAT Panner wanted to take' half of 40 t aeree on penlnanla: lone optma evprrliig aormi wdlnlog land nelllng $2.'t acre nwir. Addre-V or tali at room 2, I X 11th at FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THKER acree Rt. Johua 11 ue. Owner. Jot i aa tuner or l ouuneros. - $lo.onn WILL bar good corner lot -with two - uuuuiuaa , rw. in. on w plots' r . . 1IKNKLK BAK Kit, y ' ill Ablngum Bldg. f FOR SALE FARMS. SNAP BL'YS. A farm eaay to get to party wanting to get free home 1M) acre of drat-clae land and laya alonaalde of Ilia county road; tUia land ran all be cultivated, where clear. TUa.-e la aooat 10 acree wra cleared, with a good beariug orchard oa It, a fair bona and two ' good baraa, a good togging atrcam oa berk ot place. There la enough good cedar oa tbe iilace to make loo.ono cedar poate, near creek bank; alao HiiO.OUO feet yellow Br timber and M piling poire; arbool ou anile; alao 1 good cow. 1 helfere, 4 tone bay, SO aerka carrota, 10 aack rutanagoa. 10 eaika paraulua. 2U aacka potatoea. 1 lu. wagoa. 1 plow, 1 barrow, 1 cook atore; ulace aowed to rlorer aud graaa I'rlc $2.2X; $M or $1,000 down, balance loner time at A ner cent lutereat. Thfa Dlace - can be dlrtded nicely for two famlllee; an . aillee from city. 8 mile rrom nrer aud rail - road depotr good aelghbora; t aawmllla 1 mil or leaa; 2 goiHl etorea, ' M acree, Xi flea red. laya well: good orchard and fair barn; creek on till place; all lu chwed. fence; good 8-roooj .bonae and other Duiidinga: a goKi ream, cowe, a oeiirra, aoine bora and chickena. all the farming ma rlilnery: h Waahlngtoa county. Take hum rite nronertr: A'l.Ooo. 40 acrea. 27 In arood cnltlratloal a good or chard, all kind ataall fruit : a new rootn nonee: a good Dam ana otner Duiimne"; ii miiee to cityi oma to good acuooi, price .,ouo, - MO ecrea, IS lb cnltlratkm, 10 elaabed; good log kouae, aaw bara and other butlilinge; a Baa orchard, 4 cow, 4 heifer, chickena; team bnraea, all ktnda farming too la; .A mile from rirrr alio ntinairi i.i,i.. ESI'Kr-CHAHE KRALTT CO., Boom 1. Hamilton Bldg. LOOK. IF YOU WANT A BAROAIN 100 acrea highly Imprerwl, epienaiil -ruotu noue ana ontlHilldlnra. 17 heed of catrle, blgh-grada and rant, tared Jerary paying $75 motitbly. 4 boraee. plre, chicken,, harn full of hay and " alio full of ton enallage. all crop, atock. ma-, ebbm-y, etc. veldt-walk to State Normal rboul; a pla'e where yon cea meke money end bear . the erlioulnell of one of the beet echoota la Oregon: price for all. $7,600; will take a email farm near Portland, or $:I.MM aa Brat payment, balance -per cent. For good farm or any atae, ee r. rnepn, mi riri A OOOD BUT 48 acre of rich fralt and berry land, only tour mine rrom too town of White Salmon, lu acre cleared and lit cnltlratVm, 1128 choice - apple, - pear and eherr. treea. 10. aeree .ready to aet to orchard 1.500 atrawberry iilanta In bearing. 10 acre In wheat, rnnnlug water, a new four-room houae, barn and . onthalldlnga, horae. barneaa, S bead of enwa, farming 1m plrruenta, etc., go wltb place: only $40 per acre. A beautiful home, fertile aoll, grand rlew; terma nne balf caab. White Salmon Laud Co., White Salmon, waeniugtoa. SNAP-. . . iu aeeea. rronta an wmte naimna nrer, eta to ot Waablngton; H mlw to achool, church, atore, hotel; on main county road; ahort haul to (Vilumhla rlrer: ladd la all raced; AO acre cult lea ted. - acre In e- rnara; tins Bottom iena rw garaen; noun, barn. etc. For a quirk aale will aell cheap. I'rlc will aoon adrance. , IIKNKLK A BAKER, ' 21T Ablngtoa Bldg. FOB RAt.B 40 acrea for 11.200: $300 down, balance oa time. Inquire Mra. at. Tnomn- aon, 1401 IMTIoaoa are., Moniaruia car line, FOR 8ALR CHEAP Aa elegant farm. conle( In of BO acree. within one mile or rana uitr, I'olk county, Or.; 44 acree are reedy for plowing, is acrea ar in prune o yeare oki. 4 acrea anule and neara. 30 acrea ar tlm her; a ' aaw modera T-room boner- and gwl barn, enrmg water: prlc only 3.t"a, i n- ?nlre betweea and 11 a. m.. Eden. Oerllngar 3d Chamber of Commerce bldg.. city. $2.2M 28 ACRES, 18 ere caltlrated: good nonee. nam. ana ontrtnnainge. - en irorea, on county road and Clackamaa rlrer: 1H mile rrom ciaciamaa etation. u. d. atmmica, owner, Oregon City, Oregon. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre, good building. mi acre nnoer cultivation, milt ann oerriea. aplendld water, near town, dally mall; 1,000. 000 feet of fine pin aaw timber, lot wood; a lovely home In th moat delightful climate on ape .racinc cneat. aaareaa n., n., so 117. Woodrlll. Oregoa. FOR SAI 40 acre eery wne land, H la cnitlratloa. Haa.alre aadilrfi!, rlchtock JoJPill;'l Jolna Clackamaa atatlon and B. R-t only 10 mllea from center of Portland: will offer It for one week only at 1 73 par acr. ao errae U la. car JoarMj. . I6n-ACRB farm. 11 mile eeet of Portland oa Sandy rlrer: 40 acrea under cultivation, gon tmprarrment. is aeres oa rowan vane, anad It nllfli annth mt eeeervotr: ebort dla tance from 1 earllne. IT acre fond, level land adjoining Motor addition. W. B. rca bvl mar. 227 Paling bldg. mono PA RM f 400 acre. tV eelMvated, baniBc paarnre; so acre cmrer; aa. (we oeraai would sen in lore er o acrea. a, dree I. Bell. Route 1, RlrkreeL Ore go, ar 40 Eaet Twelfth et.. portlaad. FOR SALB Stock ranch ot 1 400 aeres near Oobnrg. mil anrtbeeat er gngen. uaaa rountr. Oregon: price low and terme eaey. , F. D. Cbamberlala. Labbe bldg., Portlaad. A to-ACRB farm, all la rnltlvarlna. mil rrom conetkoaeo. 