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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1905)
-THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 180lr 12. ' bum at th poatoffKo at Owj. for traasportAUoa taxoagh th aseUe a eoa el Mtuc. . ,.. postage CW smgW "! " " N ; him. i u to M mm, " i 44 pax. 9 ooat. , . . rmtaM rmm. ; E2 tw Off to.... " rceluB.nJmln Sp-ctal .7U53S 1M A-sassa HMM, JenUO- "-. "' ' inicumoi Mil ttM Vr Osrrts. ." " The Party Jo rut. wit ahindar. t S Tha Dally Journal. 1 ysar. ".'V'Zllil' a 15 The Dally jwL wttb Buaday, Beooth. ir Tb bally JdvhI. "tfUiilii" 1 M 1U Dally Journal, with band. BoBlhB. K Th Dally Journal olb. Tbe Dslly Journal, with Haaday. I "oath.. . Sli. I 'ally, par mk, delivered, Snaatay to- elided " The Dalry.'pet rak, delivered. Sunday - opted . tofta V atalL The DaPy Journal, with Mater. 1 . .ITjM i Tb Dally JoarnaL I FBr.. ....... Iia Th Dally Journal, wit a Bo ad ay. month. B.l The bally Journal. month. ........" " IB Dally Journal, Bunaey. x Tha Dally Journal, mibi JV Tb Dally Joaraal, wtth Handay. 1 aweta.. -J ' The Dally Journal. 1 month. ( Tba 8undy J nam I, J year...... f X, The Sunday Joaraal. moathe . Tha Soaxl-Woskry aaJ. : SW Seml-Weekl kly Joaraal. to MJ Illustrated, fall market te- l.M fort. Real I rsx. Irtanc abeaM ba made by Bra". a aaa email easoaata an acceptable a 1 u4 S-oant peotage "." . TUB JOUBJIAL. ,- f.ttlmn, Portland. 0t' VU1I THX JOURNAL MAT U tOTWD. Tha Joaraal caa b fonad a aala at fnllowtaf plaraai M BOlfllt. IDAHO B. aDa Oo-I W. . Ma in tyra ' CBICAOO PaatofOea Mawa aaaipaari T DENVIt'a. ItHXJRADO J. Black. rtaaat and Oortb) atrmta. C ANNAS CITY aa Roy Hawa I N N E A POL 8 at. J. KaTaaaaca. M Soatt Third arraat. - ' vDir m.. - " anaaaa. : OMAHA Hotal nawa ataadlMafaata Btatloaary cmnpaay. ISM raraaai atraat. SALT LAKH CITY Kanaea Hotal aawa ataafl! Hmrmm Rma Aft Vm lnvmi atraat. BoaUl. ST. LOUIS Philip Roadar. ! Locaat atnati U. T. Jett, ana 0I1a atraat. . aawa atar.4 anrl lOM Markat atraat! ol ' amtth Broa., SM Bnttar atraat , rraacla kntal; roatar Oraar, rarry .kail tag: N. Wkaatlay. axxrabla aawa ataao. i.a jt tr...... - -- SEATTI.S Ralntar Oraad aawa ataad W. I frbanka. - Botal fVattla aawa ataa1. BfoKANB. WA8BINQT0N Joba W. Orabam rACOMA, WiHlrIlTOrt Oaarral Kawa m. Tt1 - mlmnA .VICTORIA, BRITISH tOI.UMBIA Tktocfci Book StatloaaiT eaaipaay. WEATHER REPORT. Tba dtatarnaar rmtral off tba anaat darlnff tha laat aaaral daya adTaarad alowly aaat ward darln tba laat 14 boora aad tbla mora Ina la eeatral om tha BHtah noaaaaalona aorth of tbla dlatrlrt. 'It aaaard aood ralna la northern California, waat'rn Orrroa and wat m aahlnirtoa. and rlondy, nuarttlad weatbar ln la cmtral ,m the Biitiah pnaaaaalona north ra Idabo ana aortnara Montana. i naattiaa, ralnr waathar eontlnaaa on tha Atlantic eoaat. Klaawbara tbrnufbout tba United Statea (air Wratbar praralla. - Tba Indlratlnna ara for continued anaattlad. cloudy wcarhnr In tbla dlatiict tonlaht and Bnndar.' with rain la a-catara Oregon and waat- cra Waahlntttoa and a now la tha eaelera por tion af tbcaa atatca- and la Idabo. It will ba moler la waatera Oregon and la extreme aontbraatcrn Idaho. Obaerratlona taken at a. m.. Part fie timet Tamo. Utatlona .' Mux. Mln. Eradn.1 ItoaliMi.VYafca 1 ........22 III T I titlraxo. 111. ..... ...w 2 24 20 0 Denver? Colo. 2 Kaaaaa City, Mo. ........... Iw Ancelee. ('Jil. .......... .1" .0 .0 . .0 .New Orleaaa. La........... .42 40 Jiiw York. S. V....M.....13t 22 lUiaebar. Or .......4H n Ht. Ioula. M .3d . 22 Kaa rrandaco. Cel.. ....... .do , ' 44 Buokaaa. Waah S4 : . 24 ' Timmi. Waah ..40 - M . Walla Walla. Waah ...2 , 24 Waablacton. D. 0 80 2d .0 .44 .0 .14 .0 .M Waddlnc Oarda. W. O. Smith A Co., Waab fnatoa bkls aor. Poarth aad Waabmaton. ata. Mine Bertha Martin, room SIS Alkcky bld. Stamping and fine needlework; leaeone given. BIRTHS. ea..e. mimm LEVN0RD December IS. to Mr. . and Mm. Tbomaa K. Lannord. 107 Eaat Marrhwa atraat; a aou. alORHR December IS, ta Mr. and Mra. Rjy . D. Morae. MS Beat Twenty -eighth treat; a aon. TO LP R EE November SB. ta Mr. and Mra. J. A. Tolfrea. of Leurelwood: a ana. XVANH Decembar 11, to Mr. and Mra, Nor ma a P. Evaaa, 4U Eaat Tenth atreet North; a daughter. O-DAY December X, to Mr. and Mra. Thomai J. O'Day, I4S Eaat Sixth atreet .North; a danghter. FRANK December 4. to Mr. aad Mra. Edward ,D. Prank, and Weldler atreet; a aon. KFLBON December T. to Mr. aad Mrs. trad Nehtoer STS tlrand averme; a arm. - - CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. GAMBIA December 14. Margaret and ' Lacy Uemnl. 112 Kaat Tenth atreet: dlnhtherla. . H. BKRRH AM December IS. Jauea Uaberabam. 77 Onlmhy atreet; chlckennox. DEATHS. lOfrr December IT Panllna Tnat, aged 14 ream, at Uood Ttamarltaa bontiltal: cauan, ' nerttonltla. Burial at '(Jreenwood cemetery. PARSON December 10. Milton W. Paraone. aged aa yeare. 411 Spencer atreet; eanee, heart dlaeaae. Burial at Ione Fir cemetery. HI GHES December 15. Bnliert Enoch llngbea, aaed 4 nmntha, aon of Mr. aad Mra, J. R. - Riigbea. 125 Eaat Twenty -eighth atreet; eanee. atilnal tnentagitta. . ... TAN NOHTBKN Jamea D. Van Noatern, hi hie Slat rear.. December 15. - Interment,. Arllng. fr ton. Oregon. UNDERTAKERS. J. P. fin ley A Bon. fnneral dlreetora and emhalmere, corner Third and Madraon treta. Offlee of ananty coroner. Telephone Man . - Dunning. MnEritee A Ollheugh. andertakee and emhalmere: modern ta every detail. Seventh and Bine. . Mela 480. Lady a aa latent. - Funeral wreathe aad cut flnwera a aneclalfy at Bnaa City O Twenty eecond and Eaat Morrlaoa. appoalta cemetery. Tha Edward Bolmaa Dndertaktnf eompanv,' fnneral dlreOnra and erobalmera. 