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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, ' DECEMBER 16. 1905. II ttH.ll.Cr FACIiiG SEATTLE TODAY Full of Faith In Their Ability to , Win, the Portland Eleven Goes North. THE LINE-UP TALKS, ' ;SAYS MANAGER WATKINS PugetJJound . Men However Think That They Have Better Than a Fighting Chance and 'Game Is Bound to Be Good. ; Whatever strength goes with faith will Inspire tha Multnomah football aggregation that departed for tha Bound laat evening to do battle with the -plranta for northweat honors in Seat tle K -might alao be aald that what - ever a t ran art h la derived from experience "&n& tone training la alao assured the noma team. They departed in tire beat of aptrlts laat evening, full of promises - that Seattle's defeat would be duly re ' corded this afternoon. Manager Frank Watklns had little to ' say regarding his team, merely observ Ing that tha lineup- ought to talk to Portland football admirers. Ha, .sug gestively mentioned some of the posi tions, and asked where they could be ' improved upon in the west. Being able to secure James sshts fullback, which ' whs a surprise, completed a team that tha manager believes is Invincible when meeting noruweat men. Boiler's Strong- Team. . ' Just before departing the manager -of 'the Multnomah team-deceived Infor- r matlon from Seattle to the effect that the club there was mustering Its might iest. Dr. Roller, the coach and captain, was reported to be aligning the beat men that the northern country could produce, and while he did not venture the hope for victory, he did express the determl- nation of putting up the tougheat game that his men could play. - . - This but atimulated the local players. They could not return home If beaten In the north. ' Their record so far Is for the northwest championship, and it would be impossible for them to fall now and face their friends again. Dr. Roller aayi that he regards the Mult omaha as the champions of tha west, which high honor must be sustained. " " Tne Uaeup. . The team that will face Seattle will constat of tha following players: Over field at center, Burt and Butlers at guards, Pratt and Saunders at tackles, Rupert at quarter, Horan and Bishop at halves and James at fullback. The substitutes are: Crosby, Owens, Kellar, Dimmlck and Stockton. ' Seattle's lineup will be: " Frost, right and; Roller, left half; Council, fullback; Cole, quarter; Iaater, left end: Pullen and Babcock, left tackle and left guard, respectively; I Cample, - center: "Welles, right guard; Cutta, -right half; Evans, Tight half. . Multnomah's second eleven and the T. M. C. A. will play this afternoonj as the proposed game between the M. A. A. C youngsters and The Dalles team w i called oft by the latter. HANLON LOST TO HERMAN IN THE TWENTIETH ROUND h .-, (Journal Special Service. ) Loa Angeles, Deo. If. Eddie ' Hanlon has fallen again, his champion this time being Kid Herman of Chicago. The California boy fought gamely to the .finish and made the go one of the fast eat and best that has sver been wit nessed In the southern part of the state. At the very finish Hanlon . was doing effective work, but the referee held that Herman had the best of the 10-round bout and so gave his decision. In the boxing game , the fight laat evening was one of the beat ever seen here or possibly anywhere. - Hanlon faoed his opponent In a much more erect attitude than Is usual, which his friends believe to Tils disadvantage, for the Chicago pugilist landed frequently and apparently when he thought there waa opportunity for effective work. Herman made hie heaviest onslaughts tell on the body. This scheme of attack continued almost unbroken, although he kept the Callfornlan thinking about his head enough to get well away from the body guard. Uppercuts while In-flght-Ing seemed to do the greatest damage and theae were alternated with stinging blows about the heart when Herman had a chance to put more steam be hind hla glove. The plan told early on Hanlon and seemed to catch him at his own game. He often tried to land ef - feotlve blows on the body but was so cleverly blocked that none of them were of decisive character. -7 Referee Eyton seemed pussled slightly by the finish, but when he decided foi 'Herman his judgment was indorsed by the crowd' attending 1 the fight. The three closing rounds had marked a posi r cow () lUJ D (UPS coTds. i THE WO