1 mil rrom o.. w. r. Hy. Co.. $S.onp: term to nit. ar will trade fee boa and M. J oka P. Sharkey, T01 Cham br ef Commerce. FREE LAND IN OREOOIt ander tbe Carey (Irrigation Act. need Hrvxl from etet. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. B. Cook Co., Sfil Alder at.. Portland. Or. .. ACRES ta fin atate of cultivation, oa fin road. 4 mile from electric lh. old boar. 1 acre In bearing orchard: there I ae rock or gravel: prlc 41.200. M 14. car Journal. - DON'T go to Alaska for pay dirt. Boy Orrgoa farm land for est by O. P. BRYAN, B0$ A flaky BMg. FOR SAI.R-214 acre raller farm. 11B acree an der plow: go hi orctierd, good water a ad good road: ll farm tool go with place, end le now nearly balf aeeded: 2 big heme; will take 5 art trade for rlty profiertr. Writ to owner, oba W. Covert, Daytoa. Oregoa. $20 -ACRES timber land. Wtncheater hay. 10.. niotioo feet cedar timber: IH-aln-Cone Bay railroad anreeyed throngh land; prlc $4,800. N. F. Throne, Ronebarg. Oregoa- TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE 1 nlc lots' oa rortland Hetghta; will T rhenge Into A food bom and pay ah dif ference. AO acre 14 acre caltlrated:. running water. 1H mile from Orrgoa City earllne; will trad for rortland property and pay-aome raah. SO acre Nice land. 40 acree cultivated, booae and bara. acree la orchard, fralt drver, ea Bn road to Portland. 10 ml are out; mlehl trad for a good twine. 28 acree All Bne land, aome beaeerdaa. part "rultlvatrd; might trade for Portland property. a-mna new modera hejee. aar Met red f tb itosl bridge; wlU tak good lot, as pan pay. T-mom boae la Paebto, Colorado; will trade for Portlaed property. nnilon, choice corner, a Oolng at.; win trait Into a borne. T-room bonae. large ground, oa weet a lop of Monut Tabor; will trade fur improved land. , BRNKLB At -BAKER. 21T Ablngtoa bMg. -. EXCHANGE FXCH.INOB. 4 alee Vita la (Soklemlale. Waaoingtoa, with a email booae. valued at tl OoO. to trade for land: will pay a raah dirfere-ic er will ae eume a nvMrtrege of eay $l.ote. ' New S-tonn,' bonae at Montavllla. large lot. Mr1 one blork front ear line: will eell oa eeay term, or will trad tor vacant kit; Bome'eaah. Jome a time. trpVe.nd home. axVlera. oa -eaet eld, eloa In. end eome reali. 4e a mlt farm, a Wty kict.L Improved, worth ant la eired $A.0u0 ar thereehont. We have a alee boaoe. vahted at $0OO, which w will trade for Ite . rahae la am pmved kcreege, nb-ely located. We have a en lend Id tlmtwr claim era will trade for va,-aat Iota ar hone and lot. rain $l..'wa: look tbea en. W bar propertle ef II kmda to trade. Kth targe and email: e If yuj do not aee what yoa want, cell to sad bp a. We will get yoa) a trade. NORTH WHHF l,AMl'HI'4Tr- W Uoodnough Bldg. EXrilANUB- Fine lullhicnl 10 acre highly ml- tlvated. fine busrae trado f blnea i t Ma,lera. tel.; will prop at ty. Pert- lift mm. BrXKf.R A BAKER. 1IT -Ablngtoa) Hldg. 11 ACRES et reed ault. rw-ar f rack. Bill from Portland. oneetent to ear- good bonae arid hern ; rnnnlng water. Will take -real, dene In Portia ud. Yalud JtulAV, tail h Third at. TO EXCHANGE. $4,0ii0 STOCK of genernl mercbamllaa. 40 mllea from Portland, In on of tho beat town la th rallvy. Will aell . at Invoice or etchange for rortland property. Call wimj mua at. , TO EXC11ANOK nor n towa real eat ate t aaed rain tor a diamond. Addreea boa sns. city. j FOR SALE TIMBER." TIMBER TIMBER TIMBER. In lookln war our iMuika we And wa bar S.Ooo.OoO feet of cedar and 2.V0d0.ot feet of yellow Br, within 20 mllea of Portland, aa gooo driving etream; thla due not laclud piling now. In order, tn make ha lance eileet Januarv lHOd, w will cell tl la at 60 cent a per tuouaaod lor merciiantaule timber. Look tnie np. Second Ou Bock creek, botiglaa county, Oregon, we bare 70.0u0.000 feet of choice yellow Br. We will let thla an If w get a Die or bo rente per thoueami. We alee have ahmit am (MiO.OOO feet of pel low Br on the Columbia river, which we will sell eery reaaonahle. For particulars regard lug timber call or addreea NOBTI1WEHT LANII COMPAKT, BOO Uoodnough Bldg. CERTIFIED errlp. any el pleceel loweet price. W. a. Howell, $88 Chamber f Coav FOB HOMESTEAInm, timber rUlm Bad scrip ppry to 8( Camavardal blk. TIMBER LAND WANTED I re a handle a numb of good timber claim tn Deachnte timber belt, at one: title moat he perfect, i. N. Hunter, vena. ' Oregoa. . .