230 Third aL Phone B07. A B. nemetock, undertaker and embalmer, t Thirteenth and Umatilla ara. Phone Eaat 4731. Clark. Broa for Bowera. 20 Morrlaoa atreet BODLET. THE PLOBIST. 124 FIFTH irrBBirr. BITEBTUW CTMETEKT. Single gravaa 10. Family Inte T fa Sl.onrl. Tha onlr cemetery la Portland which tier- actually malntalna and carea for lote. For full ' information enf'v to W. R. Mtckemrte. Wor. . rearer block, city. w. M. LarM, aeeetdeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oeorre H. Qulnland and wife ta W: I. .-.,..i 1. f!7 ktM.k t'JA I'nfveealtw ' ri r I. .... .i -.r. v-t TS W. V. Morrlai B. I 4 'ate, let T, - block I. Hawthorne Flret a.Wltlon 123 Title Unarantee Treat company to Will- . .. .. & 11mm lot 11 and eaat 20 feet M 12,'baa-k 10. Tllton'e addltloa. ..... I,U Wllllaia M. llowee and wife to J. tj. M'Uletk) eaat 10 feet M 11. block 10. ' Tiltoa d aibiltbrn . name irc-rge Raahe, weat SO feet "t .a on ri 11 hkick 10. Tlltoa a ao.lltl.av- ' JI0 1 INTEREST SAYMGSTBANI The Title (Jaarantcc " ' ;-V& Tnist:Compaiiy Pits 4 per cent on Certificated of Dcooiit. Pavi 3 oer cent interest on daily balances 01 deposit accounts, subject to check. Banking hours...... .9a.m. todp'.m. Saturdays.. 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings. . .... .5 to 8 o'clock DIRECTORS: W. M. Ladd.- I. Thorbum Ross. T. T. Burkhart Frank M. Warren. . George H. HilL : -240 Washington Street Corner Second. PORTLAND, OREGON. .WEST PIEDMONT- PRICES OF LOTS III WKBT PIEDMONT WILL " BS ADVANCED KEXT WEDNE8DATJ PECEMBER SOTH. Tle;TitIe..Giiarai- tee & Triist -Co.' 240 WASHINGTON STREET (CORNER SECOND STREET.) . Portland Oregon OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Tba mrreat purely Amerlcaa company. U It la everywhere belnf quoted aa the hlxbeat eiample at what a Life Inn ranee company ihould ba. We ara are at tha earrlca af thoaa woo aaalra fatormatioa an maaraace mbyacta. " Phone Main ors POUCYHOLDEBS t ARE ' SATISFIED. . SaL GENERAL A0EXTS. CONCORD BLDCL, PORTLAND. 0REOON. Xmas Gifts to, the i Old Comtiiy " W trsmfer wmf to all parts off larop Portlaid Trust ' Company Soatheaat. corner Third and Oak etreete. - I'hona Kxchange TX. EXCURSION - TO MOVER Tha new town an tha Columbia, on the new railroad, and la the famooa Kennewlrh Valley, known aa the lead of the flret ripe etrawberrlea. nig indueementa to early eet. tlera. Remember, money makea money wbea Inveated la Hover. Train leavea at : Bat arday evening, returning ' arrlvea at Portland 1 o'clock Monday morning nr anerlal ratre and farther Information aea Portland branch of Sea, Mover uh vo., izztt bixu a treat. Lots! 50 xlOO Fett - Each Rlbernta Seringa Bank, owner, win aetl with out reeerva. a limited number of eholea and dealrable Iota en the canine tor aae eaen. Title nerfact. For oartlcnlara Inoulre al room McKay blrtg.,- Third and Stark treeta. Any wtu nay ueea tola oa aigai. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. Afhrletlane and wife to Davie M. ljA il wife, lot block 340. Uolla- day'e addlttoa S.025 Olle Inveetment company to Michael MhleMa, weat IB 2-1 feet lot IS and mmmt IA II feet lot la. block 1. Oold- amlth'a addition l.Ott Mr A. l .mnlll to A. M. Oooek and wife, lot 20. (laaton tract aw Andrew Jenaen to W. H. Nunn, kta 10 and II. block 17. I.lncoln rara.. I. A. Knotta and wife to B. IC. Flnalgan. parcel land beginning nnrtneaat corner block as. I 'am there' addition Oarer K. Balrd and wife to Mra. Julia .. In, 111 kin., IS U' 1 1 1 1. III. Avenue addlttoa , . 587 Benlamla P. Moore and wife to (leorga B. 4'Mrk. eaat m feet lota ana 0. bur 11 Illahland George E. Clark and wife to M. Keegaa, . ail lirfa a etui a tibvl .1 1 Maegly Highland .' 1,100 A. H. Bcbuniana and bnehand to Aoraoam MeUter. lot 4. block 24. city W. F. Marram to J. F. Wataon, eaat TO - feet lote 1 and 2. block 23. city Philip Bmltb to M. A. Carex. undlvwieoi one-half eolith half lota k and a. block 20. J. Jobna' addition I P. J. 1'rtereon et al. lo Pbllln Smith et el., ermth half lota ft and a, block 20, J. Jobna' Becond addition U'tll.melte rhillev Wieki to Ore a. .llriirala U.tleril Mmm n w Lit. 1 aiul 4. I'oncU adiVltlia . M.000 E.. Byara to Oregon Rallmad Naviga tion company. 2.20 acrea eertlone I. 2, 1 1 and ix townehla 1 north, ranae 1 wee'. ,000 Indnatrlal iJind company to aame, parcel land aeetloii Hd. townahlp 2 north, range 1 weat, and eertlon 1. towuahlp 1 nath, "ranae 1 weat. and aectlnai a. townabla 1 north, range I eaat 11,104 B. . Bdniau ind wire to 1'ortland Ball war company.i lote 12 to Id. block IX REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. David Manary and wife ta laailore Traarto, auutucaal quaricr, ntw-inwaat auanar 01 northwaat Quarter, eecltun Xi. tuwaaklD.. 1 aiutk. raniia 4 aaat , 1 J. W. Hoowteua and wire ta Hoy (llbba and wife, aoulhwoat quarter arction 1, tuaraahlo 1 auoth. ranza I aaat. IX acrea l.Wm W. i. PeUdlcord and wife ta Marina Han- v aea, lot a, block U, J. Julina' a.Wlelon.. BOO Amoa Habb and wife to Aa.lh Miller, fcta Id aad 14. block M. beuiiworui. -. wi O. Alnewurtb and wife ta Laura , Breake, weat aU (eet kt S. block 1W1, nii . . 1 Elian O'Neill ta Laura Breaka, aoatk half . lot ft, bln-k Ha, city --I W. H. Bobarta to Mary A. Roberta. Iota ... . T and a. block 10. Arreta fark No. SOO Edw. -IS, Moore et aL to Lou la 11. -Clark - et au, lota I HI, diocb saai rurt- land 4.100 Aanea H. Beed to Hmma J. Lauihaad. V.ta 4 and . block S. Cap lea1 addition. . . 