THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY -EVENINQ, - DECEMBER 15,' 1905. 1J TODAY'S MARKETS FRESH FISH UP Oil i Salmon and Halibut Ranging a Half Cent Higher Fisher. men Take. Holiday. POTATOES AND ONIONS : ARE QUOTED QUIETER, California Celery Due Coming Week Chickens Very Firm Egge Com ing Considerably Faster Scarcity . of Cabbage and Cauliflower. Wont Street. Bee. 1B.-The principal featur at the Portland .whole! marhost today are: Balmoa and halibut scare. Cabbsg market very firm. ' Cauliflower ware and bleb. " , Lard la e sdesnced. ' ' 7 California ataamar due tonight. - ' ' -Tallfornl celery do next week. . , ' - - Hot nous kttnc more (reel. ' Chicken markat very (irra. . Egg receipt atlll enlarging. ' light adraac In cranberries. ' ( Turkey receipts alow ta coming. ' Potato and on Ion quiet. , . Hon bar apaamodle movement. Vaal market a trlfla advaaoad. ' , Tla Varkat Bns Higher. ' ' With tb approach of tba holiday fisherman n assarting their boaU and ara preperlag to take a fow weeke' Taeatloa, or anill attar tba NoSr Year. Thia b reaulting In a ararrlty of -fteh anppllaa and th trad la aallins (or heavier stocks Today waa practically no halibut la tb market aad aabaon front tli Cohiinbta SCARCITY , waa rat nor a scare article. Both flab aro .', now quoted at Ta a poaad, aa advance of H r' m rent qootstlons. t Oabbata'Xarkat Tarp Tim. , ' With eopptle of oabhata at low abb thare 4 la a firmer tone to the market and. tba boat ! product la quoted atlff it me poaad. - There ' ' s temporary ecarrltyf of orange ' and prieea ara held a tririe firmer. ' A car la '- do to be dutrlbatad alone tba a treat lata . ta th dap.! . ,... .i.., r ... ' cauliflower la racr scare -bad. price ara bold firm and generally .higher.. A ear of California cauliflower, aad celery : la doe to arrive la froa Loa Angela ta Una for tb Cbrlatmaa trade. Aa adTanea- of 60e. pa barrel la ahowa ta .'. cranberrlea tudaj, Prieea are ranging betwea - II aad $14 per barrel. Tba tatter quotation J tb meat In vcrae. The California ateamcr hi do to arrive, thla " evening with tba anl cargo of freak green. Hotbana lettuce froa local point I la pood . arrival. Trade hi quite heary. aU arrival ; betac cleaned op at tb Hat. ' There la a quiet tone to Doth tb potato am , anion market and . few tranaactkma ara r ' ported. Panep potato ara even harder than rr a peaches and poor atorka ara ' not . ; wanted. Tner no 17 a rau- near or mroiM hwa la tb California onion demand aad ibN tone la rflctd bar. Prtoe ta both market - ara unchsnge. , , , . Zgg Bipte Still IxJrg1n. Thar mot Inn to be an Increaaa In the . ; arrlTal af local ranch rfia la th Pront atrnot i market. Tb Incraaaa U raallp noticed aad tb ton af th market la aot quite pood aa a remit. - Tb trade ta faral bsllera la lower price. . - ., . ., . Cilckaa JCarkat yry Tina. - . KxcMdlnplp good form taabowa la tb ehlckoa market todar. Receipt rr 1111 trT "lfh' iBaTTttmiDj la Increa.loc. One ta a while a faacp lot brlni a fracUon erer th prlnto.1 aloe. Rowerer, the, qooUOoira of Tb Joarnil ar thoaa peaerally qnefm to th -dpra. tlaaaa and ducka ar Tory alow ta eominp anJ both af th market bar aa ImproTad feal tag. Price rem la tb m. tpaamedlo Tea ta Bona. la tb hop market tb ton la Tory qnr, ana dap tb market being brlak, while lneid . f another M..boura tbr I a general lack rf ;ilmnd. Independence continue . ta b tb acen of fclpb prke and a al at HHe I reported there., ilhnrte matlnae tb principal borer, hot ana "long" firm I baring ta keep price from nagging. It la bow MUmated that the total ealee In tht atate to dat tbla aeaaon wlU reach 75.000 balaa. . Teal Market a Trlfl Adraaoal. On account of tba lighter reclpta daring tba peat few day there la eonaltlarabl lm proeement In tb ton of the dreaeed meat . market. . Veal I eepeclally elow ta com In and th pric today for tb flrat-cUa product I T. - - The bird market la a hlgbar oa account if the ront adranca la th price af lira bog. . 'The trad paid th following price t freat treat dealer. Price paid prodacm ara a pcUId. wrata.'Tlar aad Teed. WHEAT New club, Tci red Bnaalaa, ftci ' wlneetem, T4c: eallee. TSc BARI.ST reed, 1 22. BO; rolled. 923.S0; brew tag. m.60. ' COKN Whole. 3T.0O ' cracked. I2S.00 pat ton. BTFI fl SB per twt. OATS Producer1 prlc Ito. 1 white, $27.00; gray, 128.00. . PLOUB Kew. eaatera Oregon patent. M.M; tralght. tS.TOQS.M); export. oa n; val ley. 3.T0S.fto; graham, H. f3.e0 rye. Me, IS.on: hl-e. .Tlf MIIXSTrrra Bren. I1T.80 pr tenj mid dllng. $28.00; ahorta, atmntry, 18.