( 8,000 ACRES yellow fir. 1.000 aeree yellow fir In Waaliington. Columbia rlrer timber ehean. - 10.000 acres ngr and yellow pin. Blair at Murinurc ma anington ouig. HORSES AND CARRIAGES, FOR BENT Cheap, a good place for pasturing and feeding atock for tb winter. I'hon Eeet 2017. THE MODEL STABLES. Brows Fotr. propa. , Phone Main 047. Boarding, livery and aale: ipreaa and baggage tranafer. 208 Darls at. FOR SALB One teem of mare. sad 10 years; weight 1.325. (ieorg Peterson, Hillsdale. Oregon. R. F. D. No. t. ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Tn pine oat Vetate of prominent mrrcnant. win aell a - t ancaan moantain walnut, rare wood. A. Roeco tyl nearly new Emeraon' plannc to a quirk buyer thla ta a bargain; I'ft on aale wltb ue; eetate Iiaye aa our commleeloa. ao yoa get all there In It; Jnat th preeent for Xmaa; pay menta If desired. Menafactarers' Plan Co., 800 Alder. Opea evrnlnga. FOR BALr? Fine French walnvt Porltan atyis Ludwlg nnrlgbt piano;, grand cabinet else, latent dealgn; coat $400; will aell at s snap price, caeh or eaey paymenta'lf diwlred: all I want la good, reliable uuvr. Call at 8A0 Alder at. Can b seen la evening If yoa desire. ... 80 ACRES of lend In Tillamook eonnty, good for cattle or eheep; bare free range of surround ing country, to exchange for teem of good bore, weight between 1.200 end 1 .800 pound,; muat be good: value of lend. $5 aa acr. Ad dree Box 404. Sherwood. Oregoa. ' WE print yonr aim oa SO calling-card, peeper la aad styw. zoe; too Maine earns, si. Browa A 8cmal. 220 Pint. Portlaad, Or. WESTERN OREOON M1NIN0 MILLINI t't. aeeoqaerrera: atock tor aale ana in formation at 180 Elrat at. Pboa Mais !!. MACHINERY of an kinds repaired. Oenfennlal iroa A Btoal work, voj Ullaaa sr. . ; LARORRT etork of bottle ts north weet r .order filled promptly. Portland Bottle Snnnly Cw Ml North Eighteenth st. Mala USB. SHOWCAPRS AND FIXTCBBS mad to ordert eeond-hand good for al. rerlann m atrom. SSS Conch st. Phone Clay STL BILLIARD AND POOL table for No. or for rale on eaay paymenta. TUB BBuNSWICK-BALKE COLLENDER CO. 40 Third at.. Portland. BOOKS bonght, sold and erchenawd at th Old Book Ktor. S2S XamblU St. HO RUES of all kind, for aal at very i price inquire ins groat St. tros salbi power ana mc er rcnna-Bana oonaey ea gin, snltabl for loggiog ar holatlng per Pose. For information and prlc apply to r, v. n,otiner. aaiona. uregoa. FOR SALB OB BENT w BW AND SECOND HAND SSWING MACHINES. STANDARD RF.WINtl MACHINE AGENCY. H, O. JObEs, 1M YAMHILL ST. DIAMONDS, watches snd Jewelry st a -saving or z.i per cent. H . M . Lsrrerr a urn., wnnie sal and retail Jeweler. Office SOT Allsky bldg.. Third sad Morrises. HORSES, hsrnee. t wad-hand wagon, one good Beck: alao rigs mr rent by day or moats, 420 H w t horn. Pbone East TS. $5O0 NEW aprlrht plan. $128; Fwcber. $75: organ, sou. First t-, cor. Mala, p- stairs. FOR SALB 1 cow, a single wagoa Snd harseea, Incubator. - Pboa Eaat 2318. AT cloalng-ont prlc, e vera I eampls gasoline nrme. marine ana etationary: emte or price. Belenoa Machinery Co.. Pert land. NAfJI.S enghve. 11x18. sompart. Inqnlr foot or aianisoa ar. oora. NICB baggy or ddle-hor. geatl. with saw addle Partlcelara : 100 Third at. MISTLETOE fornlahed In any.qnantlty at rea- nnni rate, n ra. B.ingstoa, nu-teeatn aaa Oak eta.. Salem, Or. ALL or part Interest la well drtlL Addreas nog ar. uoot s. utwanam. urrgoa. BEACTIPCI. KNABB habyaraod plena, cost SJttO, eerririce at 14HO: naraalna in new snd second-hand pianos snd organs: terms. See Ceo. Anderson, piano expert, ar B. W. Fleber, FHher Piano Co.. 1M Third St. Ei pert plano tnntng end repairing. 1 SADDLE aad 1 pal' platform ecslee.- Phone sjiai asis. t - FOB SALB Scow. North Bamslds at.. N. S. FOR SALB A sew, flret-clea a team tog. - BT feet B Inches long. IV root neem. oepta oi hold 4 fret. Sxlo blgn-preaaore new engine, 54xS4-lnrb boiler. Address Jobs La moat. Skamoksws, Waahlngtoa. A OOOD raah resiater. alao am all sots, for aal cbp. rheae Main svu. OOOD team of horae. ham eee snd wagon: alao gaaoiine engine woooaaw, iot mi, er v.w Crockett. 24SH Wahtogtoa. FOR SALB Administration restaurant hand ing, part or wnoie; gae maiv. r,m gas. water plpea.e'tc. Be Janitor la owl Id leg. PERSONAL, BR send for a hog or tbeee taniem asa oe i . . m . 1 1 nl. la fake. $1. The Armetrsng Tablet Caw la.. Tokwje blk- Detroit. MVrhlgaa. PECIAL N0TICB TO WOMEN Doa't risk year nves hy as operation waen yew ra be cored by harmleea methodai electricity peoaarly applied will eav, life where oner a tloa Bin. We ,paws the mteat Inreatloa to eoatml dleeaee pec Mar to women. . Dr. W t. Neee. M. B.. Medlcel Bleetrtclaa. Of rieo Tia rweam kUl. PkaaM Bad B2B1. Offlcs boir s-12. S-B. DR. ACSPt.PND. fkmai of worn) and or- M. . k!J. TkM mmA 1 1 1 I MMie r, , . aii.. w ,u, . v .. v DETECT! TB AOKNCY CoeBdrstlel Inrestl. gat looa; reports made ea say Iwnvisaai sanre aees ar prnoerty; aleetng rvlatlree located I had debts llertd: chart raewaubto: err. reenoadeaee nl1Hted. Oregos Detoetlv Berries, erace 114 311 ColnmM bids-. BOB Wsahlngtoa t. Paoao Mala