009 Edw. E. Moore et aL ta C. N. Baakuw . lot a. block 14Mj Kaat Porthiad S.1W Lotta T. Andaraoa and huabaud to J. w. Brown et al., lota S aad a, bioca S-1, i'oucb ail.llllon SJ00 , H. Cobb and wife le P. A. Com he. weat S4 feet lot B, block , 1T, Kaal ... Portland 1 . L. llamhlet and wife to Amerlcaa Truat InTeatment eomiiany. lota t : and 4. block ilT, Wataon'a addition... I U llartman et al. to Mike Roach, lota ' l and 17. block . Ht. Jobna lleljbla. 1 Joaeph B. Polkeuberg and wife ta John - M. itowell, kit a, ana ea aau a block aiL Unnton1 t79 Uary Finch to William U. Oreirory. auoth - ball lot a, mcb a, rvriiaiia nuw Mrm. A. P. Campbell to Maraaret Sample, 0xM fact lot MO, Uaaton tract....... I. H. ATerlll et al. to William V. Sam ple and wife, lot li Arerlll . U. C. Leonard to Home Telephone A Tele- SOO BOO rraph company, tiercel land nefinuine; northeeat corner block Oft. Oonca ami! tloa S0.000 Oarlaa C Rnmnar and wife to aama. ba amnHMf nortkeaat comer mora no, ' Conch addition. lOOlflS feet 1 Newt Irew and wife ta . 0. Brown. lot T. block 1, BaTenewood 1 Q Etta llolhmok and hnehand to R. . Noble, lot iMk-htocfc 4. Hlithhtnd Park. . l Kate V. Ilolromb and hoahand to Daniel Kern, eaat as l-a ny n teat mn a. Mock wvl Alkane' addition TOO Title Ouarante Trnat company to Pred 21ler. lot in. block a. b. hi. jonne.. : aao WT a-MMli Whltthr ,i AnHrew f" Smith. lota a and S. block W. Coach anaitioa. . jw Oet roar Inaurance aad abarracta to real oa- vara rrora tna lit la linarantee a, ima, nuuwu. S40 Waablngton atreet. , corner Bocona NOTICE. PROPOSALS INVITED For auppllr. for the Oregon atate penitentiary lor parloa enaiug a tine oil, iwoo. Sealed bide for druee. dry gooda. arocertea. ahoea, leather and flndlnxa. plumbing eun. pllee, hardware, flour, flah. meet, etc.. will be received at the office of tbe atiperln. tendeot of the Oregoa etate penitentiary antll January 10, IwtM. at S o'clock p. a, arhleh time thev will ha onened. A depoalt of S200. In eaab or certified check, payable to the anperlntendent. mut arovnipauy each bid for meat and flour, and all other bide Duet be accompanied by aa amount equal to 10 per cent of tba amount of ttaeBld. Bamplee to accompany all nidi . where practicable. The right le neerved to re ject any and all bide and to accept or re ject any portion of a bid. On each en velope abould be tnacrlbed the nature of tbe bid. Oooda of Oregon manufacture dr pro duction will receive preference, ether thing being eqnaL All good, aad auppllea muat be delivered to the penitentiary wltbjn 20 Aaea aftae the contract la awarded. Scbedulee of the vartoue line of gooda will be furntahed upoa appUcatloa to tha gaper Intendent. Vouchera will ba leaned for payment on the eiret of tha month folkiwlna the eom- vletloa of tbe contract, and monthly oa eontlnuoua con tract a. " Bidden will take notice that there la no aourourlatlon available for maintenance of the nenttentlarv. tbercfnra claline fiar anp- pllea can only be audited by the aecretary or grate ana cerriricnice or rnarn, w 1 lowaajaa . laanad ta olalar tnere la an appropriaiion a. ai i.i.t--rente wltl be Uaurd In Ueu of tba ear. ttflratee nwbleea aea Invited -to tia rreeent. ' - C. W. JAMES. Superlnteadant Oregon State Penitentiary. '- Salem. Oregon., Dec. 12. 1B0S. IN THE MATTER of a Special Term of tha Drn- trict court or tne united nraiee tor ino viw trict of Oregon. It la ordered that a apeeia.1 term of the Dlatrlct Court of tba I'nlted Sutea for the Dtatrlrt of Oregon he aad tba aama la berebycaHed to con vane at tba court rone thereof, at Portland, hi aald dlatrlct. on Monday, December 18, 1005, at 10 o'clock a. m.. and that notice of ouch epeclal term of eald court be given by tba United Statea Mar shal for eald dlatrlct, by pub! lab Ing notice f tha time aad piece of holding aald epeclal term, for at leaat ten daya prior to the con vening thereof. In tha following aewenapera ptihllahed et Portland, hi aald dlatrlct. to-wlt: The Morning Oregoulaa and T-e Oregon Dally Joaraal, CHAR. B. W0LVERTON. Judge. Dated at Portland. Or, Dee. . 1B0S. NOTICB 1 hereby given that on tba 8th day or iiecemner, lHua, rJorereldt tiro, at to. or Portland. Oreaon. waa dulr adindlcated bankrupt, and that tbe flret meeting of their creditor will be held at room Boo, Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, on tha 2Ntb day of December, lf XI. at To o'clock a. m.. at which time tha eald eredltora may attend, prove their claim. appoint a tmatea, examine tbe bankrupt end tranaact anrb other bualneaa aa may properly come before -ouch meeting. Dated, Portland, Oregon, December 14, 100ft. - . . ALEX SWEEK, . Referee la Bankruptcy. VI. the anderelgnod fnrntrura and piano aov- ero, will require tba payment of au enargaje upon oeiivery ot gnooa. artor uec. i, iwn, 1 , n 1 1 I. r a- II-A a, U... - n . v. naaea, v. r. iihut. v. w. hwotr-j, Coagrove Broa., Portland Delivery Co., Poet Mneclal Delivery Co.. I'aetage Delivery Molmaa Tranafer Oo. Nortbweatara Tranafer Co, Oregon Auto Dea patch Co., John Hamp ton. Jamee McLlnden, Owen MeLlndea. Pacific Tranafer Go.. Orexon Tranafer Co.. Portland Van A Storage Co.. Wakeman-Moreo Tranafer Co., Eaat Hide Tranafer Co, 0. O. Pick Traa ' far A Storage Co, 0. M. Olaen. Baggage Omnlhoa Tranafer Cm., A. J. Murphy, Kad derly Tranafer Commlaslon Co.. J-n A. Ive, Andrew J. Murphy, W. M. Ireland, F. Miller, Finch A Hrnderoon. OFFICE Dhtburalne Oaartcrmtater. Portland Oregon, Dec 0, 19. Sealed propoaal. In triplicate, will ft received here antll 10 a. m., Pactdc time. Dec. 18, IftOd. for (.500 too hay and 1.500 tone oat a. for delivery at Seattle, wean. Delivery at otner nrom. . inent railroad nolntl wltl alao be eonalnered. Inforinatloa and blank propoaala fnrntebed at tbla office oa appUcatloa. Tbe United Statea reeervee the right to accept or reject any or all bide, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing propoaala should be endowed ' Pro poaala tor Hay and Out." and addreaa ed to Jeeae M. Baker, Captain Quartermaster, U. S. Army. . 