(W- city. lg.lW: chp. li.00. HAT Prodocera' price Ttmiothy. Willamette Talley, fancy.; ordinary, i.oi)l p. 00; eaatern Oregon. lt4.00Q16.on; . mired. $8 0ea 00. rlorer. j.ooa.00i grain. tUMiQ .00; cheat tK.00tS.tM. Bnttor, rgga and Poalrry. ., - BUTTER FAT r. o. h. Portia ad Sweat cream, 2H8''lc; anor, 2dH02Pc. BUTTRR City creamry, guitTlrZici anrald fancy. 8THO80ei ordinary. -Hit 27 He; atora. lflTc. ' ' ' KUOfl Wo. 1 freah Oregon, candled, MQSScj -colli atorare and eaatern, 27a27Hc CHKKHE New Knll cream, (lata, 13Q1SHc; . Yonng America. lflUJlflHc: Cheddar. ioHo. OAMF Jackrabblta. S1.T5 per dne. POULTRY Mired chlckene, llHfflic; fancy hen.- 12c per lb; rooatere, old, 0c per lb; fryer. Itc per lb: broiler. 12c par lb; dncka, . iraioc per. lb; geeae. Stl0c per lb; tnrkey. inc per lb; drd. 18a per lb; winaba, 2-TO0 - 8.00 per do. - - - -.. , j Hop. Wol and Klda. ,. HOPS 1900 Oregon, choice, 10ttc( rrlme, Hc; poor jtrade. Je; Waihlogtoa. OHCftlei 10O4 crop, 7H for enolc. WOOl. 1900 clip, ralley, eoare to medlnm, 9'U2SVtei Sn. M82TCI MrB Oregon. 10tfl22c. mu am Nominal. S0cr81c. BH KF.P8 KINS Shearing. ISatZOc eh; hort wool. ISiatOc eacn; meoium wou. suai 10m cai 1... T T.iertl 00 each. - TALLOW Prima, par lb, HOr; Ho. I aad t'HITTIM BARK per lb. -- H1DKS Dry. No. 1. 1 lb and ap. 16HQ ITMe per lb; dry kip. No. 1. S to W Iba. 14c; dr?c"f. No! 1. anoer lb. Ibc: 1ted bide . a teen, aouad. 0 Iba nd orer. UpOI'ei cow. SUiaoHc; tar and bulla. ond. Te kip. 18 to M tba, oc; ealf. ouad. aader 18 lb, lie; ' green, anealted. le lee; enlla. te per lb reae; nereehldee. Mlted. each,; ory. eaca. I oneyl no: colt niflciycjj''i-j-in-1 FRIDAY PRICES IN . -THE WHEAT MARKET 4 Pre. Mr . 4 Chicago . . . . . $ .t t'.SA. 4 New Tork..... Milwaukee .... . liuluth ,.-. Kansas City... I.Irerpool BU Lout. ..... MlnneaDolla .. ... .P.H 4 .ti .RSTtA 4 HI CgllHd 7a Md .Bo 7l A Ban rranolaco . 1.1 1 M Miy barley. ' ) JOURNAL'S DAILY , TIPS ON MARKETS 4 4 Poultrr demand la very aood - 4 for all aorta and th market la 4 4 not getting all It need. Re- 4) 4 -eelpU arp pretty large, but tha 4 4 demand la ahead of the supply. 4 4 5 We look to see a rery good de- 4 4 mand next week and think that 4 ahlppara of good hena, aprlnga, - 4 4 aeeae, ducka and turka will meet ' 4 4 wlth a good market. Tha mure 4 4 ket if quo'tlng on aood hena and d) aprlnga at present 11 Vt and 11 .cent alive; dreased about a cent advance. Ducka ara Arm at le cents and geese are at present scarce at I and 10 cents alive. ' Turkeys ara now wanted at IT and It cents alive. A lot of fat, dresned aceae and turkeys will be wanted next week, for we are " . of the opinion that good goods in this line will be rather scarce and wanted. We look to see prieea on turks from II to I H cents and on fat dreaeed .' geese from II to 14 cents. ' Fat dreaaed durks wilt alao be wanted at about IS cents. Clr- ,cular of Everdlng g, FarrelL . eemmon. each, lOQlBc; Angor. aaeb, ttkO fl.00. -' TnHa aad Tagtala. POTATOES Beat Oregon. T6J0e per aackl produce ra' prlc tor ear lota. TOc par sack; ordinary, &w70c; producer, prlc, 48t0oc weeta. tt.PO per ack; 2.0or2 20 per crat. ONIONS Orrgoa vyallow Daarer. 1.; pro dncrr' prlc. No. 1. (1.00(11.10; No. S, 75 a 6c: garlla. 1V per lb. FRESH rKI'ITS Apples. Oregon. fl.OOA 1.60; fancy. gl.7Ai3aO(i: nrangre. aew aaTrJ, t2.O0AS.Out Medllng.' S1.7Bt2.00: hananaa. 4H 4V4 per lb: lemona, choice. 1X20U2 7 per box; fancy, $3.2n?(H.7S per boi: llmea. Mexican, J I 2.1 per 100; pineapple. 64.00 pea doal gninea, l.notil.TS; pear. I1.S94II.64 per boll pom, granaiea. . pnr box; tangarla. tl-lti Jap ueM oranrea, 70c per boa. - EOBTABLES Turnip, aew, It. 00 pee aackl eerrota. $1 00 per aack; heeta. $1.0001. W per aack; Oregon radlahea, t6e per doc; cabbage, Oregon, tf.2oQl.A0 per ewt; green penpera, 7c per lb; California tomatoea. tl.O0T1.28; p ra ni pa. l.onrl.2n; trtng bean. Saioc; cauli flower. I HO ner crate: rhubarb. lb: greo.1 pea. Bcri" lb; borradlah, ec per lb: arti choke. per do; notnoua leimca. tl.00Ol.78 per box 1 celery, local. 4AT6se per do: eggplant. 11 60 per crate: pumnklna. Har: aquaah, lci cranberrlea. Jersey. I80ogi4.n0 per bbl: Coo bay and Tillamook. tlO.OO; rad iahe. S5 per do. DRIED PRniTS Apple. eTportd. 