N DER WORKER THROAT I M. KDMC'S I LUWCS ' CHA8. EBY, 8R, of Elizabeth, 11U writes! "I paid out over 9 ISO to local phy sicians, who treated ma for La Grippe, without giving mo any relief. I afterward bought a 9 1 jOO bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. uv3ftttr Uklrm contents, of this one bottle I waa entirely cured." , , ----- W:i t:Vt:l JI.C3 ABSOLUTELY CUARAnTlTEP! TifclfcSJa Fm tive rally by Hanlon, which, added to his constant aggressiveness throughout the fight, gave him a strong following in the audience. Herman waa clearly wearied by the, close of the fight, but as he had a heavy reserve of acores to his credit previous, no doubt could be entertained regarding hla victory. The men weighed in at 1JI for Hanlon and 127 H for Herman. , . RACING AT VARIOUS ; SOUTHERN TRACKS (Josrsat Special Service.) " Ban Francisco, Dec. 1. Results at Ingleslde: Five and a balf furlongs-r-Promlnence won, Abe Mayer second, Rotrou third; time, 1:0. , , Mile Olympian won. Love's Labor second; Leash third; time. 1:44H. Mile Cloche d'Or won. Tim O'Shanter second, HI Csul Cap third; time, 1:44. Futurity eourse Oossiper won, Esca mado second, the t Roustabout third; time, 1:11. - . Mile end 60 yards Briers won, Rey Dare second. Royalty third; time. 1:46 H. Mile Gregor.K. won, St George, Jr., second. Blue Eyes third; time. 1:41. At tog AngslsB. '. ' -'' (Joaraal Special Barries.) ; Los Angeles, Dec. Is. Ascot results: Short course, steeplechase Declmo won. Allegiance second, KUIdoe third; time, 1:00. Futurity course "-Hammer Away won. Elevstlon second. King of Mist third; time. 1:11. Mile and a sixteenth Miss Betty won, Freeslas second'. Hot third; time. 1:48. Mile MoOrathlana. Prince won; Massa second, Nlnnasquaw third; time, 1:40. - Six furlongs Qood Luck won, Stoessel second. Creston Boy third; time, 1:14. Six furlongs-r-Revolt .won.. Graceful second. Ebony third; time, 1:14 Vs. . , ' At Wew Orleans. - -' ' (Joeraai Special Berries.) - ' New Orleans, Deo. 1. City Park re sults; - , Six furlongs Rain Devil won, Steve Lane second, RoneyweU third; time, 1:11 " ' Seven furlongs Ecbodale won, Mod red second, Tom Crabb third; time. 1:1. Five and a half f urlonga Laura Hunter won. Wood Claim second; Pre cious Stone third: time, 1:14 1-s. - Mile Belden won. Orbicular second, Olencare third; time. 1:40 1-8. Mile and a sixteenth Atttla won. Al berta second, Monochord third; - time. 1:( I-.' Six furlongs Baron Esher won. Pillar second. Signal Light third; time, 1;! 7. ' Fair grounds results: -Seven furlongs Remington won, Holloway second. Mahogany third; time. 1:S 1-6. Six furlongs Glen Gallant won, Payne second. Arsenal third; time, 1:11 1-6. Mile and a sixteenth MacBeth won. Torchello second. Mr. Jack third; time, 1:66 4-6. - Six furlongs, handicap Malster won. Collector .Jessup second, Peter Paul third; time, 1:18 1-6. . Mile and a sixteenth Jack Lory won. Bourke- Cockran second. Edward Hale third; time, 1:66 1-6. Mile and a sixteenth Augur won, Fra Ftlllpo second. Dance Music third; time, 1:67 1-5. - OREGON BOWLERS ARE VICTORS OVER PORTLAND The Portlands dropped two games to ths Oregon, on the Portland alleys last evening." McMenomy had the highest average.. 101; he also had the hlgheat single game, 110. The scores .were: - Ml fit i Mackey . . 201 17 160 Kenyon . . ..157 . lt 124 Hergert ... ....... u ..... 1 25 121 101 Woodman . . 146 144 121 McMenomy 10 201 110 Totals . ...til II in Oregon , ' ,- 1 . Mosher . .' ......... Hamilton . . Ingle . . Swlnnejr, ... ......... Keating (1) .123 (2) (3) ll 143 .142 lit 207 ..173 122 147 ..lis 176 167 , .19 148 144 Totals...... ...125 74 77 There wlU be a special .match of triples for a purse of $60 on the Port land alleya Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. . The rontestanta will be Capen, Pollack and Keating against Kruss, Flcken and McMenomy. . Bslnoa Money Withdrawn. (Jesrsal Bpertal Servlce.1 - Toledo, O.. Dec 16. There are pre rogatives and powers with . the . wearer of the championship title which the fellow who is down the ladder must bear contentedly. Terry McOovern, once the darling of the lightweight ring, has been, made the victim of the same conduct by the mansger of Bat tling Nelson. Billy Nolan, manager for the young champion, has Just "declared that hs drew down the 1 1.600 forfeit money that he had posted for the con test between the two men, because Mo Oovsrn's money was not