0FPICE m,htirlng nnartermaiter, Portland. Or. eaon. Ilecember 12. lHOSy Sealed nroDoeale, In triplicate, will be received bora until lO a. m. January n. iieei, ror mmienina vi-i cavalry horaea aad 2.V artillery horaea for . Philippine lalanda. Delivery at Seattle, Wash ington, or other prominent railroad polnta. Further Information fornlehed at this office. ' I'nlted Ststes reaerves tbe right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any pert thereof. Envelopes containing propoaala abould he marked "Propoaala for Cavalry aad Artillery Horaea." and addressed to J ease M. Baker. Captain Quartermaeter, U. I. A, .Dlebnrelnf quarter maater. THE undersigned will receive sealed bide for a stock of merchandise consisting principally ..of dry gooda. fumlabing gooda, rubber gooda. clothing, hats, shoes snd notions, of the In voice price of 7,1H5.Tn together with Bxtnree amounting to 840604. located at Pe Ell. Waablngton. up to 12 o'clock noon, Thursday. Ilecember 21, lanS. a certified check for 10 tier cant meet ae- ' company each bid and right Is reserved to reject aoy and all Dine, inventory may ne eeen at my office and fnapectioa of prop . erty may be had a Pe Ell. Dated at Portland, Oregon, December IS, IO()6. K. lj. nAHlia, Front and Ankeny eta. arrvrir. la berehv aiven that oa the Bth day jist-Dsaamhee. ienr Aaron IT; Mclsiiiald of I'.a-il.nd Orramnu. waa duly adludlcalad bank . rnpt. and that the flrat meeting of hi eredltora wtll be held at room OOO, Chamber of Commerce building. Portland, Oregon.- on tbe 20th day of December, ivto, at II a' clock a. m.. at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and tranaact eurh other bualneaa 'ne may properly coma before such meeting. . . - ! Dated, Portland,' "regop, ,j)ecmrer ia. 05. 1800. At .ET HWCKK.I NOTICE. NOTII B la hereby glfen that on tbe. lb day or uecemner, iwa, w. it. ngoen ol itirt lend, OrrgoB, waa duly adjudicated bank rupt, and that tba flret meeting of hie rreultora will be held at room o"0. Chamber of Commerce building, oa tba both day Of December, 1IMA, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at which . time tba aald creditor may attend, - prove their clalme, appoint a truatee, .examine tbe . bankrupt and treuaact aura other bualueaa aa may properly come before each moating. Dated. Portland. Oregon. December U. 1900. -ALEX SWEEP.. - Referee In Bankruptcy. MEETINO NOTICES. ALBINA LOrxiB NO. 101, A. F. A A. M. Stated communication tbla IBaturday) eveiiing at S o'clock. Election and Inatallatlon of of. fleer. . All M. M. cordially .In vited. By order W. it. A. J. HANDLAN, Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST One white female balHerrler. cropped, ' Return to Zbd uarrbma ek ward. LOST Long-haired gray angora cat; S10 re ward.- BIS lveoy at. A COW, light Jereey. 7 year old, white epot on right hip. mute oa lag, iroeai aouai. oe. Croft. Mt. Tabor. LOST From poor woman, poekethook contain ing aa.flo; around Waatilnf wa atreet; rawaru. W 4. Journal. IJHT A ladv'e gold watch, between Weat Fifth and Eaat nrteeum. on aiurriaon aw Phone Eaat 3145. BewardTT Bt'NCH of keva, near poatofflce; return Mill li ailwn i'm iiiaV'aliii i an 1 1 "if all lawai HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Barbere to-know that O. N. W. Wllaoa Company Bra gale la etlll going "on at 833 Ankeny et.. Scott Motel bldg. Shaving aoap of all klnda, 75e to 2 per box; , brllllantlne la beet condition, f 1.76 per doe; i talcum powder. 10 per lb; maaeage cream. the beat made. 26e oer tar: cold cream. Va-lh. cam, 25c: Onke'a abavlng cream foam. 2oc ' per lb; Po-aep-co, for making a galloa of face waah, 25c per eaat good toilet euai. 10c per doe.; talcum powder In tin can, loc per OOK.; enampOO. C per UW, laiuer uroauee, raanr etropa. blacking, aplttoon. wblak ' broom, bath anapa. abavlng mnga. w1tcb,el. All ahova article at greatly reduced prices. One 2 -chair combination caae. $15; bootblack .t.njta at: mua ceeee and etauda. 88.50: raaora, 25e to 50c each; barbere' coate ami reel. 2Te each; everything to be cloeed out at rerv low prlcea. a we will open In oar old afore. 72 Sixth at., with all new gooda. Mall , order will receive prompt attention. ua-M ..a km wanted to learn Phuabtna trade. nave 85 day after completing eouree of practical I n traction at home or In our scboole; graduatea admitted to union and Maater Plumber' aeeoctatlon: poaltlona aa- . cured. Coyne Broa. vo. riurnnina New Tork, St. Loula, Mo ClDdnnatl, O. Free catalogne. 1 MEN can get ateadr work loading tie Into care ream haraee at 30e Der hour. Bee foreman at Alblna Incline. Oregon A Waablngton Boat' Ing Co. . , WANTED Fuplla ta learn teregraphy: growing demand for operator; poaltlona eeeurrd gmJ- natee. 4SH Third at-, room a. aiiar a p. aa. WANTED aerka and wlndow-dreaaera to atody abow-card writing at Y. M. C. A, Bight acbool: paraoaal lnatructlon. Apply tor tlcutara. . par- Portland Barber College. Tuition reaaonable aa any acbool oa eoaat. aui inn a,. WHAT 1 the Bed X Croee DyopenaaryT 48 Third, corner Aah. At eon vn aa m, waek eaail made eelllag alck and accident benefit for Union Mutual Aid Aea'a.. TOO "" TI- -f, i i iMTrn nooai callable man to handle cof fee and tea route; mast save capital eooasu to own hie own horse and wsgon. . STANDARD COFFER A "I'lCB MILLS. - log Bacond St. YOl'NQ ma a to tak rharga of department of reliable real estate urm, on yesr s eoatrari, re fa. with reply; cash security required. P 10. care Joarnai. WANTED rOcod, all-around printer, eoher, re- llanie: narrmi man praiarrew., .winaaw view, Rooeburf, Oregon, Give referencea. urv n ailatethnta aamnlea. 