10 lOHe per lb; a prion ta, lOHAlte per lb: Kaebe. lOHAlSe per Iht aacka. H per lb : prone. 80 to 40. Hc; Uc drop oa each alxteenth a mailer alae; flg. Callfornl black. Uflla ner lb; Callforala white. 8e Ber lb: date, golitaa, e per lb; tarda. 11. SS par IB-lb BOX. v ! wneartea. Vote. It. gffJAR Sack baale Cube. anj powdend. fn.AA; fruit graonlatedi (8.69; dry annotated. tS 68; Conf A. (S.SO; beet granulated (A M; extra C. (8.08; goldea C. (4.S8; O yellow, (4.88; bbl 10c; 1 bbla. fKct bole. 60 adeanre oa ch baal. lea SS per cwt for cash, U day; maple, 14QB per lb. f AnoTe price apply to aalea f leaa than ear lota Car lota at special prlc aubject to Soctnarlon 1 BONPT (S.60 per crate. COFFER Package hrende. (16 TB. SALT Ooarae Half rroond. 100. (TOO per ton: tabl. dairy. 50.. (ii ao; too. (10.75: Im ported IJeerpool. 60. (17.00; 100. $16 V); 4a. (Id OO; extra flne. bbl. e. aa. 10a, (4.6078 bo; bnlk R30 iba. (4.0635.on: aacka. 50, 6nt86e; Urerponl rump rock. (1(40 par too: 60-lh. rock. (7 00: 100. $8.75. ORAIN BAfiS calcntta. THa. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. 6c: We. t. 606He; New Orlaeoa bead, Te; Atax, 6c; Creole. Bt4. . ' BRANS Smalt whit. (STB; larg white. (.: pink. (2 78; bayoa; (4.801 Urn, (8.00; Mexican red. (H. v. n.r--t , . glnla. 7H per lb; rooated. Pc; cocoanani, SSetOOc per do; walrmre, 16r16He per lb; pine nnta, IOtl2H per lb; hickory not 10c pet lb: hetnnta, teea, 16ie per lb; Braall not. 14c per 1h: eiherta. 14T18e per lb: fancy pecaaa, KHOISUe: almonda. 16117 par lb. lHlata. Coal OOa. Eta. . ROPR Pur Manila. 144; standard. 1(14; etui. 11c. . COAL OIL Pearl er AetraV Caaea, OHe per gal; water white, troa bhla, 18c per gal; woodea. 18e per gal; headlight. 170-deg., awaa. JSHc per rat OAPOLINRMeg., Z44 sac gal iron hbt 1e per gal. BENEINB 63-deg., 29 per gal, Irra acia. ihc pr gal. TURPENTINE la eaaaa She bbla tide nr ea L . - per gal, woodea WHITI LRAtv Toa lot. T4 per lb 600-lb lota, nc per in; leaa iota, per in. , WIRR NAII.B Preeent baae at T. LINSEED OIL Pure raw. D-hhl lot. BOe; .bhl lot 61e; caeee. 68e per gal: reaulne kettle holled. nae. 6Sc per gal; ( bbl lot. 62c; 1-bhl lot. (So per gal: ground cake, car lota, (90.00 par toa; le tbaa car lota. (SO.OO per tea. , Teats, flab aad rrevlsoaa. FRESH MEATS front treat Beef (teera. Bffidc per lb; bog.' block. 7e - per lb; packer., To per lb; - bull. 4j8e per - lb; row. eVkttac par lb ; Teal, extra. 7HA8 per lb; ordinary, 6c per lb; poor, M par lb; mat ton, fancy. TQ7Hc per lb. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) htm. 10 to 14 lb. I2 per lb; 14 to 16 lb. 12MC per lb: break fa. t bacon. I4H618H per lb; picnic. So per lb; cottage, 814 per lb; regular ahort clear, pnamoked. lOHe per lb; moked. 11 He per th; clear bark, anamoked. 10e per lb; a moked. 11 Vi lb; Colon butm. 10 to 18 Iha, anamoked, 8c per lb; a moked, Pc per lb: clear bellies, anamoked. He per lb; moked. 12c per tb: shoulder. (He pr lb. LOCAL LAUD Kettle leaf. 10.. lle per R: 6a. HHe per lb; 60-lb tin, 10c per lb; team . rendered. 10a. 10SC per lb; 6. 10H per lb; componnd. 10a. 74e. CANNED SALMON Columbia rlrer. Mb tall, tl.80; 2-lb tall. 12.78: fancy Mb Sat. (I PD; ,-U fancy Oata. $1 IS: fancy Mb oeala, (2.78: AUaka tafia, pink, (0000: tod, (1.60; somlnai (, tall (2.00. riBH Rock aod. Te per Tht founder. 6 per tb: halibut, Tc per lb; craba. (1.80 per doa; atriped baae, 12HC per lb; catnab. Te per lb; almoa, llTeralde,- ec pec-lb: eteelbead, Tc per lb; herring, 6c per lb; eole. Sc per lb I alirlmpa, 10c per lb; perch, 6c per lb; Mark cod. 7c per lb; allrer araelt. Tc par lb; lob t era. 16c; fresh mckrL S pr lb; crawaaa. 26 per do OTSTERS shoahrator bay, peri gal, $2.20; pr ck, (8.78. 1 . CLAMS Hard-aheTI, per box, (1.00; taaot Clam. (2.00 per Jmx. COTTON IS TEN TO ; . .TWELVE POINTS UP Lt Hew Tork, bee. 15. Cotton future closed 10 to 12 point higher. Official quotation by Orerbeck, Starr Cook company 1 . . , i Open, nigh, I-ow. cVee. January.... 1104 1178 1164 linfiuAT rebrnary .... H7Pil March 11B8 1207 1194 l'2'y' April ,. 1 Xlffl'a&t May 120 1223 1200 iaio(U Jium 12124(14 July , 1214 1227 1214 12IHfl7 December 1168 1163 1188 1168W0O . ' K ' Uvrpal Oottoa Higher. Liverpool, Dec. IS. Cotton fatores ploe4 steady, S to 11 potato higher. jrrw TOM conn karkit. y New Tork, Dee. 16. Coffee futur closed nchanged to 10 point BP. OfBclal price; . - Bid. Aak.l' . . Bid. Aak. January .,,$. 