up on time. It is probable that the contest is off, for the present at least. - Nolan Justifies his attitude by saying, that he gave fair warning to McOovern and his-manager and when the limit expired took .the money down without further ceremony, aa Nelaon was not especially anxious for a go wjtb the former champion, who has suffered several defeats. xld r.ic:"n::H) dy S. O. SfclDMORE ft CO. FITZ 18 FIT, HIS MAflAGER SAYS Others Support the Statement and Brand the Tales of His Weakness p. Canards. JACK O'BRIEN STILL FULL OF CONFIDENCE At Best From Advance Talk Next Week's Fight Appears to Be Any. body's Battle and There Are Plenty pf Followers for Both Men. . (Journal Special terries.) San Francisco, Deo. 16.-r-When Phil adelphia Jack O'Brien steps Into the ring with Bob Fltsalmmons at Me chanics' pavilion next Wednesday he will have behind him the great and only Spider Kelly as chief second and advisor. In pugilistic circles the Spider Is considered the greatest of all living seconds. He knows every point of the? game that la to be thought of and hag helped more than one forlorn . bop to victory. Those, who wsger on the gams always consider It Just as much of point to have Kelly in the corner of the man they are wagering on as It is to have the highest clsss Jockey on a good horse in a race and this prestige goes to O'Brien. Those who visit the O'Brien training camp note that ; tne Philadelphia boy la in good shape. After be finishes his work -In- the afternoon, which consists mostly of bag punching and a few rounda of easy sparring, ha weighs about 104 pounds. O'Brien aays that this la about the weight he will be at when lie goes Into the ring, and alao that It la more than he ever weighed for any fight before In hie life. . There Is certainly no lack pf"cbhfl dence In tha makeup of the wily and clever Philadelphia!!, and hs is highly pleased with, his present condition. Be sides his gymnasium work, O'Brien does about seven miles of road work In tha morning and spends most of tha day In different games. He says that he will only do such work from now on as is necessary to keep him In the same shape that he now considers himself to be In. v IMta's righting- Iaee. "Look at Fits' lighting face," remarked one of the old-timers at the training camp of the Cornlahman as he waa tak ing a rest between rounds of work. At the time tha old warhorse was sitting crouched over in a chair with one elbow resting on his knee and having about as blank and unconcerned a look on his countenance as It would be possible for any face to hold. Isn't that unconcerned look of his enough to discourage any fighter In the world T" continued the spectator. "I ve alwaya noticed that that Is Just the way he looks when he Is fighting in the ring. While the other men is all stretched out, panting and heaving with rubbers at work on his arms and legs. Fits Just sits quietly In his corner, crouched over in that asms position and looks around aa listlessly aa you' see him now, while he breathes as eastly as If he bad only been taking a short walk. Tou might not think it. but that look of Pita's Is 1 dljeeuisati fui 1 lliu utlmi fellow. Anybody's Match. -Between these forecasts of victory San Francisco sports are doing some nice choosing at. the preaent time. It is apparent that "neither contestant in the ring battle next week has a walk over, and publTc opinion wags restless ly In trying to gst a line on the probable victor. Every sport seeks the strong evidence which will enable him ;tt bet now with as much assurance as If the bout waa already history and there Is a world of talk pro and con. That Fits will prove a favorite among men from force) of habit is apparent; while O'Brien's youth and energy have strong backers. In the conflict some of ths statements of the wise ones have peculiar Interest. Billy Jordan, who la the, real old man In the game, takea occasion to remark that Fits was -the wonder of the age. "It looks to me as If Fits was Just as good as he ever waa In Jila life," says he. After he la through with hia bag punching Fits will go four faat rounda with -Harry Cheater, tapping him when and where he pleases. Yesterday the lanky one was Joshing Chester all the while, but the Olympic club youngater got even, as once, when Bob waa mak ing a comic face and had his tongue out, Chester cams up with an upper-out- and after the round Fits .found that he had almoat bit a piece out of hla tongue. ' Mansger Leon Friedman is very much incensed at some persons who have taken occasion-for some unknown rea son to knock Fltsslmmons through the press and otherwise. He says that If any one thinks there is any foundation for the stories that have been circulated to the dl sored It of the Comlshmatt they will be welcome to the camp to aee fof themselves. There is no Charge for Bdr mission any day except Sundays. FOOTBALL-ON ICE IS ' INTRODUCED ' (Joaraal Bpeeial Barvtes.) Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 1. Teams representing St. Psul and Minneapolis will Introduce the playing of regulation American football on the ice. The mem bers of the teams will wear very short skates short enough to admit of punt ing. ' -The game will be played Juat as on the ground, except that In tackling the man with, the ball It will be necessary only to touch him. The Twin City Skating association la orgsnislng teams for the play. HUNT CLUB RACE : ON THIS AFTERNOON At 1:30 o'clock this afternoon the two hares choBen by. the -Hunt club for the paper chase, C. H. Lead better and A, H. Tanner, set forth from the start ing point. East Fourteenth and Thomp son streets, on what promised to be one of the exciting rides of the seaaon. The weather became aoft last evening, heavy rains and a rather strong wind prevail ing all morning and until the hour of the start, which necessitated selection of the route with great care. A good membership of the club was out to par ticipate In the chase. LOS ANGELES WINS J li-L COAST CHAMPIONSHIP (Joaraal Special Servles.) ' Los Angeles, Deo. 1. Los Angeles holds ths Paclflo Coast league pennant, as her baseball team won the fifth of the nine post-season games with Ta coma, winner of the pennant In the first half. Ths score; .. , jj Lob Angelas. .'...'MlM0tS ,11 Tacoma .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .1 I 1 Batteries Orsy and Ross; Hall and Graham. Umpire Perrlna. - - .'- - - President Roosevelt Would have been proud of Portland's cltlsens had he seen ths number of chil dren aasembled yesterday from t to f p. m. at the Eaatern Outfitting company, where a real Santa Claus, dressed In full customary paraphernalia has dis tributed toys and playthings among the little ones. The throngs were toe. large to be accommodated at one time, and hundreds had to wait for their turn to have a personal Interview and A heart to heart talk with old Santa. Letters and personal appeals have been show ered on Santa from all sides. The hap piness of thoss who were first to re ceive their Christmas presents and ths anxiety of others who stood In line was really a eight worth while 'to behold. The general manager of . the concern seemed to have enjoyed the occasion as much as the children. The only disap pointment to him is not having been able to reach the J, 000 mark, for the total number of toys distributed reaches about 1,000. The management is thankful to the little onea and their parents for observing their ads and accepting the Invitation to call and wish all a merry Christmas. SPORTING GOSSIP. "y - The victorious close of the Tale toot ball ssason hss brought to light one thing for which Tale men were eagerly on the lookout. That is the fact that Johnny Mack, the trainer who stepped -se .left Murphy. Ms made good. It was no easy task for a man who really lacked ex perlence to put on the shoes of one who is considered the greatest of an atnretio trainers. But Mack, quite undaunted. set himself hsrd at work and handled the situation with the ability of a master. It waa an exceptionally hard task this year, and. Indeed, harder than ever be fore. Tale's football players were pur suing an entirely different policy and tha higher rate of speed at which they were playing made tt doubly hard to keen them In the neighborhood of the knife edge of condition until the two final games when the last bit of whetting had to be done, e e George Kistler. the University of Pennsylvania swimming instructor, nas decided to train a water polo team to play the gams as it is played In Eng land, on account fit a request received from the New Tork A. C. ssklng that American' universities take up this method. The English game wss formerly plsyed at Pennsylvania, but it wss abandoned a few years ago. The New Tork A. C expects to have a team this year, but It will be merely an experi ment. With closed eyes two young men In the