8S dally t steady -no canvaaalng. Oliver,'- ob i xu oaiie at., Chicago.. i - . . WANTED Maehtnn man. -. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co. xrANTCn Edaerman. 83.23: trlmmerman, $2.75; Inmher truca reamairr, 2.zn; ruuincr pllera. 8225; mill bands, xz; others. LAim der ate a larar durean, awn ewnwa. YOt'NO man to work In aa loon and boy half In terest ; flow roqtiirea. oom mu nwOTin black. Cell Sunday from 11 O'clock a. m. to M o cioca p, aa. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84SH Wanning- e . . . m ... . I liu.. u.l. von BX.. cor. OC'eiiia aaiuun, aw. --' ttMS. Female help waoted. WOMAN, over 25. enarreMc, reliable, to take charge of a Vtarl effl aea. : Call a address room 28. Lewla bldg. PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL Fashionable dreesmsklng. 271Vs Morrison at., eornrr 4th, room O. Bystem tsugnt. -. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. PERSONAL lnatructlon fn ebortband, bookkeep ing, penmanship ana Kngiiea at a tun em ia lrae than reu aired by the baalneae eoUegaa. Addreaa M. A. Albla. 60 Sixth a. WANTED At one, a bright, energetic, eentable men or womsn. a good talker. Inks ap aa attrsetlve prunoaltloa. . Inquire 788 Chamber l Cam mere, I. n. WANTED S good agents, salary or commlaaloa. Call room . Lahne bldg. - . BELP wanted snd etipplled. msla at female. B. G. Drake. 205Va Waahlogton et. Black 108. WANTED Teecber. SelO per month.' T eschars' Agency, 1200 Willi am I Tha Flak ave. Bast SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED -To build fires mornings In flat or reeldencee, eon lb ot Waablngton at. Plwoe Mam 1070. - WANTED Situation as caretaker and Janitor . warehouse man; best references; mlddle-agod man. Addreaa u 1, care Journal. MAN- wants work hi hotel or restaurant to wssh dishes or do chores around place. Addreaa 0 10, car of Journal. BL'TCIIEB. experienced young men In mark and alaua-hter-hcHiae work, wlslie emnlnrment caa give Al referencea aa to ability and char acter, u 7, care ox journal. FIRMS having extra work during holidays la . hnokkerolng or collecting would do well to are ne; 8 years' experience. O 11, care uf Journal. . f YOI'NO man would like office work In in mornlnga, principally dlatatlon and typewrit ing, for practice; no pay expected. Addreee W 2. Jondnal. . SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB UIUDI.B.AOED ladr wants genersl honsework In a email family; permanent poalthm. Call or address 20 Lmstllrs ave, BeUwood. REFINED young lady would Ilka position as companion to lady or elderly couple; will do light housework.' 0 Id. Journal. I nri, liltll tor's office, or sg camicr- reir Journal. ---- r . MIDI'I E AOF.n woman wants w.a-k by day ot rhsmber work; no weaning. Phone Eeet 8043 A WOMAN wants Work b tha day. call at SMI Overton at. Plea at EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. NATIONAL Employment sad Labor AgfacJ EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.' HANSEN'S - EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. rOB MEN, SB M. Second at. Fboae Mala 152S. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ilenry Tanara, Jni avereii ab rauoa re el 0e S40. BIO FOl'R BMP. AGENCY Help enpplled tree. Id N. Beouoa at. rnpoe aiaio uit. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., B North necona; turnianea an ainna em ploy meat for mea and women. Mala SOaa. TBS Portland Employment Co.. SXISVa Morrlaoa at. Phone pacine zaw. WANTEDQENTS. WANTED Men. everywhere; good pay. to dla- trinute circular, auv. matter, iata aiana, etc. ao canvaaalag. Addreaa Notional Dla trlhutliuj Hureau. 100 Oakland Bank bids.. Chicago. 111. . AGENTS to aell tha beat la etck and accident Inaurance. i'acirie AM Aeeoelalluo. ouu w kum bldg. . , 0KROON AND WASHINGTON Aa bone at propoeltlon; either men or women; aena iu lor eample T. MURPHY, Leata. Oregon. WANTED Agenta; eomethlng new; good eel lor, Big wagea. son McKay hiog. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Some good propertlee for Inveetment or income; we have a numner ot citenta now with caab far Inveetinenta: come In and tell ne what you have to eell, large or amall. llenkle Baker. 217 Ablngton building. IIAVB bnyera Waiting for city real eetate; wbat nara you la home, income property or vacant lotaT R 7. care of Journal. . IF yon have a Tlrst-elass farm for. aala bee aa. we always -have nuyera ror that aino ' of property. . Uregg Bros., 817-818 ronton DMg. mona xiaia oju. WANTED Lots ta Alblna and University Park. Llat your property with ua, aa we can aell It. Blair Hurlburt. 818 Ablngton hid:. WANTED To Invent 81.500, first payment for home: preference west side: corner Kit, within a radius 20 blocks city hall; east side 'offers considered. Address J. C. Journal office. WANTED TO RENT. WE want desirable houses and data, all parts af tha city; hare blgb-clase waiuag; rent collected, property eared for. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 248 Stark at. Phone Mala 1ST. WANTED To rant farm. 15 or 20 scree, neat city; houae ana Dam, at. u. Morgan, no amwaaxia at. BY YOPNO MAN Board and room til' Piatt. dentsebs family, where tnere are no other boarders; west elds preferred. O 4, Journal. WANTED Hons of 0 or 7 room a, furnlshe-1. wllb piano, until next Jane, call or writ Dosnrth Co, 251 Alder at. i . FTRNIS8ED rooming ban sr. 10 to 20 rooms: must be some Income; best ot care guaran teed, n tz jonrnsi. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING. iDcavlna and whitewashing trees. basements, name, flocxa. etc. largest gaeouav spraying ontnt on tne eoaat. - as. u. Horgaa A Co.. 070 Mllwaukle at. Phone East Solf. . P. J. BYDSR. printer. Second aad WaahlngtoB ata. Phone Main soon. SEE the Lewie and Clark fair at noma eend 40c In etsmpa for handsome photo Booa, nearly 200 pbotos of fair, 7HxftH Incbea. Western View Booh Co, Portland. Bos 204. I mr IIOBEST cash price paid for bottle aad yank I iMMnHm PMI1.MI HoCtl HnABIV I rortlano sortie ounptr Co.. 8B1 North Elahlnanlb pi. m.iii y;.- aa-jjjm-- WE WILL B"Y. SELL OB TRAPS ANY OLD THINfl. WEISTKRN BAI.YAON UU, VI 2B WASniNOTON. PACIFIC TBS. HIOHEBT CASH PRICE PAID for furniture M any quantity; also take eama oa commission and guarantee best result a. The Portland Auction Boom. A. Sehabaeh, prop,, 211 Flrat at. Phono Main 84190. , WHO II It S MORGAN Cat WANTED To buy b good delivery horse on montniy paymenta. 423 East Oak at. IF yon want the highest nrlea' for sour fur. mmre. uon x ecu oerore oa ring op main ou. au ror use. s RESPONSIBLE party may haw nee of bora ror rmgry or light delivery for hie keeping. 2A1 Morrison et. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE HAMANN. ISfl N. 18th, car. Beyt Newly inruianeu moms-, ei.ou up; eonvenieac location. 18 minutes' wslk to fslr grounds: Morrison car at anion Be pot direct t houea. Phone 8470. CHEAPEST end best located mona In Portland. $1 week and up. Oilman, Flrat and Alder eta. BEAUTIFUL front suite snd t other dealrable rurnielied rooms in modern homo of private family; phone, bath, furnace beat, walking aietanee. oeu ronrtn sr. roona raeine jio. FUBNI8HED rooma, atngm or en suite. $8 per monta ana ap. Hotel rsirmount. Twenty' elxth and Upahur and Vaugha ata. THE GRAND Newly fnrnlsbed room by tbs we a or monta. mtt uraaa ara. NICELY furntahed morn at ewderate pricos for rent in large private aou. Close s. uail at 147 Tenth at., sear Aider. HOTEL NORTHERN Single roam, room and board, and rooma for housekeeping: $10 per montn an. uta aaa Marauau ata. Mala I40B, THE BENNETT, SSIH Morrlaon Furntahed rooma, 50c per day. 82.80 per. week and an. HOTEL MONARCn, Bnft Stark st, Mrs. Ackley, rrop. nesuy turaiaoea rooms; transients. THE (IRAND. 454 North Third St. Rooms for gentlemen, $1.50 per week and up. TUB RICHELIEU. Ml. NORTH SIXTH ST. f'l.RflANT FURNISHED BOOMS; . STEAM iiibAA jk n u BAinn. THE DORMER. Thirteenth snd Jefferson Ele. gsntly nirnlshed moms, modern brick, ftsasj wi, .hu: reaaoaaois. axaia aaon. THE OTIS. Eaat Burnsld st. and ITnloa are. Newly fttrnlahed rooma facing eontb; prlcea roaaouaoi: electricity, patn ana pnon rree. THE BHLLEVUB. 218W Fourth at, Neatly rnmiauea roome; electric ngnte, porcelain bath; very low rate by week or monta Hoed 701. - , TUB HUB. SO Eleventh at, cor. Stark Newly lumisnen. at earn near, gas ugnt ana natne; on uior a rrom canine; ratea reaannante. CLIFTON, Flrat and Columbia Single room 81 per week and up; transient 2oc, 25c, doc per nsy;--no rnuaren. THE KING. SOS Jefferson at. Everything new ana modem: all otitaide rooms; ratee from $8 to aio per monia; rree netn. THE LINDA VISTA, 2474 -Fifth New man agement; nearoom single, acmhie; low rstes, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT Fnrnlsbed housekeeping-room la beat brick block oa eaat side; gas ranges, bsth. etc. t no transients: prices amdsrat. Logaa blk, . lOSla Cnloa Ave., earner Eaat Alder. I'boae East 4024. THE MITCHELL, Flanders and Seventh Boom, housekeeping aad trsneleot; convenient; price reasonable. THE GLADSTONE UIA-Svlr at, fnralahed mnnis; under new management prlcae rea annable. -TS PF) WEEK-Urrgw 11 fnralahed boneekeeplng-eoone; lanodry and bath. Ib4 anerman. - Benin FITRNIHHED. nnfurnlahed. honsekeenlng."alsen Ing rooms, rloa In. $1 week; bath. Sr) Tenth st, near Stark. Alao 804 North Tweutyalxtli, ; eor. Savior; W car to Twenty-alxtb, turn to lert liw reel. 827 THIRD ST. One large front room bonaekcplng : also two rear noma, cheap. NICELY furntahed front moms for light house keeping; a, bath, phopei cheap. 10S fl FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING UOMH for working girl with housekeeptns . privilege, $1 per week, 428 Alder et. e-BOOM suite housekeeping rooms, sltber fua- elatied or annirnl.hed. 106 Weat Park. FURNISHED and ' unfurnished housekeeping room; board with or without room, reeeon- enie. via norm xweiita pt. THR LINDA VISTA, 47V Fifth New manag- mentt for light bouaexeeping; low rale. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOMS with board for permanent tenants. reasonable; Sret-elae horn aouklng. 231 Blxta at, . . LINDELL HOTEL. Fourth and Markrt New brick, elegantly ntrnlabeo. moo era tnroagh aut; ratee reasonable, . THE COMMERCIAL Select fen-.'ly hotel; nicely Dirnlabed; alngle cr en suite; table Brat elaas; free 4wtbe: ateam heat; rata reason able. 4K8 Washington St. 80S SALMON.- twt. Flout and Ftrvt Board aad room $4 to so week ; modern nricg mug. BOOM with breakfaat or board; IS mlantea' walk to let ana weaning too ata. aaat Btb t. North. . . i 1 MISS CLARA CAULYI.R ha two mora rooma to rent, with Doara. io layior. NICELY ' furalehed room with board la a strictly private lamuy. . i neat mam at. AT SflO Tsylor yon can get firat-elase board at 84 per week. FOU RENT HOUSES. 