28 (aaoUnly ........ (6. 78 (a.o February ,. 6 so .HAIAugnat .... 0 pn March 6.40 a4nR.ntember 6.00 gflf April 8 60 ( AAlOrtober .... TOO T.08 May ....... 6 eo NoTeraher T.08 T.10 Jn (.68 (.761 December .. (.20 (.30 Hew Tork Cask Coffae. New Tork, Iec. 16. Ch ooffee: Me. T tllo. T'ACi Ne. 4, Baato.- 8S0, 1 tocx Kivrira (tocke. Sa'a rraodaco. Dee. IS. Official morslng cloa- In.: ' ' Bid. Bnlllofi ...... f,.( ,118 ' ' Bid. "kai.9 .64 ' Savage I'otoal .(HI Con. CaL-VA.... 1.40 llnlon Con ..... .M Ophlr , ai2VV.llow Jacket... .14 Caledonia ...... .64 JRxeheiraer M Mexlc 1X6 111 A NarcroM. 1.1.1 yoorplea ....... .1 WHEAT VERY DULL ID STUPJD But Little Trading . In Chicago Market Feeling Generally Is Quite Strong in Market. CASH SITUATION IS LEADING FEATURE St, Louig Elevator Sella Larga Block ' to Southwestern Markets and Thla Helped tha General: Situation ' Com Acta Better. .' FRIDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. Close Close rri. Thur. toes Clasa Tear Ag rn. December ... . m .JwH ( .te K t J001 (l.0T 1.10f Mar...- JW14A .wiVkA .00 July JH B M " Cfclcago. Pec. IB. Thl kaa been knntber alow and atupld wbaat market, but with all. a firm an. . Toe trade at no time fare any Indica tion of getting oat ef tb dull . rat. Tb trength continue to be backed 'np by tb plendld cash altuatlon la all markat. Ui new from Ht, Lout today of Urge ulea by one lTtoY eoncera to go to southeaster miller being xtrmly builiah. Better Ten la Oarxu : A decidedly better ton waa In tMk m tb Cora 'market today. Th (dranc la Dcmhr looked like ehort covering. Th market acta batter, hwlng nor snap today than for eom tlm. and It looka if Ui earner ha been' turned, temporarily at leeat. Official quotation ay Orerbeck, Burr a Cooe eompany: .- - , WHEAT., Onen. ' Hlcb. la. Close. Dee $ , .mitt S MS May...... .8NK H .8 .MtU July..... .68.. Jwi ... .hSfi .. - JM 8 CORN. New Dee. ' .44 4SH .44 1 a Mar..... .44" Juiy .44 OATS. Dm May July .604 .go .SO. .04B MS M MK JI2UA M .(Ota J0. MESS PORK. Jan 1R.0T . 18.10 18.08 1S.0T. A May...... 13 M . 13.88 . 1S.3T 18.80 B , LARD. ' . JB .-T.S0 T 82 , TaO TJO - . May...,., T.80 TO . T.2T : TaO - July T.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 SHORT RIBS. Jaa ( PJ a6 (M ( 2 May T.I2 7 1 7 10 7.18 July TJtS TJI6 Tas 7.26 -LiTIRyOOL e&AIY XAJLKXT. Ltrerpool, Dec. 16. Official, price: WHKAT. - . ' ' . Open. - flloa. - December 6 114,4, 6 11 Hd March 7s Ts Hd May Aa lOfcd aa lOMd CORN. January Cttd (add March 4a (d s Osln. d CHIOAOO CASH wTHAT. Chkage, Dee. 16 Cai wheat: . . . Bid, Aak, No. f red..... ( Jw i No. S red J ,.. No. S bard J JK1 ro, arn..,. .. ,. ....... .so No. 1 northern...... No. 1 northern Kg, kprliig .....l.'l .M OA ADVANCE 10 CENTS 0!l BETTER CALL - All Branchee of Livestock Market Show Improvement of De mand Prices the Same. Portlsnd TTnloa Stockyards, Dee. 18. Live stock recelpui ' Ho Cattle. Sheen. Today i 10S 11 617 Week ago , 84a 62 . 1,h Prerion wk 20 IIS 448 Month ago Ill ... 7IX In all branches of tb n restock market somewhat of a better tone la noted. Hoaa are firmer, 10c np today: cattle Arm and aheap lair mil mniinvia. vesi cairo ar aoarce. OfSclsl llreetock price: Hog Beat eaater . Oregon, (8.7505. 86: blockers and China fata, (3. 00; stockars aad feeder. (4.2ft. . rattle Beat eaatern Oregon" atrer. $8. 604) (.75; light and medlnm ateera, (2.60; light cowa, (1(0; stock era aad feeder. (2.28; bulls, (1.60. Kheep Wether. 4Hc; mixed sheep. 4c; lamb, 4He. Calre Good veal, 160 to ZOO ponads, 4KJ 60; rough and heary, soaHe. KASTIsUr H00( BTXAST. Chicago, Deo. la Livestock recelpta: Hogs. , Cattle. Sheep. Chicago .....86.000 4.000 S.OOO Ksnaaa City 10.000 4.000 S.OOO Omaha ,...10,000 8,000 (.500 Hoge Opened stsady with 8,000 toft orer. Receipt a year ago were 82,000. Prices: Mixed, J4.76Q5.00; good. (400J6.(0; Tonga, (4.70t .(to; light. (4.T54.W. Csttle io higher. . " Bheep 10e higher. , , BOSTOaT COPER stARXET. Boston, Dee. IB. OfOcisl elos: xiia. Adreatnr ... TOO Alloues ..... dl.60 Arcadian .... 6.00 Atlantic .... 28.60 Bingham .... Ad.26 Calumet ..... T18.00 Centennial ..' SS.00 Bid. Old Dominion.. I 83.00 Oaceola ...... 107.78 (8.26 1.28 1OR.0O 23.78 7.00 123.00 11.78 87.60 (4.50 (.60 8.60 124.00 41.00 Parrot ...... Phoenix ...... Qulney ....... Hoyal fthannoa ..... Copper Range. Paly Weat ... Elm Rlrer ... Branklla . ... Copper. ni. id 17.80 8.60 11.67H 80.78 Tamarack ... Trinity IVnlted Copper Utah Victoria ..... 