MIS. .. MEN I WOMEN t Rayeaood'e pllh positively car arvoaenea asd lack sf rlunty; Bl. 4 hose $3, Plammer Drag Ce. 2oB .Third. CONFIDENTIAL, medical advice to wemee w liitt of aimiia esrmeiveiy. rsxms with anvsrvlnsT ewcraaa all female ellmrsts freaa tb eltrhtet local trrlratto t tb aat roaaplteated toternel trwakleet swternHy raaae gives apeetal twtloj. private bnepltel ec tvm nealataes: prnfriwloasl Mdr aaraea to st temlanes; renealtatlon end edvtr fee. X Radlnm MedVal Instltsts aad Sanirartom. TMed aad Aids ta-r wtrascs B3S Aid U Port U ad. FRPB sample corn, bemtoa sad wart cure, Bd wis U Dees, dept. B. Taantoa, Mass, TI'SKISn BATHS, son Oregrmlaa M-g.i BMtleA ays, aeaueema Sights' auis leaa. - aa Kn T F. P. fTttal-Powar) tablet win reetoce" te yoa th snap, elm snd rigor f manhood; II oa are larking la tn power r vuamr. ma'remlUng from Indlacretlons ssd excess. ' PERSONAL. SUITS prceeed while yoa wait, Hoc. La dice' eklrta prraaed. 80c. Gilbert. 100 Sixth at.. . Beat to Quelle. Phone Clay But. MBS. ANNA I.ITKKT and ETHEL WARD are now located at-ATO Tar lor at.; prlndpale of the American Beauty Parlor. We cure ell seals dlaaaaea: all klnda of hatha alven: elec tric aiaaaaee. man lenrlng and chiropody; alee Maaame Karrow'a famoua remedl-a; ssnsrsc tloa gnaranteed. , Phon Main 2248. YES, Palme Tablet make yoa Wp perfectly; . tny rare aervoaeneee end mak yoa etreng; price 80c a bog. beaea $2 80; guaranteed. All dragrlata, or addreae Brooks Drag Co BT North Third at,. Portland. MANLJ rigor restored by Dr. Bonert' Nerr Oronhle. On month' treatment. $2: $ montha. tn; sent (ernrely eealed- y mall. ' A genu. Woodard. Clarke A Co., Portland. Or. BOOKSI Here they a rat "Decameron." Hep tamamn." "A Hot Tamale." "Kenny Hill." "Twenty Tear Faker." "Forbidden Fruit. B0 reck: list free. A. Scbmale. 229 rirat et LOST powers reetored by tb great Dr. Lorens's Nerr Tonic Tabktp; IB per box. B bosea for $1.28. Write or call at Eyaaell'a ' Pharmacy, 227 Morrlaoa. bat. 1st and 3d. LADIES Yoa appear to year younger, re move all wrlnklre. hare akla like velvet by salng Oregoa 0rp Skin Food. Pboa iMtUtT. . WHY Itr alone when yoa cea eeenre a life companion ny joining the interstate intro ducing Society, end meet or correapotid with reputable persona, of tble section. , many wealthy: the November resiater. Id cent. Suite 24 Ruaaetl bldg. Pboa Pacific 828. FREE to oat of town perron, awr la teat cata log or raney .work, pillow ton, center plecee. ehh-twalet and anreltle. The NeedJf Craft Shop, SOT Altaky bldg., Portland. Or. DOLLS boapltal: repairing and dressing. Yam- am and wt Park at. BINO CHOONfl. Importer of Chines root medi cine! sen mineee te tnat la cert am car for ell die. 101 Second bet. Yamhill and Taylor. -, - SEND B. B. BICH. POBTHAND. OREOON, K rOR 28 ASSORTED SOUVENIR fOSTALS. SEND for free llat of cot piicea and clubbing rare on magsalnas. Jones Book a tore, zvi Aider t. . DR. ATWOOD. IB Rnssell bMg.. KH Fourth et. Female dleeeeee and conrlnementa taken and eared for; ope availing. Couaultatloo free. ... MRS. Sophia B. Selo. nercnometrlet. sacrea end prophet eee: dally 10 to B. T to 8: circle Tuesday and Friday. B p. m. 84H Yamhill, cor. Seventh. Pacific 108. Sunday evening meeting Drew hall. 182 Second at. DBS. . N, A. ..NtSBETH. Swedlah epeelallate cure rneomatiam. kidney, atomacn ana nrer tronblee, chronic eonetlnetloa. obesity ssd sll chronic and aereoos dleeaer: no droge: a knife; $10 per ajonth. Cnnaultation and dem astration free. Hdbd 1022. 411 Morrlaoa st, HAVH yoa Been oar holiday enertalat $1. Sto- aio, Olive, riftb and Waablngton. ORDER OF WASHINOTON Foremoet fraternal society of northwest: protects tbe living. 811 Maronam bldg.. Portland. Oregon. GET married: Ideal plan, beet remit,: end 10c ror particniara to tb raeirio txn rpuuoenos Club, Aim, Oregoa. Eeet Belmont. Pbone Mala 4832. BED-CROSS stande for relief: eperlatty treat ing chronic and private d lee as. Cor. Sd snd Aah. WANTED TO KNOW th whereabouts of Ells May Swlckard: nmetlro goe bv tbe name of Ella May Brent: thought tn be In Port land or Havre, Montana. Addre 407 Weal Third avenue. Denver, Colorado. . DB. W0RI.EY BENJAMIN. theFoot Snerlallat, SflOH Waahtogtoa at. Hood 004. Sore feet mad sound. YOCNO lady gives ltrlc snd mametlc treat mente for rhenmetlem end aervone dlaordera: alao facial and scalp msaesge. 1451, 6th. cor. Akler. A LADY. rrangr In city, wlahes to meet a gentlemsa frlnd as iisrtner In s Bret -cures bnaln: ao real eetate sgent need apply. W T. cere Journal. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVET. Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadillac ead Pierce antoejobllsa; mschla ranted, repaired and etored. i ASSAYERS. GARVIN CTANIDB EXTBACTIOW CO. and Montaaa Asasy Offlca. IS8 Morrhma et. ATTORNEYS. A H. TANNER, attorney, ana Commercial bib Second aad Waahlngtoa at. Pboa Mala 842. H. F. BCRLEfQB, lawyer, 122 Oread avc. Eaat Portlaad. BDWABD -T. TAOOABT.- atterw-nd seloc. 