8 ROOM modem cottar on rarllne, aaat aide. $20. Inquire C wssningion ax. Houeee For Bent. Rent Collected. ,'EIiWAitn la. ninnua. Room 1 Hamilton bldg. Phono Black $108. HOUSE. XT North Twentieth. 7 lain bath, rerasee, cement naeemeni. Gllsan. 420 Cbambar af Commerce. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt end re liable plane and furniture mover: aiao stor sge. Phone Mala 165. Office, 110 N. Third. MODERN a-room cottage, poreelata bath and basement. Holladey' aaaitioo. near s,e., bridge. Inquire room SOI. the Drknm. Tele phone butwceo 0 and 8, PsclOa 4S5. - BOI'SE for rent; Broom modem bouse on east elde In good location, azs. rtarimsn. iuour aoa A Powera. S Chamber of Commerce. NEW a-ronm cottage with bath and cellar, one block from uranci ave. enu uivmon at, per month. Tna Burreil Inraetnieat Co., T Fbwt at. SUBURBAN home on car line; floe for chicken. vineyard, borrlea, rmim. i-none wet rai. a unmtRV-eonlnned cottsgva for reat. Ia- quire 415 Kaat tlgntu at, oor unai. - , Kaat 208 a nicw modern houae of 7 room, with furnace. Inquire M East Eighteenth, cor. Washington. FOR BENT 4-room cottage, lot ooxiov,i eblocke from ateel nriage. is ruut n. vau Lorets. Main bit. HOI'RB for rent: B-raom modem bona on east Id In good condition, gin. nanman. i miwr Boa A Powers, 8 Chamber ot Com meres. $21 MONTH 14-room boose, modem conveni ences, large grounos; lunnture ir v . e. free; a chsneo- for earn one- wishing to keep boardar. Phone Pacific 7U7. . HOUSE for rent, tnqtilr at 83 Bast Slxtn at., bet. Da via ana cvereti. - WESTERN OREOON TBUST CO... Dlu.,e Paelfle HUX IBI Hterk St. We make a ipectalty of rental: take full charge of prnoertie. secure leusnis, coinrci rents and oversee repairs. - I i--"" TentO. Phone West 488. FOB K75NT Hotbooee. good orchard, aa two good car llnra; all tne gronoo wauteo. wnn oe without B or proom eottago. 0 13. Journal. ' THKF.K seres fine aardra land. 8-room bouse, wster snd trait; all per montn. inoov Union 4034. FOR RENT live -room cottage. , Apply 000 Fourth at. - FIVE-BOOOM bona, with bath, corner Bodney ave. and Beach at,: large yaro, . inquire aou Falling et. I 'hone Kaat owi. FQR RENT FLATS. SMALL new flat; ga. bath; light, pleasant rooms: central; we mo. inquire , Hall t. rat j8BasvaaaaBaaBraBOsjBsaasm ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL FAIBM0UNT. Marth Twenty-alxth at, ' - Vaagha. from TJaahag to Room ftrrstsbed and unfnrarabad, atagl and aa salt, gi per week ana an. A permanent asodera building. ' plaatered aad with bathroom ana mooem piamoing. PIPED FOR OAS FOB COOKING. . ' . ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS, HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR beat results on "FUBrtrrrBaT" Whether to buy or aell. ring np Mela 8658, PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. . 211 First st. broom house, bsth and yard. 821: all part of furniture ror aa is. ail lor anu, Eaat Seventh st. South. MUST sell new modem furniture 8-room cottage; no reasonable offer refused. Pbtm East 652S. -V . FURNITURE of 8 mom for isle cheep. 243: K-emome fonrent, 88 per month, avater and base ment, kit .Montgomery sr. FURNITURE of 5-ronm cottage for sale, $100; cottage route $1. o 14. Journal. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICES, nnfurnlahed, aad aa si pie-rooms l alee ball 50X10. . uooaauaga nrag. Appiy at in elevator. CENTRALLY located offlce-room. with pho light end beat, $7.50 per month. B. Cats, 11$ Second st. BOOMS and office In Lewi bldg. Inquire of I. la. White, ami iiesnm oing. Fon BENT I,rir light efflcea. Sixth at., near Waehlngtnn: can be aaed for light manufac turing. Inqnlr 8. Morton Cohn, 854 Oak at. Phone Main 1M. ariBiirvT I jrre ator. Sixth et, near Waah. uigton. Inquire S. Morton Cohn, 854 Oak at. Thon Main Jan. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB tr.NT.-Alal Isnaaff 1. 2-XTAey brick I, building lomioo. nortbeest cor. - Third and - Madison; will remodel sad lees whole of ,.. to doalrahla partlea Apply to B. Y, Co. S. 7 nret at, room 'u. FOR RENT 8-tory ware bona, looxioo oa Creak a ee. north weat era-.' Fourth and Hnyt. Apply J. N. Teak SI 4 Worcester blk. Mate ' 858. -t ' . BUSINESS CHANCES. U INTEREST In small rooming hosea? '$20 ass BMOuO. U g, ears dvuTiuu, JOURNAL "WaitM" Rates UBDER ANT OLASSIII0ATI0B Five Cents per Line Ne ad taken for lea thaa 15 per day. Seven words, a a rule, constitute a' tins, but each Une le charged regardleaa at the number of words. . WEKT.Y RATE T taaertlona . (tnelndtng an Sunday laaoal SO CENTS see Una nor week. M0 NT HIT RATE frneludlng all Suaday laaoaal 81.00 r-ar line manta. . ADVERTISEMENTS mast to la f carnal a Boalaaaa' eftoa'ky 18 'eleok vak day" a a by lo a alack Satardsy evening for the Suaday laauo, to aeoure elaMldoatlac. Dlaplay as taa given vpoa appUoaties at .tha affloa, , , THrj JOTTONAL BRANCH OFFICES '.' , ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Wtn ba received at rrrulsr mam offlee rate. Following la a Hat of authorised agents, whs will forward rose advertlee- ib time tor pohiicsuoa la to aeii VORTS ITDX. . , .a. R. A. Preat.iei. druggist, Twenty-third and Thorrria atroeta. Nob Hill Pharmacy. 880 Oltsaa gtraat. comer Twnty-flrt. . A. W. Allen, pharmxslaiv Sixteenth and Marahall treet. McCrwnmon' Pharmacy, Bin teen th aad Waablngtoa streets. 0TTB BTDB, . B. P. Jones Co, druggists. rmat,.and Orb he streets. - Oottel Drug company, , Flrat and Orant streets. Pshtaa Brer lev, druggist. 