62.60 Winona ...... Nerada Coa.. 11.78 Wolrerlne ... North Bntta,. U. S. Mining.. tovopah stnnao stooxf. Ban rraorlsco, Dec, 15. OfSdal morning bia: Wontsna t2.85 Mldwy 1.47 H Bid. .. .24 ..( .on .fl'- .. 12 .. 1.00 .. .18 .. .23 .. .10 Mohawk Mile MrNamar .... .84 Kendall Belmnut . (.10 ' Lnnlnrabla bit. North Star .... j47 In mho Rescue , .08 Quid Monntaln.. .08 llm Butler .... ' .63 Nerada 1428 Ton. Rxtea .... S..1TH Ooldfleld 06 Red Top ....... ;61 SaBdatorm ..... .60 Rendatorm Ex.. A Adams ........ .04 Inmbo Ex tea Black Bntta. Pllver Pick.. Qoldea Anchor .. .70 )hlo Ton .VI ,n .84 . .07 .14 O. Bull Prog. Dlamondfteld . Homeataka ... Lone Star ... Caeh aoy .. at j; ypRTtAUP BAmt (TATEMEirT. Clearlnga ...e')'8T. 88 BaUncra 68. 481.66 ' Sterling Bates."' rtow-tork, Dec. 18. aterllng rate: Demand. 488.6J4b.06; 60 days. 482.60Q4Hl.TB. .. - Xartln aa Btotlred XJat. Waahlnton. 1o. 16. After (t yeara active service Lieutenant-Colonel Mead C Martin, la charge of tha quartermae, ter depot at. Chicago, waa placed on the retired list today at his own request. Colonel Martin is native of Vermont and graduated from tha West Point aoadesny in 17T J : ; t Fishermen Are Taking a Vacation and There Is a Scarcity In the Supplies of Both Fresh Halibut and Salmorf Prices, Are' Higher.' IRREGULAR TOIIE RULED TODAY i . . , Stock Market Very Erratlo- In New York and Heavy Changes Are Shown In Trading. LAWSON SAYS HE IS GETTING TO WORK New Rich Strike Reported In Ana conda Tractions Change ' Form Again and Advance Heavy 0in In People's Gas. ADVANCES. . ffifr""" HIMetlcaa Central... Atchleuu HlK.ty ., ""' TaiMlaaoari Psclflo... auneltor .......... 1 North America... - .Preferred..., HlPeople' 0a : l,,r roundry .. S Preaaed Steel Car.. If: t.' , in leu. uoi.. ...... ... Caoadla Colo. Sooth.. Sd p. loeoesotlT 71 u Biuei 1 bcidc...... HIU. 8. Rubber IU. S. Steel 11 da nr.fMrred rr . Jt w-aconaia tea, hUtropalllaa. ljweataru Cnloa. nrie, aa pra.. U Weonta Cea, p.. Amalgamated .... MiOenVer ........... n,!'.?."" AlLouleTllle a'oniui Illinois Central... 1 Nnrfnlk N. Y. Central .... ,lontarl Waster. Q Peansyreanl ..... 1, Reading Republic Steel .,. Hi Hock Island H 2 e?''."""" IV prferred..... S S. P.. 2d ofd glgoathern By H Southers i'aclna... hiWabtac. . pfd .... - WaU Street, New York. Be. 18. Today's atock market showed aa Irregular ton, the adraaces and hawee la th pclaltlee being Suite hears. AkimmiiI. mmm ..Hm mi .... I I " .Hi the report from Butte. af a very rich atrtk u th. 2, 200-loot ley.l. The ore i aald to arerage better , then 18 per cent. Tractions changed form again and closed with erg advance ef 1H In Brook ly and th earn amount In Metronolltan. !. was out with another ststamenl and aa;e tber will be aome aenaatlonal doings aooa. . People' Oaa w eery acur witn ru t SS points. Bmeiur eommoa eioaea 1 higher, San rran ciaco eecnad' preferred waa a beary loser, tb dclln for th da amonnHn. te IU nolela. Ofnclal qoototlooa by Ormbeck, Starr Cook DESCRIPTIOR. Anacooda hllnlng Co.... Amal. Copper Co.. Atchison, com... ...... do preferred......... Am. Car Poundry. e. Am. Sua rr, com........ Am,- Smelt.,- eom. do preferred.......... Baltlmor a Ohio, eom. II rook I ja Bapld Transit. Canadian Pacific com. Chicago A Alton, cop).. c. a a. w. com 188 102 HA. 183 PS1 1041 104 40 40 V, 140 104 1&H Itlllt 1814 118V, 112 HI1 1742 no 173 M "j. 180$ chi- mii. a st. p..... C. a O. WM eom....... Chesapeake Ohio Colo. Xtl. I A, ftWM. M. 64. SOU 40W 7I Colo, southern, eom... 00 secona prererrea. .. do first preferred.... Delaware a Hudson. .. . D. R. O.. com do. p referred....... u. Brie, eom 222 do second preferred... Illinois Central 1784 Lou laellla Nsahrllle. Met. St. By Manhattan Ry. ......... Mexlcaa Central Ry Mlna., St. P. Bta. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific U. K. T., com New Tork Central Am. Locomotlre. ....... Central Leather: 158(4 1214, 13 24 13H 1HH 87 IU 47 SAW Norfolk A Western, com North American N. Y.. Ont. a Western. 100 62 Penney iranls Ky . , p. o. l. a a Co 142(4 1(AJ Preaaed Steel Car, eom. do preferred Pacific Mall S. Br Co... 8 4HS Reeding, com do second preferred do first D referred. Ben. Iron a Steel, com. 00 prererrea. .. ....... Rock Island, eom do preferred Southerw By., com.... Bonthera Pacific....... do preferred St. L. A S. P.. td Bfd. de first preferred St. L. a S. W, com.. 00 prererrea. . Texas a Pacific Tennessee Coal a Iron 84 V 84 148 v 67 148 U 144 Toledo, Ht. L. A W., pfd 6 union racuic, 00 V. 8. Rubber, con U. S. Steel Co, e do preferred .... Wisconsin Central, do preferred. .... W. TL Telegraph., Wabash, com 14os 14I14I 64 on 8 on 87 87 104 106. 