blind asylum were playing chess. Ths board they played on had the black squares raised and the white ones sunken, while the blsck pieces were rough and the white onea smooth. "Olve us this hsndictfp' on sccount of our blindness." said one of the young men, "and we will Pjaya quick and accurate a gems of chess' as anybody. Give us checkers and a checker board constructed on the sams plan, and there, too, our playing will equal yours. I would rather be blind than dear, ne went on. -'Blindness doesn't rob you of much. The blind are excellent anglers. They plav good game of euchre, or poker, or bridge. . They uee cards that have em bossed pips. The blind are good runners, good gymnasts. In our last sports the hundred yards was done in under It seconds, and on the hoiisontal and parallel bars the giant swing, the cork screw, the straight arm balance and tha finger balance were executed In a way that elicited salvos perfect salvos applause. Ralph Waldo Knapp, '07 right end on the , Colgate football team and center on the basketbsif team, haa been elected captain pf the football team. He Is prominent also In social life at Colgaje, being chairman of the Junior promenade committee. . , ; e ' ' Unofficially It whs--announced ths t the gross receipts coming to Tale from the. leading gamea that Tale played this fall will amount to about 171,000. These games were the Harvard. 140,000; Princeton. $10,000, and Columbia, $5,000. . Ores ham Boy Organise. A number of boys of Greaham have organised a club for the purpose of having a gymnaelum In order to follow out their athletic ideas. John Shattock Is president, Klroy Cbalker vlce-preel-dent. Emory Roberta secrets ry snd A. Meyers treasurer The boys were Inter ested In the movement by a talk made to them by Judge Fraser of ths Juvenile court wttlaKu Oat. ' (Jperaal Special Serrlee.) lighter. Kid Grant, won. In- tha tenth round of hla fight last evening at thle place with Kid Choynskl. The light cams to a sudden end through tha me dium of a right swing to the Jaw. A Bead Olveaway. jnrn Taat aiaa gave hlstaalf seed Sway. Jnjre How ae? " hurt, - willed lie aody to I Mdleal col- LEOUJH EQS TO PIM THE -PER Ml ' Champion Basketball Girls of State Open Series of Games 'Here Friday. ' Ths Monmouth girls' team of the Oregon State Normal school will play ths first match game of basketoau or ths season among the girls' teama with the Rinxler tesm of this -city next Fri day night The Monmouth team holda the atate championship and is a formi dable aggregation of players-. : Professor Ringlsr has arranged a schedule of games for his - team with Monmouth. Albany, Willamette ana Corvallla. Tha Portland girls have played but few match games, but have been victorious In all ao far. Last year they defeated the Vancouver glrla' team and the Gresham team. What they will do against the mors expsrt college teams Is difficult to forecast, but pro fessor Rlngler believes they will be able to hold their own with any comers. ; . Ths game Friday will be played at Rlngler's gymnasium, 10 Alder strset and will be preceded by an exhibition of claaa work by the lad lea' classes. The lineup of the Portland team will prob ably be: Ella Btreimer (captain), for ward; Lotto Leach, forward; Catharine Washburne, center; Catherine Brereton, center; 'Mabel 'Brown. . guard; Nsllle Boggess guard; Nancy Black, Bubstt tute. . Professor Thorp of the O. S. N. B. will officiate with C. Mackie or Port land. . . TO IRRIGATE TRACT OF LAND AT BREWSTER . (Special Dispatch, to She Joeraai.) . Wens tehee, Deo. 1$. Work will' be begun within a month to Irrigate from 1,600 to 1,000 acres of land near Brew ster, the bead of navigation on tha Columbia river.. '- - E. E. Hall of Seattle,- anglneer In charge of the project, who has been working on the acheme with I P. Hoton and other Yakima, capitalists, who financed one of ths private ditches of Sunnyslde, psssed through the city to day on his way to the upper country to take personal charge of the work. He a tilted that water enough to Irrigate 1.600 acres of the flat' will be turned on the land by the first of next June. The water will be taken from one of the many lakes near Brewster and will be augmented by the watera of Salt reek, a small stream near the city. A concrete reservoir will be built this wlntsr that will be sufficient to hold the watera of the creek during the flood season. TXP0THETAE PREPARES FOR PRINTERS' STRIKE - . (Jnornal Bpectal Bervlee.V New York, Dec. 16. The Typothetas of thla city announces that preparations for the handling of a tig printers' strike have been completed. The cause for msklng this arrangement and ths iaau ance of the statement la said to be the question of ths eight-hour day which the Typographical union has declared shall go into effect In thla city January 1, nsxt ' . . . The announcement ' states that tha closed shop snd the eight-hour day de manded by the Typographical . unon cannot and will not be granted, that there will be no lockout in the prlntln traa6r.ittna'''inar,Mfflpi'r ing their employ after January 1, 10S, will be paid full wages according to the union scale, whether union or non-union men. Holiday' Goods. Nothing -nicer for presents than beau tiful pictures. The largest collection In the city of etchings and other pic tures at Oruber s Art Store, lUVi Fourth street, nesr Salmon. The Dentists You Should Go To! Everything depends on bow you teeth are treated. Poor dentsl work Is dear at any price. The Alveolar method aa practiced by the Boston Dentists as sures permanent and beautiful results. If your teeth are decayed or ab scessed or loose and falling out or your gums inflamed and sore, N then your health demands that you teeth be at tended to. If you are looking for the best work at a reaeonable fee we would advise you to call upon the Boston Dentists, tltt Morrison street, ths dentists who originated tha Alveolar Method The most talked-of and renowned of re cent dental discoveries. Examination free. Lady attendant Skillful specialists. Boston Dentists S91M Morrison St Opp. Meier Traak and Voatofflea. Bntrance S1H Morrison St. Office Hours l:to a. m. to p. m. Sunday, 1:80 s. m. to 11:10 p. m. FIRST sir unjTT XM EXVnmiKVOB, 1ST mXWOTATIOsT, , nr BQtrmnirT, rsT XBTOWX.1IOOB, ur strooass.. Bladder Troubles, sTydroeela, Yarleoeela, rtmplea, Ulcers, Kidney Complaints Blood Volsoa. Vsrvoas Debility, Stricture, slhenaaatlssa, Mvate Diseases, rues lost Tltailty. All manner of Chronic Afflictions . of men and women. Moet modern and Sci entific treatment No rutting. No pain ful operations. NO eetetitlon rrom tniet- nees. No ml .representation. Reputation established for honest and fair dealings with: all patients.- Consultation and ad- 5 Vlce .tree. . , ST. Medical md T Surgical Oor. td asd Tana bin sns'vertUad. Or, You Oaraniott UCuBsCioy than HAYNER, no matter how much you par or where yoa gwt K. We have bean distilling whiskey for 39 years. We haW one of tha moat modern and beat equipped dlatllleriea in tha world. We know of nothing that would Improve onr product. Perfection in tha distiller's art haa been reached in HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distillery to YOU. with all of its original purity, strength, richness and flavor. It doesn't pasa through the hands of any dealer or middleman to adulterate. Yon thus save the dealers' big profits. Yoa buy at the distiller's price, at first coat. Don't you see the economy In buying HAYNER WHISKEY aa well as the certainty of getting abaxluterypurt whiskey? :Z , ', United Btstee Senate, Washington. D. C. "t have seed H AYNKIt WHISKEY for feaad it very eatiefaetery. UULdU UUL3UU 71 FULL n1 .00 EXPnESG (Hj QUARTO L) PnEPAlD rr tnii fart IT3 nn cnriftffT (SCU QUARTO I U Send ns the shove smoent and we wttl ao marks to show content. Try tne wniaaey. save your aoour wn w every bottle If yon wiab. If you doat And it n right, ship it back to as at OUR KX PENS ft and. your money will be promptly refunded. How aould any offer be fairer? . , ' -' You save money by ordering 20 qosrts by trslght If you esat see so much, get a friend to Join you. Yon can have either Rye or Bourbon, Kemember we pay the express or freight ehargee. Writs oar nearest office and THE HAYNER DISTILLI7.Q COMPANY St-Faultflaa. , St. Laela, He. Dayto,0. , Atlanta, Oa. DUtfflery.Troy.O. Capital. $500,000.00. Bald ta fun. Established J8G& IN A WEEK We treat successfully all private ner vous and chronlo dlseasss or men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Ws cure 8TPHIUU (without mercury 1 to stay cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE!, with out operation or pain. In It da ye. We stop drains, night' losses and spermatorrhea by a new method In a short time. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under 10 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Oohorrhoea V 'In a Week The doctors of this Institute are all rsgular graduates, have - had many years' experience, have been known in Portland for IS years, hsvs a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unless certain cure can be effected. We guarantee a cure In every case we, undertake or charge no fee. Conaulta-I tlon free. Letters confidential. Instruc tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In plain wrapper. - We cure the worst caaes of piles In two or three treatments, without opera tion, t-ure guaranteed. If you cannot sail at office, write cessiui. . . .. . Office hours, to I and 7 to s. Sundays and Holidays, 16 te It, DR. W, NORTON DAVIS & CO. 7?.. o 'I kidneys. He haa had great success In curing consumption when the vlo tlm Is not too much run down by ths disease, and will atop hemorrhages in an incredibly abort time. He brews hla own medicines from Chines roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegstable teaa, all of which are entirely harmless, and whoso medicinal propertlee are unknown to American doo tore. He uses In his pYsctlce over 400 different Oriental remedies Hun dreds of testimonisls from grateful patients. DR. wiNa UEB 11 sTOBTX rOVSTX STstSBT. - . VOBnAJTO. OmBOOsT. Will more about JaauarV 1 te ST Worth Tlftk street. Wee. Bids, lslwssm Burnsld. and Couch. C.OEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor reraterly laeata et AMer SU eeraef third, Has Moved Te me larre trlet BalMlns st B. B. el rirat ssd stonlass - Entrance , 162ft rn-M street Be. a Oee We. ke Otest Ostsase Seites. I v.ll bbbws aad faisoae tbro.f boat tke D". B. taeasaa sis wvaderrel asd a.rTetoee sarae save baes seralried breaeeaat tkroasboet the ImgU asd breadth ef tkls eoeatrf. He treat say ssd sit slaeaaM with powerful Cklae rrwta, herta, bads, berks and vesetaoUe that ere entirely snknows to aiedteat acsee ts thla enentrr end throeab the aae ef ttieae aarsilM remedlM be searantwa te cere catarrh, aetbeaa. hiDf troablea, rbeasMtiam. s.i niaiaaia. atosueh, hr. kldner. feaule troablas ssS sll arluu Tnte rastnes Snetne en res aie et the knife, wltkent sains enleens ee Srsse, Handrene f teeitaentabi ee fie at BIS siseea CaU asB see blm rbeeees elements. OOVSnTATIOa rBZB. , Pa Meats eat el the etty vrlle he bUntt sad elreehw. larhM e a tarn. Aodreaa Tke C. Oee We Chiaeae IteSailae Oe lea iat St, aa. sterna, r-eetlaae. Or. neaea aaeatlM tsie gr rviuney uiaaaer troubles. Cures In 40Hour8 UWNART VlmtNI IVI D V DISCIIARGS ' Ksch Csneele bears ths names' ee ee Sraa T "Pa n e. i r'ii MM f UALCAM ai -'m Wa, .-. m.',r e-..N, ' V-. ti Mre -.y 1 Buy Pc::-c medicinal purpoeee la my family ao4 have I beueve It to ee a numoer-ene meaicimu wnieaay." Jkmaj AAarfM, U. B. luuitof root yirflaie. uu UU UUUVUi PREPAID ship la a plain sealed ease, with I do tt MOV.. ' for question blank. Home treatment sue a 1-3 U rirt' s .mi' -a e i: "(Maanmunu aT i - i i A - t. r. DR. WING LEE The Great Chinese Doctor Z.OOATXS nr roanvajrn snrcw lewx. Ha Is called great because be curee all diseases without - reeortlng to the knife. Call and have a free examination. He will tell yoa the exact nature . of your trouble. He treata successfully every form of fe male complaint all private and blood dls- eaaea, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rneumaiism and ail disorders of the stomach, liver and OOBMaSJtXOBA. WJslBT. SxJPstLlaZS trrsmoosixji, TArnxoocsxa. xaa or MlnOOO, BsTZXTMATIgX. DOIIka, ASTKatA and SXXsT SUlAlss. We want every mil afflicted with tha sbove dlseassa to honestly Investigate our special system of treatment. We In vite ta particular all who have treated elsewhere without success, all whoea Cases have been abandoned by fe.mllf physicians and so-called "ej,falfriafc . UTS," aU whose troubles hsvs been aggravated and made worse by the nee of BBX.T. rill SAJIWU18, TBZAb TBBATatBBTS and so-called 8FBCIT IOS. We will explsla to you why suet trsatment hss failed to cure you. and will demonatrate to .your entire satis faction that wa oan euro you aafsly. quickly and permanently. Our counsel wlU cost nothing, and ws will do by yea as we would wish you to do by us if our oases wars reversed. Writs for our home treatment If you eanaot eelL . TheDReLIEBIGSTAFF and T, WtaeaeeWs Bouse, I aa Burnsld Streets, rortland. Of. Established 1STS. $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath and g-x t rr the a -t ni r,