400 Jaffersoa street, corner Teeth. . Bettman'e Pharmacy, eernor Sixth and Herri eon etreete. - Plnramer Drug company, MO Third atraat, corner Madteoa. . - , :. ' ZAST STDX. W. S. Ie. druga-lat. earner Grand Bvobbb enC Fart BnrneMa atreet. . . . - Nktiola ft Thorn peon. 12S Boaaell atraat. comer A Iblna avenue. - '.. Jaacke Drug com pa ay, corner Hawthorne a Orend arena. .. . W a Cable, draewkrr. corner noils da? rveno aad Le ire bee atraat. Bear steal reiea. R. a: tvileoc, 188 Or ad avenue. Bear Reef Morrleon. B. W. Ball. 258. Eaat BeTeate. airaat. eornor taphena. . - ' HIOBXAJID. " ' P. . Clark, druggtet. 1008 Marl- Union Bvonn. SOHBYSIDnV, . 7. B. Worth, pharmacist, ttt Bclasoat street. . BEOOKXTlf. Bmnklvn fhnrmacy company, Powll gad Mllwaukl streets. . . (. ARIKTA. 0RE00W. ' ArUta Pharmacy. Mora and roatar streets. SELL WOOD. Hematnck" Pharmacy. 84S Umatilla a va se, earner Eaat Thirteenth atraat. BUSINESS CHANCES. A GOOD restaurant on First at, 850. ' " A good cigar and eonrectionary aiore, $ito; a snap. A good rhrar and confectionery atore oa Madlaon et, 8525. , ' " . ' - A 12-rnnm lodging hone oa Slxtn at, at a bargain. 2425: call early. . NATIONAL REALTY CO,'-.'.' 812 Pin at. , GREAT CHANCE FOR A MERCHANT An In terest snd position as manager In a etmng aiereantll comr-env ta good eastern Oreron town, atock $22,000, clears $1,000 yearly a bora expeneee: good salary goes with pn1- th-n; old age cause or selling: price B4.7ii: win atand vonr runeer mveatication. "tier mmmrrvm -nerTrTtraiin- country, ti Fncha, 140V First af. FOB SALE Oa account of eloxneea. ntea, clean. money-making numneea on eaat aids: sale from $18 ta $.13 per dart price $!.4oo. or will Invoice; no B gents waoted. G 80, care JonraaU WANTED Tone buetnee tt sell: we aril all kinds property. 285 Burnsld et. WANTED ReaponalM ' man to manage branch of Are and depot for large, enffr snd splca , company awning It own mill: salary $2iJ monthly and commissions: reiermcea aaa in veetment of $1,000 reonlred. Addresa man ager. 18 River at, Chicago. IMPLEMENT bnatnrss with small stock ot hsrdwsre, cheap. U I. car JournaL ON account of sickness, will sell our two torea of mllllnerr aad Indies rarnleblng oooda at a' aaerlSee: 8500 down, bslsnce oa time; fine Iocs lion: no competition. Ad P 14. cere journui. FOR SALE In the beet valley tews af B.000 Inhabitants, clean stock of shoes: invoice about $4,000. In.nilr 18 tat et, Portland. Or, WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t FURNITURE for aale. IS rooms, well located for roomers or nosrocrs. rent ressonsoie: env reasonable offer considered: object ot selling Is lesvtng city on acconat of 111 health. 863 Oak at, - SALOON on nth, doing $15 to 8a a dxyi- g.xl Stsno: eel", will nsnuie ,i. vim- , mciiuru, to, 8.11 Worcester block. A LOON cheap, on Alder; business $500 a month: $&'. Globe Inveetment Co., 551 Worcester block. , . WE hare a nice new. clean stork of roods, ap to date, nicely located, wuica we win aon; sow. If yon want an estshllslied bualneaa, here I where yon can get same. 208 Uoodnougn bldg. FOR SALE IS cows, milk route and cans. cheap. E. B. Heater. Lenta, trr. Ssoo BUYS a mod flah and poultry market, well wninii a' -i ' " " .. - - y want a good money-maker: owner going to , n wheat country. W 6. care Journal. af PBACTICAL newapsper man with capital word I use to eerannen ernen pupe. - in' torn Ore aim. Washington or Idaho. O a, care of Jonrnsi. . annjju'jsm-lajiimi pv, aaBBOaraenweeeBaBgwsmwasaaa FOR 8ALE REAL ESTATE. " IF A person apnreelstea nice home and 1 , acquainted with values of property In th.. different localities, he or she woi wnuM arf .ill , -rrnv . n , , hesitate one hlnnte to look an these hsr gains. In the list we are offering today are bsrgslne which cannot be .duplicated lu tbe atate of Oregon. ' Farm. 1115 acre. bout S mile from For eat Drove, near church and school. 8o see- riiider plow snd-all bottom Isnd. bslanco nw,.i. .Aiiina,- emH tmnrnvemcnta : g road, with all tne aroca, axain ana r-oaii. Implement, for $5,000; no better bargain anywhere. ., - . ' . .. . 25-rr rnrh. well fenced, good bnllil In, orchard, lots of running water, soma timber, several scree of elfalfe and other tame graasea, )0 acrea under plow and mors could be plowed. 150 head of cattle. 12 head of horaea. all Implements, hsv - snd grsln. for $12,000; terms; best ranch In Jackson "MO-iicre ' frm,' elegantly Imnmred: beat farm In Bentoa county; price $I5.II; terms. A BiO-sero well Improved farm In Linn county, with certain smonnt of stock snd croos. on good terms, and several smaller tracts at very low figures. Also 2H. 8. B, lo, 18 and 20-acre tracts.- weU Improved, rerr nlea homes, en gorwl terms-. , . . ' houses .Snd lots T B-room house. Dill lot. $5; $100 or hi or cs.h. luiUneo easr Psymenta 5-ronm hoasa jut flnUhed. lrg lot, 'room'hJu, full lot. price $000; term 7-mom bono, full concrete baaement; price ''Aalegnt .reelnVBC In Piedmont $8,000. Verv nli, well fnralahed residence oa Woodstock car line, lot Uxloo, $210, Krooiu modem hone. $2,100; $.100 cash. balance eaay. Bcveral nice 7-room noilera borne in llllladay rsrs r'w .w. - sapnis III liwde fin ills I'M Ttrr J OTTO A CROCKETT, , 245H Wsshlngton St. TnREft new son aea, rant or aala; onao.-, IAS Foarth at, room 18. Owner. WESTEBN" OREO0N TBUST CO. fine.) i rhnn Pacific 808, 201 Stark' t Portland, Oregon. Real eatate, timber lande, rental. -fire Inanranc. Take full eharg of peopertlea, aecnra tenants, oversee rape Ira and col bet rente. b f - - - -l , S ACRES, all clear and la cherry tree 10 rea-, 'old: 5c ear fare: lot adjoining 8Kb) tolM -100 act acre, 1 U, ears ot JuuiaaL ' A. Manrer-and Wife to R. F, Day. loU 11 Km4 U. bloU 1, ream dttiUllea m.. WUlaaMtM i.'.ijLojLa axa, .,., 900 gUferee ts BaaAxutcJ, Hi flaa it, ('aona Ssnia uv, 171k, i'bwus jaaia WIS, .