104tf 62 ai 20 41 do preferred 41 Call money closed 4 per cent. I T...-1 HU. m Jkmw t ftaft MM ak., America a Smelter, ex-dl.ldend 14 per Cent. Alton, ex-dividend 2 per cent. MsabattsB, ex-dl.ldend 14 per cent. - New York Central, ex-dlrldend 1(4 per cent, and ex-rights 6 per coat. Sen yrsncktco, tint preferred, i-dlrtdend 1H per cent. INSANE MAN CAUSES HAVOC IN COURT HOUSE Overturns Tables, Empties Drawers and Walks Off . - 1 With Overcoat. friends ef George Fleler hare been wonder ing where tb maa bed disappeared to, a a baa not been around hi room at (66 Pint street elDce December S. Yesterday he was reported to the nolle as missing. But there Is no great mystery la the case, a Fie ley is 1n th Insane ylnm at Salem. - When the mlaalng maa waa arrested by a pollcemaa several days sgo be gsre his asms as Oeoree Pelld. Tor a day or to the arrested msa vii kept la JalL but was weleaaed la order that be might go spatalra In th coart hon and await th (Wor-farm wagon. No sooner bad Pieley been released tbaa. be walked into one of the ofOce and apart everything la tnrnlne over a table, amntyln a Bum. ber of drawer ef their neper and prying Into everything he could bbo. wars ne grew weery of thla play h took aa ofnclal erer. eat and returned to th JalL Wbea the pranks of the maa were dlacorered k was reexamined aad found to be lnean Sne inM. " Ptoley la one ef the bet-knowa gambler that ever tarnad a car in Fortune. T 1 . ii- XVewls Clark Bead. ' ' (SpecUl Dlspstch to The Joaraal.) Davton. Or Itoo. H. Lewis Clark, aged i years. -died Wednesday at 4 p. ro. at bla Dayton horns after months of Intense suffering of tuberculosis of the bone. '' He leaves a widow now pros trated with brain fever. Tba funeral waa conducted at tha M. & church by Rev. atr. DUon. ' - ; You Are Invited - Ta our store, 171 Third . street, where you will find bargains galore In the clothing line.. HOUSE AND SEfiATE IF! FIRST CLASH tasxxgaxBBm House Calls Senate to Order and Pronourfces Action on Pan- ama Bill Illegal. ' PRESIDENT ATTACKED BY SENATOR TILLMAN Roosevelt Called tha Policeman of tha Western Hemisphere The Senate Submits While the House Is Gagged, Says Southerner. fjoars! Special SerefcaJ Washington, Dec. 16. The house and senate had their first clash today over the Panama , appropriation bill. The house passed the bill with the provision of putting Panama bonds on tha same footing as government twos. Ths senst killed the provision and paased a separ ats bill covering ths subject. The mat ter went to the house today, where It waa killed by a rising vote, there being no aaaenters, and returned to tba sen ate, with a resolution declaring that the senate, in passing the bill original' trig revenue, had violated the conatltu- tlonal privileges of the bouse. Criticism of the Panama, canal aarem- Istratton continued In the senate today. Senator Tillman led the opposition, up aald: t "Tha president Is a brilliant and hard worker.- I believe ha is patriotic and as a rule has tha country's good at heart, but when his heart la set he is abso lutely oblivious to law and tramples under foot the constitution.-" Tillman attacked the creation of the republic of Panama, which he alleged was a subterfuge, and Iterated tha Santo Domingo treaty. Ha called tba- preal dent the policeman of tha western hemlaDhere. ' "The senate aervilly submits and tba house is ragged!' ha shouted. - Bpooner defended the president and became the center of fire from Teller, Tillman and Money. SENATE COMMITTEES. rnltoa Will Alao Have Flaoe om roe. off lees and Post Boads. ' (Bneclal Dispatch to The Joaraal.t Washington, ,T. , C. Dec. 16. The committee' . on committees naa com plated tha assignment of the senate committee places and will make tnem publio at the Republican caucus Hon day. Fulton retains the chairmanship of claims and "a place on postofflces and post roads. Ankeny 00 Washing ton gets .the chairmanship of irriga tion and a plxfce on commerce, Jdlusrd of Nebraska succeeds Mitchell as chair. man of inter-oceanlo canals. Heyburn of Idaho retains the manufacturers and gets a place on publio