41B Chamber of Cam marc hldg. BATHS MASSAGE. YOCNO lady give vapor, alcohol aad medicated hatha: rarm? $7. 20SV4, stark. 1 TWO yenng ladle give he the sad maaaage. lion 4tk at., cor. rtaan. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS Two lady at tendasta: 2X7 H Abler et., bet. fourth and Fifth; tnb aad vapor and maaaage. Pbon Meln bv. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOB B. MAX MEYER, B48 Alder. Portrait and laadeeepe arttet and teacher. ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES B. PFAHLET Pnbllc editor sad expert croantaat. 1 Rosa- C Chamber ef Cematerre bldg. BUTCHERS SUTPLIES. S. BIRKENWAIJl CO.. Sod- Everett at. Lergeet hatrhr' eapply hooa oa tb coast BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. Howe, davis kilham. ioo-m second st. Brash bank manufacturer: agent for Joaes Improred Loo-Leaf ledgers; eee tb aow Eureka leaf, the bast ea tb market. BLACKING. WEBEOOT Blacking, aheoratrly wa,rpronf. pr. eai th leather, make aboe wear 10 cent longer. Fee ala everywhere, -IB ssd - 18 rent. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LXNSCH BROS., eommlealon meretiant. Sown fd. ky and rwndnca. 242 to 2o FresA St. Pbon Mala ICoa. XTCRDIN0 t FAJI ft ELI, proitne and enmnrhw . sloa awn heats. 140 Froat St., Pertlaad. Or. Pbaoe Main ITS. CAFES. TH OFFICE 2as Waahlngtoa et. TT1. Bsmoel Vlgseaa. ' ' Mala CHIROPRACTIC. poniTITET.Y car n form of rnevmetlewi. Dr. Bra Bogs. BBS Ball st. Pbon Mais 04, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ST. OEOR0R ORMONDE, seer of Egypt, telle yoa of marrlagr, love, buatjiree, elckiiraa. Sow to lirreat money, atieculatlon. buying, sell ing, partner, friend, eneuilea; euro all ner roue dlere,. weaknea of every klud, eettlea Liva tniMrrela. rwunltee the UDrsted. . haatena marrtuge, locale tnlnee. . burlett treaaurea, mlealng one. paiere; renews youth ful vitality, gives magnetlo se-rel powers or cent nil, aev.kJiW, uscne. wvm "' Ingtoa at. MRS. STEVENS. Portlands leading palmist. aatrologlat and aplrltual lifereader, ran give Important and reliable Tacte anoui tne paa(, E reseat and fntare. 1B0 Seventh at., opp. lotvl Portland. I'boae PaclBe TI4. MMB. HELONIt. EOYPTIA Tlie-pchle-1lr reader, orient If 10 palsilat. satrosigiet. occult teacher end heeler;. Egyptian Tarot card reader, . Second sod Moraleon ata. MADAM ANNA WARD. Scientific Keatern . Clairvoyant and Card Reader; don't fall to . consult her on all matters. BAlVa Morrlaoa at., room 12. Phone klaln l-io. , CIGARS AND TOBACCO. CSRERO-OT'NST CO. . Ulatrlbutors ef . FINB CI0ABS. Portland. Oregon. CLEANINO AND DYEING. YAMHIIJ, CLEANING PBKS8IN0- CO. Work rallrd for and delivered. Phone Clay 2H2. 4T Yamhill. Portland Strain Cleaning A Dyeing Worket prar. tlcal batter la connection. 211 4th. Clay TO. CLOTHES cleaned and preaaed $1 per month. Palqae Tailoring Co.. B4T Wsabipgtoa at. fa. W. TCRNBR. profeaalonsl dyer and cleaner. BOB Jefferson et. Phone Main 2S1A. NEW pence lac curtain cleaning. 60o to $1 pair, en Ullaan "'" , ,,1,,, CARPET-CLEANING. - STANDARD Csrpet Cleaning Co.. largeat plant on the coaat, lorlng snd Harding ata., tele- Jibone Eaat 2S0 Carpeta cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid: both ateam and latest coin- preeaed air proceta; renovating mattrenssa snd feat here a specialty. - SANITARY csmet cleaning, sartwa snd mm presaed air combined ; carpets cleaned on floor without removal. Mala na.14. svaai .ii. CARPETS rleened on the floor t w rale a float. Phone Clay g'l. free oemenarranoa. COAL AND WOOD. CHTTRCHLEY BROS, have removed from font Deri it, to 42B Kearney at., aaar 11th: Is aow th largeat eroodvard lo tb city, carry, lag all klnda of wood snd anal. Mala B31. 0RE00RY A MORRIS, oacrooaor to Cala A MrKun. dealera la wood and coal at loweet price: eatlafaetloa gnaranteed. Cor. Teutk aad Irving. Pbon Main 4S7S. WESTERN Fred ft Fuel Co., oa Front, betweea OMeen and Hoyt, dealer la all kinds of Bona oai asd blaekamlth oal. - Pbone Main 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO Dalr la eordwood. coal - and grae snd dry alabwood. R, R. and Al- - blna are., 1 block a eaet of ferry. Eaat 674. STEEL RRTTM7R FrEL CO D.alera la coal, eordwood and dry alabwood. Pboa Eaat 424. TRY EAOI.E LI'MP COAL. V ton 42, ton $7 Ilenk. 148 N. Sixth. Pacific 841. OREOON F17EL CO All klnda of real aad wood. Bos Alder st. Phon Mala Bo. KIRK ROOTER 11 Wats et.. arood and eoL Pboa Main 4MM. FULTON- WOOD CO Phon Pacific 004 for dry and green alabwood. KINO COAL CO., Importers blab grade etesm and amltblng coale. Main 1428. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLES AIJ crockery and g1aswr. Prael. . H-gelr Aj Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at I 11 - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. CroOBVeVOODejunientslmlldera' re- Kinng aaa jonnirg; atore oa nrric rixrai Ut. Shop 2V Columbia. Mala B2BT. WASHRHRNR ft FTOYD, wegna bntldcrs asd general Jib work. S3 Btb at. Phone Hood Btw. F. B. TANDRRHOOP. carpenter aad Jobber. 