buildings. The secretary . of the Interior today transmitted to the senate drafts of bills for .legislation to repeal the sojdlers' additional homestead law making falae affidavit of non-mineral character - of lands. TO PAVE FRONT STREET WITH BELGIAN BLOCKS Been 111 Brno, war awarded lb contract yesterday for paring Front street between Burns Ids and r landers streets with Belgian blocks ea a concrete foandatlon. th const dera tion being fla.0oo.6S. Tba awarding of th contract will be approved by the city execBtlre board at tba next meeting and the work oa the a treat will hegia Immediately. Other coa tracts let yesterday were aa follows: Baet Thirteenth street between Hawthorn arena and Past Salmon afreet. O. J. Kraemer and J. N. Darl. S.VI8.S1; Morrl street bet wee. VanroBTsr and William a .en nee, R. I. Debuhr, 6053.30; East Tamhlll between Esst Thirty second and Bast Thirty-third streets, Joplia a Meeks. $616.00; Kaat Cam there between Beat Blghth snd Esst Twelfth atreets, J. B, O' Weill. 4.464.87; Oantenbeln a.eune In front of block 4, Oeorge Baner, S0O61 8.11 wood street between rntna aad Alblaa renuee, hi. O. Landatrum, 12.600. . At It Again. London Clothing company, 171 Third street. bale now on that beats every' thing ever heard of. DOwamro, BtorxnrB co. (EsUbllshed, ls. . t abts stoox saonaa atoota 4, Oroond snoot1, ' oxAicavni or ooifjtxmoa. FREE $400.00 Worth of Mining Lee Co Bought and Paid 100 Shares Great Northern -100 Shares Fredand Consolidated 100 Shares Crooked Qeek 100 Shares Sterling Gold Limes ; THESE are all active stocks. Great Northern is paying monthly dividends and in- v creasing hs capacity. Sterling mill is running day and night with 10 stamps and is ' "building a 90-ton cyanide plant Free land is working two shifts, with ?2,000,000 worth of ore in sight. Crooked Creek is a placer mine, fully equipped with hydraulic eleva- ,. tor ready for next season's run. . . ,' The J. C. Lee Co. is incorporated under the laws of Oregon with a capital stock of 950,000, divided into 500 shares of a par value of ?i06 This company does a gen teral commission and brokerage business, besides prospecting, locating, developing and op erating mines. . Its assets consist of unincumbered personal and real property on a conser vative valuation of If 50,000 (a schedule of which will be furnished on application). This -stock is being sold to pay for a fully equipped mine with a 30-ton mill and 10,000 tons of free milling ore in tight that will, plate ?4.00 a ton. , This property will pay a dividend of f3.00 per share, besides the stock is now paying a monthly dividend of 2 per cent. ' Our books are open for inspection to prospective purchasers. Not more than five thares of thi stock will be sold to any one person. . , -r , "-, ' ; - For further particular call on or addres s.-; r . '- .. The ATJOHN'S MARKET For our Christmas trade we want to aee a goodly number of the young aouv saepera, aa well as tna older on, vr don I mind their queer xylnga; we're ubsni to them. Hurh a a, "What nave you In beef ateuk toiayl" "Yea. I like that one, the one cut on the bias." ''What are thoae things over there? Mutton chop? . Oh, I didn't know they grew in Boaoaes like that before. I tnina 1 11 tan the whole bunch. me see some of your chlckena. There, 'this one looks Ilk tender one (punching it In the bark). Do you think It will cook tender?" ' "W-e-f-1, yea; if you boll It in sort water. "Now you mi me a nice- cut off the shoulder vou mar an ana or the ham. Yes, 10 cents will be a great plenty; there are only two of us,, you know. Oh. will you pleaae take the bone out and wrap It In two paper. Thank you. Can you aend It down right away? My husband likes an early din. ner.'1 v Our shop will be full from the cell ing to tne nnor witn xxurawys. vnass, Qeese. Chicken, mabblta. Beef. lork. Lamb, Teal aad Celery, Sweat rotatoes, Xood BUver Apples. Everything Ireeb, and good. Remember, we dreas our own chlckena. so they are always fresh. Come early and avoid the rush, and if we are not busy we'll tell you a story, becaune we slwavs Ilka to bear a smile. uon 1 iorgei toe piace . JOHN'S MARKET 43V, worth Sixth St. Fboa lfaia 1864. Townsend & Van Schoonhoven ' Waolasal aad Btotail fooers, . .iT mn irauT, -BUTTER : LOWER We retail butter and eggs at whale, sale prieea' - ' Oregon Creamery Butter. .. .80 and SO Nsw Crop Italian Prunes, 4 lbs..... BO Ons sack good Hard Wheat Flour, .Sl-00 I pounda Beedleaa Raialns... S6e Beet cleaned Currants, lb 100 Tomato, staadarda, I cans.,,.., ,18e 1 can Baked beana. ; r; '.. r. ......... .60 Two I -lb. cane Hominy SSa I cans Com.. Peas or String Beans... 860 1 pkg. Postum or Fig Prune Cereal.. 80s Oood Salmon, 1 cana 16o Tomatoea, Bolld Pack .10 1 wo a-io pgga uoia uuii One l-lb. pkg. Armour's Washing Powder 15a Fels-Nantha fioan .........Be 11 bars Royal Savon Soap.. ........ S6 bars Baby Elephant Boap. ....... .86 t lb. White Honey ISO I cane Primrose Cream ........16 1 lb. Rnsrllsh Breakfaat Tea 16 1 lb. Ounpowder T..,..............8 Miller's Naptha Soap Be Rent Walnuts and Almonds, 1 lbs... 15c Best Eastern Hams, lb,... 14s New Crop Figs and Nuts. FIOIS BsAXJ 1S8S. GEARIN'S APPOINTMENT SUITS EASTERN OREGON (Sptcisl Dispatch te The Journal.) Baker City, Or.. Deo. li.The ap pointment, of John M. Oearfn by Gov ernor Chamberlain to fill the unexpired term cauaed by the death Of Senator Mitchell Is well received by the people In this part of the stats, who seem to think a better selection could not have been made. Leading Democrats of this city. Including WlIlara Bmlth. Colonel W. F. Butcher and Judgs Bam White are of the opinion that the new appointee will do good service for eastern Oregon and is a man broad enough to represent the whole of Oregon In tha upper branch of run areas. Tnmalnm Brtdgs Finished. ; Bnetal DUnatch to Th Issa sal I Mllinn. Or Ttoe. 16. The TumaJum whlcH tisa luat haen ' aractad north of Freewater, has been inspected by tne umauua county omcuua, wno sy ih. wrtll He Anen fop travel on Twemhar It coat about 12.600. The crossing of the Tumalum, which this mm such i In 2-Pie 10c PackacesJ i MITIRELL-SOULE CO. sva avefw. 4v V aVh Ba B W ga aa aVswP. taa . YUAIU31.Ibvw VUliJWJeaO OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO Members Chicago Board of Trade. ' 7 ' tsBATjr, worjMX0M corroir,' btocxb ajto bobtdb. r - 108 Third Btreer McKay BuUding. Portlsnd. Or. ' ': ' . W 0 A BTBUTT.T COlfMXBSXOaT BITJBXBrBBB. Continuous Markets by Private vVlr. Quick Brvro. RKFKRKNCES Laid A TUton. bankera. and Uni.,d States National Bank of Portland. FREE Stock Absolutely Free With Every Share of Stock of The J. C. for at Par, $100 Per Share, on or Before the First of January, 190fl.' :THIS OFFER INCLUDES: J. G. Lee Co., Creamcy Ci:.. ' Headquarters for Skamo..- and Corvallis Creamery. Strict.!, Frestr Eggs and Oysters alway. on hand, ; . , 3 Cans Corn :, '. ; .. , . . .23 3 Cans Tomatoes ......... .25 3 Pounds New Walnuts.... C5f 3 Pounds New Almonds. . . .C3? 3 Pounds Gold Dust. .. . .. .ZZt 3 Pgks. Seedless Raisins. . .23 3 Pkgs. Currants ,'. . . ,ZZf Mills Naptha Soap......... f.4 Pels Naptha Soap.....,... Enterprise Creamery Co. , 127 FIRST STREET . Between Washington and Alder. CORN FED ' Turkeys X-'t for t : Christiiias ; Leave Your, Order Early Butter! Butter! Best Creamery ...55a and CO .rood Creamery . . .'e .ou? Dairy Butter.-.. AOf aqd 45 Ranch Eezs . ; .". . .'.35d Good Eggs....... 25a and, 30- Best Sugar Cured Hama...l4e Breakfast Bacon 7.:. .. .... .15 5 lbs. Pure Lard........... 50 Chickens, per lb. , .14 and 15 All Goods Retailed at Wholesale . Prices. i- .. LA GRANDE CREAMERY 284 YAMHILL STREET bridge does away with. Is on of the moat dangerous 4n ths county, as aev eral teams bare been drowned thara In the past and many peopl have bad narrow oscapsa from drowning. . Sana Asssssmsat moU. ; (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Eugene. Or.. Dec 16. The 105 as sessment roll of Lane county has been completed The assessed valuation of aU property In the county . Is. found to amount to to. 890, 145. The valuation of 1904 waa t.m.0. but tTll.t of thia waa personal property which was exempted this year. The actual' In crease this year over last ta $814,100. , i i iwe '.wv.v ... looking tea a Bebot& '' t.S nUiaatsMB tsk TWa TwcUPWaail B. ;oysjieagfa mrmYm-m ww w Kttg-ene. Or.. Dec- IS. Ixcal offlcera rrrSun;"j"'tA,'7iiPei ins wtiei ealiimi mlm . , . .. a .w . xe xe t..lrMn whA cm hers a few months ago from Salem and opened an office as a veterinary surgeon. Hs has lsft the city leaving a large number of unpaid bills, tha largest of which Is tit for board. - -" v . ' ''Z rraf erred Stock. Oaaaed ttaoda. - Allen at Lewi' Best Brand. r MOST DELICIOUS PIES. AND COOKIES.- as 4Ba .1 ' Salem, Ore. ,: -. ' -I FREE