1ST Stark at. Phone Ma ala ' T4T. WM. FISHBECK. eerpenterr repairing and Job bing don. 21 Bnraald et. Pboa Mala B4T. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any one ow yoa money W enlles--rSdrT debt or all klnda. 122 nraaa ar. 14 and 15. Pbon Fast 4424. DANCIN0. WOtiOWABD'S dancing school of tb Western Ace.iemy or eioau;. Mono ay ana i-naraaey. Spectators Invited. Les-nna SOc. Dasclng B to It. One. keened and Morrlaoa. DETECTIVES. TELL na your tenable; w never eloep; evidence trecea ia civil ena criminal cases, a. i Ilenlnger. Bos Son. DRESSMAKING. KEISTEB'S LADIES' TAILORING CO LI ROB. 202 and 400 AlUky bldg.; writ for booklet. DBESSMAKINO Strictly sp to data; lateet 4W Mgns. 4SB CUy st 0TIEHSMAKINO. firat-elaaa and . np-to-date; rhargee rsaaoaabl. TL Mala 1&22. Call 414 rifth at. DOO - AND- HORSE-HOSPITAL. DR C.R BROWN D P S D C.M Doe Horns bos. pttal.2NT Barnatde. Pbosee: MalnaOM; Par 440. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. BOBTHWEST ELECTRICAL EN01NP.ERIN0) Company. BOB Stark St.. Portland, a K. for ever 1 thing la tke electrical Baa. . Pboa Mais 18KS. . PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engiaeere, eon tree to-, repairers, sleetrte wiring. rappH. 04 First, cor. Stark. Mara SSO. R. H. Tate. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OR BOON Fmultas ManafsrtarlnB Lompaay-a Ma no factor, rs of taraltar lur tbe trad. . Portland. Or. FTRNPTTRB mantifaces-lng and (pedal order. I Savenaky'a fsrnltsrs fact ner. BTO Froat et. FURNACES. BOYNTON srerm atr fsraecea sere fael I. O. Bayr Fsraace Co.. 2nd BaroaAMala 4S1. FRENCH BAKERIES. TH B only place In Portlaed tn get Frenevi breed. Barrere ft Maylle. 407 sixth . vsuy oeuv- nreea aaa, GRINDIN0. B. J. CASTKRLINB ft CO.. Inventor of taa famone eteel tampering process; tool harti cned resanaabl. 14T N. sth et. I'erlO MX Basors. knrve. n tenia sharpened ts pr f e, tloa. Rarlann ft Co.. OV, N. tb. Ptrlftc Tnaj. .GROCERS. WAPnAMS ft CO. whokessts grorera m fact nrer sat eammlaalja ssd 4sk ma. . - m, reheats. Faarta ALLEN ft LEWIS, eomwlastoa sad in "dues ckaets, s-rewt ssd Davva era,, peniaaa la ad. Or. - HARDWARE Pertlssd Hardwars Co snllctta eppertnnlty ta ajoae int. . ja te t., ear. Ainer. aiaia lane. HOTELS. BOTCLf Peedletoo, Peed le toe. W.A. Brow, mgr. BOTEL Peril, ad. Aaarriraa ptaa: H. $3 per day. HOTEL St. 0arg. Pndltont leading hoteL BILYKDERSi Esrop.aa plant 4th and A c (ta. HAY-AND -GRAIN,. B O. COOPBR A CO. Potatoea: feed aad floor. 1ZH L'alouBJse. Phoss Bast 181T. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire lasaraa. 800 Dekaa LAMBERT. WHITMER ft CO. Eire tnearsnc and ml aetata: efflcr loT-los Sherlock bldg. Mala 10O8; dept. 404 Best Aider. Eaat 401. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, mployer' Bahlllty and In dlel.luel sccldent an rat v hoad of sll klads. Pbooe 4T. SOI McKay bldg. I. F. BARTET.S COMPANY Fire InenraBl 448 Sherlock bide Oregoa Phase Clay ox. LOCKSMITH. 7. H. RICHARDSON, en pert lock and keyomttk: general repairing: eaatlroa braaln ng; ail wore g'leraateed. 2k7 Burnald at. 11 10SA. PacKi BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmltk sad Bicycle repairing. ZAA Stark. Day CUy B22; night pboae. Mala SSSS. MUSICAL. THKO. TIIOR HAMMER, ' Tlolln Repairing. Expert work gnranted. B22 Toarny bldg.. Second and Taylor eta. LEKNON8 50c Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin; Inatrnmente for aal. 241 Mi First, or Main. Mrs. Martin. PIANO, violin, string snd wind Inatraments. Profeaeor Edwin A. Smith. 284 Twelfth. Mala 4T0B. PIANO tnnlng. $2; perfect work gneranteed. 0. W. Johaaon. Pbone Mala IB1L J. A. WESPO. vinlln-maker and repairer; week Bret elaaa. 18 Rnaael bldg., 4th aad Morrlaoa. FEES lea none on th violin, mandolin, gnltnr and banjo. Levy", Mnalc Hosse. 1T1 Fourth. EMIL THIELHORN. pnpll ef Sevelk. violin teacher. Studio IA8 Sixth. Tel. Meln eiwt. MONUMENTS. NED ft KINOSLEY. 2nS First at.. Portland'! leaning niarpi ana granite worsa. aa MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS. 42H-0 Mohawk blilg.. cor. Morrlaoa and Third Ladles or Oentlpmen. No PuLtlctty. If yoa borrow $20 yoa pay bach $1.8 a week. If yoa borrow g&l yoa pay hack $1 8 a week. If yoa borrow m yoa pay bark $2.00 a week. II roe barrow $18 yos pay back $2. Ml week. If yoa borrow $.yi yos pay bark $.1.00 work. Pymnta anapended la -reae of slckaea. Strictly Salary Loans. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO, 42S-S Mohawk hldg.. cor. Morrlaoa and Third. . MONEY TO LOtS - , - Oa Improved city property or for halldtng purpaeee. Any amount on from t to IS year' tlm. with prlvllag tn repay all r pat of maa after on year. Loaae ap proved from plana jnd money advanced aa bnlldlag progTiaaia; mortgsg taken ap aad replaced. PR ED H. STRONO. Pinsaetsl Ageat. sal Stark Street. -THE STAR LOAN CO.- Any salaried employe,, ana get as hi note, without mortgage Month. V) Month. Week gno no Repay to a tl ft, or BA nk or S A Repay to se $ IS er $t M or $1 08 $18.00 Repay to ea $ 4.0A or $2.00 $1.00 ' tlO McKay bldg. WHY PAY RENT whes w ess fnralab yoa moner to bar ot bnlld roa a hornet SMALL MONTRf.Y REPAYMENTS with LOW RATES OK INTEREST. Drop a card, or cell ea J. H. Hubbard State Agent. 202 K. Morrlaoa st. MONEY to loan, salarlrd people, te mater. tc without aecnrlty: eaav payment: lergeet hnatneee n 40 principal rltl. Tohnas. 22$ Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Mala B48T. MONEY to men oa real personal end collateral security! special attention to chattel amrt- Pi real notes bonrht. C. W. Pallet, 804-8 en ton hldg,.; 84 Sixth et. . HIOHLY rpeetahl pi where'- reni and rent, csa- boe,ow money ea diamond end Jewelry. Collateral lima Bank. 208 Waah lngtoa at. Pboa Black Tl. CHATTEfi loan In etnnant renatrar from WW ifi1r n ttlniBti W toM on Mad tWltf a I yvrwaveex. rkl WW . IS I If-sl LAlra BJ 'm m chattel loens. IPS Morrlaoa St. t 4- MONEY to Wise la am ef gn nnn; . terme to salt th SoO-10. Commercial blk. MONET to loan on Clack sweaty la ads. ar. r. ana v. 0. alley, aow ' or 00m- LOWEej lalesr on' fmltwee and piano. arvTLoae Can 44B Sherl.irh hldg. V'lay BeaV TO I1AW nm tn n1t oa ceattel ailt. It. A. Era me, HI 4 Th Msrqasm. MOWY TO tOAN on all kmd of srcnrlty. William Boll, room . Waahlngtoa building. $1,000 $8,000 TO lna br private party real rt i'ntlty. ng commercial maa. LOANS oa city, snbnrhsa snd farm property, anr anwmwt. eaay terms. B. -K. Darts, room T0. Chamber ComwieTce. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX ft NORTHRCP. 41S-1A-1T Deks . Mdg , Third snd Wsahlngtoa st. Mala B4S. Examlnatlose free. DRS OTIS ft MABEL'AKIN, Clay T7S. Bee. M. 1181. 4ns Mieleay bMg. Coasaltatloa Bra. TITS veer beet lady topth In town. Dr. L O. John eon. suits IS. Selllng-Hlrech Mdg. MACHINERY. THK H. C. ALRES CO. rVcond hand marblnery, aawmllla. ate. B4S Grand sv. PLUMBERS. DONNERBEBO ft BADEMACHEB. eaaltsry plumber, 84 Foartb at. Both pi FOX ft CO.. sanitary plumbers. 2X1 Second, he. Main and Salmon. Oregoa Pans Msla toot. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH ft CO. Tb Pioneer Paint Oe.1 window xlaea aad glanlod. - UB Flrat St. Phone 1884. ERNEST MILLEB ft CO., Second and Taylor Wall paper, paint. tl at market arte; fro delivery. BASMCSSEN ft CO Jobbers, pelnte. U, gums, seek nd door. BVrond and Teylor. - PRINTING. WTlrH A DAVIS. Print, Ooeea af thing with Ink and typ oa neper. Sfearae aiag., aista aaa merneoa. maia eiei. ANDERSON ft Dl'NIWAT COMPANY, prlntlns. Btbographlng. blank hooka. Phoa Mala if. BO Alder t. . ROOFINO. TIN ROOFINO. gnttvring. repairing anal general Jobbing. J. Loan. Ill Jfferwa at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 14S Aider et. pbon Msla TlO; rahher etenvps. eesnx atenclM. bsggag. trod checks; eewd to catalogs So. IB. SCALP TREATMENT. OBAV.-Aalllng hanr, dasdrsff treated; ahampnea Inc. amnieejrins. afhiropotiy. race wars. Mr. B. F. Kyse. InaVk Enwrth. cor. Merrtoea. Beea BX Phon Pieific BOB. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODE'S Farnltnrs Hoaa . Higher! rrles paid rw aarnao aaaa raraltar. , BIB Phone Pacts 408, SPIRITUALISTS. UTAM.ITT. MriXt M -lnim mlntM nnA hartal fpanir, tuiMtag) lb isNir1t-(l; rUay- h)tpr irtrr1gAj jef vif) n4Bsig. tmm ttvparud U r4i 4iuta. H,3 Fourth, u(-itsilr. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURH3. BlloWt'AHKS of rrr dcacrlpf loai hnk. hr and ,tor S.tnr.a nird. to onier, lh, Lul sitiiufacinrlng Co., I inrllend. NeaVTR. iidgy f from $yoo , borrower Banmi eei mbc SAFES. f S repair snd rebuild enlomnailea. gsa ee,in. prmllsg preaaea,' time hica. eale., !,' out a, do all klnda ofmnriiin work, tolunilo Oa Enaln ft Safe Woika. HI Seeood .1. Pboae Paelfl 47 . Freak J. kir. epl. DIB BOLD MaagsBM safeet firs ead bwrstar. r"' work: Jail aad pcteo. erork; kvlnaa snnodi Joaiea. J. J-TTt4,' . SIGN-PAINTERS. OOI.D SIONg, ertndnw h-tterlng. cloth banaere, economical electric fane aud alrne ef ,11 k I ml made quickly. Poatrr ft Klelaer, Flftk and Everett, pbone Rxcbenge Bo. HOIJDAY SIGNS Offlcs donra- and window lettered at cot prices. Slrnglehel, gli't naanington ex.. e pal a ire. Phone Hood itbi. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Conetracttna O.. street pis. 'Ida walka sad eruaa walke. 1B Oregoolaa bid. T1i", R,rhrT Aaphalt Pavlag Co. mt Portlaad. 0fc AVI Worceater blk. TYPEWRITERS. NSW typewriters, all make, rented, aold and repaired. Cos at Agency, 831 Stark. Tat l4of. LAROB atock secondhand Remington' and Smith-Premier typewriter, from $40 ap. I'mlorwood Typewriter Co., 281 Stark at. TRANSFER AND . HAULING. BATES, piano aad tarnltar move, packed . ready for ablpplag ead abtpped; all work guaranteed; large. I story, brick, Sre-oreof war, booae for etorag. Office IBS First t C M. Olsea. Pbon Mala 84T. TUB BAOOAOB ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO. cor. Sixth and Oak ate.; bagsage checked from hotel or real dene direct to. detlnetloat paeeengere therefore avoid euek and anney ance at depots. Prints Eichsngs AS. a O. PICK, afflc SB First et., betweea Stark nd Oak ate., phone BOB; pianos snd fnrntturs moved and parked for shinning: comsxodlsejs brick arerebsaa, Froat and Clay ata. OREOON TRANSFER CO.. 14 North Sixth. Phone Mala aa. Heevy hading ad etorage. EAST SIDE Te-nafer Co . A. B. Holcomh, pro. 128 Eaat Water at. Phoa Eaat 88. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Na Ingtoa . Pbon Main tel. B00V, -TREES,. SHRUBS, ROSES. W bar them by th thoaaande; strong, healthy atnc. i mr 1 min iiinarrnrea ann pnesa care- logae telle all. PORTLAND SEED CO, Froat ana xamnui sts. TELEPHONES. . THE only eirlnelve telephone boo. B.-B. - Electric ft Trhrpboa Manufarturlng oar" pany. 02 Fifth at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY--Comb, brnah. assa, $1 par month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply Co., Ninth end Conch. Phone 410. WELL BORING. JAMES W. GREEN 20 year' xprrlnc la , well-boring boslneas In and about Portland: pear or rsrsrsoc. two Tssaonvag are. Bast 21X12. WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCB ft WIRE WORKS BBS East Morrlaoa at. Pboa Eaet 821. FINANCIAL. D3BTLAND TSUBT COMPABY Or JiBtOOB. I Xk Oldest Truet Cemnssy liwrregos. , BESOUBCES OVEBUC&O.OUO. .7, Orseral banking. Egelling on all part of the srorld... Savlnaavaccounts. Time cerltB crtea. 8 to 4 perrent; ahort-call epeclsl certlB cata. $.100 oreTrr. &L tn 4 per cent. Cell toro.4 of "ILLrST RATIONS. 1 inner nirn ann ma pta. on Privet Exchange 72. - prjrtV 1. cohen Pr1dnt PITTOCK Yl-Prldwt LEB PAOBT.........1 .Peretery "-O.-OtTLTB A A ERCHAXTS' NATI0HAL BANK. - ; j POSTT.ASD. OBEOOB. J. FBANK WATSON Pneldent B L, DI RHAM... Tles-Preeldest B W. HOYT.. ; ,....Cehl CEOROB W. HOYT Aa1tnt Cashier Traassetg a 4)saerJ Banking Bssiasss. Drafta and Letters sf Credit leaned Arsllahat to All Parts of tb World. , Collectloas a Bnecislty. LADD ft Til TON. BABKFBS. (EitsklUhed to lfM.) Trsssaet Oaasrsl Baaklag Bssiaes. Collection mad at all polnta na favorsbhy term. Letter af credit leaned available la En rope and sll points Is th I'ntted States, Sight Etchenre and Telegraphic Tease fee old oa New York. Weshingtoa. Chicago, St. Loola, Denser. . Omaha. Saa Fraartses and Montane and Bntl,,AlnmMa. Excbsngs snld'oa London, Parle BerBs. Frankfort. Hongkong. Xokokaaa. Manila and Hnanluta. U1 BITXD STATVB BATTOSJAL SA WX I. OF POST! aWTl. OB SOON. X0BTHWTST COB. THIRD ABD OAK BTB. Traaaaeta a Beseral Banking Bal'Biaa. - DRAETS ISBCED. Avsllahl In All Cities sf tb Tnlted Stste sad Karoo Hongkong and Manila. President J. C. AINSWOPTt Vlie Pieetdenf. ...... ...m ...... W. B. AYEB rice-presldrat B. LEA BtBti-s Caahler B W. SCHMErs Aaatatant Chlr.... A. M. WBI1HT AaaUUnt Caahler W. A- HOLY PBST sTATTOWAl BWX OF P0STXABD. OB EOO. DrslgBstsd Depoaltorv and Pinaactal Agvst et th L'alted State. Prestdeat A. t. VTflJt Caahler... . J. W. BIWellRK Aaelatant Ceahlr...'. W. C At.VOHPJ Second Aestetent Cssbhw.-... . ; . H. F. BTEVBNS Letters ef Credit leaned Awtlahl to 'Bar snd the Eatm States. , Sight Fxchang end Teleeaanbl Trsnfr eld on New York. Boston, Chlcegev St. IjmiIs, rt rani. omah. Ban rranriee an ia princttiel polnta la th Northwest. Sight and time Mini drew In en me to mrlt on London. Pert. Berlin, Frank fort -oa-tb Meln. Hongkong. Yokohame. rnnewharea. Chrtatfanla. Stockholm. St. Peterebevs. Mes- aew. EtHch. Hnnnlnla. . Collections Msde e Fsrsrsbls Turns SECUBTTY BAYTB0S ft TSWST COMWABT. BBS hterrfaea St.. Fovtlsad. Or. ' Transacts a Beneral Benhl-e Suetsoe. BAVIB08 DEPABTMEBT. laterast Allowrd en Tim end Savings Pipaalta. Acts ss Treetee for Estates Drafto aad Letter of Credit Available to) All Parts sf the World. C. t. ADAMS...,,...,. FT lit lit L. A. LEWIS First Vlee-Preoldewt A. U. MUX" Buoad Vie rrveldenl B. O. JI BrTB fWa.rarr GEO. F. RI'SSELL Amtotast Seeralhry JHB OOBTTBEXTAX COMPANY. FINANCIAL AOENTS. , STOCKS. BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 241 Stark Street. Pboa Mats 17 A M ORRIS B0S. IIS rmt It,. PertlanA. 0. Offer em-Edge Ineeetmeete la Municipal asd Railroad Boada. Writ r t all. MORTQAOG LOANS 0a Portlaad Seal Estate at Leeraet Bate. Title Inmrrad. Asatmct rsratanes TITLE OOASAWTTl ft TSU8T CO. B40 Wsahlngton 8t.. Cor, B,eand. - EUGENE COMMITTEE IS' MEETING WITH SUCCESS Spell Mspelcb tnThe Jotwael.l -Eusene, Or.. I-. 1. T(is memliera of tho committee yeocruly aiP"lnt.l lo rsnvaad I lie city In asvrlin t tve fesa ihllll nf establish tne: A Y. M IV A., ralmrl tiin.L ILex hAvo ' ni '-il t i l fmmes ag m-tnl.ers ami llit i'lana 111 Beneral hnvo gMO l"""' " -"""- .e-emenf It Is,1 I.) rf't A) I - story Iwi.k hull-ling. '" " alwl $.'), 000. th culm, uil ' ' fi'-'r t'r ho neo.1 by Hi Y. M. C. A ' " ; a svmnMslnm. pwiitittund ' . ?..!:. mum, puil.T. rcc'i'i :"' ' '" kc. I I. ml. Alc.-flv v.e.i i , , . . m'ii-iiie 1" tlid tt:,;;r.aC I . I ! Aiocn r-" ' I ''A snoinj- Bl sA ! yr l